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Eos, Vol. 87, No.

11, 14 March 2006

management, and the protection of endan- To address this, case studies and examples explained Anderson.When a controlled
gered species. In addition,“the potential for were used in the report to outline different flood was conducted in 1996,“there was a
departures from average climatic conditions ways that science has successfully addressed need to translate the physical habitat require-
threatens to disrupt society and local to past regional water resource needs. ments of that snail to an actual allowable
regional economies,” the report stated. For example, the management strategies water level. Such issues were rarely encoun-
“Meeting these challenges will require of Arizona’s Glen Canyon Dam on the Colo- tered 30 years ago.”
bright minds to balance between the growth rado River have been modified to consider USGS representatives hope the report
of cities and the desire for sustainability,” endangered species issues.“The release of informs water resource managers of different
said USGS scientist and report co-author water from the dam will affect the habitat of scientifically sound management options.
Mark Anderson.“The need for scientific the Kanab ambersnail, a species that only
information has grown.” lives in one place downstream of the dam,” —MOHI KUMAR, Staff Writer

The last major urban earthquake to strike the Hazara-Kashmir syntaxis that is defined river are offset left laterally. The speakers
Pakistan prior to 2005 severely damaged the by the Panjal (Main Central) thrust and Mur- noted that better definitions of existing faults
city of Quetta in 1935 and killed 35,000 peo- ree (Main Boundary) thrust; this indicates in the area could help disaster planners esti-
mate the risks faced in certain areas, espe-
cially to the proposed Neelum-Jhelum Dam.
Robert Yeats (Earth Consultants Interna-
Conferees Examine Deadly tional, Corvallis, Ore.), and Tom Parsons (U.S.
Geological Survey, Menlo Park, Calif.)
2005 Kashmir Earthquake showed that there was an increase in stress
after the earthquake on the northwest and
southeast extensions of the Balakot-Bagh
PAGE 115 that the surface traces of these major tectonic fault, but a decrease in stress toward Islam-
features are inactive in Pakistan, although abad-Rawalpindi and the Salt Range thrust,
ple. In the last 70 years, although much prog- parts of the Murree thrust were reactivated in the local name for the Himalayan frontal
ress has been made in studying the location 2005. fault. These results are comparable to those
of active faults and zones of seismicity in Tapponnier showed that the active fault published earlier by Wallace et al. [2005] on
Pakistan, the general public in Pakistan has system could be seen in the surface geomor- the 1905 Kangra, India, earthquake of Mw 7.8,
not yet fully understood or recognized the phology of the region. Through analysis of which also apparently did not propagate to
earthquake hazard. The near-destruction of CORONA satellite images, Takashi Nakata the Himalayan front. The presence of a possi-
two towns—Balakot in the North-West Fron- (Hiroshima Institute of Technology, Japan) ble unruptured seismic gap in Kashmir
tier Province, and Muzaffarabad, the capital extended previous mapping of active faults between the 1905 and 2005 earthquakes led
of Azad Jammu Kashmir Province—and the beyond the 1991 report. Tapponnier, in addi- to a call by meeting participants for collab-
deaths of more than 70,000 people caused by tion, pointed out the hazard from the Jhelum orative work between the scientists of India
the 8 October 2005 Kashmir earthquake (Mw strike-slip fault, which may control the anom- and Pakistan.
7.6) led the government of Pakistan to request alous southward straight path of the Jhelum Mirza Shahid Baig of the University of
a scientific response and plan of action. River between Muzaffarabad and Mangla Azad Jammu Kashmir (AJK) in Muzaffar-
Accordingly, the Geological Survey of Paki- Dam; nine streams on the west side of the abad, Pakistan, was outside when the
stan (GSP) organized a recent international
conference, which was attended by Pakistani
scientists and participants from Austria,
France, India, Iran, Japan, Turkey, the United
Kingdom, and the United States [Kausar
et al., 2006].
Prior to the conference, GSP had mapped
the northwest striking Balakot-Bagh source
fault based in part on the distributions of
landslides and catastrophic damage. Por-
tions of this fault near Muzaffarabad had
been mapped by Nakata et al. [1991] based
on the interpretation of aerial photographs,
and its extension to the southeast had been
mapped on 1:50,000-scale quadrangles by
GSP prior to the earthquake.

