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CoatrolEng. Pray:lice, Vol. 1, No. 6, pp. 917-925. 1993 0967-0661/93 $6.00 + 0.

Printed m Gre~t Britain. All rights ~ ' v e d . © 1993 Pergamon Prms Led


I. Hoshino*, M. Kawai*, M. Kokubo*, T. Matsuura*, Hiroshi Kimura* and Hidenori Kimura**
*Sumilomo Light Metal, Chitose Nagoya, Japan
**Department of Mechanical Engineeringfor Computer Controlled Machinery, Osaka University,
Yamadaoka Suita, Japan

Abstract . The synthesis m e t h o d o l o g y developed by Kimura(1985) based on the design theory of o u t p u t regula-
t o r s essentially due to W o n h a m ( 1 9 7 4 ) has been applied successfully to the flatness control system for a 6-high
cold rolling mill. The system has the following r e m a r k a b l e features.
ill The s t r u c t u r e of the controller is simple. This makes it easy to tune the control system.
{2) The controller copes well with the detection time delay, a n d thus high p e r f o r m a n c e is obtained even at a low
rolling speed.
{3! The flatness e r r o r caused by the rolling force v a r i a t i o n in mill acceleration a n d deceleration time would be
kept to a minimum by the function to adjust roll bending force using the signal of rolling force.

Key W o r d s : Multivariable systems. Flatness control, Rolling mills, Observers

The a p p r o a c h via optimal regulator theory

1. INTRODUCTION (Yamamoto, et al., 1990) deals appropriate-
Flatness control is an i m p o r t a n t part of ly with the a c t u a t o r dynamics, but it re-
rolling technology. Poor flatness is undesir- quires the solution of Riccati equations in
able not only for product quality but also the process of the controller synthesis and
for productivity, because it leads to strip results in a complex feedback structure
tearing in the extreme case. Various actu- which leads to serious difficulty in actual
ators have been developed for the flatness implementation. Also, there is no systemat-
control of rolling mills and many control ic method to deal with the detection time
algorithms using these a c t u a t o r s have been delay.
In this paper, an application of the synthe-
For example, approaches via a search meth- sis methodology developed by Kimura(1985)
od for the 6-high rolling mills (Imai, et al., based on the design theory of output regu-
1980) and L a g r a n g e multiplier method for lations essentially due to Wonham(1974) to
the 4-high rolling mills (McDonald, et al., the flatness control system for a 6-high roll-
1990) gave statically optimal results. But ing mill, is presented. The remarkable ef-
these approaches could not effectively deal fect of this synthesis methodology has al-
with the a c t u a t o r dynamics and the detec- ready been substantiated by its application
tion time delay: therefore, high response to the thickness control of an aluminum
characteristics could not be expected. The cold rolling mill (Hoshino, et al., 1988), but
rolling speed of the single stand, non-contin- a new method to cope with the detection
uous rolling mill is frequently changed over time delay is also provided in this paper.
a wide range compared to the continuous The salient features of the design method
mill, and the rolling force variation caused are as follows.
by the rolling speed change leads to flat- (1) The obtained controller has a physical-
ness error. It is, therefore, i m p o r t a n t to ly reasonable structure.
have high response characteristics to com- (2) The disturbances are properly esti-
pensate these disturbances and also to have mated and dealt with.
high control performance at low rolling (3) The synthesis can be calculated by
speed in which the detection time delay is hand, keeping the design procedure
significant, especially for the single stand, tractable.
non-continuous rolling mill.

