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Journal of Psychophyslology 2 (1988) 243-247 © 1988 Pschophysiology Society

Psychophysiology: A Scientific Discipline or a

Literary Genre?
Francine Ciancia
Laboratoire de Psychophysiologie, Université des Sciences et Techniques de Lille Flandres-Artois, F-59655
Villeneuve d'Ascq cedex, France

Keywords: Psychophysiology, conditioning, psychological functions, representations, computer

model, description, expia nation, metaphor.

The psychophysiologist today puts forward, This will, without doubt, give rise to the
often too readily, traditional psychological observation that un der the effects of stimuli
functions or more sophisticated hypothetical whether appetitive or aversive, the subject's
constructs to explain observed physiological progressively shaped responses are selectively
responses and behaviour patterns. delivered as certain environ mental stimuli are
Thus, he will quite easily impute the presented. This will rarely lead him to acknow-
subject's behaviour to the internaI representa- ledge with Schlag (1980) that 'it is reasonable to
tions of the environment, neatly arranged assume that transformations within the nervous
un der attention, intention, motivation, emo- system, detectable in unit studies, accompany
tion or even volition. Likewise, he will not the imposed changes of behaviour'. Even if,
hesitate to compare the central nervous sys- Fuster's findings (1981, 1984) seem at times
tem's organization and functioning to those of close to this assertion, Watanabe (1986a,
a computer. 1986b) studying, like him, prefrontal neuronal
Such discourse may appeal initially, for it reactivity during a tàsk involving delayed-
clearly and evocatively establishes the central response, does not seem to agree.
'agents' and their nerve 'ref/ections' as being Fuster (1981) wrote: 'the cues for delayed
responsible for behaviours. When brought into responses failed to elicit delay activation in
contact with reality, however, we believe it prefrontal unit of untrained animaIs. ln trained
fails to convince. animaIs, units exhibiting delay activation in
ordinary trials failed to do so in dry runs when
the cue was deleted but other stimuli normally
preceding it were preserved'; and added: 'all the
The psychophysiologist observes and describes
observations indicate that elevated discharge
behavioural and physiological responses which
during the delay is largely determined by the
he builds up
relation of contingency between temporally
Operant conditioning techniques are common- separate events. This relation is established by
Iy used in psychophysiology to produce pre- learning'. Three years later, Fuster (1984)
viously defined behavioural responses in the stated yet again: 'such discharge is in part a
organism under examination; while the res- phenomenon of the cross-temporal dependency
ponses are being built up or, more frequently, - established by learning - between two
after they have been established, the ex- events' and he also found a link between the
perimenter may, for instance, observe the pattern of the prefrontal neuronal discharge
simultaneous occurrence of the imposed be- during the delay and the length of the latter.
haviour and the activity of dozens of isolated Watanabe (1986a, 1986b) recorded the
neurons in the cortical, subcortical or spinal activity of isolated neurons in the prefrontal
zones he is exploring. cortex of three monkeys which met the

'delayed conditional Go/No-go discrimination' (do in fact) reflect the requirements' of this
criterion after 6 to 9 months and approximately tripartite encoding? ln spite of his statements
1000 reinforced trials per day. Like Fuster quoted above, Fuster concluded at the end of
(1984), he noted (Watanabe, 1986a) differen- the paragraph on 'unit activity' (Fuster, 1981,
tial change in the activity of certain prefrontal p. 1164) with 'a good case can be made on the
cells contingent upon the colour or pattern of basis of unit data for involvement of prefrontal
the discriminative stimulus delivered to the neurons in sensorial attention, short-term mem-
animal. He also described (Watanabe, 1986b) ory and motor set'. Finally, Watanabe (1986b)
neurons where alterations in activity occurred summing up, declared for instance, that
only when the response emitted after the 'certain No-go units are considered to be
imperative stimulus consisted in withholding a involved in the performance of the No-go
pressing response (No-go response). ln short, response ... ' and then went on to say: 'although
Watanabe observed synchronization between it is possible that some may be related to the
prefrontal neuronal activity and either the implicit time estimation process or to expectancy
properties of the stimuli distributed during the for the IS (imperative stimulus) presentation
task or the types of conditioned responses. which should not be pressed'.
However, despite the length of the reinforcing When we have added that the internaI map,
procedure set for the monkeys, he did not enabling the animal in an experimental device
emphasize the determining role played by to attain the reinforcing agent, soon without
'learning' on neuronal discharge modulation. error, is said to develop in the frontal areas and
that the comparator governing performance
improvement in the subject is, it is claimed,
built up in a preolivar structure, then it would
The psychophysiologist explains the
appear that one rarely studies the psychophy-
behavioural and physiological responses he has
siological being today without the aid of
notions which recall 19th Century psychology,
The discrepancy is only superficial for, in line without the help of the internaI copies of the
with a majority of psychophysiologists, both realities that 'lie at the heart of the mechanism
writers come to see the conditioning procedure of mind' (Mountcastle, 1986) or without the
as a means whereby mental entities emerge, support of entities drawn from computer
are sealed in the organism and are th en SCIence.
'reflected' by observed behavioural and biolo-
gical facts. ln other words, all these researchers
believe that the procedure has but an indirect
Scientific concepts and explanatory metaphors
effect on the responses of the organism and its
afferent organs whereas the inferred entities However, on examination, these constructs are
explain them directly. found to share several features which make
Thus, Poranen and Hyvarinen (1982) called them more at home in the world of mythologic-
their study 'effects of attention on multi-unit al beings than in the ranks of scientific
responses to vibration in somatosensory regions concepts. But first, experimental evidence is
of monkey's brain' and observed that 'attention called for. Now, Fuster did not link sensory
towards a sensory stimulus (on the other hand) attention (visual, in this case) with any
is reflected in the activity of the motor variables other than those he could relate to
cortex ... '; Even Paillard (1985) for whom motor preparation or short-term memory;
programming pro cess specified the muscles Watanabe did not mark the difference,
involved in the motor sequence ('address through experimentation, between the implicit
encoding'), the order in which they come into time process and expectancy. Likewise, the
play ('temporal encoding') and their intensity material conditions on which temporal encod-
of force ('frequency encoding') also firmly ing depends have been neither objectively
adopted the legendary 'theory of reflection'. recorded nor distinguished from those required
Did he not make it clear that 'the activities of for frequency or address encoding.
the neurons in the premotor and motor regions These different entities have no biological

