De Sitter Group and Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian

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PHYSICAL REVIEW D 70, 124024 (2004)

de Sitter group and Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian

Prasanta Mahato*
Department of Mathematics, Narasinha Dutt College, Howrah, West Bengal, India 711 101
(Received 3 March 2004; published 20 December 2004)
Axial-vector torsion in the Einstein-Cartan space U4 is considered here. By picking a particular term
from the SO4; 1 Pontryagin density and then modifying it in a SO3; 1 invariant way, we get a
Lagrangian density with Lagrange multipliers. Then considering torsion and torsionless connection as
independent fields, it has been found that  and  of Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian, appear as integration
constants in such a way that  has been found to be linked with the topological Nieh-Yan density of U4

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.70.124024 PACS numbers: 04.20.Cv, 04.20.Fy

Today, gauge theory provides the theoretical base of all

modern unification attempts in particle physics. In field
In Riemannian manifold if metric and affine connec- theory gauge potentials become a standard tool for
tion are treated as two independent entities then the local describing interactions with very different symmetries.
geometry is endowed with two independent tensors— And apparently the single gap in the modern gauge pic-
curvature and torsion. Einstein considered only curvature ture still remains: gauging the external or space-time
to be enough for the most economical and successful symmetries of field and particles, that includes the gauge
theory of space-time. Cartan on the other hand considered gravity also.
Einstein’s view as a special case [1]. In the recent back- Kibble [10] and Sciama [11] pointed out that the
ground of abstract geometrical framework for a consistent Poincaré group, which is the semidirect product of trans-
quantum theory of gravity the concept of torsion can be lation and Lorentz rotation, is the underlying gauge group
easily welcomed. of gravity and found the so-called Einstein-Cartan theory
It is a natural belief that constants of nature have where mass-energy of matter is related to the curva-
topological origin. In the well-known Einstein-Hilbert ture and spin of matter is related to the torsion of space-
Lagrangian of gravity there are two constants—the time.
gravitational constant and the cosmological constant. Apart from being the most studied group [12], the
These constants are ad hoc in nature to justify classical Poincaré group has some remarkable properties [13]:
gravitation. Moreover the constancy of the fundamental (i) it is the basic local group of physics; (ii) it classifies
constants and, in particular, that of the gravitational the elementary particles, giving them both spin and
constant has been questioned for a long time [2] and it momentum; (iii) it has a very clear relationship with
led the early attempts to unify gravity with electromag- space-time. One major drawback of Poincaré group is
netism [3,4]. Modern theories, like the string theory, link that it is a non-semisimple group which implies that there
fundamental constants with some extra dimensions and is no Lagrangian yielding its Yang-Mills equations [14].
also predict variableness of these constants [5]. Recent There exists a general procedure [15] to check whether or
cosmological data [6] and its analysis [7] indicates a not a set of field equations leads to a coherent theory, i.e., a
possible variation of the gravitational constant as it has theory that can be quantized. If we apply it to Yang-Mills
been found that the peak luminosities of distant super- equations for non-semisimple groups, we find that they
novae appear to be fainter than predicted by standard big are never consistent. Here we see that though the Poincaré
bang cosmology. So it demands that in a generalized group is the classical group for relativistic kinematics it
theory of gravity, like Scalar-Tensor theory, one should cannot be given a quantum version. Now by minimal
treat Newton’s constant G in a different manner. addition of extra terms this inconsistent theory can be
It is well-known [8] that torsion and curvature of any transformed to a good theory and we find a Lagrangian of
manifold are related to translation and rotation, respec- a gauge theory for a semisimple group, the de Sitter
tively. In particular torsion is more precisely related to group, where vierbeins have been connected to the de
broken translation gauge fields within the framework of Sitter boost parameters [16]. In this way, the de Sitter
nonlinear realization of the local space-time group [9]. So gauge theory comes up as the corrected Poincaré gauge
to exploit both the symmetries of translation and rotation theory. Alternatively, there are other approaches where de
any gravitational Lagrangian must contain torsion to- Sitter group based Yang-Mills theories are shown to be
gether with curvature. producing either Ashtekar formulation of gravity [17] or
Einstein-Cartan version of general relativity [18]. One
*Email address: can also derive standard Einstein-Hilbert gravity from

