Autobiograpy of A Mystic

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Autobiography of A







Dr. Ajay Kotwal

(Auto biography of a Mystic is a powerful spiritual classic here
are some extracts from the Autobiography of a Mystic)




I still remember, during my early childhood, I had visions of persons,
places and things, which had nothing to do with anything sensory or
physical. Initially, these experiences and visions would appear once
in a while, after some time they became a natural feature of my life.
These did not interfere with my physical life but enhanced its beauty
and wonder. Gradually, these experiences started to dominate and
dictate my physical life. My world in childhood was full of miraculous
experiences where the past, the present and the future would
intermingle…I would have a strong sense of Déjà vu, levitation,
teleportation, intuition and clairvoyance. I lived in very colorful,
visual and kaleidoscopic worlds.

With the passage of time, my experiences and visions of

persons, places and things became more bizarre, more magical and
more mystical. And this led me to the search for those people who
were having similar experiences. To my amazement, I couldn’t find
anybody who would understand my experiences. This was a huge
surprise for me because I had thought that, like everyone shared a
similar physical reality, they must be sharing a commonality of the
experiences in the non- physical realms as well, but this was not
true. Realizing that my experiences were not ordinary, I became
guarded and kept my understanding and experiences of my journeys
to the non-physical worlds to myself. I knew at that moment in time
I was a privileged recipient of some extraordinary knowledge. For,
whatever I desired and wished for, if I couldn’t fulfil it in the physical,
I would many times fulfil it in the non-physical. I was developing an
uncanny knack to satisfy and fulfil all my desires and wishes by going

into the non-physical realms of existence. But how and why would
this happen? I had no clue and neither was it comprehensible to all
those around me. Although I was unable to decode my own
experiences yet life both at the physical and the non-physical levels
was great and rocking.

Till one evening…when I met a holy monk, the Baba- a Fakir sadhu.

That evening, as usual after returning from school, I had bicycled to

catch some fish in the famous Dal Lake. I always used to fish from
the parapets of the lake on the Boulevard, a little ahead of Nehru
Park in front of the entrance gate of the famous Oberoi Palace hotel-
now Hotel Grand - in Srinagar, Kashmir. I had hardly adjusted my
fishing rod and was fixing the bait on hook when I saw a silhouette
of a holy man at a distance, coming my way. My eyes locked on this
moving image. With every majestic step that he took towards me; I
felt strange vibrations emanating from him hitting me in the core of
my heart. I could hear my heartbeat pounding loudly and rising, as if,
a drummer was raising the crescendo of his drums for the grand
finale. As he walked past me I realized that he was a very powerful
source of some mysterious alien bioelectric magnetic force. I looked
at his face. He was in ecstasy. I felt I knew him. He looked very
familiar. I wanted to meet him so I ran after him but he was nowhere
to be seen. He was here a second before. Where could he have
gone? I wondered. There was nowhere he could hide himself on this
empty road. He had simply vanished but had left behind some
exotic fragrance. I instinctively followed the trail of this lingering
fragrance and found him sitting on a bench on a jetty, hidden by a

huge Chinar tree, looking meditatively into the waters of the Dal
Lake, as if reading destiny in these ripples. I sat quietly, next to him.
He didn’t seem to notice my presence.

“Baba, I think I have seen you somewhere, your face is very familiar
and I am sure we have met somewhere”. I could hear my voice
saying softly. And I waited to be recognized.

“Of course, we have met earlier.” He smiled mischievously.

“Where exactly I don’t remember?” I asked.

“In some other worlds,” he said casually but emphatically.

And there was utter silence. In this stillness I realized he was

right. I recalled very vividly. I had seen him many times, during my

non- physical journeys. My heart skipped a beat. I could feel its

sliding rhythm, this time it was sinking, very fast.

We were interacting in silence, and then I heard a humming sound

emerging from deep within me; I felt tingling sensations running up
my spine. I noticed that our bodies were sitting in lotus postures -
yogic padma asana. And then we started levitating. Our bodies
started rising up in space soaring higher and higher like two gas
balloons. I saw both of us actually suspended in the space above the
lake. It appeared from above; as if, the entire Srinagar city was
emerging from the glittering, shimmering illuminated waters of the

lake. This happy valley with the rows of houseboats and shikaras was
singing and dancing with delight in this fading twilight. I was
enchanted by this panoramic view. Then suddenly as we soared
higher, I saw the Shankracharaya Temple on the top of the mountain
-below us. And then we started drifting, floating over the Mughal
gardens: Chasma Shahi, Nishat and Shalimar, Harwan garden and the
lake, then we crossed over the mountain where the Lord Shiva, once
revealed His famous teachings -Shiva Sutras- and then we hovered
over Amarnath cave for some time and then traveled beyond to
some celestial abodes where we met many ancient saints and
modern mystics and some very close disciples of the Baba. Here,
they welcomed us very warmly; he blessed them, it was obvious to
me that they were very much in awe of him. His disciples were
adept in playing strange non-physical games: flying from one place
to another and playing astral hide and seek, reading with eyes
blindfolded, listening with ears plugged, talking in silence. After
meeting them I felt comfortable and relaxed as if I had met my long
lost family.

