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The ‘Baar Sanguni’ Raid

13 Jumadul Awal 1440H (19/01/2019) – On Saturday 13 Jumadul Awal 1440H, corresponding to 19 January 2019,
forces from Harakat Al-Shabaab Al-Mujahideen carried out a raid against a base manned by the apostate Somali
militia in Baar Sanguni, 45 Km North of Kismayo, killing 41 apostate soldiers.

The Mujahideen stormed the base in the early hours of Saturday morning, catching the apostate militia by surprise,
and overrunning the base. The soldiers of Allah then swiftly secured the perimeters of the base completely, by the
permission of Allah, and seized at least one vehicle and a cache of weapons, including heavy weaponry, before
setting the base on fire.

This raid is a message to the disbelieving apostate militia that whether they barricade themselves into their fortified
bases or hide behind the African crusaders, the forces of Tawheed will strike them and administer the punishment
of apostasy accorded to them under Islamic Shari’ah for renouncing their religion and allying themselves with the

On the other hand, Harakat Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen calls upon all the apostate Somali militia to repent to Allah
from their disbelief and evil activities, disavow themselves from the disbelievers and return to the fold of Islam,
promising in return to spare their lives, preserve their blood and reintegrate them into the Muslim society. The
apostate militia and their leaders should know that they will only find safety and protection under the shade of
Islamic Shari’ah not under the constitutions and mandates of the African Crusaders and the so-called international

Harakat Al-Shabab Al-Mujahideen vows to establish and uphold Islamic Shari’ah, safeguard the lives of Muslims,
defend their honour and protect them against the aggressive onslaught by the crusader and their apostate allies.

L l k j i h g f e dM

“But honor belongs to Allah and His Messenger, and to the Believers; but the Hypocrites know not”

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