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Ion beam analysis of golden threads from

Romanian medieval textiles

Article in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B Beam Interactions with Materials and
Atoms · January 2015
DOI: 10.1016/j.nimb.2015.01.027


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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 348 (2015) 285–290

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Ion beam analysis of golden threads from Romanian medieval textiles

Z.I. Balta a,⇑, L. Csedreki b, E. Furu b, I. Cretu c, R. Huszánk b, M. Lupu c, Z. Török b, Z. Kertész b, Z. Szikszai b
National History Museum of Romania, Calea Victoriei 12, Sector 3, Bucharest, Romania
Institute for Nuclear Research, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-4001 Debrecen, P.O. Box 51, Hungary
National Art Museum of Romania, Calea Victoriei 49-53, Sector 1, Bucharest, Romania

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, metal threads from Romanian religious embroideries and precious velvet brocades dated
Received 11 July 2014 from 15th to 18th century were analyzed by using IBA methods (PIXE and RBS) which, in comparison
Received in revised form 27 December 2014 to the traditional analytical techniques (XRF, EDS), allowed the detection of their structures and accurate
Accepted 13 January 2015
identification of the trace elements (detection limits of few tens of ppm). PIXE results confirmed that both
Available online 30 January 2015
types of the metal threads studied – wires and strips – have layered structures being made of fine silver,
refined by cupellation, and gilded most probably with pure gold, and not of Au–Ag alloy, or gilded Ag–Cu
alloy or Au–Ag–Cu alloy, as resulted from the previously performed SEM-EDS analysis. Trace elements of
Ion beam analysis
Golden threads
historical interest like lead, mercury and bismuth have been also possible to be detected by PIXE. The
Medieval textiles resulting elemental maps allowed us to identify the areas from which the metal thread structure and
quantitative composition could be accurately determined. RBS measurements revealed that the gilding
layer is separated from the silver bulk by an interface layer resulting through atomic diffusion of silver
into the gold, which lead to the conclusion that the methods used for gilding were probably either the
diffusion bonding or the fire gilding. The gilding layers thicknesses were estimated by PIXE with the
GUPIX software and also determined from RBS measurements.
Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction trace level sensitivity which make them ideal for the study of the
very small and thin, possibly multilayered metal threads. Aim of
Technical studies by classical techniques routinely used for our study was to demonstrate the necessity of integrating the
analysis of cultural heritage materials (XRF, SEM-EDS) have been advanced IBA methods with the classical analysis techniques fre-
done previously in order to determine the chemical nature and quently used in museums, for an in-depth applied interdisciplinary
morphology of the metal threads used in ancient textiles [1–4]. research that brought new developments and rich accurate infor-
Some studies revealed that XRF and EDS could not distinguish mation on golden threads constituent materials, especially the
between alloys and layered structured materials for the small trace elements, elemental depth distributions and layers thick-
and extremely thin gilded metal threads. Besides, EDS may some- nesses, the ancient production technologies, metal threads struc-
times give erroneous results. It was observed that the gold concen- ture, their provenance and origin. IBA measurements were
trations resulted for the gold coating and reported in previous carried out within the EU FP7 CHARISMA FIXLAB Transnational
publications are often too low depending on the high accelerating Access programme, in two phases: the projects IBATEX 1 and IBA-
voltage used (usually 20–30 keV in practice), and thus incorrect TEX 2.
Recently, in order to overcome some of these difficulties, more
sensitive analytical techniques like AES, XPS, SIMS and laser-ICP/ 2. Selection of textiles
MS have been used, and to our knowledge, few characterization
studies by using IBA methods have been done so far [5–8]. Elemen- Metal threads selected for ion beam analysis were taken from
tal analysis either on surface or in a depth profile by IBA methods medieval gold brocaded velvets and religious embroideries pre-
are non-destructive and could provide unique information at the served in the textiles collections of the Putna Monastery Museum
and the National Art Museum of Romania. For the PIXE and RBS
analysis 23 textiles were chosen, most of them with known prove-
⇑ Corresponding author. nience (Moldavia, Italy, Near East and Greece) and consistent dat-
E-mail address: (Z.I. Balta). ing as appeared in the art historical literature [9,10]: brocades with
0168-583X/Ó 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
286 Z.I. Balta et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 348 (2015) 285–290