And then, in a flash, the Baba and I were back on the jetty.

I was a bit confused, and the Baba…he was amused and I became
more confused when he suddenly got up and without a word simply
walked away. I too got up instinctively and ran after him. Again he
was nowhere to be seen. He was here a second before. Where could
he have gone? I wondered. There was nowhere he could hide
himself on this empty road. He had simply vanished. I tried to snif
his presence. This time he had left no trail for me to follow. I was
helplessly wonderstruck. Who was he? And why was he here?
Nothing seemed clear.

I came back home convinced that this meeting with the Baba too
must have been another of my non-physical meetings or ‘a day
dream’ as my friends would prefer to call it and I sat down to
complete my home assignment which I had to submit the next
morning to my English teacher, Father Pharrow.

It was years after; I was in Dashnami Akhada, a holy temple in the

heart of Srinagar. I was the unofficial English interpreter both for the
Himalayan saints and the foreigners who would congregate there for
a few days, before their onward annual pilgrimage to The
Amarnatha cave – considered by many devotees as one of Lord
Shiva’s holiest terrestrial abode.

The evening prayers were going on…the entire ambience was

fragrant with the perfume of incenses but the exotic whif of the
Baba’s presence was also distinctly there. I knew he was somewhere
near. I started sniffing for him. It didn’t take me much time to spot
him. This time I got hold of him-physically.

“Baba, this time I will not let you go,” I said resolutely.

“This time I will not let you go,” he replied purposefully. “I have
been sent by my Guruji-The Master to invite you. He wants to meet

“Why does he want to meet me?” I asked curiously.

“Guruji wants to tell you of your spiritual mission in this life and he
also wants you to help people to go beyond their physical bodies
and non-physical dimensions of life. And he may remind you of the
esoteric secrets, which you may like to learn, of how to fulfil all
desires and wishes instantly through the non-physical ways of life,
for once you have mastered these, only then can you reach that
which is beyond,” he said.

More than knowing about my mission in life and helping people

evolve, the prospect of learning the instant wish fulfillment
techniques was extremely tempting and if there was any bait that I
could have found irresistible, this was it. The Baba had baited me
perfectly. I swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker. Without
wasting any time, I asked promptly:

“Where can I meet him? Can I meet him now, is he here?”

“He is everywhere all the time,” smiled the Baba. “And your time to
meet him is Now!” I knew he had landed me.

In an instant we were transferred to a celestial cave somewhere and

further down on a raised platform was his Master immersed in a
deep trance, his hair matted, his body ash-smeared, enveloped in a
halo of soft white light. The Baba courteously bowed and whispered
towards his Master, “Guru Ji, Ajay is here.”

And as I looked on, I saw the eyes of the Master opening very gently
and leisurely; his diamond gaze glistened with an outlandish
luminosity. He looked vacantly in the space for some time and then
slowly looked towards me. And as I met his gaze, eye-to-eye…I felt
his towering, overpowering and blisstoxicating presence engulfing,
energizing and invigorating my entire Being.

This was the beginning of my interactions with the Master of the


Over the years, the Master taught us various complex advanced

meditations and intricate wish fulfillment techniques. I practiced
these systems with the Baba and many other great ancient and
modern spiritual scientists of cosmic consciousness, we enjoyed
researching and teaching together. Out of these interactions and
experiences, we evolved new simple meditation systems, which we
tested on some our chosen male and female disciples who later
became spiritual gurus in celestial and terrestrial worlds, with huge
fan followings. We always enjoyed their success and popularity.

The Master also taught me various methods of non-physical flights,

mapping of these journeys and do’s and don’ts of travels in the non-
physical and physical worlds. The Baba and his Master loved to
accompany me during my non-physical flights. I realized that our
physical body is like an airport from where all the non-physical

bodies land and take of to diferent destinations in the cosmic
consciousness -all the time.

Gradually, The Master and I became very good friends.

One day as we returned from a cosmic flight the Master told me,
“Ajay, from now on, you are on your own.” I was thrilled, grateful
and overwhelmed, for it meant, that now onwards I could fly
anywhere and anytime with any one, in the physical and the non-
physical worlds without seeking any one’s permission, I had earned
my wings to freedom.

This was indeed exhilarating. I capitalized on this newly won

autonomy. I traveled wherever I wanted with whomever I desired
and at times also took the Baba and his Master for cosmic rides; I
was having a ball. I felt nothing could be better in my life. I couldn’t
be luckier. I thought.
It was not long before I realized that I was wrong.
One evening, when the Baba, his Master and I were meditating
together in the open night sky, suddenly I heard thunderous sounds
accompanied with bright beams of light flashing all-around us as if,
hundreds of huge aircrafts were landing and taking of one after
another flashing their lights at night, from multi-runways of some
very busy International airport. I opened my eyes and saw
everywhere flashes of lightening, booms, and thunder. Suddenly I
saw three luminous streaks of white light in the night sky shrieking
towards us and as they hit us right in the centre of our eyebrows I
heard a thunderous roar, I started shivering with fright, the next
moment it suddenly became very still and quiet and we three were
launched on a cosmic flight. And as we started soaring and

transcending the realms of physicality and non-physicality, I saw,
projected in the space in front of me, first the physical and then the
non-physical bodies of the Baba, his Master, and mine- floating,
space walking, dancing, and then spinning slowly and then whirling
very fast and then splitting into red, blue and green colors that
streaked across the sky like the colour trails left by the jets during an
air show, then these colours started fading gently and then
evaporated into ethereal misty white light that slowly and softly
dissolved and merged in the sky of my Consciousness. And then,
there was only silence, luminosity and bliss. And I kept watching all

