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Table of Contents

Chess Tactics Gym!



♚Part I - Basic Ideas


Knight Fork (130 positions)

Bishop Fork (33)

Rook Fork (12)

Pawn Fork (9)

Skewer (28)


Pin against the King (38)

Pin against other pieces (7)

Exploiting the Pin

Material gain (99)

Knight forks revisited (32)

Check mate (30)


Simple Deflection (130)

Back-rank Deflection (23)

Discovered Attack & Check

Discovered Attack (95)

Discovered Check (32)

Double Attack (74)

♚Part II - Advanced Ideas

Assault on the King

Exposing the King (38)

Exploiting Weak Squares (21)

Back-rank Weakness (30)

The Rook Lift (7)

Removing the Defender (67)

Special themes

Clearing (22)

Blocking (10)

Zwischenzug (11)

Queen Traps (26)


Back-rank Mate (53)

h-file Mate (10)

Pretty Mate (38)

Unfortunate Mate (18)

♚Part III - Exercises

♚Final Thoughts

♚About me
Chess Tactics Gym!
Ideas to build your Tactical muscles. 1500+ diagrams in 25+ themes

By Asim Pereira

© 2014 Asim Pereira


When I sat down (actually stood up, since I stand and work!) to prepare this book, I had
couple of different ideas on how to go about writing it. I had an easy way of shoving up the
1500 odd puzzles into random order and release it as a "puzzle workbook for beginners".
But then, there are already many puzzle books out there with sufficient number of

I decided to take a different route. While going through the puzzles, I got a fair idea of the
frequently occuring themes. Hence, the book is categorized and broken into themes.

Some themes would be familiar to the you. I have also bucketed the puzzles into some
interesting composite themes like Back-rank deflection, Exposing the King, Rook lift etc,
which I doubt you would find in other books on Tactics or Puzzles, but are nevertheless
important to know and interesting to look at.

The main idea behind this book was to provide the readers with a way to exercise the brain
and train the eye with a volley of examples from each theme. The way we train ourselves in
the Gym, one muscle at a time, over and over; is the same approach I have used in this book.
By looking at say 100+ positions involving a Knight fork or 100 positions of Discovered
Attack contiguously, you ought to master that theme and not miss it when it actually
occurs in a serious game that you play.

This book is aimed at the improving players; players below 2000 ELO. But even then, it
should be a good refresher course for players above 2000 because of the unique structure
of the book and the other advanced topics and exercises.

Moreover, all positions are from recent tournament games (2013), so the material is fresh!
Wherever necessary, the solutions are annotated and checked using a strong engine.

May Caissa be with you!

Asim Pereira

February 2014
Table of Contents
Chess Tactics Gym!



♚Part I - Basic Ideas


Knight Fork (130 positions)

Bishop Fork (33)

Rook Fork (12)

Pawn Fork (9)

Skewer (28)


Pin against the King (38)

Pin against other pieces (7)

Exploiting the Pin

Material gain (99)

Knight forks revisited (32)

Check mate (30)


Simple Deflection (130)

Back-rank Deflection (23)

Discovered Attack & Check

Discovered Attack (95)

Discovered Check (32)

Double Attack (74)

♚Part II - Advanced Ideas

Assault on the King

Exposing the King (38)

Exploiting Weak Squares (21)

Back-rank Weakness (30)

The Rook Lift (7)

Removing the Defender (67)

Special themes

Clearing (22)

Blocking (10)

Zwischenzug (11)

Queen Traps (26)


Back-rank Mate (53)

h-file Mate (10)

Pretty Mate (38)

Unfortunate Mate (18)

♚Part III - Exercises

♚Final Thoughts

♚About me

A good way to spot tactics is to always look for forcing moves. Look for moves that check
the opponent's King. Look for any captures. Finally look for moves that can threaten the
enemy pieces. A tactical idea is always available when you are looking for it!

This book aims to provide you with lots of examples of common tactical ideas and themes.

As you progress through the book, you would notice that seldom does a Tactical theme
arise in a game by itself. In most cases, one theme is used to hit the opponent with another
Tactical idea. You will see the themes from the initial chapters, used frequently in
subsequent chapters. At times, there are two or more tactical ideas involved in a single

This book aims to do what no other book has done before. Present the reader with
abundant puzzles from each theme to build the tactical muscles and train the eye on each
tactical idea. In the Gym, we build muscles by doing the same thing over and over again,
concentrating on one muscle at a time. Similarly, the idea of this book is to bombard your
brain with the same theme over and over again till you "just get it".

Part I & II of the book is organized into basic and advanced tactical ideas.

Part III is where you really get tested with 300 random puzzles to solve.

Bonus : All examples and puzzles are from real games played in 2013 so most likely you
have not seen them in other books on Tactics.

This concludes this short introduction. I would rather let the positions do the talking than
bore you with pages on how this book is going to help you!
♚Part I - Basic Ideas

In this part, we look at the basic tactical ideas and themes involving Forks, Pins, Skewers,
Deflection etc.

I have also added a brief hint or a note before most examples so as to point your brain in
the right direction and make it easy for you to spot the underlying idea. It should give you
some rough idea of how to think and what to do.


• The positions in each chapter gradually become a little difficult. But, this is not a
test, so you are free to look at the solution! To stop you from being complacent,
at some stages the examples shown will be a bit tricky. Take your time to
understand the position and calculate all possibilities.

• In ALL positions in this book, the board is always turned with the winning side
in mind. Winning side is at the bottom. The side to move is indicated by the
square box to the right of the board.

• I would recommend you finish one chapter before you take a long break, so as
to spot the similar patterns between all positions in that chapter. Or depending
on the time at your disposal and skill level, look at say 30-50 positions in one
shot. Even better if you finish one chapter in a single sitting!

• If you are reading this book using the Amazon Kindle App, then you can double-
tap the board to view it in fullscreen.

Lets begin!
The Knight is one of the deadliest piece known to Chess-kind. With a single move, it can
attack two pieces in far off squares. And the Fork is probably the most common tactical
theme that occurs in a Chess game. However, apart from the Knight fork, we will also see
examples of Bishop fork and some examples of fork with the Rook and the Pawn.

The following diagrams explain the forks in their simplest forms. Note how two enemy
pieces are attacked at the same time.

Knight Fork

Bishop Fork
Rook Fork

Pawn Fork

Lets start with Knight forks. Look at the board and try to find the solution in your head,
before you look at the solution placed under the board. But don't worry if you find it
difficult, this is not a test. Simply look at the solution and then visualize it on the board.
Knight Fork (130 positions)

Lets add some pieces to the earlier position and see the actual game position. Note how you
can easily ignore the rest of the pieces and how they are placed! That is what Masters do
when it comes to Chess tactics!
The Knight fork wins the Rook!

1/130. Aitmyrzaev - Akmatov, Altay

ch-KGZ Men 2013 2013.05.15

25. Nxh6+

Some positions may have two or more tempting continuations. Almost always you should
look for a forced sequence which includes a check or a capture!

2/130. Lemoni, Maria - Ioanna (1472) - Koutsoura, Georgia (1445)

41st TCh-GRE 2013.07.07

26. Nf6+ wins the queen. NOTE: The pawn is pinned and cannot capture the Knight. Can
you find why Nxc7 fork is bad for White? 1-0
3/130. Kerem, Halil Ozgun (1566) - Kuzucular, Sahamettin

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.05

27. Nxf6+ 1-0

4/130. Kyrlakitsi, Vasileia - Moshou, Alexia (1611)

41st TCh-GRE 2013.07.06

14... Nf3+ 0-1

5/130. Wu, Min (1816) - Pilsan, Martha (1498)

ch-AUT w 2013 2013.07.20

22. Ne6+ 1-0

6/130. Marshall, Mi (1839) - Greibrokk, Ingrid Andrea (1598)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.08.01

29... Ne2+ 0-1

7/130. Karisik, N. (2086) - Ajanovic, Berina (1382)

65th ch-MNE 2013 2013.07.20

12. Nd6+ 1-0

8/130. Suarez Ramirez, Jonay (1600) - Fernandez de la Hoz, A. (1871)

6th Montalvo Open 2013.03.28

29... Nf3+ 0-1

9/130. Kocour, Z. (1842) - Nemcova, Karin (1659)

Open Hradec Kralove 2013 2013.05.17

28... Ng4+ wins the Queen 0-1

The Knight fork does not always need to include the King. You can even fork two different
enemy pieces, like in the below example.

10/130. Rejnus, Josef (1710) - Horyna, J. (1849)

Open Hradec Kralove 2013 2013.05.19

39... Nxg4 0-1

11/130. Ottesen, Soren Rud (1757) - Rendlev, N. (1818)

Xtracon GM 2013 2013.10.19

33... Nd2+ 0-1

12/130. Zirkelbach, Maj (1836) - Mico, Timoleo

23rd EYCC Open U16 2013 2013.10.05

24. Ng6+ 1-0

13/130. Vasiliev, Maxim (1703) - Lysakov, A. (2032)

17th Petr Izmailov 2013.06.13

18... Ne2+ 0-1

14/130. Foster, Chantelle L (1866) - Vidic, Teja (1892)

EY Girls Teams 2013 2013.07.12

23. Ng5+ 1-0

15/130. Vetter, U. (1722) - Svobodova, M. (2051)

Novy Bor Open A 2013 2013.02.09

38... Ne4+ 0-1

16/130. Jenul, R. (2068) - Tarmastin, Laura (1736)

17th Lienz Open 2013 2013.02.09

31. Ne7+ 1-0

Once in a while you will come across a tricky position. Wait and think. Don't be complacent.
Make sure you consider your opponent's response and only then make your move!

17/130. Dermatopoulos, Konstantinos (1664) - Mourelatos, I. (2154)

Grand Open Blagoevgrad 2013 2013.09.28

26... Nd5 Qxf7 does not help White since after the exchange of the Queens, Black will
simply capture the e3 Rook as well as defend his own Rook on d1 0-1
18/130. Beltz, M. (2100) - Waechter, Nathalie (1733)

ch-GER w Rapid 2013 2013.09.28

28. Ng6+ 1-0

19/130. Hollan, Petr (1917) - Green, Per (1967)

9th Prague Festival Open A 2013.06.26

22. Nh6+ 1-0

20/130. Julien, Jules-Alois (1946) - Deportes, Anouk

8th Angers Open 2013.05.03

17. Ne6+ 1-0

21/130. Hickman, J. (1986) - De Kruif, K. (1930)

Guernsey Open 2013 2013.10.25

28. Ne7+ 1-0

22/130. Nuritdinov, Nizomiddin (1882) - Senkevich, K. (2039)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.12

19. Nd6+ 1-0

23/130. Nadal Fajardo, Ricard (1913) - Zemlicka, V. (2016)

XV Sant Marti Open A 2013.07.15

19. Nb6+ 1-0

24/130. Angelov, Angel Y (2096) - Kolev, Vel (1919)

Old Capital Open 2013 2013.05.04

37. Nd6+ 1-0

25/130. Grigorian, Sp (2130) - Grabenhorst, J. (1896)

St. Pauli Open 2013 2013.07.10

21. Nc7+ 1-0

26/130. v.d. Weth-v. Nordheim, Petra (2000) - Carow, A. (2028)

ch-GER w Rapid 2013 2013.09.28

30... Nf2+ 0-1

27/130. Llorente Bello, Eduardo (2158) - Vigoa Apecheche, Yad (1958)

48th Capablanca Open II 2013 2013.04.25

28... Nd2+ 0-1

28/130. Cao, Alvin (1973) - Viswanadha, Kesav (2147)

DC International 2013.06.29

26... Nd2+ 0-1

29/130. Reimold, J. (2037) - White, A. (2093)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.23

39. Nf6+ 1-0

Never play in a hurry. Some Knight forks just don't work. Always make sure you consider
your opponent's response.

30/130. Melero Fidalgo, J. (2230) - Valdezate Suarez, F. (1988)

TCh-ESP CECLUB Div1Gp1 2013 2013.08.20

32. Nxd6 right! Ne7 fork does not work because of Qxe7 1-0
31/130. Rausis, I. (2518) - Henbest, Kevin B (1729)

Jersey Masters 2013 2013.03.07

22. Nc7+ 1-0

32/130. Novak, Stane - Gorsek, G. (2123)

23rd ch-SLO 2013 2013.04.07

19... Ne2+ 0-1

33/130. Zimmermann, L. (2087) - Polak, I. (2163)

3rd SPAChess Open 2013.07.11

36... Nd5+ 0-1

Its easy to get confused when there are too many pieces on board that can cloud your
judgement. Remember, always start by looking at forced sequences like checks! (Knight-
jumps to the edge of the board can be difficult to find!)

34/130. Malmstig, E. (2265) - Bjorsson, A. (2025)

Svenska Cup 2013 2013.09.07

33. Ne8+ 1-0

35/130. Winterberg, L. (2242) - Wahl, Fr (2060)

17th Godesberg Open 2013.08.07

37. Nf5+ 1-0

36/130. Groenn, A. (2368) - Djurhuus, Eivind X (1934)

6th Sveins Memorial 2013.06.21

24. Nd5 1-0

37/130. Aron, Teh Eu Wen (1981) - Mas, H. (2347)

Malaysian Masters Men 2013 2013.06.24

22. Ne5+ 1-0

38/130. Lafaurie, P. (2101) - Ribeiro, Ro (2242)

Dieppe Open 2013 2013.08.29

31... Nb5 fork, double attack 0-1

39/130. Ruckschloss, K. (2283) - Edes, Z. (2059)

V4 Int Open ch-SVK 2013 2013.07.14

14. Nxc7 1-0

40/130. Drozdova, D. (2291) - Ivanov, Sergei V (2053)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.10

30... Ne1+ 0-1

41/130. Ageichenko, G. (2296) - Grinblat, Artemiy (2058)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.10

34. Nh6+ 1-0

42/130. Plump, D. (2230) - Krause, Benedict (2128)

St. Pauli Open 2013 2013.07.10

36... Nf4+ 0-1

Take a moment to think how the Knight fork really helps you win the game? In the below
example, the other piece is indeed supported. Calculate more than just the immediate fork.
Look at how the Black Bishop indirectly attacks the White Rook!

43/130. Iro, Christian (1891) - Burg, T. (2478)

Tschaturanga Open 2013 2013.05.06

28... Nxe4+ 0-1

44/130. Gvanceladze, An (2183) - Kharmunova, N. (2196)

ch-Moscow w 2013 2013.03.29

31. Nd2 1-0

45/130. Kvetny, M. (2239) - Grigorian, Sp (2144)

23rd EYCC Open U16 2013 2013.10.07

29... Nc5 0-1

46/130. Hess, C1. (2268) - Weiler, D. (2117)

19th Schloss Open 2013.03.23

31. Nxe5 1-0

47/130. Rabatin, J. (2209) - Pokrupa, M. (2210)

TCh-CZE Div1 Vychod 2012-13 2013.03.17

24. Ne6 1-0

48/130. Hejazipour, M. (2236) - Faqeeh, Aseel

Asian Zonal 3.1 w 2013 2013.05.12

15. Nxc7 1-0

Caution! Positions get a bit tricky from here on. If you have been solving continuously, now
would be a good time to take a break!

When you have found a good move, look for a better one! In the below position, ...Ne2 fork
is very tempting. But in such situations, look for a forced sequence which can win more
material! Once you have the "Ah!" moment, take a few minutes to absorb this idea and stick
it in your head.

49/130. Gupta, Arul (1781) - Healey, M. (2108)

6th Jessie Gilbert Open 2013 2013.08.21

18... Qxc1 18...Ne2+ is not effective since White will lose the Rook for the Knight, but has
active pieces 19. Qxc1 Ne2+ Now Black is up by a full rook! 0-1
In the below position, you will immediately find the fork. But what about your Queen which
is under attack? Calculate one or two moves ahead and validate your Knight fork idea!

50/130. Potapova, Tatiana (1636) - Sadovsky, Artem (2263)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.05

26... Ne4 27. Rxd5 Nxd2 loses one of the Rooks 0-1
Before you can get to the fork, you need to prepare for it.

51/130. Kukucka, M. (2076) - Jandl, Vojtech (1824)

Stare Mesto Open 2013 2013.08.13

19. Qb3+ Kh8 20. Ng5 fork and mate threat via Nf7 1-0
In Chess, most tactical ideas don't occur by themselves. You need to create the tactical
opportunity by virtue of sacrifice or moving the opponent's pieces into the Knight's
attacking range (fork).

Hint: What if the White King was on h1 instead of g1? Then, you would play Nxf2 fork! So,
can you force the White King to come to h1 by sacrificing a piece!?

52/130. Lopez, Di (2171) - Lopez, Bruno (1734)

VIII American Continental 2013 2013.05.15

19... Rh1+ creating tactical opportunity 20. Kxh1 Nxf2+ 0-1

Similarly, how nice would it be if the Black Queen was on c8 instead of b8? Then you would
fork with Nxd6!

53/130. Cao, Alvin (1973) - Gbenle, Toyin

DC International 2013.06.30

14. Rc8+ creating tactical opportunity 14... Qxc8 15. Nxd6+ 1-0
Hint: The fork can occur in the most unlikeliest of places and not always involve the King!

54/130. Lorite Cruz, F. (2016) - Esquivias Gomez, F. (1975)

XXX Collado Villalba Open 2013 2013.08.29

18. Rxb8 creating tactical opportunity 18... Rxb8 19. Nxc6 fork and Black must part
with his Rook or d5 Knight 1-0
Remember position #49!?

55/130. Fong Mi Yen (1885) - Fong Yit San (2105)

10th Malaysian Open 2013.08.10

36. Qxd8+ creating tactical opportunity 36... Qxd8 37. Nf7+ 1-0
There is one fork possible on d6, but the Bishop and rook are guarding it. Another fork is
possible on a7, but the Queen has it covered. Ask yourself, can you force the Queen to move
via a forced sequence or capture?

56/130. Baeuschlein, A. (2061) - Stock, J. (1936)

1st Hofheim Open 2013.04.06

16. Bxc6 creating tactical opportunity 16... Qxc6 17. Na7+ 1-0
57/130. Schuetzhold, F. (1886) - Beutelhoff, J. (2111)

Sparkassen Open A 2013 2013.07.27

36... Qxc2 37. Qxc2 Nxe3+ 0-1

You have seen the fork on f6, but it is under control. Can you remove the piece which is
controlling that square?

58/130. Guerreiro, N. (2098) - Leharanger, Guillaume (1911)

29th Open 2013.02.23

29. Rxg7+ creating tactical opportunity 29... Rxg7 30. Nf6+ 1-0
59/130. Kanakova, Natalie (1861) - Valenta, V jr (2151)

Stare Mesto Open 2013 2013.08.13

34... Qxd1+ 35. Qxd1 Nf2+ 0-1

Ng5 is a fork, but then the pawn captures back. Can you get the other Knight to attack on
g5, so that the second fork proves lethal?

60/130. Serafim Junior, Arnor (1851) - Souza Neves, A. (2172)

III Brazil Maringa Open 2013.07.26

23. Ne4 discovered attack on the Knight 23... Nxb2 24. Neg5+ [24. Nfg5+ hxg5 25.
Nxg5+ wins] 1-0
61/130. Brekka, H. (2092) - Andersen, Dani (1935)

Copenhagen Chess Challenge 2013 2013.04.27

23. Ne7+ 23... Rxe7 24. Qxd8+ 1-0

62/130. Meftahi, Houssem (2076) - Thompson, Robert (1966)

52nd World Juniors 2013 2013.09.23

24. Nf6+ 24... Kh8 [24... gxf6 25. gxf6+ Kh8 26. Qg5 mate cannot be stopped] 25.
Nxd7 1-0
63/130. Weiler, D. (2124) - Stock, J. (1936)

1st Hofheim Open 2013.04.05

28. Qxg5 creating tactical opportunity 28... Qxg5 29. Nf7+ 1-0
64/130. Vergeiner, F. (2091) - Huber, Joh (1985)

17th Lienz Open 2013 2013.02.12

28. Nd7+ Kg8 29. Nf6+ fork, back rank weakness 1-0
65/130. Delchev, P. (2263) - Kamenov, V. (1842)

63rd TCh-BUL GpB 2013 2013.09.20

12. Bh7+ Kh8 13. Nxf7+ 1-0

A forced sequence may not always be in form of a check or a capture. Even a "mate threat"
is a good way to force the opponent to act.

The Knight would really love to fork on f3, but for that pawn! However, can you take
advantage of the fact that the Black Knight and Queen threaten mate on g2, which might
force White to prevent mate, by advancing that pawn!

66/130. Tritar, K. (2008) - Jmila, Omar (2098)

Mohamed Slama Mem 2013 2013.09.12

25... Nh4 threatening Qg2 mate 26. e4 [26. Kf1 Qg2+ 27. Ke1 Qg1#] 26... Nf3+ 0-1
67/130. Tsiropoulas, A. (2143) - Konstantelias, K. (1976)

41st TCh-GRE 2013.07.07

24. Qf4+ Kd7 [24... Kc8 25. Nd6+ ] 25. Nf6+ 1-0
Nf7 is a possibility, but does not lead to a immediate fork. Can you "deflect" the King away
and put it into a forking range?

68/130. Macaspac, A. (2107) - Skwarczynski, Marcin (2014)

24th ch-NATO 2013 2013.08.14

23. Bxh6+ deflection, creating tactical opportunity 23... Kxh6 [23... Kg8 24. hxg6 fxg6
25. Qd3 mate in 3] 24. Nxf7+ 1-0
69/130. Nikolov, Sas (2415) - Atanasova, Elitsa (1744)

35th Georgi Tringov Open 2013.02.03

29. Bxd5 cxd5 30. Nxd5 1-0

Not only the King, you can even force the other piece to move into a forking range. Can you
do the same to the Black queen?

70/130. Matijevic, Filip (2136) - Ioffe, E. (2029)

15th Trieste Open 2013.09.06

30. Bd4 creating tactical opportunity 30... Qxd4 31. Nc6+ 1-0
71/130. Aerni, A. (2206) - Campos Calvo Sotelo, Ju (1978)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.26

19... Qxg5 creating tactical opportunity 20. Qxg5 Nh3+ 0-1

72/130. Kojima, S. (2384) - Tanaka, T. (1838)

46th ch-JPN 2013.05.01

22. Rxg4 creating tactical opportunity 22... Qxg4 23. Nxh6+ 1-0
73/130. Rimeikis, A. (2104) - Bieliauskas, M. (2138)

TCh-LTU 2013 2013.02.10

38. Rf8+ creating tactical opportunity 38... Kb7 39. Na5+ 1-0
The Knight can fork two enemy pieces on c3. What if instead of the White Knight on d1,
there was a rook instead? Then the fork would be more effective. Can you force things with
a sacrifice here?

74/130. Notegger, P. (1940) - Zozulia, A. (2326)

31st Liechtenstein Open 2013 2013.05.03

31... Rxd1 creating tactical opportunity 32. Rxd1 Nc3+ 0-1

75/130. Juracsik, J. (2136) - Zhou, Hao

FSFMA July 2013 2013.07.16

30. Rxe7+ Kxe7 31. Nf5+ 1-0

76/130. Davies, G Brian - Varnam, L. (2140)

4NCL 2012-13 2013.03.24

36... Qxe2+ creating tactical opportunity 37. Kxe2 Nc3+ 0-1

77/130. Katov, L. (2281) - Stefanov, E. (2004)

Old Capital Open 2013 2013.05.02

29. Rxd5 creating tactical opportunity 29... Rxd5 30. Ne7+ 1-0
As you can see, all ideas repeat themself. Knight would like to fork on f7, but for that
Bishop. Eliminate it!

78/130. Kazakov, K. (2309) - Khakimov, Ulmasbek (2009)

7th Agzamov Memorial 2013.04.17

33. Qxe8+ creating tactical opportunity 33... Rxe8 34. Nf7+ 1-0
79/130. Ballantyne, Rochelle (1940) - Ostrovskiy, Al (2379)

SuperNationals V 2013.04.06

39... Nd2+ 40. Kg1 Nhf3+ 0-1

Even if a fork is not immediately possible, visualize a square where the Knight can fork.
How about g3!? So how does the Knight get to g3 yet keep things forced (via a check or
capture or mate threat!)

80/130. Mueller, We SUI (2033) - Maeurer, C. (2291)

Hilton Master Open 2013 2013.01.04

37... Nf1 threatening Rf2 mate 38. Nd3 Ng3+ 0-1

81/130. Dasaolu, R. (2115) - Nazarenus, M. (2248)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.26

28... Rxe2+ creating tactical opportunity 29. Kxe2 Ng3+ 0-1

82/130. Stanojevic, B. (2302) - Djuza, Z. (2063)

17th Battle of Senta 2013.07.13

30. Rxd8 creating tactical opportunity 30... Qxd8 31. Ne6+ 1-0
Tricky position alert! Make sure you calculate and see yourself winning atleast a piece (3
moves ahead)

83/130. Zeynalli, Miradil (2130) - Reshef, O. (2246)

23rd EYCC Open U16 2013 2013.09.30

31... Nc2 32. Re2 Nd4 [32... Nd4 33. Rbxe3 Nxe2] 0-1
84/130. Van der Raaf, E. (2140) - Heemskerk, W. (2239)

7th LCT 2013 2013.07.21

26... Qxe4 creating tactical opportunity 27. Qxe4 Nf2+ 0-1

When one Knight fork fails, the other Knight fork prevails! Fork on f6 does not work, but
how about a fork on e5!? :-)

85/130. Asabri, Hu (2222) - Bouzidi, Ahmed (2161)

ch-Africa Open 2013 2013.05.26

22. Rxd7 Rxd7 23. Ne5 1-0

86/130. Diaz Velandia, Jose Manuel (2271) - Byrn, C. (2114)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.26

9. Qxd5 creating tactical opportunity 9... Qxd5 10. Nxc7+ 1-0

87/130. Ragolta Franco, E. (2301) - Castillo Coca, M. (2094)

48th Capablanca Open I 2013 2013.04.24

38. Qxd7 creating tactical opportunity 38... Qxd7 39. Nf6+ 1-0
Qg3 is tempting but less effective. Can you find another check instead?

88/130. Ortel, E. (2208) - Farkas, R. (2191)

FSFMA October 2013 2013.10.06

30... Qg5+ 31. Kf1 Ng3+ 0-1

89/130. Mueller, Reinho (2249) - Jussupow, N. (2156)

84th ch-GER 2013 2013.09.07

20. Qxb7 Qxb7 21. Nd6+ 1-0

90/130. Stathopoulos, I. (2247) - Kosmas Lekkas, D. (2160)

41st TCh-GRE 2013.07.04

23. Qg4 Qg6 24. Ne7+ 1-0

91/130. Johansson, Ja SWE (2394) - Seidl, A. (2018)

16th Olomouc Open 2013.08.01

16. Qxd7 creating tactical opportunity 16... Qxd7 17. Nxf6+ 1-0
You are human if you see Qg5 first in the below position. You should calculate and see that
it does not work because Black has defensive resources like ...Ng6. So, go back to the
drawing board (and draw a Knight fork!)

92/130. Podolsky, A. (2269) - Buksa, N. (2147)

1st Maksym Yusupov Mem 2013.02.03

33. Rc8 creating tactical opportunity 33... Qxc8 34. Ne7+ 1-0
93/130. Buecker, S. (2301) - Behling, R. (2124)

17th OIBM 2013 2013.10.31

30. Ne6+ Kd7 31. Ng7 1-0

94/130. Mastrovasilis, A. (2514) - Zahariev, Ognyan (1913)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.05

16. Qxc6 creating tactical opportunity 16... Qxc6 17. Ne7+ 1-0
Remember, Knight moves to the edge of the board are always a bit difficult to find!

95/130. Arvola, B. (2354) - Igonin, Temur (2074)

52nd World Juniors 2013 2013.09.19

29. Nd8+ Kg8 30. Nxe6 1-0

96/130. Nakamura, N. (2058) - Kojima, S. (2384)

46th ch-JPN 2013.05.02

33... Qxe4 creating tactical opportunity 34. Qxe4 Ng3+ 0-1

97/130. Iwu, O. (2185) - Riester, Scott M (2275)

Minnesota Closed 2013 2013.03.17

38. Rxd7 creating tactical opportunity 38... Rxd7 39. Ne5+ 1-0
98/130. Favarel, A. (2350) - Aranaz Portugues, J. (2164)

36th San Sebastian Open 2013.03.28

32. Rxf8+ Qxf8 33. Nxg6+ 1-0

99/130. Vincze, Rob (2102) - Jakic, I. (2416)

18th Bosnjaci Open 2013.01.04

25... Nxc3 26. Rxd4 Ne2+ 0-1

100/130. Thomanek, Man (1924) - Zubarev, Al1 (2595)

25th Staufer Open 2013.01.02

34... Qxc1+ creating tactical opportunity 35. Qxc1 Ne2+ 0-1

101/130. Klyuev, A. (2227) - Mischuk, D. (2330)

Moscow Gov Cup A Rapid 2013.02.20

35... Qxf5+ 36. Nxf5 Ng4+ 0-1

102/130. Himanshu, Sh (2391) - Akash Pc, I. (2206)

51st ch-IND B 2013 2013.10.19

26. Qg3 double attack 26... Qg6 27. Ne7+ 1-0

103/130. Markovski, V. (2042) - Hansen, Eric (2557)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.09

24... Qxc3 creating tactical opportunity 25. Qxc3 Ne2+ 0-1

104/130. Afek, Y. (2285) - Troyke, C. (2319)

10th LGA Premium Cup GpC 2013.09.06

31. Nb7 31... Rc8 32. Nxd6+ fork! 1-0

105/130. Santiago, Y. (2405) - Olivencia, F. (2211)

79th ch-BRA 2013 2013.03.02

23. Qxc4 creating tactical opportunity 23... Qxc4 24. Nxe5+ 1-0
106/130. Iwanow, A. (2227) - Zawadzka, J. (2391)

XXII Anderssen Mem Final B 2013.06.30

29... Rxc3 creating tactical opportunity 30. Qxc3 Ne2+ 0-1

107/130. Vella Ramirez, A. (2087) - Ibarra Jerez, JC. (2538)

78th ch-ESP 2013 2013.08.29

23... Nxf4 24. Bxb6 Nxe2+ 0-1

108/130. Molina, Rob (2423) - Zalkind, K. (2211)

2nd Grand Europe Open 2013 2013.06.12

28. Qxf8+ creating tactical opportunity 28... Kxf8 29. Nxe6+ 1-0
109/130. Drozdowski, K. (2435) - Sabuk, P. (2206)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.06

37. Ng4 discovered attack on the Black queen and double attack on h6 Bishop 37... Qxe4
38. Nf6+ 1-0
110/130. Petrukhina, I. (2204) - Chigaev, M. (2455)

17th Petr Izmailov 2013.06.14

38... Rxd6 creating tactical opportunity 39. Rxd6 Nf5+ 0-1

111/130. Khamrakulov, I. (2506) - Santos Ruiz, Miguel (2153)

40th La Roda Open 2013.03.31

29... Qd1+ 30. Bf1 [30. Kf2 Qc2+ 31. Kg3 Rd3+ 32. Kf4 Ng6+ fork!] Nf3+ 0-1
112/130. Kirjakov, T. (2223) - Enchev, I. (2445)

63rd TCh-BUL GpA 2013 2013.09.23

26... Qxf3+ creating tactical opportunity 27. Qxf3 Nxh4+ 0-1

113/130. Baraeva, M. (2187) - Bukavshin, I. (2510)

Dvorkovich Mem 2013 2013.01.15

39... Rxb1 creating tactical opportunity 40. Rxb1 Na3+ 0-1

114/130. Lorenzo de la Riva, L. (2436) - Espinoza Palomino, W. (2284)

I Montcada Closed 2013.03.08

31... Rxe2+ creating tactical opportunity 32. Rxe2 Nf3+ 0-1

115/130. Malisauskas, V. (2459) - Vedrickas, T. (2279)

ch-LTU 2013 2013.04.20

15... Nb4 16. Qc1 Nxe2+ 0-1

116/130. Akdag, D. (2251) - Schandorff, L. (2513)

ch-DEN 2013 2013.03.30

38... Rxd2+ creating tactical opportunity 39. Kxd2 Nc4+ 0-1

117/130. Antal, T. (2358) - Ilincic, Z. (2426)

Caissa GM Aug 2013 2013.08.18

25... Rxg2 creating tactical opportunity 26. Kxg2 Nh4+ 0-1

118/130. Sabuk, P. (2222) - Moranda, W. (2570)

XXII Anderssen Mem Final A 2013.06.30

33. Qc8+ [33. Ne3 is less effective 33... Qg6 34. Nxf5 Qxf5] 33... Bf8 34. Ne3 fork,
wins the whole Rook 1-0
119/130. Bobras, P. (2549) - Swiech, Pr1 (2281)

TCh-POL Ekstraliga 2013 2013.08.30

31... Qf3 threatening Ne2+ mate 32. Bxf3 [32. Qxd4 deflection Qxf2+] 32... Nxf3+
fork, wins back the queen 0-1
120/130. Jaracz, P. (2541) - Dubkov, A. (2327)

Bundesliga 2012-13 2013.03.17

36. Rxe6 creating tactical opportunity 36... Rxe6 37. Nc5+ 1-0
121/130. Movsziszian, K. (2475) - Zaragatski, I. (2469)

Llucmajor Open 2013 2013.05.04

37. Rxg6+ creating tactical opportunity 37... Kxg6 38. Nxe5+ 1-0
122/130. Kojima, S. (2368) - Danin, A. (2578)

29th Open 2013.02.23

25... Rxe3 creating tactical opportunity 26. Kxe3 Nc2+ 0-1

123/130. Kreisl, R. (2380) - Solak, D. (2602)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.06

28. Rg8+ deflection 28... Kxg8 29. Nxf6+ 1-0

124/130. Terrieux, K. (2415) - Balogh, C. (2632)

Oscaro Open 2013 2013.10.19

30... Qg5 pinning the rook and attacking g2 31. Qe3 [31. g3 Nf3+ 32. Rxf3 Qxd2 ] [31. f3
Nxf3+ 32. gxf3 Qg1#] 31... Nxg2 0-1
125/130. Finegold, B. (2505) - Shabalov, A. (2544)

ch-USA 2013 2013.05.12

22... Ne2+ 23. Kh1 [23. Rxe2 Rxf1+ 24. Kxf1 Rd1+ back rank weakness] 23... Ng3+
[also winning is 23... Rxf2 24. Bxf2 Qxf2] 0-1
126/130. Mamedov, Rau (2649) - Firat, B. (2421)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.05

27. Nxh6 Qxh6 28. Nxf7+ 1-0

127/130. Bluebaum, M. (2514) - Babula, V. (2571)

Werder Bremen GM 2013 2013.09.25

25. Rxc5 deflection 25... Rxc5 26. Nf7+ 1-0

128/130. Fressinet, L. (2700) - Moor, O. (2391)

TCh-SUI 2013 2013.09.08

36. Nxd6 Rxc2 37. Nf7+ 1-0

129/130. Karjakin, Sergey (2772) - Ulko, J. (2443)

67th Moscow Blitz 2013 2013.09.01

30. Rxf5 creating tactical opportunity 30... Qxf5 31. Ne7+ 1-0
130/130. Tomashevsky, E. (2706) - So, W. (2710)

FIDE World Cup 2013 2013.08.14

48. f5+ clearing the way 48... gxf5 [48... Kxf5 49. Bg4# very unfortunate mate!] 49.
Nf4+ 1-0
Thats the end of Knight forks. We will see some more examples of Knight forks in the other

Take a good break if you have been solving continuously. Before moving on to the next
section, it would be helpful if you quickly go through all previous positions and try to spot
the tactical idea.
Bishop Fork (33)

Although not so frequent as the Knight fork, forks are also possible with Bishop, Pawn and
a Rook! We shall see them now.
Bishop Fork - The next 33 positions are based on Bishop fork. (Same concept as the Knight
fork. The Bishop attacks two enemy pieces)

1/33. Jesensky, J. (1574) - Pribyl, Viktor (1488)

14th Liberec Open 2013.10.29

31... Bxd4+ 0-1

2/33. Zor, Alber Kadir (1920) - Aksoy, Ayca (1707)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.05

35. Bc3+ 1-0

3/33. Karamahmutoglu, E. (1983) - Isiksoy, Semra

IsBank TCh-TUR 2013 2013.06.29

19. Bxf6+ 1-0

4/33. Scekic, V. (2181) - Misovic, S. (1842)

65th ch-MNE 2013 2013.07.25

36. Bg7+ 1-0

5/33. Emiroglu, C. (2260) - Baglan, E. (2024)

23rd EYCC Open U18 2013 2013.10.03

22... Bxc3+ 0-1

6/33. Kulon, K. (2267) - Krasiuk, K. (2170)

UKR-POL Academic Teams 2013.09.28

30. Bxe4+ 1-0

7/33. Perez, Max (2277) - Contin, D. (2325)

XV Villa Martelli ITT 2013.09.22

31... Be4 0-1

8/33. Carrascoso Morales, A. (2288) - Castella Garcia, F. (2338)

47th Mislata Open 2013.08.19

32... Bf2+ 0-1

9/33. Ferreyra, Gustavo (1778) - Fernandez, Maria (2134)

III Marcel Duchamp Boca Jun Op 2013.06.23

27... Bc4 28. Qc6 Rc8 safeguarding the Rook first 0-1
Like with the earlier tactical idea, you can "create" a tactical opportunity with a forced
sequence of moves. The next few positions involve a piece sacrifice in order to achieve the

10/33. Wimalasuriya, Kasun M (1863) - Kurukulasuriya, P. (2071)

Asian Zonal 3.2 2013 2013.02.03

30... Rxc5 creating tactical opportunity 31. Rxc5 Bd4+ 0-1

11/33. Lopez Idarraga, D. (2075) - Munoz Monroy, C. (1871)

XX Feria de las Flores 2013 2013.08.05

19... Nxe3 20. fxe3 Bxe3+ wins the knight 0-1

12/33. Fallowfield, Nicholas K (2025) - Bennett, Dominic L (1977)

e2e4 Coventry Open 2013.08.24

19. Nxf7 creating tactical opportunity 19... Kxf7 20. Bxe6+ 1-0
13/33. Kesoglou, K. (2114) - Iliopoulos, An (1888)

21st Honor to National Resistance 2013.09.02

33. Rxc4 creating tactical opportunity 33... Rxc4 34. Bd5+ 1-0
14/33. Kautz, S. (1945) - Weiler, W. (2149)

17th Godesberg Open 2013.08.04

30. Rxe5 dxe5 31. Bxe5+ 1-0

15/33. Bowersock, Michael (2126) - Nieto, M. (1996)

DC International 2013.06.30

30. Qe6+ Kg7 31. Bxe5+ 1-0

16/33. Algars, O. (2090) - Heimer, Hans-Joachim

Sparkassen Open A 2013 2013.07.31

33. Rxf8+ Kxf8 34. Bc5+ 1-0

17/33. Neubauer, Kai (2013) - Zucchelli, M. (2186)

2nd Server24 Open 2013.06.05

20... Rxa7 creating tactical opportunity 21. Rxa7 Be3+ 0-1

18/33. Muller, Anthony (2060) - Eden, J. (2197)

ch-FRA Junior 2013 2013.04.29

19... Rxa7 creating tactical opportunity 20. Qxa7 Bc5+ 0-1

19/33. Wagner, Fl (2203) - Karasek, Christian (2058)

12th Forchheim Open A 2013 2013.09.29

19. Nxb5 Rxb5 20. Bxc4+ 1-0

20/33. Rachela, M. (2364) - Sepesi, Samuel (1924)

TCh-SVK Extraliga 2012-13 2013.03.02

35. Rxc3 creating tactical opportunity 35... Rxc3 36. Bd4+ 1-0
21/33. Noiroux, K. (2243) - Kurpnieks, V. (2056)

Charleroi Open 2013 2013.07.29

38. Rxe8+ Kxe8 39. Bg6+ 1-0

22/33. Yakovlev, YuriS (1940) - Nakar, Ey (2390)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.05

19... Nxd3+ creating tactical opportunity 20. Qxd3 Bc2 0-1

23/33. Sieciechowicz, M. (2458) - Czajkowski, Ad (1933)

XXIV Jozefa Kochana Mem 2013.08.16

35. Rxe5 Nxe5 36. Bf6+ 1-0

24/33. Dubrovin, R. (2197) - Taliharm, Andrus

47th Ilmar Raud Mem 2013.07.07

32. Rxe6 sacrifice 32... Rxe6 33. Bd5 1-0

NOTE : Its important to accurately calculate your opponent's counter-attack, atleast for the
next two positions!

