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Designated Problems #3

Date: 23/11/2018

1. The following data are given for the water supply network shown below.

Pipe d, mm L, m
AB 200 800
BC 200 200
AD 200 200
DC 300 800
The elevation of point A is 600 m and of point B is 590 m. The C value for all pipes is 100.
Find the following (Assume Q=34 L/s):

(a) The length of a single 400 mm pipe that can replace the water network from A to C.

(b) The residual pressure at point C, given that the flow through the network is 250 L/s and the
pressure at A is 300 kPa.


(a) The length of a single 400 mm pipe that can replace the water network from A to C

 Replace the pipes AD and DC in series by one equivalent line
 Replace the pipes AB and BC in series by one equivalent line
 Replace the three parallel lines ADC and ABC and AC by one equivalent 400 mm-pipe
Assume Q = 34 L/s
From Nomogram s for the pipes:
200 mm-pipe AD, s = 10‰ and hf = 10x 0.2 =2.0 m
300 mm-pipe DC, s = 1.3‰ and hf = 1.3 x 0.8 = 1.04 m
Σ hf = 2.0 + 1.04 = 3.04 m
Therefore, equivalent length of 200 mm-pipe with s =10 ‰ is 3.04 x 1000/10= 304 m

Now, we have three parallel lines:

 Line ABC d = 200 mm L = 800 + 200 = 1000 m
 Line AC d = 300 mm L = 1000 m
 Line ADC d = 200 mm L = 304 m
To find a 400 mm equivalent pipe to these three parallel pipes, assume a head loss of 3.0 m and
determine the flows in the pipes from Nomogram:
 Line ABC d = 200 mm L = 1000 m s = 3/1 = 3‰ Q = 18 L/s
 Line AC d = 300 mm L = 1000 m s = 3/1 = 3‰ Q = 50 L/s
 Line ADC d = 200 mm L = 304m s = 3/0.304 = 9.87‰ Q = 33 L/s
ΣQ = 101 L/s
From Nomogram , for the equivalent pipe: C = 100, d = 400, Q = 101 L/s, yields s = 2.5‰
The equivalent length of the 400 mm pipe = 3 x 1000/2.5 = 1200 m

(b) The residual pressure at point C, given that the flow through the network is 250 L/s and the
pressure at A is 300 kPa.

From Nomogram Figure 5.6 for the 400 mm pipe: C = 100, d = 400 mm, Q = 250 L/s, yields: s =
hf = 16 x 1.2 = 19.2 m
30 + 600 = PC + 590 + 19.2
PC = 30 + 600 - 590 - 19.2
PC = 20.8 m = 208 kPa

2. Potable water is supplied to a city via an 800 mm transmission line at a flow rate of 550 L/s
(see below figure). A pressure gauge located 500 m upstream from point A registers 6.5 bars
at normal operation. The following data are given:
Pipe d, mm L, m
PA 800 500
AmnB 500 1500
AxyB 300 200
BC 800 -
All pipes are made of the same material with a Hazen Williams coefficient C = 100. The
elevations of points P, A and B are 650 m, 660 m and 635 m respectively.

(a) Determine the length of an equivalent 500 mm single pipe between points A and B.
(b) Determine the actual flows in the two branches AmnB and AxyB.
(c) Find the residual pressures at both points A and B.


(a) Determine the length of an equivalent 500 mm single pipe between points A and B.
Assume (hf)AB = 6 m
From Nomogram Fig 5.6 for pipe AmnB,
d = 500 mm, s 6/1.5 = 4‰ and C = 100 yields: Q = 235 L/s
From Nomogram Fig 5.6 for pipe AxyB,
d = 300 mm, s 6/2.0 = 3.0‰ and C = 100 yields: Q = 54 L/s
ΣQ = 289 L/s
From Nomogram Fig 5.6 for pipe AB,
d = 500 mm, Q = 289 L/s and C = 100 yields: s = 6.0‰
Equivalent L = 6.0m x 1000/6.0 = 1000 m

(b) Determine the actual flows in the two branches AmnB and AxyB.
From Nomogram Fig 5.6 for pipe AB,
d = 500 mm, Q = 550 L/s and C = 100 yields: s = 20‰
Actual (hf)AB = Ls = 1 x 20 = 20 m
From Nomogram Fig 5.6 for AmnB,

d = 500 mm, s = 20/1.5=13.3‰ and C = 100 yields: Q = 445 L/s
From Nomogram Fig 5.6 for AxyB,
d = 300 mm, s = 20/2 = 10‰ and C = 100 yields: Q = 105 L/s

(c) Find the residual pressures at both points A and B.

