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Angeles University Foundation

Marisol, Angeles City



Submitted by:

Tabla, Alfred John N.

Layson, Katleen Ann A.

Masiclat, Marlon M.

Sicat, Harlan E.
CHAPTER I and other issues. This study will only
focus on a particular behaviour that could
be trending within the Filipino community
At the present time schools in especially the students that may lead to
general have not much change during the many problems.
recent years because it is proven that it is
still working and useful at the current time. This behaviour is called procrastination or
But when it comes to the students itself is the delaying or postponing of something
a whole other story for they are the ones this behaviour can be the root of the many
who will, certainly, and constantly change problems of the students in school.
for the reason that there is always change Students procrastinate probably because
and it is unavoidable. For many years the they think or they are certain that they
way students’ study and take their have more than enough time to finish
examinations have changed because of the requirements for their assigned subjects.
many recent inventions and innovations The reason of their belief could have come
that made the world smaller and possibly from the fact that compared from the past
even simpler, these new technologies have it is now easier to complete those
helped students study their very requirements because of the internet,
problematic subjects that they are required computers, gadgets and other things as
to pass. But they are many problems that such. But is this behaviour really a
these innovations have made and these problem among Filipino students who
problems can be found on students, mostly study to acquire their desired careers? Or it
are adolescents because they are the ones is just fine and that students have no
who have the greatest chance to use the problems committing this act especially on
many innovations through the years and their studies?
because they are not yet fully matured and
independent. As stated by Farran (2005)
One of the problems within the
adolescents, is the addiction to the social
media or online games which is true in
many situations, this could cause
depression, stress, academic interference

 Is there a mental disorder for

 Is procrastination a weakness?
 How do you feel when other people
According to Farran (2005) Academic
put off something you want you want
procrastination has been characterized as a
done soon?
prevalent and problematic behavior for
 How procrastination affects academic college students. Based on the literature, it
performances? was hypothesized that academic
procrastination would significantly;
 How is procrastination defined?
inversely associate with academic self-
 Why do people like to procrastinate? efficacy, academic self-concept, and

 Are there any positive aspects to general self-esteem. It was also

procrastination and if so what are hypothesized that academic procrastination

they? would significantly, positively associate

with both depression and anxiety. The
 How many levels of procrastination
results of the study supported these
are there?
hypotheses. Participants who reported
higher academic procrastination also
reported higher depression and anxiety,
and more negative beliefs about their
global self-worth, self-worth relative to the
role of student, and sense of efficacy
relative to academic tasks. Based on self-
efficacy theory and the role of self-efficacy
beliefs, procrastination is a mediator of
behavior. The present study hypothesized
that self-efficacy would mediate the
relationships between depression and
academic procrastination, and also anxiety
and academic procrastination. Results
partially supported these hypotheses, as
academic self-efficacy was a partial relationships among procrastination,
mediator. Post-hoc analyses indicated that efficacy expectations, anxiety, gender, and
of the set of predictor variables, academic age for 141 university students.
self-concept was the strongest predictor of Participants were asked to think about a
academic procrastination, and also a major project and to rate their efficacy
significant mediator of the relationship regarding the skills needed to accomplish
between depression and academic the project. Bivariate correlations showed
procrastination, and also anxiety and that efficacy expectations and anxiety had
academic procrastination. Impression significant, individual relationships with
management was determined to be a procrastination. When these variables were
covariate, and was statistically controlled entered into a regression model, only
for within the present study. None of the cumulative efficacy strength was a
demographic variables significantly significant predictor of procrastination.
correlated with academic procrastination Implications for practice and research
within the present study. The discussion suggestions are discussed.
section presented implications and
limitations of the present study, and also
suggestions for future research. Another
research in the topic focusing on the
academic procrastination by Farran (2005)
in college campuses, academic
procrastination is reported as a chronic
problem. The detrimental effects of
procrastination varied as a function of
lecture attendance and cognitive ability.
Beck reviews empirical research,
highlighting areas warranting further
inquiry, with emphasis on contrasting the
past and potential contributions of various
theoretical orientations, he did this
because the habit was a barely touch
subject. Another study by a group of
researchers including Joseph R. Ferrari, in
this study, the authors examined the
different answers on the questionnaires
answered by the participants. Next the
researchers will create a graph depending
CHAPTER III on the answers of the participants. The

METHODOLOGY graphs will contain the different kinds of

college students in this study they are the
students who procrastinate but does not
The chosen participants of this research are fail in any subjects, students who
the AUF College Freshmen. The study will procrastinate and fails their subject (does
be conducted in the AUF campus. We not matter which subject and how many
choose freshmen college students because subject), and the student who does not
they have the prior knowledge regarding have the habit to procrastinate. The data
on our study. We the researchers choose collected will determine the conclusion of
60 college students in different courses as the study on whether procrastinating
our respondents who have the habit of significantly affects a student’s academic
procrastinating. performance.


The researchers will use a questionnaire to

survey as an instrument to collect data
from our respondents. The questionnaires
will have at least 8 questions that will be
ask to our 60 respondents to know their
experiences, perceptions or opinions about
on the subject in academic procrastination
to know on how procrastination affects
their academic performances and lifestyle.
The questionnaires will also ask about the
degree of how much the respondents

Statistical treatment

After the data have been collected, the

researchers will at first step tally the
Haycock, L. (2011). Procrastination in
College Students: The Role of Self‐
Efficacy and Anxiety. Retrieved from
Zhou, M. (2017). Trait Procrastination,
Self-Efficacy and Achievement Goals: The
Mediation Role of Boredom Coping
Strategies. Retrieved from


Predictors of academic procrastination in

college students.
Farran, B. (2004). Predictors of academic
procrastination in college
students. Retrieved from


Beck B. (n/d). Correlates and

Consequences of Behavioral
Procrastination: The Effects of Academic
Procrastination, Self-Consciousness, Self-
Esteem and Self-Handicapping. Retrieved


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