25/33. Wantola, I. (2352) - Vereggen, L. (2081)

73rd Noteboom Mem 2013.02.09

22... Bb5 23. Qa5 Black's b5 Bishop is pinned 23... Bd8 and will capture the Rook on
the next move 0-1
26/33. Rosen, B. (2341) - Foerster, S. (2119)

17th OIBM 2013 2013.10.27

29. Bd7 Nd4 30. Rc5 [30. Bxe8? Nxe2+] 1-0

27/33. Rabiega, R. (2506) - Poseck, S. (2044)

12th Lichtenberger Sommer 2013.08.18

19. Rxd7 creating tactical opportunity 19... Qxd7 20. Bxe6+ 1-0
28/33. Postny, E. (2622) - Mesko, A. (2026)

Zagreb Open A 2013 2013.02.25

31. Rxf8+ creating tactical opportunity 31... Kxf8 32. Bc5+ 1-0
29/33. Sutorikhin, V. (2331) - Somborski, N. (2339)

Caissa IM Aug 2013 2013.08.22

29. Rxc6 creating tactical opportunity 29... Qxc6 30. Bxd5+ 1-0
30/33. Boudriga, M. (2234) - Ezat, M. (2454)

ch-Africa Open 2013 2013.05.18

32... Rxc1+ creating tactical opportunity 33. Kxc1 Bf4+ 0-1

31/33. Peralta, Fe (2617) - Schut, L. (2295)

75th Tata Steel GpC 2013.01.15

33. Rb3 creating tactical opportunity 33... Rc2 [33... Rxb3 34. Bxc4+] 34. Bd3 1-0
32/33. Kosintseva, T. (2517) - Girya, O. (2463)

Geneva WGP 2013 2013.05.11

32. Rxg7+ creating tactical opportunity 32... Kxg7 33. Be5+ and the advanced passed
pawns will win the game for White 1-0
33/33. Gazis, Ef (2279) - Nikolovska, D. (1827)

Old Capital Open 2013 2013.05.01

31. Be7 Rd7 32. Bxf6 resolving matters tactically! 32... Rxf7 33. Re8+ Rf8 34. Rxf8#
Rook Fork (12)

1/12. Stroganov, Ana (1781) - Kleimenov, Ivan

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.12

28. Rg6+ 1-0

2/12. Kirk, Matthew - Daly, Patrick (1865)

Guernsey Open 2013 2013.10.25

31... Rd3+ 0-1

3/12. Jayakumar, P. (2082) - Sumit, G. (1935)

51st ch-IND B 2013 2013.10.21

28... Re3+ 0-1

4/12. Balaian, Ali (2237) - Nasybullina, Alfia (2095)

63rd ch-RUS HL w 2013.06.21

38. Rd6+ 1-0

5/12. Mokshanov, A. (2411) - Skvortsov, Sergey (1980)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.05

27. Rf7+ wins the bishop 1-0

6/12. Stella, A. (2458) - Ubezio, M. (2136)

4th Biella Open A 2013 2013.09.28

29. Rd8+ 1-0

7/12. Lenic, L. (2617) - Ivanovic, An (2127)

23rd ch-SLO 2013 2013.04.07

38. Rf6+ 1-0

8/12. Goganov, A. (2577) - Aghayev, M. (2309)

Baku Open 2013 2013.09.19

22. Re6+ 1-0

9/12. Najer, E. (2626) - Ulko, J. (2443)

67th Moscow Blitz 2013 2013.09.01

34. Rg7+ 1-0

10/12. Bizovi, M. (2137) - Surkova, Sofya

7th Varna Open 2013 2013.06.24

26. Rxe6 creating tactical opportunity 26... fxe6 27. Rc7+ wins the Bishop 1-0
11/12. Vijay, Ku3 (1999) - Nitin, S. (2364)

51st ch-IND B 2013 2013.10.20

25... Nxe2 26. Qxe2 Rd2 0-1

12/12. Almasi, Z. (2707) - Battesti, S. (2044)

Oscaro Open 2013 2013.10.19

32. Qg8+ Kh6 33. Re6+ 1-0

Pawn Fork (9)

1/9. Mouritsen, J. (1831) - Stuhr, Peter Sebastian

Bronshoj Long Weekend 2013 2013.02.09

21... f2+ 0-1

2/9. Wihlborn, B. (1811) - Karason, A. (2205)

Faergen Cup 2013 2013.09.10

18... Rh5 19. Qf4 e5 0-1

3/9. Bressac, S. (2284) - Lorenzo Perez, Raul (1745)

6th Montalvo Open 2013.03.30

32. Bc5+ Kg8 33. f7+ 1-0

4/9. Charles, Ga (2159) - Pickering, A. (1887)

Australian Open 2013 2013.01.04

18. Ne4 double attack on d6 18... dxe5 19. d6 1-0

5/9. Christensen, Thom2 (2149) - Kardoeus, David (1921)

St. Pauli Open 2013 2013.07.08

24. Qxg6+ fxg6 25. f7+ brings a new queen 1-0

6/9. Polao, Ben (2083) - Garcia, Jan (2401)

Asian Continental 2013 2013.05.21

37... Rxc2 creating tactical opportunity 38. Rxc2 [38. Rxe3 Rd1+ 39. Ng1 Rcc1-+ is bad
for White] 38... b3 0-1
7/9. Sarakauskas, G. (2404) - Vogel, Ja (2202)

3rd Big Slick IM 2013.06.28

29. Re3 Qf6 30. e7 1-0

8/9. Singh, DP. (2276) - Swayams, M. (2434)

51st ch-IND B 2013 2013.10.15

26... Qh4 27. h3 f4 0-1

9/9. Vazquez Torres, A. (2185) - Del Rio de Angelis, S. (2499)

TCh-ESP CECLUB Honor 2013 2013.09.10

23... d3+ discovered check 0-1

Skewer (28)
Also called a X-ray attack or "reverse pin". In a skewer, two pieces are in the same line, with
the valuable piece being at the front. When the opponent moves the valuable piece, you get
to capture the other piece.

Your aim in this chapter should be to look at the various ways in which your Bishop, Rook
or Queen can "skewer" the enemy pieces.

Here is a simple Bishop skewer.

Now lets look at more examples of Skewers. Find two enemy pieces in the same line which
can be attacked in one shot!
1/28. Birkisson, Bardur Orn - Davidsson, Oskar Vikingur

Icelandic Open Championship 2013 2013.06.08

23. Bf4+ 1-0

A skewer with the Rook

2/28. Hernandez Amura, Luis Eduardo (1515) - Ibanez, F. (2089)

III Marcel Duchamp Boca Jun Op 2013.06.20

24. Rd2 1-0

3/28. Arnaudov, Todor - Ivanov, Do (1854)

Grand Open Blagoevgrad 2013 2013.09.29

33... Bg6 0-1

4/28. Kutschker, A. (1778) - Piroska, I. (2082)

29th Spring Festival 2013.03.20

23... Rg2+ 0-1

5/28. Haszon, K. (1954) - Terbe, J. (1933)

ch-HUN U20 g 2013 2013.02.06

25... Bh4 0-1

6/28. Al Zayat, A. (2109) - Rossi, Francesco (1882)

15th Trieste Open 2013.09.03

38. Rf6+ 1-0

7/28. Vorobyov, Y. (2231) - Stork, Rostislav (1814)

9th Highlands Open 2013.09.21

31. Bh5+ 1-0

8/28. Jiruse, J. (2035) - Matras, On (2261)

Tatry Open 2013 2013.10.03

29... Rh1+ 0-1

9/28. Smirnov, Ant (2194) - Lei Tingjie (2232)

O2C Doeberl Cup Premier 2013 2013.03.29

30. Rg8+ [30. Rg8+ Kd7 31. Rxa8 fxg6 32. hxg6 cannot stop the pawn] 1-0
A skewer with the Queen. Black Queen would like to play Qc1 if the White Queen were not
guarding that square. Can you deflect the White Queen in order to achieve the skewer?

10/28. Villa Armenta, Enrique - Zanetti, B. (2030)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.23

10... Bxc3 deflection 11. Qxc3 Qc1+ 0-1

When you don't see an immediate tactical idea, look for checks!

11/28. Janev, P. (2222) - Dyulgerov, Dimitar (1996)

Grand Open Blagoevgrad 2013 2013.10.01

39. Rh6+ Kf7 40. Rxh7+ 1-0

12/28. Pletnev, E. (2278) - Kiseleva, A. (1992)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.12

31... Rc1+ 32. Rd1 Rh1+ 0-1

13/28. Djukic, Sa (2189) - Petrovic, Mari (2103)

TCh-SRB 1st League w 2013 2013.08.30

15. Bc7 15... Qb7 16. Bxa5 1-0

Look for checks and never be afraid to sacrifice!

14/28. Zajac, Mat (2060) - Barski, R. (2238)

Mistrzostwa Malopolski A 2013.04.30

26... Bxe3+ 27. Kxe3 Qf4+ 0-1

15/28. Schaufelberger, H. (2262) - Lucchi, L. (2112)

17th Cesenatico Open 2013.09.05

35. Bd1 35... Qg8 36. Bxa4 1-0

16/28. Reis, Renan do Carmo (2243) - Schutt, Ri (2140)

Zonal 2.4 Absoluto 2013 2013.04.28

29. Rxe7+ creating tactical opportunity 29... Kxe7 30. Bg5+ 1-0
17/28. Plukkel, S. (2347) - Sanijs, F. (2043)

BSG Pinkstertoernooi 2013 2013.05.18

13. Nxc7+ deflection 13... Qxc7 14. Qf8+ 1-0

18/28. Stukner, S. (2158) - Beil, Z. (2253)

TCh-CZE Div1 Vychod 2012-13 2013.01.13

35. Rxd8+ creating tactical opportunity 35... Kxd8 36. Ra8+ 1-0
19/28. Wei, M. (2107) - Ikeda, J. (2345)

Australian Open 2013 2013.01.04

33... e2 34. Rxe2 [34. Bxe2 Rh3+ skewer] 34... Bxc4 bishop fork, skewer 0-1
20/28. Sparwel, Oliver - Ertl, J. (2258)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.20

38... Rc1+ 39. Kf2 Rc2+ wins the knight 0-1

21/28. Druska, J. (2385) - Wittmann, W. (2224)

Czech Open A 2013 2013.07.27

25. Ra6 25... Qc7 26. Rxf6 1-0

22/28. Harestad, H. (2296) - Moen, A. (2390)

TCh-NOR Club 2013 2013.09.29

37. Rg8+ 37... Kf7 38. Rxa8 1-0

23/28. Galmandakh, Badrakh (2212) - Wang Chen (2498)

Asian Continental 2013 2013.05.18

35... Rxf2+ 36. Kxf2 Bb6+ and Black's advanced pawns win the game 0-1
24/28. Epishin, V. (2602) - Medunova, V. (2133)

2nd Arberopen 2013 2013.06.30

25. Be2 25... Qg5 26. Bxh5 1-0

25/28. Ankit, R. (2439) - Levushkina, E. (2315)

22nd Kavala Open 2013 2013.08.11

31. Nc5 Qc7 32. Ba5 1-0

26/28. Saduakassova, D. (2336) - Iordachescu, V. (2599)

Nakhchivan Open A 2013 2013.04.26

38... Ra1+ 39. Ke2 Re8+ 0-1

27/28. Duda, J. (2534) - Ivanchuk, V. (2731)

FIDE World Cup 2013 2013.08.12

36... Qg1+ 37. Nc1 Bxg4 0-1

28/28. Le Quang Liem (2712) - Movsesian, S. (2699)

FIDE World Blitz 2013 2013.06.10

29. Rf7+ creating tactical opportunity, luring the King 29... Kxf7 30. Qh7+ 1-0
Another common theme, where the attacked piece cannot move without exposing a more
valuable piece, quite often a King.

Pin against the King

In this section, we will see how to Pin a enemy piece against his own King.

Pin against other pieces

You can also pin a piece against some other piece!

Pin against the King (38)

Ask yourself, is there a enemy piece in line with its own King?

1/38. Lin Ying, Rui (1431) - Garcia Almeida, Aitana

6th Montalvo Open 2013.03.27

24. Rc8 1-0

2/38. Magnusdottir, Veronika Steinunn (1576) - Bragason, Gudmundur Agnar (1325)

Icelandic Open Championship 2013 2013.06.07

23. Bb5 1-0

3/38. Hansen, Martin Mandrup (1537) - Tryggestad, Linnea Garberg

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.31

33. Rg2 1-0

4/38. Salazar, Andersson (1578) - Rangel, C. (1960)

7th Univ Cent Open 2013 2013.10.10

29... Re6 0-1

5/38. Alaca, Ali - Bulgurlu, Hakan (1788)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.03

30. Qg6 mate to follow 1-0

6/38. Alimpic, Djurdjica - Rakic, Te (1877)

TCh-SRB 1st League w 2013 2013.09.02

28... Be3 0-1

7/38. Sultana, S. (1949) - Uchida, N. (1834)

4th AIMAG Women 2013.07.01

38. Bb3 1-0

8/38. Feys, Bert (2067) - Doossche, C. (1731)

4th LUCOPEN 2013 2013.04.14

20. Bd5 1-0

9/38. Cooper, Ni (1747) - McCrone, J. (2087)

40th North Shore Open 2013.09.14

26... Qe6 0-1

10/38. Ragaa, H. (2077) - Kucera, Josef (1774)

9th Prague Festival Open A 2013.06.26

17. Bb2 1-0

11/38. Buker, M. (2097) - Dogan, Mire Deniz (1768)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.07

28... Bf5 0-1

12/38. Palchun, G. (2263) - Scheglov, Dmitry (1770)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.05

23. Bf4 1-0

Its time for some sacrifices!

13/38. Hasman, C. (2152) - Guder, Serkan (1789)

21st Troya Open 2013 2013.08.23

31... Rxg4 32. fxg4 Rxg4 0-1

14/38. Roca Rojas, A. (2092) - Sun Chin, Robert Patrick (1891)

48th Capablanca Open II 2013 2013.04.22

30. Rxe6 creating tactical opportunity 30... Qxe6 31. Bd5 1-0
15/38. Aziz Ortego, O. (2029) - Monmeneu Chulia, Vice (1966)

XXX Collado Villalba Open 2013 2013.08.26

32. Rxf7 Qxf7 creating tactical opportunity 33. Bxe6 1-0

16/38. Kurninov, A. (1707) - Odnorozhenko, E. (2319)

35th Nezhmetdinov Cup 2013.05.31

28... Rxe3 29. Rexe3 [29. Rgxe3 Qg2#] 29... Bc5 Can you find the mate in 8 moves? 0-
17/38. Staniforth, Matthew (1897) - House, Glenn L (2211)

10th South Wales Int 2013 2013.07.16

29... Rxe3 creating tactical opportunity 30. Qxe3 Bxd4 0-1

18/38. Olsen, Aa (2056) - Olsen, Kurt

HC Andersen Open 2013 2013.05.08

29. Rxf7 creating tactical opportunity 29... Qxf7 30. Bd5 1-0
19/38. Andersen, So2 (2115) - Mayer, I. (2050)

FSFMA July 2013 2013.07.14

28. Rxe6 creating tactical opportunity 28... Bxe6 29. Bxe6 1-0
20/38. Mueller, Marco (2205) - Spreemann, R. (2011)

17th Godesberg Open 2013.08.08

26... Rxc6+ 27. Bxc6 Rc8 wins material 0-1

White already has a nice pin but it is not sufficient. Can you pin it one more time?

21/38. Pitschka, C. (2216) - Deues, E. (2049)

29th ChessOrg Open 2013.03.06

18. Rd8 18... Qc5 19. Bc4 deflection [19. Bc4 Qxc4 20. Qxf8#] 1-0
22/38. Galopoulos, N. (2343) - Fabregas Fontanet, A. (2045)

XV Sant Marti Open A 2013.07.15

21. Nxe6 creating tactical opportunity 21... Kxe6 22. e4 1-0

23/38. Zayed, A. (1949) - Munguntuul, B. (2440)

Asian Cities Dubai Cup 2013 2013.10.26

27... Qg5 double threat 28. Rf2 [28. Qf2 Qxf4] 28... Rg1# 0-1
24/38. Mihajlov, Seb (2101) - Arvola, B. (2358)

6th Sveins Memorial 2013.06.21

27... Qd5 28. Qe2 f5 0-1

25/38. Szeberenyi, A. (2313) - Toth, Sar (2178)

FSIM July 2013 2013.07.10

18. d6+ Qf7 19. Bd5 1-0

Always look for forcing moves! Qb1+ and Be4+ are two of them in this position. Can you
combine them to create our tactical motif?

26/38. Bates, Ri (2376) - Friedland, J. (2118)

e2e4 Sunningdale Open 2013.05.25

37. Be4+ creating tactical opportunity 37... Rxe4 only move 38. Qb1! a long distance
pin! 1-0
27/38. Danov, Radi (1993) - Grigorov, G. (2516)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.09

20... Rxe3 creating tactical opportunity 21. Qxe3 Bd4 0-1

28/38. Mishuchkov, N. (2365) - Marusenko, P. (2213)

SCT Seniors 2013 2013.05.09

24. Rxe6 creating tactical opportunity 24... Qxe6 25. Bd5 1-0
29/38. Olivares, F. (2324) - Vitier Vazquez, C. (2260)

48th Capablanca Open I 2013 2013.04.29

36... Nxf2+ 37. Bxf2 g4 0-1

30/38. Pavlidis, Ant (2479) - Machan, J. (2173)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.11

17. Rxg7+ exposing the king 17... Nxg7 18. Rg1 and the pin wins! 1-0
31/38. Bu Xiangzhi (2675) - Johannesson, Oliver (1988)

Iceland-China Friendly Match 2013.02.16

28. Rxf7 creating tactical opportunity 28... Qxf7 29. Be6 1-0
32/38. Delorme, Al (2283) - Yilmazyerli, M. (2414)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.25

24... Qa7 25. Qxd6 Rab8 0-1

What do you do when pin with one piece is not enough?

33/38. Rodriguez, Er (2303) - Krush, I. (2489)

US Chess League 2013 2013.10.09

32. Rc1 Rxf6 33. Rcc8 1-0

34/38. Oparin, G. (2526) - Leontiev, Alek (2310)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.13

23. Qf4 Qd7 24. Bd4 1-0

35/38. Zhou Jianchao (2584) - Fang, Yan (2281)

Chinese Teams 2013 2013.08.05

37. Rxf8+ Nxf8 [37... Qxf8 38. Re8] 38. Re8 1-0
36/38. Hansen, TR. (2492) - Pulvett, D. (2405)

39th Sitges Open 2013.07.27

31... Rxg2 creating tactical opportunity 32. Rxg2 Bd5 0-1

37/38. Smirnov, P. (2641) - Codenotti, M. (2374)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.21

28. Qc8+ back rank weakness 28... Nf8 29. Ra8 1-0
38/38. Gundavaa, B. (2500) - Wei Yi (2580)

Asian Cities Dubai Cup 2013 2013.10.25

14... Bg4+ 15. f3 Qa2+ 16. Kd1 Rfd8 [or 16... Rad8] 0-1
Pin against other pieces (7)

Pinning the opponent's piece against some other piece, generally of higher value, also wins.

1/7. Marzouk, A. (1651) - Tlale, Tshepang (1790)

ch-Africa Women 2013 2013.05.27

37... Rg5 0-1

2/7. Massot, Ma (1923) - Gaillet, P. (1632)

29th Open 2013.02.28

15. Rc3 1-0

3/7. Fuentes Godoy, Lilia Ivonne (1829) - Ibrahimova, S. (2202)

31st World Junior Girls 2013.09.13

28... Bh6 0-1

4/7. Kolodkin, Daniil (1981) - Vogel, Ja (2180)

17th Unive Open 2013 2013.10.19

30... Bb5 0-1

5/7. Firat, B. (2406) - Krejci, Jan2 (2529)

Moscow Open F 2013 2013.02.03

23. Nxg4 Nxg4 24. Bf3 1-0

6/7. Terrieux, K. (2415) - Balogh, C. (2632)

Oscaro Open 2013 2013.10.19

30... Qg5 due to this pin, White is unable to defend 31. Qe3 [31. g3 Nf3+ 32. Rxf3
Qxd2][Even f3 does not help White 31. f3 Nxf3+!! 32. gxf3 Qg1#] 31... Nxg2 fork 0-1
The Black Queen would love to jump to g1! Can you show her the way!?

7/7. Olafsson, H1. (2547) - Socko, B. (2633)

TCh-ISL 2012-13 2013.03.02

36... Qa7 pin against a weak square! 37. Rxd6 [37. Qb3 Rxf1+] 37... Qg1# 0-1
Exploiting the Pin
As one grows stronger, you realize that a 'Pin' may not always occur in its purest form.
Most of the times, a 'Pin' needs to be exploited and can lead to other tactical ideas.

Have a look at the following position. The Black pawn on e6 is pinned and White exploits it
by capturing on d5, knowing very well that the pawn cannot capture back.

In this chapter, we will see how to exploit Pin:

A. for Material gain - You simply win a piece on account of the pin. The opponent cannot
capture back

B. by Knight forks - We will look back at the Knight forks again!

C. to deliver Check mates - Stronger side exploits the pin on a crucial defender and mates
the opponent
Material gain (99)

Can you capture an enemy piece such that the opponent cannot re-capture it or may lose
even more material if he does capture back? Look for captures, even if it means you have to
"sacrifice" a piece!

1/99. Matijevic, Ivan (1651) - Fraser, John (1862)

23rd EYCC Open U16 2013 2013.10.07

34... Rxd4 Black nicely exploits the pin on the pawn by capturing the Knight. White is
helpless! 0-1
2/99. Gueci, Laura (1904) - Gulay, Ayca Nuriye (1634)

31st World Junior Girls 2013.09.16

32. Nxc6 exploits the pin on the Knight. Black must lose either the Rook or the Knight 1-0
3/99. Ranby, H. (1958) - Greibrokk, Ingrid Andrea (1598)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.28

24. Rxf5 1-0

4/99. Solomons, A. (1931) - Meddeb, Chadha (1677)

ch-Africa Women 2013 2013.05.21

35. Nxf5+ either way Black will lose his Queen. Rxh6 or Nxh6 1-0
5/99. Tolba, Henri (1716) - Kokholm, D. (1905)

Xtracon GM 2013 2013.10.19

22... Rxf5 0-1

6/99. Pena Mora, Carlos (1664) - Molina, Ra (1990)

7th Univ Cent Open 2013 2013.10.10

31... Raxa4 0-1

7/99. Sevinc, M. (1933) - Bayramoglu, T. (1729)

12th Istanbul Open A 2013 2013.10.15

35. Qxf4 1-0

A capture is not compulsory. You also need to look for subtle moves that increase pressure
against the pinned piece.

8/99. Kalogeris, I. (2008) - Kalogridakis, Theodoros (1728)

41st TCh-GRE 2013.07.02

37. Bd3 White nets the pawn which is immobilized due to the pin 1-0
9/99. Vochozka, J. (1776) - Nyvlt, O. (1995)

11th Niki Open 2013 2013.07.04

33... Nxe4 0-1

10/99. Baumgaertner, Andre - Schraepel, Manfred (1903)

12th Lichtenberger Sommer 2013.08.18

28... Rxd4 0-1

11/99. Noble, A. (2077) - Wuestehube, H. (1912)

16th Bad Zwesten Open 2013.01.03

39. Qxf2 1-0

12/99. Umudova, N. (2233) - Gaspar, Zdravko (1762)

Tschaturanga Open 2013 2013.05.06

36. R2xd5 1-0

13/99. Ridameya Tatche, J. (2007) - Grau Pacheco, M. (2006)

6th Sabadell Open 2013.09.10

24. Rxd4 1-0

14/99. Zeuner, M. (2164) - Dieli, R. (1853)

22nd Feffernitz Open 2013 2013.08.19

34... Qxd7 0-1

15/99. Esipenko, Andrey (2203) - Babkin, Anatoliy (1822)

VIII Vladimir Dvorkovich Open 2013.07.22

34. Rxc6 1-0

16/99. Heppell, I. (2106) - Downey, K GCI. (1950)

Guernsey Open 2013 2013.10.23

12. Qxf6 1-0

17/99. Kolomaznikova, B. (1996) - Cip, D. (2103)

Stare Mesto Open 2013 2013.08.17

35... Rxd3+ 0-1

18/99. Andersen, Mo (2166) - Justinussen, S. (1970)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.08.03

25. Qxa5 1-0

19/99. Voelker, Ja (2186) - Nieto, G. (1978)

SPICE Cup Open 2013 2013.10.16

27. Rxe4 1-0

20/99. Krefenstein, Sergej (2105) - Kirchhof, A. (2069)

Lichtenrader Herbst 2013 2013.10.06

19. Qxf6 1-0

21/99. Werner, Mart (1984) - Cherny, A. (2214)

16th Bad Zwesten Open 2013.01.03

23... Rxa5 0-1

22/99. Eidinger, H. (2137) - Graeber, F. (2071)

Hilton Master Open 2013 2013.01.04

26. a4 1-0
23/99. Sorgic, D. (2232) - Ioannidis, Ev (2001)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.15

29. R1d7 double pin! 1-0

24/99. Schmidt, Kr (2272) - Haldorsen, Benjamin (1983)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.30

34. Nxe5 1-0

25/99. Lindgren, P. (2287) - Johansson, Al (2022)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.28

37. R1xf5 1-0

26/99. Serrano Bozada, E. (2225) - Gonzalez Laso, A. (2115)

ch-ESP University 2013 2013.04.17

33... Bxb2 the Knight is pinned and White will lose the a3 pawn 0-1
27/99. Van Kerkhof, D. (2295) - Pranav, V. (2130)

Prague Open A 2013 2013.01.12

30... Qxc5+ 0-1

28/99. Blomqvist, E. (2505) - Ranby, H. (1929)

Stockholm All Saints Open 2013 2013.10.31

27. Qd6 back rank weakness 1-0

Tricky position. Always calculate your opponent's response!

29/99. Tutisani, Noe (2029) - Odeev, H. (2408)

21st Troya Open 2013 2013.08.24

30... Rd1 31. Qxd1 Qxe3+! 32. Rxe3 Rxd1 0-1

30/99. Bobanac, M. (2297) - Stocko, J. (2193)

18th Bosnjaci Open 2013.01.06

32. Nxe5 1-0

31/99. Pranizin, G. (2187) - Mikhailov, Vi (2343)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.09

27... Bxh3 0-1

32/99. Redmond, J. (2236) - Taylor, Mart (2336)

4NCL 2012-13 2013.01.12

34. Rxc4+ 1-0

33/99. Gomes, Mary (2387) - Kiran, M. (2205)

AICF KIIT Cup 2013 2013.03.21

28. Qxf6 1-0

34/99. Basener, W. (2148) - Kosic, D. (2480)

33rd Munich OIS Open 2013 2013.09.29

35... Qxd3 0-1

35/99. Dobrijevic, M. (2230) - Nenezic, M. (2407)

TCh-Belgrade Premier liga 2013 2013.10.21

31... Rd4 0-1

36/99. Cawdery, D. (2345) - Legau, Tsholofelo

Commonwealth & RSA Open 2013.07.06

26. Qxf5 1-0

37/99. Fernandez Fernandez, JuanC (2151) - Popovic, Du (2562)

40th La Roda Open 2013.03.28

27... Qxa4 0-1

38/99. Mickevicius, J. (2343) - Germanavicius, S. (2374)

TCh-LTU 2013 2013.02.09

37... Rxe4 [37... Rxe4 38. Rxe4 (38. Bxe4 Rxe1+) 38... Rxb1+] 0-1
39/99. McNab, C. (2455) - Eckersley Waites, A. (2266)

4NCL 2012-13 2013.05.05

21. Qxe4 1-0

As mentioned earlier, it is very important to not be complacent and consider your
opponent's counter strike.

40/99. Mandrikin, I. (2273) - Predke, A. (2503)

Dvorkovich Mem 2013 2013.01.17

24... Qxh3 [24... Qxh3 25. Qf1 Bxf3 wins] [24... Bxf3 not the best 25. Rxf3 Qxf3 26.
Qxe6+ counterstrike!] 0-1
41/99. Paveto, K. (2343) - Lorenzini, M. (2487)

88th ch-ARG Superior 2013 2013.08.26

27. Bxd6 1-0

42/99. Radovanovic, D. (2401) - Arsovic, Z. (2433)

TCh-MNE Prem 2013 2013.06.28

27. Qxe6+ double attack 1-0

43/99. Shankland, S. (2595) - Izquierdo, D. (2247)

9th Panamerican Team 2013.01.28

25. Qxf6 1-0

44/99. Nasri, A. (2347) - Kotronias, V. (2579)

Baku Open 2013 2013.09.19

24... Re3 0-1

45/99. Helgadottir, S. (1760) - Jonasson, Hordur

Icelandic Open Championship 2013 2013.06.04

22. Bxf6 Nxf6 23. Bxe8 1-0

The idea of the theme may not always be immediately available. Look for other ideas in the
position. The White Queen does not have many squares left to go to and the h3 pawn is also
under attack. If the White King were to be on h2 (since it still needs to protect the h3
pawn), then Bg4 would exploit the pin on the h3 pawn and the e5 Bishop would have an
indirect attack against the King by virtue of moving the f4 pawn to f3.

Sometimes a forced check can send your brain thinking in the right direction.

46/99. Acosta Cruz, Luis Ivan (1866) - Martinez, Mau (2004)

XX Feria de las Flores 2013 2013.08.04

32... Rg8+ 33. Kh2 Bg4 [33... Bg4 34. Qg2 f3+ discovered check] 0-1
The first thing you should spot is that the Knight on e7 is pinned. The Knight supports the
d5 pawn. Can you exploit this pin?

47/99. Smolka, M. (2040) - Blaszkiewicz, M. (1833)

18th Konik Morski 2013.08.26

19. Bxd5 Qxd5 20. Qxe7# 1-0

Again, look at how the b6 pawn is pinned. Find a way to exploit it, but before that always
look for forced checks and captures!

48/99. Arana Garate, J. (1857) - Ferreruela Romero, J. (2022)

36th San Sebastian Open 2013.03.26

19. Qxe6+ Kf8 20. Bxc5+ [20. Bxc5+ bxc5 21. Qxa6] 1-0
Think : The f7 pawn is pinned by the White Rook.

49/99. Kazakov, Maksym (2062) - Jourde, M. (1849)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.10

37. Qxe6 Qxe6 38. Bxe6 1-0

Think: White would like to play Re7, but for that Knight. Can you do something about that

50/99. Sultan, I. (1885) - Abdel Rabb, R. (2036)

Asian Juniors 2013 2013.04.06

25. Bh5 Qf7 [25... Kg8 26. Bxg6] 26. Re7 exploiting the pin on the Knight 1-0
51/99. Meskens, Stephan - Willockx, R. (1965)

ch-BEL Open 2013 2013.07.12

34. Rxc4 dxc4 35. Bxa8 1-0

Think : Which piece is pinned? How do you exploit it?

52/99. Castaneda, Jorge Luis (2178) - Fino, Miguel Andres (1806)

7th Univ Cent Open 2013 2013.10.10

20. Qxh5+ Kg8 21. Qxg4 1-0

53/99. Knosowski, H. (1907) - Krebs, D. (2080)

17th Godesberg Open 2013.08.04

18... Rxc3 19. a5 [19. bxc3 Qxb1+] 19... Qb4 0-1

54/99. Andersen, Ru1 (2083) - Kristensen, Bjarke Hautop (1921)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.08.02

31... Rxe5 32. fxe5 Bxc1 0-1

55/99. Pierre-Charles, Franck - Elice, Florent (2009)

2nd Martinique Open 2013.04.03

17... Bxc3 18. bxc3 Rxb1 0-1

56/99. Wallis, C. (2287) - Simmonds, L. (1748)

Gold Coast Open 2013 2013.06.22

31. Rxe6 Rxe6 32. Qxe8+ 1-0

57/99. Woerz, Markus (1896) - Major, Vitalij (2166)

Werner-Ott-Open 2013 2013.07.07

32. Rxd7 Nxd7 33. Qxe3 1-0

58/99. Zelesco, Karl (2169) - Goundar, S. (1936)

Oceania Open zt 2013 2013.05.09

32. Nh5 Rg8 33. Ree7 1-0

59/99. Onley, David E (2103) - Skwarczynski, Marcin (2014)

24th ch-NATO 2013 2013.08.16

19. Bd6+ Re7 20. Rxg7 1-0

60/99. Asensio Linan, T. (2167) - Onna Amargant, J. (1980)

TCh-CAT Div Hon 2013 2013.03.02

29. Rxd4 exploiting the pin on both the pawns 29... Qxd4 30. Qe6+ double attack 1-0
61/99. Williams, Justus D (2188) - Strenzwilk, D. (1960)

7th Philadelphia Open 2013.03.28

28. Bxd5 Bxd5 29. Rxe8 1-0

62/99. Zachariassen, B. (1957) - Guttulsrud, O. (2191)

TCh-NOR Club 2013 2013.09.29

25... Rxf3 26. gxf3 Bxe5 exploiting the pin on the Knight 0-1
63/99. Silar, Lu (2161) - Kolasin, J. (2001)

TCh-CZE Div1 Vychod 2012-13 2013.02.24

31... Rd2 32. Qxd2 Qxe4+ 0-1

64/99. Eriksson, C. (2156) - Thogersen, Rasmus (2013)

HC Andersen Open 2013 2013.05.12

35... Rg4+ 36. Kf2 Rf8 0-1

65/99. Foerster, Erik (1998) - Jacobi, R. (2184)

1st Hofheim Open 2013.04.02

31... Qf2+ 32. Kh1 Bxf3+ [32... Bxf3+ 33. exf3 Qxb2] 0-1
66/99. Darazs, Z. (2142) - Mester, A. (2075)

FSFMA June 2013 2013.06.10

25. Qg5 double attack 25... Rxh5 26. Rxf6+ 1-0

67/99. Gromova, I. (2225) - Nagel, V. (2007)

Frauenbundesliga 2013-14 2013.10.05

25. Nxd5 exd5 26. Qxe4 1-0

68/99. Cruz Portuondo, Manuel De Jesus (2120) - Macias, Ma (2162)

48th Capablanca Open II 2013 2013.04.29

27. Qg6+ double attack 27... Bg7 28. Qxe4 1-0

69/99. Al Zarouni, K. (1885) - Pham Le Thao Nguyen (2397)

4th AIMAG Women 2013.06.30

28... Rxd6 29. cxd6 Rxc4 0-1

70/99. Kirby, Pe (2007) - Zeidler, S. (2284)

ch-WLS 2013 2013.03.30

28... Qxd6 29. Bxd6 Bxb2 0-1

71/99. Borsos, B. (2260) - Thorsteinsdottir, G. (2041)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.25

28. Rxh7+ Nxh7 29. Qxd6 1-0

72/99. Erim, E. (1809) - Azaladze, S. (2498)

21st Troya Open 2013 2013.08.17

18... Rxc3 19. bxc3 Qxb1 0-1

73/99. Foisor, S. (2300) - Chiang, S. (2098)

ch-USA w 2013 2013.05.06

36. Ng6+ Kf7 37. Qxg8+ [37. Qxg8+ Kxg8 38. Nxe7+] 1-0
74/99. Yemelin, V. (2559) - Zavgorodniaya, A. (1880)

Chepukaitis Mem Blitz Prelim 2013 2013.09.07

26. Qxa6 bxa6 27. Rxb8 1-0

75/99. Belenkov, Dmitry (2052) - Khlian, E. (2419)

VIII Vladimir Dvorkovich Open 2013.07.28

26... Qxc7 27. Rxc7 Rxa8 0-1

76/99. Arguinariz, E. (2082) - Diaz Hollemaert, N. (2418)

87th ch-ARG 2013 2013.04.03

29... Rxe3 30. Qxe3 Qxb1 0-1

77/99. Kardashevskiy, Evgeny (2155) - Sergeev, Alb (2346)

17th Petr Izmailov 2013.06.14

23... Rxf2 24. Kxf2 Qxg5 0-1

78/99. Pribyl, Jo (2314) - Sorkovsky, M. (2209)

Tatry Open 2013 2013.09.30

39. Qxd4 exd4 40. Rxe7 1-0

79/99. Pregarac, V. (2136) - Nadj Hedjesi, B. (2389)

17th Battle of Senta 2013.07.13

31... Rxf4 32. Qxg4 [32. Rxf4 Qxd1+] 32... Rxg4 0-1
80/99. Shulman, Y. (2563) - Karlsson, Robin (1980)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.19

27. Rxd4 exd4 28. Bxd6 1-0

81/99. Kristiansen, Jen (2412) - Thestrup, S. (2137)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.17

18. Nxe7+ creating tactical opportunity 18... Qxe7 19. Qxe4 [19. Qxe4 Nxe4 20. Bxe7]
82/99. Nasuta, G. (2343) - Mikaelyan, A. (2257)

23rd EYCC Open U18 2013 2013.10.05

32... Qh6+ 33. Kg2 Qxd2 0-1

83/99. Kjartansson, G. (2408) - Urbina Perez, J. (2214)

38th Seville Open 2013.01.16

17. Qf5+ Qf6 18. Bxe6+ exploiting the pin again! 1-0
84/99. Arizmendi Martinez, J. (2580) - Grigoryan, Meri (2052)

31st Andorra Open 2013.07.20

26. Rxe7 Rxe7 27. Re1 1-0

85/99. Milov, L. (2528) - Tyomkyn, M. (2104)

17th Neckar Open 2013.03.28

24. Qxc5 dxc5 25. Bxc7 1-0

86/99. Trent, L. (2429) - Ferrante, M. (2227)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.23

17. Bxc5 creating tactical opportunity 17... Bxc5 18. Rxe4 1-0
87/99. Juptner, J. (2340) - Polasek, J. (2318)

Pankrac Cup 2013 2013.10.29

23... Rxe4 24. fxe4 f3 0-1

88/99. Suarez Real, A. (2408) - Moskovic, D. (2342)

4NCL 2012-13 2013.02.24

30. Rxe6+ Kf8 31. Rxc6 1-0

89/99. Luciani, V. (2237) - Horvath, Cs1 (2514)

2nd Adriatico Open A 2013.03.02

15... Qxb5 16. Nxb5 Rxc2 0-1

90/99. Diamant, A. (2461) - Banawa, Jou (2305)

SPICE Cup Open 2013 2013.10.18

28. Bxf6 Bxf6 29. Rxg8+ 1-0

91/99. Klauser, M. (2360) - Bellini, F. (2459)

TCh-SUI 2013 2013.10.13

39. Rxf5 gxf5 40. Qxf6 1-0

92/99. Gutman, L. (2432) - Renner, Christo (2402)

10th LGA Premium Cup GpB 2013.09.07

26. Nxg6+ fxg6 27. Qxh4 1-0

93/99. Solomunovic, I. (2443) - Pap, M. (2476)

Gligoric Cup 2013 2013.05.25

36... Bxc4 37. Bxb8 [37. Nxc4 Rxe1+] 37... Rxe3 0-1
94/99. Finegold, B. (2505) - Khachiyan, M. (2518)

ch-USA 2013 2013.05.09

26. Rxe3 dxe3 27. Bxh8 1-0

95/99. Khairullin, I. (2650) - Dzhangobegov, V. (2381)

Moscow Open A 2013 2013.02.02

32. Rd2 Rae8 33. Bxd5 1-0

96/99. Balogh, C. (2632) - Greenfeld, A. (2545)

Oscaro Open 2013 2013.10.19

29. Rxd5 exd5 30. Qxc6 1-0

97/99. Mchedlishvili, M. (2633) - Artemiev, V. (2560)

Baku Open 2013 2013.09.22

27. Re8+ Bf8 28. Qc8 [NOT 28. Qg5+ Rg6] 1-0
98/99. Tiviakov, S. (2655) - Van Kampen, R. (2581)

75th Tata Steel GpB 2013.01.22

30. Rxf7 Qxf7 31. Rxe6 1-0

99/99. Le Quang Liem (2709) - Villanueva, N.

3rd HD Bank Cup 2013 2013.03.19

16. Bb4 Bxb4 [16... Bc7 17. Bxe7] 17. Qxd8+ 1-0
Knight forks revisited (32)

Following are nice examples of the Knight fork which exploit the pin on the enemy pieces!

1/32. Alieva, A. (1940) - Malova, Anna (1817)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.11

21. Nxd5+ 1-0

2/32. Ancion, Merowig (1954) - Satre, Mathias (1805)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.31

29. Na6+ 1-0

3/32. Jayasundara, P. (2097) - Prabajith, Asela (1863)

Asian Zonal 3.2 2013 2013.02.03

35... Ne3+ 0-1

Remember, when one Knight fork does not work, look for another (especially one on the
edge of the board!)

4/32. Murphy, Hugh W (2152) - Roy, Ali (1857)

4NCL 2012-13 2013.05.05

33. Nh6+ 1-0

5/32. Zeman, Filip - Mikes, J. (2038)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.15

19... Nxb3+ 0-1

6/32. Quintiliano Pinto, R. (2315) - Benayon, Elismar da Silva (1808)

Zonal 2.4 Absoluto 2013 2013.04.28

22. Nh6+ 1-0

7/32. Knoedler, K. (1857) - Heimrath, R. (2273)

25th Staufer Open 2013.01.02

17... Nf3+ 0-1

8/32. Castano, Jo (2069) - Castaneda, J. (2164)

XX Feria de las Flores 2013 2013.08.04

24... Nxe4 0-1

9/32. Gurel, A. (1995) - Kanmazalp, O. (2389)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.07

28... Nf3+ 0-1

10/32. Czerwonski, A. (2377) - Probola, R. (2162)

22nd Anderssen Mem Eliminacje 2013.06.29

23... Nh3+ 0-1

11/32. Abasov, N. (2492) - Ranieri, F. (2246)

33rd Bratto Open 2013.08.21

24. Ne4 1-0

12/32. Nobis, M. (1846) - Rychlik, K. (2098)

15th TCh-Eur Senior 2013.07.23

28. Nxc6+ 28... Kd7 29. Nxb8+ 1-0

13/32. Horvath, Re (2042) - Nemec, Vjekoslav (1971)

Open Golden Island Krk 2013.04.08

27. Nxd4 27... exd4 28. Qxe8+ 1-0

The Knight fork on e6 would be effective if the f7 Bishop cannot capture back. Can you
immobilize that Bishop first, before executing the Knight fork?