PP/γ + zp = PA/γ + zA + (hf)PA
65 + 650 = PA/γ + 635 + (hf)PA
From Nomogram Fig 5.6 for PA, d = 800 mm, Q = 550 L/s and C = 100 yields: s =2‰
65 + 650 = PA/γ + 635 + 0.5 x2
PA/γ = 65 + 650 - 635-1 = 54 m
PA = 54 m = 540 kPa = 5.4 bar

PA/γ + zA = PB/γ + zB = (hf)AB

54 + 660 = PB/γ + 635 + 20
PB/γ = 59 m = 590 kPa = 5.9 bar

3. For the water supply network, the following figure and data are given. Elevation of loop ABCD
is 600 m and the value of C for all pipes = 100. Determine the needed diameter of main SA so
that the residual pressure at any point in the network ABCD does not drop below 250 kPa.
 Diameter of the equivalent pipe is 300 mm.
 hf from A to D = 3 m

Pipe d, mm L, m
AB 300 1,200
BD 300 300
AC 200 300
CD 200 1,200
SA dSA 10,000

Replace the two parallel lines ABD and ACD by one equivalent 300 mm-pipe
Assume hf from A to D = 3 m
From Nomogram for the pipe ABD, d = 300 mm, s = 3/1.5 = 2‰ and C = 100 yields: Q =42 L/s
From Nomogram for the pipe ACD, d = 200 mm, s = 3/1.5 = 2‰ and C = 100 yields: Q =14 L/s
and ΣQ = 56 L/s
From Nomogram the equivalent pipe AD, d = 300 mm, Q = 56 L/s and C = 100 yields: s = 3.7‰
Find length of the equivalent pipe AD: L = hf*s= 3 x 1000/3.7 = 810 m
Then, from Nomogram for equivalent pipe AD, d = 300 mm, Q = 60 L/s and C = 100 yields: s =
(hf )AD = 4.5 x 810/1000 = 3.65 m
(hf )SA = 655 - 600 – 3.65 - 25 = 26.35 m
From Nomogram Fig 5.6 for pipe, Q = 60 L/s, s = 26.35/10 = 2.64‰ and C = 100 yields: d =
350 mm

4. The water supply system shown in the following figure is designed to serve a small town
ABDCA. The flow from the reservoir is delivered to the town by gravity through the 400 mm
main. All pipes have a Hazen-Williams C of 100. Determine the flowrate in each pipe.

Determine the flowrate in each pipe using the Hardy-Cross method

Flow directions and first assumptions for flow:

Qab (+)

Qbd (+)
Qac (-)

Qcd (-)

First assumption of flows in pipes:

Assume QAB= 100 L/s(+)
QAC will then be 140 – 100 = 40 L/s (-);
QCD = 40 – 25 = 15 L/s(-); and
QBD= 100 – 60 = 40 L/s (+)

Example calculation

For AB:
D=300 mm, Q=100 L/s, C=100  s=10.58/1000 (From Nomogram or you can calculate by
Hazen Williams equation)
Then; hf-AB= (10.58/1000)*1600 m= 16.93 m and hf/Q= 1000*16.93 m/ 100 L/s= 0.16 (
** 1000 is for unit conversion for L to m3

The calculations for all pipes are given in the following table:

Table 1: Results of Hardy Cross Method for 1st trial

Line D L Q s hf hf/Q q
mm m L/s (m/m) m L/s
AB 300 1600 +100 0.01058 +16.93 169.32
B 200 400 +40 0.014 +5.6 139.95
AC 200 400 -40 0.014 -5.6 139.95
CD 150 1600 -15 0.009 -14.8 987.18

Σ q1 +1.6 1436.39 -0.8

h f
q=- .
1.85 h f Q

As can be seen from the tablepositive and negative signs should be put in the calculations!!!
After calculation of all hf values and hf/Q, their summation values are needed.
Σhf = +1.6 and Σ(hf/Q)= 1.436.39
So, q can be calculated by the following formula:
h f
q = - 1000* ;= -0.8 which means that this amount of flow should be added to each flow
1.85 h f Q

