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& Gas

Qushay Umar Malinta

Intro: Fluid in human body
 Fluid in human body:
 Liquid: blood, urine, chyme What body systems???
 Gas: breath, flatus

 Concepts of fluid:
 Concentration/ tonicity
 Location
 Exchange
 Flow
 Balance
 Concentration:
 iso-, hyper-, & hypotonic
 Location:
 Intracellular
 Extracellular (intravascular & interstitial)
 Exchange:
 passive (no ATP) vs active (need ATP) transport
 forces of exchange:
○ hidrostatic vs osmotic coloid (a.k.a oncotic) pressure


 Balance:
 Acid-base
 Volume & pressure
Learning Objectives
In this session, we will:
 Review the physical concepts regarding body
fluid and it’s flow, exercise with the relevant laws
& formulas, and actively discuss examples of
flow of body fluid
 Principles of flow & the influencing factors
 Two types of flow based on turbulence
 Two types of flow arrangement
 Adhesion, cohesion & surface tension
 Rate of gas exchange & the influencing factors
What are the principles of
 Ohm’s Law:
Q = ΔP/ R
➢ Q= V x A
➢ A = π x r2

→ Q = V x (π x r2)
 Poiseuille’s Law:
R= 8 x L x η
π x r4
→Q = ΔP x π x r4
Q = flow L = length
8xLxη V = velocity η = viscosity
P = pressure A = surface area
R = resistance π = 3.14
r = radius
What are the 2 kinds of vascular
arrangement in the body?

1/Rparalel = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 + … Rserial = R1 + R2 + R3 + …

What did Reynold say about
characteristics of flow ?

Re = v x d x ρ

Re = Reynold number
v = velocity
d = diameter
ρ = density
η = viscosity
Measuring blood pressure:
Why does it seem to contradict
the Reynolds equation?
• Re = v x d x ρ
• Q = v x (π x r2) η
→v= Q → Re = Q x 2xrxρ
π x r2 π x r2 xη
→Re = Q x 2xρ
πxr xη
Utari’s interpretation of Reynolds eq.

Measurement of blood pressure

DOES NOT contradict the Reynolds equation
if you remember this equation
What is the medical relevance
of laminar & turbulent flow
in human body?
 Measuring blood pressure → listening to Korotkoff
 Heart auscultation: listening to heart murmurs
 Lung auscultation: listening to abnormal lung
 Ronchi, rales, wheezing, stridor, etc
 Pathophysiology of atherosclerosis
 Various advanced medical examinations
What is gas diffusion rate?
What did Fick say about it?

Vgas= rate of gas exchange

P = partial gas pressure
(= concentration)
SA = surface area
T = membrane thickness
D = diffusion coefficient
( depends on gas’ characteristics)
What did Laplace say
about adhesion, cohesion, &
wall tension?
 P = collapsing
pressure (pressure
that forces small bubble
to become even smaller)

 T = wall tension
 r = radius
What is
surfactant &
what does it do?

 Fox' Human Physiology 12th ed 2011
 Tortora - Principles of Anatomy and Physiology 14th ed 2014
 Sherwood's Human Physiology - 8th ed 2013
 Anatomy Physiology Made Incredibly Visual - 2009
 AAC Atlas of Pathophysiology 3rd ed 2010
 Porth - Pathophysiology Concepts of Altered Health States 9th ed

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