14/32. Rodriguez Ferraz, B. (2196) - Guerra Arrocha, D. (1848)

6th Montalvo Open 2013.03.26

26. Qh8+ Bg8 27. Nxe6+ 1-0

15/32. Drljevic, L. (2187) - Rakic, Te (1877)

TCh-SRB 1st League w 2013 2013.08.31

36. Qxh7+ Kf8 37. Nxe6+ [37. Nxe6+ fxe6 38. Qxc7] 1-0
16/32. Ruiz Manchon, F. (2154) - Hidalgo Ramos, T. (1955)

TCh-CAT Div Hon 2013 2013.02.09

22. Nxd6 22... Qd7 23. Nxc4 1-0

17/32. Tuomainen, Felix (1823) - Pettersson, Anders1 (2316)

Svenska Cup 2013 2013.09.06

29... Qg6 30. f4 [30. Kf1 Qxg2+ 31. Ke2 Bf3+] 30... Nf3+ 0-1
18/32. Drachev, Oleg (2187) - Askerov, Marat (1994)

35th Nezhmetdinov Cup 2013.06.01

22. Bh6+ Ke7 23. Nd5+ 1-0

19/32. Go, B. (2175) - Donkers, Joran (2016)

3rd SPAChess Open 2013.07.12

28. Nxd5 28... exd5 29. Qxe7 [29. Qxe7 Rxf4 30. Qe6+] 1-0
20/32. Balic, A. (2050) - Savovic, D. (2227)

TCh-MNE Prem 2013 2013.06.30

18. Qh5 g5 19. Ng6+ 1-0

21/32. Zeller, F. (2398) - Radziwill, Gerrit (1899)

25th Staufer Open 2013.01.02

32. Qa5+ Ka7 33. Nb5+ [33. Nb5+ Ka8 34. Qxa6+!] 1-0
22/32. Baglan, E. (2024) - Akhmetov, Ay (2382)

52nd World Juniors 2013.09.16

23... Nd3+ 24. Kb1 Nxf4 0-1

23/32. Nakhbayeva, G. (2354) - Kazimova, N. (2208)

Universiade Women 2013.07.11

33... Ne4 threatening Nf2 fork and Nxd6 34. Rf1 [34. fxe4 Qxh3] 34... Nxd6 0-1
24/32. Stoynov, J. (2232) - Kulhanek, T. (2388)

Prague Open A 2013 2013.01.14

28... Ng3+ 29. Kf2 Ne4+ 0-1

25/32. Cori Quispe, Kevin (2154) - Perez Mitjans, O. (2475)

39th Badalona Open A 2013.08.08

30... Nd3+ 31. Rxd3 Qxe1+ 0-1

26/32. Nadir, S. - Sagar, S. (2376)

15th Dubai Open 2013 2013.04.10

26... Nc3 27. bxc3 Rxb1 0-1

27/32. Thiede, L. (2441) - Knoll, H. (2318)

TCh-AUT 2012-13 2013.01.18

30. Rxe8+ creating tactical opportunity 30... Rxe8 31. Nf6+ 1-0
28/32. Svetushkin, D. (2588) - Nasuta, G. (2299)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.05

26... Nd3+ 27. Kd2 Nc5 0-1

29/32. Svetlov, D. (2371) - Rozum, I. (2533)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.07

27. Nd4 27... Rc8 28. Nb5 1-0

30/32. Almeida Saenz, A. (2339) - Leon Hoyos, M. (2582)

Mexico International Open 2013.03.29

36. Ne6+ 36... Kh8 37. Nxd8 1-0

31/32. Stojanovic, Mih (2565) - Nenezic, M. (2393)

TCh-SRB 1st League 2013 2013.09.02

35. Nd4+ 35... Kg6 36. Nxc6 1-0

32/32. Nyback, T. (2599) - Bekker Jensen, S. (2420)

Werder Bremen GM 2013 2013.09.22

27. Nc6 27... Qa2 28. Nxd8 1-0

Check mate (30)

In the following examples, the stronger side exploits the pin to deliver checkmate or
Remember, the Check is a deadly weapon in the hands of the tactician. Clear your mind!

1/30. Rasmussen, Morten Thor (1719) - Heinemann, Guido (1856)

HC Andersen Open 2013 2013.05.11

19... Qg1# the Knight cannot capture back since it is pinned 0-1
2/30. Duff, R. (2150) - Bureau-Leroyer, Lola (1491)

4th LUCOPEN 2013 2013.04.15

36. Rh8# 1-0

3/30. Wacior, Maciej (1703) - Karwowski, K. (1965)

6th Guzinskiego Mem 2013.03.28

31. Qxh6# 1-0

4/30. Ries, Ber (1946) - Titz, W. (1734)

29th ChessOrg Open 2013.03.03

22. Qg5 mate to follow 1-0

5/30. Koegler, M. (1665) - Loberg, J. (2041)

17th Lienz Open 2013 2013.02.09

30... Qe1# 0-1

6/30. Gruz, J. (1827) - Borda, L. (2115)

FSFMA February 2013 2013.02.02

27. Qh8# 1-0

7/30. Brendel, B. (2094) - Dziadek, Anna

Frau Bundesliga Div1 2012-13 2013.03.09

12. Qg5 mate 1-0

8/30. Viswanathan, V. (2155) - Shetty, R. (2245)

33rd TCh-IND 2013 2013.02.21

34... Re1# 0-1

9/30. Mullon, J. (2398) - Iglesias, Joa (2248)

12th Condom Open 2013.07.16

19. Qf6 threatening mate [19. Qf6 exf6 20. Rxe8#] 1-0
10/30. Van de Griendt, JW. (2323) - Broekmeulen, Ja (2410)

TCh-NED Meesterklasse 2012-13 2013.03.09

39. Rh4+ can you find the mate in 2? 1-0

11/30. Matosevic, Ivica (1822) - Tomasic, R. (2077)

22nd TCh-CRO Cup 2013 2013.05.22

27. Qxh6 Bxc3 28. Qxh7# 1-0

12/30. Ancival, L. (1624) - Stefanova, A. (2525)

2nd Martinique Open 2013.04.04

31... Rg1+ 32. Rxg1 Qxh2# 0-1

13/30. Zeynalli, Miradil (2131) - Brazdzionis, A. (2043)

23rd EYCC Open U16 2013 2013.10.08

31. Be5 c2 32. Rb6 gives White a big material advantage and a deadly passed pawn 1-0
The following is a nice example of exploiting the pin on multiple pieces simultaneously.

14/30. Fancy, S. (2091) - Caldeira, John

Oceania Open zt 2013 2013.05.06

24. Bd4 Bg7 25. Nd5 [25. Nd5 Nxd5 (25... Nh5 26. Nxe7+) (25... exd5 26. Qxe7) 26.
Qxg7#] 1-0
15/30. Kourek, J. (2133) - Zednik, Josef (2069)

TCh-CZE Div1 Vychod 2012-13 2013.02.24

33. Rxf8+ Kxf8 unfortunately the rook cannot capture back due to the pin 34. Qe8# 1-
16/30. Djingarova, E. (2270) - Fridl, M. (1986)

18th Bosnjaci Open 2013.01.06

37. Ba3+ attack 37... Qe7 38. Qe8# 1-0

17/30. Wisniowska, K. (2187) - Rak, T. (2080)

IX Lubuska Wiosna Op 2013.03.28

33. Ra3+ the Bishop cannot capture Kxa3 34. Qb3# 1-0
18/30. Ledger, D. (2266) - Barton, A. (2080)

88th Hastings Masters 2013.01.01

37. Be5+ Rc7 38. Nd7# 1-0

19/30. Galazewski, T. (2250) - Jacek, K. (2098)

III Miedzyzdroje Open 2013 2013.04.29

36... Qxc5 37. Nxc5 Rxe1# 0-1

20/30. Melamed, T. (2360) - Carow, A. (2028)

ch-GER w Rapid 2013 2013.09.28

28. Rc5+ Kd7 29. Qa7+ mate is not too far 1-0
21/30. Ginesta Caballero, O. (2095) - Gutierrez Delgado, Y. (2335)

48th Capablanca Open I 2013 2013.04.23

33. Nh6 gxh6 34. Bxh6+ mate in 1 1-0

22/30. Zemlicka, V. (2049) - Kriebel, T. (2388)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.06

24... Qa3+ 25. Qb2 Rxc3+ can you find the mate in 3? 0-1
23/30. Hynes, A. (2191) - Adair, J. (2297)

4NCL 2012-13 2013.03.23

28... Qh4+ 29. Kg1 Qxg3# 0-1

24/30. Emojong, Elijah (2211) - Sadek, S. (2352)

Zone 4.2 2013 2013.05.04

16. Nxd5 exd5 17. Qxc8+ can you find the mate in 2? 1-0
25/30. Ilic, Ljubo (2198) - Stanojoski, Z. (2413)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.11

33. Rxf4 exf4 34. Qxe8+ back rank mate 1-0

26/30. Lillo Castay, V. (2327) - Baron Isanta, J. (2356)

TCh-CAT Div Hon 2013 2013.04.13

32. Rxh7+ Kxh7 33. Qh5+ with mate on g6 or the h7/h8! 1-0
27/30. Zenzera, A. (2387) - Codenotti, M. (2385)

Somov Memorial 2013 2013.05.11

27. Qg6+ Kh8 28. Ng5 [28. Ng5 Qg8 29. Qh6+ with mate] 1-0
28/30. Kantorik, M. (2331) - Rojicek, V. (2450)

TCh-SVK Extraliga 2012-13 2013.03.01

31... Rh4+ 32. Kxh4 luring the King 32... Qg4# 0-1
29/30. Djuric, S. (2459) - Markus, Rob (2606)

Gligoric Cup 2013 2013.05.25

35... Qc3 36. Rc1 Qxe3+ -+ (-#8) [36... Qxe3+ 37. Kg2 Qxc1] 0-1
30/30. Kokholm, D. (1937) - Ursta Anghel, Mihai

Admiral Niels Juel Cup 2013 2013.04.22

26. Qxg6 the pawn is pinned by the Bishop! Bxe4 27. Rg3 [27. Rh7 also wins] 27... Kf8
28. Bb4+ Re7 29. Qxf7# 1-0
Another common theme is Deflection, albeit a little advanced. The aim is to break the
coordination between two or more enemy pieces (or a square), by deflecting the key piece.
Then you stand to win the weak piece, which would most likely have only one support or in
some cases checkmate the King.

In the given diagram, White plays Ne5 (check) and deflects the Black King away from the
support of his Queen.

Most deflections set a honey trap for the opponent by means of a piece sacrifice.

You would also notice that Deflection is used as a means to achieve other Tactical ideas like
Fork/Pins that we have already seen.

In this chapter, we will look at Simple Deflections and Back-rank deflection.

Simple Deflection (130)

Apart from Checks and Captures, moves that Threaten the enemy pieces are a good starting
point for Tactics.
In the following example, the key piece is the Black Queen on h5 and the g4 Bishop is the
"weak" piece. Can you threaten/deflect the Queen away so as to leave the g4 Bishop

1/130. Savage, Nicholas W (2024) - Dydak, Mateusz (1937)

e2e4 Sunningdale Open 2013.05.26

17. Ng3 The Black Queen must abandon the defence of the g4 Bishop 1-0
Black King is the key piece. Black Queen is the "weak" piece. Can you break them?

2/130. Secer, A. (2319) - Tasci, Onur (1869)

21st Troya Open 2013 2013.08.21

30. Ne5+ removing the defender of f6 Queen 1-0

3/130. Kanmazalp, O. (2400) - Panagiotopoulos, A. (2166)

22nd Kavala Open 2013 2013.08.09

34. h6+ 1-0

Had the Black Rook not been on b8, White could easily mate with Rf8. Can you deflect that
Rook away? Hint : Always look for forcing moves!

4/130. Usun, T. (1917) - Ersoy, E. (1793)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.05

29. Bb7+ Rxb7 30. Rf8+ 1-0

Black threatens mate on g2, but for that Queen. Can you tempt her away?

5/130. Anu, B. (2012) - Soylemez, C. (1905)

31st World Junior Girls 2013.09.24

29... Bxc4 30. Qf5 Qg2# 0-1

A logical way to think is to ask What if? The Black Rook is ideally placed. What if the White
pawn on g2 was absent? Then Black could play Qxh2 with mate threat. So look for ways to
force the g2 pawn (atleast) away from its square with some forcing moves.

6/130. Zasypkina, E. (1994) - Adamova, T. (1927)

63rd ch-RUS HL w 2013.06.29

33... Bxf3 34. Qxf3 [34. gxf3 Qxh2+ mate to follow] 34... Qxe1+ 0-1
Hint : Pawns are the easiest and cheapest solution when it comes to deflection!

7/130. Jonsson, Ol (1870) - Marentini, M. (2069)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.24

25... c2+ 26. Qxc2 Qa1# 0-1

f7 cannot be played because the King controls the square. Can you deflect him?

8/130. Imperor, L. (1844) - Maloberti, D. (2101)

28th Avoine Open 2013.07.23

37. Bh5+ Kxh5 38. f7 1-0

9/130. Stojanovski, St (1989) - Kuzmanovic, Jordan

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.13

22. Bf7+ Kxf7 23. Qxd8 1-0

The White Queen supports both the Bishop and the Rook (overloaded!). Can you deflect it
away from protecting one of the piece?

10/130. Sugimoto, K. (1989) - Usuba, Hiroto

46th ch-JPN 2013.05.05

30... Rxb2 31. Qxb2 Qxd5 0-1

11/130. Mikalsen, O. (1974) - Danielsen, M. (2010)

TCh-NOR Club 2013 2013.09.28

26... Bxg2+ 27. Kxg2 Qxe1 0-1

The White King is in check. Ofcourse it can move away to a safe square, but look at how the
White Rook and Knight have jailed the Black King. One check will be sufficient to end the
game. Can you find it?

12/130. Rendi, E. (2101) - Dobre, A. (1893)

TCh-ROU w 2013 2013.08.31

29. Qxd2 Qxd2 30. Nf7# 1-0

13/130. White, D. (1963) - Bucher, G. (2039)

e2e4 Sunningdale Open 2013.05.27

24... f2+ 25. Kxf2 e1=Q+ 0-1

14/130. Tillmann, Marc (1999) - Moser, Gui (2006)

Hilton Master Open 2013 2013.01.04

29. Rxg6+ fxg6 30. f7+ 1-0

15/130. Gohil, Mehul (2022) - Njau, Albert

Spicenet Tanzania Open 2013.06.14

30. Bxg6+ Qxg6 31. Qd7# 1-0

Remember how you can simply mate with a Rook and a Knight? This is the key to the next

16/130. Sarangani, Usman - Jose, Ru (2026)

PSC Cup 2013 2013.01.15

34... Nf3 35. Qxh4 [35. Rxf3 Qxe1+] 35... Rg1# 0-1
17/130. Krstevski, V. (2154) - Georgieva, E. (1904)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.11

25. Nc7+ Qxc7 26. Qxd5+ 1-0

18/130. Mamedjarova, Z. (2256) - Sekulovic, D. (1805)

14th ch-EUR Ind w 2013.07.23

31. Rxf4 Qxf4 32. Qxc2 1-0

The Black Queen is overloaded!

19/130. Zmarzly, A. (2030) - Horala, Grzegorz

22nd Anderssen Mem Eliminacje 2013.06.29

31. Rxc3 Qxc3 32. Qxa7 1-0

We have seen this one before. The White Queen needs to be deflected away from the c1

20/130. Villa Armenta, Enrique - Zanetti, B. (2030)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.23

10... Bxc3 11. Qxc3 Qc1+ skewer 0-1

21/130. Bjornes, L. (1957) - Maack, K. (2136)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.24

39... Qxa2+ 40. Rxa2 Rxb1# 0-1

Rook and Knight mate, remember? Simple!

22/130. Ranfagni, S. (1994) - Callier, C. (2102)

2nd Salento Open 2013.05.29

31. Qxh6+ Bxh6 32. Rh7# pretty mate 1-0

23/130. Avila, Carlos (1848) - Principe, A. (2261)

VIII American Continental 2013 2013.05.07

22... Rxc3 23. Qxc3 Qxe4+ mates 0-1

24/130. Macaspac, A. (2107) - Skwarczynski, Marcin (2014)

24th ch-NATO 2013 2013.08.14

23. Bxh6+ creating tactical opportunity 23... Kxh6 [23... Kg8 24. hxg6 fxg6 25. Qd3
mate in 3] 24. Nxf7+ fork 1-0
25/130. Aknouche, A. (2110) - Nassr, A. (2050)

25th ch-ALG 2013 2013.04.27

37... Nf2+ 38. Qxf2 Qxd5+ diagonal mate 0-1

When everthing else fails, look for clues. The h-file is open and the Black Queen is already
on it. The Black rook is "lifted up" and mate along the h-file is a common idea. Use it!

26/130. Karlsson, Robin (1980) - Bergsson, St (2180)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.27

28... Rh5 29. Nxh5 Qh1# 0-1

27/130. Medeuf, Y. (2082) - Annonay, Julien

2nd Martinique Open 2013.04.05

18. Rd8+ Qxd8 19. Bc4+ note, Black's ...Be6 is now useless due to the earlier deflection
28/130. Bratkovic, Jakob (1990) - Rieger, R. (2174)

EY Boys Teams 2013 2013.07.11

21. Bxh6+ Kh7 22. Qxf8 1-0

29/130. Banovic, I. (2188) - Marjanovics, Annamaria (2002)

6th ch-Cent SRB Int 2013 2013.07.11

33. Nxa7+ Nxa7 [33... Kd7 34. Bb5 pin, wins the piece] 34. Qxc7# 1-0
30/130. Anton, T. (2437) - Ciorica, Mihai-Vlad (1773)

ch-ROU 2013 2013.02.17

24. Rxd7 Rxd7 25. Qxb8+ 1-0

31/130. Stewart, Ashley (2053) - Shaw, P. (2164)

100th ch-GBR 2013 2013.08.08

26... Rxe2 27. Qxe2 Qh1# 0-1

32/130. Ozalp, B. (2049) - Ozkan, E. (2174)

IsBank TCh-TUR 2013 2013.06.30

31... Rxc2 32. Qxc2 Qxe1+ 0-1

33/130. Kaunas, K. (2250) - Haavamae, Henrik (1977)

Paul Keres Mem FIDE 2013 2013.01.16

38. Bxd4+ Bxd4 39. Rxf8+ 1-0

34/130. Caloone, Thomas (1788) - Janev, E. (2442)

4th LUCOPEN 2013 2013.04.15

33... Rg6 34. Qxg6 [34. Ng5 hxg5 piece up] 34... Qxh3# 0-1
35/130. Tartakovsky, Daniel (1990) - Gajek, R. (2247)

23rd EYCC Open U16 2013 2013.09.29

31. Rxd4 exd4 32. Qxf4 1-0

36/130. Taylor, Adam C (1961) - Croad, N. (2277)

e2e4 Sunningdale Open 2013.05.26

29... Rxa3 30. Rxa3 Rxd1+ 0-1

37/130. Bach, Mat (2252) - Konstantinov, Ma (1990)

HC Andersen Open 2013 2013.05.12

36. Bd5+ Nxd5 37. Qxe8+ will also win the Knight 1-0
38/130. Murtuzov, Rauf (1995) - Bach, Mat (2252)

HC Andersen Open 2013 2013.05.11

29... Ne2+ 30. Rxe2 Qg2# 0-1

39/130. Akash Pc, I. (2208) - Chaithanyaa, K. (2046)

43rd Nat Jun ch-IND U19 2013.07.16

27. Rxe6 Qg5 [27... Qxe6 28. Qxg7#] 28. f4 deflection again. This time the Black queen
can no longer support g7 1-0
40/130. Hague, B. (2322) - Forster, W. (1940)

120th ch-NZL 2013.01.07

30. Rxc6+ Bxc6 31. Qb8# back rank mate 1-0

41/130. Pitschka, C. (2216) - Deues, E. (2049)

29th ChessOrg Open 2013.03.06

18. Rd8 pin 18... Qc5 19. Bc4 [19. Bc4 Qxc4 20. Qxf8#] 1-0
42/130. Linnemann, Niklas (1948) - Andre, G. (2333)

22nd ZMDI Open 2013 2013.08.13

36... Qh4 37. Qxh4 f2+ Bishop mate 0-1

43/130. Docena, J. (2019) - Hoang Thi Bao Tram (2310)

Asian Continental w 2013 2013.05.18

33... Rxe3 34. Rxe3 Bf1+ with diagonal mate on f6 0-1

44/130. Kovtunenko, A. (2184) - Yeletsky, Ivan (2144)

Victory Day Open 2013 2013.05.11

13... Bxh2+ 14. Kxh2 Qxf1 0-1

45/130. Balakrishnan, Praveen (2075) - Zenyuk, I. (2263)

7th Philadelphia Open 2013.03.31

25... Qxc2 creating tactical opportunity, removing the defender 26. Rxc2 Bxd4 pin 0-1
46/130. Fressinet, L. (2706) - Murcia, Gerald (1634)

10th Balagne Rapid Open 2013.04.13

21. Rh8+ Bxh8 22. Qg8# 1-0

47/130. Felgaer, R. - Agrest, I. (2174)

Chess Classic ELO Open 2013 2013.02.10

33. Be6 Qxe6 34. Qxf8# 1-0

48/130. Vrnata, J. (2042) - Strebkovs, A. (2312)

11th Niki Open 2013 2013.07.07

35... Rxg3+ 36. Qxg3 Qxe2+ 0-1

49/130. Choisy, M. (2150) - Hamdouchi, A. (2211)

ch-FRA w 2013 2013.08.18

32. Qe7 Ne8 33. Bh6 attack [33. Bh6 Bxh6 34. Qxh7#] 1-0
50/130. Choudhary, J. (2106) - Prakash, G. (2266)

5th Chennai Open 2013 2013.01.18

30... Re2+ 31. Kxe2 Qxc3 0-1

51/130. Castella Garcia, F. (2338) - Fernandez Ayuso, S. (2043)

47th Mislata Open 2013.08.17

25. Bc7 Qxc7 26. Rxe8+ 1-0

52/130. Doci, S. (2075) - Merry, Alan B (2310)

e2e4 Bedford Open 2013 2013.09.22

25... Ne2+ 26. Rxe2 Qxf3 0-1

53/130. Skembris, S. (2458) - Papadopoulos, Ar (1927)

5th Rethymno Open 2013.07.31

37. d7+ Ke7 38. Qxf8+ 1-0

54/130. Plukkel, S. (2347) - Sanijs, F. (2043)

BSG Pinkstertoernooi 2013 2013.05.18

13. Nxc7+ Qxc7 14. Qf8+ skewer 1-0

55/130. Klukin, Kirill (2024) - Akhmetov, Ay (2368)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.08

39... Qc1+ 40. Qf1 Qxc2 0-1

56/130. Gokhale, C. (2252) - Scholzen, W. (2149)

Prague Open A 2013 2013.01.13

32. Rxa4 Rxa4 [32... Qxa4 33. Rd8+ back rank deflection!] 33. Rd8+ 1-0
57/130. Aguiar, L. (2202) - Cordeiro, M. (2215)

2nd Santa Catarina Masters 2013.02.12

26. Qxb4 Rxb4 27. Rd8+ back rank mate 1-0

58/130. Uysal, Burak (1921) - Quparadze, G. (2500)

21st Troya Open 2013 2013.08.18

25... Qxf1+ creating tactical opportunity 26. Bxf1 Nf3+ fork 0-1
59/130. Gagarin, V. (2321) - Etxagibel Larranaga, A. (2110)

36th San Sebastian Open 2013.03.30

38. Rh8+ creating tactical opportunity 38... Kxh8 39. Nxg6+ exploiting the pin, fork 1-
60/130. Van Vliet, D. (2068) - Nemcova, Kat (2368)

29th Open 2013.02.25

27... Rxg2 28. Qxg2 Qxe3 f3 pawn will fall with deadly attack 0-1
61/130. Cherednichenko, E. (2167) - Rakic, Ma (2294)

14th ch-EUR Ind w 2013.08.02

21... Be5 22. Bxe5 Qd2# unfortunate mate 0-1

62/130. Szwed, J. (2354) - Xylogiannopoulos, A. (2147)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.10

30. Re8 trying to deflect the Black queen away from the g7 square 30... g5 [ 30... Qxe8
31. Qg7#] 31. Qh8+ and White can win the Bishop at the least 1-0
63/130. Aranha Filho, A. (2270) - Feliciano, V. (2235)

VII Magistral da Hebraica 2013.01.05

22. Bd5 deflection skewer! 22... Qxd5 23. Nxf6+ fork 1-0
64/130. Arab, A. (2445) - Gourari, Moustafa (2059)

25th ch-ALG 2013 2013.05.03

39. Bd5+ Bxd5 40. h7 pawn promotion tactic 1-0

65/130. Nazario, M. (2087) - Dimakiling, O. (2427)

PSC Cup 2013 2013.01.15

25... Rxd2 26. Nxd2 Qxg2# 0-1

66/130. Johansson, Linus (2347) - Rahul Kumar, P. (2172)

Visma IMA 2013 2013.06.29

24. Rxf2 Qxf2 25. Rxh7# a nice h-file mate 1-0

67/130. Matthiesen, M. (2266) - Naes, F. (2271)

TCh-DEN XtraCon 2012-13 2013.01.13

35. Bxb6+ pawn promotion tactic 35... Kxb6 36. b8=Q+ 1-0
68/130. Heikkila, A. (1956) - David, Alb (2589)

5th Rethymno Open 2013.07.29

35... Bh2+ 36. Kxh2 Qxf1 0-1

69/130. Roumegous, M. (2139) - Milliet, S. (2408)

TCh-FRA w TOP 12 2013 2013.02.17

37... Bh2+ 38. Kxh2 Qxf1 0-1

70/130. Danielsen, Hen (2508) - Hansen, LH. (2045)

6th Sveins Memorial 2013.06.21

32. Qf6+ Bxf6 33. Rg8# nice mate 1-0

71/130. MacQueen, C. (2236) - Van de Griendt, JW. (2317)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.24

32... Rxc1 33. Rxc1 Rd1+ 0-1

72/130. Mandla, B. (2123) - Varga, Zo (2446)

O2C Doeberl Cup Premier 2013 2013.03.29

39... Bf3+ 40. Qxf3 Qxe1+ [40... Qxe1+ 41. Kh2 Qg1#] 0-1
73/130. Kick, J. (2171) - Berchtenbreiter, M. (2405)

17th OIBM 2013 2013.10.27

34... Nd5 35. Qe5 Qxf3 0-1

74/130. Lara Granero, B. (2096) - Campora, D. (2483)

40th La Roda Open 2013.03.28

31... Qxe4+ 32. Rxe4 Na3# pretty mate 0-1

75/130. Horvath, Dav (2397) - Juhasz, A. (2185)

ch-HUN U20 2013 2013.02.10

29. Bxe6+ Rxe6 [29... Kh8 30. Rxc8] 30. Qxh7# 1-0
76/130. Jeran, B. (2210) - Srebrnic, M. (2378)

23rd ch-SLO 2013 2013.04.10

38. Rxh4 Rxh4 39. Kxc2 1-0

77/130. Kojima, S. (2344) - Lyell, M. (2259)

Caissa IM Oct 2013 2013.10.20

30. Rxc4 Rxc4 31. Re8+ 1-0

78/130. Gunther, Justin (2071) - Huschenbeth, N. (2542)

HZ Open 2013 2013.08.04

25... Rxf4 26. Rxf4 c2 0-1

79/130. Furhoff, J. (2328) - Salakhutdinov, I. (2287)

MTS GM 2013 2013.07.16

26... Rxf4 27. Rxg6 [27. Qxf4 the queen is deflected 27... Qxg1+] 27... Rf1+ back rank
mate 0-1
80/130. Kriebel, T. (2359) - Malik, J. (2257)

TCh-CZE Extraliga 2012-13 2013.02.16

32... Qxd7 33. Rxd7 Rxc5 0-1

81/130. Ruck, R1. (2571) - Rago, R. (2061)

1st Mare D'Inverno Open 2013.01.02

35. d8=Q Bxd8 36. Rxd8 1-0

82/130. Gomes, Mary (2387) - Swathi, G. (2246)

AICF KIIT Cup 2013 2013.03.23

39. Rxf7 Bxf7 40. Qxd6 1-0

83/130. Nedilko, V. (2396) - Papasimakopoulos, Alexandros (2242)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.13

38. Rh7 Qe7 39. Bb4 the g7 square is the key and White will do anything to deflect
Black's most important defender [39. Bb4 Qxb4 40. Qxg7+ Ke8 41. Qd7+ Kf8 42. Qd8#]
84/130. Kovalevskaya, E. (2407) - Balaian, Ali (2237)

63rd ch-RUS HL w 2013.06.20

36. Rg8+ Kf7 [36... Kxg8 37. Qxf6] 37. Rf8+ 1-0
85/130. Bruno, Fabi (2434) - Urbina Perez, J. (2214)

38th Seville Open 2013.01.18

24. Qe7 Rf8 [24... Rxe7 25. Rd8+] 25. Rd8 back rank weakness 1-0
86/130. Stanojoski, Z. (2399) - Ivanov, Bor BUL (2303)

Old Capital Open 2013 2013.05.03

26... Rxd1+ 27. Qxd1 Qxc4 0-1

87/130. Zenyuk, I. (2243) - Zatonskih, A. (2466)

ch-USA w 2013 2013.05.11

38... Bxg2 39. Rxg2 Qxe1+ 0-1

88/130. Gaehler, M. (2317) - Landenbergue, C. (2395)

TCh-SUI 2013 2013.10.13

37. Bh6 Bxh6 [37... Rf4 38. Rxg7 Rxg7 39. Rxg7 Rxe4 40. Rxd7] 38. Rg8# 1-0
89/130. Slapikas, V. (2361) - Vysniauskas, Ovidijus

TCh-LTU 2013 2013.03.11

32. Bc7+ Kxc7 33. d8=Q+ pawn promotion tactic 1-0

90/130. Sadykov, Ra (2250) - Gabuzyan, H. (2532)

35th Nezhmetdinov Cup 2013.06.04

30... Rxe4 31. Qxe4 Qd1# 0-1

91/130. Garcia Palermo, C. (2460) - Stromboli, C. (2325)

45th Italian Teams 2013 2013.04.27

26. Rxe5 Bxe5 27. Qf8# 1-0

92/130. Bitensky, I. (2400) - Goryachkina, A. (2402)

75th Tata Steel GpC 2013.01.22

34. Rc8 Rb8 [34... Rxc8 35. Qg7#] 35. Qg7# exploiting the pin 1-0
93/130. Bjornsson, Si (2395) - Gunnarsson, J. (2409)

TCh-ISL Div1 2013-14 2013.10.12

28... Rxh2 29. Qxh2 Qf2# 0-1

94/130. Battaglini, G. (2437) - Philippe, C. (2372)

French Top 12 2013 2013.05.31

29. Bh6+ Rxh6 30. Qf7# 1-0

95/130. Bedouin, X. (2387) - Battaglini, G. (2437)

French Top 12 2013 2013.06.08

26... Bxc5 27. Rxc5 [27. Qxc5 Rd1+ back rank deflection, coming soon!] 27... Rd3 wins
the Rook 0-1
96/130. Priehoda, V. (2414) - Biolek, R2. (2449)

TCh-CZE Extraliga 2012-13 2013.04.27

39... Bf2+ 40. Kxf2 Rxd1 0-1

97/130. Agdestein, S. (2555) - Pribyl, Jo (2307)

Prague Open A 2013 2013.01.14

37. Rxd7 Bd4 [37... Qxd7 38. Qxb8+] 38. Rxg7+ 1-0
98/130. Brunello, S. (2572) - Schut, L. (2295)

75th Tata Steel GpC 2013.01.18

26. Bxe6+ Qxe6 27. Rxd4 1-0

99/130. Gordon, S. (2526) - Kojima, S. (2344)

FSGM October 2013 2013.10.07

26. Rxf8+ Rxf8 27. Bxe5+ 1-0

100/130. Turner, Ja (2362) - Chernyshov, K. (2514)

Czech Open G1 Rapid 2013 2013.07.18

34... Qg3+ double attack 35. Qg2 Qxd3 0-1

101/130. Makoli, Perparim - Arsovic, Z. (2439)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.10

22... Rxg2 23. Qc1 [23. Qxg2 Qxc3+ mates] 23... Nc2+ 0-1
102/130. Papin, V. (2562) - Klinova, M. (2327)

29th Open 2013.02.26

35. Nxd6 Qxd6 36. Nf5+ discovered check, fork 1-0

103/130. Admiraal, M. (2321) - Brunello, S. (2572)

75th Tata Steel GpC 2013.01.27

34... Rxg2+ 35. Qxg2 Nd3+ wins the queen 0-1

104/130. Zakaryan, David (2276) - Popov, Iv RUS (2632)

VIII Vladimir Dvorkovich Open 2013.07.23

23... Rb1+ 24. Kxb1 [24. Kc2 Bf5+ 25. Bd3 (25. Kd2 Rb2+ can you find the mate in 4?)
25... Qxa2+] 24... Qxc3 0-1
105/130. Ptacnikova, L. (2269) - Sokolov, Ivan (2644)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.22

21... Bb4 taking the queen away from the g2 square [Immediate 21... Nh4 is not good 22.
f3 protects g2] 22. Qxb4 Nh4 with the white queen away, the g2 square cannot be
protected 0-1
106/130. Szelag, M. (2501) - Oliwa, M. (2415)

TCh-POL Ekstraliga 2013 2013.09.14

25. Rxe7 exploiting the pin 25... Qxe7 26. Qxa8+ 1-0
107/130. Arutinian, D. (2545) - Loiseau, Q. (2374)

29th Open 2013.02.26

33. Rxf7+ Rxf7 34. Qh8# 1-0

108/130. Moen, A. (2390) - Winants, L. (2534)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.23

33... Qxe3+ 34. Rxe3 gxf6 0-1

109/130. Antonio, R. (2541) - Pascua, H. (2386)

Asian Zone 3.3 2013.01.25

27. g7+ Bxg7 28. Rxe6 1-0

110/130. Cherednichenko, S. (2303) - L'Ami, E. (2624)

TCh-ISL 2012-13 2013.03.02

31... Bxe3+ 32. Qxe3 Qg2# 0-1

111/130. Berndt, S. (2443) - Burg, T. (2502)

Bundesliga 2012-13 2013.04.07

32. Rxg8+ Kxg8 33. Qxe7 1-0

112/130. Zeng, C. (2490) - Nguyen Huynh Minh Huy (2460)

3rd HD Bank Cup 2013 2013.03.22

25. Bxh7+ Nxh7 26. Qxd7 1-0

113/130. Van Foreest, Jorden (2310) - Krasenkow, M. (2640)

17th Unive Open 2013 2013.10.19

34... Qxd2 35. Qxd2 bxa2 pawn promotion tactic 0-1

114/130. Saric, A. (2547) - Kovacevic, Bl (2427)

22nd TCh-CRO Cup 2013 2013.05.24

18. Be5+ Kd7 [18... Kxe5 19. Qxe7+ Be6 20. f4+ Ke4 21. Qxe6#] 19. Rxd5+ 1-0
115/130. Miezis, N. (2574) - Samolins, V. (2403)

TCh-FIN SM 2012-13 2013.03.10

34. Rxc7 Qd8 [34... Qxc7 35. Qxf8#] [34... Rxf4 35. Rxe7 threatening Rd7-d8] 35. e7
pawn fork 1-0
116/130. Ju Wenjun (2505) - Zatonskih, A. (2474)

FIDE Women's World Teams 2013.03.05

34. Ne7+ Kh8 [34... Bxe7 the bishop is deflected away from the important g7 square 35.
Qg4+ Kh8 36. Qg7#] 35. Qxf7 mate on g7 or g8 1-0
117/130. Kreisl, R. (2380) - Solak, D. (2602)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.06

28. Rg8+ Kxg8 29. Nxf6+ fork 1-0

118/130. Korneev, O. (2625) - Pena Gomez, M. (2414)

TCh-ESP CECLUB Finals 2013 2013.08.24

23. Bh6+ Kxh6 24. Qxf6 with Nf5+ and mate threat 1-0
119/130. Pourramezanali, A. (2455) - Gagunashvili, M. (2585)

Baku Open 2013 2013.09.27

35. Bxe5 Bxe5 36. Qxh6+ mate on h7 1-0

120/130. Raznikov, D. (2474) - Kozul, Z. (2608)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.13

35... Bh3+ 36. Qxh3 Qf2# 0-1

121/130. Bluebaum, M. (2514) - Babula, V. (2571)

Werder Bremen GM 2013 2013.09.25

25. Rxc5 Rxc5 26. Nf7+ fork 1-0

122/130. Postny, E. (2627) - Wirig, A. (2490)

11th Meurthe Festival KO 2013.03.10

32. Bxa6 Bxa6 33. Nd5# what a mate! 1-0

123/130. Yu Yangyi (2688) - Thorhallsson, T. (2441)

Iceland-China Friendly Match 2013.02.16

38. h5+ luring the king 38... Kxh5 39. Qxh7+ mate to follow 1-0
124/130. Vachier Lagrave, M. (2713) - Tischbierek, R. (2472)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.26

18. Bxh7+ Kxh7 19. Qxf8 1-0

125/130. Ernst, S. (2554) - Bartel, Mat (2635)

Bundesliga 2012-13 2013.02.03

27. Bxf6+ Nxf6 [27... Qxf6 28. Qxg8+] 28. Qc7# 1-0
126/130. Malakhov, V. (2707) - Wei Yi (2551)

Chinese Teams 2013 2013.08.05

57. Ne7+ the king has to move away from the pawn 57... Kd7 58. a7 cannot be stopped
127/130. Markowski, T. (2567) - Jakovenko, D. (2731)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.09

38. h6+ Kxh6 39. Rxf8 1-0

128/130. Zhigalko, A. (2615) - Areshchenko, A. (2714)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.12

32... Bxd4+ 33. Rxd4 Qb1# 0-1

129/130. Istratescu, A. (2651) - Vachier Lagrave, M. (2722)

11th Meurthe Festival KO 2013.03.10

27... Bxc3 this bishop fork is a deflection 28. Qxc3 Qxf2+ mate on g2 0-1
When a pawn is far advanced, it gains far more value than other pieces. The Black King is
the real thorn here. Deflect it!

130/130. Hanl, Frantisek (1937) - Paulet, I. (2234)

Prague Open A 2013 2013.01.10

34. Rxd5+ Kc6 [34... Kxd5 35. b7 queens] 35. b7 deflecting the King a second time 35...
Kxb7 36. Rxd7+ 1-0
Back-rank Deflection (23)

A special case of the Deflection theme, is what I like to call the back-rank deflection. In
these positions, the stronger side will attempt to deflect the opponent on the last/first rank,
usually with a check.
Its quite simple once you get the idea!

1/23. Gonzalez Pereira, A. (2053) - Picazo Gonzalez, An (1762)

36th San Sebastian Open 2013.03.26

30. Rf8+ Note how the White rook sacrifices itself on the back rank to deflect the enemy
rook away from the protection of his Queen Rxf8 31. Qxd6 1-0
2/23. Galliano, A. (2101) - Tarhon, Brian (1863)

e2e4 Gatwick Open 2013 2013.04.06

28. Re8+ 28... Rxe8 29. Qxd6 1-0

3/23. Collier, D. (2086) - Emery, Keith (1906)

100th ch-GBR 2013 2013.07.31

22. Re8+ Here Black is not forced to capture, but loses nevertheless Bf8 [ 22... Rxe8 23.
Qxd6] 23. Rxd8 1-0
4/23. Siva Mahadevan (1904) - Singh, SV. (2223)

5th Chennai Open 2013 2013.01.18

33. Rd8+ Rxd8 [33... Kg7 34. Qxc5! This is the key. Black now loses the other rook Rxc5
35. Rxb8 wins] 34. Qxc5 1-0
5/23. Djaballah, F. (2017) - Taeib, S. (2117)

Mohamed Slama Mem 2013 2013.09.11

32. Re8+ 32... Kh7 [32... Rxe8 deflection 33. Qxd5+] 33. Qxd5 1-0
6/23. Nowicki, B. (2173) - Karwowski, K. (1965)

6th Guzinskiego Mem 2013.03.28

28. Rd8+ back rank deflection aimed at getting rid of the pin on the c3 pawn Rxd8 29.
cxb4 1-0
7/23. Martin, Le (2043) - Dilleigh, S. (2121)

100th ch-GBR 2013 2013.08.06

30... Re1+ 31. Rxe1 axb6 0-1

8/23. Zatko, G. (2158) - Laho, M. (2029)

V4 Int Open ch-SVK 2013 2013.07.07

37. Rd8+ 37... Rxd8 38. Qxb4 1-0

9/23. Sanal, V. (2404) - Nikolovska, D. (1821)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.09

21. Bxf6 Bxf6 [21... Qxg5 22. Bxg5] 22. Rd8+ [22. Rd8+ Rxd8 (22... Kg7 23. Qxc5
Rxc5 24. Rxb8) 23. Qxc5] 1-0
10/23. Bueno Gauna, C. (2026) - Fernandez Guillen, E. (2258)

48th Capablanca Open II 2013 2013.04.21

25... Rb1+ 26. Re1 [26. Rxb1 Qxa5] 26... Qxa5 0-1
11/23. Carbone, D. (2074) - Izquierdo, D. (2219)

Zonal 2.5 2013 2013.04.24

20... Re1+ 21. Rxe1 [21. Bf1 Qxd4 22. Rxd4 Rxa1] 21... Qxd4 0-1
12/23. Verhelst, J. (2059) - Rindlisbacher, L. (2340)

23rd EYCC Open U18 2013 2013.09.29

24... Rd1+ 25. Bf1 [25. Rxd1 Qxc7] 25... Qxc7 0-1
13/23. Sega, C. (2229) - Ferreira, Danilo Paulino

9th Ribeira Valley Open 2013 2013.07.30

26. Rc8+ 26... Bf8 [26... Rxc8 27. Qxb6] 27. Qxb8 1-0
14/23. Ulms, S. (2123) - Zelbel, P. (2393)

ch-GER Rapid 2013 2013.09.28

37... Re1+ 38. Rxe1 Qxd6 0-1

15/23. Valsecchi, A. (2412) - Christiansen, Johan-Sebastian (2155)

XV Sant Marti Open A 2013.07.21

26. Rh8+ exploiting the pin 26... Kxh8 27. Qxf7 1-0
16/23. Mokshanov, A. (2411) - Sichinava, Z. (2305)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.13

19. Re8+ 19... Rxe8 [19... Kg7 20. Qxd4 Rxd4 21. Rxa8] 20. Qxd4 1-0
17/23. Henriquez Villagra, C. (2306) - Garcia Cardenas, P. (2434)

ch-CHI Final 2013 2013.02.27

29. Rd8+ 29... Kh7 [29... Rxd8 30. Qxc6] 30. Qxc6 1-0
18/23. Pedersen, Christi (2427) - Cox, JohnJ (2387)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.25

29. Rd8+ 29... Ka7 [29... Rxd8 30. Qxe2] 30. Qxe8 1-0
19/23. Jovanic, O. (2532) - Karner, C. (2321)

27th Pula Open 2013 2013.06.11

32... Rd1+ 33. Kg2 Rxc1 0-1

20/23. Kunin, V. (2527) - Alber, H. (2336)

HEM Master Open 2013 2013.03.27

32. Rb8 32... Qf7 [32... Qxd5 33. Rxe8+ Kf7 34. Re7+ Zwischenzug] 33. Rxe8+
exploiting the pin 1-0
21/23. Ftacnik, L. (2543) - Damaso, R. (2379)

TCh-POR Div1 Final 2013 2013.08.19

25. Rd8+ 25... Rxd8 26. cxb5 1-0

22/23. Nyzhnyk, I. (2637) - Nyudleev, D. (2372)

Moscow Open A 2013 2013.02.02

39. Rf8+ 39... Kg7 [39... Rxf8 40. Qxe3] 40. Nf5+ fork, exploiting the pin 1-0
23/23. Cioara, A. (2462) - Nyzhnyk, I. (2625)

TCh-ROU 2013 2013.09.05

30... Rd1+ 31. Bf1 Rxc1 0-1

Discovered Attack & Check
Discovered Attack

In a Discovered Attack, you move a piece out of the way to reveal an attack on the enemy
piece. Usually there are two points of attack and the opponent would be unable to meet
both attacks and hence lose material or the game.

