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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 82–83 (2012) 120–124

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Mechanical and physico-chemical aspects of wellbore stability during

drilling operations
Mohammad Ebrahim Zeynali
Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute, P.O. Box: 14965/115. Tehran, I. R. Iran

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: One of the problems during drilling operation is wellbore instability. Many parameters affect the wellbore
Received 14 April 2009 stability. Some of these parameters are related to the properties of drilling mud and its interaction with
Accepted 7 January 2012 the formation and some of them are related to the mechanical properties of the formation and the magnitude
Available online 15 January 2012
and distribution of the forces around the wellbore. Generally the wellbore instability is calssified as mechan-
ical, physico-chemical or both. This paper is an attempt to investigate the mechanical and physico-chemical
wellbore stability
aspects of wellbore stability during drilling operations
drilling mud © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
2. Mechanics of borehole stability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
3. 2-physico-chemical aspects of wellbore stability in shale . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123

1. Introduction Zobak et al., 1986; and Vardoulakis et al., 1988; Moos et al., 2003)
and experience in field applications (Maury and Sauzay, 1987).
It is estimated that wellbore instabilities have resulted a loss of According to the field experience and theoretical interpretation the
about US$ 1 billion per year worldwide. Maintaining wellbore stabil- causes of instability are often classified into either chemical or me-
ity is a key factor in improving safety and drilling efficiency while chanical effects or combination of both. Special issue on borehole sta-
minimizing problem costs associated with well construction and pro- bility has been addressed in the literature (Aadnoy, 2003). Various
duction operations. Wellbore stability is the determination of the parameters influence the wellbore stability and depending on relative
conditions under which failure will initiate in the rock surrounding importance should be considered in modeling and analysis. This
the wellbore. The key in the analysis is that when a well is drilled paper is an attempt to briefly review the mechanical and physico-
the rock surrounding the hole must take the load that was previously chemical aspects of wellbore stability and most important factors
taken by the removed rock. As a result an increase in stress around influencing the wellbore stability during drilling operations.
the wall of the hole, a stress concentration is produced. If the rock is
not strong enough the borehole will fail. A common operational ap- 2. Mechanics of borehole stability
proach to wellbore stability problems is the drillers method of trial
and error based on field observations and experience. Considerable Mechanical instabilities are caused directly by drilling operation.
effort has been directed towards solving rock mechanics problems as- Removal of the cylindrical material induces a stress concentration
sociated with wellbore instabilities through providing predictive around the wellbore which usually can be balanced by hydrostatic
methods (Zhou et al., June, 1996; Zhang et al., 2003), understanding pressure of drilling mud. The mechanics of borehole stability have
and quantifying shale mechanical behavior (Steiger and Leung, been analyzed mathematically using analytical and numerical
1992), development of theoretical concepts (Bradley, 1979a, 1979b; methods by numerous authors and many publications can be found
in the literature (McLean and Addis, 1990; Tan and Willoughby,
1993; Zhou et al., June, 1996; Wang and Dusseault, 2003; Coelho et
E-mail address: al., 2005; Zhang et al., 2006).

0920-4105/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M.E. Zeynali / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 82–83 (2012) 120–124 121