the inscription of donation embroidered, embroideries typological- obtained by embedding the wires and strips in epoxy resin, the
ly and stylistically similar and brocades with no inscription of resulted specimens being cut in transversal sections which were
donation. then wet grounded and polished down to grit 8000.
Embroideries were made in most cases for liturgical purposes, RBS analysis were carried out on 10 samples taken from 6 tex-
worn by priests as church vestments or used during the religious tiles (IBATEX 1) and 26 samples prelevated from 12 textiles (IBA-
services (epitrachelion, nabedernita, altar door curtain, aer, epi- TEX 2) using a He+ beam of 2 MeV energy and a few hundred pA
mankia, etc.), most of them being produced locally in the Putna intensity.
Monastery’s Embroidery School. They were worked in the tradi- During the first phase (IBATEX 1), for the evaluation of the PIXE
tional Byzantine technique of pattern couching, using the cartoon data, it was assumed that the bulk silver includes less than 1% gold,
models painted on religious themes similar to those in the mural and the gilding layer contains only pure gold, all the trace elements
paintings dating from the 15th to 17th centuries. According to being present in the silver substrate only. The gilding layers thick-
the sources, Byzantine embroidering technique consisted in laying nesses were also estimated with the GUPIX software. For the sec-
golden threads on the surface of the background material and ond measurements phase (IBATEX 2), carefully cut and polished
attaching them with stitches made of silk threads. The stitches cross-sections were prepared to assess the silver bulk composition
were passed over the golden thread at regular intervals, creating by PIXE without any possible contamination from the gilding layer
different patterns [10]. or the silk yarn. The thicknesses of the gilding layers were mea-
Brocaded velvets were imported and produced abroad in the sured by dedicated RBS analysis on metal threads using an
Italian workshops from Venice or Florence, or in the Ottoman ORTEC-type surface barrier silicon detector (‘‘ULTRA’’ Ion-
Empire workshops, as mentioned in the art historical literature Implanted, 50 mm2 sensitive area and 25 keV system energy reso-
[10]. Brocades were sumptuous materials of silk velvet fabrics lution). The detector was placed at a scattering angle of 165° at
richly decorated with golden metal threads that were used in the Cornell geometry [15,16]. The scan size was set to
articles of clothes of Italian and Oriental influence by the Molda- 500  500 lm2. RBS spectra were evaluated with the SimNRA com-
vian and Wallachian princes, princesses and boyars (ceremony cos- puter code version 6.06 [17]. With the second approach (IBATEX 2),
tumes, court vestments, caftans, granatza, etc.). They were we also could check the validity of the assumptions made during
sometimes donated to churches and monasteries after being worn. the first phase (IBATEX 1).
With a simple cut, those clothes could be dismantled, the resulting Preliminary examinations in reflected and polarized light, at
fabric fragments being used during the religious services as temple different magnifications, was performed in order to determine
veils, covers for lecterns and the Communion Table or as tomb the metal threads technological and morphological characteristics,
covers. also the wires diameters (in cross-sections), with a Nikon Eclipse
LV100D microscope equipped with a D90 digital camera, a Camera
Control Pro 2.0 imaging software and a NIS Elements-BR3.0 image
3. Experimental
analysis software.