Note how the Black Queen has a "discovered attack" on the White Queen. He only needs to
make a forcing move (like check with his Bishop) and win the White Queen.

Discovered Check

A close kin of the Discovered Attack is the Discovered Check. Here, you reveal the attack on
the enemy King (i.e. Check!) by moving out one of your own piece!

In the following diagram, the Knight moves to a suitable square and wins the Black Rook
Discovered Attack (95)

The Black Queen is indirectly attacking the White Queen, which has no extra support. The
aim should be to move your Bishop from d6 to inflict maximum damage. What better way
than to give a check!

1/95. Linardaki, Antigoni - Stiakakis, Ioannis-Leonidas (1406)

9th Gazi 2013 2013.07.28

12... Bxh2+ The Black Bishop sacrifices itself and the Black Queen has a "discovered
attack" on the unprotected White queen. 0-1
2/95. Cedres, Jorge - Tramutolo, Gustavo (1626)

Zonal 2.5 2013 2013.04.21

14... Bxh2+ similar to the earlier example. Note how the placement of other pieces hardly
matters. As long as the sacrificed piece gets itself out of the way, with a check and the
enemy piece is undefended. 0-1
3/95. Mriso, Milos (1753) - Hruby, Va (1745)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.22

26... Nf3+ the sacrificed piece can be anything, as long as it delivers a check! Later we will
see that a check is not always required, however its more forcing 0-1
4/95. Lupascu, Diana-Elena (1341) - Abdalla, L. (2288)

7th Varna Open 2013 2013.06.19

24... Bxf2+ 0-1

5/95. Frederiksen Kristian, Pade (1823) - Moltu, Eirik Andre

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.29

14. Bxf7+ discovered attack wins the queen 1-0

6/95. Kaydanovich, M. (1816) - Pronin, Vl (2056)

13th IPCA World Championship 2013.06.19

22. Nxf5+ 1-0

7/95. Gucin, Z. (2119) - Demir, M. (1911)

21st Troya Open 2013 2013.08.22

23. Bg8+ discovered attack wins the queen 1-0

8/95. Svorjov, Igor - Tuul, T. (2056)

Paul Keres Mem Prelim 2013.01.11

26... Ne2+ 0-1

9/95. Harestad, T. (2199) - Ghijsen, P. (2187)

15th TCh-Eur Senior 2013.07.23

14. Bxh7+ 1-0

Before the d5 Knight can cause a "discovered attack", you need to get a bigger piece in the

10/95. Nafri, K. (2091) - Whatley, Stephen A J (1717)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.24

23. Bxd8 creating tactical opportunity Rxd8 24. Ne7+ discovered attack wins the rook
11/95. Jensen, So3 (1909) - Kruglyak, Mikhail

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.24

16. Nf6+ 16... gxf6 17. Rxa5 1-0

12/95. Koch, Till (1869) - Haugg, G. (1951)

29th ChessOrg Open 2013.03.09

15. Nf6+ 15... gxf6 16. Rxd8+ 1-0

13/95. Kucypera, M. (2045) - Stoop, J. (1782)

22nd Anderssen Mem Eliminacje 2013.06.29

The discovered attack does not always have to deliver a check 24. Nxe6 Qxe6 [ 24...
Rxc2 25. Rfe1 supports the Knight] [24... Rb6 25. Nc5! saves the Knight!] 25. Qxb2 1-0
14/95. Glavinac, G. (2159) - Silivri, Volkan Resat (1674)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.16

17. Ng5+ 17... hxg5 18. Qxg4 1-0

15/95. Braun, Eri (1843) - Hartig, U. (1993)

17th Lienz Open 2013 2013.02.10

13. Bh3+ deflecting the king and creating tactical opportunity Kb8 14. Nc6+ 1-0
16/95. Jacek, R. (1835) - Ivanova, Karina (2014)

9th Baltic Pearl 2013 2013.07.04

24. Rd7 creating tactical opportunity Qxd7 25. Nh6+ discovered attack wins the queen
17/95. Truman, R. (1916) - Staniforth, Matthew (1940)

e2e4 Sunningdale Open 2013.05.26

18. Bxh7+ 18... Kxh7 19. Qxd7 1-0

18/95. Jansson, A. (2116) - Rajab, Schahin (1772)

Stockholm Open 2013 2013.08.05

17. Ne7+ 17... Qxe7 18. Qxc7 1-0

19/95. Kopecky, Jiri1 (1948) - Mejta, Frantisek

9th Tabor Open 2013 2013.08.01

23... Bxf2+ 24. Kxf2 Qxb7 0-1

20/95. Kiseleva, A. (1975) - Fedoseeva, V. (1937)

81st ch-St Petersburg w 2013.03.20

30. Bh7+ 30... Kxh7 31. Qxc3 1-0

21/95. Kosmac, B. (2204) - Rozman, Monika (1709)

18th HIT Open A 2013 2013.01.25

26. Qxh5 setting up a trap for Black Qxh3 If Black captures thinking that he can exploit
the pin on the g2 pawn, then... 27. Ng6+! discovered attack wins the queen 1-0
22/95. Zelesco, Karl (2143) - Bennett, Calvin (1793)

Australian Open 2013 2013.01.02

12. e5 12... Nxe5 13. Bxg6 wins the exchange 1-0

23/95. Caba, Edgar (1861) - Herrera, F. (2086)

VIII American Continental 2013 2013.05.08

31... Bxf3+ 32. Nxf3 Rxa7 0-1

24/95. Barrish, Daniel (1921) - Dvorak, Li (2079)

9th Highlands Open 2013.09.22

25. Ne7+ creating tactical opportunity Kh8 26. Ng6+ discovered attack wins the rook
25/95. Andersen, Ru2 (2069) - Andersen, Dani (1935)

Copenhagen Chess Challenge 2013 2013.04.28

18. Bxa7+ 18... Ka8 19. Qxe5 1-0

26/95. Roy, Ali (1889) - Baraeva, I. (2153)

23rd EYCC Girls U18 2013 2013.09.29

28... Qh6+ preparing for the discovered attack 29. Kg1 Nh3+ discovered attack wins
the queen 0-1
27/95. Reyes Perez, Guillermo Santiago (1982) - Jarrin Cobos, J. (2079)

48th Capablanca Open II 2013 2013.04.25

26... Rd1+ 27. Rxd1 Qxe5 0-1

28/95. Caldeira, John - Plew, Jeffrey (2043)

Oceania Open zt 2013 2013.05.05

33... Rxe3+ 34. Kxe3 Bxf8 0-1

29/95. Schmidek, Emil (1940) - Major, Vitalij (2164)

Lichtenrader Herbst 2013 2013.10.05

21... Bc5+ 22. Kh1 Qxg7 0-1

30/95. Nozhkin, Nikita (2140) - Shulakov, A. (1981)

17th Petr Izmailov 2013.06.13

39. Qe8+ preparing for the discovered attack Kh7 40. Bg8+ discovered attack wins the
queen 1-0
31/95. Travnicek, Jaroslav (1849) - Jaworski, Mi (2293)

13th IPCA World Championship 2013.06.19

12... Nxc3 13. bxc3 Bxc4 0-1

32/95. Chaves, Joa (2025) - Daneri, M. (2135)

9th Ribeira Valley Open 2013 2013.08.03

25... e3+ 26. fxe3 Bxb1 0-1

33/95. Fedoseeva, V. (1950) - Grigoriev, M. (2211)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.06

25. Bb5 Rd8 26. Qxd8+! Kxd8 27. Rxg1 1-0

34/95. Novosadova, K. (2144) - Karhanek, P. (2030)

Pobeskydi Open 2013 2013.03.30

30. Ng5+ 30... hxg5 31. Qxg3 1-0

35/95. Bulmaga, I. (2410) - Jakab, T. (1777)

TCh-ROU w 2013 2013.09.07

33. Bg5 preparing for the discovered attack hxg5 34. hxg5+ discovered attack 1-0
36/95. Farkas, R. (2173) - Terbe, J. (2017)

FSFMA Sept 2013 2013.09.12

36. Ne7+ preparing for the discovered attack Kh8 37. Ng6+ 1-0
37/95. Sand, R. (1949) - Melkumjanc, N. (2256)

Hilton Master Open 2013 2013.01.04

26... Rxe2 deflection aimed at preparing for the discovered attack 27. Qxe2 Rxg3+
discovered attack wins the Queen 0-1
38/95. Astengo, C. (2171) - Hehn, H. (2047)

29th ChessOrg Open 2013.03.05

20. Bg5+ [NOT 20. Bb4+ Qxb4+] 20... Kf8 21. Qxb2 1-0
39/95. Simons, R. (2069) - Maes, V. (2182)

HSC/De Legibus Open 2013 2013.06.29

33. Be8+ 33... Rxe8 34. Rxb7 1-0

40/95. Bernotas, A. (2281) - Kastelijn, Toine (1971)

47th Ilmar Raud Mem 2013.07.02

35. Nf6+ fork, discovered attack 35... gxf6 36. Qxh5 1-0
41/95. Urbanski, G. (2182) - Stankiewicz, P. (2074)

III Miedzyzdroje Open 2013 2013.05.03

14. Nd5 a very common theme in some openings when the Black Queen is on a5 Qb5 15.
Nxe7+ 1-0
42/95. Organdziev, O. (2293) - Nikolovski, Nikola (1965)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.10

24. Bxg7+ 24... Kxg7 25. Rxe6 1-0

43/95. Wegerer, F. (2197) - Toefferl, H. (2096)

20th Graz Open 2013 2013.08.27

24. Bxh6+ sacrificing itself for further glory Kxh6 25. Rh5+ discovered attack wins the
queen 1-0
44/95. Tofano, D. (2006) - Proudian, Armen (2291)

9th Ribeira Valley Open 2013 2013.08.01

38... Rh7+ 39. Kg1 Qxc6 0-1

45/95. Ivaschenko, V. (2275) - Bykova, Anastasia (2025)

Dvorkovich Mem 2013 2013.01.19

34. e6+ 34... Kxe6 35. Qxd4 1-0

46/95. Jaracz, B. (2270) - Krasovskiy, Kirill (2045)

Czech Open G1 Rapid 2013 2013.07.17

21. Bxh7+ 21... Kxh7 22. Rxc8 1-0

47/95. Houben, Jaap (2265) - Moes, W. (2071)

BSG Pinkstertoernooi 2013 2013.05.19

14. Qf4+ 14... Bf6 15. Rxd8 1-0

48/95. Allen, K. (2197) - Williamson, R. (2148)

Blackpool Congress 2013 2013.03.08

25... Qxe1 creating tactical opportunity 26. Qxe1 Nf3+ fork 0-1
49/95. Smith, T. (2193) - Wuijts, Johan

HSC/De Legibus Open 2013 2013.06.30

37. Ne7+ Kf8 38. Rxd8 1-0

50/95. Kersten, U. (2302) - Reimche, V. (2086)

25th Staufer Open 2013.01.03

16. Bxf7+ creating tactical opportunity Kxf7 17. Ng5+ discovered attack wins the piece
back and more 1-0
51/95. Vinod, G. (2009) - Pasiev, R. (2384)

Czech Open G1 Rapid 2013 2013.07.17

27. Bf5+ 27... gxf5 28. Qxc3 1-0

52/95. Olsar, J. (2233) - Mojzis, Jar (2163)

TCh-CZE Div1 Vychod 2012-13 2013.04.07

31. Qh3+ preparing for the discovered attack Kg8 32. Nf6+ 1-0
53/95. Zhou, Y. (2469) - Lecomte, Robin (1930)

7th LCT 2013 2013.07.14

29. Bxe6+ preparing for the discovered attack Kh7 30. Bg8+ discovered attack wins
the queen 1-0
54/95. Dijkhuis, Sven (1921) - Pancevski, F. (2493)

17th Unive Open 2013 2013.10.21

32. Nf5+ 32... gxf5 33. Qxa7 1-0

55/95. Ootes, La (2356) - Vereggen, L. (2068)

BSG Pinkstertoernooi 2013 2013.05.18

28. Nf7+ 28... Rxf7 29. Qxd8+ 1-0

56/95. Kiran, M. (2272) - Pratyusha, B. (2159)

40th ch-IND w 2013 2013.08.28

37. Ng6+ 37... hxg6 38. Qxb4 1-0

57/95. Kunze, K. (2133) - Dauth, B. (2313)

16th New Year Open 2013.01.04

31... Rxg3+ 32. Nxg3 Qxc2 0-1

58/95. Ilchev, P. (2113) - Galunov, T. (2342)

Old Capital Open 2013 2013.05.02

27... Bd3+ 28. Bxd3 Qxc5 0-1

59/95. Haba, P. (2522) - Voelz, S. (1947)

2nd Arberopen 2013 2013.06.29

21. Nxd6 creating tactical opportunity 21... Qxd6 22. Bxf7+ discovered attack 1-0
60/95. Gerber, R. (2416) - Oussedik, E. (2058)

Geneva Open A 2013 2013.06.24

31... Rxf2+ 32. Ke1 White King manages to save the Queen [32. Kxf2 Qxd1] 32... Qe3+
but loses himself! 0-1
61/95. Manea, Al (2389) - Meylan, A. (2094)

Geneva Open A 2013 2013.06.28

37. Ng5+ 37... hxg5 38. Qxd3+ 1-0

62/95. Diogo, V. (2300) - Neves, P. (2218)

TCh-POR Div1 Final 2013 2013.08.18

20. Bh6+ 20... Rxh6 21. Qxd3 1-0

63/95. Mamedjarova, Z. (2285) - Mamedjarova, T. (2240)

Nakhchivan Open A 2013 2013.05.01

18... Bxh2+ 19. Kxh2 Rxd1 0-1

64/95. Pinho, P. (2128) - Zhou, Y. (2439)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.23

21... Nf3+ 22. gxf3 Bxa1 0-1

65/95. Sabuk, P. (2206) - Lomsadze, D. (2370)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.15

32... Bxh3 33. gxh3 Rxf8 0-1

66/95. Kanovsky, D. (2385) - Bartos, J. (2196)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.21

25. Rxg7+ creating tactical opportunity 25... Kxg7 26. Bxf6+ discovered attack wins
the queen 1-0
67/95. Gutierrez Delgado, Y. (2335) - Campos Vila, M. (2253)

48th Capablanca Open I 2013 2013.04.27

29. Nf6+ 29... R5xf6 30. Qxa4 1-0

68/95. Boros, De (2498) - Kozak, Adam (2092)

Hungarian National Open 2013 2013.05.29

28. Rxe6 28... Qxe6 29. Qxa8 1-0

69/95. Kachiani-Gersinska, K. (2362) - Mollero, M. (2230)

2nd FE Acqui Terme A 2013 2013.07.12

22. Nf5+ 22... gxf5 23. Qxb6 1-0

70/95. Kjartansson, G. (2434) - Vinardell Cruanas, S. (2165)

14th Miquel Mas Open 2013.08.15

30. Nf6+ creating tactical opportunity 30... Qxf6 31. Rxe8+ discovered attack 1-0
71/95. Cebalo, M. (2440) - Sprotte, N. (2161)

17th Cesenatico Open 2013.09.01

28. Rxg5 28... hxg5 [28... Qxg4 29. Rgxg4] 29. Qxd7 1-0
72/95. Roy, Pr (2238) - Konguvel, P. (2366)

51st ch-IND B 2013 2013.10.22

30. Qa2+ 30... Kg7 31. Bxc3 1-0

73/95. Leiber, B. (2209) - Goumas, G. (2410)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.11

30. Nf5+ 30... gxf5 31. Qxb6 1-0

74/95. Bergthorsson, J. (2143) - Thorfinnsson, Br (2478)

Icelandic Open Championship 2013 2013.06.04

31... Be4+ 32. fxe4 Rxb4 0-1

75/95. Meijers, V. (2464) - Reyer, U. (2178)

19th Schloss Open 2013.03.22

32. Ne6+ 32... Qxe6 33. Qxc8 1-0

76/95. Pedersen, NicV (2406) - Nikolaidis, K. (2238)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.08

31. Qh4+ Nf6 [31... Kd7 32. Rd1+ Nd6 33. e5] 32. e5 discovered attack on the queen 1-
77/95. Mishuchkov, N. (2394) - Koykka, P. (2274)

XXIII Krakow Open 2013.01.02

30. Ra7 creating tactical opportunity Nxa7 deflection 31. Nxe7+ discovered attack 1-0
78/95. Sos Andreu, E. (2229) - Almagro Llamas, P. (2474)

78th ch-ESP 2013 2013.08.30

37. Nf5+ 37... Rxf5 38. Qxd4+ 1-0

79/95. Abdel Razik, K. (2444) - Van den Heever, D. (2280)

ch-Africa Open 2013 2013.05.27

34. Nf8+ 34... Rxf8 35. Rxf6 1-0

80/95. Mindlin, A. (2286) - Mullon, J. (2445)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.25

30... e5+ 31. dxe6 Rxa7 0-1

81/95. Guliev, Sarh (2460) - Heydarli, K. (2278)

Baku Open 2013 2013.09.24

36... Bc5+ 37. bxc5 Rxe6 0-1

82/95. Muzychuk, M. (2471) - Villuendas Valero, A. (2301)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.26

28. Nf6+ 28... gxf6 29. Rxd7 1-0

83/95. Schreiner, Pe (2439) - Kislik, E. (2359)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.24

24. Ne5+ 24... fxe5 25. Rxc7+ 1-0

84/95. Ipatov, Alexander (2583) - De Villiers, C. (2255)

DSK GM Open 2013 2013.07.29

35. Ne6+ 35... fxe6 36. Rxa7 1-0

85/95. Zeller, F. (2419) - Forster, Ri (2451)

TCh-SUI 2013 2013.09.07

24. Nf6+ 24... gxf6 25. Qxc6+ 1-0

86/95. Pourkashiyan, A. (2303) - Durarbayli, V. (2567)

Baku Open 2013 2013.09.19

30. Ba6 30... Qb6 31. Rxa4 1-0

87/95. Svetushkin, D. (2588) - Humeau, C. (2312)

10th Balagne Rapid Open 2013.04.13

24. Bxg7+ 24... Kxg7 25. Rxe8 1-0

88/95. Hansen, Eric (2577) - Wang, Richard (2365)

6th Calgary International 2013 2013.05.15

28. Bh6+ 28... Kxh6 29. Rxd1 1-0

89/95. Malaniuk, V. (2528) - Voloshin, L. (2420)

XXIV Jozefa Kochana Mem 2013.08.15

24. Nxf6+ 24... gxf6 25. Qxb7 1-0

90/95. Glek, I. (2460) - Reshetnikov, Al (2497)

67th Moscow Blitz 2013 2013.09.01

27... Nf4+ fork, discovered attack 28. Rxf4 Qxe2 0-1

91/95. Schlosser, P. (2602) - Dubessay, B. (2378)

French Top 12 2013 2013.06.03

21. Ne7+ 21... Kh8 22. Qxd8 1-0

92/95. Roy Chowdhury, S. (2471) - Cabrera, Ale (2529)

Llucmajor Open 2013 2013.05.01

34. f6+ 34... Rxf6 35. Qxd7 1-0

93/95. Ehlvest, J. (2605) - Kuipers, S. (2431)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.31

21... Bh6 deflection, creating tactical opportunity 22. Qxh6 Nf5+ discovered attack wins
the queen 0-1
94/95. Ernst, S. (2556) - Smeets, J. (2615)

75th Tata Steel GpB 2013.01.23

27... Ng3+ 28. Bxg3 Qxe2 0-1

95/95. Guseinov, G. (2631) - Nguyen Ngoc Truong Son (2625)

FIDE World Blitz 2013 2013.06.10

30... Rc4 31. Be5 Bxf2+ 0-1

Discovered Check (32)

Where would you move the White Knight?

1/32. Grela, K. (1971) - Richterova, Julie (1443)

Novy Bor Open A 2013 2013.02.09

15. Nb6+ discovered check wins the Rook 1-0

A 'Check' with two pieces at the same time is nearly always lethal.

2/32. Prabhugaonkar, Aditee Aman (1443) - Gomes, Mary (2394)

11th TCh-IND w 2013 2013.02.25

29... Nxf2# Note how the Black queen cannot be captured because of the Knight check
from f2! 0-1
3/32. Vavrinec, T. (2018) - Voelz, S. (1943)

Novy Bor Open A 2013 2013.02.13

28. Rd8# back rank weakness 1-0

4/32. Pedersen, HB. (2118) - Nielsen, Mor (1965)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.08.01

32. Ne5+ fork 1-0

5/32. Vazquez Torres, A. (2185) - Del Rio de Angelis, S. (2499)

TCh-ESP CECLUB Honor 2013 2013.09.10

23... d3+ pawn fork 0-1

6/32. Golovin, Leo (2455) - Mikhaletz, L. (2428)

Alushta Autumn 4 2013 2013.09.14

32... Nf3+ fork, double check 0-1

7/32. Demir, Halil Ibrahim - Uygun, Yasin (1585)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.06

26. Rg8+ Kxg8 27. Rg1+ pretty mate to follow 1-0

8/32. Corpus, E. (1880) - Salamanca, Juan David (1557)

7th Univ Cent Open 2013 2013.10.12

19... Nxe5+ 20. Bc4 Nxg4 with material gain 0-1

9/32. Kocur, M. (1866) - Tremblay, Mario

24th ch-NATO 2013 2013.08.14

20. d6+ Kh7 21. dxc7 pawn fork 1-0

10/32. Patron, P. (1978) - Reinup, Hannes

24th ch-NATO 2013 2013.08.15

21. Ne4+ Kf7 22. Nxd6+ 1-0

11/32. Boschetti, C. (2134) - Maffioli, M. (1926)

VII New Open 2013.04.01

32. Bb6+ Ke7 33. Rd7# 1-0

12/32. Kraus, F. (2004) - Taus, M. (2170)

10th Orlova Open 2013.05.18

20. Bxh6 exposing the king 20... f5 21. Bxg7+ with mate to follow 1-0
13/32. Ciornei, D. (2167) - Hewitt, B. (2069)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.25

28. Rxe6+ Nxe5 29. Rxe7 1-0

14/32. Genzling, A. (2396) - Trouve, G. (1908)

7th Wasselonne Open 2013.08.01

22. Qxg7+ Kxg7 23. Nd5+ discovered check wins back the queen 1-0
15/32. Jaunooby, A. (2159) - Owen, Dennis

Blackpool Congress 2013 2013.03.09

23. Bg8+ Kxg8 24. Qh7# 1-0

16/32. Romanko, M. (2349) - Ivanova, Karina (1976)

Moscow Open B 2013 2013.02.02

24. Bg8+ clearing the way 24... Kxg8 25. Qh7# 1-0
17/32. Rosabal, Y. (2301) - Abarca Gonzalez, D. (2026)

48th Capablanca Open I 2013 2013.04.25

27. Rxd6 creating tactical opportunity 27... Kxd6 28. Rxe8+ 1-0
18/32. Bittner, R. (2060) - Halvax, G. (2282)

TCh-AUT 2 Mitte 2012-13 2013.04.21

28... Rxd1 clearing the way 29. Rxd1 e5+ discovered check wins the queen 0-1
19/32. Cueto Rodriguez, Y. (2138) - Barros, C. (2222)

48th Capablanca Open I 2013 2013.04.29

35... Rxf1+ removing the defender, creating tactical opportunity 36. Rxf1 Bxg2+ Bishop
fork [36... Bxg2+ 37. Kh2 Bxf1+] 0-1
20/32. Monnisha, G. (2094) - Khademalsharieh, S. (2303)

31st World Junior Girls 2013.09.16

29. Bd5 Qxd5 30. Ne7+ 1-0

21/32. Aitbayev, A. (2418) - Lysakov, A. (2032)

17th Petr Izmailov 2013.06.11

12. Nxc6 Qxd1 13. Nxe7+ discovered check wins another piece. Then White can
recapture the Black Queen 1-0
22/32. Kirk, Ez (2258) - Redmond, J. (2236)

4NCL 2012-13 2013.02.23

23. Qxf8+ creating tactical opportunity 23... Kxf8 24. Bh4+ discovered check wins the
queen 1-0
23/32. Antoms, G. (2376) - Osis, R. (2143)

ch-LAT 2013 2013.04.16

29. Ne8+ clearing the way 29... Bxe8 [29... Kh7 30. Nxc7] 30. exd6+ discovered
check wins the Queen! 1-0
24/32. Kanarek, M. (2478) - Eggink, M. (2044)

9th Lazy Open 2013 2013.06.30

25... Bxe4+ 26. Kd2 Rc2# unfortunate mate 0-1

25/32. Pohle, Reinhold (2003) - Andersson, U. (2554)

17th OIBM 2013 2013.10.26

33... Ne4+ 34. Kg1 Nxc3 0-1

26/32. Wang Doudou (2226) - Guo Qi (2443)

Chinese Teams 2013 2013.10.10

32... Nb3+ 33. Ke2 Nxd2 0-1

27/32. Pap, M. (2489) - Trygstad, K. (2236)

5th Rethymno Open 2013.07.30

31. Nxg6 Rxf2 [31... Qxg6 32. Rxf7+ exploiting the pin] 32. Nf8# a nice mate 1-0
28/32. Moreno Ruiz, J. (2469) - Sanchez Jerez, E. (2267)

I Azuqueca Chess Classic 2013 2013.09.16

26. Rxe5 creating tactical opportunity 26... dxe5 27. d6+ 1-0
29/32. Papin, V. (2562) - Klinova, M. (2327)

29th Open 2013.02.26

35. Nxd6 deflection 35... Qxd6 36. Nf5+ fork 1-0

30/32. Smirnov, Arte (2439) - Rakhmanov, Ale (2603)

Petersburg Summer Rapid 2013 2013.08.31

23. c5+ Kh8 24. Qxa6 1-0

31/32. Acosta Cruz, Luis Ivan (1866) - Martinez, Mau (2004)

XX Feria de las Flores 2013 2013.08.04

32... Rg8+ 33. Kh2 Bg4 [33... Bg4 exploiting the pin] 34. Qg2 f3+ 0-1
32/32. Turner, Jos (1992) - Zeidler, S. (2284)

ch-WLS 2013 2013.03.31

21. Rxd7 removing the defender 21... Bxd7 22. Nf6+ exploiting weak squares, and the
discovered check Nd5 wins the queen 22... Kh8 23. Nd5+ 1-0
Double Attack (74)
This theme occurs quite often at the beginner level when a player leaves two (or more!)
pieces undefended. As we will see later, double attack can also involve attacking one or
more weak squares/points in the enemy camp, and not just attacking two undefended

Note how the White Queen attacks both the King and the Rook from the e5 square.
See something wrong with the White Rook and Knight?

1/74. Neumann, Filip - Wodecki, Aleksander (1494)

10th Orlova Open 2013.05.14

23... Qc3 double attack on the Knight and the Rook and White must part with one of them
2/74. Kolka, Dawid (1657) - Birkisson, Bardur Orn

Icelandic Open Championship 2013 2013.06.07

18. Qe5+ attacking the King and the Rook 1-0

3/74. Tuzi, Bruna (1687) - Soylemez, C. (1905)

31st World Junior Girls 2013.09.15

13... Qb4+ wins the Bishop 0-1

4/74. Wenzel, B. (2110) - D'Aste, Federico (1501)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.08

19. Nd2 attacking the Queen and Bishop 1-0

Always look out for an undefended piece in the enemy camp!

5/74. Thuret, M. (1918) - Hiverlet, Berenice

TOP 12 TCh-FRA Fem Finals 2013 2013.06.23

22. Qe6+ c6 Bishop is hanging 1-0

In the next example, one of the piece is already defended, but White increases the attack
against that piece while attacking another.

6/74. Romero, Da (1905) - Andrade Truyol, Geiner Jose (2027)

XX Feria de las Flores 2013 2013.08.06

31. Qc8 back rank weakness 1-0

7/74. Mikaelyan, A. (2257) - Tairi, K. (1864)

23rd EYCC Open U18 2013 2013.09.29

27. Qd5+ 1-0

8/74. Piesik, P. (2216) - Susla, Mikhail (1986)

UKR-POL Academic Teams 2013.09.28

22. Qe7 1-0

9/74. Panagiotakos, N. (2191) - Karamalis, G. (2065)

41st TCh-GRE 2013.07.07

30. Qg4+ 1-0

It is surprising how two enemy pieces far-off can be attacked with a single piece!

10/74. Berzinsh, R. (2411) - Sagadijeva, A. (1848)

Paul Keres Mem Prelim 2013.01.11

34. Qe3+ 1-0

11/74. Borosova, Z. (2265) - Ondras, J. (2016)

V4 Int Open ch-SVK 2013 2013.07.10

36. Qd2+ 1-0

12/74. Cruz Portuondo, Manuel De Jesus (2120) - Macias, Ma (2162)

48th Capablanca Open II 2013 2013.04.29

27. Qg6+ exploiting the pin and winning the Rook 1-0
13/74. Soylu, S. (2408) - Yener, C. (1944)

IsBank TCh-TUR 2013 2013.07.08

25. Qe5 exploiting the pin 1-0

14/74. Tan, Ju2 (2284) - Chek, A. (2081)

Australian Open 2013 2013.01.12

25. Qf3+ a common sight. Queen on f3 aiming at the rook on a8! 1-0
15/74. Buenafe Moya, J. (2229) - Mingarro Carceller, S. (2195)

47th Mislata Open 2013.08.15

35... Qb7+ wins the Bishop 0-1

16/74. Ibrahimova, S. (2202) - Zhai Mo (2309)

31st World Junior Girls 2013.09.21

35. Qd3+ 1-0

17/74. Gallego, R. (2247) - Sanchez Ibern, M. (2356)

TCh-CAT Div Hon 2013 2013.04.13

23... Qg6+ check and wins the f6 bishop 0-1

Black must attack the h7 Rook one more time.

18/74. Sejkora, V. (2234) - Vyskocil, N. (2376)

Tatry Open 2013 2013.09.30

27... Qb1+ check and wins the h7 Rook 0-1

19/74. Roser, K. (2409) - Scharrer, P. (2248)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.26

35. Qg4+ 1-0

Black should be careful to avoid a trap here. Always calculate!

20/74. Ivanov, Sergei V (2034) - Matlakov, M. (2676)

Petersburg Summer Rapid 2013 2013.08.31

34... Qc5+ [34... Bxb5?? 35. Rxb5! Rxb5 36. Qxf8#] 0-1
21/74. Brenjo, S. (2499) - Geler, A. (2220)

TCh-MNE Prem 2013 2013.06.27

31. Qe3+ 1-0

22/74. Narciso Dublan, M. (2536) - Garcia Jimenez, F. (2253)

XI Rapid Open 2013.06.02

21. Qa2+ 1-0

23/74. Bogner, S. (2552) - Buchal, S. (2312)

17th OIBM 2013 2013.10.31

27... Qh5 attacks g5 Bishop and d1 Rook 0-1

24/74. Ungureanu, V. (2374) - Nevednichy, V. (2573)

TCh-ROU 2013 2013.09.03

36... Qd3 0-1

Sacrifice is a key to many tactical ideas.

25/74. Zima, To2 (1832) - Vrchotka, J. (2001)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.19

26. Rxe6 Nxe6 27. Qxe6+ 1-0

26/74. Cabrera Ladron de Guevara, M. (2016) - Simon Batista, Lorenzo Alexis (1847)

48th Capablanca Open II 2013 2013.04.28

24. Qd4 double attack on d6 and g7 24... exd5 25. Qxg7# 1-0
27/74. Nevioselaya, M. (2065) - Di Benedetto, Desiree (1822)

23rd EYCC Girls U18 2013 2013.09.29

23. Qf7+ 23... Kh8 24. Qxd7 1-0

Even though you are focussed on one wing, the opportunity may lie on the other!

28/74. Kundt, Guenther - Melkeraaen, T. (1950)

15th TCh-Eur Senior 2013.07.21

12... Qa5+ 13. Kf1 Qxa4 0-1

Ask yourself, which enemy piece is undefended? How nice if the Black Queen could jump to
g6 but without giving White any hint.

29/74. Kuru, M. (1834) - Lorenc, To1 (2085)

11th Niki Open 2013 2013.07.05

29... Qb6 attacking d4 and forcing White to do something 30. Qb2 Qg6+ 0-1
30/74. Dvorak, Li (2079) - Mezlik, Stanislav (1855)

9th Highlands Open 2013.09.24

30... Qb1+ 31. Kg2 Qb2+ 0-1

31/74. Chang, S. (1972) - Dos Santos, Jessica Souza

Zonal 2.4 Absoluto 2013 2013.04.28

16. Qb3+ 16... Kh8 17. Qxb7 double attack on the Rook and Knight 1-0
32/74. Perez Arroyave, D. (1894) - Rangel, C. (2070)

XX Feria de las Flores 2013 2013.08.06

25. Nxe5+ dxe5 26. Rd6 1-0

33/74. Hj, Azahari Md Aliuddin (2069) - Alkhaldi, Bader (1950)

Asian Cities Dubai Cup 2013 2013.10.23

27. Qb6 27... Re8 28. Qxb2 1-0

34/74. Sienczewski, Z. (2052) - Vazelakis, D. (1969)

21st Honor to National Resistance 2013.09.02

29. Qc3+ 29... Qf6 30. Qxc6 [30. Qxc6 Qe5+ 31. g3 Qe2+ 32. Qg2] 1-0
35/74. Bednikov, G. (1800) - Janev, P. (2222)

Grand Open Blagoevgrad 2013 2013.10.01

37... Qf4+ 38. Kc2 Qxh2 0-1

36/74. Morchiashvili, B. (2355) - Karacan, Can Berk (1673)

11th Kesan Open 2013.08.30

30. Qe6+ Kh8 31. Qd6 [31. Qd6 Rfb8 32. Qxb8+!!] 1-0
37/74. Taylor, Adam A (1968) - Markoja, S. (2082)

23rd EYCC Open U16 2013 2013.10.03

34... Qh3 35. Rhg1 Qxf3 0-1

The Black rook on f3 is under attack, but Black actually has many attacking points.

38/74. Brea, Emanuel (1880) - Bertaccini, D. (2176)

87th ch-ARG 2013 2013.04.10

26... Rh3 attacks two weak points, the pawn on h2 and the Bishop on e4 (and secretly
threatens ...Bxd4!) 27. Qc2 [27. R5c2 Bxd4] 27... dxe4 0-1
39/74. Asensio Linan, T. (2167) - Onna Amargant, J. (1980)

TCh-CAT Div Hon 2013 2013.03.02

29. Rxd4 exploiting the pin on both the pawns 29... Qxd4 30. Qe6+ double attack 1-0
40/74. Woerl, R. (2054) - Schleich, T. (2099)

29th ChessOrg Open 2013.03.08

15. Qh3+ Kg8 16. Qxe6+ double attack wins the Knight 1-0
41/74. Novotny, M1. (2279) - Rastropin, Yuriy (1878)

Pobeskydi Open 2013 2013.03.31

34. Rxe8 a deflection theme that aids in the double attack 34... Qxe8 35. Qa7+ 1-0
42/74. Allentin, E. (1965) - Varoquier, R. (2194)

29th Open 2013.02.23

24... Rxc3 A temporary rook sacrifice 25. Rxc3 Qd2+ wins back the Rook 0-1
43/74. Juracsik, J. (2157) - Kozak, Adam (2035)

FSFMA April 2013 2013.04.15

17. Qh5 double attack on h7 and c5 Bishop 17... Qh6 18. Qxc5 1-0
44/74. Larsen, Arne Walther (1873) - Sloth, J. (2330)

Faergen Cup 2013 2013.09.12

24... Bxc6 25. Bxc6 Qc5+ simultaneously checks the King and attacks the white Bishop
45/74. Kungurov, Andrei (2054) - Kostrikina, A. (2151)

35th Nezhmetdinov Cup 2013.06.08

20... Rxc2+ 21. Qxc2 deflecting the Queen 21... Qxe3+ 0-1
46/74. Srebrnic, V. (2181) - Visintin, R. (2046)

18th HIT Open A 2013 2013.01.28

23... Rxd2 24. Kxd2 Qd8+ double attack wins the h4 rook 0-1
47/74. Vasilev, M. (2473) - Radeva, Viktoria (1762)

35th Georgi Tringov Open 2013.02.03

20. e6+ Bxe6 21. Qg6+ double attack wins the bishop 1-0
48/74. O'Connor, Jon (2124) - Murray, D. (2141)

20th Bunratty Masters 2013.03.02

33. Qa4+ 33... Kc7 34. Rxa7 1-0

49/74. Heerde, Thomas (2011) - Friedrich, Wi (2253)

12th Lichtenberger Sommer 2013.08.22

30... Rxe3 31. Qxe3 Qxb2+ 0-1

50/74. Al Hageri, B. (2019) - AlHuwar, J. (2268)

Asian Zonal 3.1 2013 2013.05.08

37. Qh3+ Kxg5 38. Qh6+ double attack wins the rook 1-0
51/74. Nayhebaver, Martin (2218) - Berlin, D. (2085)

Mukachevo Rating 18 2013 2013.05.03

33. Qg2+ 33... Kh7 34. Qxa8 1-0

52/74. Plassmann, D. (2059) - Ackermann, Ha (2255)

19th Schloss Open 2013.03.23

21... Qa7+ 22. Qf2 Rxa1 [22... Rxa1 23. Qxa7 Rxa7] 0-1
53/74. Ribbegren, K. (2157) - Dzierzenga, Stefan (2173)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.24

26... Qc3 attacks the a3 Bishop and now the a1 Rook too 27. Rb1 Qxa3 0-1
54/74. Ziaziulkina, N. (2364) - Beinenson, Katsiaryna (1974)

ch-BLR w 2013 2013.01.12

21. Nxd5 creating tactical opportunity 21... exd5 22. Qxd5+ double attack 1-0
55/74. Docampo Beltran, Dexter (2204) - De La Torre Sanchez, Adrian (2154)

48th Capablanca Open II 2013 2013.04.28

34... Bf6 attacking the only defender of the Knight. 35. Rh3 Qc5+ double attack wins the
knight 0-1
56/74. Melamed, T. (2360) - Carow, A. (2028)

ch-GER w Rapid 2013 2013.09.28

28. Rc5+ exploiting the pin 28... Kd7 29. Qa7+ 1-0
You know the Rook on a1 is undefended. But a check on b2 is not currently possible, unless
the g2 Bishop is deflected!

57/74. Ioffe, D. (2138) - Salakhutdinov, I. (2293)

35th Nezhmetdinov Cup 2013.06.07

27... Rxf3 creating tactical opportunity 28. Bxf3 Qb2+ 0-1

58/74. Zwahr, P. (2363) - Stock, A. (2107)

22nd ZMDI Open 2013 2013.08.16

26. Nxf7 exposing the king 26... Kxf7 27. Qc4+ 1-0
59/74. Kelley, D. (2163) - Abrahamyan, T. (2310)

National Open 2013 2013.06.09

37... Rh2+ 38. Ke1 [38. Rxh2 deflection 38... Qxg1#] 38... Qh4+ double attack 0-1
60/74. Rodriguez Guerrero, E. (2445) - Picazo Lopez, I. (2120)

ch-ESP University 2013 2013.04.17

26. Rxc3 creating tactical opportunity 26... Bxc3 27. Rd7 1-0
61/74. Bures, J. (2381) - Chytilek, R. (2397)

TCh-CZE Div1 Vychod 2012-13 2013.02.10

33. Rxd8 Rxd8 34. Qe7+ 1-0

62/74. Bluebaum, M. (2514) - Tabatt, H. (2303)

84th ch-GER 2013 2013.09.06

37. Qe5+ Kg8 38. Qe8+ 1-0

63/74. Bulmaga, I. (2387) - Kashlinskaya, A. (2434)

31st World Junior Girls 2013.09.22

32. Qe5+ Rf6 33. Qb8+ 1-0

A nice example of double attack, one on a piece and other on a weak square (g2)

64/74. Nikolov, Sas (2382) - Georgiev, Kr (2448)

12th Kesarovski Mem 2013.09.01

38... Qg7 double threat of Qxe5 and Qg2# 39. Qf1 Qxe5 0-1
65/74. Bindrich, F. (2545) - Tuncer, U. (2328)

TCh-AUT 2012-13 2013.01.17

39. Rxh6 creating tactical opportunity 39... Kxh6 40. Qe3+ 1-0
66/74. Turner, Ja (2362) - Chernyshov, K. (2514)

Czech Open G1 Rapid 2013 2013.07.18

34... Qg3+ 35. Qg2 deflection 35... Qxd3 0-1

67/74. Inkiov, V. (2440) - Kopylov, M. (2454)

Lueneburg GM 2013 2013.07.19

32. Rxg7 creating tactical opportunity 32... Kxg7 [32... Rxe5 33. Qh6] 33. Qg5+ double
attack wins the rook 1-0
68/74. Milanovic, Da (2502) - Wegener, O. (2434)

TCh-AUT 2nd West 2013-14 2013.10.18

22. Rd8+ Ne8 23. Qa4 attacking the a6 Bishop and Knight 1-0
69/74. Gharamian, T. (2661) - Baryshpolets, A. (2526)

29th Open 2013.02.26

30. Rxd7 creating tactical opportunity 30... Qxd7 31. Qe5+ 1-0
70/74. Short, N. (2690) - Larino Nieto, D. (2497)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.28

35. Bxb8 Rxb8 36. Qd6 double attack on rook and bishop 1-0
71/74. Dreev, A. (2668) - Dubov, Danii (2624)

67th Moscow Blitz 2013 2013.09.01

38. Qd2+ 38... Kg7 39. Rxd8 1-0

72/74. Dubov, Danii (2624) - Riazantsev, A. (2700)

67th Moscow Blitz 2013 2013.09.01

33... Qb1+ 34. Qg1 Qxb2 0-1

73/74. Vitiugov, N. (2734) - Kobalia, M. (2651)

FIDE World Blitz 2013 2013.06.09

17. Qh5 17... h6 18. Qxd5 1-0

74/74. Schulz, Gerhard (1691) - Gschwendtner, S. (2024)

2nd Arberopen 2013 2013.06.29

25. Rxf8+ Kxf8 26. Qd8+ 1-0

♚Part II - Advanced Ideas

In this part, we look at some advanced tactical ideas and themes like Exploiting the King,
Weak squares, the interesting Rook Lift, Zwishchenzug etc.
Assault on the King
In the game of Chess, you aim for the King and you win! This chapter shows some tactical
ideas on how to expose the enemy King, exploit weak squares in the enemy camp etc.

