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The Globe

Founded February 2015 September 2016

Editor-in-Chief: Julie Thompson
Managing Editor: Allyssa Klingberg

if you're interested in seeing your
work published in The Globe! Georgia Gwinnett College
Lawrenceville, GA 13th Edition

Convocation recognizes academic excellence

By JoHN preSToN CorBiN
STAFF reporTer
GGC's Constitution Georgia Gwinnett College recog-
Week nized Dr. Robert Lutz, for receiving
the Outstanding Teaching Award at the
annual Convocation ceremony on Sep-
tember 15, 2016.
Lutz, Assistant Professor of Informa-
tion Technology, received the Award
for his innovations in delivering in-
struction.The ceremony further hon-
Photo Credit, Paulus Abukel ored faculty, staff, and students for
Page 2 their outstanding achievements.
“I am surprised, humbled, and hon-
ored to receive the Outstanding Teach-
Preparedness and er Award,” Dr. Lutz said after stepping
Photo Credit, the Georgia Gwinnett College Facebook
Safety Week up to the podium. As part of his accep-
we could be,” Mrs. Leathers said. President Preczewski took a moment
tance speech, he thanked his family
for their support and explained his ap- “Convocation is a celebration of ac- to welcome the 47 new faculty mem-
proach to teaching. ademic excellence,” President Precze- bers.
Dr. Lutz’s wife was present along wski said as he delivered the opening “GGC has a mission and a vision
with her parents, Jim and Patti Leath- remarks for this year’s Convocation. like no other and is a place like no oth-
ers, who spoke to The Globe shortly “We are proud to say that we have 584 er, and I hope you are finding that out.”
after the ceremony. “We were proud as returning honors student with GPAs Awards were presented to students,
exceeding 3.8.” faculty, and staff. Simone Seerattan,
Photo Credit, GGC Instagram
a senior English major, received the
Page 3
award for Outstanding Student Schol-
arship for the School of Liberal Arts.
“You never really feel like anyone’s
Link to Lawrenceville watching you until someone recognizes
you with something like this,” Seerat-
tan told The Globe. “This is amazing.”
The award for Outstanding Staff was
presented to Sgt.Rebecca Lawler of
the campus police department. Lawler
spoke with The Globe afterwards: “I
was very surprised, and humbled, and
proud to represent the campus police
Photo Credit, GGC Facebook
department and GGC.” Continued on
Page 5 page 3
SGA President Tammy Lu
Photo Credit, the Georgia Gwinnett College Facebook

Hispanic Heritage GGC dedicates library to first president

The library and learning center closed
for the Kaufman Dedication Ceremony
from 2-3 pm on Friday, Sept 16, 2016
when the library was officially dedicat-
ed to GGC's first president.
Faculty and students honored Dr.
Photo Credit, Mariela Tejada-Garcia Kaufman, Vice Chair of the Georgia
Page 7 Gwinnett College Foundation and
a member of the Board of Directors
of the Gwinnett County Chamber of
Commerce. He is one of few to have
Rock'n' Ribville a building named after him during his
Founding President of GGC, Daniel J. Kaufman
Photo Credit, the Georgia Gwinnett College Facebook
“We are delighted to honor him with
the very first naming of a building,”
said President Preczewski.
Dr. Kaufman left retirement in 2005
to establish Georgia Gwinnett Col-
lege, the first 4-year college to open in
Georgia in over 100 years.
Photo Credit, Jason Fieldlander
“GGC as we know it simply would
Page 8
not exist nor enjoy its level of size,
reputation, and stature. This college
stands as a testament to Dr. Kaufman’s
Letter from the Editor resolve to create an innovative, game
Photo Credit, Paulus Abukel changing model for higher education,”
Page 10 GGC’s current President, Dr. Precze-
wski said. Continued on page 2 Kaufman speaking during the dedication ceremony
Photo Credit, the Georgia Gwinnett College Facebook
02 September 2016

GGC dedicates library to first president, cont'd
By ALLySSA KLiNGBerG he met Dr. Kauffman, as well as nity worked ten, twelve, fifteen Brigadier General in the U.S.
MANAGiNG eDiTor the changes the library has un- years on the idea and the vision Army and received the Bronze
dergone since that day. In those of a college in Gwinnett County, Star and two Purple Hearts for
President Preczewski praised days, the much smaller library and it finally came to fruition, but his service. He also served at The
Dr. Kaufman for changing the was on the first and second floors that would have meant nothing White House as a member of the
model of four year higher educa- of B Building. if we had not selected the right National Security Council. His
tion programs and making it pos- “I’ve told many of you the sto- person to implement that vision,” complete list of achievements are
sible for all students to obtain an ries about Dan, when we first Huckaby said. on the GGC website in a tribute
education. met, when I first came on board. “In this occasion, the university to the first President.
“That’s the model that Dr. He first came up to me and said, system regents hit a grand slam “We a particularly happy that,
Kaufman envisioned, that’s how ‘Gene, you need a building.’ And because I can’t imagine anyone unlike so many other institutions,
he recruited us, that’s how he my response was, ‘okay.’” else having the ability, having we have the ability to bestow
created us, that’s how he nur- Chancellor of University Sys- the intellect, having the drive and this honor on our founding pres-
tured us, that’s why we gathered tem of Georgia, Hank Huckaby, commitment to bring about what ident in his lifetime," President
here today to recognize him and spoke freely of Dr. Kaufman’s is, to me, the Georgia Gwinnett Preczewski said regarding Dr.
his accomplishments,” President contributions to the campus. “It’s College.” Kaufman’s honor. “He and his
Preczewski said. easy to talk about Dan Kaufman,” Besides being the former Pres- loved ones can enjoy this special
Dr. Gene Ruffin shared a hu- Huckaby said. ident of Georgia Gwinnett Col- experience and expression of our
morous anecdote about the day “Many people in this commu- lege, Dr. Kaufman ranked as a gratitude.”

Attendants during the dedication ceremony New wall dedicated to Dr. Kaufman
Photo Credit, the Georgia Gwinnett College Facebook Photo Credit, the Georgia Gwinnett College Facebook

Students and faculty debate during Constitution Week

By Ty Merrow idents. body under the age of 30 could “We held an incredible three
DepuTy Copy eDiTor “It’s basically a fusion of the vote. While Dr. Rawls does not days of reflections, debates, and
executive and legislative powers. actually believe the position he discussions on the Constitution,”
Faculty and students celebrated This is a much simpler and clean- presented, he sought to encour- Dr. Rawls concluded. “We demon-
Constitution Day with three days er process. The campaigning pro- age students to think. strated that it is still possible to
of political debates from Septem- cess would be much shorter. We “I recognize that some students have responsible and mature dis-
ber 14th to September 16th. The would have less influence from were not happy with the argument cussions about our Constitution
debate topics included changing interest groups, powerful indi- that I presented. However, if it without the mudslinging, name
how the U.S. picks its Presidents, viduals, and people with money,” stimulated one student who oth- calling, and nastiness that so
amendments to the Constitution, Dr. Budryte said. erwise would have sat at home on characterizes our contemporary
and changing the voting age. Dr. Mazin Tadros, Assistant Election Day and/or encouraged political climate.”
Both students and teachers Professor of History, closed the students to take our constitution “It was interesting hearing
participating in the forums gave first day’s debates. He argued seriously, then my presentation ideas I’ve never heard before,”
speeches about the U.S. govern- that the EC system is broken and succeeded.” Dr. Rawls said. Rebekah Hall, an English student
ment and its practices. needs to be replaced altogether. Student Matt Davis also pre- with a Political Science minor
The Organization of Latin “When what we imagine our- sented a position he did not agree who attended the first debate,
American Studies, Office of Stu- selves to be clashes with the re- with and argued that the voting said. "I don't like the Electoral
dent Integrity, and Tiffany Tuma, ality of our circumstances, it age should be raised to 24. College system. I learned more
Coordinator of Student Integrity, creates a cognitive dissonance “Overall I feel that the event about it by going to the debate,
helped coordinate the events with so great that in despair we turn went well,” Davis continued. but ultimately the information I
Dr. Richard Rawls. The debates to that imagined world and en- “There were very good questions gathered at the debate just reaf-
were free to all participants. fold ourselves in nationalistic posed by other students in atten- firmed my preference for the par-
Dr. Michael Lewkowicz, Assis- triumphalism and turn our backs dance.” liamentary system."
tant Professor of Political Sci- to the brutality of the American
ence, began the debates arguing empire,” said Dr. Tadros.
that the Electoral College (EC) Dr. Amir Azarvan, Assistant
system works and should remain Professor of Political science,
the same. He cited the founding participated in Thursday’s de-
father ’s arguments in the Feder- bate, arguing for amending the
alist Papers and how the current U.S. Constitution to allow for
system does provide a mechanism referenda at the national level.
where if the public makes an erro- Dr. Richard Rawls, Professor
neous choice, the EC could over- of History, pulled double duty
ride that presidential pick. Dr. during the events, serving as
Lewkowicz did clarify this would moderator the first day in place
be political suicide for members of Dr. Cara Minardi, Assistant
of the EC. Professor of English, who missed
Dr. Dovile Budryte, Professor the event due to illness.
of Political Science, presented Dr. Rawls also presented on the
after Dr. Lewkowicz. She argued 26th Amendment. He argued that Constitution week
for the U.S. adopting a parlia- it should be changed so that no- Photo Credit, Ty Merrow
mentary system for electing Pres-
September 2016 03

