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Karagas of Guru : teacher, gold Smith, money flow,

children, judge, law, justice, religion, spirituality,
speech, preacher, adviser, business consultant,
Guru, paternal grand-parents, husband, sons, religion,
religious acts, faith, scriptures, sacrifice, devotion,
good qualities, wealth, intelligence, education,
knowledge, royal honours, logic, astrology, control over
senses, good virtues, janana, prosperity.

Karagas of Sun : boss, managing director,

government, commande8r, supervisor, team leader,
HR (human resource professional),royalty, name, fame,
power, health, father, paternal uncle, politician, doctor,
physician, authority, medicine, blood circulation, eyes,
wool, forests, wood, deserts, timber, soul, government,
service (6th house), profession (10th house) places
of worship, courage, hon’ble rank, brokerage or
commission, patrimony .,grandchild.

Karagas of moon : water, liquid products ( in general) ,

mother, emotions, sentiment, food, catering, water
related profession or business, hotel, catering service,
seasonable business, fast moving consumable
goods, attachment, addicted to relationship, society,
always dependant to society, psychology, mind, mood
swing,of watery places, mother, heart, mind, sea food,
pearls, blood, fluids in the body, oil products, scent, left
pearls, blood, fluids in the body, oil products, scent, left
eye, gardening, travel, emotions, salt, sea medicine,
hernia, personality, liquM8u Rxids, foreign travels, rich
dishes, changes.

Karagas of Mars : bravery, success, job, harsh

conversation, dispute, rough and tough, harsh,
rugged, muscled body, fast and furious, younger
siblings, close friend, neighbors, anger, heat, always
active and energetic, war, fight, Martial arts, violence,
desire of our birth, hardware, machines, civil and
mechanics engineering, all movable and immovable
assets ( in general), army, of step mother, younger
brother, immovable property, lands, passions, anger,
violence, hatred, stamina, muscles, bravery, force,
lewdness, defence, enemies, blood, accidents,
sudden death, murders, sins, vindictiveness, science,
mathematics, surgery, diseases, fires of ambition, logic

Karagas of Buthan ( Mercury) - business, partner ship,

agreement, any kind of documentation, bond, mutual
acceptance, all mode of communication technology ,
social networking sites, internet, mobile, SMS,
witness, proof, derivation - any things which can be
derived scientifically and logically, maths, accounts,
finance, statistics, contacts and influence, literature,
writing, journalism, education, academics, printing,
stationary, ticket booking, bank related profession,
auditing, camera editing, gossip making, alpha mind
power, subconscious mind, astrology, agency,
power, subconscious mind, astrology, agency,
intermediater, brokerage law...Doctor, medicine
related profession, etc..of friends, maternal uncle
and aunts, adopted sons, nephews, elder co-born,
intelligence, teaching, education, Vedas, Puranas,
business, trade, mathematics, accountancy, scientific
learning, black- magic, clerks, pearl, laughter, smell,
flowers, speech, printer, publisher, oysters, squint eye,
eloquence, adeptness.

Karagas of Venus ( Sukkiran) - all sorts of luxury and

comfort in the world, fancy store, fashion items, all
female accessories like Saree's, jewells, etc, wife,
girlfriend, love, lust, sexual desire, emotional desire
are all under the category of lord Venus Sukran....
Marriage, wife, wife’s parents, maternal grand-parents,
sexual desires, kama, beauty, perfumes, fragrance,
flowers, music, dance, songs, drama, youth, artistic
talents, luxury articles, ornaments, good cloths,
treasure troves, silver, gems, pearls, conveyances,
pleasures of sense, passions, sour, black hair, watery
places, water sports, wine, juicy objects, eroticism,
mangalyakaraka, libido, lust, semen, comforts.

Saturn (sani) - thozhil, aayul, bayam, asingam,

avamaanam, iron domain, steel, inferiority complex
( thaazhvu manapaanmai), guilty conscious (kutra
unarvu), super natural ( amaanyshyam), Younger co-
born, patience, death, old age, sins, laziness, yama,
miseries, poverty, sacrifice, service, servant, slavery,
servility, workers, hard labour, science, secrecy,
servility, workers, hard labour, science, secrecy,
imprisonment, law, debts, dearth, wants, touch,
untouchables, timber, legs, delays, obstacles, fall fro m
heights, penury, ailments, ashes, poison, wood, wool,
sadness, pilgrimage, land, longevity, enmity with govt.,
black grains, travel abroad for residence, agriculture,
fear, oil, minerals, calamities, dishonour, arms,
deformity, robbery, renunciation.

Raagu - greedy, automobile, driver, transport domain,

electricity, electronic devices, export import business,
multiple languages especially foreign languages,
history, Paternal grand-father, maternal grand-mother,
given to bad habits, widow, immoral woman connec‐
tions, pleasure with diseased women, wicked woman,
widowhood, falsehood, dignity, inventor, research,
expenditure, short temper, suicide, gamblers, liquor,
low caste, other caste, fallacious argument, vexatious
speech, darkness, drowning, sinking with ships,
leprosy, enemies, accidents, heretic, hurting words,
poison, epidemics, reptiles, stones, hunters, pain and
swelling, spot on skin, skin diseases, life in foreign
land, dearth & want, exiles, quarrels, harsh speech,
wresftler, venomous, cunningness, backbiter, spy,
mean minded, hypocrite, southwest, slavery, adulterer,,
travelling, amputation, strength. petroleum products, s

Karagas of Ketu:

Maternal grand-father, paternal grand-mother, dreams,

moksha, eyes, salvation, governments fines, injury, fire
moksha, eyes, salvation, governments fines, injury, fire
accidents, murder, punishment, imprisonment, poison,
evil spirit, perpetrator, medical practitioner, final eman‐
cipation, sudden death, assassination, malicious, life
in foreign land, lunacy, fastidious, leprosy, kidnapping,
arrest, wounds, worms, diseases caused by worms,
occultism, detachment, philosophy, long stature,
spots on body, smoky colour, chain-smoker, astrology,
religion, miser, suicide, bankruptcy, bites, chemicals
Last modified: 1:46 pm

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