Exposing the King

Look for ways to open files and diagonals against the enemy King or simply blow open the
pawn shield.

Exploiting Weak Squares

The position may not always call for a piece sacrifice, or a check or even directly
threatening the enemy piece. You need to grab some important squares, or target the weak
squares in the enemy camp. This section has some examples on how to do that.

Back rank weakness

One of the most common reason for loss is when the opponent fails to look after his own
first rank. Just another way of saying that the opponent's own major pieces have deserted
him. Look for opportunities along the enemy back rank and you will be surprised how even
the presence of heavy pieces does not help save his King.

Rook lift

Due to its long range, the Rooks make a good weapon of choice when attacking the
opponent's King. Not always can a lone Queen bring home the victory. In two moves, a
'sleeping' rook along your first rank can be lifted-up and ready for attack on the a/h-file.
Quite often this is deadly.

Lets begin with the first theme, Exposing the King.

Exposing the King (38)

Ask yourself, how do I open up the enemy King. What piece can I sacrifice to achieve this?

Caution: Lots of sacrifices ahead!

Black's a6 and b7 pawns are under heavy fire with no external support. Can White use this
opportunity and expose his majesty?

1/38. Collareta, G. (2108) - Zyde, F. (1675)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.28

20. Bxa6 a thematic break when the pawn has moved forward. This sacrifice is common
on h6 and h3 (for Black) squares 20... bxa6 21. Qxa6# 1-0
2/38. Siclovan, C. (2174) - Vartopeanu, N. (1849)

ch-ROU 2013 2013.02.17

28. Rxg7+ Bxg7 29. h6 pin 1-0

3/38. Morriss, P. (2013) - Kalinins, Valentine (2074)

e2e4 Dublin Masters 2013.03.30

28... Rxg2+ the King's pawn-cover is blown 29. Kxg2 Re2+ followed by Qh2 mate 0-1
4/38. Kraus, F. (2004) - Taus, M. (2170)

10th Orlova Open 2013.05.18

20. Bxh6 f5 [20... gxh6 21. Rxh6#] 21. Bxg7+ discovered check, with mate to follow 1-
5/38. Zabystrzan, P. (2300) - Gil, K. (1878)

Karvina Open 2013 2013.07.07

12. Nxf7 another thematic sacrifice on f7 (f2), especially when the King is in the center
12... Kxf7 13. Qxe6# 1-0
6/38. Orev, P. (2179) - Levinsky, G. (2018)

13th European Seniors 2013.03.14

38. Nxh6+ Kh8 [38... gxh6 39. Qg6+ mates] 39. Qxf8+ mate to follow 1-0
7/38. Zimina, O. (2334) - Pacini, Ermanno (1869)

II Maremma Open 2013.05.09

33. Nxe6 Kxe6 the King is exposed 34. Bxg6++- wins material 1-0
8/38. Schenkerik, C. (2111) - Yao, Lan

FSFMA February 2013 2013.02.02

34... Nxf4+ 35. gxf4 Qg4# nice mate 0-1

9/38. Kvetny, M. (2201) - Stoeri, L. (2053)

Hilton Master Open 2013 2013.01.02

27. Rxg6+ another common Rook sacrifice on f6/g6/h6! 27... hxg6 28. Qxg6+ with
mate on g7 1-0
10/38. Janasik, G. (2014) - Karabalis, H. (2245)

Hilton Master Open 2013 2013.01.04

19... Nxf2 20. Rxf2 Qxg3+ exploiting the pin 0-1

11/38. Mindl, J. (2069) - Vybiral, Z. (2195)

Czech Open G1 Rapid 2013 2013.07.18

26... Bxa3 27. Kxa3 [27. bxa3 Qb1#] 27... Qa5# 0-1
12/38. Khamidov, K. (2068) - Polok, K. (2213)

18th Konik Morski 2013.08.28

22. Nxh7 Kxh7 23. Bxg6+ wins material 1-0

13/38. Kantans, T. (2320) - Ulanowski, K. (2083)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.18

25. Qxf6 gxf6 26. Ne6+ wins back the queen 1-0
14/38. Zwahr, P. (2363) - Stock, A. (2107)

22nd ZMDI Open 2013 2013.08.16

26. Nxf7 Kxf7 27. Qc4+ double attack 1-0

15/38. Shamilov, Edu (2187) - Ardaman, M. (2283)

North Carolina Invitational 2013 2013.03.24

16. Bh5+ g6 17. Nxg6 [17. Nxg6 hxg6 18. Bxg6#] 1-0
16/38. Lekic, Du (2411) - Giesler, Julius (2089)

Hilton Master Open 2013 2013.01.04

35. Bxf6+ Kxf6 36. Qc3# diagonal mate 1-0

17/38. Djosic, S. (2253) - Peovic, M. (2269)

TCh-Belgrade Premier liga 2013 2013.10.17

36. Nxg6 creating tactical opportunity 36... fxg6 37. Rd7+ fork 1-0
18/38. Halvax, G. (2282) - Humer, W. (2268)

TCh-AUT 2 Mitte 2012-13 2013.04.20

27. Nb5 threatening Qc7 mate 27... cxb5 the King is now open 28. Rc3# 1-0
19/38. Sergeev, Vl (2469) - Jandke, M. (2131)

16th New Year Open 2013.01.02

38. Qxg7+ Bxg7 39. Rxc8+ back rank mate 1-0

20/38. Pavlidis, Ant (2479) - Machan, J. (2173)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.11

17. Rxg7+ Nxg7 18. Rg1 pin 1-0

21/38. Ahmed Holi Ali, M. - Hesham, A. (2338)

Zone 4.2 2013 2013.05.06

23... Rxa2+ 24. Nxa2 Qa6 with forced mate 0-1

22/38. Langer, M USA. (2211) - Holt, C. (2504)

UTD Turner GM Invitational 2013 2013.03.09

25... Bxh3 26. gxh3 Qxh3 threatening Rg4 0-1

23/38. Mgeladze, T. (2197) - Georgiev, Vl (2532)

2nd Grand Europe Open 2013 2013.06.10

33... Nxf2 34. Rxf2 Re1+ back rank weakness 0-1

24/38. Garcia Jimenez, F. (2278) - Campora, D. (2490)

38th Seville Open 2013.01.13

29. Be5 fxe5 30. Qxe5+ 1-0

25/38. Sipila, V. (2445) - Braun, Christi2 (2365)

7th IBC Limburg Open 2013.05.19

29. Nxf5 discovered attack 29... gxf5 [29... Bxf5 and Black will lose his Queen 30. Qxb6]
30. Rg3+ mates 1-0
26/38. Fuchs, Ju (2292) - Manolache, M. (2533)

29th Open 2013.02.27

30. Rxh7+ Kxh7 31. Qh5+ with mate to follow 1-0

27/38. Savic, Miod1 (2534) - Dudukovic, N. (2299)

ch-Central Serbia 2013 2013.02.24

23. Rxh7+ Kxh7 24. Qh6# 1-0

28/38. Gutman, L. (2432) - Renner, Christo (2402)

10th LGA Premium Cup GpB 2013.09.07

26. Nxg6+ fxg6 The King is now exposed, which makes the next move plausible 27.
Qxh4 exploiting the pin 1-0
29/38. Braun, Christi2 (2362) - Wagner, De (2472)

84th ch-GER 2013 2013.09.13

35... Qxf3 removing the defender 36. gxf3 Rh2# 0-1

30/38. Valsecchi, A. (2412) - Arenas, D. (2443)

39th Badalona Open A 2013.08.10

36. Rxf4 exf4 [36... Bxf4 37. Qg7#] 37. Bd4+ 1-0
31/38. Kurayan, R. (2398) - Stukopin, A. (2522)

52nd World Juniors 2013 2013.09.18

32. Rxg6+ Kh8 [32... hxg6 33. Qxg6+ Kf8 34. Qg7#] 33. Rxc6 1-0
32/38. Komljenovic, D. (2393) - Haslinger, S. (2535)

38th Seville Open 2013.01.14

28... Rxe3+ 29. fxe3 Qg2# unfortunate mate 0-1

33/38. Chashchev, S. (2396) - Gabrielian, A. (2541)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.07

31... Rxf3 32. Kxf3 Qxg4# diagonal mate 0-1

34/38. Muzychuk, M. (2495) - Vasic, Svetlana

TCh-SRB 1st League w 2013 2013.08.26

24. Rxg7+ Kxg7 25. Rf7+ mate to follow 1-0

35/38. Rapport, R. (2676) - Volke, K. (2459)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.21

33. Rxe6 fxe6 34. Qg7# 1-0

36/38. Kovacevic, A. (2563) - Perunovic, Mil (2618)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.15

25... Nxf3+ creating tactical opportunity 26. Qxf3 Bxe4 followed by Qh1# 0-1
37/38. Rublevsky, S. (2695) - Smirin, I. (2663)

FIDE World Blitz 2013 2013.06.10

26. Nf6+ creating tactical opportunity 26... gxf6 [26... Kh8 27. Qh7#] 27. Rg4+ wins
the queen 1-0
38/38. Proudian, Armen (2271) - Ferreira, Jos (1912)

Zonal 2.4 Absoluto 2013 2013.04.27

22. Bf6 threatening Qg5 22... gxf6 the King is exposed 23. exf6 followed by Qh6-g7
mate 23... Rxa4 24. Qg5+ Kf8 25. Qg7# 1-0
Exploiting Weak Squares (21)

The aim is to identify the weak squares around the enemy King and ask yourself, how do I
take advantage of those squares? How do I re-arrange my pieces and target those squares?

Hint : This section needs you to make some silent moves in order to rearrange your pieces.
No sacrifices, just some killer silent moves!
The White Bishop on g3 has a watchful eye on the squares around the Black King. Can
White add a lethal piece to the tip of the poison arrow?

1/21. Popov, Kirill (2128) - Syvalahti, Timo (1708)

23rd EYCC Open U16 2013 2013.09.30

19. Qf4 the dark squares around the Black King are very weak. White is threatening Qb8
and there is no defence against it [19. Qf4 Qe8 20. Qc7#] 1-0
A common theme where the Queen/Bishop are placed on f6/h6 or f3/h3 (for Black)
exploiting the weak squares

2/21. Lyons, B. (2007) - Cafolla, P. (2051)

20th Bunratty Masters 2013.03.02

21. Qf6 Qg7 mate cannot be stopped. This is a very typical mating idea 1-0
3/21. Terao, J. (2147) - Goncalves, M. (1946)

9th Ribeira Valley Open 2013 2013.08.01

17. Qe5 exploiting weak squares around the Black King, the h8 square in particular [ 17.
Qe5 f6 18. Qxe6+] 1-0
4/21. Jud, M. (2032) - Heinis, V. (2101)

Hilton Master Open 2013 2013.01.02

Bishops play a very important role in exploiting the weak squares 28... Bd4+ followed by
Qh1. Both the Black and White squares around the King are weak 0-1
5/21. Dragomirescu, An (2242) - Anusca, M. (2042)

TCh-ROU w 2013 2013.09.07

26. Qe5 Black has to sacrifice his Queen in order to stop the mate on h8 1-0
6/21. De Combes, F. (1847) - Huesmann, T. (2233)

TCh-BEL 2013-14 2013.09.22

28... Nf2 targeting the h1 square 29. Be1 [29. Kf1 Qh1#] 29... Qh1# 0-1
7/21. Andreescu, Darie-Ioan (1893) - Daianu, C. (2283)

ch-ROU 2013 2013.02.16

28... Qe2 nice move which exploits the light squares around the White King. The Black
Queen threatens Qf3 and Qg2 29. Qb4 [29. Rg1 Qf3+ mates] 29... Qf3+ 0-1
8/21. Ainutdinova, Y. (2105) - Gevorgyan, I. (2168)

3rd Central Asia Cup 2013.10.13

36... Rc4 the king has no place to hide 37. Rxc2 [37. Nb5 Ra4#] 37... Ra4# 0-1
9/21. Gayson, P. (2215) - Sanders, I. (2113)

4NCL 2012-13 2013.01.13

32... Qg6 The Black queen saves herself from the White Bishop but continues to target the
g-file, namely the g2 weak square 33. Rxd8 Bxf3 cannot stop the mate on g2 0-1
10/21. Gerhold, M. (2256) - Kranz, A. (2115)

ch-AUT 2013 2013.07.28

17. Qd4 threatening Qg4-g7 h5 preventing Qg4 [17... Qe5 18. Qg4+ followed by Qg7
mate] 18. Qxf6 Qg7 mate is unavoidable 1-0
11/21. Collyer, C. (2282) - Stein, J. (2109)

Western Pacific Open 2013 2013.04.28

34... Be3+ White could only wish there was some piece protecting his weak f2 square 35.
Kf1 Qf2# 0-1
12/21. Zuriel, M. (2212) - Fernandez, Maria (2180)

65th ch-ARG w 2013 2013.04.09

28. Rxe6 exposes the King inorder to exploit the weak squares around the enemy King
fxe6 29. Qa7 note how the important g7-g8-h7 squares are controlled by White. Black is
defense-less 1-0
13/21. Padurariu, I. (2208) - Schiendorfer, E. (2392)

Biel MTO 2013 2013.07.27

23... Qc3 24. Kc1 Qb2+ followed by Rd8 pin 0-1

14/21. Zivkovic, Nem (2274) - Radovanovic, J. (2335)

1st League Cent-SRB 2013 2013.09.19

24. Bd4 24... f6 25. Qxe6+ 1-0

15/21. Liascovich, L. (2400) - Feliciano, V. (2235)

VII Magistral da Hebraica 2013.01.07

33. Rxd5 deflection, White is sacrificing a whole Rook in order to exploit the weak dark
squares around the Black King. Qxd5 [33... Qxf4 34. Rxd8# back rank mate] 34. Qh6
note how due to the earlier deflection, the Black Queen can no longer return to f8 in order
to avoid mate on g7 1-0
16/21. Matnadze, A. (2390) - Aranaz Murillo, A. (2246)

78th ch-ESP 2013 2013.09.06

27. Qh5 Rf5 [27... Bb4 does not quite help 28. Qh7+ Kf8 29. Qh8+ Ke7 30. Qxg7+ Ke8
31. Bh4 wins] 28. Qh7# 1-0
17/21. Hawkins, Jo (2507) - Kvisla, J. (2148)

88th Hastings Masters 2013.01.05

26. Rxd5 removing the defender Bxd5 27. Bc3 the important diagonal. White would do
anything to grab it! Qf7 28. Qh8# 1-0
18/21. Xiong, Jeffrey (2330) - Sadorra, J.

UTD Turner GM Invitational 2013 2013.03.10

26... Qc6 attack on the weak g2 square. White is helpless 27. g3 [27. Bxf8 Qxg2#] 27...
Qg2# 0-1
19/21. Grandadam, N. (2309) - Kurayan, R. (2398)

52nd World Juniors 2013 2013.09.19

36... Qf2 37. Rxb1 Qg1# 0-1

20/21. Lee Sanghoon (2171) - Salem, AR. (2567)

Asian Cities Dubai Cup 2013 2013.10.20

34... Qa2 the f2 square is the key 35. Qxc6 [35. Rf1 Bxe4 wins the queen] 35... Qf2# 0-
21/21. Dema, Drilon (1713) - Nikolov, Sas (2402)

22nd Open ch-MKD 2013.07.13

27. Rcd1 [27. Qg5?? Note, nothing happens if you are in a hurry to exploit the weakness
without considering your own weakness and the opponent's defensive resources Rxc1 28.
Rxc1 (28. Qh6 Bxf2+! 29. Kxf2 Qd4+ Can you find the mate in 7 for Black?) 28... Kh7!
and the key h6 square is no longer available for White] 27... Rc2 [27... Qa4 28. Qf4 Bxf2+
29. Qxf2] 28. Qf4 double attack and exploiting weak squares in the enemy camp Bxf2+
29. Kh1 White has no reason to capture the piece immediately giving Black counterplay.
He is aiming for the h6square Qc6 30. Rxf2 White is a piece up [30. Qh6? Qxg2+ 31.
Kxg2 Be3+ Black gets back the queen] 1-0
Back-rank Weakness (30)

Hint : Keep watching the enemy back-rank and find ways to exploit it.
The Black King is heavily guarded, but has no defense along his first rank.

1/30. Fermen, G. (1510) - Laborie, Claude

8th Angers Open 2013.05.04

19. Qe8+ Black's Queen and Rook are unfortunately placed and cannot protect the back
rank 1-0
2/30. Schmidt, Wolfgang (1450) - Lukacs, Albert (1917)

FSFMB June 2013 2013.06.06

29... Qb1+ yet another example where White's heavy pieces fail to adequately protect the
back rank 0-1
3/30. Bredeli, Havard Iversen - Satre, Mathias (1805)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.28

38... Ra1 0-1

4/30. Machan, J. (2163) - Vikharev, Alexey (1821)

23rd EYCC Open U16 2013 2013.09.29

18. Rd8+ 1-0

5/30. Demiddele, Kevin - T'sas, J. (2010)

ch-BEL Open 2013 2013.07.12

30. Rc1 the Black rook cannot capture the pawn since it is tied to the back rank defense 1-
6/30. Lacina, A. (2214) - Ruzicka, A. (2054)

9th Tabor Open 2013 2013.08.01

28. Qc8 Rxc8 29. Rxc8# 1-0

7/30. Szakacs, A. (1875) - Jelic, N. (2091)

FSFMA June 2013 2013.06.04

28... Rxd6 29. Rxd6 Qb1+ 0-1

8/30. Lorenc, To1 (2085) - Bednar, Ji (1965)

11th Niki Open 2013 2013.07.02

26. Qxa8 26... Rxa8 27. Rd8+ 1-0

9/30. Todorovic, Nenad I (2149) - Chistiakov, Mihail (1927)

23rd EYCC Open U16 2013 2013.10.01

23. Rc8+ 23... Rxc8 24. Qxc8+ 1-0

10/30. Stonehouse, Tom H - Ramstad, Havard (2071)

88th Hastings Masters 2013.01.05

23... Qxe4 24. fxe4 Rf1# 0-1

11/30. Lenier, J. (2119) - Freeman, R. (2030)

100th ch-GBR 2013 2013.08.07

19. Qd6+ Re7 20. Qd8+ 1-0

12/30. Nguyen, Thai Dai Van (2069) - Plesek, J. (2130)

TCh-CZE Div1 Zapad 2012-13 2013.01.13

35... Qxb1+ deflecting the Knight 36. Nxb1 Rc1+ 0-1

13/30. Dobre, A. (1851) - Bulmaga, I. (2355)

ch-ROU w 2013 2013.02.16

37... Qxd3 deflection 38. Qxd3 Re1+ 0-1

14/30. Tonel, G. (1973) - Janzelj, T. (2242)

15th Trieste Open 2013.09.01

27... Rf1+ 28. Qc1 Rxc1+ 0-1

15/30. Bilegsaikhan, Oyunbold (2071) - Lee Sanghoon (2171)

Asian Cities Dubai Cup 2013 2013.10.22

22... Bxd4 23. cxd4 Qxc1 0-1

16/30. Cantillo, R. (2177) - Armas Alfonso, G. (2093)

48th Capablanca Open II 2013 2013.04.25

32. Qf1+ Ke8 33. Bc5 threatening Qf8 or Re7 mate 1-0
17/30. Baraeva, M. (2176) - Dogodkina, J. (2136)

14th TCh-RUS w 2013 2013.04.11

29... Qxf2+ exposing the king 30. Bxf2 Rxb1+ 0-1

18/30. Duboue, P. (2257) - Muller, Anthony (2060)

ch-FRA Junior 2013 2013.04.29

23... Qxg3 24. Rh1 [24. Rxg3 Re1+ back rank mate] 24... Qxh3 0-1
19/30. Seyfried, C. (2185) - Marcziter, D. (2265)

84th ch-GER 2013 2013.09.07

38. Rb1 threatening Rb8 38... f6 [38... Ra8 39. Rb8+] 39. Rb8 1-0
20/30. Bruno, Fabi (2434) - Urbina Perez, J. (2214)

38th Seville Open 2013.01.18

24. Qe7 deflection 24... Rf8 [24... Rxe7 25. Rd8+] 25. Rd8 1-0
21/30. Hillarp Persson, T. (2543) - Persson, Andr (2176)

Vasteras Open 2013 2013.09.27

39. Bxe6 creating tactical opportunity 39... fxe6 40. Rd8+ 1-0
22/30. Mgeladze, T. (2197) - Georgiev, Vl (2532)

2nd Grand Europe Open 2013 2013.06.10

33... Nxf2 exposing the king 34. Rxf2 Re1+ 0-1

23/30. Praveen Kumar, C1. (2312) - Paehtz, E. (2479)

15th Dubai Open 2013 2013.04.13

38. Rxe6 Rxe6 39. Rxc7 dual mate threat with Rc8+ and Rxh7+ 1-0
24/30. Duzhakov, I. (2316) - Predke, A. (2503)

Dvorkovich Mem 2013 2013.01.19

32... Rh8 33. Nxf3 Qxf3 mate on h1 0-1

25/30. Latorre, Mat (2274) - Felgaer, R. (2585)

Zonal 2.5 2013 2013.04.20

26... Qd1+ 27. Rxd1 [27. Qe1 Qxh5] 27... Rxd1+ followed by mate 0-1
26/30. Burg, T. (2499) - Bosboom, M. (2390)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.25

29... Rxe5 deflecting the White queen 30. Qxe5 Qd1+ 0-1
27/30. Smirnov, P. (2641) - Codenotti, M. (2374)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.21

28. Qc8+ 28... Nf8 29. Ra8 pin 1-0

28/30. Fedorov, Alex (2591) - Pakhomov, E. (2429)

35th Nezhmetdinov Cup 2013.06.05

23. Rxe8+ exposing the king Kxe8 24. Rb8+ skewer 1-0
29/30. Finegold, B. (2505) - Shabalov, A. (2544)

ch-USA 2013 2013.05.12

22... Ne2+ 23. Rxe2 [23. Kh1 Ng3+ fork (also winning is 23... Rxf2 24. Bxf2 Qxf2)]
23... Rxf1+ 24. Kxf1 Rd1+ 0-1
30/30. Zhao, Yuetong Davy (1893) - Perelman, Leon (1983)

Aurora Fall Open 2013 2013.10.19

35... Rxc6 double attack 36. Rxg5 [36. Rxc6 Qxg1+] 36... Rxc1# 0-1
The Rook Lift (7)

As the name suggests, you should look for opportunities to quickly bring your Rook into
play and target the enemy King. Remember, the Queen and Rook are like Batman and
White's queen is ideally placed on h6 but it cannot mate the Black King all by herself. How
nice would it be if a White Rook was placed on the h-file!?

1/7. Ribbegren, K. (2157) - Zimmermann, L. (2102)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.26

20. Re4 The rook lift, threatening c4 Knight and Rh4 20... Nd6 21. Rh4 mate to follow
Rooks belong on open files. They don't always have to languish on the first rank. Lift them

2/7. Kantorik, M. (2331) - Pribyl, Jar2 (1932)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.22

30. Rd3 30... Qd7 31. Rg3+ 1-0

Before a Rook-lift, its always good to confine the enemy King to a single file.

3/7. Navrotescu, A. (2110) - Congiu, M. (2190)

ch-FRA w 2013 2013.08.11

20... Qg5+ 21. Kh1 Rf4 rook lift to mate on h-file 0-1
Always look for forcing moves!

4/7. Menzel, R. (2251) - Koop, S. (2049)

LEM Schleswig-Holstein 2013 2013.03.25

17. Rxg6 hxg6 18. Rd3 threatening Rh3 mate and Black cannot stop it 1-0
5/7. Donskov, Ana (2299) - Khuseinkhodzhaev, M.

Chepukaitis Mem Blitz Prelim 2013 2013.09.07

27. Rh3 rook lift is decisive 27... Qf7 [27... Qg6 28. Qxg6] 28. Qxh7# 1-0
6/7. Ulibin, M. (2523) - Chumachenko, Alexander (2119)

35th Nezhmetdinov Cup 2013.05.31

27. Nxg6+ hxg6 28. Rc3 threatening Rh3# and Black can do nothing to prevent material
loss and mate [28. Rc3 Qh4 (28... Bh6 29. Rh3 wins) 29. Qxe8+ wins] 1-0
7/7. Toth, Be1 (2361) - Vuilleumier, A. (2321)

TCh-SUI 2013 2013.10.12

37. Rg6 further rook lift 37... Re2 [37... Kh7 38. f6 Kxg6 (38... Re2 39. Rxh6+ Kxh6 40.
Qg5+ Kh7 41. Qh5#) 39. Qf5#] 38. Rxh6# exploiting the pin 1-0
Removing the Defender (67)
This is a tactical idea which serves as a precursor to another tactical idea or a capture or
even a mate.

You will see themes where you remove the defender to capture a piece, or to mate the King
or to get hold of an important square.

Note how the Knight's fork is effective when the defender is removed or how removing the
King's defender immediately finishes the game.

You will encounter some familiar themes which we have already seen in the previous

This chapter gives a fresh perspective on those themes and you simply need to look out for
ways to remove an important enemy piece. Then the theme from the previous chapter will
reveal itself!

I promise you will feel good after you solve all positions from this chapter! You will begin to
see tactical ideas more quickly than before.

Caution : Lots of blood-shed ahead!

Black really would love to capture the e6 Rook, but for the two defenses (Queen and
Bishop). Can you remove one of them?

1/67. Fronczak, S. (1859) - Kuciel, W. (1978)

XXIV Jozefa Kochana Mem 2013.08.13

36... Rxc4 The defender of the Rook is gone. Now Black is free to capture the Rook 0-1
Ask yourself, which enemy piece should I remove?

2/67. Batabaev, M. (2053) - Nurlanov, Zhakshylyk (1921)

ch-KGZ Men 2013 2013.05.17

35... Rxf1+ leaves the White Queen with no support 0-1

3/67. Hamblok, R. (2304) - De Schepper, Marcel (1692)

Brasschaat Open 2013 2013.08.17

30. Rxd5 1-0

4/67. Erdogdu, Muammer Mustafa - Ozer, Omer Faruk (1802)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.07

23... Rxf1+ removing the defender of d3 square 24. Rxf1 Nd3+ White has to lose his
Queen 0-1
5/67. Eddy, S. (2042) - Jensen, Simon Stibolt (1691)

Bronshoj Long Weekend 2013 2013.02.08

6. Rxh7 removing the defender of the g6 square 6... Rxh7 7. Qg6# 1-0
6/67. Terubea, Ronald (1642) - Fancy, S. (2091)

Oceania Open zt 2013 2013.05.05

25... Bxc2+ removing the defender of the d4 pawn 26. Kxc2 Nxd4+ fork, exploiting the
pin 0-1
7/67. Webster, R. (1970) - Slade, Theodore (1775)

e2e4 Torquay Open 2013.02.09

25. Rxc8+ removing the defender of e6 pawn 25... Rxc8 26. Qxe6+ double attack 1-0
8/67. Lis, Mateusz (1687) - Zajac, Mat (2060)

Mistrzostwa Malopolski A 2013.05.04

24... Rxe2 removing the defender of c3 square 25. Bxe2 Qc3 exploiting weak squares
9/67. Lis, Mateusz (1687) - Gawronski, L. (2063)

Mistrzostwa Malopolski A 2013.04.30

36... Rxe2+ removing the defender of the King 37. Kxe2 Qg2+ double attack, can you
find the forced mate? 0-1
10/67. Bengochea, Ricardo - Davila, M. (1879)

Zonal 2.5 2013 2013.04.20

27... Rxb1 removing the defender of the a2 square 28. Rxb1 a2 and the pawn cannot be
stopped 0-1
11/67. Caloone, Thomas (1788) - Kramo, S. (1981)

4th LUCOPEN 2013 2013.04.16

31. Rxg5 removing the defender of the important h6 square fxg5 32. Rxh6# pretty mate
12/67. Olsen, Michael R. W (1976) - Hansen, HenrikD (1808)

Bronshoj Long Weekend 2013 2013.02.09

16. Rxg7+ 16... Kxg7 17. Bxh6+ 1-0

13/67. Denon, N. (1738) - Ibanez, F. (2089)

III Marcel Duchamp Boca Jun Op 2013.06.26

27... Rxg3+ removing the defender and exposing the king 28. fxg3 Bc5# diagonal mate
14/67. Stimac, J. (2007) - Kolanovic, K. (1843)

TCh-CRO II Liga 2013 2013.04.05

28. Rxe8+ removing the defender of the f6 and g7 squares Qxe8 29. Qf6+ exploiting
weak squares to deliver mate on g7 1-0
15/67. Roux, Eric (1227) - Tkachiev, V. (2632)

10th Balagne Rapid Open 2013.04.13

12... Nxe3 13. fxe3 Qxg5 0-1

16/67. Prieto, E. (2128) - Dabraccio, Guillermo (1744)

3rd Ortega Rating 2013.06.09

23. Rxf5 23... exf5 24. Qh6# 1-0

17/67. Wolff, Pe (1962) - Zahariev, Ognyan (1913)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.15

31. Rxg6 removing the defender of the e5 pawn and deflecting the queen 31... Qxg6 32.
Bxe5+ bishop fork 1-0
18/67. Rost, Vincent (1732) - Schoen, Ra (2173)

17th Godesberg Open 2013.08.09

29... Rxd5 30. cxd5 Qxd5# diagonal mate 0-1

19/67. Gamboa, A. (2126) - Avila, Carlos (1848)

VIII American Continental 2013 2013.05.08

27... Rxc4 28. Rxd6 Rc1+ 0-1

20/67. Handl, M. (2078) - Valtr, Filip (1930)

9th Tabor Open 2013 2013.08.02

18. Rxf6 18... gxf6 19. Qg7# 1-0

21/67. Mudongo, B. - Mezioud, A. (2029)

ch-Africa Women 2013 2013.05.26

12... Bxf3 removing the defender, exploiting the pin 13. Bxf3 Qxd4+ 0-1
22/67. Villar Alonso, Javier (1935) - Perez Mederos, R. (2178)

48th Capablanca Open II 2013 2013.04.21

24... Rxf2 25. Kxf2 Bxd4+ Black gets a big material advantage 0-1
23/67. Van der Hoeven, Gerben (1962) - Vistisen, L. (2177)

7th LCT 2013 2013.07.14

24... Rxc1+ removing the defender of the d2 square 25. Rxc1 Nd2+ fork 0-1
24/67. Heinig, Wo (2329) - Hirzer, Juergen (1830)

17th Lienz Open 2013 2013.02.09

28. Nxb7 28... Kxb7 29. Rxc6 1-0

25/67. Panagiotakos, N. (2191) - Kakousatze, I. (2035)

41st TCh-GRE 2013.07.06

38. Rxf6 removing the defender of e7 square 38... gxf6 39. Ne7+ fork 1-0
26/67. Nastase, R. (2099) - Malureanu, C. (2135)

TCh-ROU 2013 2013.09.07

20. Nxd7 removing the defender of e6 pawn 20... Rxd7 21. Rxe6 pin 1-0
27/67. De Graaf, D. (2201) - Winkels, M. (2037)

TCh-NED Meesterklasse 2012-13 2013.02.16

23. Rxc8 23... Rxc8 24. Qxb7 1-0

28/67. Carlstedt, J. (2373) - Iversen, Christian (1876)

HC Andersen Open 2013 2013.05.08

27. Rxd7+ deflection, removing the defender 27... Kxd7 28. Rxf6 1-0
29/67. Zhylkaidarova, S. (2047) - Balacek, T. (2220)

16th Olomouc Open 2013.08.05

36. Rxa2 36... Rxa2 37. Rxb1 1-0

30/67. Turner, Jos (1992) - Zeidler, S. (2284)

ch-WLS 2013 2013.03.31

21. Rxd7 removing the defender of the f6 square Bxd7 22. Nf6+ exploiting weak
squares, and the discovered check Nd5 wins the queen 1-0
31/67. Schnider, G. (2311) - Breuer, F. (1975)

17th Lienz Open 2013 2013.02.10

32. Rxe8 32... Rcxe8 33. Nh5+ fork 1-0

32/67. Olhovik, Andrei (2246) - Stewart, Ashley (2040)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.24

27. Rxc8 27... Qxc8 28. d7 pawn fork 1-0

33/67. Csala, Im (2180) - Friml, A. (2124)

Hungarian National Open 2013 2013.05.30

39. Rxg6 removing the defender of the Bishop hxg6 [NOT 39... Qxg6 40. Qf8+ Qg8 41.
Qxg8#] 40. Qxc6 1-0
34/67. Setkauskas, V. (2216) - Armonaitis, S. (2112)

TCh-LTU 2013 2013.02.09

26. Rxe6 removing the defender of g7 square 26... fxe6 27. Qxh6+ mate on g7 1-0
35/67. Balakrishnan, Praveen (2075) - Zenyuk, I. (2263)

7th Philadelphia Open 2013.03.31

25... Qxc2 creating tactical opportunity, removing the defender, deflection 26. Rxc2
Bxd4 pin 0-1
36/67. Krouzel, J. (2159) - Borkovec, M. (2188)

Czech Open G1 Rapid 2013 2013.07.18

18. Qxd4 removing the defender of f6 square 18... Nxd4 19. Nf6+ fork 1-0
37/67. Cueto Rodriguez, Y. (2138) - Barros, C. (2222)

48th Capablanca Open I 2013 2013.04.29

35... Rxf1+ removing the defender, creating tactical opportunity 36. Rxf1 Bxg2+ Bishop
fork [36... Bxg2+ 37. Kh2 Bxf1+ discovered check] 0-1
38/67. Arana Garate, J. (1857) - Alsina Leal, D. (2515)

36th San Sebastian Open 2013.03.23

30... Rxb5 31. Qxe5+ [31. axb5 Qxc3] 31... Rxe5 0-1
39/67. Uricar, J. (2163) - Kubos, R. (2215)

TCh-CZE Div1 Vychod 2012-13 2013.02.10

35. Rxd7+ 35... Nxd7 36. Rxc8 1-0

40/67. Macek, V. (2161) - Solic, K. (2238)

TCh-CRO w Liga 2013 2013.09.18

31... Rxe1 32. Rxe1 Rxf2# pretty mate 0-1

41/67. Tao, T. (2440) - Mortensen, Hen (1962)

Australian Open 2013 2013.01.07

24. Rxc8+ 24... Rxc8 25. Qxe6+ 1-0

42/67. Drenchev, P. (2490) - Kostov, N. (1927)

82nd MGU Open 2013 2013.04.07

19. Bxd7 19... Bxd7 20. Qxf6 1-0

43/67. Siembab, B. (2262) - Dowgird, F. (2154)

22nd Anderssen Mem Eliminacje 2013.06.29

33. Rxf5 removing the defender, deflection 33... Rxf5 34. Bxg6+ bishop fork 1-0
44/67. Hesham, A. (2338) - Ndikumana, Yves (2088)

Zone 4.2 2013 2013.04.30

25. Qxb6+ 25... Rxb6 26. Rc8# 1-0

45/67. Busygin, Stanislav (2141) - Dean-Kawamura, Ben (2330)

135th ch-New York State 2013.09.02

23. Rxc6 23... bxc6 24. Rxd4 1-0

46/67. Duff, R. (2114) - Ashton, A. (2366)

88th Hastings Masters 2013.01.03

37... Rxd5 38. cxd5 Bd6+ note how White's f4 pawn does not help because the
defending Knight was removed 0-1
47/67. Keschitz, G. (2213) - Battey, A. (2301)

FSIM April 2013 2013.04.10

38... Rxf3 deflection, the Knight can no longer protect the King 39. Qxf3 Qh3# 0-1
48/67. Rabiega, R. (2506) - Poseck, S. (2044)

12th Lichtenberger Sommer 2013.08.18

19. Rxd7 creating tactical opportunity, removing the defender 19... Qxd7 20. Bxe6+
bishop fork 1-0
49/67. Shadrina, T. (2377) - Drljevic, L. (2187)

14th ch-EUR Ind w 2013.08.02

33. Rxd7+ 33... Rxd7 34. Rxc8 1-0

50/67. Bachmann, Ax (2529) - Hiriart, Guillermo (2049)

Zonal 2.5 2013 2013.04.19

20. Nxc8 20... Nxc8 21. Bb5 the d7 Knight is helplessly stuck [21. Bb5 Nb8 22. Re8+
wins the Rook] 1-0
51/67. Caceres Recalde, F. (2216) - Mahia, G. (2377)

III Marcel Duchamp Boca Jun Op 2013.06.26

32. Rxc5 32... bxc5 [32... Rxf5 33. exf5 and the White rook is safe] 33. Rxf8+ 1-0
52/67. Ziegler, A. (2363) - Forsberg, V. (2241)

TCh-SWE Elite 2012-13 2013.03.16

23... Rxd5 removing the defender of the f4 square 24. Qxd5 Nf4+ fork 0-1
53/67. Grandic, Z. (2207) - Plenkovic, Z. (2404)

22nd TCh-CRO Cup 2013 2013.05.22

31... Rxe3+ removing the defender, deflection 32. Kxe3 Rxg2 0-1
54/67. Hawkins, Jo (2507) - Kvisla, J. (2148)

88th Hastings Masters 2013.01.05

26. Rxd5 26... Bxd5 27. Bc3 exploiting weak squares 1-0
55/67. Bilguun, Sumiya (2213) - Nolte, R. (2460)

Asian Zone 3.3 2013.01.27

31... Rxc1+ 32. Rxc1 Qxd3+ 0-1

56/67. Biti, O. (2391) - Zecevic, Dea (2285)

22nd TCh-CRO Cup 2013 2013.05.23

32... Rxd2 33. Rxd2 Ne3+ fork 0-1

57/67. Sepp, O. (2446) - Jouhki, Y. (2276)

TCh-FIN SM 2012-13 2013.03.10

30. Bxf7 30... Nxf7 31. Ne6+ fork 1-0

58/67. Kaufeld, J. (2328) - Van der Stricht, G. (2403)

TCh-BEL 2012-13 2013.03.24

37. Rxc6+ 37... Kxc6 38. Kxf3 1-0

59/67. Wagner, De (2481) - Slingerland, F. (2345)

17th Unive Open 2013 2013.10.22

25. Rg8 25... Rxg8 26. Qxd6+ 1-0

60/67. Kostin, K. (2310) - Sasikiran, K. (2677)

Aeroflot Open Rapid Qualifier 2013 2013.02.12

28... Rxc3 29. dxc3 Rd2+ followed by c1Q or Rd1 winning either of the rooks 0-1
61/67. Maksimenko, An (2543) - Zorko, Ju (2476)

TCh-AUT 2012-13 2013.01.17

25... Rxe5+ 26. dxe5 Qxd3# unfortunate diagonal mate 0-1

62/67. Lalith, B. (2565) - Gopal, G. (2526)

Maharashtra Chess League 2013 2013.04.25

16... Bxc3+ 17. bxc3 Qxd5 0-1

63/67. Kobalia, M. (2651) - Cherniaev, A1. (2447)

FIDE World Blitz 2013 2013.06.10

29. Rxe7 29... Qxe7 30. Nxg6+ wins the queen 1-0
64/67. Laznicka, V. (2679) - Muzychuk, M. (2483)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.08

24. Rxb7 Qa5 [24... Qxe4 25. Qc7#] 25. Rxe6 [25. Rxe6 Rxe6 26. Qd7#] 1-0
65/67. Eliseev, U. (2550) - Karjakin, Sergey (2772)

67th Moscow Blitz 2013 2013.09.01

28... Nxe3+ removing the defender with a check 29. Nxe3 Rxd2 0-1
66/67. Roos, Dav (2073) - Stone, A ENG. (2190)

36th Taminco Open 2013.07.23

26... Rfxc4 27. bxc4 Rb2+ skewer 0-1

67/67. Georgiadis, I. (2449) - Lundmark, G. (1831)

TCh-SUI 2013 2013.03.17

24. Bxf7+ discovered attack Kxf7 25. Rxd7+ removing the defender of the queen Kf6
26. Rf7+! Ke6 27. Re7+ 1-0
Special themes
This chapter has some special themes.

