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Executive Summary for Version 3.

Week #2 of Development

Total Tasks: 119

Tasks Complete: 27
Tasks Remaining: 92
Percentage Complete: 22.7%

Completion Status
Week Total Tasks Total Tasks Complete Total Percentage Total Percentage
Remaining Complete for Complete
Tasks the week
1 112 13 99 11.6% 11.6%
2 119 27 92 11.1% 22.7%
Estimated Completion date at our current velocity: 6.8 more weeks (Roughly the 1st of April)

1. Database Design Milestone– cant do anything in the application without the database defined and in place.
Status – Done
2. Items out of the technical Milestone – These tasks will assist in the development of tasks throughout the
application. Status – Done
3. Everything in the ‘Header and Footer Development’ Milestone – We have to have these tasks complete so that
we can navigate to different pages to test development. Status – Done

New development of application pages

4. Profiles Milestone. Once this tab is working it will make the development and testing of the other milestones
easier. Status – In Progress - 21% complete
5. The Player Prompt Milestone - Status – In Progress – 50% complete
6. Crowd Prompt Milestone - Status – Not started
7. Add Rotation Milestone - Status – Not started
Notes for player, crowd and add milestones - is now all available for development. The developer who
writes the Player prompt functionality should develop all three tabs because they it is all essentially the
same functionality. Remember that the Player Prompt and Crowd Promp tabs will use the SAME
page/interface. This is the same code with the exception of a handful of label changes. See the power
point mockups for these label changes. Detect what tab your are on and change the label on the same
page. The Ad Rotation will be a different page because the layout is very different.
8. Advanced Tab Milestone- Status – Not started
9. Zone Management tab Milestone - Status – Not started
10. Resolution tab Milestone - Status – Not started
11. General tab Milestone - Status – Not started
12. Instant Message tab Milestone - Status – Not started
13. Control Panel Milestone – Lost of work with this milestone. Now that the settings Milestones are all developed,
we should be able to load and test this development much easier. - Status – Not started
14. Statistics tab Milestone – This is the lowest priority. The product can ship without this. - Status – Not started
15. Packaging Milestone – Last priority, but this task could save the company thousands of dollars in wasted man
hours if version 3.0 has to be manually configured and installed on existing customers machines. We
desperately need appoint and click installer package. - Status – Not started

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