918 I. Hoshino et al.

P,(x)" Lagendre orthogonal function series,

P,(x) - 1 d' (x ~_ 1)'
The object plant is a 6-high rolling mill with 2'i! dx'
an intermediate roll (IMR) which has an ex-
cellent ability to control the complicated The method using orthogonal functions was
flatness e r r o r (Nishi, et al., 1983). The flat- presented by Fukuhara and his co-workers
ness sensor is in the exit side of the mill (1991).
and the distance between the mill stand and
the sensor produces a detection time delay. When considering only two actuators, the
Figure 1 shows an example of the flatness WR-bender and IMR-bender, the mathe-
sensor output, that is, the strip elongation matical models of the plant are given as
strain distribution calculated from the follows.
measured strip tension distribution. The
aim of flatness control systems is to get a A~ =K,,(AF~., +dwR) +K,,(AF,MR +d,~R)
uniform distribution of the strip elongation + K,, A P (2)
strain. Flatness e r r o r means nonuniformity A, = K.( A FwR+ dwR)-r K,,( A F,MR + d,MR)
of this distribution. Here, I-unit means a +K~,AP (3)
unit of strain and 1 I-unit is equal to 10-t
Figure 2 shows the main flatness control A2 :the 2nd-order strain component
actuators of the mill. The IMR-shift is not variation,
manipulated during rolling, so it is not re- A, :the 4th-order strain component
garded as an actuator in this paper. Ac- variation,
cording to Yasuda and his-coworkers(1986) A FwR:the WR-bending force variation,
the work roll ( W R ) - b e n d e r has an effect A F~MR:the IMR-bending force variation,
mainly on the strip elongation strain at the dwR, dlMR:disturbances,
edge part of the width and the IMR-bender A P:the rolling load variation,
mainly on the strip elongation strain at the K,, :the p a r a m e t e r s which depend on
center part. Therefore, the combined usage rolling conditions.
of the WR-bender and IMR-bender makes
it possible to control the complicated flat- The models of actuators are given as fol-
ness error. lows:

To express flatness numerically, strain com- d

ponents (A,) are defined as T~,R - d7
- A F,,'~ = - A F~'R - A FwR " (4)

- - A F i u . = - A Fi~.~ ~- AFI~,. "' (5)
f(x) = A:P,(x) + A~P:(x).o + A , P . ( x ) + " (1)

f(x) : the strip elongation strain distribu- where,

tion in the width direction, A FwR~qthe WR-bending force reference,
x : the normalized position in the width A F~.~,R~:the IMR-bending force reference,
direction, TwR:the time constant of the WR-bender,
T,~,R:the time constant of the IMR-bender,
lO[I, t : time.
= 4(I, /---'---Back-up roll
21)' Maximum '
[ntermedmte BL'R /
_Strap stra, r(,ll ~
•z u-.flatness error. -distributio

"z 20
_= 40. < = < INI'RBuRWWR[;M~RR
~W°rk roll
:z Strip width
• 60.
• lll(i
Center Operator-side IMR-shlft "Rbendcr I
IMR b~.ndt.r
Strip width direction
Fig. i Flatness control a c t u a t o r s
Fig. 1 Flatness sensor output of a 6-high mill
Multivatiable Flamess Control 919


AFl~xr,f 1
TIwR$+ l i AFI.~IR. _ Q


Fig. 3 Block diagram of the plant

Table 1 Strip strain distributions

of A2 and A, 6,2 * i ,
(I-unit) I

Strip strain distribution I

Strip Strain 20]
62 <oo'1 o,/ (l-unit) 01-i__----__
= ll-unit StripWidth -2o~ ',
Strip Strain (×9.8kN)

A~ 50-
= lI-unit Width
_ II° ''J1 Strip
10 Is)

~F l~ 5()-
The models of s e n s o r d y n a m i c s a r e given
as follows.. L~FI',IH
(X 9.SkN)
A,2(t) = A , ( t - z ) (6) . S)
A,,(t) = A , ( t - v ) (7)
Fig. 4 Flatness variations by the bending
force changes
A>5 : the detected value of As, (rolling speed : 150m/rain)
A y( : the detected value of A,,
v : the detection time delay.
roll bending force skewing between the op-
Figure 3 s h o w s the block d i a g r a m of the e r a t o r side and drive side and the roll cool-
plant. Only the second- and f o u r t h - o r d e r ant. However, the explanation of how to use
strain c o m p o n e n t s a r e considered b e c a u s e these a c t u a t o r s is omitted in this paper.
WR-bending and I M R - b e n d i n g force varia-
tions mainly influence these components. F i g u r e 4 s h o w s the experimental results of
the flatness c o m p o n e n t variations due to
The strip strain distributions of As and A( changes in the bending force. While the ac-
a r e shown in Table 1. The o t h e r o r d e r strain tual bending force r e s p o n s e s can be repre-
c o m p o n e n t s can be controlled by using o t h e r sented as a f i r s t - o r d e r s y s t e m with time
a c t u a t o r s such as the roll gap skewing bet- c o n s t a n t of a b o u t 0.1 second, A2 and A ,
ween the o p e r a t o r side and drive side, the variations have the pure time delay of a b o u t
920 I. Hoshinoa al.

