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QueueMode_ProcessQueue 09.

Technical Reference

Amadeus IT Group, S.A.

485, Route du Pin Montard
BP 69
06902 Sophia-Antipolis Cedex

(Amadeus Proprietary and Confidential Information: unauthorized use and disclosure strictly forbidden. 2010 - Amadeus s.a.s - All Rights Reserved.)
This document is the technical reference for an Amadeus functional interface. This reference is not directly
bundled to Amadeus Programming Interface development or any other development flavour. It is just a generic
description of the interface through all the services it publishes.

Structure hierarchy
* A service contains an input message and an output message.
* A query/reply structure contains a list of simple structures and a list of grouped structures.
* A grouped structure contains a list of simple structures and a list of grouped structures.
* A simple structure contains a list of data elements and grouped data elements.
* A data element can be coded, therefore a code list is described in a separate table.

Document structure
* Service overview.
* Query and output messages for the service, with their corresponding description.
* For each query/reply structure, a table describing its higher level entities of the query/reply structure.
* For each grouped or simple structure, a table describing the entities they are built with.
* For each coded entity, a table describing the possible coded values it can take.

Grouped structures introduces the 'level' concept within a structure. This level is reflected in the structure tables
via indentation.

Document navigation
The document uses internal links to quickly navigate between referenced entities and its corresponding
structure and substructures (if any).
Glossary of terms

Entity definition
Every entity in this document is defined by:

* Entity: the entity reference name.

* Structure: the entity long name plus the corresponding reference.
* Rep (Repetitions): the entity number of repetitions within its parent structure.
* St (Status): the requirement status for the entity: C (Conditional), M (Mandatory), M* (Mandatory for the
* Comments: description of the usage of the entity within the service.
* Fmt (Format, Representation): for leaf entities transporting the information, this fields explains the type
and length of the data transported.

Repetitions and statuses

Following table explains the meaning of possible repetition/status combinations of an entity within its parent

Status Repetitions Meaning

C n Represents "0 or up to n" cardinality.

M n Represents "1 or up to n" cardinality.

M* (Mandatory): This indicates that the status differs from the IATA PADIS Data Dictionary. If an entity is
defined as conditional in the IATA approved message but must be mandatory to complete a business function,
the entity will be indicated with an M for Mandatory along with an asterix (*).

Following table explains the meaning of possible representations for a leaf entity.

Representation Meaning
ax The entity is conveying a fix number(x) of alphabetic elements.

nx The entity is conveying a fix number(x) of numeric elements.

anx The entity is conveying a fix number(x) of alphanumeric elements.

a..x The entity is conveying a variable number(0..x) of alphabetic elements.

n..x The entity is conveying a variable number(0..x) of numeric elements.

an..x The entity is conveying a variable number(0..x) of alphanumeric elements.

Table of contents

Table of contents
Operation: QueueMode_ProcessQueue................................................................................. 1
Query message .................................................................................................................. 2
Reply message ................................................................................................................... 3
Grouped structures .................................................................................................................4
Simple structures ....................................................................................................................5
Codesets ................................................................................................................................ 9

Amadeus Programming Interface

Operation: QueueMode_ProcessQueue.

Query message: QueueMode_ProcessQueue 09.1.IA

Message to request queue mode functions.QUE - Queue mode function REQ - Request message.

Reply message: QueueMode_ProcessQueueReply 09.1.IA

To respond with queue PNR messages or queue text messages..Response to a Multiple Queue Placement.

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Query message reference: QueueMode_ProcessQueue 09.1.IA

Entity Structure St Rep Comments

messageActionDetails Message action details M* 1 Specifies the action to be carried out on the queue
in the current message

recordLocator Reservation control C 1 Specifies the record locator of the PNR


interactiveFreeText Interactive free text C 1 interactive free text

queueInfoDetails Group C 1 Specifies the queue details like queue type,

targeted office, queue number, category number or
so on.

selectionInfoDetails Selection details M 1 Specifies the queue type ( PNR or Message

Queue )

queueGroup Group C 10 Groups segments required for Queue decsription

queueInfo Queue information M 1 Specifies the information of the queue

subQueueInfo Sub queue information C 2 Specifies the subqueue details like category
number and category name

targetOffice Ticketing agent C 1 Specifies the targeted office for Queue operation

dateTimeInfo Date and time C 1 Specifies the date and time related information

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Amadeus Programming Interface

Reply message reference: QueueMode_ProcessQueueReply 09.1.IA

Entity Structure St Rep Comments

messageAction Message action details M 1 Specifies the action which triggred this response.

statusInfo Status details C 1 Specifies the status of the last operation

interactiveFreeText Interactive free text C 1 interactive free text

errorDetailsgroup Group C 1 Groups together segments describing error details

errorInfo Application error M 1 Specifies the error code


interactiveFreeText Interactive free text C 1 interactive free text

headerInfoGroup Group C 1 groups together the segments specifying header

and the response message.

selectionInfo Selection details M 1 Specifies the type of the Queue ( PNR or

Message )

dateTimeInfo Date and time C 1 Specifies the date and time info

officeDetails Ticketing agent C 1 Specifies the office details


interactiveFreeText Interactive free text C 1 interactive free text

pnrRecLocator Reservation control C 1 PNR record locator


quantityInfo Quantity C 1 Specifies the quantity

queueInfoGrp Group C 1 Specifies queue details

queueInfo Queue information M* 1 Specifies the queue number, name and number of
elements in it

subQueueDetails Sub queue information C 2 Specifies the category and the date range

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Grouped structures reference

No grouped structures defined in this interface.