IBA techniques were applied at the Oxford-type nuclear micro-

probe facility in the MTA Atomki, Debrecen, Hungary [11–13]. The 4. Results and discussion
analyses were performed in vacuum and the size of the beam was
typically about 2 lm. The length of the threads was approximately Preliminary optical microscopy measurements showed that the
3–10 mm. strips had a total width of 0.2–0.6 mm and a thickness of 0.01–
PIXE measurements were performed on 50 samples taken from 0.05 mm, while the wires diameters were of approximately 0.1–
18 medieval textiles (IBATEX 1) and on 23 cross-sections of threads 0.3 mm.
prelevated from 8 textiles (IBATEX 2) by using a proton beam of Optical microscopy and PIXE maps revealed that wires, and
3 MeV energy and 100–500 pA intensity. PIXE analysis modes per- some of the strips (especially strips from the brocades), present
formed were: full area elemental mapping of the sample surface, striations on the surface caused by drawing in the manufacturing
selected raster, and point analysis. The resulting PIXE spectra were process. In Fig. 1, the parallel longitudinal lines on the surface of
evaluated with the GUPIX code [14]. In IBATEX 1, three different sample K3 could be visible.
types of metal threads were analyzed: wires wrapped around a Microscopy observations and PIXE lead to further information,
dyed silk yarn, strips wrapped around a dyed or undyed silk yarn two different types of strips – cut and flattened – being identified.
and wires with no core yarns. In order to obtain more precise According to written sources [5,18,19], the cut strips are early
and accurate results regarding the metal threads composition times threads dated from the 13th century onwards, uneven in size
and chemical structure, our study continued with analysis on and quality and of variable thickness, obtained by cutting a gilt
cross-sections within the IBATEX 2 project. Cross-sections were metal sheet. The flattened strips, dated from the 14th century

Fig. 1. The K3 – gilded silver wire microscopy image in reflected light and its corresponding AgL and Au PIXE maps. In the Au map, could be seen that the gold distribution is
uneven showing some parallel lines.
Z.I. Balta et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 348 (2015) 285–290 287

Fig. 2. Optical microscopy images in reflected light of samples J2 - gilded silver wire wrapped around a red silk yarn and K2 - gilded silver strip wrapped around a yellow silk
yarn ‘‘drappi d’oro’’ and their cross-sections PIXE maps (IBATEX 2). For wire J2, iron seems to be present in the red dyed silk yarn (Fe map), respectively, for strip K2, copper
could be seen to be present not only in silver, but also in the yellow silk yarn (Cu map).

onwards, were obtained from cast, drawn and rolled wires. They lead indicate similar technologies of silver extraction and refining,
have even width all along their length and show parallel lines on while less lead suggests very advanced technologies of production.
their surface resulted from the wire drawing process. Gold content in silver is considered a good indicator of silver
PIXE maps obtained in IBATEX 2 on cross-sections, in comple- sources and one of the most important trace elements for silver
tion to maps resulted in IBATEX 1, revealed the thread structure authenticity [22]. Gold concentrations as resulted in IBATEX vary
and distribution of the elements in the layers. Fig. 2 shows the dis- between 0.01% (Z1) and 1.8% (E4), and between 0.03% (X2 cs.)
tribution maps of some of the samples’ J2 and K2 constituent and 1.4% (B3 cs.) in IBATEX 2, which is in accordance with the val-
elements. ues mentioned in the literature for gold contents in the medieval
In Table 1 are presented the resulting concentrations of the ele- and post-medieval silver [22].
ments: silver, gold, copper, lead, calcium, mercury, iron and bis- When high content of gold with low content of lead is detected
