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SECURE SYMMETRIC AUTHENTICATION FOR RFID TAGS Abstrat The growing use of Radio Frequency Identiication (RFID) technology to enhance Ubiquitous computing environments has only begun to be realized. It allows for the identification of objects andlor subjects remotely using ettached RFID tags via a radio frequency channel, hence identification is achieved in @ contact less manner. The advantages of using RFID technology is growing tremendously and is gaining much attention as is seen by an increase in its deployment, such as object tracking and monitoring, supply-chain management, and personalized information services. Numerous authentication protocols for RFID systems were proposed in an attempt to prevent unauthorized tracking and monitoring, impersonation or cloning, and information leakage. Many of these attempts fail to enforce anonymity and order only weak authentication and some fail under denial of service. With a small introduction to RFID tags this paper enhances passive RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) tags with cryptographically secure authentication. Starling with a short introduction into common RFIO systems, we present a motivation why secure authentication with standardized symmetric crypto algorithms for RFID tags is necessary for many applications. We demonstrate vulnerabilities of current RFID. systems and explain how application of an authentication mechanisin can solve them. Furthermore we explain how authentication protocols work and how they can be included in the RFID protocol standard ISO 18000. By presenting the interim resuts of ART. we will show that the proposed enhancement is feasible with current RIFD infrastructure and silicon technology used for RFID tags Key Words: Radio Frequency, Monitoring, Rfid Tags, Authentication Conclusion: in this paper we started with a short introduction to current RFID systems. We showed how the basic principles work and we motivated the enhancement of actual RFID systems with authentication functionalty with standardized methods and algorithms. The main resull so far is that we showed, that secure symmetric authentication is feasible for current RFID technology without significant adcitional costs. RFID with authentication is not only necessary to use RFID technology in security relevant applications but aso i the tags contain personal data, Its important to realize that there will be no universally “Right” solution even for similar application with inthe same industry Every RFID solution each company adopts will be unique. INTRODUCTION Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is an emerging technology. The main idea behind itis to attach a so called RFID tag to every object in a particular environment and give a digital identity fo all these objects. An RFID system is an small portable computer without a screen and a keyboard thal interacts with the world through radio frequency signals. An RFID tagis a small microchip, with an antenna, holding a unique ID and other information which can be sent over radio frequency. The information can be automatically read and registered by RFID readers, The data received by the RFID reader can be subsequently processed by a back-end database. RFID SYSTEM The tag contains a transponder with @ digital memory chip that is given @ unique electronic product code. The interrogator, an antenna packaged with a transceiver and decoder, ‘emits a signal activating the RFID tag so it can read and write data to it, When an RFID tag passes through the electromagnetic zone, it detects the reader's activation signal, The reader decodes the data encoded in the tag's integrated crcuit (silicon chip) and the data is passed to the hast ‘computer. The application software on the host processes the data, often employing Physical Markup Language(PML) ‘basic RFID system consist of three components: 4, An antenna or coil 2.A transceiver (with decoder) 3.A transponder (RF tag) electronically programmed with unique information Figwe 1 gives a graphical overview of an RFID system Ar tntertace DE BO(s ‘on rt Figure 1: Overview of en RFID system. The antenna emits radio signals to activate the tag and read and write data to it Antennas are the conduits between the tag and the transceiver, which controls the system's data acquisition and communication. Antennas are available in a variety of shapes and sizes, they can be built info @ door frame to receive tag data from persons or things passing through the door, or mounted on an interstate toll booth to monitor traffic passing by on a freeway. The electromagnetic field produced by an antenna can be constantly present when multiple tags are expected continually. If constant interrogation is not requited, the field can be activated by a sensor device, Often the antenna is packaged with the transceiver and decoder to become a reader (aka. interrogator), which can be configured either as a handheld or a fixed-mount device. The reader emits radio waves in ranges of anywhere from one inch to 100 feet or more, depending upon its power output and the radio frequency used. When an RFID tag passes through the electromagnetic zone, it detects the reader's activation signal, The reader decodes the data encoded in the tag’s integrated circuit (silicon chip) and the deta is passed to the host computer for processing, TYPES OF RFID TAGS The RFID tags are again classified into three types. They are. 1 Active 2.Semi passive(=semi active) 3Passive Passive RFID tags have no internal power supply. The minute electrical current induced in the antenna by the incoming radio frequency signal provides just enough power for the CMOS inlegrated circuit (IC) in the tag to power up and transmit a response. Most passive tags signal by backscattering the carrier signal from the reader. This means that the aerial (antenna) has to be designed to both collect power from the incoming signal and also to transmit the outbound backscatter signal The response of a passive RFID tag is not just an ID number (GUID): tag chip can contain nonvolatile EEPROM(Electiically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory) for storing data. Lack of an onboard power supply means that the device can be quite small commercially available products exist that can be embedded under the skin. The smallest such devices commercially available measured 0.4 mm x 0.4 mm, and is thinner than a sheet of paper; such devices are practically invisble. Passive tags have practical read distances ranging from about 2 mm (|SO 14443) up to about few metres(ISO 18000-6) depending on the chosen radio frequency. Due to their simplicity in design they are also suitable for manufacture with a printing process for the antennae, A development target are polycarbon semiconductor tags to become entirely printed. Passive RFID tags do not require batteries, and can be much smaller and have an unlimited lfe span. Semi-passive RFID tags are very similar to passive tags except for the addition of a small battery. This battery allows the tag IC to be constantly powered. This removes the need for the aerial to be designed to collect power from the incoming signal. Aerials can therefore be optimised for the backscaltering signal. Semi-passive RFID tags are faster in response and therefore stronger in reading ratio compared to passive tags. Active RFID tags or beacons, on the other hand, have their own internal power source which is used to power any ICs and generate the outgoing signal. They may have longer range and larger memories than passive tags, as well as the abil to store addtional information sent by the transceiver. To economize power consumption, many beacon concepts operate at fixed intervals, ‘At present, the smallest active tags are about the size of a coin. Many active tags have practical ranges of tens of metres, and a battery life of up to 10 years. Because passive tags are cheaper to manufacture and have no battery, the majority of RFID tags in existence are of the passive variely These tags cost an average of Euro 0.20 at high volumes. Today, as universal RFID tagging of individual products become commercially viable at very large volumes, the lowest cost tags available on the market are as low as 7.2 cents each in volumes of 10 milion units or more, Current demand for RFID integrated circuit chips is expected to grow rapidly based on these prices. There are four main frequency bands for RFID tags commonly in use. They are categorized by their radio frequency: low frequency tags (125 or 134.2 kHz), high frequency tags (13.66 MHZ), UHF tags (868 fo 956 MHz) or 463 MHz, and microwave tags (2.45 GHz or 6.8 GHz). UHF tags can be used globally when specially tailored according to regional regulations as there are no globally unified regulations for radio frequencies in this ISM band range. There is a wide variation of transponder devices and contactless chip cards which deliver similar functions.

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