Reservoir Test Example

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Test 2: Reservoir Engineering (SKPP3313) 2014

QUESTION 1 (45 marks)

The PVT data for a volumetric oil reservoir are shown in Figure 1. When the reservoir pressure
dropped from an initial pressure of 4400 psia to an average pressure of 3550 psia, a total of
600,000 STB of oil had been produced. The average porosity for the field is 25% and average
connate water is 20% . No appreciable amount of water was produced.

Figure 1: PVT data at 150degF

(a) Calculate the initial oil in place in STB

Pi = 4400 psia Boi = 1.57
Pb = 3550 psia Bo = 1.60

Np Bo − Boi 1.60 − 1.57

RF = = = = 0.01875
N Bo 1.60
Np 600000
N= = = 3.2 × 10 7 STB
RF 0.01875

(b) If 30 x 109 cu.ft of evolved gas remains in the reservoir at 2400 psia, calculate the
average gas saturation at that pressure.
Test 2: Reservoir Engineering (SKPP3313) 2014
At 2400 psia, z = 0.865

Vbφ (1 − S wi )
N= = 3.2 × 10 7 STB
NBoi 3.2 × 10 7 STB (1.57)
PV = = = 6.28 × 10 7
1 − S wi 1 − 0.20

Vg 30 × 10 9
Sg = = = 478%
PV 6.28 × 10 7

(c) Calculate the barrel of oil that would have been recovered at 2400 psia if all the
produced gas had been returned to the reservoir
Rp = 0

( Bt − Bti )
Np = N
Bt + (R p − Rsoi )Bg ]
From the graph; Rsoi = 1100 SCF/STB, Bti = 1.57
At 2400 psia; Bo = 1.48, Rso = 800, Z = 0.865

Z × T × Psc 0.865(460 + 150)(14.7) cu. ft bbl

Bg = = = 0.006215 = 0.001107
P × Tsc 2400(460 + 150) SCF SCF

Bt = Bo + ( Rsoi − Rs ) B g = 1.48 + (1100 − 800)(0.001107) = 1.812

N ( Bt − Bti ) (3.2 × 10 7 )(1.812 − 1.57)

Np = = = 13MMSTB
Bt + ( R p − Rsoi ) B g 1.812 + (0 − 1100)(0.001107)

Test 2: Reservoir Engineering (SKPP3313) 2014
QUESTION 2 (50 marks)

A gas cap reservoir has the following production data:

Np Rp Bo Rs Bg
(MMSTB) (SCF/STB) (bbl/STB) (SCF/STB) (bbl/SCF)
3330 0 0 1.2511 510 0.00087
3150 3.295 1050 1.2353 477 0.00092
3000 5.903 1060 1.2222 450 0.00096
2700 11.503 1235 1.2022 401 0.00107
2550 14.513 1265 1.1922 375 0.00113

a. Use the Havlena–Odeh approach to determine the initial oil in place and the initial size
of the gas cap.
P Np Rp Bo Rs Bg F Eo Eg Eg/Eo F/Eo
3330 1.2511 510 0.00087
3150 3.295 1050 1.2353 477 0.00092 5.81 0.01456 0.071902 4.94 399 398853413
3000 5.903 1060 1.2222 450 0.00096 10.67 0.02870 0.129424 4.51 372 371827296

2700 11.503 1235 1.2022 401 0.00107 24.09 0.06773 0.287609 4.25 356 355735328
2550 14.513 1265 1.1922 375 0.00113 31.90 0.09365 0.373892 3.99 341 340609959

Slope from the graph is 61.64 = Nm

Y intercept = 94.17 = N = 94.17 MMSTB
m = 61.64/94.17 = 0.65

Test 2: Reservoir Engineering (SKPP3313) 2014
G = mNBoi/Bgi = 0.65 x 94.17 x 106 x 1.2511/0.00087 = 88.6 MMMScf

b. Calculate the all relevant drive indexes at average reservoir pressure 3000 psia.

A = 10.7 x 106 STB

DDI = N(Bt – Bti)/A = 0.253
SDI = [Nm.Bti (Bg – Bgi)/Bgi]/A = 0.747

c. Which natural drive mechanism was the most significant contributor for the oil
production at averege reservoir pressure 3000 psia? SDI
d. How much oil production improvement can be achieved at 3000 psia if one third of the
cumulative produced gas was reinjected into the same reservoir?

RF =
(Bt − Bti )
N [B + (R
t p − Rsoi )Bg ]
Without reinjection, Rp = 1060 SCF/STB.
RF = 1.6%

With one third reinjection, Rp = 1060(2/3) = 707 SCF/STB

RF = 2.0%
Therefore, improvement of 0.4%

Test 2: Reservoir Engineering (SKPP3313) 2014
QUESTION 3 (5 marks)

Figure 2 shows the calculation

of fractional recovery with
and without the formation and
water compressibility terms.
Explain the different between
above bubble point and below
bubble point results.

Figure 2: Pressure versus fractional recovery

Answer: Above bubble point there is significant difference in the calculated result if we
include/exclude the water & rock compressibilities.

Above BP, the drive mechanisms is the expansion of oil, water and rock.

Below BP, gas coming out from the solution. Drive mechanism = free gas

Compressibility of the gas is much higher that compressibilities of water and

rock. Thus, Cw and Cf do not contribute significantly to the calculated RF.

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