And then the space within me started vibrating gently and then
fast…and out of these vibrations started emerging smokes of
ethereal mist which crystallized into the white light that started to
break into colors…now I could clearly see the green, the blue and
the red hues emerging…. now each band of color started whirling
fast and then gradually spinning slowly, I could see the bands of light
coming together and being woven by some invisible intelligence… as
the shapes became clear…three forms appeared …and I saw the
Baba and his Master, and I … in deep trance meditating together in
the open night sky. And then, there was only silence, luminosity and
bliss. . And I kept watching all this….

All this happened in my presence. What was going on? I would

wonder at times why the Baba and his Master allowed me to be a
witness to their dissolution in my Consciousness.

When I first met the Baba and his Master, at that moment of time, I
had no clue to the literatures on astral travels, non-physical bodies,
spirit worlds and Spiritual Enlightenment. It was much later in my
life that I discovered that Spiritual Enlightenment, instant fulfillment
of all desires and wishes and journeys with non-physical bodies was
a well-established tradition amongst the great spiritual scientists of
the east and the west.

It was much later I realized that the Baba and his Master had to
dissolve themselves in my consciousness so that I could evolve…
by dissolving in me; they not only empowered me to outgrow the
influence of their overpowering and hypnotic personalities but also
helped me to realize that:
Great teachers always dissolve themselves so that others too can
evolve. For even the great teachers, however powerful, attractive and
wise, can become an obstacle if they do not allow others to transcend
them. The great gurus themselves show the way to transcend your
attraction and gratefulness to them.
My transcendence gave me an insight into the reality, not only
mine, but also, of all others including spiritual teachers like the Baba
and his powerful Master.

It was much later in my life that I came to know that the Fakir-
sadhu, whom I fondly and instinctively called the Baba, who
introduced me who used to visit me in my early childhood during my
non-physical journeys, whom I first met, physically as a school boy,
while fishing in the Dal Lake. This Baba was popularly known by the
Himalayan saints and mystics as The Maha Avtara Baba-The

Deathless Guru- and was in reality also the Guru of many ascended
masters and also of Lahari Mahashya.

Till this day, I have been keeping most of these experiences and
teachings to myself. Some of them I have shared only with my very
close associates. But now I’m convinced that the time has come for
me to share my knowledge, insight and understanding of Spirituality,
Non-physicality and The Reality with all those who may be in
spiritual quest, like I was, once.
I am now convinced that the destiny of the human Being is to attain
Spiritual Enlightenment in this human physical birth and to know
your real Self not as a human but as the Being. This Self-
realization is Moksha- Mukti- Nirvana- Spiritual Enlightenment;
This is the only purpose of a human life. And if there appears any
other purpose, however rational or irrational, sensible or insensible,
attractive or unattractive, it is deviation from the only purpose and a

Now I am convinced, that in actuality there are no worlds, no

humans, no persons, no Bodies, no Minds, no Souls, no Babas, no
Masters, no you and no I. Now I have I realized the reality of
Existence is only Being Consciousness Bliss in which all these
appear and disappear. I realized that all that is seen -however
fascinating and awesome – and whatever appears and disappears
before our physical and the non-physical senses is always concealing
the essence of our Cosmic Blissful Existence.
Although I am convinced that playing with physical and non-
physical bodies or fulfilling your worldly desires with wish
fulfilment techniques is not the purpose of a human life yet at the
same time I am also convinced that unless and until you have

functional knowledge of your non-physical bodies and wish
fulfillment techniques, and till you totally fulfil all your worldly
desires you will never…ever… be able to fulfil the only purpose of a
human life.

I am hopeful my realizations will not only assist you to reconsider

and review the role of your physical and the non-physical bodies but
also facilitate some of you to contemplate, reflect realize your own
Self beyond all bodies as The Bodiless One- The Being- always
Deathless, always Blisstoxicated, always Self-luminous, always
Cosmic, always Consciousness, always Pristine. For this, you
always are!

Having realized all this now, I still enjoy more than ever, my non-
physical adventures and travels in the physical and the non-physical
worlds. Though I have stopped fishing physically but occasionally, I
still fish, spiritually. I still go wherever I want to and whenever I
want to and with whom ever I want to. I still enjoy playing physical
and non-physical games; and sometimes, I still take Maha Avtara
Baba and his Master along- for a ride!

(An extract from An Autobiography of A Mystic and unpublished

journals of Dr. Ajay Kotwal.)

Himalayangurus University of Life




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