When a borehole is drilled into the rock, the stresses are redistrib- The various analytical tools which provide insight into wellbore
uted around the hole. If the stresses are high enough so as to exceed a stability require knowledge of in-situ stresses and response of the
yield criterion, a yield zone can appear around the borehole. Linear rocks to the stress changes imposed by drilling operation. In order
elastic stress analysis is frequently used as a method of computing to predict whether the walls of a proposed well will be stable or
the stress state around a wellbore due to its simplicity of the analysis. will spall, it is necessary to specify the far field in situ stresses that
A support pressure or drilling fluid density that will prevent instabil- will be experienced by the wellbore. For example controlling of
ity can be calculated by assuming a linear elastic stress concentration stress-induced wellbore instability and designing of the deviated
around the hole and maintaining these stresses below the rock and horizontal wellbores require knowledge of the magnitude and
strength (Bradley, 1979a, 1979b; and Steiger and Leung, 1990). Al- orientation of the in-situ stress field (Tan et al., 1993). Hydraulic frac-
though this approach is convenient but is often conservative due to turing is the widely accepted technique for the determination of in-
non-linear and inelastic rock behaviors. The linear elastic model un- situ stress magnitude from a wellbore. The method essentially con-
derestimate fracture pressures measured on hollow concrete cores. sists of pressurizing an isolated section of a vertical wellbore until
The uncertainty in the predicted critical mud weights associated the rock strength and the concentrated tectonic stresses overcome.
with the estimated in-situ stress magnitudes and material properties, Bell (2003) outlined how to estimate stress orientations and magni-
and the linear elastic analytical method can be reduced by calibrating tudes with average data suites and it alludes to mapping applications.
the predicted mud weights with reference mud weights based on Zoback et al. (2003) reviewed a suite of techniques for determination of
drilling experience (Tan and Willoughby, 1993). Elasto-plastic frac- in situ stress orientation and magnitude in deep wells and boreholes. As
turing model for wellbore stability using non penetrating fluids has these techniques can be utilized in both vertical and highly deviated
been introduced (Aadnoy and Belayneh, 2004). Also poroelastic well, they have had extensive applications in petroleum industry where
models which consider pore pressure changes within the rock have knowledge of orientation and magnitude at depth is important for
been used for wellbore stability analysis. Confining pressure depen- addressing a wide range of problems. In situ stresses analysis based on
dent models describing stress concentrations around circular open- the identification of compressive and tensile failures of the borehole
ings provide better predictions of yield than do linear elastic wall in electrical and acoustic borehole imaging logs carried out by
solutions, when compared to model tests (Santarelli et al., 1986). Brudy and Kjorholt (2001) on Norwegian continental shelf. This method
This model considers the strengthening of the rock due to confining for the determination of the stress orientation is found to be highly reli-
pressure. However, the main basis for this assumption is hollow able and capable of delivering detailed and accurate results, and thus is
tests, which may be subject to scale effects relative to full scale well- far superior to the analysis of breakouts from four-arm caliper logs. The
bores. Shale mechanics in conjunction with numerical analysis, such influence of the in situ stress regime on wellbore stability varies with
as the finite element method, can lead to greatly improved wellbore the relative magnitude between vertical stresses, maximum and mini-
stability predictive capabilities (Mitchel and Goodman, 1987; Zhou mum horizontal stresses rather than their absolute magnitude. Unequal
and Gassemi, 2009). horizontal principal stresses in near vertical boreholes commonly cause
When determining the stability of the wellbore, the computed stres- localized spalling of the wall-rock in a direction parallel to that of the min-
ses must be compared with a failure criterion. A main mechanical aspect imum compressive stress. Consideration of stress field around a
of wellbore stability analysis is the selection of an appropriate rock fail- arbitrarily oriented borehole shows that in an extensional stress regime
ure criterion. The most commonly used criterion for brittle failure of (σv >σH >σh), wellbore parallel to the direction of minimum horizontal
rocks is the Mohr–Coulomb criterion. The criterion involves only the principal stress are the least prone to compressive shear failure (break-
maximum and minimum principal stresses and therefore assumes out). The most stable deviation angle (from the vertical) depends on
that the intermediate stress has no influence on rock strength. Al-Ajmi the ratio of the horizontal principal stresses to the vertical stresses, and
and Zimmerman (2006) developed the Mogi–Coulomb failure criterion the higher the ratio σH/σv, the higher the deviation angle for minimizing
and showed that it is reasonably accurate in modeling polyaxial failure breakout. In a strike-slip stress regime (σH >σv >σh) horizontal wells are
data from a variety of rocks. It neither ignores the strengthening effect the least prone to breakout, and the higher the ratio σH/σv, the closer the
of intermediate principal stress as is done by the Mohr–Coulomb crite- drilling direction should be to the azimuth of σH.
rion, nor does it predict a strength as unrealistically high as does the The mechanical properties of rock influence the wellbore stability.
Drucker–Prager criterion. Coelho et al. (2005) presented a comparison Generally, two methods: direct laboratory measurement, and indirect
among Drucker–Prager, Mohr–Coulomb and cap model in wellbore sta- well logging interpretation are used to determine rock mechanical
bility analysis for a borehole drilled in 30% porosity limestone from a properties. The direct method is more accurate if was run by using prop-
deep water reservoir. Stability analysis of a horizontal wellbore drilled er laboratory techniques, but it is expensive and time consuming. Fur-
in the same reservoir was done. Drucker–Prager shear model presented thermore, it is difficult to obtain a complete formation strength profile
shear failure during drilling, while Mohr–Coulomb shear model pre- without running many tests. The indirect method predicts rock strength
sented no failure. by acoustic log data and log/strength correlations. One limitation of this
A comprehensive list of the factors that may influence wellbore in- method is that it requires accurate experimental data to establish corre-
stability is given by McLean (1988) and Chen et al. (1997). A wellbore lations between strength and velocity (Al-Bazali et al., 2008a, 2008b).
stability model that includes all factors will be very complex. The The role of pore pressure in failure phenomena is evident in soil
complexity can be reduced when the model is developed in relation mechanics. Unstable slopes along highways after heavy rains and cat-
to the location of the well under consideration. astrophic land slides in open-pit mining operations serve to illustrate
Therefore consideration should be given to the relative importance the important role of pore pressure. In rocks, the same effects exists
of the parameters involved. Some of the theoretically identified and but is less easily observed. A triaxial compression cylinder of rock
most important factors that affect mechanical wellbore stability are: fails at decreasing stresses as the pore pressure is increased to the
confining pressure. Under the same dimensional and boundary condi-
(1) in situ stresses existing in different layers of rock tions, the tangential stress induced in the cylinder would assume its
(2) the mechanical properties of rock highest values for a porous cylinder with a permeating fluid of con-
(3) variation of pore pressure stant viscosity, and its lowest values for an impermeable cylinder;
(4) mud weight the difference in stresses developed in permeable and impermeable
(5) hole angle and direction cylinders could be quite significant. For example, rock cylinders at el-
(6) thermal effects and evated stress levels loaded uniaxially to a stress less than the yield
(7) anisotropy. strength can be fractured by holding the constraints constant and
122 M.E. Zeynali / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 82–83 (2012) 120–124