muth, that were detected in almost all samples (wires and strips) it is assumed that re-melting of ancient old silver could occur (pos-
by PIXE bulk analysis (full selected areas). Table 1 also lists brief sibly sample U2). In medieval production of precious metals
descriptions and dating of the selected textiles from where sam- important sources were recycled silver or gold. Metal smiths used
ples were taken. to re-melt ancient coins, jewelry or other gold or silver objects as
Silver concentration in the wires and strips measured by PIXE their raw materials [23,24].
(IBATEX 1) varies between 94.3% (sample B4) and 99.5% (sample Another element determined by PIXE (IBATEX 1) was calcium
Z2), and for the wires in cross-sections (IBATEX 2) between 97.3% which according with the elemental maps seems to have a homo-
(B3 cs.) and 99.4% (D3 cs.) indicating that a ‘‘pure’’ silver (Ag con- geneous distribution and to be originated from the silk yarn, being
centration > 95%), typical of a silver obtained by cupellation was probably present as a constituent of the silk thread, or resulting
employed. According to Biringuccio [20], a cast fine cupelled silver from the silk washing waters or silk treating solutions. PIXE anal-
was used by the medieval smiths to make the so called spun silver ysis studies on silk composition have shown that silk, besides C,
or gold which is actually the gilded silver strip wrapped around a H, O and N, contains the elements Ca, Cu, P, S, Fe, and Zn [25].
silk yarn employed in embroideries and velvet brocades. The No calcium was observed in the specifically prepared, presumably
resulting lead concentration is in accordance with the lead content contamination free cross-sections (IBATEX 2).
mentioned in the literature for medieval silver [21,22]. The major- The presence or absence of copper (<3%) may be significant in
ity of the samples, wires and strips, contain less than 0.4% Pb, indicating the purity of the silver employed. Concentration of cop-
which strongly indicates cupellation. No lead, for wires A1 and per for all samples was less than 2%, indicating that it was not
A7, or very small content of lead, for wire X2, was detected, sug- deliberately added. In some cases, copper was observed to be pres-
gesting that they were obtained from native silver (argentite) or ent not only in silver, but also in the silk yarn as confirmed by PIXE
from rich silver ores (cerussite, cerargyrite or jarosite). Ancient sil- cross-sections maps (Fig. 2, Cu map of the sample K2).
ver originated from native silver or from rich silver ores that could Presence of mercury revealed by PIXE quantitative results (IBA-
have been smelted without recourse to lead to absorb the silver, TEX 1) may indicate that a gold amalgamation technique was
may contain very little or no lead at all. In the strips P3 and P4, high employed for gilding (fire gilding). Mercury may have resulted
amounts of lead was measured, which indicated that different sil- also, from an amalgamation process used for gold extraction, or
ver ore sources and different technologies of production were used. from gold refining or parting using mercury, methods employed
Based on the lead content results could be assumed that some long ago before the 14th century only in the Middle East, and later
samples may belong to different periods or have a different prove- on toward the end of the 15th century also in Europe. Biringuccio
nance. Lead can be a good indicator of the technological level of [20] refers to a mercury amalgamation technique that may have
purifying processes. Low concentrations of lead could indicate an been used in silver extraction from lead ores containing large
advanced technology for the refining process. Similar contents of amounts of silver, but this technique seemed to start expanding
288 Z.I. Balta et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 348 (2015) 285–290

