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Republic of the Philippines

State Universities and Colleges

Buenavista, Guimaras



A Research Proposal
The Faculty, Senior High School
Guimaras State College
Buenavista, Guimaras

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements in capstone
in Senior High School


Marian O. Nemiada
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

Background of the Study

People nowadays are finding cheaper ways in looking for

products used in everyday life. Many researchers before
discovered and made cleaning products like laundry detergents,
soaps and bleaches which can be bought in the market and have
been useful and in taking the dirt on clothes. These products
are very important especially in washing activities and these
products are highly in demand. But due to the inflation
experienced in the country right now, the price of these product
is also increasing.

Also some of these products are impractical for it

contains chemicals and substances that are harmful for humans
and also in the environment, so instead of using bleach products
as a stain remover it’s also thinkable to try making use of
organic plants within the community, since it is safe for
everyone and it doesn’t contain any components that may harm
people, to this many vegetables and fruits plants are highly
effective household cleaners. They can help in removing
stain and save you money.

Bilimbi fruit is also known as Iba here in guimaras. It is

a common fruit that can be found around backyard and everywhere.
Kamias are very familiar in used as ingredients in making a food
and also due to some research
The researcher researched on the different components of
bilimbi fruit and discovered something that might be a great
help. It has been stated that this Bilimbi fruit (kamias) just
like lemon, has a high vitamin C which can be a possible
ingredient for cleaning stains.
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

Research objectives and the Hypothesis

General objective

This study aims to determine the potential of the

bilimbi fruit extract as a multipurpose cleaning agent in
removing mud stains.

Specific Objective

Specifically, this study also aims to:

1. Develop a bilimbi fruit extract multipurpose cleaning
agent in removing mud stains in cotton cloths.
1. There is no significant differences in the potential of the
bilimbi fruit extract multipurpose cleaning agent in
removing mud stains in cotton fabrics.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study may be beneficial to the following:

Housemakers. They will benefit from the study with cheap, home-
made, eco-friendly and renewable all-purpose cleaner to remove
stubborn stains in clothes and home fabrics.

Entrepreneurs. Results of this study could provide those who are

in need of new home-based income opportunities using local,
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

abundant and cheap raw material such as the always discarded

bilimbi extract.

Student. Results of this study could provide students

specifically Biology, Chemistry and Product Engineering
students’ relevant information and ideas on the potential of
household items like kamias (bilimbi fruit).

Future Researchers. Results of this study could provide

researchers and future researchers relevant information in the
conduct of similar and related studies.

Manufacturers. Results of this study could provide them relevant

information on the potential of bilimbi fruit as a new organic
and eco-friendly cleaning agent.

Scope and Limitation of this study

This study is limited only in developing a natural

ingredient stain remover from bilimbi fruit extract. This study
will determine the potential of the developed bilimbi fruit
extract multipurpose cleaning agent specifically in removing
stains cause by mud to cotton cloths. The bilimbi fruit extract
multipurpose cleaning agent will be tested in different
concentration such as droplet, 1 mL, 5 mL, with the positive
control of 1 mL commercial liquid cleaning agent (Zonrox) and
the negative control that was untreated. In determining the
effectiveness of the bilimbi fruit extract multipurpose cleaning
agent, different concentrations will be utilized. There is also
the negative control using plain water and the positive control
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

using commercial stain remover or cloth bleaching agent

popularly known as “Zonrox” in original variant. White cotton
will be used as testing materials.

Time for testing the effectiveness will be set at 1 minute

and below or upon application, 1 to 5 minutes and above.

The treated cloth will be washed with regular laundry soap

and rinsed with water. The study will be conduct at the
researcher’s residence in San Miguel, Jordan, Guimaras. The
statistical tools to be used in this study will be Mean, One Way
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Duncan Multiple Test (DMRT)

Definition of Terms

Bilimbi fruit are a tropical fruit, botanically classified

as Averhhoa bilimbi. The Bilimbi is closely related to the
starfruit, and is a domesticated species. The juice of the
Bilimbi fruit contains high amounts of oxalate, an organic acid
found in plants. Oxalate, or oxalic acid, is what gives the
Bilimbi fruit its characteristically sour
taste. (

In this study, the bilimbi fruit extract will be used as a

main ingredient in the development of a multipurpose cleaning
agent to be used in removing stain cause by mud
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State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

Mud a slimy sticky mixture of solid material with a liquid

and especially water. (https://www.merriam-

In this study, mud in the cloth will be use as the testing

Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

Bilimbi fruit

Averrhoa bilimbi L., commonly known as bilimbi, belongs to

the family of the Oxalidaceae. It is widely cultivated in the
tropics and its origins are not yet clear. Nevertheless, Corrêa
(1926) reported that it is native of India, from where it was
brought to Brazil centuries ago. In Brazil, this tree is
cultivated in the states of Rio de Janeiro, Amazonas, Pará and
Santa Catarina, but the distribution of its fruits is limited.
In these places, it is locally known as "bilimbi", "bilimbino",
"biri-biri", "caramboleira amarela" or "limão de caiena".