1550-7998= 2004=70(12)=124024(6)$22.50 124024-1  2004 The American Physical Society

de Sitter gauge theory by choosing a particular Euler type where    ea , D is the torsion-free exterior derivative,
four form as Lagrangian density [19]. A is the axial-vector part of the torsion one form and is
From geometrical point of view there is an important the Hodge duality operator. Therefore, considering the
connection between the de Sitter group and the Poincaré source in the matter Lagrangian, we can simply assume
group. It is a well-known fact that the Poincaré group can that the torsion is given by an axial-vector only.
be obtained from the de Sitter group by an appropriate In presence of axial-vector torsion, one naturally gets
Inönü-Wigner contraction[20,21]. Here the contraction is the Nieh-Yan density from (4)
achieved when the de Sitter pseudoradius R ! 1. By
this contraction the curvature of the de Sitter space R ! 0 N  Rab ^ ea ^ eb   N; (6)
where R / R2 . We know that the de Sitter space is a
solution of Einstein’s equation for an empty space with 1
w here  :  ea ^ eb ^ ec ^ ed (7)
cosmological constant   R=4. Hence by the Inönü- 24 abcd
Wigner contraction, the de Sitter space reduces to is the invariant volume element. It follows that N, the
Minkowski space which is a sourceless solution of Hodge dual of N, is a scalar density of dimension
Einstein’s equation with a vanishing cosmological con- length2 .
stant. Instead of taking R ! 1 if we take R ! 0 then It has been shown in an earlier paper [28], when a
we find that the de Sitter group reduces to the ‘‘confor- ‘‘direction vector’’ (vortex line) is attached with a
mal’’ Poincaré group where the Poincaré translation is space-time point x# , this eventually leads to the
replaced by the special conformal transformation and the SL2; C gauge theory of gravitation including torsion.
de Sitter space reduces to a cone-space whose geometry is The space-time manifold now corresponds to the de Sitter
gravitationally related to an infinite cosmological con- space M4;1 . In this framework SO4; 1 Pontryagin den-
stant [22]. sity can be written as [23,29]
Recently a gravitational Lagrangian has been been
proposed [23] where a Lorentz invariant part of the de 2
RA B ^ RB A  Ra b ^ Rb a  N
Sitter Pontryagin density has been treated as the Einstein- l2
Hilbert Lagrangian. In this paper we shall try to establish 1 2
the constancy of this gravitational constant under the  R~a b ^ R~b a  RN  2 N; (8)
3 l
back ground where the cosmological constant is the
only source of gravitation. 1
w here R~ab : Rab  Nab ; (9)
ab :  ec ^ ed ; (10)
Cartan’s structural equations for a Riemann-Cartan 2! abcd
space-time U4 are given by [24]
1 ~ab
T a  dea  !a b ^ eb (1) s uch that R  R~  R ^ ab ; (11)