increasing the pore fluid pressure. When the pore pressure and con- Shale instability is a costly problem for the oil and gas industry.
fining pressures are equal, the pore pressure appears to be totally ef- Over-gauged boreholes induced by borehole collapse failure, the
fective in reducing the confining pressure effects. Therefore the pore loss of drilling fluid into the formation due to borehole breakdown
pressure must be included in any discussion of the state of stress failure, and consequent hole cleaning and well control problems are
within a rock. typical occurrences when shale experience failure (Yu et al., 2001).
Application of inappropriate mud weight is an obvious source of Wells in troublesome shale have been traditionally drilled with oil
any formation instability. Safe mud weight can be obtained for vari- based mud. However, this technique is under critical scrutiny due to
ous conditions by mechanical wellbore stability analysis. its negative environmental impact and is banned in some regions of
The temperature gradient with depth may vary considerably from re- the world. To overcome the problem, a number of non-oil-based
gion to region. The drilling mud will warm up due to heating by the for- mud approaches have been attempted. For example, Obrien and
mation. In general at the depths of interest to the petroleum industry the Chenevert (1973); Clerk (1976) developed various polymer/KCL
drilling fluid will be cooler than the surrounding formation. A cooling of water based mud to improve wellbore stability in shale. Walker et
the formation around the wellbore should reduce the compressive shear al. (1983) reported the improvement of wellbore stability in shale
failure (McLean, 1988). by using potassium modified lime mud. However, all these studies
Sedimentary formations, because of their depositional environ- are based on experimental investigation only and there is no in-
ments, have laminated structures with directional elastic as well as di- depth understanding of the mechanisms of wellbore instability in
rectional strength properties which are best described as transversely shale. The interactions between drilling fluid and shale cause pore
isotropic media. At great depth, these formations are under a state of pressure and mechanical properties alterations around the wellbore,
compressive, anisotropic in-situ stress. With the introduction of the thereby leading to formation collapse (Al-Bazali et al., 2008a,
borehole, the in-situ stress magnitude as well as the orientation is sig- 2008b). As mentioned, during the drilling operation shale fails if the
nificantly modified at the borehole wall. The influence of anisotropies effective state of stress exceeds the strength of the material. Changes
on the stability of the borehole only becomes critical when the inclina- in pore pressure have a strong influence on wellbore stability when
tions of the borehole are high, such as the case of extended-reach and drilling shale. As shale have very low permeability (Zeynali and
horizontal boreholes. Rahman, 1995), the flux of ions and water is very slow. This means
that significant pore pressure variations occur near the wellbore
3. 2-physico-chemical aspects of wellbore stability in shale wall. Large, chemically induced pore pressure gradient can be build
up in this small region (Yu et al., 2003). In shale formations, drilling
The coupling between mechanical properties and physico-chemical fluids may affect the stability of the well by changing the effective
processes exists in shale formations. Drilling fluids consist of various stress state and the material strength (Oort et al., 1994; Tan and
chemicals which physically and sometimes chemically interact with Rahman, 1994; and Tan et al., 1995). Changing effective stress and
the shale formations. These interactions influence the mechanical prop- shale strength is a result of physico-chemical interactions between
erties of shale. For example shale consists of clays with various chemical drilling mud and shale which introduces a more complex form of in-
composition and structures. For some purposes univalent and divalent stability. To examine the physico-chemical interactions and mechan-
ions are used in drilling fluid formulations. The ions react with the ical behavior of the shale simulated systems can be used. Using
fixed ions of the clay in the shale and finally replacement between dril- simulated systems the behavior of shale under a variety of processes
ling mud ions and clay ions occurs. Various ions have got various capac- in and around the wellbores where chemistry of the mud/shale inter-
ity of hydration water. Hydration water changes the c-spacing of the actions are different can be studied.
clay and cause swelling. Swelling affects strongly the mechanical prop- The simulations show that as long as the material behaves elasti-
erties of the shale. In determining the stability limit of shale the me- cally the purely mechanical behavior of the borehole wall is not se-
chanical strength of shale is an important parameters in mathematical verely influenced by the weakening (ageing) of the material. As
modeling. When the mechanical properties of the shale are altered soon as the material starts to deform plastically, much larger differ-
due to the physico-chemical phenomena we observe different results ences in behavior are observed. Plastic strains increase rapidly and
in comparison with pure mechanical interactions between drilling tangential stress at the borehole wall decreased significantly. These
mud and shale. Another evidence of coupling of mechanical and phy- simulations support the assumption that mechanical behavior alone
sico-chemical aspects of wellbore stability is time dependency of that can not explain all the borehole instability problems encountered,
during drilling operations. It is well known that in practice in shale well- and that other effects such as physico-chemical reactions and time
bore instability occurs after some time of drilling. These partly are due dependent effects must taken into account. Effects of different factors
to time consuming chemical reactions and resulting swelling of the on time dependent wellbore stability and ballooning induced by well-
shale. Hydration of shale by water is a physico-chemical phenomenon bore deformation and fracture charging were investigated (Helstrup
which influences the mechanical properties of shale. In water based et al., 2004). Rock matrix permeability and the presence of mud
drilling muds polyacrylamide is used as shale stabilizer and viscosifier. cake have significant effects on wellbore instability and ballooning.
The mechanism of preventing the shale instability is covering the sur- Increase in matrix permeability and filtration time reduces both stress
faces of the clay by chemical reactions. The surface coverage of the intensity and ballooning volume while the presence of mud cake pro-
shale layers prevents hydration by water and therefore prevents the vides a barrier for mud pressure to penetrate into the formation,
mechanical failure of the shale due to hydrostatic and local mechanical resulting in higher stress concentration at the fracture tip and larger
forces. This is another example of coupling of physico-chemical and me- ballooning volume.
chanical phenomena in drilling operations. Pore pressure is another pa- Mud pressure penetration changes the intergranular stress be-
rameter which comes into consideration when modeling the wellbore tween solids of soils and rocks and is defined as the difference be-
stability. Pore pressure changes by various mechanisms such as capil- tween total stress and the pore pressure that is called effective
lary flow, viscous flow and osmosis flow. Osmosis flow driving force is stress. According to this concept, all the measurable effects of a
due to existing chemicals and ions with different composition in pores change in stress, such as compression and shearing resistance, are
and drilling mud. Development of pore pressure due to osmosis cause controlled by changes in effective stresses. In the past several types
fast failure of shale and significantly influences the mechanics of well- of shale were mechanically tested and characterized (Steiger and
bore. The above explanations are some evidences and examples of cou- Leung, 1992). The tests demonstrate directly that the strengths of
pling of physico-chemical and mechanical phenomena in drilling low permeability shale follow the effective stress principle. Funda-
operations. mentally, besides inadequate mud weight, borehole instability is
M.E. Zeynali / Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 82–83 (2012) 120–124 123