Convocation recognizes academic excellence, cont'd
By JoHN preSToN CorBiN Convocation and this year I can see
STAFF reporTer is one of the best yet in terms of or-
ganization, participation, and col-
Senior History major Jordan laboration.”
Sanders, a senior, performed the “Maybe a little too big; it was
national anthem at the beginning of standing room only. This year we
the ceremony. Dr. Marc Gilley, As- weren’t emphasizing the 10-year
sociate Professor of Music, coached anniversary, but we still had over-
Sanders before the performance. flow use,” said Dr. Jo Galle who
“I thought Jordan did great,” Gil- was responsible for organizing the
ley later said. “This is her fourth last seven Convocations. “Last
time singing the national anthem for year’s was probably bigger,” she
an official event; each performance said.
has been stronger. The only thing “I thought it went very well,”
I would tell her is take a bow next Galle told The Globe. “It is a way to
time because everyone applauded.” showcase faculty members and staff
Convocation is one of the best at- and recognize their achievements
tended events on campus,according surrounding the Four Pillars.”
to SGA Vice President and Political “Overall, it seems to serve that
Science major Usama Lakhani. purpose and I’m proud to have it
“This is one of the great occa- be just one of the many different
sions for GGC,” Lakhani said. “We responsibilities that I’ve had at
come together to celebrate our past GGC.”
success and how well we can go into Erin Lucier recieving honors Simone Seerattan with her honors
the future. I was part of last year’s Photo Credit, Georgia Gwinnett College Photo Credit, Georgia Gwinnett College

Dining Hall upgrades

By JANie DurHAM at this campus, they actually
Copy eDiTor mean it.”
Moe’s Southwest Grill was
On the first day of school, added because survey data
August 15th, Grizzy Dining showed that students wanted
unveiled several new upgrades Mexican food. “That made it
to the dining hall—the end re- very clear for us to see that
sult of surveys done by Auxil- this was going to be the next
iary Services in 2014, as well genre,” said Solomon. But
as Grizzly Dining’s yearly there was also a question of
Campus Dining Style Survey what type of menu was offered.
and Your Voice Counts sur- “We considered a few op-
veys. tions, and Moe’s covered the
Although there was no addi- vegetarian and vegan diet re-
Overhead view of the dining hall
tional square footage added, strictions, the popular paleo
Photo Credit, Katelyn Lindsey
the layout of the dining was diet, the variety of toppings…
campus,” said Justin Solomon, rible. And just as last year, I
changed to improve flow, and It’s a very diverse menu. It
former Senior Food Services choose not to eat the dining
there were also upgrades to in- also helped that Moe’s is a lo-
Director. “It hurts my heart to hall food. The quality is below
clude a smoothie station, larg- cal brand.”
see somebody sitting on the garbage… Although I do see
er salad buffet, or healthier “Every day, including Fri-
floor eating food because it’s progress,” said Tyler Commo-
eating options. days, it’s packed,” Solomon
just so crowded.” dore, 19 year old sophomore
When asked what she thought said. “And we are seeing
The idea was to add value to and resident.
about the upgrades, returning through our surveys that we
the dining and hall and give “The food is the same, but it
senior Rachel Patti, 26, said, are at the highest satisfaction
students what they wanted. looks prettier,” said Madison
“visually, it’s exciting. I’ve scores in regards to both ser-
“Every single day I get a stu- Anderson, 20, junior, when
only been once [since the new vice and overall satisfaction in
dent or faculty or staff member asked what she thought of the
upgrades], but I was pleasant- the dining hall.”
come up to me and say ‘I ab- dining hall upgrades.
ly surprised.” Although Pat- “Food brings people togeth-
solutely love this’, and that’s “Feedback is a gift,” said
ti has only been to the dining er,” Solomon said. “It’s got
fantastic,” Solomon said. Victoria Hanson, Director of
hall once, she said she would to create community, and I do
“That tells me that we’re do- Auxiliary Services. She also
return. “Some of the stations believe with all my heart that
ing exactly what we’ve heard gave credit to Georgia Gwin-
were out or not functioning, we have created a unique com-
from the students, faculty and nett College for the way things
but it’s visually the best and munity here on campus for the
the staff.” are done in Grizzly Dining.
that’s what calls people down. students, faculty, and the staff
“The appearance is better, “All campuses will you tell
I would go back.” to come together.”
although the food is still ter- that students come first, but
The two requests that were Hanson loves seeing stu-
mentioned the most frequently dents sitting in the dining hall
by students were for more seat- with their professors, eating
ing and more varieties of food. and talking. But most import-
The seating needs led to the ant, perhaps, is what students
closure of Subway and private think of the new dining hall
dining. Also, the fresher ingre- upgrades. If students want to
dients in the new made-to-or- share their feedback, they are
der deli section with fresh-cut encouraged to visit https://
meats and veggies alleviated and fill
the need for Subway. out the “Your Voice Counts”
“ It’s a culmination of a few feedback form.
things, in that we thought it
was a healthier option and we
saw the space need. It also pro-
Entrance to the dining hall
vided a solution to the entire Photo Credit, Katelyn Lindsey
04 September 2016