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Amadeus Programming Interface

Simple structures reference


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments

messageFunctionDetails Message M* 1 Specifies the required Queue
function/business details operation

messageFunction Message function, M* 1 an..3 Specifies the intended operation in

Coded the current message. Codeset list:
1225 IA 08.1.2


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments

statusDetails Status details M 1 statusDetails

indicator Status indicator, coded C 1 an..3 indicator. Codeset list: 1245 IA


description Free text C 1 an..70 description.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments

freeTextQualification Free text qualification C 1 free text qualification

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an..3 text subject qualifier. Codeset list:
4451 IA 02.2.585

freeText Free text C 99 an..70 free text.


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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments

errorDetails Application error detail M 1 error details

errorCode Application error, coded M 1 an..3 error code. Codeset list: 9321 IA

errorCategory Code list qualifier C 1 an..3 error category. Codeset list: 1131 IA

errorCodeOwner Code list responsible C 1 an..3 error code owner. Codeset list: 3055
agency, coded IA 02.2.231


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments

selectionDetails Selection details M 1 Contains selection details available to
information carry out designated action,

option Option M 1 an..2 Contains all the valid options available

to carry out designated action..
Codeset list: 9750 IA 08.1.1


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments

dateAndTimeDetails Date and time details C 1 Specifies the date and time details

date First date C 1 an..7 Specifies the date -DDMMMYY.

time First time C 1 n..4 specifies the time.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments

internalIdDetails Internal identification C 1 Specifies the targeted office id

inhouseId In-house identification M 1 an..9 Specifies the office ID.

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Amadeus Programming Interface


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments

reservation Reservation control M* 1 Contains the record locator of the
information PNR to be place on the Queue.

controlNumber Reservation control M* 1 an..8 Message / PNR Indentifier. .


Structure: QUANTITY

Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments

quantityDetails Quantity details M 1 quantityDetails

qualifier Quantity qualifier M 1 an..3 qualifier. Codeset list: 6063 IA


value Quantity M 1 n..15 value.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments

queueDetails Queue information C 1 Specifies the queue details like queue
details number, queue name and nunber of
items in it.

number Item description M* 1 n..3 Specifies the queue number.

numberOfItems Total number of items C 1 n..6 Number of items on the queue.

queueName Item description C 1 an..35 Specifies the name of the Queue.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments

subQueueInfoDetails Sub queue information M 1 identifies the category or categories.

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identificationType Identification type, M* 1 an..3 E for every category A for cats with
coded items to be worked C for category
number N for nickname CN for both
category number and nickname
numeric for date range. Codeset list:
9893 IA 02.2.14

itemNumber Item number C 1 an..3 category number.

itemDescription Item description C 1 an..35 used for nickname on inbound used

for category name on outbound.

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Amadeus Programming Interface


Codeset for Application error, coded (Ref: 9321 IA 09.2.1)

Value Description
1 Invalid date
360 Invalid PNR file address
723 Invalid category
727 Invalid amount
79A Invalid office identification
79B Already working another queue
79C Not allowed to access queues for specified office identification
79D Queue identifier has not been assigned for specified office identification
79E Attempting to perform a queue function when not associated with a queue
79F Queue placement or add new queue item is not allowed for the specified office
identification and queue identifier
910 Inactive category
911 Unable to process - system error
912 Incomplete message - data missing in query
913 Item/data not found or data not existing in processing host
914 Invalid format/data - data does not match EDIFACT rules
915 No action - processing host cannot support function
916 EDIFACT version not supported
917 EDIFACT message size exceeded
918 enter message in remarks
919 no PNR in AAA
91A inactive queue bank
91B nickname not found
91C invalid record locator
91D invalid format
91E Inactive queue
91F invalid queue number
920 queue/date range empty
921 target not specified
922 targetted queue has wrong queue type
923 invalid time

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924 invalid date range

925 queue number not specified
926 queue category empty
927 no items exist
928 queue category not assigned
929 No more items
92A queue category full
930 Purged PNRs existed on Queue. Removed from Queue
931 Restricted PNRs existed on Queue. Left on Queue.
932 Finish Or Ignore

Codeset for Code list qualifier (Ref: 1131 IA 02.2.158)

Value Description
EC Error Codes
WEC Warning code
WZZ Mutually defined warning
ZZZ Mutually defined

Codeset for Code list responsible agency, coded (Ref: 3055 IA 02.2.231)

Value Description
13 ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization)
2 CEC (Commission of the European Communities)
3 IATA (International Air Transport Association)
5 ISO (International Organization of Standardization)
ZZZ Mutually defined

Codeset for Identification type, coded (Ref: 9893 IA 02.2.14)

Value Description
1 date range 1
2 date range 2

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Amadeus Programming Interface

3 date range 3
4 date range 4
A categories with items to be worked
C category number
CN category number and nickname
E every category
N nickname
NO no category or date range

Codeset for Message function, Coded (Ref: 1225 IA 08.1.2)

Value Description
211 Open Queue for processing
214 Take item off the queue and place on another
215 Place item back on current queue
216 Stop processing the queue
217 remove item from the queue
218 Ignore the item

Codeset for Option (Ref: 9750 IA 08.1.1)

Value Description
QM Message Queue
QP PNR Queue

Codeset for Quantity qualifier (Ref: 6063 IA 02.2.55)

Value Description
717 Number of items remaining on queue

Codeset for Status indicator, coded (Ref: 1245 IA 02.2.581)

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Value Description
738 Ok processed. Items still in the Queue
739 Ok processed. Queue cycle complete.
740 Ok processed. Off the Queue.

Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.585)

Value Description
1 Coded free text
3 Literal text
4 Coded and literal text
CHG Change information
PRD Product information
SAF Safety information
SIM IATA SSIM defined information
SPH Special handling
STN Statutory notice
TRA Transportation information
ZZZ Mutually defined (bilateral or internal information)

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