The Earthquake Source Fault

The fault follows the Indus-Kohistan Seis-

mic Zone of Armbruster et al. [1978], identi-
fied from a local seismic network established
by Pakistan’s Water and Power Development
Authority.This zone, the northwestern termina-
tion of a belt of moderate seismicity that
extends through the Himalayan Mountains
in India and Nepal, continues northwest to Fig. 1.View northeast toward large landslide of Muzaffarabad Limestone into the Neelum River
the Indus River, as noted at the conference by north of Muzaffarabad, showing the active trace of a lateral ramp of the Balakot-Bagh fault, here
Paul Tapponnier (Institut de Physique du probably a fold scarp, with the active zone at the base. According to locals, this scarp appeared
Globe de Paris, France).This zone cuts across during the earthquake. Photo by Robert Yeats.
Eos, Vol. 87, No. 11, 14 March 2006
earthquake struck, so that his life was spared a flood wave to overtop the dam. David Pet- study landslides; and Spence and Jain to
despite the complete destruction of his uni- ley (Durham University, U.K.) presented a evaluate damage to structures. Among the
versity campus and the deaths of an entire scenario for the future based on a large most important findings was evidence for
classroom of geology students. His university slide in Taiwan triggered by the 1999 Chi-Chi surface rupture in Balakot, Muzaffarabad,
was moved temporarily to Islamabad, but earthquake. The area of that landslide and and along the Jhelum River along a fault
Baig returned to AJK and mapped surface the sediment provided to streams have that had evidence of previous Quaternary
rupture from the 2005 earthquake, describ- increased dramatically since the earthquake, displacement (Y. Awata et al., Extensive sur-
ing 2.5 meters of reverse slip and 2 meters of presumably due to the weakening of slopes face fault rupture associated with the 2005
right-lateral slip. At the meeting, Baig by strong ground motion. Pakistan earthquake of Mw 7.6, Japan Union
described his results and also pointed out Geoscience Meeting, 2006; H. Kaneda et al.,
the hazard from the Jhelum fault, which Earthquake Engineering Extensive surface fault rupture associated
would affect dams upstream and down- with the 2005 Mw 7.6 Pakistan earthquake,
in a Developing Country
stream from the earthquake. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society Meeting,
The failure of many structures, including 2006). Participants noted that ground motion
Major Landslides an apartment building in Islamabad, led to a was very strong in the hanging wall of the
discussion of engineering issues. These Balakot-Bagh fault, within 100–200 meters of
Mehdi Zaré (International Institute of included geotechnical engineering of cut the surface trace.
Earthquake Engineering and Seismology, Teh- slopes by Imran Bukhari (University of Engi- Since the earthquake, many Global Posi-
ran, Iran) discussed surface ruptures and neering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan) tioning System sites have been established
their relation to landslides along the fault and Aydan, the rehabilitation of bridges in the region, the GSP is planning an assess-
trace and to heavily damaged structures. The (Hiroyuki Kodama, University of Tokyo, ment of active faults, and future collabora-
focal mechanism of this earthquake was dip- Japan), and ways to improve the perfor- tion is expected to upgrade seismic net-
slip reverse with a strike-slip component. Sur- mance of low-strength masonry buildings works. As for the politically-sensitive Kashmir
face rupture was no surprise based on the (Robin Spence, Cambridge University, U.K.). region, a conference in Islamabad in May
sharpness of surface deformation as mea- Spence pointed out that engineering solu- will specifically address the opportunities for
sured by line-of-sight displacements on syn- tions must take into account the limited collaboration between Pakistani and Indian
thetic aperture radar from the Envisat satel- resources of local communities to retrofit scientists and engineers.
