CXC Human and Social Biology Past Paper Question and Answer

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CXC Human and Social Biology Past Paper Question and

Answer (Skeleton System)


1 Identify four functions of the Human Skeleton system.


 Protection- for example the rib cage protect the heart and other internal organs.

 Provide a frame work for the human body

 Produce Blood Cells for example red blood cell and white blood cells

 Assist with breathing

2. Name the three long bones in the human arm.


 humerus

 ulna

 radius

3. State if bone is a living tissue or not, explain why.


Yes Bone is a living tissue. It is living because bone produce blood cells and they can grow.

4. Identify TWO function of cartilage and TWO area of the human body in which it can be found.


 Cartilage is responsible reducing friction at joints and absorb shocks

 Cartilage is located and the ends of bones and in the ears

5. Identify ONE difference between ligaments and tendons.


 Ligaments join bone to bone will tendons attach muscle to bone.

6. One function of the Human skeleton system is locomotion. Define the term LOCOMOTION


 locomotion is the movement of the entire body

7. Explain why locomotion is important to human beings.


 locomotion allow human to move around for food

 locomotion allow human being to move out of danger

8. What is antagonistic muscle contraction?


 This is when muscles work in pairs where on muscle contract and the other one relax.
9. Which two features of a joint reduce friction?


 the two features of a joint that reduce friction are the present cartilage and synovial fluid.

10. What type of joint is found in the skull?


 the type of joint found in the skull is fixed joint.

11. Identify Two parts on the human skeleton system where a ball and socket joint can be found.


 A ball and socket joint can be found in the shoulder and hip.

12. What is the significant difference between a ball and socket joint and a hinge joint.


 A hinge joint allow movement in only one plane while ball and socket allow movement in all planes.

1. What are the different types of bones found in the human skeleton system?


The different types of bones found in the human skeleton system are:

 long bones

 short bones

 irregular shape bones

 flat bones

1. Give an example for each type of bone named above.


 long bone – humerus

 Short bone- phalanges

 irregular shape bone – vertebrae

 Flat bone – patella

15. What is another name for the patella?


 the other name for the patella is the kneecap

16. Which organ the skull protects?


 the organ that the skull protect is the brain.

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