Sometimes, our own pieces get in the way of a tactical idea. Since pieces cannot jump over
each other (with the kind exception of a Knight), you need to make way by sacrificing or
moving our pieces! Or tacitly block the enemy pieces and break their coordination. We will
also see examples of "intermediate" moves (Zwischenzug) and examples involving Queen


Make space for a stronger piece to occupy a square. It is important to visualize/fantasize

about the position you would like to have and clear the way in case your own piece is
obstructing the plan.


In this case, you block one or more enemy pieces with your own piece with the intention of
breaking the coordination between the two enemy pieces. Or sometimes you 'block'
inorder to shield your piece from the enemy attack.


Zwischenzug is a German word for "intermediate move" or "in-between move". Instead of

playing the expected move (say a recapture), you first make an intermediate move which
the opponent must answer. This idea can also be used when a situation arises when both
sides have their piece under attack. Before you capture the enemy piece, you first save
yours or sacrifice it for material gain!

Queen Traps

Quite often in the Opening and Middlegame, opportunities arise to trap the opponent's
queen. Although not exactly a Tactical idea, but being aware of Queen traps can result in a
quick win!
Clearing (22)

It is not only important to look at the current board position ahead of you, but also to
"fantasize" about a position. The Cuban chess hero, Capablanca had an amazing sense of
imagining chess positions and playing to reach them. Although that was more positional,
you need to apply the same imagination to these tactical scenarios. Ask yourself, What if my
piece was on this square? What if it could jump!?
The Black Bishop could pin the White Queen from e3, but for his own Knight who blocks
the way. Can you clear the way? (Look for a forced sequence!)

1/22. Eiriksson, S. (1946) - Plat, V. (2445)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.15

23... Nh3+ clears the way for the Bishop 24. gxh3 Be3 pin 0-1
White has so many nice pieces on the King-side, but unfortunately cannot check
immediately. As we know, Checks can be lethal, can you deliver one by clearing the way!?

2/22. Gomez Camacho, Micaela (1777) - Medina, Exequiel Alexis (1572)

III Marcel Duchamp Boca Jun Op 2013.06.29

26. Bd8 clearing the square for the Knight 26... Rexd8 [26... gxh5 27. Bxc7] 27. Nf6+
mate to follow 1-0
Ask yourself, where would my stronger piece (Queen in this case) like to be?

3/22. Mangal, Ali - Sahin, Handenur (1819)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.08

22... Nxe3 clearing the way of the Rook 23. fxe3 Qh4# 0-1
4/22. Haring, Filip (1742) - Snider, Lukas (2004)

V4 Int Open ch-SVK 2013 2013.07.14

35. Rxe6 clearing the square for the queen fxe6 36. Qf6+ Can you find the mate in 2
moves? 1-0
5/22. Babicka, Michal (1710) - Toman, Ondrej (2052)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.17

39... Rf1+ clearing the way for the queen 40. Bxf1 Qh2# 0-1
6/22. Dijksterhuis, R. (1988) - Murray, JS. (1844)

Guernsey Open 2013 2013.10.26

23. Bxd6 clearing the way for the queen 23... Qxd6 24. Qh6 mate to follow 1-0
7/22. Bianchi, Augusto (1948) - Garcia, Fernando

III Marcel Duchamp Boca Jun Op 2013.06.29

30. f6 30... exf6 31. Qh7# 1-0

Remember, its important to look for forcing moves, especially which attack the strong
enemy pieces

8/22. Trapeznikova, D. (2063) - Shnayder, V. (1977)

Satka Autumn 2013 2013.09.08

23... Nc5 clearing the way for the Bishop. How can the White Queen prevent mate on g2?
24. Nxc5 Qg2# 0-1
9/22. Bueno Gauna, C. (2026) - Torres Larco, Denisse

48th Capablanca Open II 2013 2013.04.25

21. Ne5 clearing the way for the Queen 21... fxe5 22. Qg4+ mate in 2 1-0
Piece clearance to win material.

10/22. Gorovets, A. (2471) - Shakessi, Hossein (1593)

4th LUCOPEN 2013 2013.04.18

15. Nxf6+ 15... gxf6 16. Bxf5 exploiting the pin 1-0
11/22. Eric, J. (2223) - Nikolovska, D. (1848)

14th ch-EUR Ind w 2013.07.26

30. Ne7+ fork, clearing the way for the rook 30... Rxe7 31. Rd8+ back rank weakness
12/22. Dasaolu, R. (2115) - Cmilyte, V. (2515)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.22

38... Rf1+ 39. Rxf1 Qg2# 0-1

13/22. Gupta, Ab (2594) - Azarya, J. (2106)

10th Malaysian Open 2013.08.10

18. h7+ 18... Nxh7 19. Qh6 1-0

14/22. Torre, E. (2485) - Mariano, N2. (2251)

PSC Cup 2013 2013.01.19

33... Re1+ 34. Rxe1 Qg2# 0-1

15/22. Egorov, D1. (2355) - Ovod, E. (2387)

66th ch-RUS HL 2013.06.24

35. d5 35... exd5 36. Bd4+ mate in 4 [36. Bd4+ Bb6 37. Rxb6 Qc7 38. Rxa6+ Kxa6
39. Qb5#] 1-0
16/22. Narayanan, SL. (2418) - Sachdev, T. (2409)

Maharashtra Chess League 2013 2013.04.26

32. b6+ 32... Rxb6 33. Qxa5+ mates 1-0

17/22. Zumsande, M. (2418) - Polzin, R. (2465)

Bundesliga 2012-13 2013.04.07

37. Rf8+ 37... Rxf8 [37... Qxf8 38. Qxh7#] 38. Qxh7# nice mate 1-0
18/22. Dautov, R. (2595) - Straeter, T. (2360)

Bundesliga 2012-13 2013.02.23

36. Rxd7 36... Qxd7 37. Qb8+ double attack 1-0

While you clear the way for your piece, altering the board structure in a favorable manner
can be very rewarding.

19/22. Perez Ponsa, F. (2488) - Munenga, Douglas D

Universiade Men 2013.07.12

31. Rxf6 clearing the way, exposing the king 31... gxf6 32. Bf7# beautiful bishop mate 1-
Only if the Black Queen could jump to h1!

20/22. Tseitlin, Ma (2399) - Hovhannisyan, R. (2599)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.10

37... Rxe1 38. Bxe1 Qh1# unfortunate mate 0-1

21/22. Cicak, S. (2579) - Blomqvist, E. (2448)

XLII Rilton Cup 2013.01.01

32... Be1 clearing the way, blocking the route 33. Rxe1 Rh3+ 0-1
22/22. Tomashevsky, E. (2706) - So, W. (2710)

FIDE World Cup 2013 2013.08.14

48. f5+ 48... gxf5 [48... Kxf5 49. Bg4# very unfortunate mate!] 49. Nf4+ fork 1-0
Blocking (10)

As the name suggests, you "block" coordination between two enemy pieces (or important
squares) with the intention to win material or checkmate.
Interestingly, sometimes by blocking you get a 3rd enemy piece in between the other two!

1/10. Jensen, Mi (2066) - Nielsen, JeH (1849)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.08.03

22. Re7+ discovered check and blocking the bishop 22... Kxe7 23. Qxc5+ 1-0
"Blocking" can also be used to shield one's own piece from the enemy as in the below

2/10. Satre, Mathias (1805) - Hagen, Ande (2187)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.27

21... Bd4+ blocking the d-file and protecting his own Queen against White's rook 22.
Nxd4 Bxb5 0-1
Blocking can disturb the enemy defense and lead to mate

3/10. Wieczorek, O. (2316) - Bakalarz, L. (2178)

XXIII Krakow Open 2013.01.02

31. Nd7+ deflection, blocking the b7 Queen 31... Bxd7 32. Qxg7+ mate to follow 1-0
4/10. Paehtz, E. (2479) - Nekrasova, E. (2089)

15th Dubai Open 2013 2013.04.13

19. Re7 19... Bxe7 [19... Qxd5 20. Re8+ Kg7 21. Bf8+ Kh8 22. Bh6#] 20. Qxf7+ mates
Blocking also works to stop the enemy King from escaping a mating net, quite funnily with
his own piece!

5/10. Hillarp Persson, T. (2517) - Bekker Jensen, S. (2419)

6th Sveins Memorial 2013.06.21

36. e5+ blocking the king 36... Bxe5 with his own piece! 37. Rb6+ had it not been for
the e5 Bishop, the Black King could have happily escaped 1-0
6/10. Nestorovic, L. (2394) - Gleizerov, E. (2553)

6th ch-Cent SRB Int 2013 2013.07.08

25... f2+ 26. Bxf2 Qh1# back rank mate 0-1

7/10. Sjugirov, S. (2647) - Nozdrachev, L. (2389)

66th ch-RUS HL 2013.06.21

25. Nc6 blocking the route of the rook 25... Bxc6 26. Rxc4 1-0
8/10. Hebden, M. (2555) - Gormally, D. (2496)

120th ch-SCO 2013 2013.07.09

21... Nxc4 clearing the way and blocking the White queen's support of the b5 Knight 22.
c3 Qxb5 0-1
Black would immediately deliver a back-rank mate but for the White Rook and Knight
which are protecting the c1 square. How do you block the Rook and break the coordination
between the Rook and the c1 square?

9/10. Galkin, A. (2626) - Tomic, Bos (2447)

1st League Cent-SRB 2013 2013.09.21

39... Nc5 blocking the route of the c Rook 40. dxc5 Qe1+ 0-1
Finally, you quite simply block the strong enemy piece with your own piece

10/10. Jaracz, P. (2548) - Kempinski, R. (2599)

ch-POL 2013 2013.04.19

30... Nxd5 removing the defender of the long diagonal 31. Qxd5 e4 blocking the route.
White has to give away the e3 Bishop to stop mate 0-1
Zwischenzug (11)

The opponent is expecting you to make the most natural move, but wait and think. Could
there be something better which would cause the most damage?
As a simple example, Black is expected to capture the White Queen. But before that, he
makes an "intermediate move". The Black Queen sacrifices herself to gain maximum
advantage and cause maximum damage.

1/11. Vinod, G. (2030) - Liska, Ji2 (1794)

Novy Bor Open A 2013 2013.02.11

32... Qxg2+ 33. Kxg2 Bxe3 0-1

It is obvious that Black can capture the White Bishop on d3. But before that, can you save
your Rook on e8 with an intermediate move?

2/11. Kuchar, Tomas (1792) - Eretova, J. (2101)

Klatov Open A 2013 2013.06.29

24... Re5 25. Qd2 exd3 0-1

Both Rooks are under attack. But can Black save the capture for one more move?

3/11. Khatenever, F. (1837) - Pyatin, A. (2146)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.08

35... Rg2+ 36. Kf1 dxe5 0-1

4/11. Mico, Timoleo - Tikranian, Alik (2021)

23rd EYCC Open U16 2013 2013.10.02

24... Rxc2 25. Qxb6 Rxf2+ Zwischenzug saves the rook 0-1
The Bishop on h6 is yours. But shouldn't you protect your b2 Bishop first?

5/11. Vasilev, D. (1807) - Genov, Petk (2311)

63rd TCh-BUL GpB 2013 2013.09.21

27... Bc3 [Not 27... Kxh6 28. Qd2+ wins back the piece] 28. b4 Kxh6 0-1
6/11. Kuljasevic, D. (2591) - Medak, B. (2397)

TCh-CRO Ia Liga 2013 2013.09.19

34. Re4+ 34... Kg5 35. Nxc4 1-0

7/11. Graf, A. (2607) - Mikkelsen, N. (2412)

Lichtenrader Herbst 2013 2013.10.03

35. Qe4 35... Rxc7 36. Qxa8 1-0

8/11. Sundararajan, K. (2435) - Nisipeanu, LD. (2670)

Czech Open G1 Rapid 2013 2013.07.17

23... Nxf3 24. Rxd8 Nxe1+ Zwischenzug, an important check 0-1

9/11. Fridman, D. (2667) - Malisauskas, V. (2450)

Paul Keres Mem 2013 2013.01.12

32. Re5+ Zwischenzug, checks the king away 32... Kg4 33. Rxf7 1-0
10/11. Gormally, D. (2500) - Kirk, Ez (2271)

e2e4 Brighton Masters 2013 2013.02.18

23. Qc2+ Zwischenzug, getting away from the pin Kg8 24. exf6 1-0
11/11. Kunin, V. (2527) - Alber, H. (2336)

HEM Master Open 2013 2013.03.27

32. Rb8 back rank deflection Qxd5 [32... Qf7 33. Rxe8+ exploiting the pin] 33. Rxe8+
Kf7 34. Re7+ 1-0
Queen Traps (26)

Look for opportunities to attack the enemy Queen and trap her!
Black's Queen is walled by her own pieces. How do you jail her for ever?

1/26. Petersen, Jakob Alexander (1370) - Leifsson, T. (1759)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.23

13. Bc7 1-0

2/26. Birkisson, Bjorn Holm - Petersson, Baldur Teodor (1585)

Icelandic Open Championship 2013 2013.06.06

13... Bc5 0-1

3/26. Wolska, M. (1578) - Dmochowska, A. (1819)

22nd Anderssen Mem Eliminacje 2013.06.29

12... Bg4 0-1

4/26. Sorin, Ilya (1672) - Lopatik, N. (1981)

23rd EYCC Open U16 2013 2013.10.01

16. Ra2 1-0

5/26. Menzi, N. (1872) - Saka, Irfan

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.07

18. Bb5 1-0

6/26. Jirasek, J. (1982) - Hanzlik, Daniel (1767)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.19

13. Bg5 1-0

7/26. Menon, Michele (1749) - Laco, G. (2073)

35th Italian Seniors 2013.04.12

18... Bg4 0-1

8/26. Hlavac, I. (1911) - Bazaj Bockai, S. (2099)

TCh-CRO w Liga 2013 2013.09.18

24... Bf8 0-1

9/26. Slimani, An (2019) - Azaiez, Fahmi (2073)

Mohamed Slama Mem 2013 2013.09.10

14... Nc3 0-1

10/26. Lalev, I. (2016) - Stoinev, M. (2221)

Grand Open Blagoevgrad 2013 2013.09.29

15... Nc5 discovered attack 0-1

11/26. Helaszek, E. (2049) - Szczepkowska Horowska, K. (2375)

22nd Anderssen Mem Eliminacje 2013.06.29

21... Bf6 0-1

12/26. Mehar, C. (2339) - Anilkumar, O. (2132)

51st ch-IND B 2013 2013.10.19

22. Rd8 1-0

13/26. Litwak, A. (2230) - Tabatt, H. (2303)

84th ch-GER 2013 2013.09.08

29. Rd2 1-0

14/26. Raeva, E. (2292) - Papp, Petra (2276)

TCh-ROU w 2013 2013.09.01

29... Bg8 0-1

15/26. Legky, N. (2396) - Shtyrenkov, V. (2329)

Alushta Summer GM1 2013 2013.06.07

23... Rd3 0-1

16/26. Karthikeyan, M2. (2435) - Harutyunian, T. (2359)

Somov Memorial 2013 2013.05.09

25. Rd7 1-0

17/26. Biti, O. (2383) - Antoniewski, R. (2558)

TCh-CRO Ia Liga 2013 2013.09.14

30... Ra6 0-1

18/26. Alieva, A. (1940) - Pranizin, G. (2187)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.08

20... Ra8 21. Qb4 Ra4 0-1

19/26. Benidze, D. (2507) - Rahemi, Parsa (1627)

21st Fajr Open 2013.02.20

14. Nxc6 creating tactical opportunity 14... Qxc6 15. Bxe4 1-0
20/26. Bulmaga, I. (2410) - Jakab, T. (1777)

TCh-ROU w 2013 2013.09.07

33. Bg5 33... hxg5 34. hxg5+ discovered attack 1-0

21/26. Bogdanovski, V. (2444) - Georgieva, E. (1904)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.09

29. Ng6+ fxg6 30. Bxg6 1-0

22/26. Colas, Joshua (2242) - Jung, HansR (2122)

SPICE Cup Open 2013 2013.10.16

17. Ne8 fork 17... Qe6 18. Ng5 1-0

23/26. Kantans, T. (2356) - Krilovs, Nikolaijs (2013)

ch-LAT 2013 2013.04.15

21. Bc1 Qh4 22. Rh3 1-0

24/26. Saduakassova, D. (2326) - Khademalsharieh, S. (2303)

31st World Junior Girls 2013.09.24

30. Be1 Rab8 [30... Qe7 31. Rxg7+] 31. Bh4 1-0
25/26. Danielsen, Hen (2501) - Thorsteinsson, B. (2203)

TCh-ISL Div1 2013-14 2013.10.11

33. Bc5 33... Rxd1 34. Rxd1 1-0

26/26. Shirov, A. (2696) - Hou Yifan (2609)

FIDE World Cup 2013 2013.08.13

24. Nxf6+ exploiting the pin 24... Rxf6 25. Rh1 [25. Qxf6?! Qxg3+!] 1-0
What's a book on tactics without Mates!? Some of the mates that I found interesting are the
mates along the back-rank, the h-file and ofcourse some pretty and unfortunate mates!

Back-rank Mate

A close cousin of the back-rank weakness, is the back-rank mate (or first rank mate). The
losing side does have some or the other support on his first-rank. So "Deflection" plays an
important role in executing back-rank mates.

h-file Mate

Attacking players know the importance of the h-file (or a-file). We will see some mating
ideas along the h-file

Pretty Mate

Chess is a beautiful game. One way to appreciate its beauty is to look at the examples in this
section. You will be awed!

Unfortunate Mate

As beautiful as it is, some games end in a tragic mate. The King is hunted in the center of the
board, or mated even when heavily guarded. Lets pay our respect to such monarchs.

We begin with Back-rank mates.

Back-rank Mate (53)

It is no surprise that when you look to mate the opponent on the back-rank, you will
encounter the same tactical ideas we have seen earlier, albeit in assisting the back-rank
Always keep an eye on the opponent's back rank!

1/53. Baert, A. (2154) - Dennis, N. (1904)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.23

26. Rf8# 1-0

2/53. Nouri, Alekhine - Nazario, M. (2087)

PSC Cup 2013 2013.01.15

21... Rd1# 0-1

3/53. Idzhilova, Lidia (1698) - Belous, V. (2554)

Dvorkovich Mem 2013 2013.01.16

36... Rh1# 0-1

4/53. Viswanathan, V. (2155) - Shetty, R. (2245)

33rd TCh-IND 2013 2013.02.21

34... Re1# exploiting the pin, back rank mate 0-1

5/53. Kanellopoulos, G. (2070) - Patsavoudis, Nikolaos (1602)

41st TCh-GRE 2013.07.02

25. Qxd7 deflection 25... Qxd7 26. Rb8+ 1-0

6/53. Sirkova, D. (1970) - Radeva, Viktoria (1762)

62nd ch-BUL w SF 2013 2013.02.15

31... Qf1+ 32. Rxf1 Rxf1# 0-1

7/53. Vasilescu, M. (1883) - Olea, L. (1926)

ch-ROU w 2013 2013.02.18

36... Qf2+ 37. Kh1 Qf1+ 0-1

8/53. Bodrogi, L. (2015) - Balla, A. (1813)

3rd Budapest Open 2013.08.21

27. Ng4 Qg6 28. Re8# 1-0

9/53. Ivekovic, I. (1858) - Utiatskaja, Irina (2047)

14th ch-EUR Ind w 2013.07.27

18... Rxe4 deflection 19. Rxe4 Rd1+ 0-1

10/53. Smieszek, W. (1843) - Stankiewicz, P. (2070)

9th Lazy Open 2013 2013.06.30

28... Qxd2 deflection 29. Rxd2 Rf1# 0-1

11/53. Ferreira, K. (2118) - De Pontes e Souza, Jose Geraldo (1834)

Zonal 2.4 Absoluto 2013 2013.04.30

26. Qxh8+ Nxh8 27. Rxh8# pretty back rank mate 1-0
12/53. Gamboa, A. (2126) - Avila, Carlos (1848)

VIII American Continental 2013 2013.05.08

27... Rxc4 removing the defender 28. Rxd6 Rc1+ 0-1

13/53. Sandu, Mi (2222) - Cirlig, I. (1777)

ch-ROU w 2013 2013.02.20

21. Nd6+ exposing the King 21... exd6 22. Rc8# 1-0
14/53. Savio, A1. (2018) - Ardelt, Hannes

17th Lienz Open 2013 2013.02.11

34. Rxc6 creating tactical opportunity 34... dxc6 35. Rd8# nice back rank mate 1-0
15/53. Smirnov, Ant (2207) - Perera, Pasan (1923)

Australian Open 2013 2013.01.08

23. Qxe5 fxe5 24. Rxf8# 1-0

16/53. Velten, P. (2385) - Picazo Gonzalez, An (1762)

36th San Sebastian Open 2013.03.23

34. Qxb5 Qxb5 35. Rc8+ 1-0

17/53. Allo, E. (1962) - Pineiro, Dar (2194)

44th Marcel Duchamp 2013.03.24

23. Qe8+ 23... Rxe8 24. Rxe8# 1-0

18/53. Ehsandar, Peter (1950) - Rees, I. (2248)

ch-WLS 2013 2013.03.29

35... Qd1+ 36. Rxd1 Rxd1# 0-1

19/53. Kourek, J. (2133) - Zednik, Josef (2069)

TCh-CZE Div1 Vychod 2012-13 2013.02.24

33. Rxf8+ exploiting the pin 33... Kxf8 34. Qe8# 1-0
20/53. Brown, Mart (2203) - Horton, Andrew P (2032)

100th ch-GBR 2013 2013.08.07

31... Rxc5+ 32. Kb1 Qxd7 deflection [32... Qxd7 33. Rxd7 Re1+ back rank mate ] 0-1
21/53. Grela, K. (2003) - Goluch, P. (2233)

VIII Wroclaw Open A 2013 2013.07.03

27. Qxh8 removing one of the defender of the back rank 27... Rxh8 28. Rd8+ 1-0
22/53. Horvath, Cs2 (2208) - Kralovsky, M. (2042)

Czech Open G1 Rapid 2013 2013.07.18

30. Rxe4 deflection 30... dxe4 31. Qd8# 1-0

23/53. Berke, A. (2157) - Stadler, Bri (2096)

TCh-CRO w Liga 2013 2013.09.18

32... Qxf3+ deflection 33. Rxf3 Rxg1# 0-1

24/53. Hague, B. (2322) - Forster, W. (1940)

120th ch-NZL 2013.01.07

30. Rxc6+ deflection 30... Bxc6 31. Qb8# 1-0

25/53. Duboue, P. (2257) - Muller, Anthony (2060)

ch-FRA Junior 2013 2013.04.29

23... Qxg3 24. Rh1 [24. Rxg3 Re1+ back rank mate] 24... Qxh3 back rank weakness 0-
26/53. Boerkamp, Harry (2003) - Freeke, M. (2332)

HZ Open 2013 2013.08.04

30... Qxe4 deflection 31. Rxe4 Rd1+ 0-1

27/53. Galazewski, T. (2250) - Jacek, K. (2098)

III Miedzyzdroje Open 2013 2013.04.29

36... Qxc5 exploiting the pin 37. Nxc5 Rxe1# 0-1

28/53. Aguiar, L. (2202) - Cordeiro, M. (2215)

2nd Santa Catarina Masters 2013.02.12

26. Qxb4 deflection 26... Rxb4 27. Rd8+ 1-0

29/53. Pratyusha, B. (2128) - Kulkarni, R. (2306)

11th Parsvnath Open 2013.01.06

29... Bd4 creating tactical opportunity 30. Qxd4 Rxe1+ 0-1

30/53. Oparin, G. (2478) - Lindsoe, F. (2064)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.26

26. Qe6+ Kf8 27. Rh8# 1-0

31/53. Sergeev, Vl (2469) - Jandke, M. (2131)

16th New Year Open 2013.01.02

38. Qxg7+ exposing the king 38... Bxg7 39. Rxc8+ 1-0
32/53. Codenotti, M. (2402) - Petrov, G MKD. (2200)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.11

30... Qxd2 deflection 31. Rxd2 Rc1+ 0-1

33/53. Ilic, Ljubo (2198) - Stanojoski, Z. (2413)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.11

33. Rxf4 exploiting the pin 33... exf4 34. Qxe8+ 1-0
34/53. Furhoff, J. (2328) - Salakhutdinov, I. (2287)

MTS GM 2013 2013.07.16

26... Rxf4 deflection 27. Rxg6 [27. Qxf4 Qxg1+] 27... Rf1+ back rank mate 0-1
35/53. Liascovich, L. (2400) - Feliciano, V. (2235)

VII Magistral da Hebraica 2013.01.07

33. Rxd5 deflection Qxf4 [33... Qxd5 34. Qh6 exploiting weak squares, with mate on g7]
34. Rxd8# 1-0
36/53. Skytte, R. (2406) - Brinck Claussen, B. (2260)

TCh-DEN XtraCon 2012-13 2013.01.12

30. Nxb5 deflection, fork 30... Bxb5 31. Rc8+ 1-0

37/53. Battaglini, G. (2436) - Duman, A. (2249)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.16

39. Rxb6 deflection 39... Rxb6 40. Qf8+ 1-0

38/53. Tosic, S. (2390) - Stamenkovic, A. (2318)

TCh-Belgrade Premier liga 2013 2013.10.14

31. Qxa6 Rxa6 32. Re8+ 1-0

39/53. Van der Weide, K. (2448) - Poettinger, H. (2270)

31st Liechtenstein Open 2013 2013.05.11

33. Qxg8+ sacrifice 33... Kxg8 34. Rh8# 1-0

40/53. Klykow, L. (2219) - Jaracz, P. (2531)

22nd Anderssen Mem Eliminacje 2013.06.29

24... Qxd5 25. Rxd5 deflection [25. Qxd5 Bxd5] 25... Re1+ 0-1
41/53. Ostos, J. (2295) - Jimenez Fraga, P. (2461)

3rd Panama Open 2013.10.31

27... Rf7 deflection, discovered attack 28. Qxb8 [28. Qxf7 Qxh2#] 28... Rf1# 0-1
42/53. Orsag, Mil1 (2393) - Rausis, I. (2512)

TCh-CZE Extraliga 2012-13 2013.03.23

29... Qe2+ 30. Kg1 Qe1+ 0-1

43/53. Cuenca Jimenez, J. (2483) - Garcia Pantoja, R. (2425)

48th Capablanca Open I 2013 2013.05.01

38. Qxf8+ removing the defender 38... Kxf8 39. Rc8# nice back rank mate 1-0
44/53. Dolezal, C. (2410) - Alonso, S. (2506)

III Marcel Duchamp Boca Jun Op 2013.06.29

32... Qxd1 creating tactical opportunity 33. Rxd1 Rf1+ 0-1

45/53. Michalik, P. (2508) - Loeffler, S. (2410)

TCh-AUT 2 East 2012-13 2013.03.09

23. Qe8+ Rxe8 24. Rxe8# 1-0

46/53. Kleinman, Michael (2298) - Sokolov, Ivan (2650)

Quebec Open Invitational 2013 2013.07.21

36... Qxd4 deflection 37. Rxd4 Re1# 0-1

47/53. Rodriguez, Er (2290) - Bruzon Batista, L. (2691)

Quebec Open Invitational 2013 2013.07.21

29... Qe2 deflection 30. Ra1 [30. Rxe2 Rd1+ back rank mate] 30... Qd1+ 0-1
48/53. Gonzalez Vidal, Y. (2523) - Martinez Duany, L. (2473)

7th Univ Cent Open 2013 2013.10.13

27. Rf8+ Nxf8 28. Qxf8+ 1-0

49/53. Darini, P. (2530) - Golizadeh, A. (2485)

Asian Zonal 3.1 2013 2013.05.09

28. Qxe3 dxe3 29. Rd8+ 1-0

50/53. Zhigalko, S. (2651) - Meribanov, V. (2409)

ch-BLR 2013 2013.01.18

35. Qb5 double threat 35... Bxf2 36. Qe8# nice back rank mate 1-0
51/53. Svetlov, D. (2371) - Eljanov, P. (2729)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.09

37... Rf4 deflection 38. Qd3 [38. Nxf4 Rg1#] 38... Rf1# 0-1
52/53. Ringoir, T. (2471) - Tomov, G. (2301)

Charleroi Open 2013 2013.08.03

24. Nxe6 fork Bxe6 25. Qxd8# 1-0

53/53. Nguyen Thi Mai Hung (2271) - Che, Q. (1968)

3rd HD Bank Cup 2013 2013.03.23

38. Qxb8+ back rank weakness Nxb8 39. Rc8# 1-0

h-file Mate (10)

As the name suggests, these are positions where the opponent is mated along the h-file (or
a-file). The Rook lift plays an important role, since in most cases the Rook would have
blocked and confined the enemy King to a single file.
1/10. Berggren Torell, Harald (2080) - Kivimaki, Ja (2198)

XLII Rilton Cup 2013.01.04

36... Qh4# h-file mate 0-1

2/10. Furman, Bo (2237) - Ramstad, Havard (2071)

88th Hastings Masters 2013.01.06

31. Qa3# a-file mate 1-0

3/10. Kolos, Taras - Sanotsky, Yuriy (1993)

Lviv March Rating 2013 2013.03.22

31... Qxh3+ exposing the king 32. Kxh3 Rh6+ h-file mate 0-1
4/10. Mariano, N2. (2251) - San Diego, Marie Antoinette (1923)

PSC Cup 2013 2013.01.17

30. Qxh7+ exposing the king 30... Kxh7 31. Rh3# rook lift leads to a beautiful h-file
mate 1-0
5/10. Xheladini, M. (2281) - Guo, E. (2006)

Hilton Master Open 2013 2013.01.02

19... Qxg3 creating tactical opportunity, exposing the king 20. hxg3 Rh6+ pretty mate
along the h-file 0-1
6/10. Navrotescu, A. (2110) - Congiu, M. (2190)

ch-FRA w 2013 2013.08.11

20... Qg5+ 21. Kh1 Rf4 rook lift to mate on h-file 0-1
7/10. Ben Artzi, I. (2307) - Yurtseven, M. (2135)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.16

30. Qxh6+ exposing the king 30... gxh6 31. Rxh6# simple h-file mate 1-0
8/10. Koop, S. (2049) - Kopylov, M. (2465)

LEM Schleswig-Holstein 2013 2013.03.24

36... Nxf3+ clearing the way, exposing the king 37. gxf3 Qh5+ h-file mate 0-1
9/10. Johansson, Linus (2347) - Rahul Kumar, P. (2172)

Visma IMA 2013 2013.06.29

24. Rxf2 deflection, removing the defender 24... Qxf2 25. Rxh7# a nice h-file mate 1-0
10/10. Liuba, Volodymyr (2184) - Sodoma, J. (2379)

Prague Open A 2013 2013.01.13

32... Rh1+ 33. Bxh1 Qh3 mate on h-file cannot be stopped 0-1
Pretty Mate (38)

Now is the time when you take a break and soak in the beauty of the game! Beauty is
relative, and so are these mates. They are pretty, yet some of them are instructive and
worth memorizing.

While going through these positions, appreciate the inherent tactical idea involved. These
are the same ideas we have seen before!
1/38. Tuncer, Tuna (1833) - Uygun, Yasin (1585)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.03

19. Nh6# 1-0

2/38. Kosteski, Mile - Milanovic, Ma (1952)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.10

40... c2# pawn mate 0-1

3/38. Van der Hoorn, M. (2158) - Milligan, H. (2013)

120th ch-NZL 2013.01.04

39. Rg7# pretty smothered mate 1-0

4/38. Vaishali, R. (2000) - Hemant, S2. (2242)

11th Parsvnath Open 2013.01.06

34... Bc6+ double Bishop mate 0-1

5/38. Vucinic, G. (2253) - Kosteski, Mile

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.09

30. Ng6# pretty smothered mate 1-0

6/38. Knuth, H. (2357) - Bielinski, D. (2220)

16th New Year Open 2013.01.04

37... Rd2# 0-1

7/38. Talla, V. (2387) - Fries Nielsen, JO. (2370)

Marianske Lazne GM 2013 2013.01.19

30. Qf8# 1-0

8/38. Verwee, J. (1758) - Bensaid, Simon (1554)

ch-FRA Junior 2013 2013.04.29

22. Bg8 threatening Qh7 mate 22... Rxg8 23. Qh6# 1-0
9/38. Stolberg Rohr, T. (2034) - Kyrkjebo, Marte B (1632)

Bronshoj Long Weekend 2013 2013.02.08

27. Qxc8+ luring the King towards a mating net 27... Kxc8 28. Rb8# pretty mate 1-0
10/38. Caloone, Thomas (1788) - Kramo, S. (1981)

4th LUCOPEN 2013 2013.04.16

31. Rxg5 removing the defender 31... fxg5 32. Rxh6# 1-0
11/38. Zagorsek, David (1734) - Horvath, Re (2062)

20th Graz Open 2013 2013.08.30

35. Rh7+ deflection 35... Qxh7 36. Qxg5# pretty diagonal mate 1-0
12/38. Reza, W. (2107) - Sokolowski, Ro (1836)

IX Lubuska Wiosna Op 2013.03.28

22. Rxc6+ exposing the king 22... bxc6 23. Ba6+ two Bishop mate 1-0
13/38. Ferreira, K. (2118) - De Pontes e Souza, Jose Geraldo (1834)

Zonal 2.4 Absoluto 2013 2013.04.30

26. Qxh8+ Nxh8 27. Rxh8# pretty back rank mate 1-0
14/38. Waldmann, Dieter - Guenther, Egbert (2032)

15th TCh-Eur Senior 2013.07.27

19... Nxb3+ creating tactical opportunity 20. Nxb3 Ba3# double bishop mate 0-1
15/38. Ranfagni, S. (1994) - Callier, C. (2102)

2nd Salento Open 2013.05.29

31. Qxh6+ exposing the king, deflection 31... Bxh6 32. Rh7# 1-0
16/38. Bauer, Andreas2 (2146) - Mueck, H. (1956)

25th Staufer Open 2013.01.04

37. Rc7+ Ke8 38. Re7# 1-0

17/38. Camacho, C. - He, To (2055)

UTD Turner GM Invitational 2013 2013.03.13

37. Rxe6+ deflection 37... Rxe6 38. Bg7# beautiful diagonal mate 1-0
18/38. Tan, Ju2 (2269) - Louie, Ryan (1861)

O2C Doeberl Cup Premier 2013 2013.03.30

26. Qb6+ Kd7 27. Bh3+ pretty diagonal mate 1-0

19/38. Reid, V. (1844) - De Haan, E. (2303)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.22

17... Qxh3 18. gxh3 Bh2# 0-1

20/38. Lach, A. (2176) - Wee, C. (2003)

XXIII Krakow Open 2013.01.02

38. Rh5+ gxh5 39. g5# what a pretty mate!! 1-0

21/38. Lopez, Jorge (2031) - Rivera, I. (2177)

3rd Ortega Rating 2013.06.09

34... Qxf3 35. Bxf3 Bxf3# a rare pretty mate! 0-1

22/38. Bobanac, M. (2303) - Kacunko, J. (1933)

TCh-CRO II Liga 2013 2013.10.06

27. Bf1 Rd7 [27... Rxb3 28. Bc4# Bishop mate] 28. Bc4+ Black must give up the Rook 1-
23/38. Xheladini, M. (2281) - Guo, E. (2006)

Hilton Master Open 2013 2013.01.02

19... Qxg3 creating tactical opportunity, exposing the king 20. hxg3 Rh6+ pretty mate
along the h-file 0-1
24/38. Kempinski, R. (2599) - Palasz, M. (1698)

3rd Ferdynand Dziedzica Mem 2013.03.03

26. Qxa6 exposing the king 26... bxa6 27. b7# unfortunate mate, yet pretty! 1-0
25/38. Sanz Rodero, M. (2110) - Aranaz Murillo, A. (2275)

36th San Sebastian Open 2013.03.26

26. Nxh6 Bg7 27. Qg8+ [27. Qg8+ Rxg8 28. Nf7# a pretty smothered mate] 1-0
26/38. Macek, V. (2161) - Solic, K. (2238)

TCh-CRO w Liga 2013 2013.09.18

31... Rxe1 removing the defender 32. Rxe1 Rxf2# 0-1

27/38. Hoi, C. (2392) - Mikalsen, E. (2117)

6th Sveins Memorial 2013.06.21

36. Bh5 Bg4 37. Rf7# 1-0

28/38. Muzychuk, M. (2471) - Lindsoe, F. (2064)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.22

25. Qxb5+ Qxb5 26. Nc7# what a pretty mate! 1-0

29/38. Lara Granero, B. (2096) - Campora, D. (2483)

40th La Roda Open 2013.03.28

31... Qxe4+ deflection 32. Rxe4 Na3# 0-1

30/38. Rapport, R. (2646) - Hoecher, Michael (1986)

17th Neckar Open 2013.03.28

34. Bg7+ Kh7 35. Nf6# pretty mate! 1-0

31/38. Stojic, D. (2235) - Tao, T. (2440)

Australian Open 2013 2013.01.13

30... Rxe2+ 31. Bxe2 Qe4# 0-1

32/38. Yap, K. (2417) - Bersamina, Paulo (2310)

Indonesia Open 2013 2013.10.12

33... Re3 34. Rxe3 Rd1+ 0-1

33/38. Popov, Val (2548) - Kukhmazov, A. (2239)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.08

20... Be4 21. Bxf4 Nh3# pretty rare mate 0-1

34/38. Guseinov, G. (2623) - Saduakassova, D. (2336)

Nakhchivan Open A 2013 2013.04.22

31. Bc2 Rg8 32. h4# pawn mate 1-0

35/38. Perez Ponsa, F. (2488) - Munenga, Douglas D

Universiade Men 2013.07.12

31. Rxf6 clearing the way, exposing the king 31... gxf6 32. Bf7# beautiful bishop mate 1-
36/38. Vidit, S. (2565) - Dastan, B. (2455)

52nd World Juniors 2013 2013.09.19

31. Rxf6 exposing the king 31... Nxf6 32. Bxf6# terrific bishop mate 1-0
37/38. Paragua, M. (2550) - Sadorra, J. (2561)

Asian Continental 2013 2013.05.22

32. Rxd7 Kxd7 [32... Rxd7 33. Bxc8 wins the e6 pawn too] 33. Bb5# nice bishop mate
38/38. Tregubov, P. (2611) - Sasikiran, K. (2677)

Aeroflot Open Rapid Qualifier 2013 2013.02.12

35. Rh8+ Kxh8 36. Rf8# 1-0

Unfortunate Mate (18)

Tragedy can occur anywhere, even on the board! Quite unfortunately, mates occur when
the King is blocked by his own pieces. Sometimes, even though the King is heavily
defended, he meets his end or at times even with all the open space around it the King
meets his end! As again, this is relative, and what I consider "unfortunate" may not be so
unfortunate for a seasoned player who has seen many tragedies on the board!
1/18. Bitirgen, Bilent (1836) - Celik, Berkay (1590)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.05

38. Qe8# 1-0

2/18. Amoura, Yuba (1721) - De Balmann, Marc (1915)

ch-FRA Junior 2013 2013.04.29

33... Bd2# 0-1

3/18. Vidaurre, L. (1836) - Estrada, L. (2034)

VIII American Continental 2013 2013.05.10

34... Qh1# 0-1

4/18. Prieto Martin, A. (2181) - Arabiotorre Arbulu, Aitor (1896)

36th San Sebastian Open 2013.03.24

15. Qg5# 1-0

5/18. Saduakassova, D. (2312) - Finnbogadottir, T. (1871)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.23

30. Rb3# 1-0

6/18. Degerhammar, T. (2032) - Subirats Ruiz, S. (2163)

TCh-CAT Div Hon 2013 2013.02.09

24... Nf6# 0-1

7/18. Organdziev, O. (2293) - Nisic, Miroslav (2079)

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.16

36. Rc6# 1-0

8/18. Rooze, J. (2369) - Mortensen, S. (2049)

13th European Seniors 2013.03.11

24. Nf5# 1-0

9/18. Khalafova, N. (2114) - Asgarizadeh, A. (2312)

Nakhchivan Open A 2013 2013.05.01

35... Ng4# 0-1

10/18. Ritviz, P. (2085) - Shivananda, B. (2384)

5th Chennai Open 2013 2013.01.19

38... Qh1# 0-1

11/18. Kazimova, N. (2191) - Zeynalov, F. (2320)

Nakhchivan Open A 2013 2013.04.30

27. Bb2# unfortunate diagonal mate 1-0

12/18. Bartholomew, J. (2441) - Amarasinghe, P. (2085)

Minnesota Closed 2013 2013.03.17

27. Rh5# 1-0

13/18. James, Dav (2147) - Nelson, Jo (2221)

4NCL 2012-13 2013.01.13

17... Bg4+ clearing the way 18. hxg4 Rf2# 0-1

14/18. Cherednichenko, E. (2167) - Rakic, Ma (2294)

14th ch-EUR Ind w 2013.08.02

21... Be5 deflection 22. Bxe5 Qd2# 0-1

15/18. Cvetkovic, Sr (2389) - Perunovic, Mio (2434)

ch-SRB 2013 2013.04.20

29. Bf6+ luring the king 29... Kxf6 30. Qg5# unfortunate mate! 1-0
16/18. Komljenovic, D. (2393) - Haslinger, S. (2535)

38th Seville Open 2013.01.14

28... Rxe3+ exposing the king 29. fxe3 Qg2# 0-1

17/18. Tseitlin, Ma (2399) - Hovhannisyan, R. (2599)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.10

37... Rxe1 clearing the way 38. Bxe1 Qh1# 0-1

18/18. Maksimenko, An (2543) - Zorko, Ju (2476)

TCh-AUT 2012-13 2013.01.17

25... Rxe5+ removing the defender 26. dxe5 Qxd3# unfortunate diagonal mate 0-1
♚Part III - Exercises
I hope you enjoyed the Themes and Ideas explained in the book. Remember, a book once
finished is not the end, but just the beginning! You can start all over again and solve all
examples in your head at a faster rate to really absorb the idea.

300 puzzles with these themes now follow (in random order). Get, Set, Go!