Ra b  d!a b  !a c ^ !c b ; (2) 1
a nd R~ab ^ ea ^ eb  Rab  Nab  ^ ea ^ eb  0;
here !a b and ea represent the spin connection and the 12
local frames, respectively. (12)
In U4 there exists two invariant closed four forms. One l is a fundamental length constant and A; B  0; 1; . . . ; 4:
is the well-known Pontryagin [25] density P and the other Usually, when Lorentz group is embedded into the de
is the less known Nieh-Yan(NY) [26] density N given by Sitter group, l is called the radius of the universe and is
P  Ra b ^ Rb a ; (3) related to the cosmological constant [29]. The above
decomposition (8) and (9) is always possible in U4 pro-
vided, the divergence four form of the axial-vector tor-
N  dea ^ T a   T a ^ Ta  Rab ^ ea ^ eb : (4)
sion, N  0. This serves no restriction on the gauge field
The minimal Lagrangian density of a spin- 12 field part of the SO3; 1 connection one form !ab in the
with an external gravitational field with torsion is given background of a broken SO4; 1 gauge theory. In other
by [27] words the above breakup guarantees that, in the tangent
space, only SO3; 1 symmetry is preserved and SO4; 1
i symmetry is broken. The two parts R~ab and 12 1
Nab of
LD  f  ^ D  D ^  g  m
2 Rab are two independent covariant two forms under
1 SO3; 1 rotation in the tangent space. From (11) and
 A ^  5  ; (5)
4 (12) we see that R~ab and 121
Nab are, respectively, con-

nected to R and N. Hence by the above decomposition we ! . Without any ambiguity and for future consistency,
are separating two irreducible parts of the curvature w. r. we can consider a connection independent cosmological
t. the one form ea and consequently neither any Bianchi density, given by
identity is violated nor it leads to any constraint on N.
Recently, it has been shown that [23], in U4 space one L 3  ; (19)
can locally consider a particular term from this SO4; 1 where  is a constant whose value is to be ascertained
Pontryagin density as the gravitational Lagrangian [30], later on. Now we are in a position to define the total
given by gravitational Lagrangian density in empty space as
L 0   NR: (13) LG  L0  L1  L2  L3 ;
This Lagrangian looks like the Einstein-Hilbert   NR  ) T ^ TT ^ T
Lagrangian,  ba ^ rea bb ^ reb   ; (20)
L EH  R; (14) where N  dT and R   12 d!  ab  !
 af ^ !
 fb  ^

ab . To start with this Lagrangian we have altogether
provided N  1 ; where  is Einstein’s gravitational 69 independent components of the field variables ea , T,
constant, and the torsional contribution disappears from ! ab , ba and ).
the scalar curvature R. It is a well-known result [31] in U4
space, in the case of axial-vector torsion, that
R  RE  T ^ T; (15)
The Lagrangian LG , which is defined in the previous
where RE represents scalar curvature when the connection section, is only Lorentz invariant under rotation in the
is without torsion and T is the torsion three form repre- tangent space where de Sitter boosts are not permitted. As
senting axial-vector torsion A. Now if we assume the a consequence T can be treated independently of ea and
axial-vector A to be a null vector then (15) reduces to ! ab . Then following Ref. [32], we independently vary ea ,
R  RE : (16) rea , T, dT, Rab , ba and ) and find

This can be guaranteed by introducing a SO3; 1 invari- @LG @LG @LG

+LG  +ea ^ a  +rea ^ a  +T ^
ant Lagrangian density L1 , given by @e @re @T
@LG @L G @L G
L 1  ) T ^ TT ^ T; (17)  +dT  +Rab ^ ab  +ba ^
@dT @R @ba
where ) is a dimensionless Lagrange multiplier. So far @LG
SO3; 1 invariance is concerned, torsion can be separated  +) (21)
from the connection as torsional part of the SO3; 1
connection transforms like a tensor, i.e., when the local    
frame also transforms like a SO3; 1 valued one form  +ea ^  r  +T ^  d
(not connection one form) in a broken SO4; 1 gauge @ea @rea @T @dT
theory. In this direction it is important to define a @LG @LG @LG
 +! ab ^ r ab  ^ eb  +ba ^
torsion-free exterior differentiation through a field equa- @R @rea @ba
tion involving the connection and the local frame only. So 
we introduce another Lagrangian density L2 , given by,  +)  d +ea ^ a  +T
@) @re @dT
L 2  ba ^ rea ba ^ rea ; (18) 
 +! ab ^ ab : (22)
where r represents exterior differentiation with respect to @R
a SO3; 1 connection one form !  ab and ba is a two form Using the form of the Lagrangian LG , given in (20), we
with one internal index and of dimension length1 . If get
we treat ba as Lagrange multiplier then it ensures that r
represents torsion-free exterior differentiation. By this @LG
  N2Ra  Ra   )-12-b a b  -a 
way torsion has become decoupled from the connection @ea
part of the theory. It has become independent of the  2 bb ^ reb 2 a  a (23)
one form ea , in particular, owing to its fundamental
existence as a metric independent tensor in the affine
connection in U4 , we treat here the three form T  ea ^ @LG
 2 ba ^ rea ba (24)
Ta as more fundamental than the one form T ab  !ab  @rea 