1 second to the bending force changes. This also it is important to design a robust con-
time delay is caused mainly by the distance troller which can admit this model error.
between the mill stand and the sensor, as
previously mentioned. The experimental
value of the time delay corresponds very 3. S Y N T H E S I S OF THE C O N T R O L
well with the calculated value (Fig. 5) at a SYSTEM
speed of 150m/rain. 3.1 Control Objectives
The control objectives are given as
The parameters, K,,, can be calculated using
a physical model, but this model is too com- A.~=0, A,=0 (8)
plicated to use in actual implementation of
the flatness controller. Then, an experimen- 3.2 Synthesis Procedure
tal model has been made. This model con- The synthesis procedure is composed of the
sists of simple polynomial functions of which following three major steps.
the variations are the strip thickness, width (~) Improve the response characteristics
and position of the IMR-shift. Figure6 by state feedback.
shows the accuracy of this model. If this (Internal Compensation)
model is perfectly correct, the plotted points @ Compute the feedforward control input
are on a diagonal line. But the accuracy of to counterbalance the disturbance.
this model is not good enough, so this (Feedforward Control)
model should be improved in future, and @ Implement the feedforward control by
feedback control based on the estima-
tion of the disturbance by an observer.
(Feedback Realization)

3.3 Internal Compensation and Feedforward

k 4 The references for the actuators which ad-
just the response characteristics of the plant
are given as
~ll(I .~llll tqflll

t,G,lllrl~ b,lJVt,(t inl/'nllni

aF,,.':=(1- T~,?/ ~- T,,--W (9)
Fig. 5 Detection time delay ~F,.,,~:_(1 - T,~,~)~F,~:~ Tt,,,~ A ~ - . . .
(calculated value) r,,,,-~' -" r,~;; =- " I~'"" ilO)

Actual I.m t/98kNJ Actual ( I . t : n U / ! ~ NK N ,

1 3 "d l ~1 2o 15 In ~} 5 (~
p •
(i.,7_ ~
I • /,s -~_: e//
:Q .,
i "" iu-
• .,~J
• I// i
J // i --2
I . , "~

,'f" , • ~" ,1 /./.;. . . :" . . . . . . .t . .

la) K:: V'., If :

Actual il.unit/9 ~kNI m('lll;l] (I.ilnlI ./tl ,~,k N i

2 J 1,5 l.u I) 5 [I.ql i1.5 !1.1 11,21 AI2 I}.l (Jli
"11 '~'
-- , ~,."

"r l
s, " Io
/ . %
/ • , i ni g

1¢} K~: I<tl /k)l~

Fig. 6 Accuracy of K. model

Multivariable Flatness Control 921

where, TwR' and T, MR' are the adjusted time where,

constants, AF',-~ ~' and A F,~,~ ~'~ are additio- e '~ : time( r ) delay operator.
nal inputs. It can be shown that if the e s t i m a t e s are ac-
curate, e wR is equal to 0 as follows.
Substituting (8) in ( 2 ) - ( 7 ) and considering
the s t e a d y state, the additional inputs to F r o m equations (2), (3), (6) and (7),
c o u n t e r b a l a n c e the d i s t u r b a n c e s and accom-
plish the design objectives are given by
A,,J e [[K,~ K, A FIMR4-d,MR ]
AFw. "'= - d ~ ' ~ - Kp,'AP (11)
b p t.~': = - d,~,R - Kr:' A P (12) (20)

where, then

K,,; [K,:' K.' LKP~J

K,:' K.' IA,.,J- e
K~:' A P
K,:' K,,' K,~ K,, J (13)

F r o m (9)-(12)
-e-: 1
AF~.~R-d~MR = 0 (21)

Here, the m o s t r e m a r k a b l e point in the de-

A F,,.."' = (1 - TwR '~A F~.R sign process is t h a t the time delay given in
T,,.~' / equations (6) and (7) is dealt with in the
T,,'R, (d,,-~+K~,'AP) observer as it is shown in equation (19).
Twn (14) The replacement of A FwR and dwR by their
estimates in equation (14) results in