caused by the influx of water (fluid) into the formation, which aggra- The ideality coefficient of shale as a non-ideal semi-membrane have
vates instability by increasing the near-wellbore pore pressure and by not been adequately addressed in the past to predict the osmotic pres-
decreasing shale strength (Mody and Hale, 1993). For instance, the sure using mud activity and shale petrophysical properties such as CEC,
ageing of the shale samples resulted in a distinct change in mechani- porosity, diffusivity and permeability. Knowledge about these parame-
cal parameters. Stiffness was reduced by 26–57%, and the peak ters will certainly enhance wellbore stability modeling capabilities.
strength reduced by 5–47%. Hence, shale is severely influenced by Finally, wellbore stability analysis should be conducted by an ex-
physico-chemical reactions. Pore pressure change is a result of the perienced multi-disciplinary team of geomechanics engineers, dril-
unsteady state fluid flow through porous media. In geological systems ling engineers, geologists, geophysicists, and petrophysicists. Future
there can be various mechanisms for water transport such as thermal, objective in research on wellbore stability should be identifying
hydraulic, electrical and osmotic flow resulting from chemical poten- which currently used methodologies are most effective predicting ac-
tial difference (Zeynali, 1996). tual wellbore stability conditions and to establish and document
The magnitude and direction of hydraulic flow in the pores of the guidelines for their use.
formation is a function of the pressure difference between the mud
pressure and the formation pressure. At the moment of penetration
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