Grizzlies attend fair celebrating national safety month
By JuLie THoMpSoN Anne-Marie Pollacia. equipment on display. It was a good the people around you is incredibly
eDiTor-iN-CHieF “I get way more excited about fire turnout, but I always want to get more empowering, and it's everyone's re-
safety than any college student right- people out to see it and participate. sponsibility,” Pollacia said.
Students put out fires and viewed ly should. But even objectively, it's an National Preparedness Month is about While the Preparedness and Safe-
instructive safety demonstrations at amazing event,“ said Pollacia. creating Awareness,” said Buchanan. ty Fair was the only event that GGC
Georgia Gwinnett College’s fourth Safety and Emergency Prevention Pollacia advocates that the entire hosted for National Safety Month,
annual Preparedness and Safety Fair, professionals from across Gwin- campus community attend future Buchanan sent weekly emails on var-
held on the lawn from 11 am - 1 pm on nett county and greater Atlanta areas Safety events at GGC to learn safety ious safety communication methods
September 14th, 2016. manned booths about drug awareness, procedures. throughout the month of September.
GGC holds the Preparedness and sexual assault, motorcycle safety, “The ability to help yourself and
Safety Fair each September, National counseling centers, and disaster re-
Safety Awareness Month, to showcase sponse training programs.
safety procedures and equipment that Pollacia attended the event to net-
the police utilize. work with fire safety professionals,
Between 380 and 400 students at- and has already interned with Gwin-
tended the fair, according to Buck Bu- nett Fire Education booth and the
chanan, Director of Emergency Man- Gwinnett Emergency Management
agement who coordinated the event. Office, two organizations which were
One of the event highlights was the at the event.
Jaws of Life demonstration, which “This event is how I first got in-
shows students how to free wreck vic- volved with the county (through the
tims from inside a car. The Jaws of Citizen's Fire Academy), and set me
Life uses hydraulic pressure a pump on the professional path I'm now on,“
to free individuals from small spaces, said Pollacia.
and is a popular rescue tool, Buchanan Lawrenceville police parked a Mo-
informed The Globe. bile Command Unit outside B build- The mobile command unit outside of B building
“These activities encourage individ- ing. Officers gave students a tour of Photo Credit, Georgia Gwinnett College Instagram
ual safety and emergency prepared- the command unit and explained that
ness and fit nicely into the Department with the command unit, the force can
of Homeland Security and FEMA reinstate radio and satellite signals to
READY campaign encouraging pub- a disaster struck area.
lic involvement to increase the level The Lawrenceville Community
of basic preparedness across the na- Emergency Response Team’s booth
tion” said Buchanan in a press release gave free key chains, frisbees, and
from the Office of Public Relations. pamphlets on how to join their com-
Students from GGC’s Criminal munity classes and outreach programs.
Justice club attended the event, and Representatives from the Gwinnett
several nursing students demonstrated County Fire Department, Gwinnett
how to give CPR. County PD Crime Prevention Team,
The Gwinnett County Fire Depart- Gwinnett Sexual Assault Center, and
ment’s interactive exercise, in which Gold Wing Road Riders Association
students took turns putting out a fire, also manned booths.
is one the most interesting parts of “We had many organizations rep-
the event to Criminal Justice major resented and a lot of first responder Student visiting a booth at the fair
Photo Credit, Georgia Gwinnett College

Firefighter allowing student to wear his helmet

Photo Credit, Georgia Gwinnett College

Jaws of Life fire presentation

Photo Credit, Georgia Gwinnett College Instagram
September 2016 05

Link to Lawrenceville blazes connection between GGC and Downtown
By KATeLyN LiNDSey vironmental Club. dan Johnson sends a representative year it was only faculty and staff,
DeSiGN eDiTor The bike route begins at H build- from the city to speak at the event. and what was so much better about
ing and is a four-mile ride to the In 2014, the Mayor herself made an last year is that it included students,
The Sustainability Committee Lawrenceville Lawn and back. appearance. and I think that’s how it should be.”
and the Environmental Club will In previous years, when the route Local Republic, a restaurant in “Everyone had a great experi-
host the Link to Lawrenceville bike came to steep hills, students then downtown Lawrenceville, provides ence. We had just enough bikes for
ride that connects the GGC campus had the option to simply walk their a free picnic lunch for anyone who everyone to participate.” Dr. Grant
to downtown Lawrenceville. The bikes up the incline. signs up to participate. Last year is planning on attending this year’s
event will be on October 7th, 2016, “Everyone who was able to ride the restaurant provided sandwiches Link to Lawrenceville as well and
from 12:00pm to 2:00pm and helps and wanted to ride could ride,” said (which were adjusted to suit vari- bringing his two bikes in case a stu-
draw attention to the connection Dr. Paul Grant, Assistant Professor ous dietary restrictions), chips, and dent who doesn’t have a bike needs
between the campus and the com- of Political Science. drinks. Previously, students who one.”
munity. This event has been popular in struggled to ride were given a ride Dr. Estep encourages anyone with
“Like last year, the Environmen- the past to Jessica Estep, Assistant Downtown so that they could still questions regarding the Link to
tal Club will help organize and lead Professor of English at GGC who enjoy the provided lunch. Lawrenceville Bike Ride to email
student involvement for the event founded the event. This will be the third year that her at Participants
while working closely with the “Last year about 60 students, GGC has hosted the Link to Law- are expected to bring their own
Sustainability Committee and oth- faculty, staff, and community mem- renceville event. bikes and to RSVP on My GGC.
er organizers and supporters,” said bers came out to ride,” said Dr. “I felt last year’s event was RSVP will be capped off after the
Brandon Seay, President of the En- Estep. Each year, Mayor Judy Jor- great,” said Dr. Grant. “The first first 100 sign-ups.

Link to Lawrenceville bike ride 2015 Link to Lawrenceville bike ride 2015
Photo Credit, Jessica Estep Photo Credit, Jessica Estep

Atlanta Barbecue Store claims first place at Rock'n' Ribville 2016

By JuLie THoMpSoN Lots of people. Family friendly. Re- vendor tents and her kids enjoyed the They were more excited about the
eDiTor-iN-CHieF ally pretty well organized.” cotton candy stands. cotton candy stands than anything. “
Jen Friedlander, 25, a Junior Mar- “There were cotton candy stands “We were in line for BBQ. There
The Atlanta Barbecue Store in keting major at Georgia Gwinnett everywhere,” Friedlander said. “I was a lot going on. I stood in line
Gainesville Georgia took the 2016 College attended the festival with got there around 4:30 pm. When we for about 45 mins, and was the fifth
award for best pork at the 2016 Rock her husband and two children. She got there, there were so many people, person in line by the time they an-
n’ Ribville barbecue competition and enjoyed walking around to see the and I had my kids. They are 5 and 7. nounced they were out of everything
music festival held on Lawrenceville except sausage” Friedlander said.
Lawn on September 17, 2016 from McKee enjoyed the music while he
12-8 pm. made sales at a vendor tent.
The Atlanta Barbecue Store also “The music wasn’t too loud. For
won second place for chicken and Art Fest it was too loud. For this
thirteenth place for barbecue, accord- they toned it down. Art Fest it was
ing to the Rock n’ Ribville and At- overwhelming and you had to yell to
lanta Barbecue Store facebook pages. speak with your customers,“ McKee
“Rock'n Ribville was already one said.
of our favorite competitions of the “The musicians were fantastic and
year and now it’s even more special the weather was perfect! I wouldn’t
to us. We had a once in a lifetime have changed a thing! And from the
cook there,” owner Randy Boswell crowds, I would say everyone who
said on The Atlanta Barbecue’s Face- went had a blast!” Robin Eve, a Law-
book page. renceville local, said. She attended
Photo from Rock'n' Ribville competition
Each year, Rock n’ Ribville attracts Photo Credit, Jason Friedlander the event to watch her son, Max Eve,
14,000 people according to the City perform on stage.
of Lawrenceville’s web page. The Rock n’ Ribville serves as a com-
event featured concessions and live munity-building event and aims to
music. Kristian Bush of Sugarland draw attention to the businesses
performed at the event along with a and vendors in the downtown Law-
lineup of country artists. renceville area according to the City
The 2016 Rock'n’ Ribville was of Lawrenceville's webpage.
sanctioned as a Kansas Barbeque So- “Throughout the years, Rock’n
ciety, the world’s largest barbeque Ribville has also served as a means
society. of enhancing Lawrenceville’s sense
“I had rib tips. They were awe- of place, supporting and promoting
some,” pottery vendor Shannon Mck- local businesses and serving the com-
ee said. Mckee, a resident pottery art- munity-at-large," a post from the City
ist at The Dizzy Gypsy in downtown of Lawrenceville’s web page said.
Lawrenceville, sold his work in a tent
Alex and Amber Friedlander
on the lawn. “This was a huge venue. Photo Credit, Jason Friedlander
06 September 2016