@LG 1
 4) T ^ T T (25) Gb a   +b a ; (44)
@T 2
where, for consistency,   . This last equation is the
@LG Einstein’s equation of gravity in the presence of the
R (26)
@dT cosmological constant  corresponding to the Einstein-
Hilbert Lagrangian
@LG 1 1
 Nabcd ec ^ ed  Nab (27) L CC
@Rab 4 2 EH  R  : (45)

@LG We know that, though torsion one form T ab  !ab 
 2 bb ^ reb rea (28) ! ab
 is a part of the SO3; 1 connection, it does not
transform like a connection form under SO3; 1 rotation
@LG in the tangent space and thus it imparts no constraint on
 T ^ TT ^ T: (29) the gauge degree of freedom of the Lagrangian. By this
way the role of torsion in the underlying manifold has
Where become multiplicative rather than additive one and the
1 @R 1 quadratic first part of the Lagrangian LG looks like
R a :  abcd Rbc ^ ed  Gb a b (30) torsion  curvature [33]. In other words—the additive
2 @ea 4
torsion is decoupled from the theory but not the multi-
1 plicative one. This indicates that torsion is uniformly
Gb a : Rb a  R+b a (31) nonzero everywhere. In the geometrical sense, this im-
plies that micro local space-time is such that at every
@ 1 point there is a direction vector (vortex line) attached to
a : a  abcd eb ^ ec ^ ed (32)
@e 3! it. This effectively corresponds to the non commutative
geometry having the manifold M4  Z2 where the dis-
-a b : T a#. Tb#. and - : -a a : (33) crete space Z2 is just not the two point space [34] but
From above, Euler-Lagrange equations for ) and ba give appears as an attached direction vector. This has direct
us relevance in the quantization of a fermion where the
discrete space appears as the internal space of a particle
T ^ T  0 (34) [28]. This becomes relevant if we consider that fermions
are the basic building units of matter. The existence of a
rea  0; (35) globally defined null vector field T with nonzero diver-
i.e., T corresponds to a null axial-vector and r is torsion- gence then corresponds to the axial-vector current lead-
free. Using this result in (23) –(25), we get ing to chiral anomaly. Now, in the background of the
minimal action of a spinor field given in (5) and even in
  N2Ra  Ra   a (36) massless case, there is a divergent contribution of torsion
@ea to chiral anomaly given by [29]
@LG dh j5 i  Ax (46)
0 (37)
 0: (38) j5   5 ;   a ea
Using these results in equations from (22) –(27), we get and
X y
Euler-Lagrange equations of ea , T and !
 ab , given by Ax  2  n 5 n:
N2R n
a  Ra   a  0 (39)
Then under standard regularization by the square of the
dR  0 (40) Dirac operator in Einstein-Cartan space [29]
r Nab   0: (41) 1
A  lim Rab ^ Rab  2M2 Ta ^ T a
M!1 862
Using (35), the last equation yields
d N  0: (42)  Rab ^ ea ^ eb   OM2 : (47)

From Eqs. (40) and (42) we can write As chiral anomaly appears as the quantum mechanical
symmetry breaking, torsion in this sense represents the
N  1 and R  2 say: (43) quantum effect [35]. Mielke et al. have questioned
 the contribution of the NY term to the chiral anomaly
Using (43) in (39) and then using (30) we get as well as its non triviality after renormalization [36 –38].