Table 1
Elemental concentrations in wt% (Ag, Cu, Au, Pb, Ca) and in ppm (Fe, Hg, Bi) resulted by PIXE bulk analysis (full selected areas) within IBATEX 1and IBATEX 2 (cs = cross-section,
W = wire, S + S = strip wrapped around a silk yarn, W + S = wire wrapped around a silk yarn). The analytical uncertainty is 2–5 rel.% for the major elements and 5–20 rel.% for the
minor and trace elements.

Selected textiles Sample wt% ppm

Ag Au Cu Pb Ca Fe Hg Bi
A. Epitrachelion (Inv.70), religious embroidery with A1/W 97.5 0.30 1.54 0.55 560 200 70
inscription of donation, 15th cent. A2 cs./W 98.1 0.49 1.16 0.1
A5 cs./W + S 98.6 0.74 0.34 0.2 140 370
A5/W + S 95.8 0.83 0.36 0.21 2.68 770 390
A5b/W + S 98.6 0.55 0.21 0.15 0.42 390 70 310
A6 cs./W 98.7 0.36 0.67 170
A7 cs./W 98.6 0.23 1.12
A7/W 98.2 0.23 1.03 0.46 250 50
A12 cs./W 98.5 0.74 0.35 0.2 190
A12/W 97.9 0.83 0.38 0.21 0.56 810 420
B. Epitrachelion (Inv.36), religious embroidery with B2 cs./W + S 98.6 0.22 1.12
inscription of donation, 15th cent. (1469) B2/W + S 96.0 0.27 1.41 0.03 2.17 660 110
B3 cs./W 97.3 1.44 0.95 110
B4 cs./W + S 97.7 0.65 1.27 0.08 410
B4/W + S 94.3 0.71 1.34 0.21 3.33 640 130 330
D. Epitrachelion (Inv. 40), religious embroidery, 15th cent. D1cs./W 98.7 0.87 0.14 0.16
D1/W 98.4 0.94 0.15 0.15 0.29 170 90 90
D2 cs./W 98.7 0.87 0.14 0.15
D2/W 98.2 0.89 0.13 0.13 0.52 680 80 50
D3 cs./W 99.4 0.15 0.22 0.18
D3/W 99.3 0.24 0.24 0.18 220 120
E. Embroidery with eagles, religious embroidery with E1/S + S 98.1 0.24 0.50 0.04 0.96 440 530
inscription of donation, 16th cent. (1536) E2/S + S 97.6 1.30 0.30 0.18 0.53 300 350
E3/S + S 98.2 0.64 0.27 0.35 0.43 200 270 120
E4/S + S 96.7 1.82 0.24 0.15 1.02 520 130
F. Altar door curtain of the Assumption of Holy Virgin, F1 cs./W 98.9 0.54 0.29 0.06
religious embroidery with inscription of donation, 15th cent. (1485) F1/W 98.6 0.74 0.20 0.05 140
F2 cs./W 99.1 0.49 0.20 0.06
F2/W 99.1 0.65 0.13 0.04 140
F3 cs./W 99.0 0.24 0.17 0.47
F3/W 99.5 0.16 0.05 0.18 70 60
J. Nabedernita with pearls, religious embroidery, 15th cent. J1/W 97.2 1.24 0.50 0.26 0.60 830 290
J2 cs./W + S 98.3 0.76 0.05 0.74
J3/S + S 97.2 0.11 1.56 0.14 0.87 690 430
K. Princess Maria Voichita tomb cover, velvet brocade K3/W 98.5 0.67 0.40 0.12 0.18 420 30 30
‘‘drappi d’oro’’ (Italy) with inscription of donation, 15th–16th cent. K3 cs./W 99.2 0.24 0.40 0.12
K4/S + S 98.4 0.18 0.37 0.11 0.76 380 170 350
P. Epitrachelion (Inv. 50), religious embroidery, 15th cent. P1 cs./W 99.3 0.51 0.02
P2 cs./W 99.0 0.62 0.03 380
P3/S + S 97.2 0.62 0.31 1.08 0.62 700 40 400
P4/S + S 97.1 0.21 0.32 0.84 1.28 350 160 1660
T. Epitrachelion (Inv. 35), religious embroidery, 15th cent. T2/S + S 97.0 0.14 0.61 0.12 1.83 2150 110 200
T3/S + S 97.5 0.34 0.69 0.08 1.25 870 300 190
T4/W 98.6 0.30 0.44 0.07 0.53 290 200 230
T5/W 97.8 0.26 1.35 0.02 0.53 200 50
U. Sacos, religious embroidery, 17th cent., Near East U2/W 98.6 1.06 0.06 0.03 0.20 200
X. Altar door curtain (Zavesa) of the Annunciation, religious X1 cs./W 98.2 1.19 0.23 0.31
embroidery with inscription of donation, 15th cent. (1484) X2 cs./W 99.4 0.04 0.15 0.09
X2/W 99.5 0.38 0.04 0.004 0.04 100
Z. Nabedernita, religious embroidery, 18th cent. (1746), Greece Z1/W 99.2 0.01 0.13 0.05 0.53 320 100
Z2/W 99.5 0.04 0.08 0.052 0.26 120 250

in Europe only at the beginning of the 16th century. Low mercury constituent of the silver bulk. Presence of iron may also result from
concentrations combined with high content of lead observed in an iron-gall ink used for sketching out the preparatory under-
some samples (Table 1, samples P3 and P4) could exclude a silver drawings for the embroideries.
production by amalgamation. Compared to all the threads investi- Bismuth was also among the detected elements. Usually bis-
gated, only the samples P3 and P4 showed high concentrations of muth accompanies silver and may give information about its prov-
lead and low concentrations of mercury, which could be assumed enance [26,27], being determined in the medieval silver originating
that mercury enriched lead ores were used for producing the silver from Serbia, Transylvania, Carinthia and also from the Middle East.
needed for their fabrication. Absence of bismuth in some metal threads and its presence in
Iron in the elemental maps could be seen on the metal thread other samples may be an indication of different silver sources. Less
surface, and sometimes as originating from silk. In most of the lead and no bismuth could also suggest a repeated cupellation
cross-sections no iron was measured, indicating that it is not a which could have removed the bismuth.
Z.I. Balta et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 348 (2015) 285–290 289

