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Sample· Questions MATHSmmiiJ

1 1 1 1
(A) - (B) - (C) - ( D) -
2 3 4 5

2. Ne.ha bas 46 bo.oks in her desk. Nalini has 18 boooks in her clesk. ouDlber sente:oee ean be ul!!illd to' find bt;JW many mom IM;Jakls Neha has.thaD NaliDi.?
( A) 18 - 46= 0 Hb I QX K TV セ d@ (C} 4.6+ Q X セ@ D H d I TV M Q Xセ d@

3. MaJHka waut.s to put 12 stiekers ou ィ・イセ M

What is o:oe way that she am put 12 stickers on her pa;per'l
( A) 3 rows of 3stiick.ers (B) 3 rows of6 stk:b:rs (C} 4 rows of2stiick.ers (D) 4 rows of 3stiick.ers

4. of the folJo,w ing statement is true?

\a ャ RQュ セエィ。ョ RP@ Hb I Wmュセ エィウョ@ 150 (C)&am great.erthm. 736 (D) 525mmths.n499

5. There .are 4 t.ab1.e:s. Ajay put 8 plates on each table. What is the total m.oD ber of plates.Aj,ay put on
( A) 2 (B) 10 (C) 18 (D) 2£
Sample Questions GENERAL SCIENCE BDliJ
1. The figures.s ht:rw ヲュセイ@ t ype.s of house&

p Q R s
Whieh :is. the eorreet sequence o f d evel u pme:ot?
(A) P, S , Q, R (B) R, Q. P. S (C) R, Q, S, P

2.. Mr. X st.a:ods on tbe field and SBB.!!J. his shadow falls.tmvards the east.. What :is rthe position of the
Sun at the mcnoent?
(A) East (B,) West (C) orlh (D) Smrlili

Sセ@ Whieh set ofpicture.s shmvs.wbat hiqJpen.s to a glass o f salt water when it :is left o ut em a container
for several weeks'?

p Q R s
(A) R -T S __.,. P -T Q (B) P セ@ R __.,. Q -T S (C) Q __., P 4 R -T S (D) S __., Q __., P -4 R

(A) For scmtcbimg the :sci] to find WCiniiSi ( B) For waD:img on. the g:nnmd
( C) For gripping pn!Y wch as :rats (D) Fo:r pa.dd1lirng mthe water

U セ@ Wb:i.eb of tbe.!!le :sh cnvs a I"CCek with a ma55 of 20 vams.?

ャ ゥd セ@ (C)

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