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PAWN: Missing angle brackets

This script, written in Perl, analyses your script in terms of angle brackets ( { }).
It tells you which
bracket(s) have/has a missing bracket, so you can fix your code (the pawn compiler is buggy in this
 If there is one or more angle bracket missing somewhere, it outputs wrong errors or even
crashes, so you have to go line-by-line).
It can also help you if you don't even know whether brackets
are the problem and where to find them.
 This script isn't 100% accurate because it isn't psychic:

){}How could the script guess whether the first if or the seconds if has the missing pair?
But this
script helps you in this case by telling you roughly where to look for a missing bracket.
 It is released
under the creativecommons 3 (http:

0/)InstallationYou need to
have the Perl VM installed.
 If you are using Windows, you have to install Perl at first.
Linux based
systems and many other operating systems have it installed by default.
 Go to

com/activeperl/downloads and download it.
 Install activeperl3.
zip and start „missing brackets finder.
If activeperl is installed, a GUI should shown up.

The „perl“ folder inside is needed by the executable, so don't delete the folder.
If you are using a
linux based system, just open the terminal and run „perl GUI.
 You also need to have the perl
module „Tkx“ installed (you can install Tkx with the package installer:

 apt-get, yum, .
Known issues

- it reported a line, you go to the line but there isn't a missing bracket:

 Look for the missing bracket
around the area where the bracket was reported (the function, .
- works with large scripts (80k+ lines), but at the cost of memory (~60 MB) and execution time (won't
be fixed.
 Rewritting in a programming language such as C++ would cost too much time.
 I needed the
dynamics of perl for this application)
- you are not able to move and touch the window while it is analysing a script (won't be fixed.


Beta 5 → Final 1:
–Fixed problems with ' and „ in comments („// don't“ << made the script not working)
–create a how-to gallery, so EVERYONE is able to use this

Final 1 → Final 1.1:

–Easier to use
–Fixed many bugs
–faster, improved most of the code
de (GwenDragon and MatthiasW):

 Helped me using Text:


fixing some bugs and stripping out strings (text inside quotes) and gave me more tips in perl

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