Fall updates from SGA
By rACHeL KeMBeL The Quiet Reflection Space will dedicate their energy toward the needs ing five different schools and incoming
BuSiNeSS MANAGer open within the school year, if all goes of our students,” one of the first facul- freshmen.
according to plan. Lu met with the Pro- ty advisors, Dr. Thomas Hancock said SGA meets every Thursday from
As the Student Government Associ-
vost, Dean of Students, and Director of in an article posted on GGC’s 2pm to 3pm, and begin every
ation prepares to celebrate its ten year
Operations regarding the allocation for website in 2007. month with a Green Jacket
anniversary in Spring ‘17, President
the space on Tuesday, September 20th. The early beginnings Senate meeting.
Tammy Lu opened up to The Globe
“The [then called] Interfaith Medi- of SGA played an im- “Being a leader is
about upcoming events, projects in Oc-
tation Space is a reserved space to cre- portant role in pro- a thankless job so
tober, and what remains for Fall '16.
ate an environment for students from viding information you have to be pre-
It is SGA’s goal to represent the
all faiths or no faith. It provides a quiet to help facilitate the pared.” she says.
whole of the community by reach-
place for prayers, meditation and re- creation of new or- “It’s also time con-
ing out to all students on campus. Lu
flection.” wrote Usama Lakhani, now ganizations accord- suming but I highly
explained that SGA holds events to
Vice-President of SGA. Lakhani’s ed- ing to Hancock’s ar- recommend it,” Tam-
achieve this mission. One example is
itorial appeared in the May '16 edition ticle. my Lu said to welcome
the Town Hall event on October 20th,
of The Globe. Since 2007, GGC stu- prospective members and
which will encourage students to meet
When SGA formed in 2007, six dents have formed 136 other senators.
committees and the executive board.
founding members assumed the re- organizations. Five other clubs start- The are two requirements to be an
All SGA members will attend the
sponsibility of representing the entire ed in 2007 along with SGA: Biology SGA member. Students must maintain
student body. Club, Psychology Club, the Organi- a minimum of 2.50 GPA and must be
SGA has made setting a Quiet Re-
“They are truly an amazing group zation of Latin American Students, enrolled in at least 9 credit hours each
flection Space on campus a priori-
of students. I’ve had the privilege of Georgia Gwinnett Golden Guild, and semester.
ty,since spring 2015. When Lu was a
watching them discuss and resolve SCRUBS (Starting Careers and Re-
committee chair last year, she noticed a
some complicated issues, and to found search Using a Bachelor of Science) Photo credit courtesy of Georgia
Muslim student praying in B building
their inaugural constitution. Now they Today, there are 345 members, four Gwinnett College.
and took interest in the campaign.
will have the opportunity to further committees, and 23 Senators represent-

Get to know your Dean: Dr. White On balancing Life and School
By JuLie THoMpSoN healthcare and childcare issues. It You aren’t a leader if you don’t to the top and get careers and jobs,
eDiTor-iN-CHieF puts things in perspective. It doesn’t have followers to stand upon their especially in the business world.
Dr. Dianne White, Dean of the mean the expectations are not the shoulders and see the future.” Relation building--you have to
School of Health Sciences, believes same for all students, it just gives Q: The stereotype is that a learn that--it’s not what we're going
that with the right habits, students me more empathy in understanding woman leader is cold, someone to teach in a classroom.”
can have the best of both worlds. their challenges in having various who has sacrificed femininity and Q: What do you do to enjoy
She began working at Georgia responsibilities other than college.” family for success. Why do you yourself?
Gwinnett College in 2012 to be- “I time-manage very well, and I think that stereotype exists? A: “I play sports, I play softball. I
gin the challenging task of writing think it's because of the children, A: “There was only one choice assistant coach my daughter's team.
curriculum and documents for the because I know that when I leave historically, as women didn’t real- I shoot baskets with my son.”
nursing program. Two years later, here I go into Mom Mode and I ei- ly work outside the home and that’s “I love sitting in the bed in the
the first nursing class has graduated ther have to transport them to the just the way the typical family de- morning and watching “Good
and joined the workforce. ballpark, or we got to go to the fined the role of women.“ Morning America” with my Ipad
Dr. White smiled as she told The school for something. I make it a “I think the women's movement on social media and a good cup of
Globe that 100% of GGC’s nursing point to focus on them when I am and the empowerment of wom- black coffee! That’s just crazy! I
graduates are now employed in the away from work. If I must bring en has fostered that women can don't get to do that during the week.
profession of their degree. Nineteen work home then it is accomplished be compassionate, yet strong, and I could veg for two hours. I love it.”
of the twenty-three nursing gradu- after they are in bed to meet what- have family with professional suc- “I enjoy festivals, both seasonal
ates passed the NCLEX, the final ever deadlines are for the next day. cess. You don't have to settle on one and wine festivals in North Geor-
exam that determines whether they “Another thing being a or the other.” gia. The food and wine keep me in
become registered nurses or not. mom does is keep me Q: Is there a key to crossfit class a few times a week!”
The others passed on their second centered and ground- making both worlds Q: What plans do you have for
try. ed. Many times work? the nursing school for next semes-
In her undergrad years, White was at work with the A: “I think you ter?
not the academic type. She consid- stressors and emo- have to be ground- A: “I think the next big thing
ered herself the average student tions of students ed in yourself. I for nursing is our application for
who occasionally goofed off with and faculty, one call that emotional accreditation. The Commision of
her friends. But she made sure that can become unset- intelligence. I think Collegiate Nursing Education will
her education was well-rounded. tled. Having kids that when you know come for a site visit and they come
She participated in medical mission helps in knowing why what your passions are look at your program to decide if
trips, and frequently volunteered at I do what I do and for and strive to be aware of it’s got the stamp of approval or
hospitals. She made time for fun, who. They have taught me not other’s feelings, it keeps you not.”
and to her, these diverse experienc- to ‘sweat the small stuff.’ ” grounded. It’s what get’s you mov- “The CCNE is very well known.
es made all the difference. Q: You describe yourself as a vi- ing and going and helps you discov- Emory, Kennesaw, and GSU are ac-
As an administrator, professor, sionary leader. Can you elaborate er your meaning and credited by them. Our application
private healthcare practitioner, on this? purpose.” was accepted, we graduated our
mother, daughter, and assistant A: “There’s different kinds of Q: Some people say college first class, and they should be here
coach, Dr. White wears many dif- leadership styles, and I think that is all work and no fun. Do you Spring 2018 for the onsite visit.”
ferent hats. She takes pride in each when I started in a leadership role agree? Do you think that students “There's a lot of preparation to
role, and advocates that self-aware- I was probably just very democrat- can have fun and have a full col- get it together, but hopefully we'll
ness and time management are key ic.” lege experience and still succeed? have it. It’s exciting. “
to balancing a full and meaningful “What I call a visionary or a A: “I think to have a full college “I am currently working with the
life. transformational leader, that’s the experience, you have to have some Provost on the next programs for
Q: How does being a mother af- person that cares about strategic fun. I mean the full college experi- SHS.”
fect your job? planning and always thinks to do ence is social. There's a lot of ed-
A: “I think there’s a few com- something even better, not being ok ucation, but there's a lot of social Photo credit courtesy of Georgia
with status quo.” things and relationships that you Gwinnett College.
ponents. I have more compassion
probably than I would have if I “It is the leader who doesn’t fo- build from.”
didn’t if I didn’t have children in cus on the present but the future “Being well-rounded may take
trying to relate to parents who have and takes time to relate to follow- your further in life, and having
ers, building trust and relationships. emotional intelligence can take you
September 2016 07

Arts & Culture

Humans of GGC: Hispanic Heritage Month

Alejandro Uribe Rose Sandoval Silvia Alvarado

Major: Biology Major: Business Management Started working at GGC in Fall 2016.
Both parents are Mexican Rose’s mother is Puerto Rican and She has two kids who are her primary
GGC freshman who loves music and her father is Salvadoran. She is pic- motivation to do well in life. She supports
has been playing the guitar for three tured above with her best friend, Edith them as they go to school. One of her
year. He enjoys hiking and catching Bartolon, who is Guatemalan. kids is 15, the other is 13. The older one
the sunset at Stone Mountain. Rose just transferred to GGC from goes to Discovery High School, and the
He wants to become a Biology high Ultimate Medical Academy in Florida other goes to Richards Middle School.
school teacher. and has a 2 year old. When asked what When asked what made her a unique
“ A lot of people think that it sounds her hobbies are she says, “I dance and individual, Alvarado said, “ I am outgo-
harsh, being a high school teacher, but stuff… Merengue and Bachata.” ing and friendly. I love my work. I like to
I think that everybody has a calling go camping with the kids, but church is
and I want to offer my qualities to the priority.”
future generations,” Uribe said. “Faith keeps me going.”