Contribution of the NY term to chiral anomaly has been den in the tangent space. So it is justified to consider the
confirmed by Obukhov et al. [39] and in an independent Lagrangian as a particular SO3; 1 invariant part of the
analysis [40], computing the index of the Dirac operator full SO4; 1 Pontryagin density.
on a four dimensional compact manifold, it has been It is important to note that, in our present formalism,
shown that the integral of the NY term is necessarily an the only assumption is that the torsion is represented by a
integer, it is the difference of two Chern classes SO5 null axial-vector and the corresponding Lagrangian is a
and SO4 and therefore being topological N is nonrenor- particular term of the SO4; 1 Pontryagin density in such
malizable. In our present analysis this bears an important a way that the SO3; 1 invariance of the theory is main-
implication as we see from (43) that topological N glob- tained. The presence of the null axial-vector at each
ally defines the gravitational constant, at least in the case space-time point suggests that the space-time manifold
where the cosmological constant is the only source of is characterized by the presence of a ‘‘direction vector’’
gravity, by the equation (vortex line) attached to each point which is the source of
1 torsion. It may be remarked that the degrees of freedom of
N   : (48) this theory is minimally extended from that of Einstein-

It is important to note that, in some other approach [41], Hilbert theory with torsion contributing to the additional
some multiplicative torsion  curvature terms also ap- degree. As a result  and  have got their definite geo-
pear in 3D gravity but they seem to be devoid of any metrical meaning in U4 space in comparison to their
topological interpretation. Such terms do not appear in standard meaning of being simply constants such that,
4D. in empty space,  is half of the SO3; 1 scalar curvature
Hence, (44) implies that our starting Lagrangian LG is and (  1 ) is the proportionality constant between the
equivalent to the Einstein-Hilbert Lagrangian in vacua in topological Nieh-Yan density and the invariant volume
presence of a cosmological constant where the two con- four form . Moreover, being constants of integration, 
stants  and  are constants of integration but also, by and  might have got their fixed values in the Early
(43) ,  is half of the SO3; 1 scalar curvature and the Universe when the bulk matter was created.
topological Nieh-Yan density is  1  times the invariant In a recent paper [45] it has been shown that, in
volume element. Also the form of the starting Lagrangian the gravity without metric formalism of gravity, when
LG implies that constancy of the gravitational constant one performs a particular canonical transformation of
depends upon the fact that the source term in LG is the field variables, CP-violating 7-term appears in the
independent of the SO3; 1 gauge connection. This sug- Lagrangian together with the cosmological term. This
gests that in a gravity theory with SO3; 1 connection, supports the finding of this note when we consider that
torsion, local frame and matter, if we want gravitational the torsion, being an axial-vector, has a certain role
constant to be an on-shell constant, then the material to play in CP-violation. Indeed, the topological 7-term
source term should be independent of the SO3; 1 of ‘gravity without metric formalism’ is linked with
connection. the topological Nieh-Yan density of U4 geometry.
CP-violation or nonviolation by topological terms has
IV. DISCUSSION been discussed also in reference [27]. Link of torsion
with CP-violation can be found also in SL2; C gauge
Recent cosmological evidence [6,42] suggests that cos- approach of gravity [46]. Thus arrow of time may play a
mological constant seems to be present evermore in the significant role in the geometrical origin of torsion and
cosmological data. Theoretically, cosmological constant hence of the gravitational constant.
appears when one considers a four dimensional manifold
that is due to compactification [43] of a five dimensional
manifold with the signature of a (anti)de Sitter space-time
[44]. This implies that in the local tangent space the gauge I wish to thank Professor Pratul Bandyopadhyay,
group structure is either SO4; 1 or SO3; 2. To keep Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, for his valuable re-
Lorentz invariance intact (anti)de Sitter boost is forbid- marks and fruitful suggestions on this problem.

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