W4 Paragraph Handout v2

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Essay Writing. W4.

The Paragraph


1. DEFINITION: the paragraph is a main unit of composition. It develops a single topic, and so has a distinct, independent unity.

2. STRUCTURE: title, topic sentence, supporting sentences, concluding sentences

2.1. Title – should reflect the topic of the paragraph and its approach.
2.2. Topic sentence (TS): presents the topic and explains what the writer wants to say about the topic / outlines the purpose of the paragraph.
- the 1st or 2nd sentence in a paragraph
- a specific idea, clearly expressed
- should not be a fact (e.g. There are approximately 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke. Too factual to be an effective TS)
- should not express very general ideas (Smoking is bad. Too general to be an effective TS)
- should have only one controlling idea!
2.1.1 Structure: Topic sentence = Topic + Controlling Idea (CI)
e.g.: New York is one of the loudest cities in the world.
New York = the topic
is one of the cities in the world= the controlling idea
a. The topic – anything can be a topic. The same topic can be approached through various controlling ideas.
b. The controlling idea (CI):
- tells the reader what to expect in the supporting sentences/ expresses a point of view
- limits the topic of the paragraph
- can divide the topic (e.g. Ramadan has three important days within the month of fasting)

2.3. Supporting sentences: the body of the paragraph – explain the topic sentence.
- facts, definitions, reasons, restatements, arguments, examples (offer good support), details.
a. Major supporting sentences (SS) –> support the TS
b. Minor supporting sentences (ss) –> support the SS before them.

2.4. Concluding sentence

- Has to be connected to the TS.
- Summarises the main points or restates the topic sentence in different words.
- Implications, generalisation of the argument, cautious prediction
- Conclusion signals: all in all, in brief, in conclusion, indeed, in short, in summary, to conclude, to summarise, to sum up, it is clear that, these
examples show that.
- Do NOT introduce a new idea!!!

Descriptive paragraph – describes a person, place, thing etc
Expository paragraph – gives information on a topic in an organised format
Process paragraph – explains how to do something step by step
Opinion paragraph – the writer expresses his/ her ideas, options, thoughts on a topic.
Narrative paragraph – the writer tells a story

Exercise 1 on your handout:

Topic sentence: The way we use banks is currently changing. Topic: using banks (the way we use banks) + CI: is changing
TS (1)
SS (2 - major supporting sentence): This is partly…
ss (3 - minor supporting sentence, example): The personal computer…
SS (4)
ss (5, fact)
ss (6, reason)
CS (7, summary)
Essay Writing. W4. The Paragraph

