About Across After

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Phrasal verb Translation

COME ACROSS Encontrarse con
NAME AFTER Llamarse por
TAKE AFTER Parecerse (a), tener parecido (con)
GO AHEAD Seguir adelante, llevar a cabo
COME ALONG Progresar, acompañar
GET AWAY Escapar, darse a la fuga
BRING BACK Recordar recuerdos del pasado
DATE BACK Datar, remontarse
LOOK BACK Rememorar, mirar atrás
TAKE BACK Devolver, retirar lo dicho
BREAK DOWN Romper, estropear
CUT DOWN Reducir, talar, cortar
GET DOWN Deprimir, desanimar
LET DOWN Decepcionar
LOOK DOWN Mirar hacia abajo
PULL DOWN Derribar
PUT DOWN Achacar
SETTLE DOWN Establecerse, asentarse
TURN DOWN Rechazar
CALL FOR Requerir
COME FORWARD Dar un paso al frente
PUT FORWARD Proponer, ofrecerse
BREAK INTO Entrar en
BUMP INTO Chocar, encontrarse con
DEVELOP INTO Convertirse en
GET INTO Ponerse, pasar algo a alguien
LOOK INTO Investigar
RUN INTO Encontrarse con
BREAK OFF Desprenderse
CALL OFF Cancelar
GO OFF Estropearse
PUT OFF Cancelar, aplazar
SET OFF Partir, salir, ponerse en camino
CALL ON (pasar a ver, visitar) ceder la palabra a, pedir
CARRY ON (Continuar, proseguir), dirigir
TAKE ON Aceptar, contratar
CARRY OUT Llevar a cabo
FIND OUT Averiguar
GIVE OUT Distribuir
GO OUT Salir
LOOK OUT Buscar, cuidado
MAKE OUT Pretender
POINT OUT Elegir, escoger
SORT OUT Ordenar
STAND OUT Sobresalir
TAKE OUT Sacar, adquirir
WEAR OUT Agotar, estar exhausto
WORK OUT Resolver
RUN OUT OF Quedarse sin
GET OVER Recuperarse de, reponerse; superar, vencer
GO OVER Analizar
TAKE OVER Tomar el relevo
PULL THROUGH Recuperarse
BLOW UP (Volar, explotar, estallar), inflar
DRAW UP Redactar, planear
END UP Terminar
GET UP Levantarse, rendirse, aumentar
GIVE UP Rendirse, abandonar
GO UP Subir, aumentar
HOLD UP Retrasar
LIST UP Enumerar
MAKE UP Inventar
PICK UP Recoger, pasar a buscar
POP UP Aparecer de repente
PUT UP Levantar
SET UP Fundar
SPEAK UP Hablar fuerte, pronunciar
SPLIT UP Romper relación
TAKE UP Empezar a hacer algo (hobby)
TIDY UP Ordenar
FACE UP TO Afrontar, plantar cara
FEEL UP TO + ING Sentirse con fuerza, ánimos
LOOK UP TO Admirar
COME UP WITH Elaborar, inventarse
FED UP WITH Estar harto de
PUT UP WITH Tolerar, aguantar

I've been waiting ages for this to come about.

He came across some old friends.

Graham was named after his father.

Tom won't be able to come to the party because he's got to look after his cousin.
She takes after her father.

The meeting will go ahead.

Come along with me!

The thieves got away in a stolen car.

Yes it brought back some happy memories of holidays by the sea.

Problems between us date back more than ten years ago.
As I look back on the past, I must remind myself to look towards the future to better days.
If the skirt doesn't fit, you can take it back. All right, I take it all back. It wasn't your fault.

She broke down and wept. My car has broken down.

I haven’t given up smoking, but I’m cutting down. He has cut down the apple tree.
Working in this place really gets me down.
You must give a film show at the party – you can’t let the children down.
If you're a girl, look down and there they are - or will be soon.
They’ve pulled down that old tower block.
The revolt was swiftly put down by government troops.
I wanted to get married but my girlfriend wasn't ready to settle down.
He turned down her offer/request.

Working as a police calls for a lot of courage.

If anyone knows who broke the window, please come forward and tell the truth.
Does anyone want to put himself forward to do this job?

It takes children a long time to break into the system.

If you happen to bump into Mark, tell him I won't be able to pick him up later.
We should help children to develop themselves into good readers.
Get into your pyjamas. I don’t know what has got into him.
The detective is going to look into the murder.
I ran into my brother yesterday at the university.

Look at that mountain, it's breaking off.

We'll have no choice but to call off the meeting if you are unable to come.
This beef has gone off.
I got burned the other day and my skin is starting to peel off.
Why don't we put off the cricket match? I don't feel like playing tonight.
We set off to go to the beach.

I’ll call on him tomorrow. The Secretary-General called on both sides to stop the fighting.
You must carry on working. He carries on a business as a grocer.
He took on the job. They are taking on five hundred more men at the factory.

Researchers are carrying out a new cancer investigation.

I'm trying to figure out how to pass this level on the Xbox.
You are not going to believe what I found out about Marco.
The man on the street corner was giving out free samples from his shop.
Why didn't you go out last night? It was the best party ever!
I’ve looked out these books for you. Look out! There’s a car coming!
He made out that he was earning a huge amount of money.
She picked out one dress that she particularly liked.
Sorting out my suitcase after having been on holidays is really boring.
Learning languages will help you to stand out over the rest of the people.
We advise you to take out travel insurance before you leave.
I can't walk anymore.I'm worn out!
Could you help me to work out the solution of this problem?
More than 1000 people turned out for the concert last night.
We run out of milk. Let's buy a couple of bottles for tomorrow's breakfast.

Tom hopes Mary can come over to his house this afternoon.
I’ve got over my cold now I can’t get over her leaving so suddenly.
We should go over the differences in our company's employees.
The main shop in town has been taken over by a famous person.

All we went through together will make us stronger.

Everyone thought he wasn't going to make it but he is pulling through really fast.

The bridge blew up / was blown up. He blew up the balloon.

Her parents brought her up to be polite.
I couldn't start working yet because my boss is still drawing up my contract.
If we carry on walking this way, we may end up totally lost.
I got up at seven o’clock. I have no idea how to do this. I give up. We soon got up to maximum speed.
They gave up the search.
I thought I saw her go up the stairs. Your future regular payments can go up or down.
The train was held up 2 hours, it was a nightmare!
In addition, the Commission may list up the events referred to in paragraph 2.
He made up the whole story.
I picked him up at the station and drove him home.
My father popped up at home after 3 months working in Paris.
He put up his hand to ask a question.
I will be setting up my business next year.
If you have a better one, speak up. Political leaders must speak up loud and clear against these terrible crimes.
We are not a rock band anymore, we split up last year.
I'm taking up judo next week.
Don't you dare tidy up, mum.
More than 1000 people turned up at the concert last night.
More than 1000 people turned up for the concert last night.
More than 1000 people turned up to the concert last night.
She had to face up to a difficult situation.
Do you feel up to climbing that massive tree over there?
I really look up to my brother. He is a brilliant hard worker.
We didn't have a ball to play with so I came up with the idea of using a tin.
I'm fed up with your behaviour!
I'm not going to put up with your rudeness anymore. I quite!

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