• In each puzzle, the side to move is indicated by the box at the right of the board.
You have to find the best move for that side.

• The solutions are placed immediately on the next page so you don't have to
move back and forth
1. Manso Marquez, F. (2084) - Cabezas Gallego, Miguel

13th Mondragon Open 2013.12.28

1. Manso Marquez, F. (2084) - Cabezas Gallego, Miguel


34. Qxf6 exploiting the pin 1-0

2. Torkkola, Henri (2122) - Kauranen, Matti (2200)

TCh-FIN SM 2012-13 2013.01.13

2. Torkkola, Henri (2122) - Kauranen, Matti (2200)


31. Rxc4 exploiting the pin, back rank weakness 1-0

3. Wolf, Ra (2059) - Heimrath, R. (2273)

25th Staufer Open 2013.01.06

3. Wolf, Ra (2059) - Heimrath, R. (2273)


33... Rh8# h-file mate 0-1

4. Mendonca, M. (2255) - Carneiro, Vitor Roberto Castr (2089)

79th ch-BRA 2013 2013.03.04

4. Mendonca, M. (2255) - Carneiro, Vitor Roberto Castr (2089)


38. Rf1 pin 1-0

5. Piceu, T. (2321) - De Vleeschauwer, M. (2030)

Brasschaat Open 2013 2013.08.22

5. Piceu, T. (2321) - De Vleeschauwer, M. (2030)


31. Re8+ back rank deflection 1-0

6. Player, E. (2248) - Seymour, T. (2112)

e2e4 Brighton Masters 2013 2013.02.20

6. Player, E. (2248) - Seymour, T. (2112)


33. Bc5 pin 1-0

7. Petrovic, Igor R (2095) - Vujacic, Bo (2294)

TCh-Belgrade Premier liga 2013 2013.10.13

7. Petrovic, Igor R (2095) - Vujacic, Bo (2294)


24... Rd6 double attack 0-1

8. Sandhoefner, F. (2307) - Koller, Hans-Juergen (2091)

TCh-AUT 2nd Mitte 2013-14 2013.10.05

8. Sandhoefner, F. (2307) - Koller, Hans-Juergen (2091)


39. Qe8+ double attack 1-0

9. Aulin Jansson, J. (2232) - Guttulsrud, O. (2181)

TCh-NOR Eliteserien 2012-13 2013.04.06

9. Aulin Jansson, J. (2232) - Guttulsrud, O. (2181)


32... Qh1# back rank mate 0-1

10. Blomqvist, E. (2505) - Ranby, H. (1929)

Stockholm All Saints Open 2013 2013.10.31

10. Blomqvist, E. (2505) - Ranby, H. (1929)


27. Qd6 exploiting the pin, back rank weakness 1-0

11. Aravindh, Chithambaram VR (2328) - Banov, B. (2165)

2nd Grand Europe Open 2013 2013.06.16

11. Aravindh, Chithambaram VR (2328) - Banov, B. (2165)


38. Rxa6+ discovered attack wins the queen 1-0

12. Stefanov, E. (2007) - Karakehajov, K. (2494)

63rd TCh-BUL GpA 2013 2013.09.20

12. Stefanov, E. (2007) - Karakehajov, K. (2494)


32... Rd4 double attack 0-1

13. Tuchtfeld, J. (2051) - Cernousek, L. (2453)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.22

13. Tuchtfeld, J. (2051) - Cernousek, L. (2453)


28... Bxd4 discovered attack on g2 0-1

14. Thorhallsson, G. (2141) - Mammadova, G. (2369)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.24

14. Thorhallsson, G. (2141) - Mammadova, G. (2369)


38... Na4 fork 0-1

15. Guempel, V. (2212) - Hainke, G. (2310)

Grand Europe Open Albena 2013.06.06

15. Guempel, V. (2212) - Hainke, G. (2310)


30. Bg8+ discovered attack wins the Rook 1-0

16. Chandra, Akshat (2318) - Liang, Awonder (2207)

SPICE Cup Open 2013 2013.10.17

16. Chandra, Akshat (2318) - Liang, Awonder (2207)


29. Ne7+ fork 1-0

17. Kratochvil, Jo (2241) - Bhakti, K. (2285)

9th Highlands IM 2013.09.26

17. Kratochvil, Jo (2241) - Bhakti, K. (2285)


37... Bh6+ skewer 0-1

18. Ulibin, M. (2523) - Svensson, Soren (2015)

Xtracon GM 2013 2013.10.16

18. Ulibin, M. (2523) - Svensson, Soren (2015)


36. Re2 skewer 1-0

19. Valdes, M. (2081) - Martinez Duany, L. (2457)

TCh-POR Div1 Final 2013 2013.08.21

19. Valdes, M. (2081) - Martinez Duany, L. (2457)


38... Nf5+ fork 0-1

20. Czerwonski, A. (2377) - Probola, R. (2162)

22nd Anderssen Mem Eliminacje 2013.06.29

20. Czerwonski, A. (2377) - Probola, R. (2162)


23... Nh3+ fork, exploiting the pin 0-1

21. Milenkovic, Zo (2110) - Radlovacki, J. (2434)

4th ch-Vojvodina Int 2013.06.30

21. Milenkovic, Zo (2110) - Radlovacki, J. (2434)


29... Nxf3+ fork 0-1

22. Chumachenko, Alexander (2109) - Kupreichik, V. (2443)

Kolomenskaya versta IM 2013 2013.10.01

22. Chumachenko, Alexander (2109) - Kupreichik, V. (2443)


28... Ba6 pin 0-1

23. Karthikeyan, M2. (2352) - Ramakrishna, J. (2224)

5th Chennai Open 2013 2013.01.19

23. Karthikeyan, M2. (2352) - Ramakrishna, J. (2224)


24. Ba5+ skewer 1-0

24. Delchev, A. (2616) - Tucakovic, Z. (1968)

18th Bosnjaci Open 2013.01.03

24. Delchev, A. (2616) - Tucakovic, Z. (1968)


32. Re8# back rank mate 1-0

25. Freuler, R. (2098) - Mastrovasilis, A. (2498)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.22

25. Freuler, R. (2098) - Mastrovasilis, A. (2498)


23... Re6 skewer, exploiting the pin 0-1

26. Bozanic, I. (2255) - Sutkovic, D. (2344)

TCh-CRO II Liga 2013 2013.04.05

26. Bozanic, I. (2255) - Sutkovic, D. (2344)


32... Be4 pin 0-1

27. Svoboda, V2. (2412) - Bartos, J. (2196)

Klatov Open A 2013 2013.06.30

27. Svoboda, V2. (2412) - Bartos, J. (2196)


29. Rc8+ skewer 1-0

28. Jurutka, Vladimir - Kazakov, K. (2307)

Czech Open G1 Rapid 2013 2013.07.17

28. Jurutka, Vladimir - Kazakov, K. (2307)


30... Ng3+ fork 0-1

29. Vasilev, M. (2473) - Mariano, E. (2162)

35th Georgi Tringov Open 2013.02.05

29. Vasilev, M. (2473) - Mariano, E. (2162)


33. Qf8# back rank mate 1-0

30. Wildi, M. (2254) - Buss, Ra (2402)

TCh-SUI 2013 2013.03.17

30. Wildi, M. (2254) - Buss, Ra (2402)


29. Nd2 fork 1-0

31. Ibarra Jerez, JC. (2538) - Haslinger, G. (2127)

38th Seville Open 2013.01.12

31. Ibarra Jerez, JC. (2538) - Haslinger, G. (2127)


13. Nxc7+ fork 1-0

32. Jarmula, L. (2164) - Popilski, G. (2518)

29th Open 2013.02.25

32. Jarmula, L. (2164) - Popilski, G. (2518)


38... Qg5+ double attack 0-1

33. Lindberg, Be (2432) - Zadruzny, N. (2257)

XLII Rilton Cup 2013.01.04

33. Lindberg, Be (2432) - Zadruzny, N. (2257)


28. Qc6# unfortunate mate 1-0

34. Gonzalez Diaz, D. (2309) - Willemze, T. (2415)

TCh-ESP CECLUB Div1Gp1 2013 2013.08.20

34. Gonzalez Diaz, D. (2309) - Willemze, T. (2415)


30... Nxe3+ fork 0-1

35. Ziegler, A. (2326) - Westerberg, J. (2404)

Svenska Cup 2013 2013.09.08

35. Ziegler, A. (2326) - Westerberg, J. (2404)


39... Ng4+ fork 0-1

36. Alonso Garcia, R. (2367) - Peralta, Fe

TCh-CAT Div Hon 2013 2013.04.13

36. Alonso Garcia, R. (2367) - Peralta, Fe


22... Nxf2 fork 0-1

37. Abasov, N. (2492) - Ranieri, F. (2246)

33rd Bratto Open 2013.08.21

37. Abasov, N. (2492) - Ranieri, F. (2246)


24. Ne4 fork, exploiting the pin 1-0

38. Cherednichenko, S. (2307) - Krush, I. (2460)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.27

38. Cherednichenko, S. (2307) - Krush, I. (2460)


36. Ra8+ back rank mate 1-0

39. Kilgus, G. (2400) - Handler, L. (2369)

TCh-AUT 2 Mitte 2012-13 2013.04.20

39. Kilgus, G. (2400) - Handler, L. (2369)


29. Rd8 discovered attack, threatening Qxc1 and Rxe8# 1-0

40. Blomqvist, E. (2483) - Schneider, Ve (2294)

4th Borloy Mem FSGM 2013 2013.07.14

40. Blomqvist, E. (2483) - Schneider, Ve (2294)


30. Rxd6 double attack, removing the defender 1-0

41. Ratkovic, Milov (2302) - Idani, P. (2480)

52nd World Juniors 2013.09.16

41. Ratkovic, Milov (2302) - Idani, P. (2480)


39... Ng3+ fork 0-1

42. Bofill Mas, A. (2353) - Corral Blanco, J. (2436)

TCh-ESP CECLUB Honor 2013 2013.09.12

42. Bofill Mas, A. (2353) - Corral Blanco, J. (2436)


24... Ne1+ fork 0-1

43. Bergstrom, R. (2286) - Stefanova, A. (2516)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.23

43. Bergstrom, R. (2286) - Stefanova, A. (2516)


37... Qh6+ double attack 0-1

44. Wei Yi (2551) - Fang, Yan (2281)

Chinese Teams 2013 2013.10.13

44. Wei Yi (2551) - Fang, Yan (2281)


25. Bc5 skewer 1-0

45. Radovanovic, D. (2401) - Arsovic, Z. (2433)

TCh-MNE Prem 2013 2013.06.28

45. Radovanovic, D. (2401) - Arsovic, Z. (2433)


27. Qxe6+ exploiting the pin, double attack 1-0

46. Antipov, M2. (2488) - Klenburg, M. (2371)

3rd Riga Tech Uni Op 2013.08.06

46. Antipov, M2. (2488) - Klenburg, M. (2371)


34. Rxd4 exploiting the pin 1-0

47. Nikolaidis, I. (2559) - Grigoriadis, A. (2302)

41st TCh-GRE 2013.07.02

47. Nikolaidis, I. (2559) - Grigoriadis, A. (2302)


32. Rxe6 exploiting the pin 1-0

48. Golovin, Leo (2455) - Mikhaletz, L. (2428)

Alushta Autumn 4 2013 2013.09.14

48. Golovin, Leo (2455) - Mikhaletz, L. (2428)


32... Nf3+ discovered check, fork, double check 0-1

49. Panelo, M. (2429) - Asis Gargatagli, H. (2456)

I Montcada Closed 2013.03.08

49. Panelo, M. (2429) - Asis Gargatagli, H. (2456)


24... Nxf2# unfortunate mate 0-1

50. Gabuzyan, H. (2532) - Tari, A. (2385)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.08

50. Gabuzyan, H. (2532) - Tari, A. (2385)


32. Qe5+ double attack 1-0

51. Gofshtein, L. (2460) - Vasiukov, E. (2461)

15th TCh-Eur Senior 2013.07.24

51. Gofshtein, L. (2460) - Vasiukov, E. (2461)


29. Bg5 pin 1-0

52. Fier, A. (2573) - Faibisovich, V. (2349)

Hilton Master Open 2013 2013.01.02

52. Fier, A. (2573) - Faibisovich, V. (2349)


27. Qh4+ skewer 1-0

53. Nasri, A. (2347) - Kotronias, V. (2579)

Baku Open 2013 2013.09.19

53. Nasri, A. (2347) - Kotronias, V. (2579)


24... Re3 exploiting the pin, rook fork wins the Knight 0-1
54. Daulyte, D. (2363) - Cornette, M. (2578)

12th Condom Open 2013.07.19

54. Daulyte, D. (2363) - Cornette, M. (2578)


33... Rxe4 exploiting the pin 0-1

55. Skatchkov, P. (2486) - Potapov, P. (2460)

FIDE World Blitz 2013 2013.06.09

55. Skatchkov, P. (2486) - Potapov, P. (2460)


14. Bg5 traps the queen 1-0

56. Martic, Z. (2312) - Stevic, H. (2637)

22nd TCh-CRO Cup 2013 2013.05.26

56. Martic, Z. (2312) - Stevic, H. (2637)


31... Rb8 back rank weakness! White can only stop the mate by giving up his Queen 0-1
57. Chigaev, M. (2454) - Artemiev, V. (2499)

Russian Juniors 2013 2013.04.17

57. Chigaev, M. (2454) - Artemiev, V. (2499)


25... Bh1 exploiting weak squares, White can only stop the mate on g2 by suffering heavy
material loss 0-1
58. Prathamesh, S. (2389) - Lalith, B. (2565)

Maharashtra Chess League 2013 2013.04.24

58. Prathamesh, S. (2389) - Lalith, B. (2565)


36... Rxb5 removing the defender, discovered attack 0-1

59. Lupulescu, C. (2634) - Ionescu, D. (2330)

TCh-ROU 2013 2013.09.04

59. Lupulescu, C. (2634) - Ionescu, D. (2330)


22. Nd4 traps the queen 1-0

60. Sanal, V. (2399) - Ipatov, Alexander (2569)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.06

60. Sanal, V. (2399) - Ipatov, Alexander (2569)


29... Rc2 pin 0-1

61. Rodriguez Vila, A. (2490) - Obregon, A. (2478)

2nd Oscar Panno GM 2013.05.15

61. Rodriguez Vila, A. (2490) - Obregon, A. (2478)


31... Qg3+ exploiting the pin, double attack 0-1

62. David, Alb (2574) - Borisenko, An (2401)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.08

62. David, Alb (2574) - Borisenko, An (2401)


25. Nxe7 fork 1-0

63. Lahno, Kateri (2550) - Bodnaruk, A. (2443)

14th TCh-RUS w 2013 2013.04.13

63. Lahno, Kateri (2550) - Bodnaruk, A. (2443)


25. Bxc6 exploiting the pin, double attack 1-0

64. Loskutov, O. (2383) - Maletin, P. (2611)

17th Petr Izmailov 2013.06.14

64. Loskutov, O. (2383) - Maletin, P. (2611)


24... Nd4+ fork, exploiting the pin 0-1

65. Cebalo, M. (2415) - Svetushkin, D. (2593)

Oscaro Open 2013 2013.10.19

65. Cebalo, M. (2415) - Svetushkin, D. (2593)


25. Rc8 traps the queen 1-0

66. Markus, Rob (2605) - Mihok, O. (2435)

TCh-HUN 2012-13 2013.01.27

66. Markus, Rob (2605) - Mihok, O. (2435)


34. Qc5# unfortunate diagonal mate 1-0

67. Pridorozhni, A. (2512) - Vasquez Schroeder, R. (2542)

FIDE World Blitz 2013 2013.06.10

67. Pridorozhni, A. (2512) - Vasquez Schroeder, R. (2542)


25... Bxf2+ discovered attack 0-1

68. Hammer, J. (2605) - Ostmoe, G. (2452)

TCh-NOR Club 2013 2013.09.29

68. Hammer, J. (2605) - Ostmoe, G. (2452)


34. Rc8 exploiting the pin, zwischenzug 1-0

69. Matlakov, M. (2682) - Grafl, F. (2379)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.20

69. Matlakov, M. (2682) - Grafl, F. (2379)


25. Rd1 traps the queen 1-0

70. Onischuk, V. (2581) - Pridorozhni, A. (2512)

17th Voronezh Master Open 2013.06.21

70. Onischuk, V. (2581) - Pridorozhni, A. (2512)


25. Nxd5+ discovered attack on the Black Queen 1-0

71. Meier, Geo (2655) - Anton, T. (2441)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.05

71. Meier, Geo (2655) - Anton, T. (2441)


41. Be6+ bishop fork 1-0

72. Tkachiev, V. (2649) - Cherniaev, A1. (2447)

FIDE World Blitz 2013 2013.06.09

72. Tkachiev, V. (2649) - Cherniaev, A1. (2447)


24. Bxd7+ removing the defender 1-0

73. Romanishin, O. (2499) - Graf, A. (2607)

Lichtenrader Herbst 2013 2013.10.04

73. Romanishin, O. (2499) - Graf, A. (2607)


39. Nf5+ fork 1-0

74. Gustafsson, J. (2621) - Horvath, Ad1 (2509)

13th BCC Open 2013 2013.04.20

74. Gustafsson, J. (2621) - Horvath, Ad1 (2509)


27. Rbc1 traps the queen 1-0

75. Timofeev, Arty (2621) - Jaracz, P. (2527)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.14

75. Timofeev, Arty (2621) - Jaracz, P. (2527)


28. Bxc5 skewer 1-0

76. Sveshnikov, E. (2521) - Fridman, D. (2667)

Paul Keres Mem 2013 2013.01.13

76. Sveshnikov, E. (2521) - Fridman, D. (2667)


21. Be3# pretty mate 1-0

77. Kovalenko, I. (2596) - Krasenkow, M. (2643)

3rd Ferdynand Dziedzica Mem 2013.03.03

77. Kovalenko, I. (2596) - Krasenkow, M. (2643)


29. Bh5 pin 1-0

78. Ponkratov, P. (2618) - Matlakov, M. (2682)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.10

78. Ponkratov, P. (2618) - Matlakov, M. (2682)


32... Rxg3+ exploiting the pin 0-1

79. Nakamura, Hi (2775) - Topalov, V. (2793)

Norway Supreme Masters Blitz 2013 2013.05.07

79. Nakamura, Hi (2775) - Topalov, V. (2793)


39. Ng5 discovered attack, and the g3 Bishop is lost 1-0

80. Altun, Ahmet - Erol, Enes

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.03

80. Altun, Ahmet - Erol, Enes


19. Qxf8+ Kxf8 20. Nxe6+ fork 1-0

81. Tuzel, Mahir - Butgul, Mehmet

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.03

81. Tuzel, Mahir - Butgul, Mehmet


36. Rxg7+ discovered attack with check 36... Kxg7 37. Qxc6 1-0
82. Rodriguez Pulido, Oliver - Fernandez Arce, Ekaitz

6th Montalvo Open 2013.03.31

82. Rodriguez Pulido, Oliver - Fernandez Arce, Ekaitz


17... Nxe3 removing the defender 18. fxe3 Rxa7 0-1

83. De Roeck, Wilfried - Pannecoucke, Marc

2nd Jan Van Leeuwen Memorial 2013.05.14

83. De Roeck, Wilfried - Pannecoucke, Marc


36. Rxc6 removing the defender of the a7 square 36... dxc6 37. a7 1-0
84. Atakanov, A. - Akmatov, Altay

ch-KGZ Men 2013 2013.05.12

84. Atakanov, A. - Akmatov, Altay


22. Rxg4 removing the defender 22... hxg4 23. Qh6 1-0
85. Mwindadi, Jumaa - Ganesh, R Iyer

Spicenet Tanzania Open 2013.06.16

85. Mwindadi, Jumaa - Ganesh, R Iyer


15... Nf5 16. Qxh7 Rh8 traps the Queen 0-1

86. Egilsson, Fridrik Orn - Laitamaa, Tore Johan Melker

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.20

86. Egilsson, Fridrik Orn - Laitamaa, Tore Johan Melker


27. Ne7+ Kb8 28. Qxd8# back rank mate 1-0

87. Marn, Jan (1384) - Urbanc, Ana (1442)

23rd ch-SLO 2013 2013.04.11

87. Marn, Jan (1384) - Urbanc, Ana (1442)


26... Qxf6 removing the defender 27. Rxf6 Ra1+ back rank mate 0-1
88. Sabirov, Timur - Dvoynishnikova, Galina

9th Ugra Governor's Cup B 2013.12.05

88. Sabirov, Timur - Dvoynishnikova, Galina


16. Bg6+ discovered attack 16... Kxg6 17. Qxd4 1-0

89. Subelj, Jan (1503) - Marn, Jan (1384)

23rd ch-SLO 2013 2013.04.10

89. Subelj, Jan (1503) - Marn, Jan (1384)


21. Qe4+ double attack 21... f5 22. Qxa8 1-0

90. Laborie, Claude - Kneib, B. (1475)

8th Angers Open 2013.05.05

90. Laborie, Claude - Kneib, B. (1475)


30... Qxd4 exploiting the pin 31. exd4 Rxe2 0-1

91. Narheim, Mats (1315) - Kristensen, Thomas Overgaard (1645)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.08.04

91. Narheim, Mats (1315) - Kristensen, Thomas Overgaard (1645)


29... Rxd3+ deflection, removing the defender of c1 Rook 30. Kxd3 Rxc1 0-1
92. Billot, D. (1731) - Kolica, Donika (1251)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.22

92. Billot, D. (1731) - Kolica, Donika (1251)


19. Rxf7 Rxf7 20. Re8# back rank mate, exploiting the pin 1-0
93. Bausano, Michael (1772) - Kordela, Monika (1299)

10th Orlova Open 2013.05.15

93. Bausano, Michael (1772) - Kordela, Monika (1299)


19. Nxh6+ discovered attack on the h5 Knight 19... gxh6 20. Qxh5 White will win the
h6 pawn with deadly attack 1-0
94. Abraham, L. (1821) - Karacsonyi, Kata (1288)

3rd Budapest Open 2013.08.25

94. Abraham, L. (1821) - Karacsonyi, Kata (1288)


17. Qxc6 deflection, back rank weakness 17... Qxc6 [17... Qa5 loses the a8 Rook] 18.
Rxd8+ 1-0
95. Frederiksen Kristian, Pade (1823) - Thybo, Jan (1303)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.28

95. Frederiksen Kristian, Pade (1823) - Thybo, Jan (1303)


19. Rxf8+ removing the defender of the c5 pawn 19... Kxf8 20. Bxc5+ skewer 1-0
96. Bennett, Rhys (1729) - Evans, James (1428)

10th South Wales Int 2013 2013.07.16

96. Bennett, Rhys (1729) - Evans, James (1428)


18. Nxc7+ discovered attack on the f7 Rook 18... Qxc7 19. Qxf7+ 1-0
97. Bacsi, A. (1845) - Szabo, Mik (1321)

FSFMB Sept 2013 2013.09.16

97. Bacsi, A. (1845) - Szabo, Mik (1321)


16. Bxc6 removing the defender of the e7 Bishop 16... bxc6 17. Rxe7 1-0
98. Gudmundsson, Bjorgvin S - Petersson, Baldur Teodor (1585)

Icelandic Open Championship 2013 2013.06.08

98. Gudmundsson, Bjorgvin S - Petersson, Baldur Teodor (1585)


25... Qxe7 back rank weakness 26. Qb8+ Qf8 0-1

99. Demir, Halil Ibrahim - Uygun, Yasin (1585)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.06

99. Demir, Halil Ibrahim - Uygun, Yasin (1585)


26. Rg8+ discovered check 26... Kxg8 27. Rg1+ pretty mate to follow 1-0
100. Salgado Cea, G. (1855) - Alfaro Garcia del Cerro, Juan L (1331)

36th San Sebastian Open 2013.03.25

100. Salgado Cea, G. (1855) - Alfaro Garcia del Cerro, Juan L (1331)


39. Re4+ Kf6 40. Nh7# unfortunate mate 1-0

101. Mendez, Juan Javier - Valencia Lopez, Daily Vanessa (1596)

3rd Ortega Rating 2013.06.09

101. Mendez, Juan Javier - Valencia Lopez, Daily Vanessa (1596)


12... Bxh2+ discovered attack wins the queen 13. Kxh2 Qxd4 0-1
102. Cruz Ramirez, Nauzet (1778) - Amador Garcia, Ismael (1418)

6th Montalvo Open 2013.03.27

102. Cruz Ramirez, Nauzet (1778) - Amador Garcia, Ismael (1418)


35... Rxc1+ defelection of the queen or rook 36. Rxc1 [36. Qxc1 Qxg2#] 36... Nf3+
fork, exploiting the pin 0-1
103. Serpetsidakis, Nikolaos (1610) - Brokalakis-Gounaris, Christos

9th Gazi 2013 2013.07.30

103. Serpetsidakis, Nikolaos (1610) - Brokalakis-Gounaris, Christos


23. Nxd5 fork, exploiting the pin 23... Qb8 24. Nxe7+ 1-0
104. Peksen, Emirhan - Eldemir, Goksu (1631)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.05

104. Peksen, Emirhan - Eldemir, Goksu (1631)


35... Rxc3 removing the defender of d2 square, pawn promotion tactic 36. bxc3 d2 0-1
105. Wasik, Joz (1828) - Richterova, Julie (1443)

Novy Bor Open A 2013 2013.02.12

105. Wasik, Joz (1828) - Richterova, Julie (1443)


32. Bxg6 discovered attack, threatening Rxa1 and Qh7-f7 mate 32... fxg6 33. Rxa1 1-0
106. Jarai, Csenge (1361) - Steer, J. (1918)

FSFMB August 2013 2013.08.03

106. Jarai, Csenge (1361) - Steer, J. (1918)


21... Nd3 exploiting the pin 22. Bxd3 Rxe1+ 0-1

107. Huse, Arne Kjelsbol - Suntharalingam, Jarani (1644)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.28

107. Huse, Arne Kjelsbol - Suntharalingam, Jarani (1644)


13... Bb4+ discovered attack wins the queen 14. c3 Qxd4 0-1
108. Hereus, Daniel (1553) - Huard, Herve (1760)

8th Angers Open 2013.05.05

108. Hereus, Daniel (1553) - Huard, Herve (1760)


31... Rc3 deflection 32. Qe2 Qxd4 0-1

109. Tuzi, Bruna (1643) - Lakinska, Simona (1675)

22nd Open ch-MKD 2013.07.21

109. Tuzi, Bruna (1643) - Lakinska, Simona (1675)


23. Bxh6+ discovered attack wins the Rook 23... Kxh6 24. Rxe1 1-0
110. Dogan, Sevval (1663) - Sari, Siir

IsBank TCh-TUR 2013 2013.06.30

110. Dogan, Sevval (1663) - Sari, Siir


16. Bxh6+ Kxh6 17. Nf7+ fork 1-0

111. Solari, P. (1703) - Tramutolo, Gustavo (1626)

Zonal 2.5 2013 2013.04.22

111. Solari, P. (1703) - Tramutolo, Gustavo (1626)


34. Nf5+ discovered attack wins the Rook 34... exf5 35. Qxh8 1-0
112. Musaeva, Shakhnazi (1521) - Alymbay, Kyzy Aizhan (1815)

ch-KGZ Women 2013 2013.05.02

112. Musaeva, Shakhnazi (1521) - Alymbay, Kyzy Aizhan (1815)


33. Qxd5 Qxd5 34. Ne7+ fork, wins back the Queen and extra piece 1-0
113. Kotsyba, Olexandra - Mesicek, Josef (1672)

9th Tabor Open 2013 2013.07.31

113. Kotsyba, Olexandra - Mesicek, Josef (1672)


15... Nxd4 removing the defender of the c3 Knight 16. Rxd4 Qxc3 0-1
114. Darnell, Anton (1743) - Hoac, Edvin (1603)

FSFMB August 2013 2013.08.13

114. Darnell, Anton (1743) - Hoac, Edvin (1603)


35. Nxb7 deflection 35... Qxb7 36. Qxf8+ 1-0

115. Valencia Lopez, Daily Vanessa (1596) - Figeroa Salcedo, Reinaldo Arturo (1754)

3rd Ortega Rating 2013.06.09

115. Valencia Lopez, Daily Vanessa (1596) - Figeroa Salcedo, Reinaldo Arturo (1754)


25. Rd8+ back rank deflection 25... Rxd8 26. Qxc3 1-0
116. Ulusal, Mehmet - Turkmenoglu, Mehmed Said (1676)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.03

116. Ulusal, Mehmet - Turkmenoglu, Mehmed Said (1676)


16... Rxe2+ deflection 17. Nxe2 Qxd5 0-1

117. Karatzanos, K. (1374) - Vazelakis, D. (1982)

2nd Ideon Andron Open 2013 2013.07.13

117. Karatzanos, K. (1374) - Vazelakis, D. (1982)


33... Rxe3 34. Qxe3 Bd4 pin 0-1

118. Valek, T. (1857) - Sustr, Dominik (1520)

9th Tabor Open 2013 2013.07.30

118. Valek, T. (1857) - Sustr, Dominik (1520)


24. Bd8+ discovered attack wins the Queen 24... Kxd8 25. Qxg6 1-0
119. Terubea, Ronald (1642) - Antoniazzi, Francesco (1735)

Oceania Open zt 2013 2013.05.09

119. Terubea, Ronald (1642) - Antoniazzi, Francesco (1735)


28. Rxa1 Bxe5 29. Ra8+ back rank weakness [29. Ra8+ Bb8 30. Rxb8+ wins] 1-0
120. Besso, Javier Alejandro (1783) - Cimer, Emmanuel (1593)

III Marcel Duchamp Boca Jun Op 2013.06.29

120. Besso, Javier Alejandro (1783) - Cimer, Emmanuel (1593)


34. Rxf6 removing the defender of the g8 Rook 34... Kd8 35. Qxg8+ 1-0
121. Gudmundsson, Bjorgvin S - Holm, Fridgeir K (1689)

Icelandic Open Championship 2013 2013.06.03

121. Gudmundsson, Bjorgvin S - Holm, Fridgeir K (1689)


15. Bh7+ Kh8 16. Ng6+ fork 1-0

122. Dittrich, Tom (1648) - Werner, Justus (1737)

12th Lichtenberger Sommer 2013.08.18

122. Dittrich, Tom (1648) - Werner, Justus (1737)


31... Rxe4 deflection of the queen away from the c3 square as well as exploiting the pin
32. Qxe4 [32. fxe4 Rxf2] 32... Qc3 forced mate on b2 0-1
123. Borekcioglu, Zeynep Dilara (1696) - Ilbay, Hakki

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.04

123. Borekcioglu, Zeynep Dilara (1696) - Ilbay, Hakki


25. Nxh4 Nxd5 26. Nxg6+ fork 1-0

124. Momchev, Momchil (1817) - Manov, Jordan (1611)

Grand Open Blagoevgrad 2013 2013.10.03

124. Momchev, Momchil (1817) - Manov, Jordan (1611)


27. Qf6+ exploiting weak squares 27... Qf7 28. Rh8# 1-0
125. Cil, Hasan (1717) - Uzuner, Mete

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.06

125. Cil, Hasan (1717) - Uzuner, Mete


33. Rxg6+ exposing the king 33... Rg7 34. Qxh7+ exploiting the pin 1-0
126. Jukes, Sam - De Brouwere, Johan (1727)

10th South Wales Int 2013 2013.07.18

126. Jukes, Sam - De Brouwere, Johan (1727)


16... Nf3+ discovered attack wins the queen 17. Nxf3 Qxd3 0-1
127. Christensen, Kristen Bjorn (1579) - Hamann, Brian Michael (1877)

HC Andersen Open 2013 2013.05.09

127. Christensen, Kristen Bjorn (1579) - Hamann, Brian Michael (1877)


28... Rg8 29. Bh4 still supporting the g3 pawn 29... Rxh4 exploiting the pin 0-1
128. Torres Acosta, Raul - Nakle, G. (1728)

Zonal 2.5 2013 2013.04.22

128. Torres Acosta, Raul - Nakle, G. (1728)


25... Rxd4 exploiting the pin, deflection 26. Qxd4 [26. exd4 Bxd2] 26... Qxg2# 0-1
129. Morkedal, Oyvind (1628) - Satre, Roger (1833)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.30

129. Morkedal, Oyvind (1628) - Satre, Roger (1833)


29... Qc2 deflection 30. Qxc2 Re1# 0-1

130. Melzer, Patrik (2105) - Orzechowski, Michal (1355)

10th Orlova Open 2013.05.13

130. Melzer, Patrik (2105) - Orzechowski, Michal (1355)


35. Rxb8 removing the defender of the d7 square, deflection 35... Rxb8 36. Ncd7+ 1-0
131. Sahin, Oz (1870) - Yilmaz, Serkan (1608)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.05

131. Sahin, Oz (1870) - Yilmaz, Serkan (1608)


36. Re8+ exploiting the pin, deflection 36... Qxe8 37. Qxg7# 1-0
132. Louhi, Tapio - Valkonen, Jouni (1740)

Avoin SM 2013 2013.07.05

132. Louhi, Tapio - Valkonen, Jouni (1740)


25. Rd8+ back rank deflection 25... Rxd8 26. Qxc6 1-0
133. Akyuz, Murat (1924) - Akyildiz, Alptug (1559)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.02

133. Akyuz, Murat (1924) - Akyildiz, Alptug (1559)


22. Rxe7+ removing the defender, exposing the king 22... Kxe7 23. Qe6# 1-0
134. Keskec, Yaser - Giris, Ruchan (1742)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.03

134. Keskec, Yaser - Giris, Ruchan (1742)


30... Qd2 double attack on g2 and a5 31. Qg3 Qxa5 0-1

135. Hanzlik, David (1820) - Maly, Jiri (1669)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.22

135. Hanzlik, David (1820) - Maly, Jiri (1669)


19. Bxf6 removing the defender 19... Bxb1 [19... Bxf6 20. Bxe4] 20. Bxe7 1-0
136. Durand, V. (2044) - Flachet, Jade (1450)

ch-FRA Junior 2013 2013.04.28

136. Durand, V. (2044) - Flachet, Jade (1450)


26. Bd6+ Kg8 27. Qh7# back rank mate 1-0

137. Svedberg, H. (2011) - Bremer, E. (1493)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.27

137. Svedberg, H. (2011) - Bremer, E. (1493)


21. Na2 exploiting the pin 21... d5 22. Bc3 1-0

138. Vukikomoala, Hilda (1426) - Guo, E. (2092)

Oceania zt w 2013 2013.05.07

138. Vukikomoala, Hilda (1426) - Guo, E. (2092)


17... Ng4 double attack 18. hxg4 Bxd4 bishop fork 0-1
139. Bobek, Daniel (1664) - Novotny, Tomas (1862)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.17

139. Bobek, Daniel (1664) - Novotny, Tomas (1862)


27. Rf7 deflection 27... Qxf7 28. Qh6# 1-0

140. Manov, Jordan (1611) - Slavov, V. (1919)

Grand Open Blagoevgrad 2013 2013.10.02

140. Manov, Jordan (1611) - Slavov, V. (1919)


35... Ne4+ discovered attack 36. Kc2 Rxg6 0-1

141. Sanchez Ramirez, Gustavo (1607) - Ramirez Medina, Victor (1930)

6th Montalvo Open 2013.03.29

141. Sanchez Ramirez, Gustavo (1607) - Ramirez Medina, Victor (1930)


33... Rxb4 deflection 34. Rxb4 Nd3+ fork 0-1

142. Grundman, Vaclav (1702) - Kocour, Z. (1842)

Open Hradec Kralove 2013 2013.05.19

142. Grundman, Vaclav (1702) - Kocour, Z. (1842)


34... Rxf4+ removing the defender 35. Kxf4 a4 0-1

143. De la Hoz Sanchez, R. (1969) - Julien Casteleiro, Ariel (1586)

6th Montalvo Open 2013.03.26

143. De la Hoz Sanchez, R. (1969) - Julien Casteleiro, Ariel (1586)


18. Rxa2 Bxa2 19. b4 discovered attack wins the a2 bishop 1-0
144. Abdi, Zineb Dina (1905) - Marzouk, A. (1651)

ch-Africa Women 2013 2013.05.19

144. Abdi, Zineb Dina (1905) - Marzouk, A. (1651)


21. Rxg7+ removing the defender 21... Nxg7 22. Qh6 forced mate 1-0
145. Urbanc, S. (1646) - Spacapan, Simon (1915)

23rd ch-SLO 2013 2013.04.07

145. Urbanc, S. (1646) - Spacapan, Simon (1915)


35. Qf5+ double attack 35... Kd8 36. Qxf7 1-0

146. Vit, Jakub - Vochozka, J. (1781)

Open Hradec Kralove 2013 2013.05.17

146. Vit, Jakub - Vochozka, J. (1781)


27... Qe2 double attack 28. Re3 Qxd2 0-1

147. Ozen, A. (1679) - Sengun, M. Anil (1891)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.03

147. Ozen, A. (1679) - Sengun, M. Anil (1891)


25. Nxg7+ deflection 25... Qxg7 26. Qc6+ double attack 1-0
148. Barbageorgopoulou, D. (1761) - Markidou, Christianna (1811)

41st TCh-GRE 2013.07.07

148. Barbageorgopoulou, D. (1761) - Markidou, Christianna (1811)


31... Ne2+ fork, deflection 32. Rxe2 Rxc1+ 0-1

149. Erke, M. (1794) - Ozen, Medeni

11th Kesan Open 2013.08.30

149. Erke, M. (1794) - Ozen, Medeni


30. Qxe6 fxe6 31. Bxe6+ discovered attack wins the queen 1-0
150. Bieg, Pascal (1859) - Napoli, F. (1732)

12th Lichtenberger Sommer 2013.08.24

150. Bieg, Pascal (1859) - Napoli, F. (1732)


28... Bxh2+ 29. Kxh2 Qf4+ double attack on c1 rook 0-1

151. Laveda Ayllon Jose, David (1757) - Tevar Sanz, G. (1836)

XXX Collado Villalba Open 2013 2013.08.27

151. Laveda Ayllon Jose, David (1757) - Tevar Sanz, G. (1836)


28. Rxd7 Qxd7 29. Qxe5 exploiting weak squares, threatening Qxb8 and Qg7 mate 1-0
152. Karatas, Kursat (1799) - Kazankaya, Umut Lacivert

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.04

152. Karatas, Kursat (1799) - Kazankaya, Umut Lacivert


25. Rxf6 removing the defender and creating a tactical opportunity 25... gxf6 26. Qg4+
double attack 1-0
153. Krasnikov, M. (1846) - Fokin, A. (1765)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.13

153. Krasnikov, M. (1846) - Fokin, A. (1765)


35. Qh3+ double attack 35... Kg7 36. Qxd7+ 1-0

154. Stoicescu, H. (1931) - Porumb, Alecu (1681)

ch-ROU 2013 2013.02.20

154. Stoicescu, H. (1931) - Porumb, Alecu (1681)


38. Rxf8+ deflection 38... Qxf8 39. Qxf6 1-0

155. Langmyhr, T. (1930) - Bue, G. (1683)

6th Sveins Memorial 2013.06.21

155. Langmyhr, T. (1930) - Bue, G. (1683)


19. Rxf2 Qxf2 20. Be3 traps the queen 1-0

156. Alagoz, Mahmut (1744) - Sahin, Oz (1870)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.05

156. Alagoz, Mahmut (1744) - Sahin, Oz (1870)


29. Rxf7+ double attack, deflection 29... Rxf7 [29... Kg8 30. Rg7+ mate in 2 ] 30. Qxc8
157. Krotiuk, Daria (1916) - Kurninov, A. (1707)

35th Nezhmetdinov Cup 2013.06.08

157. Krotiuk, Daria (1916) - Kurninov, A. (1707)


32. Rxc6 deflection 32... Rxe2 [32... Qxc6 33. Qxd2] 33. Rc8+ White will capture the
Rook 1-0
158. Nohr, F. (2093) - Kyrkjebo, Hanna B (1543)

Bronshoj Long Weekend 2013 2013.02.11

158. Nohr, F. (2093) - Kyrkjebo, Hanna B (1543)


23. Nh6+ gxh6 [23... Kh8 24. Ngxf7+ Black is forced to give away his queen for the f7
Knight] 24. Nxe6+ discovered attack wins the queen 1-0
159. Hojgaard, Brandur (1734) - Helin, M. (1910)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.27

159. Hojgaard, Brandur (1734) - Helin, M. (1910)


34... Rxh5+ deflection 35. Qxh5 Qg3# 0-1

160. Sehitogullari, Halil (1751) - Kayaman, M. (1908)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.04

160. Sehitogullari, Halil (1751) - Kayaman, M. (1908)


37. Rf8+ deflection 37... Qxf8 38. Qxh7# 1-0

161. Cevik, Muhammet - Aslanhan, H. (1833)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.02

161. Cevik, Muhammet - Aslanhan, H. (1833)


33... Qxh7 deflection 34. Qxh7 Rd1# back rank mate 0-1
162. Kanellopoulos, G. (2070) - Patsavoudis, Nikolaos (1602)

41st TCh-GRE 2013.07.02

162. Kanellopoulos, G. (2070) - Patsavoudis, Nikolaos (1602)


25. Qxd7 deflection 25... Qxd7 26. Rb8+ back rank mate 1-0
163. Diachina, Olga - Mikulencak, J. (1842)

13th IPCA World Championship 2013.06.23

163. Diachina, Olga - Mikulencak, J. (1842)


21... Nh3+ deflection 22. gxh3 Nf3+ 0-1

164. Ceylan, M. (1915) - Kiyagan, Erhan (1771)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.06

164. Ceylan, M. (1915) - Kiyagan, Erhan (1771)


30. Nxf7+ fork, discovered attack 30... Rxf7 31. Qxb8+ 1-0
165. Doner, Mustafa (1698) - Gurel, A. (1995)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.05