(be careful on the sign) and further iteration is required

** 1000 is for unit conversion from m3/s to L/s

Table 2: Results of Hardy Cross Method for 2nd trial

Line D L Q s hf hf/Q q
mm m L/s (1/1000) m L/s
AB 300 1600 +99.2 10 +16.7 168.2
BD 200 400 +39.2 13 +5.4 137.6
AC 200 400 -40.8 15 -5.8 142.32

CD 150 1600 -15.8 10 -16.3 1031.7

Σq1 -0.03 1479.77 0

After second iteration, we have q=0. So, final Q values are as follows:

Line D L Q
mm m L/s
AB 300 1600 +99.2
BD 200 400 +39.2
AC 200 400 -40.8
CD 150 1600 -15.8

5. For the water distribution system in the following figure, length and diameter of each pipe are
given below. Using relevant data, find Q values for each pipe using Hardy Cross method.

Pipe d, mm L, m
AB 400 200
BC 250 200
DE 200 200
EF 150 200
GH 300 200
HI 300 200
AD 400 500
BE 200 500
CF 200 500
DG 350 600
EH 150 600
FI 200 600

First, the system is divided into 4 loops, which are namely, A,B,C, and D.



Let’s begin with loop B since inflow (172 L/s) is from point A.




Assume Qad= 110 L/s (-)

Then, Qab= 172-110= 62 L/s(+)
Assume Qbe is (+) and 30 L/s ( 62-26-30= 6 L/s is goes through point B to C)
Assume Qde is (-) and 50 L/s ( 100-13-50= 37 L/s is goes through point D to G)

Loop D:


Qef D Qbc


Qbc= 6 L/s ( +) (from previous calculations, 62-26-30= 6 L/s)

Qfc= 14-6 = 8 L/s (-)
Qbe= 30 L/s (-) (from loop D, sign is negative in this loop)
Qef= 40 L/s (-) (assumption)

Loop A:


Qdg= 110-50-13= 47 L/s (-)

Qeh= 80-16-40 = 24 L/s (+)
Qgh= 47-24= 23 L/s(-)
Qde= 50 L/s (+)

Loop C:

Qhı C Qef


Qeh = 24 L/s (-)

Qef= 40 L/s (+)
Qfı= 40-8-8= 24 L/s (+)
Qhı= 63-24=39 L/s (-)

47 L/s 110 L/s

 

50 L/s


23 L/s

24 L/s  30 L/s 

6 L/s

40 L/s

39 L/s

24 L/s  8 L/s 

Sample calculation for the first trial:

Loop B: For AD: D=400 mm, Q=0.11 m3/s, C=100 from Hazen Williams eqn. (or from

S= 0.003 and hf: 0.00311*500 m= - 1.55 m

Hf/Q= -1.55m / (0.11m3/s) = 14.13

The first trial calculations for the loop B are in the following table.
After finding all hf and hf/Q values for loop B, q can be calculated as follows:
Σhf = -1.45 and Σ(hf/Q)= 239.18
h f
q=- = 3.3 which means that this amount of flow should be added to each flow
1.85 h f Q

For Loop A:
Σhf = 16.59 and Σ(hf/Q)= 658.42
h f
q=- = -13.6
1.85 h f Q

For Loop C:
Σhf = -5.52 and Σ(hf/Q)= 981.52
h f
q=- =3
1.85 h f Q

For Loop D:
Σhf = -15.8 and Σ(hf/Q)= 470.27
h f
q=- = 18.2
1.85 h f Q

Results of first trial:

H/Q (m/
Loop B D (m) L(m) Q (L/s) s(m/m) hf(m) m3/s) q
AD 0.4 500 -110 0.003 -1.55 14.13
AB 0.4 200 62 0.001 0.21 3.47
BE* 0.2 500 30 0.008 4.10 136.98
DE* 0.2 200 -50 0.021 -4.22 84.58
Σ -1.46 239.18

