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Name_______________________________________ Period_______ Date_______________________

Bonding & Molecular Structure

Day 2 - C.3.4 – Write chemical formulas for ionic compounds and covalent compounds
given their names and vice versa. ( Nomenclature Practices – AKA – Chemistry
Directions for BLOOMS – Lower Order – UNDERSTANDING:
Students will locate & label all missing information in the guided notes using PowerPoint

Directions for BLOOMS – Higher Order – EVALUATING:

Students will judge unique covalent compounds for appropriate prefixes and verbally report their
card formula with a correct name when they miss their seat in the Musical Chairs.

Day 2
Binary Covalent Nomenclature
(nonmetal + nonmetal)

1) Reading left to right, the first element is named as the element.

2) The second element is named with suffix -ide
3) Prefixes are used to indicate the number of each element present. Mono- is never used for
the first element.

mono- 1 hexa- 6
di- 2 hepta- 7
tri- 3 octa- 8
tetra- 4 nona- 9
penta- 5 deca- 10

4) The letter o in mono- and the letter a in the prefixes for four (penta-) to ten (deca-) are
omitted if the resulting word sounds better. This usually occurs when the next letter is
a vowel.


N2O3 dinitrogen trioxide

NO nitrogen monoxide (no mono- prefix used on the first atom; letter ‘o’ was
actually omitted here so there wasn’t a ‘oo’.)
N2O dinitrogen monoxide
S2Cl2 disulfur dichloride
Cl2O7 dichloride heptoxide
CO2 carbon dioxide (no mono- prefix used on the first atom)
SF6 sulfur hexafluoride (no mono- prefix used on the first atom)

Chem-is-try 20
Binary Covalent
To Be Named OR
phosphorus pentachloride
sulfur trioxide
dioxygen difluoride
disulfur octoxide

Chem-is-try 21

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