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de Organisation

The Geoportal for Germany. Your path to more is part of the German Spatial Data
knowledge. Infrastructure (SDI, so called from GDI-DE – Geo-
The website, as a joint project by dateninfrastruktur Deutschland) which is an initia-
the Federal Government and the states (Bundes- tive by the federation, the federal states (Bundes-
länder), offers a view of the contents of the länder) and the local authorities.
Spatial Data Infrastructure Germany (GDI-DE).
Further information at:
The website is the central point of access to the
data and services of the GDI-DE. Thus, it delivers
clearly more performance than other geoportals,
in which data and services are spatially or techni- Your path to more knowledge.
cally limited, for instance to a Land (federal state)
or a specialist authority.
At the same time the national is a vital
instrument for the coordination of the participants
of the GDI-DE network. This website contributes
to the implementation of the service-based
Architecture of the GDI-DE.
In practice, the focus is on the three-step process of Contact/Editor
publishing, finding and binding
Coordination Office Spatial Data Infrastructure
(“publish – find – bind”).
Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy
The serves the needs of experts from Richard-Strauss-Allee 11

the administrative, scientific and business sectors 60598 Frankfurt am Main Courtesy of BKG

as well as of interested citizens. Germany

phone: + 49 (0) 69 6333-258
The is a public and free website fax: + 49 (0) 69 6333-446 –
without advertising and constitutes an active con- e-mail: the Geoportal for Germany
tribution by Germany to an open knowledge and web: | w
information society.

searching. finding. connecting.

The offers a central search tool for Following the search process the search results are In the, some data can also be shown in
data distributed all over Germany. displayed clearly. the form of a map and combined with one another.
With a single click details on the search hits can be This way, completely individual or theme-
In addition to a thematic search option, searching displayed. These include, among others: specific maps as, for example, with reference to
can also be limited to any region or specific area. ▪▪ the description of the dataset environmental threats or population statistics can
be generated.
▪▪ the competent authority of the dataset and
▪▪ the contact data to the respective dataset Many data providers equip their data also with
provider relevant factual information or legends, which can
be accessed through the

Search interface Search results Map view

Form fields to search for themes/items (what?) and/or place (where?)

Result view – detailed indication of information on the relevant dataset Map view – combination with the background map with various levels
of selected thematic map

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