T,.-~,~' (d,~,~ +K,:' AP) AF,,." = (1 - T,,.~ ~ ^ w
T,,.~ (d,,-,,+ Kp~'AP)
3.4 F e e d b a c k Realization by Observer T~H ' (22)
To estimate the u n m e a s u r a b l e disturbances,
m a t h e m a t i c a l models of the d i s t u r b a n c e s K,,-,~ denotes the so-called observer gain and
are needed. In this paper, it is a s s u m e d it adjusts the estimation speed of d,,.~. Since
t h a t the d i s t u r b a n c e s are of the step type the initial value is k n o w n for Al~wR, the cor-
satisfying r e s p o n d i n g observer gain can be set to 0.
F r o m equations (18), (19) and (22),
- - d ~ . R =0
dt (16) : [ - 1 / T . ~ ' - 1/Two' ][AI~,,.~]
- - d , ~ , ~ =0 dt Lit~,~ J {--K,,,e ' - K w . e " J { c'l,,-. J
& (17)
[ 0 ](K::' A,:+K:,' h,.J
-~ K,,,~
The model of A P is not required because it
is a m e a s u r a b l e disturbance. K,,,' K,,. e ~ (23)

At first, f r o m equations (4) and (16), the F r o m the a s s u m p t i o n dd , , , / dt =O, cl ,~.R=

observer e s t i m a t i n g d,,R and A F,,R are ob- e ,s it:,~.,. Then
tained as follows:

d [ar,,q
dt[d,.,.R ] : [ - I / T , , - ~ 0 ]
ar,, dt [d,,.. ] -K,,~c ~ -Kw~
0 0
'~-/ 0 ] (K:''' A'~-+K2'' A'')
+ 1/ w~ AF,,~"- K,,. e,,~
K..~' K,,. e ~ (24)
Al~w. and d,,, are the estimates of AF,,..
and d,,.R respectively, e ,,-~ is the estimation Here, note that this a s s u m p t i o n leads to the
e r r o r given as feature that the time delay is removed f r o m
the characteristic equation of the feedback
e ,,-R = (K::' A,.: + K~,' A , ) system, as will be described later.
-e : s (Kp,' AP+AFwR+ctw~) (19)
Secondly, from e q u a t i o n s (5) and ( 1 7 ) , t h e
922 I. Hoshinoet al.

observer estimating d ~ . and A F ~ . is given

In o r d e r to get the balance between the ac-
%][a,M, J
A FIM"~'~-rK , ~ ~ ~" (25)
t u a t o r responces and the disturbance esti-
m a t i o n speeds respectively, the following
conditions a r e set :

where Kw.=K,M.=K T~.'=T,M.'=T ' (29)

e IM. (KZ A,, + K,,' A,,)
- e - " (KP,' Ap-a A~',.. + a , ~ . ) (26) Then the t r a n s f e r function f r o m the disturb-
ances (d,.., d,MR, A P) to the outputs (A.~,
A F,M.~ = (1 - T':'~",.] A ~,~.
TIMR / A.,) is given as
T,M. (a,..,. a_K.., A e )
T~M.' (27) [Av2
A;, ] =e-:'
K e -~'
1-(T' s+l)(s+K)

AI>~M. and c],.~, are the estimates of Al~,.~,.

and axM.. e ~Mu is the estimation e r r o r and [ 1
× [K,2 K . ] Ld,M.J
if the estimation is correct, e ,~. is equal to
0 as shown in equation (21). K~., denotes - e " 1 T' s+l Kp~ (30)
the observer gain and it adjusts the estima-
tion speed of cl,..,R. Since the initial value is Equation (30) shows that the t r a n s f e r char-
known for A F,.,,.. the c o r r e s p o n d i n g observ- acteristic of the ( o u t p u t ) / ( d i s t u r b a n c e ) can
er gain can be set to 0. Due to the assump- be controlled by T' and K. The output varia-
tion ag~M./dt = 0 which m e a n s a,MR = e - : ' tions caused by the d i s t u r b a n c e changes
cl,.,,~. (25)-(27) can be written as ( A P ) a r e regulated m o r e quickly as T' be-
comes smaller, and the output variations
caused by the disturbance changes (dwR.
dt t d1,~R j t -K,M. e .... K,.,,. ]t ] d,~R) are also regulated m o r e quickly as K
[ 0 ](K,:' A,~.-K.' A.,) becomes larger.