Fig. 3. Relationship between copper and lead concentrations (in ppm) in wires ( ), wires wrapped around a dyed silk yarn ( ) and strips ( ) wrapped around a dyed or
undyed silk yarn (IBATEX 1).

Copper and lead concentration comparison was done in order to

determine if there are any qualitative differences between the
types of metal threads analyzed in the IBATEX 1 project, and if
there is any relation between the Cu/Pb ratio and the threads pro-
duction processes. In Fig. 3, the samples showed to gather depend-
ing on the lead or copper content in three groups, the majority of
them containing small lead and copper contents, suggesting that
different provenience and metal processing methods for silver
was employed. Samples P3 and P4 with high lead and small copper
content, appear to gather together in a different group, and as
revealed by optical microscopy, to be older, cut strips with no par-
allel striations on their surface. Also, the wire T5 seem to group
with B2 wire wrapped around a silk yarn (high copper and small
lead concentration), suggesting that T5 is similar with B2 and con-
firmed by optical microscopy.
Fig. 3 showed also that the majority of the wires with no core
Fig. 4. RBS spectrum resulted for sample A6.
yarn contain less than 2000 ppm copper, while the majority of
the wires and strips wrapped around a dyed or undyed silk yarn
more than 2000 ppm copper which is in accordance with the liter- leaving very small amounts of mercury in the resulting gilding
ature [18]. layer.
RBS measurements were also performed in order to determine Fig. 4 shows the diffusion zone in the RBS spectra obtained for
the metal thread structure and the gold layer thickness. Due to sample A6 – gilded silver wire.
the metal thread significant weathering, production technology PIXE measurements values of the gilding thicknesses estimated
and high surface roughness, RBS analyses were difficult to carry with the GUPIX software (IBATEX 1) were in good accordance with
out in some cases. A small area was scanned over the thread, map- the RBS results (IBATEX 2): for wires, the thickness was varying
ping the gold layer, and then point measurements were done on between 0.1 and 0.8 lm, and for strips between 0.03 and 1.3 lm.
different locations. Evaluating the RBS spectra, results revealed
that a significant atomic diffusion took place between the gilding
layer and the silver substrate, making the fitting of the spectra 5. Conclusions
challenging. The presence of this interface layer lead us to the con-
clusion that the possible methods used for gilding were either fire- Golden threads from Romanian medieval textiles have been
gilding or diffusion bonding. In the diffusion bonding, an interface analyzed for the first time by using multi-elemental non-destruc-
layer is formed between the two metal surfaces, brought in close tive IBA methods.
contact by bounding the silver and gold bars together, by heating Compared to classical XRF and EDS techniques, IBA measure-
and soldering them to unite very well. The gilded silver bar is then ments, within IBATEX 1 and IBATEX 2 projects, allowed to accu-
hammered until it could be drawn into a wire or very thin, like a rately identify the elemental composition, distribution of the
gold leaf, for being cut into strips. Biringuccio [20] described this trace elements, the layered structures and thicknesses of the gild-
method to have been used for producing both gilded silver strips ing layers. Useful information for characterization of the gilded sil-
and wires, and indicating that fine gold ducats served as raw mate- ver threads due to elemental maps concerning the constituent
rial in the gilding process. In the fire-gilding method, gold and mer- elements spatial distribution in the sample was obtained. The
cury are mixed into an amalgam paste which is evenly distributed cross-section elemental maps obtained in IBATEX 2 clearly showed
on the silver surface. By heating, mercury evaporates and acceler- the distribution of the constituent elements in the silver bulk, gild-
ates the diffusion between the silver substrate and gold coating ing layer and the silk core yarn.
290 Z.I. Balta et al. / Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 348 (2015) 285–290

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