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Date: 10-09-2017 Time: AM 09:31:26 File: cu2s b4 (N2_400C) User: admin

Name and formula

Reference code: 01-075-1621

Mineral name: Graphite 2H

ICSD name: Carbon

Empirical formula: C
Chemical formula: C

Crystallographic parameters
Crystal system: Hexagonal
Space group: P63mc
Space group number: 186

a (Å): 2.4700
b (Å): 2.4700
c (Å): 6.7900
Alpha (°): 90.0000
Beta (°): 90.0000
Gamma (°): 120.0000

Calculated density (g/cm^3): 2.22

Volume of cell (10^6 pm^3): 35.88
Z: 4.00

RIR: 2.37

Subfiles and Quality

Subfiles: Inorganic
Alloy, metal or intermetalic
ICSD Pattern
Quality: Calculated (C)

Sample source: Specimen from Kropfmuhl, Bavaria, Germany.
ICSD collection code: 031170
Test from ICSD: No R value given.
At least one TF missing.
Calc. density unusual but tolerable.

Primary reference: Calculated from ICSD using POWD-12++, (1997)
Structure: Hassel, O., Z. Phys., 25, 317, (1924)

Peak list
No. h k l d [A] 2Theta[deg] I [%]
1 0 0 2 3.39500 26.228 100.0
2 1 0 0 2.13908 42.214 2.9

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Date: 10-09-2017 Time: AM 09:31:26 File: cu2s b4 (N2_400C) User: admin
3 1 0 1 2.04023 44.365 13.8
4 1 0 2 1.80980 50.381 2.6
5 0 0 4 1.69750 53.974 5.0
6 1 0 3 1.55463 59.404 3.6
7 1 0 4 1.32969 70.804 0.6
8 1 1 0 1.23500 77.177 3.1
9 1 1 2 1.16060 83.167 4.8
10 1 0 5 1.14648 84.425 0.9
11 0 0 6 1.13167 85.793 0.7

Stick Pattern

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