Bilimbi is a small tree up to 15 meters high. Fruits are

fairly cylindrical with five broad rounded longitudinal lobes,
and produced in clusters (Figure 1). During maturity stage
occurs the maximum increase in fruits weight and dimensions, and
their external green colour changes into light yellow (Mathew et
al., 1993). Bilimbi fruits are very sour, and used in the
production of vinegar, wine, pickles and in the preparation of
Hindu dishes. The mature fruits can be eaten in natura or
processed into jams and jellies. Medicinal uses are attributed
to bilimbi, which include mixtures against cough, mumps,
rheumatism, pimples and scurvy. The fruit juice has high levels
of oxalic acid, and therefore may be used to remove iron-rust
stains from clothes and to impart shine to brassware (Corrêa,
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Buenavista, Guimaras

1926; Joseph & Mendonca, 1989, Lennox & Ragoonath, 1990; Wong &
Wong, 1995).

Kamias is the Filipino name for sour fruit plant that has a
scientific name with Averrhoa bilimbi L. Kamias origin come from
Southeast Asia region, Kamias also can be found in several
countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, and Thailand.
Kamias has their own name in every country. For example in
Malaysia they call it as Belimbing buloh, in Indonesia called
as Belimbing Wuluh and in Thailand called as Taling ping.
Meanwhile,in such countries in Europe, this fruit known as tree
cucumber. Kamias categorized as tropical fruits with containing
a lot of source of vitamins such as vitamin B, vitamin C, Iron,
Antioxidants and Phosphorus. Even, kamias are familiar used as
ingredients for making a foods but kamias also has other
function that is for health aspects. Kamias have high
nutritional value that needed by human, therefore, besides
consuming the kamias as food source, kamias can be used as
medical alternative ways. ( )

Mokhtar SI, Aziz NAA (2016) stated that A. bilimbi fruit

extracts at all stages of ripening has some inhibitory
activities against selected bacterial strains. However, extracts
from younger fruits are more effective against the bacteria. It
is supported by Scripanidkulchai et al. (2013), who reported
that the content of oxalic acid in Averrhoa species can become a
potent source of antioxidant and antimicrobial against S.
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

Related Studies

In the study “The Feasibility of Malunggay (Moringa

oleifera) as Cleaning Agent”
The purpose of this study is to investigate malunggay leaves as
cleaning agent. The malunggay leaves were separated from the
stalk, pound using the mortar and pestle until the extract comes
out. The pounded malunggay leaves were mixed with baking soda
and then water. The purpose of baking soda is to increase the
effectively of the product. The product was then placed in a
container. Using the sponge, apply the mixture on stained areas
(kitchen sink, refrigerator wall and tile wall). After applying
the mixture on stained areas, rinse immediately. Observation was
then done.

In the study entitled study “Antimicrobial Activity of

Lemon (Citrus lemon L.) Peel Extract” The main objective of the
study is extraction, identification of antimicrobial compounds
and demonstration of antimicrobial activity of lemon (Citrus
lemon L.) peel against bacteria. As microorganism are becoming
resistant to present day antibiotics, our study focuses on
antimicrobial activity and future prophylactic potential of the
lemon peel. Biologically active compounds present in the
medicinal plants have always been of great interest to
scientists. The peel of citrus fruits is a rich source of
flavones and many polymethoxylated flavones, which are very rare
in other plants. These compounds, not only play an important
physiological and ecological role, but are also of commercial
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

interest because of their multitude of applications in the food

and pharmaceutical industries. The citrus peel oils show strong
antimicrobial activity. The antimicrobial activity has been
checked in terms of MIC by using different solvents against
microorganisms like Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCIM 2036 for which
MIC was 1:20 in presence of methanol, for Salmonella typhimurium
NCIM 5021 the observed MIC was 1:20 in presence of acetone. In
case of Micrococcus aureus NCIM 5021 the observed MIC was 1:20
when ethanol was used as solvent. The compounds like coumarin
and tetrazene were identified by GC/MS of lemon peel extract.