Students gather together to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month

By rACHeL KeMBeL "The purpose of the festival is to cre- The food was catered from Papi’s Cu- night before September 16th.
BuSiNeSS MANAGer ate cultural awareness. Here at GGC ban & Caribbean Grill in Lawrencev- “If one thing should be taken from
About 300 students gathered in the we have people from all around the ille. Papi's provided Cuban sandwich- today’s event it’s that contrary to pop-
Student Center Plaza to join the Orga- world, and every student should have es, maduros, and guava pastries. ular belief, not all Hispanics are from
nization of Latin American Students the opportunity to learn about those de- Small groups of students sat on the Mexico. The Hispanic culture is very
(OLAS), for the Hispanic Heritage tails and customs that make us proud lawn by the sidewalk to observe the broad and full of different subcul-
Month Festival that took place on Sep- of our Hispanic heritage,” OLAS Vice Grito Mexicano competition. El grito tures,” OLAS member and Venezuela
tember 20, 2016 from 2:00 - 3:00 PM. President Mariela Tejada-Garcia said. is a call-and-response that is used to representative Karen Ortiz said.
Students that attended the festival Students had to pass an activity celebrate Mexican independence the
had the chance to learn about and em- similar to a scavenger hunt to reach
brace the Latino culture by exploring the food table. OLAS representatives
Latin American history, traditions, live manned booths which were set up to
mariachi band Mariachi y Coro Santa represent Latin-American countries.
Cecilia, music, and Caribbean food. Cultural artifacts for each country dec-
The festival is the first of five events orated the booths as well as posters that
that will be hosted to recognize Lat- held information regarding the history
in-Americans during the next 30 days and demographics of each country.
of Hispanic Heritage Month from Sep- Participants received passports with
tember 15th through October 15th. questions about the Latin-American
HHM recognizes the culture and countries featured at the festival. This
contributions to the United States by required students to engage with OLAS
Latino Americans. The festival and members stationed at each table and to
other HHM events put a strong empha- learn about the selection of Hispanic
sis on educating students about Latino countries. When students completed
the questions on their passports, OLAS Mariachi y Coro Santa Cecilia during Hispanic Heritage Month
cultures, as well as bringing the cam- Photo Credit, Mariela Tejada-Garcia
pus community together. members then served Cuban food.

In The Heights at Aurora Theater celebrates diversity

and loss. from hip-hop and traditional Latin the best I have ever seen.
Aurora Theatre’s In The Heights The score set the pace for music. The soundtrack had been Aurora Theater displayed the
tells the story of a community of high-energy dance numbers to inti- written by Lin Manuel Miranda, value of diversity in the play. In a
immigrants living in Washington mate and emotional ballads which composer of the highly popular, world of whitewashed casting and
Heights, ran from July 21-August were wonderfully performed by a critically acclaimed hip-hop mu- racial tensions, it is beautiful to
28 in Lawrenceville, GA. diverse cast. Other standouts in sical Hamilton and son of Puerto see a cast celebrate their culture.
In The Heights tells a compel- this cast include Diany Rodriguez Rican immigrants; it is unsurpris- In the song “Carnaval El Barrio,”
ling story with cultural signifi- (Nina), Felicia Hernandez (Abue- ing to see how the show got its the residents of the heights proud-
cance. The musical is narrated la Claudia), Christian Magby catchy sound. ly raise the flags of their home
by the central character Usnavi (Sonny), and Juan Carlos Unzueta While I was familiar with some countries. This was met with
(spectacularly played by Diego (Piragua Guy). songs, I had no idea what I was thunderous applause and even
Klock Perez), a bodega owner Having listened to a few of the in for when I sat down in the au- some tears.
who takes the audience into the songs prior to seeing the show dience of Aurora Theatre’s main- In my opinion, this was perfor-
lives of the people in his neigh- live, I enjoyed the upbeat feel stage. By the time intermission mance art at its best.
borhood as they experience love that it had, taking inspiration hit, I regarded the play as one of
08 September 2016

Arts & Culture

Get involved and get fed
ANoNyMouS STuDeNT SuBMiSSioN the August March through the Arch cool. They know a lot about the school share with them about how I volun-
ceremony was in the 3rd floor student and give me useful advice. teered on campus last semester, and
Someone asked me if I would be at- lounge in the Student Center. Ice cream After the speaker is done talking, not only did I get a free lift to the place,
tending a certain event here at Georgia for days, whenever I wanted it. Plus, I’ve learned something and gotten my but I got free food. Not only was vol-
Gwinnett College. there are usually some cool people to lunch on at the same time. I only bring unteering good for my heart, it was
“Will there be food?” I asked. hang out with, and there’s a flat screen non-perishable lunches to school now, good for my tummy. My RSO is going
“Of course,” he responded. TV. because it’s a waste for me to bring a to collaborate with the volunteer group
Then yes, I will definitely be there. While I was sitting there eating an frozen dinner to school to heat up when next month, and I’ll be there!
Being a college student has really ice cream sandwich between classes, I keep being presented with event food Man, I really know my way around
forced me to think about saving money, someone from the office next door like hot dogs with international top- this place now. As a commuter stu-
and food is a huge expense. Sometimes came in with vases full of granola bars, pings or a dazzling seasonal fruit tray. dent, I never thought I’d get to know
I have to skip meals, because I just for students. I took a couple and had I don’t even eat until after 2:00 now so many people. It works out, because
can’t afford to eat those three square them for breakfast the next day. After either, because if there’s an event go- someone in my RSO recommended a
meals each day. my morning class ended, I went to the ing on in or near the Student Center, great tutor to me at the AEC, and they
It wasn’t until I started hanging Game Room on the 1st floor, and they the chances are high that I’ll at least were awesome! I never would have
around in the Student Center and get- were having a Gaming Expo. Not only get some cookies and juice. Maybe hot have known about the tutoring people
ting involved with student groups that did I get to play some video games, wings and veggies. Word to the wise: otherwise.
I realized how much money there was but I had free lunch and dinner from water down those Grizzly punches and It’s a lot easier to concentrate on my
to be saved in the way of obtaining free attending that event. lemonades-- they’re a bit strong. schoolwork with a full stomach.
noms. A whole day of meals, for free. I realized when I joined an RSO
My advice to new students? Get in- Whenever a speaker comes to (registered student organization), that Disclaimer: this story is for enter-
volved, and get fed. E-LVIS, I’m right there in line. I’m I would be fed at least once a month tainment purposes
The first week of school, I realized starting to learn the faces and names of when I attend meetings. It’s nice to
that all the leftover ice cream from student and staff employees, which is meet other students, too. I was able to