lite, as reported by Satoshi Fujiwara buildings in the manner of a Western coun- The International Conference on the Kash-
(Geographical Survey Institute, Tsukuba, try. On the basis of his experience after an mir Earthquake in Pakistan was held in
Japan). earthquake in northern Pakistan in 1974, Islamabad on 18–19 January.
The landslides were spectacular. Hiroshi Spence noted the importance of educating
Sato (Geographical Survey Institute, Tsukuba, builders and of designing low-cost engineer- References
Japan), using IKONOS and SPOT 5 satellite ing solutions based on local practices and
imagery, showed that the landslides occurred local materials. Armbruster, J., L. Seeber, and K. H. Jacob (1978),The
near the rupture, predominantly on the northwestern termination of the Himalayan Moun-
The earthquake problem affects the entire tain front: Active tectonics from microearthquakes,
northeast, or hanging wall, side. Minoru Urai Indian subcontinent. Sudhir K. Jain (Indian J. Geophys. Res., 83(B1), 269–282.
(Geological Survey of Japan, Tsukuba) Institute of Technology, Kanpur) noted the Kausar,A. B.,T. Karim, and T. Khan (2006), Interna-
showed that ASTER satellite imagery was importance of a legal framework for tional Conference on 8 October 2005 earthquake
useful in landslide mapping. Satellite map- in Pakistan: Its implications and hazard mitigation,
accountability and responsibility in the extended abstracts, 116 pp., Geol. Surv. of Pakistan,
ping of landslides has the advantage that the building industry. He also pointed out the Quetta.
maps can be provided to local search-and- need to upgrade professional competence Nakata,T., H.Tsutsumi, S. H. Khan, and R. D. Lawrence
rescue teams to reach quickly the most by adding earthquake engineering to univer- (1991),Active faults of Pakistan: Map sheets and
heavily damaged areas. Ömer Aydan (Tokai inventories, Spec. Publ., 21, 141 pp., Res. Cent. for
sity curricula, focusing on practical low-cost Reg. Geogr., Hiroshima Univ., Hiroshima, Japan.
University, Shizuoka, Japan) classified the engineering solutions with local materials in Wallace, K., R. Bilham, F. Blume,V. K. Gaur, and V. Gaha-
landslides as soil slope failures, weathered underdeveloped countries. Anwaruddin laut (2005), Surface deformation in the region
and sheared rock-slope failures, and rock- Ahmed (Geological Survey of Pakistan, of the 1905 Kangra Mw = 7.8 earthquake in the
slope failures. period 1846–2001, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L15307,
Lahore) showed the necessity of upgrading doi:10.1029/2005GL022906.
Jean Schneider (University of Natural seismic zoning maps based on expected
Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Aus- peak ground accelerations.
tria) described the huge Hattian slide cover- —ROBERT S.YEATS, Earth Consultants Interna-
ing an area of nearly five square kilometers tional and Department of Geosciences, Oregon
that dammed two tributaries of the Jhelum State University, Corvallis; E-mail: yeatsr@geo.
Surface Trace Mapped
River, posing a potential flood risk from one; ALLAH BAKHSH KAUSAR, Geologi-
of the lakes rising behind the slide. The slide After the meeting, several participants cal Survey of Pakistan, Islamabad; TAKASHI NAKATA,
covered a distance of 2.75 kilometers in less went to the field with Pakistani colleagues, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Hiro-
than 30 seconds. Satellite imagery showed including Yeats, Nakata, Yasuo Awata and shima Institute of Technology, Hiroshima, Japan
that the Hattian slide took place on the site Heitaro Kaneda (Geological Survey of Japan,
of an older slide.The future hazards include Tsukuba), and Hiroyuki Tsutsumi (Kyoto
seepage or piping within the dam mass University, Japan) to look for surface rupture;
blocking the larger lake, overtopping of the Petley and Mark Bulmer (Joint Center for
dam, and a future slide into the lake causing Earth Systems Technology, Baltimore, Md.) to

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