1. Read the paragraphs and identify the main structural elements: B Writing
Technology and banking Writing is a complex sociocognitive process involving the development of a
The way we use banks is currently changing. 2This is partly because of the set of skills. The skills needed to write range from making the appropriate
graphic marks, through using the resources of the chosen language, to
introduction of new technology in the last ten years. 3The personal computer
anticipating the reactions of the intended readers. The first skill area
and the internet, for instance, allow customers to view their accounts at involves acquiring a writing system, which may be alphabetic (as in
home and perform operations such as moving money between accounts. 4At European languages) or nonalphabetic (as in many Asian languages). The
the same time banks are being reorganised in ways that affect both second skill area requires selecting the appropriate grammar and vocabulary
customers and staff. 5In the past five years over 3,000 bank branches have to form acceptable sentences and then arranging them in paragraphs. Third,
closed in Britain and their activity was redirected to call centres. 6This has writing involves thinking about the purpose of the text to be composed and
happened because the banks discovered that staffing call centres is cheaper about its possible effects on the intended readership. One important aspect
of this last feature is the choice of a suitable style. Because of these
than running a branch network. 7In conclusion, technology has redefined the
characteristics, writing is not an innate natural ability like speaking, but has
interaction between banks and their customers in such a way that bank to be acquired through years of training or schooling.
branches might soon become redundant.
5. Insert examples in the following paragraph where needed.
2. Identify the topic and the controlling idea in the following topic Students who go to study abroad often experience a type of culture shock
sentences (TS). Are they all effective TS? when they arrive in the new country. Customs which they took for granted
a. Marriage is an event in a person's life. in their own society are not followed in the host country. Even everyday
b. The average age for people in the United States to marry has changed in patterns of life may be different. When these are added to the inevitable
the past 100 years. differences which occur in every country students may at first feel confused.
c. People who learn English use dictionaries. They may experience rapid changes of mood, or even want to return home.
However, most students make new friends and, in a relatively short period,
d. Digital cameras have several advantages over film cameras.
are able to adjust to their new environment.
e. Digital cameras take photos.
f. The Western world should have a day to celebrate senior citizens. 6. Reorganise the following sentences to form a paragraph. Analyse the
g. President Lincoln established Thanksgiving as the fourth Thursday in result and complete the paragraph with the missing element.
a. It is mainly formal, impersonal, and objective.
b. These include essays, research reports and articles, case studies, surveys,
3. Draw the structural diagram of the following paragraph (use the
dissertations, theses, and examination papers.
numbers of the sentences):
c. Academic writing is a particular kind of writing that can be recognised by
its style.
Golden Week
d. Other distinctive features will depend upon the specific types of academic
Golden week in Japan is a combined celebration of four holidays. 2 The writing.
first takes place on April 29th, the birthday of Emperor Showa, and
commemorates the 64 years that he was in power. 3It is a time for the 7. Analyse the structure and the information provided below and
Japanese people to remember this important period in their history. 4The transform it into a paragraph. You can use the TS and the CS provided.
second holiday in Golden Week is Constitutional Memorial Day. 5This day
marks the establishment of the Japanese Constitution on May 3, 1947. 6The Music Styles and Fashion
Different styles of popular music have produced their own fashion styles.
next holiday, on May 4th, is called Midorino-hi and is a day for people to be
A. Punk fashion
outside enjoying the environment. 7In fact, Midorino-hi means ‘green day.’ 1. Spiked hair
Children’s day, the fourth holiday of Golden Week, is May 5th. 9This 2. Theatrical makeup
holiday celebrates the health and happiness of children. 10Traditionally, this 3. Safety-pin jewellery
day was Boy’s Day, and some families still recognise this. 11For example, 4. Ripped clothing
they fly flags shaped like carp outside their homes to bring strength and 5. Body piercing
success to their boys. 12In short, Golden Week is a whole week of B. Hip-hop fashion
1. Baggy jeans, worn low
celebration for the Japanese people. 2. Hooded sweaters
3. Big, floppy hats
4. Do-rags (scarves) around head
4. Read the following paragraphs. In the topic sentences, circle the topic C. Grunge fashion
and underline the controlling idea. What kind of supporting sentences 1. Stonewashed jeans
are used in support of the topic sentence? Analyse the concluding 2. Plaid flannel shirts
sentences. 3. Baseball caps worn backward
4. Long, straight hair
A. Celebrating the New Year 5. Heavy boots
The New Year is celebrated throughout the world at many different times, You can identify a person's musical taste by the clothes he or she wears.
based on the solar or lunar calendar. January 1 is recognised throughout the
world as the beginning of the new year, but this date is the beginning of the
Christian year based on the Georgian solar calendar. The Jewish new year is
called Rosh Hashanah. It is celebrated in September or October because the
Hebrew calendar is lunar. The Chinese New Year, celebrated in many Asian
countries, follows a lunar calendar and comes on a day between January 10
and February 19. Islamic countries also use a lunar calendar. Their new year
celebration is in the spring, and the date varies depending on the year. In
Resources: Bailey, Stephen. Academic Writing: A Practical Guide for Students. Boardman, Cynthia A. & Jia Frydenberg. Writing
short, Christians use the solar calendar, whereas Jews, Asians, and Muslims to Communicate. Paragraphs and Essays. New York: Pearson Longman, 2008. Jordan, R.R. Academic Writing Course. Longman
2003. Oshima, Alice & Ann Hogue. Introduction to Academic Writing. New York: Pearson Longman, 2006. Swales, John M.
use a lunar calendar to determine when to celebrate the new year. Academic Writing for Graduate Students.

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