Stretching to infinity hole. Waving at the stars and I found a post about "floaters."
Depression isn’t so different Apparently I had eye deficiencies
than that: a projection of yourself and needed to see an eye doctor. But
A wolf howls at the moon, and the onto the shell of who you are, your Staring out of my window on a my vision is superb, so I disragard-
earth quakes in a way that convinc- body smiling and laughing on cue warm but breezy night, the smell of ed the post. In fact, my vision was
es you that the world is ending; but while internally your existence is the ocean is poignant in my nostrils, above average, because I was able to
that would be too convenient. Life stretched so thin you begin to won- but as a child of eleven years old, I entertain myself with vibrant colors
is never about conveniences, only der if it ever existed at all. focused on the visual. that no one else could see.
challenges. Funny little mishaps At first you think that it's im- Perhaps it was just my imagina- I made the choice as a teenager
that trip up your path and send you possible: how would you feel, and tion, but I could have sworn that the to believe that the pheneomen I ex-
spiralling away in a direction en- breathe, and walk, and talk, and star moved, not like a shooter, or a pereienced was truly supernatural.
tirely impossible for you to predict. do anything at all if the world was comet. It just seemed to wave at me It's a better alternative to believing I
The world will give you moments merely a recording? You can't deny in a celestial greeting. Was this my have an eye deficiency when the eye
of foresight, glimpses of what can the fleeting tickle that comes with imagination getting the better of me? clinic had always told me my vision
and can never be, but if you believe the brush of your finger under your Perhaps, but I chose to think that the was 20/20.
them for an instant then you suffer nose, the way the breeze tosses your star had seen me too, had felt my One thing I have taken from my
from an overabundance of opti- hair and makes you shiver. These stare as cold as the breath of Mars. I childhood is that I don't have to ac-
mism. facts are undeniable, and yet -- had spoken to a star, and what child cept the conventional self- diagno-
Cosmically speaking the world Perhaps the idea that we are slow- of eleven years old could say that? sis.
exists. This is a definitive fact - ly stretching ourselves out of ex- It was my star. And I was its child. I am as capable of creating mean-
more definitive than anything you istance is the truth. Or at the very What a thought! I never told anyone ing as a scientist or a doctor. At the
can really say about anything else, least, an unpleasant metaphor better about my star, but whenever anyone end of the day, the elements are
like life, or death, or love. left ignored. pointed out shooters from then on, more than the definition. Stars are
That is, unless you ascribe to the Depression isn't so different from I was unimpppressed. I had some- not only balls of burning gas, and
theory of the holographic universe that: an unpleasant metaphor bet- thing better to wish upon. floaters are not only deficiencies.
where we are merely a projection ter left ignored, if you have the Perhaps this was a pattern. I also They are the fuel of childhood fan-
onto the event horizon of a black strength left in you to do that. believed that I had the unique abili- tasies, they are the raw materials of
hole: the dying throes of a world, Unfortunately, it isn't so simple, ity to see little blurs of color on my dreams.To know the universe in an
played back like a memory, already to ignore yourself. Much like you retina, little spots of magic, I told authentic way, through first person
destroyed and waiting for the nev- can't ignore the howl of a wolf late myself. I had the unique ability to rather than from a filter, that is how
er-ending stretch of existence to at night, or the way the earth trem- see fairies, I told myself. When I was I choose to live. So I'll keep my star
finally whittle away to nothing un- bles like the world is ending. fifteen I discovered a word that dis- friend--and my fairies.
der the duress of existing in a black proved my theory. It was on Tumblr,
Stars lost in the dark A moonless night in Athens
DeSiGN eDiTor ANoNyMouS STuDeNT SuBMiSSioN vibrating strings and sip
Sometimes I see the stars fall in your eyes, Moon sisters Sacred libations.
Like all the days and nights held on a line. looking for their mother Though tavern lights were warm
I wonder if you know the type of crime but amid the electric stars of Ancient and their bellies full
The gods would pay to see what they comprise. Greece The kin yearned for a mother’s midnight
Your thoughts eclipse, blot out the morning’s rise her nighttime kiss could not be found kiss.
On what your heart has yet let mind consign, they called to their mother Yet amid the electric stars of Ancient
Of thoughts like comets raced along, divine. singing lyrics she had taught. Greece
Craters left by impacts - fingers on thighs, pierced the air as the cosmic twins Mother Moon’s face was nowhere to be
Astral tails like chains across the soft dark. skipped and frolicked along empty found
I wonder if colliding stars should fall streets but in the silence of the night
For want of just a glimpse of all the spark and when in their dance they were caught with beams smooth like milk and honey
Which hides amongst the falling solar wall strangers obliged toxins and conversa- she embraced her daughters in their beds.
You placed around your heart to hide the mark tion.
Left by clumsy hands you can’t recall. Of their mission they digressed to hear
September 2016 09

Starbucks introduces fall flavors to GGC
By iMANi eDGeCoMBe sweet and you can get it cold.
MeDiA MANAGer I also recommend the Chile Mo-
cha frappuccino, since I also get
Grizzlies should know that they this drink everyday. The Chile Mo-
will not miss any of their favorite cha frappuccino has milk, brewed
seasonal drinks on campus. espresso, & whipped cream with
“The Starbucks menu follows chili mocha powder and spiced
the national menu. So if you see mocha topping. The Chile Mocha
it on the street then you are going has a sweet taste and the spice
to see it in our store,” Director of heats the tongue with the first sip.
Auxiliary Services Victoria Han- “Starbucks is also doing a sneak
son said. peek. They are doing a Frappula
Not only do Grizzlies get the full for Halloween in October,” said
Starbucks menu, but they might Stacey Watkins, the Marketing
even experience it early, as Han- Coordinator of Grizzly Dining.
son explained that “the pumpkin With a Starbucks fall sea-
spice latte was nationally intro- son drink in hand, I feel excited
duced and (GGC) did start a few about the upcoming season. But it
days early.” should also be exciting for other
As someone who goes to Star- students as well because it’s great
bucks everyday and gets the same that the GGC Starbucks on cam-
order every time, I decided to pus has seasonal drinks, like oth-
switch up my usual orders and to er Starbucks, to go along with the
try the fall season drinks. four seasons.
I recommend the Pumpkin Spice I interviewed a student at Star-
latte for those who are getting into bucks and asked about her opinion
fall now. The Pumpkin Spice has on the new drinks.
cinnamon, nutmeg, clove, steamed “I like their fall season drinks. I
milk, & espresso topped with think it’s good,” said Nia Le, 25,
Pumpkin spice to give it that nice, Biology major. Advertisement outside of the campus starbucks
spicy fall flavor. The drink is very Photo Credit, Imani Edgecombe

College Hacks Gaspocalypse

By AMy wArNer
By KATie CHoy
Here are a few hacks to make this For the past week, gas sta-
new semester easier!
tions have seen a spike in
Waking up late? Try putting your
phone in a glass cup in order to make
business as Georgians franti-
your alarm go off louder. You can also cally search for gas stations
put your alarm across the room so you that have not run dry. Earli-
have to get up to turn it off. er in the week, GGC students
Parking problems? Get a few friends may have even noticed a re-
together who come and leave at the duction in class attendance,
same time as you, and all park far presumably due to the short-
away. Then get in one car together, age. The culprit was a leak
now you are looking for one good spot in Colonial Pipeline’s chief
and not four! Keep in mind classes of- gasoline line in Alabama. The
ten end at fifteen or forty-five minutes
media has been following the
past the hour, which means students
will be coming out and leaving empty
situation closely, and causing
spots. more undue stress than the
Missing a class? If you know you situation calls for.
are going to miss a class, tell a friend As a Lawrenceville resident
to record the class on their phone so who drives daily in differ-
you can listen to it later. Also, make ent areas of Gwinnett Coun-
sure that you get the contact informa- ty, I have not experienced
tion from a couple of “good” students any difficulty finding gas. I
who seem to pay close attention. That drive daily to different ar-
way when you miss class, you can call eas of the county—for work,
them about the work you missed.
school, and miscellaneous
Feeling overwhelmed? Smelling
an orange can have a stress-relieving
errands—and in that time, I
effect on people. If you don’t want to have only seen one gas sta-
Mining retention ponds near the site of a leak in Colonial Pipeline's Line 1
keep oranges around just to smell, you tion out of service. Lines Photo Credit, Colonial Pipeline
can try using orange essential oils in a have certainly been longer at to an every-man-for-himself around Gwinnett.
diffuser, this will also make you feel other gas stations, as people attitude. The resulting frenzy The faulty pipeline was re-
energized. wait to fill up their vehicles, is not unlike every winter ’s paired as of Tuesday, and
Accidentally close your tab on a and when I filled up over the “Snowpocalypse” that re- fuel was flowing into Georgia
computer? If you are on a PC, you weekend, the process felt like
can press control, shift, and t all at the sults in empty bread and milk again on Wednesday. Already
a race that everyone knew shelves. Aside from the wait, I have noted a slight decrease
same time and your tab will re-open. about but no one was talking
Computer getting grimy from all gas prices have risen about in prices, three to four cents
about. Drivers seemed to race a quarter since the shortage per gallon. Hopefully, as
this schoolwork? Try using the sticky
side of a sticky note to clean in be-
each other to the pump with was announced. Although things return to normal, pric-
tween those keys! the shortest line, sometimes there have been a few reports es will continue to drop and
All-around hack: A lot of issues are parking in front of the line of gas stations gouging pric- filling up will go back to be-
caused by dehydration, so make sure in hopes of squeezing in. The es, I have not seen prices be- ing an easy, five-minute pro-
you are drinking plenty in this HOT uncertainty of the situation yond $2.40 per gallon of reg- cess.
weather! has reduced human behavior ular unleaded fuel in my trips
10 September 2016