DG 0.35 600 -47 0.001 -0.74 15.77
ED* 0.2 200 50 0.021 4.22 84.58
EH* 0.15 600 24 0.022 13.24 551.20
HG 0.3 200 -23 0.001 -0.14 60.07
Σ 16.60 658.42
BC 0.25 200 6 0.000 0.03 4.71
FC 0.2 500 -8 0.001 -0.36 44.54
EF* 0.15 200 -40 0.057 -11.36 284.04
EB* 0.2 500 -30 0.008 -4.11 136.98
Σ -15.80 470.27
FE* 0.15 200 40 0.057 11.36 284.04
FI 0.2 600 24 0.005 3.26 135.98
HI 0.3 200 -39 0.002 -0.37 9.51
HE* 0.15 600 -24 0.022 -13.25 551.99
Σ 1.01 981.52

These results shows that further iterations are required

Flow calculations for second trial:
Loop B:
Qad= -110+3.3=-106.7 L/s
Qab= 62+3.3= 65.3 L/s
Qbe= 30+3.3 ( q for loop B) – 18.2 (q for loopD)= 15.1 L/s
Qde= -50 + 3.3 ( q for loop B)- (-13.6)(q for loop A)= -33.1 L/s
Loop A:
Qdg= -47-13.6= -60.6 L/s
Qed=50-13.6-3.3 (q for Loop B)= =33.1 L/s
Qeh=24-13.6- (-0.6) (q for Loop C)= 10.9 L/s
Qhg=-23-13.6=-36.6 L/s
Loop D:
Qbc= -6+18.2= 24.2 L/s
Qfc= -8+ 18.2= 10.2 L/s
Qef= -21.3 L/s

Loop C:
Qfe= 40-0.6-18.2=21.3 L/s
Qfı= 24-0.6=23.4 L/s
Qhı= -39-0.6=-39.6 L/s
Qeh= -10.9 L/s
Results of second trial:
Loop B D L Q (L/s) s(m/m) hf(m) H/Q q
AD 0.4 500 -106.7 0.002939 -1.46 13.77
AB 0.4 200 65.3 0.001185 0.23 3.63
BE* 0.2 500 15.1 0.002319 1.15 76.59
DE* 0.2 200 -33.1 0.009846 -1.96 59.54
Σ -2.04 153.53

DG 0.35 600 -60.6 0.001979 -1.18 19.59
ED* 0.2 200 33.1 0.009846 1.9 59.54
EH* 0.15 600 10.9 0.00515 3.09 282.86
HG 0.3 200 -36.6 0.00165 -0.33 9.01
Σ 3.543 370.99
BC 0.25 200 24.2 0.001857 0.37 15.38
FC 0.2 500 10.2 0.001109 0.55 54.57
EF* 0.15 200 -21.3 0.01768 -3.53 166.15
EB* 0.2 500 -15.1 0.002319 -1.1 76.59
Σ -3.77 312.69
EF* 0.15 200 24.8 0.02129 3.53 166.15
FI 0.2 600 -21.0 0.02345 3.12 133.31
HI 0.3 200 -36.0 0.03955 -0.38 9.62
EH* 0.15 600 -7.3 0.01093 -3.09 282.86
Σ 3.19 591.93

The results showed that further iteration is required…

After 14th iteration, the results are as follows. The final Q values are final flow rates in the pipes.
Loop B D L Q (L/s) s(m/m) hf(m) H/Q q
AD 0.4 500 -98.3 0.009832 -1.26 12.85 0.0
AB 0.4 200 73.7 0.007367 0.29 4.02
BE* 0.2 500 16.9 0.001689 1.41 84.06
DE* 0.2 200 -14.8 0.001475 -0.44 29.97
Σ 0.01 130.9

DG 0.35 600 -70.6 0.00262 -1.57 22.29 0.0
ED* 0.2 200 14.8 0.00221 0.44 29.97
EH* 0.15 600 7.8 0.00277 1.66 212.80
HG 0.3 200 -46.6 0.00257 -0.51 11.05
Σ 0.0188 276.11
BC 0.25 200 30.8 0.00291 0.58 18.9 0.0
FC 0.2 500 16.8 0.00281 1.40 83.64
EF* 0.15 200 -7.8 0.00277 -0.55 70.93
EB* 0.2 500 -16.9 0.00284 -1.41 84.06
Σ 0.01 257.53
EF* 0.15 200 7.8 0.00277 0.55 70.93 0.0
FI 0.2 600 16.6 0.00275 1.65 99.46
HI 0.3 200 -46.4 0.00256 -0.51 11.02
EH* 0.15 600 -7.8 0.00277 -1.66 212.80
0.031 394.21


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