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Fluid Mechanics-I Lab (MEEN 2217)

Lab Report 01

Title: Verification of Bernoulli theorem

Abdul Rehman



1. Abstract:
In this Practical we verify the Bernoulli’s Theorem by using venturi tube. The fluid used should
be incompressible and inviscid and the flow is steady and streamline. Venturi Meter is a device
with different cross-sectional area and the working is that where the area is small pressure will be
low and the speed of fluid will be high and vice versa. The change in pressure is measured with
the help of Manometer. In the experiment combination of venture meter; manometer and
hydraulic bench was used. water inter into the hose through a pipe and the flow rate is adjusted
with the help of flow regulator at the outlet of the pipe. Venturi is used to calculate the flow rate
and co-efficient of discharge and from the height of manometer we see that the height of column
is high where the pressure difference is high. The pressure level and velocity readings from point
1 to 8 is recorded and from Bernoulli’s Theorem it is seen that the increase and decrease in
pressure is inversely proportional to velocity. Thus, Bernoulli’s theorem is verified by the

1 Table of Contents

1. Abstract: ................................................................................................................................... 2
2. Background and Theory:.......................................................................................................... 3
3. Apparatus: ................................................................................................................................ 4
4. Experimental Procedure: .......................................................................................................... 5
5. Results:..................................................................................................................................... 6
6. Discussion: ............................................................................................................................... 6
7. Conclusion: .............................................................................................................................. 7
8. Reference: ................................................................................................................................ 8

2. Background and Theory:
Bernoulli’s Principle stated that: As the speed of fluid increase simultaneously the pressure
inside the fluid decrease. It is a physical principle. Bernoulli’s Principle is named after the swiss
scientist Daniel Bernoulli’s. It is stated that as the speed of flowing fluid increases as a
consequence the pressure of the fluid should decreases or a decrease in the potential energy of
the fluid. Bernoulli’s Principle is named after a swiss scientist Daniel Bernoulli’s who published
is principle in his famous book Hydrodynamical in1738. (Wikipedia,2013)

It is also referred as the Law of Conservation Energy. It can be explained from the Bernoulli’s
Equation which gives a relation between velocity, pressure and elevation. Bernoulli’s stated that
as a fluid passes from a pipe of wider or narrow cross section the velocity of the fluid varies.
Bernoulli’s can be explained as Law of Conservation of Energy as fellows: If a fluid flows from
a pipe of wider cross section to a pipe of narrow cross section the volume of fluid flows greater
distance in the pipe and consequently the speed of fluid should increase and the pressure should
decrease to conserved the energy.

Bernoulli’s Principle is applicable in certain condition. the condition that is necessary for the
application of Bernoulli’s Principle is that the fluid should be incompressible and inviscid and
the flow should be steady and streamline. And for these condition total energy or total head
remains conserved and there is no loss of energy during the flow.

The Bernoulli’s Eq. is:

^2 Eq.(1)
+ + =

Where =Pressure Head(m)

^22 =Velocity Head(m)

Z=Potential head (Height above some assumed level)

Venturi Meter is device which is used to investigate the flow rate through a closed duct. It has
converging cross section and flow rate varies from point to point. Venturi Meter is used
nowadays in industry for the supply of fluid for the many years. The venturi Meter is connected
with Manometer through pipes. Pressure head reading is shown in the manometer. The Values of
flow rate and pressure is varied due to different flow rate and tapping valve of bench.
Bernoulli’s states that for an inviscid, incompressible and steady and streamline flow the sum of
pressure head, velocity head and elevation head is constant at any cross section.

And all these assumptions in actual is not achieve able so there are some losses in reality for the
flow of a fluid from any cross section. In actual due to friction and imperfections and due to
measurements uncertainties, the results deviate from the theoretical measurements. In our
experiment the cross section lies on the same horizontal surface so, Z=0 for all the measurements
so the equation can be reduced to:
+ ^22 =constant Eq. (2)

This represent the total head of flow at any cross section.

In the experiment the velocity of the fluid is measured by means of volume flow per unit
time. This gave us the rate of flow during experiment which in turn gave us the velocity of
flowing fluid.

= Eq.(3)

And for an inviscid and incompressible flow the Continuity Equation is written as:
1 1 2 2 Eq (4)

3. Apparatus:

Figure 1. Bernoulli Demonstration Apparatus

4. Experimental Procedure:
1)The apparatus is placed on the flat surface of bench.

2)The water is filled inside the volumetric tank of hydraulic bench.

3)The flexible inlet tube was connected to the bed of water.

4)The flexible hose was connected to the outlet of the valve and it opens directly into
the channel.

5)The bench flow valve was 1st remains closed and we turn on the water pump. Gradually
we opened the valve of bench so all the air inside the tubes of manometer is expelled out.

6)After removing all the trapped air we enter the water into the venturi and discharge into the
tank of bench.

7)Water level in the manometer tube was in different heights and we note all these readings.