In addition, the study entitled “Calamansi (Citrofortunella

Microcarpa Bunge) and Lemon Grass (Andropogon Citratus Dc Stapf)
Extracts And Organic Vinegar (Acetic Acid): Alternative Solution
as Cleaning Agent Against Rust (Ferric Oxide)” The purpose of
this experimental research was to determine the effectiveness of
calamansi (Citrofortunella microcarpa Bunge), lemon grass
(Andropogon citratus DC Stapf) and vinegar (acetic acid) as
alternative solution as cleaning agent against rust (ferric
oxide). The idea is to find the mean weight (ḡ) of rust exposed
to different organic materials such as calamansi, lemon grass,
vinegar and mixtures of two organic materials after 24 hours of
exposure in various concentrations. Also to determine the most
effective mixtures in removing rust by concentration, by type of
mixture and find out if there is a significant difference among
treatments. The initial weights of iron bars was taken and
applied with different concentration of organic vinegar,
calamansi and lemon grass with distilled water or mixture of
Republic of the Philippines
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Buenavista, Guimaras

both organic materials and muriatic acid having three replicates

each. One-shot study design was used in this experiment and set-
up was prepared using complete randomization design (fish-bowl
method). The experimental data obtained in the study were
through computation, comparison of each treatment and use of
statistical tools (one-way ANOVA and post-hoc test).
Concentrations were compared according to their treatments: (a.)
A (calamansi with distilled water); (b.) B (lemon grass with
distilled water); (c.) C (vinegar with distilled water); (d.) AB
(calamansi with lemon grass); (e.) AC (calamansi with vinegar);
(f.) BC (lemon grass with vinegar) and treatments were compared
according to their concentration: (a.) 80% and 20%; (b.) 50% and
50% and (c.) 20% and 80%. The result showed that treatments A,
B, C, AB and AC had the highest mean weight (ḡ) of rust removed
in 80% and 20% concentration with 0.803(ḡ), 0.904(ḡ), 0.331(ḡ),
0.756(ḡ) and 1.418(ḡ) respectively. In comparison with other
experimental treatments, treatment AC had the highest mean
weight (ḡ) of rust removed in concentrations: (a.) 80% and 20%;
(b.) 50% and 50% and (c.) 20% and 80% with 1.418(ḡ), 1.281(ḡ)
and 0.537(ḡ) respectively while treatment D (control) had
10.111(ḡ). One-way ANOVA result showed that treatment D
(control) is significant to each of the treatments and
concentration with p = .000. However, scheffe test revealed that
rest of the treatments are not significant with each other
except in concentrations 80% and 20% wherein treatment AC is
significant with treatments B and BC while in 50% and 50%
treatment AC is significant with B. This simply means that
treatment D (control) is the best rust remover however treatment
AC could be an alternative in removing rust since it is less
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

caustic, not as hazardous environmentally, while remaining

Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Treatment 1

Droplets of pure
bilimbi extract liquid

Treatment 2 Potential of the

bilimbi fruit
1mL pure bilimbi extract in Removing
extract liquid Stains in Cotton
concoction Fabrics caused by
Treatment 3 Mud

5mL pure bilimbi

extract liquid

Controlled group

Positive control (+)

Commercial Stain
Remover (Zonrox)\

Negative control (-)

Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

Chapter III


Purpose of the Study and Research Design

The main purpose of this study was to determine the

potential of bilimbi fruit extract as a multipurpose cleaning
agent particularly in removing mud stains white cotton cloths.
After the bilimbi fruit extract is done, the bilimbi fruit
extract will be used in different concentrations as a
multipurpose cleaning agent and compared with commercial stain
agents in removing mud stains in white cotton cloths fabrics.

The researcher will use the completely randomized design

(CRD) in the investigation.

There will be three (3) test samples using different

concentrations of bilimbi fruit extract with water and two (2)
control setup composed of the negative control using pure water
and positive control using commercial stain remover in removing
mud stains in white cotton cloths fabric. There will 3 (5)sets
of stain cloths for the each (5) replicates an one (1) set for
stain white cotton cloths replicate thrice for each sample test.
The test samples will be randomly assigned with each cloth in

In determining the potential of bilimbi fruit extract as

multipurpose cleaning agent in removing mud stain from white
cotton cloths over time, there will be sets of three(3)
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

determine variables of 1 minute and below or upon application, 1

to 5 minutes and above.