The c h a r a c t e r i s t i c equation (C.E.) of the

-K/ KIX,Re "' (28) feedback s y s t e m is given by"

3.5 Synthesis Result C.E. = (s - 1...'T,,,) ( s - 1./T..,') (s-+-Kw.)

Equations (22), (24), (27) and (28) give the ... ( s - 1 "T,~,,,)(s--1/T,~,u')(s-K,~,R) (31)
final form of the controller. Figure 7 shows
the block d i a g r a m of the controller. For their" derivation, see the Appendix. The
C.E. does not involve the time delay, so the
tuning p a r a m e t e r s (T,,,', K~u, T~,,,,', Kt.~,~)


A'," 1


" inteRratlJr

Fig'.7 Block diagram vf the obtained controller

MultivariableFlatnessControl 923

can be set independently of the time delay. fer function from the disturbances to the
Consequently, high response characteristics outputs is given as
and sufficient stability of the control sys-
tem can be expected even at a low rolling A,, { Ko . }
speed. A,, =e-" 1 (T' s - 1 ) ( s ~ K )
[K,, K,, 1 fd~ ]
x [K,, K,,J td,.~J
{ lfK,,]
"- e - " 1 - ( T , s t l ) ( s t K ) J [ K P 2 J Ap, (32)
Smith's method (1959) is the well-known
synthesis strategy for the system which A comparison of equation (30) and (32)
has a time delay in the input or output sig- shows that the transfer characteristic from
nals. The synthesis procedure of this meth- the disturbance ( A p ) to the outputs given
od is as follows. At first, the controller is by the controller shown in Fig. 7 is differ-
designed for the provisional plant model ent from that given by the controller shown
without a time delay. Subsequently, dealing in Fig. 8 and the output variations caused
with the time delay is executed using the by the disturbance changes ( A p ) are regu-
plant model with a time delay. A feature of lated more quickly by the controller shown
this method is that the time delay is not in in Fig. 7 than by the controller shown in
the characteristic equation of the feedback Fig. 8.
system and as a result, a high-speed re-
sponse and stability can be obtained. But, The qualitative explanation for the result,
for the plant which has both outputs with "the time delay is removed from the charac-
and without a time delay, such as the plant teristic equation of the feedback system by
described in this paper, Smith's method can- the controller shown in Fig. 7 in spite of the
not be generally applied. smaller number of integrators as compared
to the controller shown in Fig. 8", is as fol-
Figure 8 shows the applied result of Smith's lows. The idea of Smith's method uses a
method for the plant model which has o- plant model to deal with the time delay, but
mitted AP, the output without time delay, the controller which is designed for the pro-
from the original plant model given in equa- visional plant model without the time delay
tions (2)-(7). The controller for the provi- also has the plant model internally. So, the
sional plant model without time delay, which controller shown in Fig. 8 contains doubled
has no need to deal with a time delay, is de- plant models which are obviously redun-
signed using the observer-based method dant. It is better to use the internal model
mentioned in the previous sections. A com- generated by the observer to deal with time
parison of Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 shows that the delay as well as was done in this paper.
controller shown in Fig. 7 has a smaller
number of integrators and simpler structure
than the controller shown in Fig. 8 which is 6. RESULT
designed using Smith's method. 6.1 Simulation Resuhs
Figure9 shows the simulation results. The
By the controller shown in Fig. 8, the trans- simulations are carried out on the initial



Fig. 8 The controller derived using Smith's method

924 I. Hoshinoet al.
1500 Rolling speed

i I, :, • • • ,
20L Is) 20 is)
30. Maxmmm flatness error
r 2O.
= [ 2 4 6 8 lO kL] "-- 6 8 1o
(s) Flatness component A:
• 1o.
z-~ [ [ [ '" ' . ' , L~ 10,
> 4 6 8 1 ) '2 4 6 8 1(I
E F'latness component A.~

ii,7! ,oo,: (sl

• 10.
f: ..... ; ,,/l IOO. WR-bendt.r

10,)[~[ .; ~ ,~
ai) L-~ looL
'[ Is)


(s) 150" 1M R-bender

~ 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10 ,e
50" = - - ' ~ - ~ - - = ~ - ~ - ~ "--"-'~'~"
v 0 • , , u 1 • i i v l ' i | r I '
0 5oo 1o o o 1500