8)The actual flow rate was measured by means of stop watch by noting the time required
to particular volume achieved divided by total time to achieve this target.

5. Results:
Table 1:veification of Bernoulli’s Theorem

Tube Area of Flow Discharge Velocit Velocity Head Pressure Total Head
NO. y Head ^2 ^2

= 4 ^2 = (P)
2 2 +

1 6.157×10-4 1.63×10-4 0.265 3.5684×10-3 0.24 0.2435

2 3.46×10-4 1.63×10-4 0.471 1.13×10-2 0.237 0.2483

3 1.539×10-4 1.63×10-4 1.059 0.0571 o.185 0.2421

4 2.216×10-4 1.63×10-4 0.737 2.7×10-2 0.208 0.2356
5 3.017×10-4 1.63×10-4 0.540 1.4×10-2 0.219 0.2331
6 3.940×10-4 1.63×10-4 0.413 8.6×10-3 0.229 0.2326
7 6.157×10-4 1.63×10-4 0.264 3.57×10-3 0.23 0.2335

6. Discussion:
From the experiment our objective is to verify the Bernoulli’s Theorem when applied to steady
and streamline flow of water through a duct and to measure the flow rate. The following
principle is based on the Bernoulli’s Theorem which relates the Both pressure and velocity
component for a frictionless flow. The pressure difference during the flow is measured from
the manometer from point 1 to 8 and the flow rate is determined by noticing the time required
to complete 10L of water.

To reach our goal to verify the Bernoulli’s theorem we used Bernoulli’s Demonstration
apparatus along with the hydraulic bench. These instruments were combined with venturi meter
and the pads of manometer. A venture is a device which is used to measure the flow rate. It is of
converging and diverging cross section area. The flow through the venture meter is combined
with pressure by means of Bernoulli’s Equation. From the results it is observed that as the
pressure difference increased the flow rate also increased and also the speed of also increased
for the both convergent and divergent cross sectional area.

Bernoulli’s equation for the calculation of velocity:

= √2 ℎ Eq.(5)
From the experiment, to calculate the velocity we used continuity equation which relates with cross sectional area. The velocity is calculated with v = QA,where Q is volumetric flow rate and is

are of cross section. The velocity measure by Bernoulli’s equation is slightly higher than the
calculated by continuity equation. This difference is due to as in Bernoulli equation velocity is
taken at stagnation point which is velocity point at center and for continuity equation the velocity
is taken as average velocity point. From the experiment and analysis it is seen that the velocity

decreases as the flow rate decreases. This difference of velocity is due to applying different
equation at cross sectional area which is Bernoulli’s equation and continuity equation. So from
the data of experiment it is concluded that the velocity varies as the cross sectional area of pipe
decreases. The major factor that affects the velocity of fluid is sudden enlargement and
contraction of area at cross section and the pressure factor affects by the frictional effects
inside the pipe.

Therefore we can reach to conclusion that Bernoulli Equation is valid when applied to steady
flow of water in a duct and the absolute velocity values along the same channel. From
experiment we said that the Bernoulli equation is valid for both flow but the values might differ
from the actual case. After the experiment we said that there are some errors in doing the
experiment. This error is due weakness while taking the value of each data. Some error is due to
noting the value of manometer due parallel effect.

There is possibility that our eyes are not parallel to the scale. The other error is that the reading
of manometer is not static which is always changing due the unsteady flow of water inside the
pump. Another factor that influences the reading of manometer is the presence of bubbles
inside the tubes of manometer. These are the factors that influence the velocity and some
precautions can be taken to overcome this issue. We take the average value and the water level
is to taken as stable.

7. Conclusion:
In the end of experiment we conclude that the velocity of fluid depends on the diameter of pipe.
As the water enters into the pipe from wider cross section to narrow cross section the velocity of
water increases and the pressure of water decreases and vice versa. As the velocity increased the
value of dynamic head also seems to be increased. But there are some errors occur while
performing the experiment. For example while reading the value of manometer the eyes level
may not be parallel to the scale.

The other factor is the presence of bubbles inside the pipe. Some precautions can be taken to
enhance the results. Take the eye level parallel to the scale and bubbles should be removed.
Besides this valve should be controlled slowly to remains the water in steady state condition.
Bernoulli’s Equation has many applications in actual. Carburetor works on the principle of
Bernoulli’s Theorem.

From this experiment all the objectives are achieved. Validity of Bernoulli’s Equation is
achieved. Measurement of flow rate for both static and total pressure in a convergent and
divergent pipe for the steady flow is achieved.

8. Reference:

1. Bernoulli’s theorem. (2011). In Encyclopedia Britannica. Retrieved

2. Bernoulli experiment, Date accessed at 11 November 2013 from,

3. Bernoulli Lab Report, Date accessed at 11 November 2013 from,

4. Bernoulli's Theorem" from The Wolfram Demonstrations Project retrieved


5. Lab manual report CPE 453.

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