backing, or, what amounts to the same thing, an animal - that we are attempting ta explain
are present on a multilocular basis. Where through the mechanism of representation. The
does one physically locate those acquired infinite regress sa enjoined undercuts the
programs which Brooks (1983) said 'assembled possibility of a successful psychology or phy-
in the brain' ... 'assist' the subject in his siology'.
movements? Could the 'need for biological To sum up, the metaphor can, on occasion,
backing for computer models', a topical issue in prove useful, when with 'as if', it makes a
1983 (Beaubaton, 1983), be side-stepped to- remark clearer and more easily understood.
day? Where is the substraite of visu al atten- However, we believe it contributes to restrict-
tion? ls it in the prefrontal cortex (Fuster, ing the scope of scientific thinking when, in the
1981) or in the posterior parietal cortex form of an entity, it becomes the prime mover
(Bushnell, Goldberg, and Robinson, 1981)? of observed phenomena. This step is all too
What part of the brain is involved in the motor easily taken, especially when the metaphor is
set? Could it be the prefrontal cortex again mechanistic. Maxwell, in his time, has declared
(Fuster, 1981) or maybe the cerebellum 'when any phenomenon may be described as an
(Beaubaton, Trouche, and Amato, 1980)? example of a general principle applicable ta
And could one include here the basal ganglia other phenomena, then this phenomen is said ta
and a few thalamic nuclei (Neafsey, Hull, and be explained'. He 'immediately added' 'on the
Buchwald, 1978)? other hand, when a complete physical phe-
The scientific precariousness of 'the mental nomenon may be described as a modification in
objects' is also due to the researcher's obvious the configuration and movement of a mate rial
difficulty in attributing them to certain ani- system, then the explanation of this phenomen is
mais. It is customary for the human subject to considered complete. We cannat conceive of
be endowed with an image of a goal, with any subsequent explanation being necessary
volition and other central routines. The same is desirable or possible' (Quoted by Meyerson,
true of the monkey. The cat and even the rat 1951, pp. 97-98).
do not always escape this treatment either.
Yet, as far as we know, the trout's representa-
tive expectancy is seldom called on to explain
its movements. But, when sorne reserve for Questioning metaphoric approach
Homo sapiens alone what others confer on Could it be that the explanatory metaphor no
rodents filling their laboratories, it is quite longer meets general scientific approval? ln
reasonable to expect a clear answer to the this respect, Beaubaton's progression between
following question : where on the animal scale 1983 and 1987 seems to us of sorne significance.
does the break occur between organisms with ln 1983 he noted that 'fia evidence' (can be)
central determinants of behaviour and those 'found for the existence of isomorphism be-
acting and reacting without their intervention? tween the computer and the nervous system' but
Finally, the extension of these concepts no then went on to examine one by one the
longer seems adequate for the techniques of experimental arguments justifying the 'possi-
approach to behaviour and physiological res- bility' or even the 'necessity' of the existence of
ponse recording. ln other words, the motor programs. With Pailhous, four years
psychophysiologist has at his disposai today the later (Beaubaton and Pailhous, 1987) he
me ans of making observations so precise that acknowledged 'a number of concepts common-
they run counter to the couple of inaccurate ly used in the literature on motor control need ta
concepts organizing them. be revised or at least qualified'; the authors also
Besides being open to the criticism just noted 'the pitfalls of continuing ta borrow from
expressed, the actual notion or representation technical terminology and computer science'
has one particular shortcoming as Kugler, and pointed out, almost reluctantly that 'the
Kelso, and Turvey (1980) pointed out clearly: use of metaphors was originally intended ta
'representation implies a user - an agent with produce a more universal language but has
goals, interests and comprehension - an actually Led ta much confusion and disagree-
animal-analogue - very much like the entity - ment'. From our point of view it is also

noteworthy that their assertions appeared in a References

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