Letter from the Editor
Hello, ing our staff. We are looking for new Ethics training sessions. The Globe’s
It’s that time again. The time that the reporters to cover beats on campus. A advisors, Dr. Vollaro and Dr. Sepul-
editors, reporters and constituents of beat is a section of news stories; for veda, have agreed to teach these. We
The Globe have been work so hard for. example, police stories are beats. We will meet in room E3151 from 11-1 pm
The newspaper is in stands again just need students who are eager to create with Dr Sepulveda on October 5th. Dr.
in time for the leaves to start falling ties with the faculty in the department Vollaro will teach the next session to be
and creating that lovely ombre effect of the beat they choose, and we want held in the same place on October 13.
in the trees. What is The Globe up to students who show traits of a team The Globe is committed to creating a
these days? member. We need someone who is voice for the students, so give us your
As some of you may know, we are invested in the organization’s success input! If you want to see something
preparing room E3151 of the student and is willing to go above and beyond change in The Globe, if you want to
center for The Globe’s new office. to see that we succeed. It may seem read certain kinds of stories, just shoot
When that’s done we will celebrate like we expect a lot, but the rewards me an email. We are committed to en-
with a chartering ceremony at which will speak for themselves. The experi- suring that we cover the issues that
time we will have an open house and ence one will gain from being part of students care about and to providing a
give students, faculty, and staff the The Globe is invaluable, as it creates reliable news source for the campus.
chance to take a tour and see what a line of networking opportunities and
we’ve done with the place. I will an- experience. Sincerely,
nounce the dates in my next letter. Anyone who is interested in writing Julie Thompson
As for The Globe’s operations on for The Globe should attend our news
campus, we are invested in expand- writing, reporting and Journalistic Julie Thompson
Photo Credit, Julie Thompson

Pokemon Go in the Avenue

By ALeJANDro uriBe trainers who just finished their playing this game how easy it I was playing this phenome-
STAFF reporTer work shift. People play for hours was to make friends. Even if non of an app for a week when
on end trying to catch as many you did not end up being friends it hit me: if it wasn’t for this
It’s nighttime in Snellville, and rare Pokemon as they can. with someone , you still had fun game, I would probably be at
usually this means the shops and On one of the many nights Play- meeting them. Although it is not home watching TV by myself.
restaurants are closing. People ing Pokemon go at The Avenue I possible to be friends with ev- This game brought me together
are leaving an outside shopping was looking for a Snorlax (a rare eryone, socializing is very im- with many people. We started
center but another group's ad- pokemon nearby). After spend- portant because talking to people to become more social. I made
ventures are just commencing ing 5 minutes looking around I is part of life. friends that I would have never
a group of people who classi- still had not found anything. I My experience at The Avenue met before Pokemon Go. We all
fy themselves as "Pokemon Go saw a group of people in the cor- made me feel comfortable speak- knew school would start soon,
Players." ner of my eye and I approached ing out to strangers and helped and the fun would end. One thing
One by one, cars start to pull them. me be less shy and afraid. I that didn’t have to end was the
into "The Avenue," the shop- I asked, “Hey have you seen have met a lot of people playing experiences I had and the social
ping center with sidewalks and this Pokemon?” They told me Pokemon Go. Some interactions skills I gained. Many trainers
marked trails. Next thing you where it was, and after I captured were short, while others led to who started playing never talk-
know, it’s past midnight, but it I went back to the group of conversations and friendships ed to many people or bothered to
there are over 40 cars parked and people to thank them. I then in- that otherwise would have not start conversations with strang-
over 60 people walking, skating, troduced myself, and next thing formed. A conversation can start ers, but this game gave them that
or using any means of transpor- I knew, I made six new friends with something about a game and chance to be social… and every-
tation to catch Pokemon. I know just like that. can end up with the two people one did just that. Being social is
what you are thinking, "Wow, I ended up hanging out with talking about other hobbies and very important in today’s society
just a bunch of grown kids with them as the weeks passed during interests. If I’m making dozens and an app that encourages you
nothing better to do.” That state- the summer and to this day I of friends over the summer, so to be more social is a great step
ment is inaccurate. Most people still talk to each one of them. were the other millions of people to fostering a closer community.
I have met on these nights are It amazed me and everyone else playing Pokemon Go.