To determine its potentials, the times it can remove stains were

counted. The test samples are as follows:

Table 1. Treatments and Replicates

Test Amount of : Replication

Samples Test

Bilimbi Droplets :R1:R2:R3


Bilimbi 1 mL :R1:R2:R3

Bilimbi 5 mL :R1:R2:R3
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Buenavista, Guimaras

Soap 1 mL :R1:R2:R3
(Negative 0 g. :R1:R2:R3

T1-R1 T2-R1 T3-R1 (+)-R1 (-)-R1

T2-R1 T2-R2 T3-R2 (+)-R1 (-)-R1

T3-R1 T2-R2 T3-R3 (+)-R3 (-)-R3

Republic of the Philippines
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Buenavista, Guimaras

Figure 2. experimental Set-up

There will be three (3) test samples using different

concentration of bilimbi fruit extract concoction mixed with
white vinegar and two (2) control setup composed of the negative
control untreated and positive control using commercial stain
remover. There will be five (5) sets of stained cloths for the
different stains with three (3) replicates for each type of
fabric. One (1) set for stain cotton cloths will be replicated
thrice for the sample test. To determine the potential of
bilimbi fruit extract as a multipurpose cleaning agent material
in removing stain from cotton, time is set at three (3)
variables of 1 minute and below or upon application, 1 to 5
minutes and 5 minutes and above respectfully.
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Buenavista, Guimaras

Materials and Equipments

The following are the materials and chemicals to be utilized in

this study with their corresponding purpose and quantity.

Table 2. Materials and equipment’s that will use

Materials / Quantity Purpose

Basin 25 piece Use where to place the clothes
to be wash with the
corresponding treatments

Weighing Scale 1 piece Use to weighing the bilimbi

Watch 4 piece use to time the experiment
Chopping board 1 piece Use to vamp the bilimbi fruit
in cutting into pieces

Glass jar 1 piece Use to place the bilimbi fruit

in concoction
Measuring cups 9 piece Use to measure the mL of water
and grams of treatments

Katsa 3 piece Use to place the bilimbi fruit

to be squeeze
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Buenavista, Guimaras


Preparation of the test samples

The Bilimbi fruit will be gathered at San Miguel, Jordan,
Guimaras. The Bilimbi fruit will be sliced into small sizes. The
sliced Bilimbi fruit will be put on katsa cloth. Then the
bilimbi fruit placed on the katsa cloth will be squeezed. The
Bilimbi fruit extract will be separated from the fruit itself.
Then the chopped Bilimbi fruit will be weighed before placed in
the concoction jar.

Bilimbi fruit extract concoction

Fill the glass with clean Bilimbi fruit extract. Pour white
vinegar over the Bilimbi fruit until they will completely
submerged. Allow the concoction to sit, occasionally shaking the

Weighing of test samples

The ground test samples will be measured using measuring
cups to obtain droplets, 1 mL, 5 mL, and 1 mL for the positive
control for each treatment.

Testing material preparation

Pre-cut 25 pieces 4×4 inches for each white cotton
cloth. Drop mud stains for each cut cotton cloths for staining
materials made of 50% mud and 50% water.
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Buenavista, Guimaras

Testing and evaluation of Bilimbi fruit extract

Use the Bilimbi fruit (Averrhoa Bilimbi) multipurpose
cleaning agent to remove stains on stain cotton clothes with
mud. Compare results with the negative and positive control

Application of Treatments
The Bilimbi fruit have droplets of, 1 mL, 5 mL, and 1 mL
for the positive control. No treatment is placed in another
basin and will serve as the negative control.

Data Gathering Procedure

Data will be collected immediately after determining the
weight of the Bilimbi fruit that will used and its extract. The
chopped Bilimbi fruit will be weighed and put in a glass
container and mixed with white vinegar. The concoction is
allowed to sit for six (6) weeks and regularly shook at least
twice a week to ensure that the consistency of the mixture will
be achieved.

Statistical Data Analysis

The data that will be obtained from the results of the
study will be subjected to statistical interpretation.
Mean is use to determine the average scores of the
results of the treatments in the study.
Republic of the Philippines
State Universities and Colleges
Buenavista, Guimaras

One Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) will use to determine

the difference between two or more means set at 0.05 level of

Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT) will use to compare the

significant differences of means of various groups or treatments
in the study.

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