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CAN’T SLEEP—CLOWNS WILL EAT ME the crew simply lacked the strength to

keep performing.
an Adventure Location by Stephanie Bryant—drawn by Michael Prescott
states of inebriation. Arguments and Jacob is a 40 year-old farmer, and his BIG TOP
THE SITUATION fights are common. terror of harlquins and clowns is the Once exciting, this large tent is a
The folk of Juniper’s Crossing haven’t original source of the insomnia. sad, flapping reminder of better days.
slept since the Circus Adventicus HARLO THE MIME Lack of sleep has amplified Jacob’s Weather and neglect have left it with
came to town, three weeks ago. They Among the patrons is hard-drinking fear, and the Dream Eater has spread several holes in the canvas, though the
are scared, paranoid, and more than a Harlo, former assassin, now a circus it like a cancer throughout the village, performers had tried, until recently, to
little deranged. mime. The Dream Eater’s magic has and used the resulting anxiety and hal- continue to stage nightly shows. Now,
The people here will say nonsensical made his invisible, mimed walls real. lucinations of the villagers and circus they perform every other night, and no
things, wander off mid-conversation, performers to further torment them. longer perform the animal acts.
and may have vibrant hallucinations. MILLER’S MADNESS
These present themselves as illusion- Local farmers patronize Abigail’s mill, SHERIFF’S OFFICE CAPTAIN WONDROUS
ary threats due to the curse’s nature. which has a near-monopoly in the Portia Oskrey usually lets people man- The circus ringleader and occasional
Adventurers cannot benefit from rest area. Abigail’s illusions include shad- age their own problems, and she really performer sits sullenly in big top. He
or sleep. Anyone staying here for more ows crawling along the walls, being wants this one to go away. She hasn’t hallucinates constantly, his eyes dart-
than three days will suffer from acute watched, and tiny insects in the grain. figured it out on her own, and the lon- ing to imagined movement in the dark.
exhaustion and hallucinations. Even ger she goes without sleep, the less in-
sleep-inducing magic lasts half as long BAKER’S DOZE-ING clined she is to try. She’ll gladly accept HESPIBAH THE HUGE
as normal, and provides no rest. The smell of warm bread has a damp help and will reward those who bring Once a gladiator in Owlshade, the ani-
This is caused by the Dream Eater, undercurrent of mold. Braided bread is any offenders in for justice. mal-loving circus strongman often wan-
a powerful monster hiding among the shaped into weird and unsettling con- ders away randomly, mid-task.
circus performers. tortions and sculptures which seem to CIRCUS ADVENTICUS
writhe when not watched directly. The Circus Adventicus boasts the Lab- MUSEUM OF MONSTROSITIES
BROKEN INN oratory of Mysteries and the Muse- Mechanical clanking and the smell of
Gus Broken runs this ordinary tavern LEAVEN FARM um of Mechanical Monstrosities oil and smoke surround this bright or-
with a few rooms to rent to weary trav- Jacob Leaven’s family farm grows as its main attractions, but it employs ange tent, which houses Archibald’s
elers. The Inn is running low on ale wheat and has a small herd of dairy the standard complement of jugglers, numerous mechanical oddities and
and spirits, however, as townfolk try to goats. clowns, side shows, and other attrac- contraptions. The gnome-like tinker-
drink themselves to sleep. The common With 7 kids, it’s a big family; Angie is tions as well. A Big Top performance er’s creations have become increasingly
room holds 2-12 townsfolk in various one of the middle children. ran every night until 3 days ago, when hostile and uncontrolled.





Copyright © 2018 Stephanie Bryant & Michael Prescott — CC-BY-NC 4.0 — c b n a — More at v1.0 pg. 1/2
d10 Illusionary Encounters Circus Adventicus mementos, tempo- his delirous laughter, so he paces out-
1 1d3 scary harlequins rary low-grade illusions, food and bev- side the circle of wagons.
erage, and the services of Mother For-
2 1d2 escaped lions tunada. MIRROR MAZE
3 1d6 hallucinated shadows Visitors can also play (rigged) carni- This large temporary building houses
val games to win tiny pets (fish, mice) a maze of distorting mirrors, in which These mirror images are then project-
4 A villager, turned into a ghoul
or other prizes. A squirrelly merchant it is easy to become lost or disorient- ed as illusions by the Dream Eater, as
5 Carnival barker sells “potions of sleep” to desperate vil- ed. The Dream Eater has taken up shown in the Illusionary Encounters
6 Automaton from the Museum lagers and circus folk alike. residence inside, and its presence has table.
attracted 2 pair of dopplegangers Unlucky visitors will be attacked
7 A villager, twice normal size MADAME FORTUNADA and their mimic pet. As visitors move or harassed by the mimic or by a dop-
8 Mad wizard The elderly fortune teller’s divination through the maze, they see themselves pelganger adopting one of the distort-
9 1d6 berzerker acrobats magics always reveal a little too much. reflected in an altered form: ed forms. Anyone who spends too long
• Enormously large looking into the mirrors attracts the
10 1d3 malicious clowns BACK OF THE HOUSE • As a harlequin or clown attention of the dopplegangers or the
A collection of tents and wagons where • Extremely beautiful (this mirror is Dream Eater itself!
LABORATORY OF MAD WIZARDS the circus performers live, sleep, and actually is the mimic) The villages will assume any wild
Three wagons are connected side by eat. Arranged in a large circle around • As normal, but your shadow moves tales of monsters are hallucinations
side to form a single, large open room the common cook fire and mess table. menacingly behind you! caused by the madness.
for performing feats of magic and il- • A different profession, species, or
lusion, performed by the three “Mad JOCKO THE JONGLEUR social status THE DREAM EATER
Wizards,” who were not actually mad Head of the juggling troupe, Jocko loves • As a ghoul A powerful psychic monster lurks
before the Dream Eater. stupid jokes. The others have tired of • Without a face among the circus performers. In its nat-
ural form, it appears as a dense cloud
BEAUTIFUL BESTIARY of darkness with glints of tiny met-
A sign outside this circle of cages indi- al spikes and the sound of something
cates the attraction is closed. Several smacking its teeth.
cages have been draped to hide the an- With a manipulative and deceptive
imals inside. Some cages are empty. At nature and resistance to mind-affecting
least one is empty, the door obviously magics, it is a challenging foe and can
broken. The other cages contain: be anywhere in the Circus or harassing
The Harpy—a large eagle, many of the town. It makes its lair in the Mirror
whose feathers have been plucked Maze.
The Mermaid—a tank of water con- Its sole drive is to sow confusion and
taining a sea horse to heighten the village’s fear, paranoia,
The Great Serpent—a large constric- and madness. It has three powers:
tor snake, currently ill tempered due • Mimic: Appear as anyone who has
to shedding gone through the Mirror Maze
Grand Oliphant—a bored elephant • Amplify: Amplify another’s
Dancing Rats—a swarm of trained emotional state so others can feel it.
rats, now ravenously hungry • Hallusionate: Cause someone’s
The animal tamer, ‘Grover of the Gro- hallucinations to manifest as
vers’ sits amid the cages, catatonic from illusions experienced by everyone.
days of insomnia. The Dream Eater bears a crown made
of sharp metal teeth that prick the
MERCADO wearer’s forehead. The wearer can proj-
Non-performers sell wares in the Mer- ect powerful illusions for a short period
cado, where visitors can purchase of time, but doing so takes a mental toll.

Copyright © 2018 Stephanie Bryant & Michael Prescott — CC-BY-NC 4.0 — c b n a — Supported by v1.0 pg. 2/2

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