(s) R(dlcd strip length (ml

'2 4 6 8 10

' ' ' '.s,,,',l Fig. 10 Practical results
la) No KU rrlodel lb) Kij m o d e l e r r o r
: r e a l / m o d e l = 15
new s y s t e m is s a m e as that of the conven-
tional one. The m a x i m u m flatness e r r o r is
Fig. 9 Simulation results
beyond 15 I-units by the conventional sys-
tem. So, it can be said that m o r e than 30°/6
output error, A.~ = 15 I-unit, A, = 5 I-unit. improvement in flatness has been achieved
The time delay ( r ) is nearly equal to 1 by the new system. The r e m a i n d e r of the
second at a 150m,'m in rolling speed. m a x i m u m flatness e r r o r results from the
local strip elongation strains which cannot
In the case when the model p a r a m e t e r s , K,, be represented by A: and A4, and to im-
have no error, the flatness c o m p o n e n t s (;%, prove this e r r o r the roll coolant control
A4) a r e regulated quickly a f t e r a time delay must be examined in more detail.
of 1 second without vibration (Fig. 9 ( a ) ) .
In the case when the model p a r a m e t e r s , K,,,
have an error, a 50% mismatch between the 7. CONCLUSIONS
model p a r a m e t e r s and the actual p a r a m e - This p a p e r discribes a new flatness control
ters, the response of the flatness compo- svstem based on the d i s t u r b a n c e estimation
nents (,'\:. 5,4) is fluctuating but the s y s t e m observer. Its effectiveness has been demon-
is stable enough (Fig. 9(b)). s t r a t e d by the results obtained in numerical
simulation and application to a real plant.
6.2 Practical Results The features of the obtained s y s t e m are as
F i g u r e l 0 shows an example of the practi- follows:
cal test results. F r o m these results, it can (1! The s t r u c t u r e of the controller is simple•
be concluded that the flatness c o m p o n e n t s This makes it e a s y to tune the control
(A:,, A,) a r e regulated quickly by the simul- svstem.
t a n e o u s manipulation of the W R - b e n d e r (2J The controller copes well with the detec-
and IMR-bender. The m a x i m u m flatness tion time delay, and thus a high perform-
e r r o r defined in Fig. 1 is restrained within ance is obtained even at a low rolling
a b o u t 10 I-units. speed.
(3) The flatness e r r o r caused by the rolling
The conventional flatness control s y s t e m force variation in mill acceleration and
for a 4-high mill consists of the traditional deceleration time would be kept to a
PI control of the p a r a b o l i c flatness e r r o r minimum by the function to adjust roll
through the WR-bending manipulation and bending force using the signal of rolling
the control of the local flatness e r r o r force
through the roll coolant manipulation. The
algorithm of the roll coolant control of the
Mulfivariable Flatness Control 925

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From equations (.1) a n d (14).

dt %. T,,-R 1 ~ ] T,,R' ( d w . + K ~ , ' A P ) (A1)

From equations (21) a n d (24),

dt td,,), j [-t';,,~e " K,,~ 1[ d,,-R ]
0 [ - K),, / %,
t':,,, e =s(K),,' A P + AF,,~ "- d w ~ ) * [ _ K p , b i , , ~ e
" l
,, A P

From equations (5) a n d (15),

_ d _ AE~,, _ 1 ..XE~,~ 1 {(1 T'"~ ) AF,,,~ T,~,~ ( d , , , ~ - K:..:'AP)}

dt T,:.., Tt~,)~ T,~,~' T~,,.,' (A3)

From equations (21) a n d (24),

dt td:,,:, j '-[ -Kt,.,. e ' --K,.., It d~x,R j

" K,.,. e ' (t'i.:' AP -~ AF~.,~ + d~.,~) - -K,.:)t.:,.,. e ~1 A P (A4)

Combining equations (A1) - ( A 4 ) yields the state space equations of t h e t o t a l s y s t e m a s

follows .

f. f,: f,,, 0 0 0
0 f::, f:,:, 0 0 0 A F ,, ~,
d d ,, ), f. L: L., 0 0 0 d~R
dt A F,~I, 0 0 0 f. f.~ f.~ A F,~,),
0 0 0 0 f.,~ f:,,,
d l XlF, 0 0 0 f. f~., f,~, dIMR (A5)
f,, . . . . 1./T..,,):, f;: -- l/T,,,- l/T,,,', i'l~ = - l / T , , , ' , f=. = f,, = - l / T , , , '
f:,, = I.:,,), e :'. f , : - -t'.:,,~ e =~, f~ = --K,,~
f . = - 1 / ' T , . , . . f, = 1/T,.,.-1/T,.,R', f.6 = - 1 / T ~ . , ~ ' , f~,, == L; = - 1 / T , . . , ~ '
f,, = K:,,, e ", f,, = - K , , , , e :s, f~, = - K , ~ , ,

From equation (A5), the characteristic equation ( C . E . ) is g i v e n a s e q u a t i o n (31).

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