Georgia Gwinnett College: a campus without edges

By KATeLyN LiNDSey incremental changes can be main- in their community.” Tree Creek for a few months,”
DeSiGN eDiTor tained for longer, and then we can For those who are interested in Seay said, “and when you sign up
build on those.” taking a more active role in the for adopt a stream, you sign up
Getting involved in the commu- These changes can be sincerely community here at GGC, the Envi- for a year. As part of that, you do
nity sounds like a heavy burden, small - as small as taking the ex- ronmental Club has several oppor- stream cleanups, and we're look-
but Georgia Gwinnett College’s tra time to throw away your plas- tunities. ing to do one or two clean ups this
Environmental Club can act as an tic Starbucks cup into the green One of the events GGC takes year.” These cleanups involve go-
easy introduction into learning how recycling bins instead of into the part in is Recyclemania, where the ing to the creek and measuring the
to better care about the community. general trash. Even this seeming- school is put into friendly competi- ph levels of the water, which might
The Environmental Club has ly insignificant action has positive tion with other colleges around the be of particular interest for science
several opportunities available for repercussions. A huge part of envi- globe. Schools are ranked based majors looking to get out into the
GGC students who are interested in ronmentalism is in setting an ex- on their recycling levels per capi- field.
a more active role in promoting a ample so that the others around you ta, which school generates the least “I think as a student and a coun-
healthy and environmentally aware follow suit and take the same steps waste, and which school has the ty resident, the common mission is
community. to maintain a healthy environment. best recycling rate. Last year, GGC to support the environment,” Seay
Along with a community garden, Seay explained the concept as a managed to reduce greenhouse said. “I would encourage people to
the Environmental Club is the driv- world without edges, where the act gasses by 70 metric tons of CO2, find a way to get involved, whether
ing force behind the school’s par- of one individual can have impact which is the equivalent of taking 14 it be through through Environmen-
ticipation in Gwinnett County’s through the world in a very simple cars off the road. tal Club or an environmental pro-
Adopt-A-Stream program and the but no less meaningful way. Other, more localized ways to gram with another club.”
yearly Recyclemania competition. “With technology and social me- affect change and promote envi- For any students interested in
“Identify the smaller things,” dia, an individual's actions can go ronmental stewardship are Gwin- participating, the Environmental
Brandon Seay, president of GGC’s much further. Everything is inter- nett County’s Adopt-A-Road and Club meets from 2pm to 3pm on
Environmental Club said. “It’s not connected now, in some way, and Adopt-A-Stream systems. GGC’s the second and fourth Thursdays
that you shouldn't do the bigger so what you do here can have a rip- Environmental Club has adopted of each month in room E-3116 or
things, but that the smaller things ple effect, and somebody who no- a stream of its own: Tree Creek. as specified on their Get Involved
are easier to do. Usually smaller tices a good policy can then try it “We've been actively monitoring page.
Dr. Darin Wilson Named NAIA Athletics Director of the Year
By Ty Merrow Capping the successful season, two
Deputy Copy Editor baseball players were selected in
the 2016 MLB First Year Player
Director of Athletics at Georgia Draft.
Gwinnett College, Dr. Darin S. Wil- “Under Dr. Wilson’s leadership,
son, brings honor to the GGC ath- GGC has won five national champi-
letics department and collected his onships and seven conference titles
second Director of the Year award and has produced 47 All-Americans,
from The National Association of one National Player of the Year, and
Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) six MLB drafts,” GGC’s president,
for the 2015-2016 academic year. Dr. Stas Preczewski, said.
The NAIA awarded Dr. Wilson “It is astounding that a new in-
for his leadership, innovation, and tercollegiate program can achieve
growth within collegiate athletics. such a record in its first four years,
Dr. Darrin S. Wilson while maintaining high academ-
Wilson was also recognized for up- Photo Credit, Georgia Gwinnett College Website
holding the NAIA’s mission, which ic and community service stan-
award when he worked at Union 2010 for Union College and 2014- dards. Dr. Wilson has established a
is to offer character-driven intercol- College in Barbourville, KY during 2015 for GGC. game-changing culture of winning
legiate athletics and to uphold the the 2010-2011 academic year, ac- Under Dr. Wilson, Grizzly sports both on and off the field,” Precze-
five core values of Integrity, Re- cording to a press release from Ja- collected a .782 winning percent- wski said.
spect, Responsibility, Sportsman- son Hendrix, GGC’s Director of age (165-42-4), winning NAIA Dr. Wilson is currently active as
ship, and Servant Leadership. Sports Information. National Championships in men’s the president of the A.I.I, a mem-
“I am extremely humbled to re- Dr. Wilson has accumulated many and women’s tennis and the Asso- ber of the National Administrative
ceive this honor from the NAIA," awards in the past few years. He ciation of Independent Institutions’ Council where he serves on the Ex-
Wilson said. “There are many out- was named the Association of In- (A.I.I.) championships for baseball ecutive Committee and is the chair
standing athleticS directors across dependent Institutions’ Athletics and men’s tennis, according to Hen- of the Rules, Ratings, and Statistics
the country who could have also Director of the Year for 2014-2015 drix’s press release. Committee, and continues his du-
received this award. To be chosen and 2015-2016, was twice recog- Twenty-six student athletes were ties on the NAIA-Athletics Direc-
by my peers is truly something spe- nized by the National Association placed on the All-Conference team. tors Association’s (ADA) Execu-
cial." of Collegiate Directors of Athlet- In addition, GGC brought home tive Committee as past president for
This is the second year Dr. Wilson ics (NACDA) as the Under Armour 16 NAIA All-American selections 2016-2017.
has received the NAI award. Wilson Athletics Director of the Year 2009- and four Coach of the Year awards.
received the Director of the Year

Mid-Season Q&A with Steve DeCou

By Ty Merrow “Then there’s Jumar Oakley, a fresh- Q: Coming back home after two do at too many times that weekend,
Deputy Copy Editor man from the Atlanta area. He’s done losses in Nebraska, what has the then we started to have some fatigue
very well for us. There’s Myles Bar- team been working on? and breakdowns, which led to the oth-
The Grizzlies men’s soccer team ber, a University of Virginia transfer A: “Offensive and defensive shape. er teams’ goals. Dealing with shape on
had a of 3-3 win/loss record with one who redshirted there last year. “ Some of the things we did in our both sides of the ball is what’s really
tie in September 2016 which marks “Malik Thornell, another local guy. buildup or the way we tried to move helped us get to where we need to be
the halfway point for its fifth sea- We’ve got a great balance of the in- the ball around pulled guys a little against our future opponents.”
son. ternational flavor as well as bit out of position, which led to turn- Q: What are you looking forward
The team has acquired Georgia boys who are overs, which led to more work on the to the most for the remainder of the
new assistant coaches really coming in and defensive end. When you have to do season?
Stephen Magennis helping us.” extra work defensively, which we A: “I got asked this question by
and Claudin Dalle Q: What do you were having to do at too many times Matt (Mahony) in the Grizzlies Live
Siakam and 11 new think have been that weekend, then we started to have on Wednesday (9/14/16), “What other
players. Head coach the keys to the some fatigue and breakdowns, which than a win is acceptable?” It goes back
Steven DeCou is team’s victories so led to the other teams’ goals. Dealing to that first point I made. We don’t re-
looking for another far this year? with shape on both sides of the ball is ally talk about the wins. We talk about
double digit wins sea- A: “Just hard work what’s really helped us get to where the process. If everybody does their
son and more. and executing the game we need to be against our future op- job, then at the end of the 90 minutes,
DeCou spoke to The plan. We’ve stuck to what ponents.” we should be ahead on the scoreboard.
Globe about the team's current we’re supposed to do, and Q: What are you looking forward We have to be consistent, determined,
progress, new members, and the goals that’s the reason we’ve won.” to the most for the remainder of the and ruthless. Consistent that no mat-
for the remainder of the season. Q: Do you consider the team more season? ter the situation, no matter the time, I
Q: The team is six games into of a defensive or offensive threat? A: “We have to be consistent, de- know my players are going to do what
the season (at the time of this inter- A: “ I want balance with both. I termined, and ruthless. Consistent that they’re supposed to. Determined that
view). What are your goals for the want us to be offensive in that we’re no matter the situation, no matter the they’re going to just get after it. Ruth-
remainder of the season? creating chances. I also want us de- time, I know my players are going to less that when they get those opportu-
A: “Championships. That’s the fensive; I want clean sheets, no goals do what they’re supposed to. Deter- nities, they’re just going to put teams
goal. That’s not the point of emphasis against. You have to have a balance. mined that they’re going to just get away. The midfield, they’re going to
every day. The emphasis is on the pro- Great teams do both. They score goals after it. Ruthless that when they get make their passes. The defenders are
cess. Are we getting better as a team? and don’t concede. You do that, you’re those opportunities, they’re just go- going to defend like they’re supposed
Are we improving all aspects of our going to win championships.” ing to put teams away. The midfield, to, and Sharpie’s going to stop the
game? We don’t talk about champi- Q: As far as your defense goes, they’re going to make their passes. shots. We do those three things, then
onships; we talk about improving the it definitely helps having Lewis The defenders are going to defend like the score takes care of itself.”
one percent every day.” Sharpe (goalie) out there. they’re supposed to, and Sharpie’s
Q: The roster features 16 return- A: “Oh yeah. When you get a 6’6” going to stop the shots. We do those
ing players and 11 new ones. Who player, cleans up everything in the air, three things, then the score takes care The Grizzlies men’s soccer team will
do you have that’s new that you’re great shot stopper, great leader, great of itself.” have four more home games start-
really excited about? student...He’s the poster boy of what The Grizzlies men’s soccer team ing on October 1st. The schedule is
A: “I think you’d have to go first you want at Georgia Gwinnett Athlet- will have four more home games available on www.grizzlyathletics.
and foremost with Cameron St. Prix ics. When other teams walk in, they starting on October 1st. The schedule com/schedule. The Grizzly Digital
Mitchell, a senior transfer from Ash- look at him like, “Oh boy, you know is available on www.grizzlyathletics. Network will broadcast five games as
ford University. Cam’s an attacking you’ve got to be good to beat him.” com/schedule. The Grizzly Digital well.
center midfielder, a dynamic play- That gives us one step in the right di- Network will broadcast five games as
er. He’s quick, powerful, and scores rection before the game’s even kicked well. When you have to do extra work Photo credit courtesy of Georgia
goals.” off.” defensively, which we were having to Gwinnett College.
12 September 2016

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