165. Doner, Mustafa (1698) - Gurel, A. (1995)


28... Qxb3 deflection 29. Rxb3 Ra1+ 0-1

166. Roland, Nicolas - Pecot, Matthias (1846)

8th Angers Open 2013.05.04

166. Roland, Nicolas - Pecot, Matthias (1846)


14... Bb3+ discovered attack 15. axb3 Qxe4 0-1

167. Kaluzny, Ma (1958) - Balka, L. (1735)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.19

167. Kaluzny, Ma (1958) - Balka, L. (1735)


18. Rxf5 Nxf5 [18... Rxe2 19. Rxf8#] 19. Qxe8 back rank weakness 1-0
168. Lykke, Hans-Christian - Nielsen, JeH (1847)

Faergen Cup 2013 2013.09.15

168. Lykke, Hans-Christian - Nielsen, JeH (1847)


14... Qh4 double attack 15. g3 Qxh6 0-1

169. Mitskevich, Yauheniya (1559) - Gazik, Viktor (2145)

Jastrzebskie Youth 2013 2013.08.25

169. Mitskevich, Yauheniya (1559) - Gazik, Viktor (2145)


20... Nxe4 discovered attack 21. Nxe4 [21. Bxe5 Nxd2 fork] 21... Qxd4+ 0-1
170. Cobo Mazorra, Alejandro (1685) - Gonzalez Intelangelo, G. (2022)

6th Montalvo Open 2013.03.27

170. Cobo Mazorra, Alejandro (1685) - Gonzalez Intelangelo, G. (2022)


32... Rxh7 deflection 33. Qxh7 Qf3 exploiting weak squares, forced mate 0-1
171. Spiller, P. (1987) - Tepuke, Price (1721)

Oceania Open zt 2013 2013.05.07

171. Spiller, P. (1987) - Tepuke, Price (1721)


21. Bxe4 deflection 21... Qxe4 22. Nd6+ fork 1-0

172. Jelinek, V. (1993) - Aleksandravicius, D. (1718)

9th Highlands Open 2013.09.23

172. Jelinek, V. (1993) - Aleksandravicius, D. (1718)


24. Qc4+ Rf7 25. e6 fork 1-0

173. Schroeter, Maik (1856) - Schrade, Ulrich

12th Lichtenberger Sommer 2013.08.25

173. Schroeter, Maik (1856) - Schrade, Ulrich


13. Nxf7 exposing the king 13... Kxf7 14. Qxe6# 1-0
174. Schulz, Gerhard (1691) - Gschwendtner, S. (2024)

2nd Arberopen 2013 2013.06.29

174. Schulz, Gerhard (1691) - Gschwendtner, S. (2024)


25. Rxf8+ removing the defender 25... Kxf8 26. Qd8+ double attack 1-0
175. Czajkowski, Ad (1933) - Lebiedowicz, B. (1781)

XXIV Jozefa Kochana Mem 2013.08.11

175. Czajkowski, Ad (1933) - Lebiedowicz, B. (1781)


29. Qb8+ back rank weakness 29... Kf7 [29... Qf8 30. Re8] 30. Qe8# 1-0
176. Trygstad, K. (2236) - Bravos, Panagiotis (1481)

5th Rethymno Open 2013.07.28

176. Trygstad, K. (2236) - Bravos, Panagiotis (1481)


22. Rb8 back rank weakness 22... Qa5 23. Qxa6 deflection [23. Qxa6 Qxa6 24. Rxd8+
will soon Queen] 1-0
177. Nardol, Fred (1844) - Grego, P. (1875)

2nd Martinique Open 2013.04.03

177. Nardol, Fred (1844) - Grego, P. (1875)


32. Rxh5+ discovered attack 32... gxh5 33. Qxd6 1-0

178. Koutsidis, Achilleas (1752) - Noutsos, S. (1966)

21st Honor to National Resistance 2013.09.02

178. Koutsidis, Achilleas (1752) - Noutsos, S. (1966)


35. Qa1 exploiting weak squares 35... f6 36. Qxf6 mate to follow 1-0
179. Tsiros, F. (1969) - Koutsidis, Achilleas (1752)

21st Honor to National Resistance 2013.08.29

179. Tsiros, F. (1969) - Koutsidis, Achilleas (1752)


37. Qd4+ Kh6 38. Rf6 rook fork 1-0

180. Stoll, Katja (1692) - Usleber, H. (2038)

17th Lienz Open 2013 2013.02.13

180. Stoll, Katja (1692) - Usleber, H. (2038)


24... Rxc1+ creating tactical opportunity 25. Kxc1 Qc6+ double attack 0-1
181. Kocur, M. (1866) - Tremblay, Mario

24th ch-NATO 2013 2013.08.14

181. Kocur, M. (1866) - Tremblay, Mario


20. d6+ discovered check 20... Kh7 21. dxc7 pawn fork 1-0
182. Wacior, Maciej (1797) - Tymrakiewicz, M. (1936)

XXIV Jozefa Kochana Mem 2013.08.13

182. Wacior, Maciej (1797) - Tymrakiewicz, M. (1936)


31. Qh7+ Kf8 32. Ne6+ fork, exploiting the pin 1-0
183. Pieprzyk, D. (1861) - Szmacinski, Slawomir (1871)

22nd Anderssen Mem Eliminacje 2013.06.29

183. Pieprzyk, D. (1861) - Szmacinski, Slawomir (1871)


26. Qxa4 exploiting the pin 26... Nxa4 27. Bxa7 1-0
184. Terubea, Ronald (1642) - Fancy, S. (2091)

Oceania Open zt 2013 2013.05.05

184. Terubea, Ronald (1642) - Fancy, S. (2091)


25... Bxc2+ removing the defender of the d4 pawn 26. Kxc2 Nxd4+ fork, exploiting the
pin 0-1
185. Rolvaag, B. (1988) - Bayhan, Erkan (1753)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.08.01

185. Rolvaag, B. (1988) - Bayhan, Erkan (1753)


22. Bxf7 sacrificing the piece to create a tactical opportunity 22... Qxf7 23. Rf4 pin 1-0
186. Aguila Hernandez, Eduardo (1871) - Gutierrez Mustelier, Nelyam

6th Montalvo Open 2013.03.25

186. Aguila Hernandez, Eduardo (1871) - Gutierrez Mustelier, Nelyam


16. Nxf7+ discovered attack 16... Kh7 17. Qxh6# 1-0

187. Norlander, Svante (1766) - Christensen, Ca (1977)

Xtracon GM 2013 2013.10.19

187. Norlander, Svante (1766) - Christensen, Ca (1977)


24... Bd4 deflection 25. Bxd4 [25. Rxc3 Qxc3 threatening Qe1 mate] 25... Rxc1+ 0-1
188. Webster, R. (1970) - Slade, Theodore (1775)

e2e4 Torquay Open 2013.02.09

188. Webster, R. (1970) - Slade, Theodore (1775)


25. Rxc8+ removing the defender of e6 pawn 25... Rxc8 26. Qxe6+ double attack 1-0
189. Newton, Andrew (1769) - Marks, I. (1981)

120th ch-SCO 2013 2013.07.06

189. Newton, Andrew (1769) - Marks, I. (1981)


17. d7+ discovered attack 17... Bxd7 18. Qxb8+ 1-0

190. Nikolic, Mila (1917) - Stojadinovic, T. (1836)

Nis Open 2013 2013.03.22

190. Nikolic, Mila (1917) - Stojadinovic, T. (1836)


39. Bh7+ deflection 39... Kxh7 40. Rxf8 1-0

191. Bayraktar, Armagan (1878) - Tezcan, Levent

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.02

191. Bayraktar, Armagan (1878) - Tezcan, Levent


24. Bc7 discovered attack, clears the way for the Rooks 24... Qxc7 25. Rxe8+ 1-0
192. Davila, M. (1879) - Torres Acosta, Raul

Zonal 2.5 2013 2013.04.21

192. Davila, M. (1879) - Torres Acosta, Raul


21. Bf7+ discovered attack 21... Kxf7 22. Qxc5 1-0

193. Brondum, Jan Kraul (1585) - Eriksson, C. (2173)

Admiral Niels Juel Cup 2013 2013.04.26

193. Brondum, Jan Kraul (1585) - Eriksson, C. (2173)


22... Qc6 double attack, threatening mate on g2 23. Qd2 Qxc5+ 0-1
194. Skorepa, Tomas (1739) - Kratochvil, Vit1 (2019)

9th Highlands Open 2013.09.21

194. Skorepa, Tomas (1739) - Kratochvil, Vit1 (2019)


36... Rxe4+ 37. Kxe4 Bf5+ skewer 0-1

195. Lokesh, P. (2198) - Lakshmi C (1567)

5th Chennai Open 2013 2013.01.20

195. Lokesh, P. (2198) - Lakshmi C (1567)


35. Rxg7 exposing the king 35... Rxg7 36. Qxh6+ 1-0
196. Tirado, J. (2032) - Cuevas Sanchez, Bramdon Daniel (1746)

IV JAHV McGregor 2013 2013.12.08

196. Tirado, J. (2032) - Cuevas Sanchez, Bramdon Daniel (1746)


28. Rc4 skewer 28... Qg5 29. Rxc8+ 1-0

197. Sivirin, V. (2049) - Kaldybayev, O. (1732)

Pavlodar Open 2013 2013.12.17

197. Sivirin, V. (2049) - Kaldybayev, O. (1732)


24. Nxh7 exposing the King 24... Kxh7 25. Rxg6 1-0
198. Karlsson, Ulf (1973) - Martinez Vestergard, Kristian (1809)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.30

198. Karlsson, Ulf (1973) - Martinez Vestergard, Kristian (1809)


32. Nf6+ deflection 32... gxf6 33. Qg8# 1-0

199. Parker, T. (1774) - Post, Mar (2014)

Gold Coast Open 2013 2013.06.24

199. Parker, T. (1774) - Post, Mar (2014)


32. Rc8+ back rank deflection 32... Rxc8 33. Qxb2 1-0
200. Van Eeghen, Piet (1786) - Van den Bergh, B. (2007)

BSG Pinkstertoernooi 2013 2013.05.19

200. Van Eeghen, Piet (1786) - Van den Bergh, B. (2007)


17... Rxe3 sacrificing himself to create a tactical opportunity 18. Qxe3 Bd4 pin 0-1
201. Zagorsek, David (1734) - Horvath, Re (2062)

20th Graz Open 2013 2013.08.30

201. Zagorsek, David (1734) - Horvath, Re (2062)


35. Rh7+ deflection 35... Qxh7 36. Qxg5# pretty diagonal mate 1-0
202. Chernov, Maksim (1962) - Khatenever, F. (1837)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.13

202. Chernov, Maksim (1962) - Khatenever, F. (1837)


37. Rxg6+ exploiting the pin 37... Kf8 38. Qd6+ [38. Qd6+ Qe7 39. Qxb8+] 1-0
203. Piotrowski, Pawel (1959) - Januszkiewicz, Wojciech (1841)

XXIV Jozefa Kochana Mem 2013.08.13

203. Piotrowski, Pawel (1959) - Januszkiewicz, Wojciech (1841)


37. Bh7+ discovered attack 37... Kxh7 38. Qxd4 1-0

204. Neagu, Mihai-Cosmin (2069) - Gillot, Florent (1731)

WYCC U16 Open 2013 2013.12.20

204. Neagu, Mihai-Cosmin (2069) - Gillot, Florent (1731)


34. Rxh6+ exploiting the pin, double attack 34... Kg8 35. Rxb6 1-0
205. Peleman, T. (2022) - Lenoir, Au (1782)

ch-BEL Open 2013 2013.07.14

205. Peleman, T. (2022) - Lenoir, Au (1782)


20. Rd7 Qxd7 21. Nxe5+ fork 1-0

206. Assaubayeva, Diana (1974) - Alboredo, Julia (1830)

WYCC U16 Girls 2013 2013.12.21

206. Assaubayeva, Diana (1974) - Alboredo, Julia (1830)


39. Bd4+ Bg7 40. Qa8+ back rank mate 1-0

207. Pachon, A. (2055) - Sosa Florez, Luis Felipe (1752)

IV JAHV McGregor 2013 2013.12.05

207. Pachon, A. (2055) - Sosa Florez, Luis Felipe (1752)


21. Bxh7+ deflection 21... Nxh7 22. Qxd7 1-0

208. Djoric, Krsta (1851) - Stojkovic, Zo (1962)

Nis Open 2013 2013.03.24

208. Djoric, Krsta (1851) - Stojkovic, Zo (1962)


29... Qxg3+ luring the King and creating a tactical opportunity 30. Kxg3 Nf5+ fork 0-1
209. Kastner, O. (2082) - Hruby, Va (1733)

Open Hradec Kralove 2013 2013.05.15

209. Kastner, O. (2082) - Hruby, Va (1733)


32. Ne5+ Ke6 33. Nc6 fork 1-0

210. Whatley, Stephen A J (1717) - Freuler, R. (2098)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.25

210. Whatley, Stephen A J (1717) - Freuler, R. (2098)


26... Bd3+ deflection 27. Kxd3 Rxb1 0-1

211. Yeap, E. (2137) - Ooi, Yen Hoe (1678)

5th Penang Open 2013 2013.12.09

211. Yeap, E. (2137) - Ooi, Yen Hoe (1678)


18. Nxg7 exposing the King 18... Bxg7 19. Bh6 pin 1-0
212. Rosenzweig, V. (2100) - Trojak, Benedikt (1719)

9th Tabor Open 2013 2013.07.28

212. Rosenzweig, V. (2100) - Trojak, Benedikt (1719)


20. Rxe7 Qxe7 21. Ne4 pin, wins material 1-0

213. Ferreruela Romero, J. (2022) - Saenz Zabala, J. (1797)

36th San Sebastian Open 2013.03.25

213. Ferreruela Romero, J. (2022) - Saenz Zabala, J. (1797)


31. Qxc7 creating a tactical opportunity 31... Qxc7 32. Ne6+ fork 1-0
214. Canbulan, A. (1828) - Kaban, E. (1994)

ch-TUR 2013 2013.02.05

214. Canbulan, A. (1828) - Kaban, E. (1994)


22. Rxe7+ deflection 22... Kxe7 23. Qxc6 1-0

215. Denon, N. (1738) - Ibanez, F. (2089)

III Marcel Duchamp Boca Jun Op 2013.06.26

215. Denon, N. (1738) - Ibanez, F. (2089)


27... Rxg3+ removing the defender and exposing the king 28. fxg3 Bc5# diagonal mate
216. Zdravkovic, DS. (1913) - Djordjevic, Luka

Nis Open 2013 2013.03.25

216. Zdravkovic, DS. (1913) - Djordjevic, Luka


14. Na4 fork 14... Qc7 15. Nxc5 1-0

217. Johansen, Arnt-Ole (1817) - Rodriguez Fonseca, J. (2009)

Reykjavik Open 2013 2013.02.25

217. Johansen, Arnt-Ole (1817) - Rodriguez Fonseca, J. (2009)


31... Bxh3 deflection 32. Bxh3 Rh2# 0-1

218. Sevillano Leal, J. (1807) - Fairbairn, S. (2021)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.24

218. Sevillano Leal, J. (1807) - Fairbairn, S. (2021)


29... Nxf4 30. Rxf4 Qxg3+ double attack 0-1

219. Korman, Roman (1898) - Kozak, Dmytro (1936)

Lviv March Rating 2013 2013.03.22

219. Korman, Roman (1898) - Kozak, Dmytro (1936)


34... Rxh3+ exposing the King 35. gxh3 Qe4+ 0-1

220. Markaki, S. (1691) - Xylogiannopoulos, A. (2146)

6th Paleochora Open 2013.07.20

220. Markaki, S. (1691) - Xylogiannopoulos, A. (2146)


34... Rg1+ 35. Kc2 Rc1+ skewer 0-1

221. Puccini, Jack (1819) - Webster, David (2017)

Australian Open 2013 2013.01.05

221. Puccini, Jack (1819) - Webster, David (2017)


37... Rxc2 deflection 38. Qxc2 Qxe1+ 0-1

222. Rubes, J. (2139) - Svoboda, Zde1 (1699)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.15

222. Rubes, J. (2139) - Svoboda, Zde1 (1699)


33. Rxg7 exposing the King 33... Rxg7 34. Bxf6 pin 1-0
223. Kesgin, Halit Kaan (1787) - Gokpinar, E. (2053)

12th Izmir Open 2013.09.04

223. Kesgin, Halit Kaan (1787) - Gokpinar, E. (2053)


34... Qxb3 creating tactical opportunity 35. Qxb3 Nd2+ fork 0-1
224. Mihajlov, Seb (2138) - Kyrkjebo, Eirik (1711)

Politiken Cup 2013 2013.07.27

224. Mihajlov, Seb (2138) - Kyrkjebo, Eirik (1711)


22. Qxg4+ Qxg4 23. Nf6+ fork 1-0

225. Nyvlt, O. (1995) - Neubauer, V. (1859)

11th Niki Open 2013 2013.07.01

225. Nyvlt, O. (1995) - Neubauer, V. (1859)


32. Rxc3 Rxc3 33. Bd4+ skewer 1-0

226. Cormican, John (1965) - O'Grady, Martin (1903)

ch-IRL 2013 2013.07.09

226. Cormican, John (1965) - O'Grady, Martin (1903)


28. Rb7 Qxb7 creating tactical opportunity 29. Qh7+ skewer 1-0
227. Asparuhov, P. (2104) - Spasova, Tsvetelina (1765)

Grand Open Blagoevgrad 2013 2013.10.01

227. Asparuhov, P. (2104) - Spasova, Tsvetelina (1765)


27. Qxb4 deflection 27... Rxb4 28. Bxa7 1-0

228. Marchadour, E. (2076) - Eugene, Floryan (1792)

28th Avoine Open 2013.07.26

228. Marchadour, E. (2076) - Eugene, Floryan (1792)


31... Rd1+ 32. Rf1 Bh2+ deflection 0-1

229. Wolff, Pe (1962) - Zahariev, Ognyan (1913)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.15

229. Wolff, Pe (1962) - Zahariev, Ognyan (1913)


31. Rxg6 removing the defender of the e5 pawn and deflecting the queen 31... Qxg6 32.
Bxe5+ bishop fork 1-0
230. Kjolberg, J. (2011) - Ostby, Martin Bergsjo (1872)

6th Sveins Memorial 2013.06.21

230. Kjolberg, J. (2011) - Ostby, Martin Bergsjo (1872)


27... Rxe3 creating tactical opportunity 28. Qxe3 Bc5 pin 0-1
231. Milanovic, Ma (1952) - Kiprijanov, Tosho

Karpos Open 2013 2013.03.14

231. Milanovic, Ma (1952) - Kiprijanov, Tosho


16. Be4 traps the queen 16... Rxc3 17. Bxh1 1-0
232. Bollenbach, Horst - Flick, Antoine (1954)

12th Lichtenberger Sommer 2013.08.17

232. Bollenbach, Horst - Flick, Antoine (1954)


32... Rxf4+ 33. Kxf4 Rf5+ skewer 0-1

233. Stanic, Mili - Gelo, I. (1954)

TCh-CRO II Liga 2013 2013.04.07

233. Stanic, Mili - Gelo, I. (1954)


37. Rxe7 Rxe7 [37... Qxc4 38. Rxe8#] 38. Rc8+ back rank weakness 1-0
234. Csapo, Z. (2080) - Csetneki, M. (1845)

FSFMA April 2013 2013.04.08

234. Csapo, Z. (2080) - Csetneki, M. (1845)


33. Qxh6+ exposing the king 33... Kxh6 34. Rh4# h-file mate 1-0
235. Alahakoon, I. (2064) - Prabajith, Asela (1863)

Asian Zonal 3.2 2013 2013.02.04

235. Alahakoon, I. (2064) - Prabajith, Asela (1863)


18. Bxe6 exposing the king 18... fxe6 19. Qxe6+ double attack wins the rook 1-0
236. Danielsson, D. (1895) - Stolberg Rohr, T. (2034)

Bronshoj Long Weekend 2013 2013.02.11

236. Danielsson, D. (1895) - Stolberg Rohr, T. (2034)


30... Qe1+ back rank weakness 31. Qf1 [31. Rxe1 Rxe1+ mates] 31... Qxh4 0-1
237. Bier, A. (1965) - Bazimon, Alex

29th Open 2013.02.27

237. Bier, A. (1965) - Bazimon, Alex


18. Rf3 rook lift 18... Qh5 [18... fxg5 19. Qxg6] 19. Rh3 pin 1-0
238. Yao, Lan (1966) - Liu, Yujia

Chinese Zonal w 2013 2013.10.31

238. Yao, Lan (1966) - Liu, Yujia


24. Rxd7+ creating tactical opportunity 24... Qxd7 25. Rf7 pin 1-0
239. Skafar, Darya (1828) - Belov, Nikita (2108)

Chigorin Memorial 2013.10.06

239. Skafar, Darya (1828) - Belov, Nikita (2108)


37... Ra1+ 38. Kf2 Bb6+ skewer 0-1

240. Reza, W. (2107) - Sokolowski, Ro (1836)

IX Lubuska Wiosna Op 2013.03.28

240. Reza, W. (2107) - Sokolowski, Ro (1836)


22. Rxc6+ exposing the king 22... bxc6 23. Ba6+ two Bishop mate 1-0
241. Fargac, M. (2148) - Klus, Maciej (1800)

Karvina Open 2013 2013.07.03

241. Fargac, M. (2148) - Klus, Maciej (1800)


29. Nxg6 exposing the king 29... Qxg6 30. Rxh5+ 1-0
242. Iordanidou, Z. (2122) - Aggeletos, Marios (1833)

2nd Ideon Andron Open 2013 2013.07.11

242. Iordanidou, Z. (2122) - Aggeletos, Marios (1833)


19. Bxg6 exposing the king 19... hxg6 20. Qxg6+ mate to follow 1-0
243. Breuer, A. (1884) - Hicker, H. (2072)

17th Lienz Open 2013 2013.02.10

243. Breuer, A. (1884) - Hicker, H. (2072)


22... Rxc3+ exposing the king 23. bxc3 Qa3# diagonal mate 0-1
244. Johnsen, Oystein (2038) - Micheel, P. (1926)

15th TCh-Eur Senior 2013.07.21

244. Johnsen, Oystein (2038) - Micheel, P. (1926)


32. Bxd5 Qxd5 [32... Nxd5 33. Qxf7+ mates] 33. Rxe7 back rank weakness [33. Rxe7
Qxf3 34. Rxe8#] 1-0
245. Federovski, Adi (1862) - Stoeri, L. (2103)

23rd EYCC Girls U18 2013 2013.10.01

245. Federovski, Adi (1862) - Stoeri, L. (2103)


36. Raf1 Re6 37. Rf5 traps the queen 1-0

246. Arztmann, W. (2193) - Gruber, O. (1792)

22nd Feffernitz Open 2013 2013.08.18

246. Arztmann, W. (2193) - Gruber, O. (1792)


12. Nf6+ exposing the King 12... gxf6 13. Qxh6 with mate on h7 unless Black gives up
his Queen with ...Qxd3 1-0
247. Kolos, Taras - Sanotsky, Yuriy (1993)

Lviv March Rating 2013 2013.03.22

247. Kolos, Taras - Sanotsky, Yuriy (1993)


31... Qxh3+ exposing the king 32. Kxh3 Rh6+ h-file mate 0-1
248. Sztokbant, B. (2181) - Benayon, Elismar da Silva (1808)

Zonal 2.4 Absoluto 2013 2013.04.27

248. Sztokbant, B. (2181) - Benayon, Elismar da Silva (1808)


17... Rae8 deflection 18. Qxe8 [18. Qd2 Bf3 mate to follow] 18... Bf3 exploiting weak
squares, and White cannot stop the mate on g2 0-1
249. Sandu, Mi (2222) - Cirlig, I. (1777)

ch-ROU w 2013 2013.02.20

249. Sandu, Mi (2222) - Cirlig, I. (1777)


21. Nd6+ exposing the King 21... exd6 22. Rc8# back rank mate 1-0
250. Stark, I. (2134) - Kapp, F. (1908)

12th Lichtenberger Sommer 2013.08.20

250. Stark, I. (2134) - Kapp, F. (1908)


27. Rxf6+ exposing the king 27... gxf6 28. Qxf6+ [28. Qxf6+ Kg8 29. Bxe7 Bxg6 30.
Qxg6#] 1-0
251. Dominguez Correa, Jesus (1926) - Cruz Portuondo, Manuel De Jesus (2120)

48th Capablanca Open II 2013 2013.04.25

251. Dominguez Correa, Jesus (1926) - Cruz Portuondo, Manuel De Jesus (2120)


36... Qc1 exploiting weak squares, white is helpless against the Qh6 threat 37. Nd3 [37.
Qxc6 Qh6+ 38. Kg2 Qh2#] 37... Qh6+ 0-1
252. Tran Tuan Minh (2310) - Ali, Rashid Ghanem (1741)

Asian Juniors 2013 2013.04.01

252. Tran Tuan Minh (2310) - Ali, Rashid Ghanem (1741)


39. Rxf7 exposing the king 39... Rxf7 40. Qxg6+ 1-0
253. Chukavin, Kirill (1884) - Kukk, S. (2184)

Paul Keres Mem FIDE 2013 2013.01.16

253. Chukavin, Kirill (1884) - Kukk, S. (2184)


25... Rxf4 exposing the king 26. gxf4 Qg2# 0-1

254. Dorfanis, I. (2164) - Vidalis, E. (1945)

2nd Paleros Open 2013.08.25

254. Dorfanis, I. (2164) - Vidalis, E. (1945)


26. Nd2 Qe2 27. Bd3 traps the queen 1-0

255. Delorme, Al (2296) - Dupont, A. (1837)

28th Avoine Open 2013.07.24

255. Delorme, Al (2296) - Dupont, A. (1837)


33. Nd7+ clearing the way 33... Rxd7 34. Qh8+ skewer 1-0
256. Campos Calvo Sotelo, Ju (1978) - Jaunooby, A. (2178)

11th Gibraltar Masters 2013.01.23

256. Campos Calvo Sotelo, Ju (1978) - Jaunooby, A. (2178)


36... R3xf4 clearing the way 37. exf4 Qf3 with mate on g2 0-1
257. Sand, R. (1949) - Tschann, S. (2224)

Hilton Master Open 2013 2013.01.02

257. Sand, R. (1949) - Tschann, S. (2224)


18... Bxe2 clearing the path of the Rook 19. Nxe2 Bxf2+ discovered attack 0-1
258. Mariano, N2. (2251) - San Diego, Marie Antoinette (1923)

PSC Cup 2013 2013.01.17

258. Mariano, N2. (2251) - San Diego, Marie Antoinette (1923)


30. Qxh7+ exposing the king 30... Kxh7 31. Rh3# rook lift leads to a beautiful h-file
mate 1-0
259. Kincs, I. (2184) - Marosi, Le (2035)

Hungarian National Open 2013 2013.05.23

259. Kincs, I. (2184) - Marosi, Le (2035)


26... Nd2 27. Nxd2 [27. Qxd2 loses to 27... Bxf3+ 28. Rxf3 Qxd2+] 27... Qg3#
unfortunate mate 0-1
260. Soot, M. (2116) - Tominga, Ago

47th Ilmar Raud Mem 2013.07.02

260. Soot, M. (2116) - Tominga, Ago


16. Bc4 clearing the way for the queen 16... Qxc4 17. Qd7# 1-0
261. Juracsik, J. (2141) - Schenkerik, C. (2111)

FSFMA February 2013 2013.02.03

261. Juracsik, J. (2141) - Schenkerik, C. (2111)


22. c4 clearing the way 22... bxc4 [22... Rg8 else Black has to give up the rook 23. cxb5
Qb6+ 24. Kh1 Bf8 25. Bxg8] 23. Bxg7# 1-0
262. Linnemann, Niklas (1948) - Andre, G. (2333)

22nd ZMDI Open 2013 2013.08.13

262. Linnemann, Niklas (1948) - Andre, G. (2333)


36... Qh4 deflection 37. Qxh4 f2+ Bishop mate 0-1

263. Kaps, D. (2235) - Cemhan, K. (2052)

14th ch-EUR Ind w 2013.07.24

263. Kaps, D. (2235) - Cemhan, K. (2052)


29. Rxf7 exposing the king 29... Kxf7 30. Bxe6# pretty bishop mate 1-0
264. Arvola, B. (2358) - Langmyhr, T. (1930)

6th Sveins Memorial 2013.06.21

264. Arvola, B. (2358) - Langmyhr, T. (1930)


24. Nc5 clearing the way 24... Qd5 [24... Qd6 25. Qxf5 exploiting the pin] 25. Qxd5
exploiting the pin 1-0
265. Patil, Pr2 (2238) - Vasantha Ruba, V. (2055)

43rd Nat Jun ch-IND U19 2013.07.15

265. Patil, Pr2 (2238) - Vasantha Ruba, V. (2055)


36. Qxf8+ back rank weakness, sacrifice 36... Kxf8 37. c8=Q+ 1-0
266. Romanko, M. (2349) - Ivanova, Karina (1976)

Moscow Open B 2013 2013.02.02

266. Romanko, M. (2349) - Ivanova, Karina (1976)


24. Bg8+ discovered check, clearing the way 24... Kxg8 25. Qh7# 1-0
267. Bittner, R. (2060) - Halvax, G. (2282)

TCh-AUT 2 Mitte 2012-13 2013.04.21

267. Bittner, R. (2060) - Halvax, G. (2282)


28... Rxd1 clearing the way 29. Rxd1 e5+ discovered check wins the queen 0-1
268. Liu Yang (2059) - Medina, W. (2286)

4th AIMAG Women 2013.07.01

268. Liu Yang (2059) - Medina, W. (2286)


28... Rd1 double pin! , back rank deflection 29. Rxd1 Qxe4# 0-1
269. James, Dav (2147) - Nelson, Jo (2221)

4NCL 2012-13 2013.01.13

269. James, Dav (2147) - Nelson, Jo (2221)


17... Bg4+ clearing the way 18. hxg4 Rf2# unfortunate mate 0-1
270. Smith, T. (2193) - Wuijts, Johan

HSC/De Legibus Open 2013 2013.06.30

270. Smith, T. (2193) - Wuijts, Johan


37. Ne7+ clearing the way, discovered attack 37... Kf8 38. Rxd8 1-0
271. Starcevs, Dmitrijs (2123) - Kalnins, K. (2280)

ch-LAT 2013 2013.04.14

271. Starcevs, Dmitrijs (2123) - Kalnins, K. (2280)


18. Rxe6+ exposing the king 18... fxe6 leads to quick mate after [18... Be7 19. Rxe7+]
19. Bh5+ nice bishop mate to follow 1-0
272. Valenta, P. (1963) - Stachowiak, K. (2474)

8th Teplice Open 2013 2013.06.15

272. Valenta, P. (1963) - Stachowiak, K. (2474)


25... Rxd3 sacrifice, removing the defender 26. Rxd3 Qxc1+ 0-1
273. Van Weersel, A. (2176) - Bensdorp, M. (2263)

ch-NED w 2013 2013.07.10

273. Van Weersel, A. (2176) - Bensdorp, M. (2263)


35... Qe4+ double attack 36. Re2 Qxb1+ 0-1

274. Van Hoolandt, P. (2211) - Zaibi, A. (2227)

Slama Mem Schev 2013 2013.09.22

274. Van Hoolandt, P. (2211) - Zaibi, A. (2227)


39... Qe2 exploiting weak squares 40. Nd1 Rf1# 0-1

275. Bozinovic, Bog (2182) - Ciganovic, N. (2283)

TCh-CRO 2a Liga 2013 2013.09.19

275. Bozinovic, Bog (2182) - Ciganovic, N. (2283)


32. Rxc3 bxc3 33. Bd4# pretty bishop mate 1-0

276. Sulava, N. (2481) - Colakic, T. (2000)

Zagreb Open A 2013 2013.02.25

276. Sulava, N. (2481) - Colakic, T. (2000)


31. Be5+ clearing the way 31... Nxe5 32. Qxb7# 1-0
277. Koop, S. (2049) - Kopylov, M. (2465)

LEM Schleswig-Holstein 2013 2013.03.24

277. Koop, S. (2049) - Kopylov, M. (2465)


36... Nxf3+ clearing the way, exposing the king 37. gxf3 Qh5+ h-file mate 0-1
278. Antoms, G. (2376) - Osis, R. (2143)

ch-LAT 2013 2013.04.16

278. Antoms, G. (2376) - Osis, R. (2143)


29. Ne8+ clearing the way 29... Bxe8 [29... Kh7 30. Nxc7] 30. exd6+ discovered
check wins the Queen! 1-0
279. Belkhodja, S. (2432) - Merza, M. (2120)

Dutch Open 2013 2013.07.23

279. Belkhodja, S. (2432) - Merza, M. (2120)


35. Rxd7 removing the defender, double attack 35... Rxd7 36. Rxb8 1-0
280. Kierzek, Ma (2236) - Ambartsumova, K. (2320)

35th Arco Open 2013 2013.10.18

280. Kierzek, Ma (2236) - Ambartsumova, K. (2320)


39... g5+ Zwischenzug [39... Kxc6?? 40. fxg7 and White gets a queen] 40. Kxg5 Kxc6
281. Ionescu, D. (2330) - Jovanovic, Alek SRB (2229)

6th ch-Cent SRB Int 2013 2013.07.12

281. Ionescu, D. (2330) - Jovanovic, Alek SRB (2229)


35. Rg3 back rank weakness 35... Kd8 36. Rg8# 1-0
282. Jancarik, J. (2242) - Netusil, M. (2323)

TCh-CZE Div1 Zapad 2012-13 2013.01.13

282. Jancarik, J. (2242) - Netusil, M. (2323)


22. Nxc6 clearing the way 22... Bxc6 23. Qxe6+ double attack 1-0
283. Hausner, I. (2387) - Jozefek, M. (2207)

V4 Liptov IM 2013 2013.06.23

283. Hausner, I. (2387) - Jozefek, M. (2207)


23. Nh5 exploiting weak squares, threatening Nf6 fork and Black will lose his Rook 23...
Kh8 24. Nf6 1-0
284. Markidis, K. (2369) - Stathopoulos, I. (2248)

22nd Kavala Open 2013 2013.08.08

284. Markidis, K. (2369) - Stathopoulos, I. (2248)


25... Qxf6 clearing the way 26. Bxf6 Rc1+ back rank weakness 0-1
285. Fougerit, V. (2209) - Riff, JN. (2458)

French Top 12 2013 2013.06.03

285. Fougerit, V. (2209) - Riff, JN. (2458)


39. Bg6 exploiting weak squares, mate threat 39... Re8 40. Qf7# 1-0
286. McClement, A. (2169) - Barnaure, V. (2503)

120th ch-SCO 2013 2013.07.14

286. McClement, A. (2169) - Barnaure, V. (2503)


35... Qxc1+ Zwischenzug 36. Bxc1 Rxa4 0-1

287. Nikcevic, N. (2452) - Stojanovic, Andj (2258)

29th Open 2013.02.24

287. Nikcevic, N. (2452) - Stojanovic, Andj (2258)


27. Rxc5 Nb3 28. Rg5+ Zwischenzug saves the a1 rook 1-0
288. Ftacnik, L. (2543) - Diogo, V. (2300)

TCh-POR Div1 Final 2013 2013.08.21

288. Ftacnik, L. (2543) - Diogo, V. (2300)


38. Rxg7 double attack 38... Qxf7 [38... Rxg7 39. Qxf8+] 39. Rxf7 1-0
289. Molina, Rob (2421) - Bachmann, Ax (2543)

XVII Mercosur Cup 2013 2013.09.24

289. Molina, Rob (2421) - Bachmann, Ax (2543)


39. Rf6 blocking the route 39... e2 40. g4# pawn mate 1-0
290. Mareco, S. (2557) - Janev, E. (2444)

7th Varna Open 2013 2013.06.21

290. Mareco, S. (2557) - Janev, E. (2444)


29... Rxe3 blocking the route 30. Nxe3 Qxg3+ [30... Qxg3+ 31. Ng2 (31. Kh1 d4+ )
31... Qxb3] 0-1
291. Cicak, S. (2579) - Blomqvist, E. (2448)

XLII Rilton Cup 2013.01.01

291. Cicak, S. (2579) - Blomqvist, E. (2448)


32... Be1 clearing the way, blocking the route 33. Rxe1 Rh3+ 0-1
292. Negi, P. (2634) - Cheng, Bi (2406)

DC International 2013.06.30
292. Negi, P. (2634) - Cheng, Bi (2406)


37. Qc2+ exploiting weak squares 37... Ng6 38. R8xg6 1-0
293. Bukavshin, I. (2539) - Panarin, M. (2555)

Petersburg Summer Blitz 2013 2013.08.28

293. Bukavshin, I. (2539) - Panarin, M. (2555)


37. Bxf7+ exploiting the pin 37... Rxf7 38. Rxd8+ 1-0
294. Brunello, S. (2580) - Eljanov, P. (2702)

14th Euro Indiv 2013 2013.05.06

294. Brunello, S. (2580) - Eljanov, P. (2702)


34... Rf2+ deflection 35. Kxf2 Qxd2+ 0-1

295. Andreikin, D. (2713) - Safarli, E. (2660)

FIDE World Blitz 2013 2013.06.10

295. Andreikin, D. (2713) - Safarli, E. (2660)


39. Ra6+ deflection, pawn promotion tactic 39... Kxa6 40. b8=Q 1-0
296. Tutisani, Noe (2029) - Odeev, H. (2408)

21st Troya Open 2013 2013.08.24

296. Tutisani, Noe (2029) - Odeev, H. (2408)


30... Rd1 exploiting the pin, back rank weakness 31. Qxd1 Qxe3+ 32. Rxe3 Rxd1+ 0-1
297. Wenner, T. (2147) - Stubberud, O. (2327)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.26

297. Wenner, T. (2147) - Stubberud, O. (2327)


32... Ng4 exploiting weak squares 33. Kf1 Qxh2 34. Ke1 Qxf2# 0-1
298. Raznikov, D. (2486) - Jakovenko, D. (2719)

29th ECC Open 2013 2013.10.22

298. Raznikov, D. (2486) - Jakovenko, D. (2719)


30... Rd1 31. Bd2 Ne2+ discovered attack on the queen. Though it is defended by the
Knight, it is pinned to the King [31... Rxe1+ 32. Bxe1 Ne2+ discovered attack is also
possible] 32. Kg2 Qxc2 [32... Qd5+ wins the bishop] 0-1
299. Tonkov, B. (2323) - Ninov, N. (2463)

63rd TCh-BUL GpA 2013 2013.09.20

299. Tonkov, B. (2323) - Ninov, N. (2463)


29... Rh5 rook lift proves handy 30. Rfe1 Qxh2+ 31. Kf1 Qh1+ 32. Ke2 Qxe4+ 0-1
300. Atanasov, Viktor Atanasov (1788) - Angelov, K. (2215)

Old Capital Open 2013 2013.05.01

300. Atanasov, Viktor Atanasov (1788) - Angelov, K. (2215)


37... Rxh2 exposing the king 38. Kxh2 Qf4+ [38... Rxf2+ also wins 39. Rxf2 Qxf2+ 40.
Kh1 Qh4+ 41. Kg2 Qxg4+ 42. Kf1 Qf4+] 39. Kg2 Qf3+ 40. Kg1 Qg3+ 41. Kh1 Rh8+
42. Nh3 Rxh3# 0-1
♚Final Thoughts

Thanks for reading this book. I sincerely hope you liked it as much as I liked preparing it.

Mastering Tactics is just one way to improve the game. Here are some additional
suggestions that have helped me improve my game:

• Play serious games - There is no substitute to this one. Even if you master
tactics, play openings like a GM, if you do not apply your knowledge in practical
games, there is no point. Play a serious tournament in your city. If there is none,
then play in a Team league on Chess playing websites online (playing for a team
makes you more serious than playing individually, online)

• Analyze your losses - As soon as the game is over and you get back home, jot
down your thoughts during the game and variations if you recollect. Then after
a good break, analyze those losses yourself taking as much time as you need to
calculate and ponder over what went wrong. Its fine if each game takes over an
hour or more. Only then fire up your engine and check the tactical or calculation
mistakes. If possible, show your game and analysis to another strong player or
your coach

• Solve Tactics daily - There is plenty of material and apps/websites!

• Memorize Chess games - This sounds crazy, but you will be surprised how this
helps you recollect strategic moves made by the masters and apply them in your
own game. After all, Ivanchuk said he remembers only hundred thousand
games! I gave this challenge to my 8 year old nephew. Initially, he thought I am
crazy, and said he will not even remember one game. I started him on a diet of
Fischer's 60 Memorable games. In a week's time, he was able to memorize 5
games! Some times the opening moves are a bit hazy, but he plays the rest of the
moves like, well Fischer himself!

• Master the endgame - This one is a key to crossing the 2000 rating barrier.

May your chess improve!

You may also like my other ebooks for Kindle:

Tactics in the Endgame - 300 tactical puzzles from real endgames

Awesome Tactics of Anand & Carlsen - 30 awesome tactical shots from Anand & Carlsen
Please also try my Android and iOS Chess apps, which will surely help you improve your

Android apps in the Play Store

iOS apps in the App Store

Finally, please consider adding a review of this book on Amazon. This will really encourage
me to improve and release more books!


If you would like a pdf of all the positions in this book to be used as training material for
self or for your pupils, please drop me a note and I would be glad to send it for free! (no
annotations, no commentary, only puzzles with multiple boards on a single page! Good for

Thank you!

Asim Pereira
♚About me

I am a Chess entrepreneur specializing in Chess apps and ebooks for handheld devices.

This is my 3rd ebook on Chess. 'Tactics in the Endgame' and 'Awesome Tactics of Anand &
Carlsen' are the other two.

I developed the official App of the World Championship Match between Anand and Carlsen!

I also have some well-appreciated Chess Apps on Android and iOS with more than 300K+
downloads. I count Vishy Anand and other GMs amongst the users of my apps!

When I am not developing Apps or writing Chess ebooks, I play on (handle:
mychessapps) or FICS (handle: asimpereira).

Asim Pereira

February 2014

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