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ISSN 1648–7788 / eISSN 1822–4180

2017 Volume 21(1): 23–28


Alexander MEDVEDEV1, Iyad ALOMAR2, Slawomir AUGUSTYN3
1, 2Transport
and Telecommunication Institute, Lomonosova 1, Riga, LV-1019, Latvia
Defence University, Gen. A. Chruściela 103, 00–910 Warsaw, Poland
E-mails:; (corresponding author);

Received 07 July 2016; accepted 03 March 2017

Alexander MEDVEDEV, Prof., Dr. Sc. Eng.

Fields of research: transport and logistics.
Present position: Professor; Head of the Chair of Aviation transport; member of the TTI
Research committee; member of the Latvian operation research society; member of the Latvian
association of professors at institutions of higher education; manager of theoretical training
and examination of the EASA Part-147 training Centre at TTI Academic and professional
aviation centre TSI/APAC.

Iyad ALOMAR, MSc in engineering

Fields of research: transport and logistics.
Present position: lector; Type training manager and Deputy of Quality manager of the EASA
Part-147 training Centre at TSI/APAC (TTI Academic and professional aviation centre).

Slawomir AUGUSTYN, Assistant Professor.

Fields of research: transport and logistics.
Present position: Assistant Professor at the National Defence University (Warsaw, Poland).

Abstract. This article discusses the issue of innovation in airport design which is supported by aviation project
management. This is why the decision making process on innovation in an airport’s design should correlate with future
perspectives in aviation. This process influences a decrease in time and money lost during the period of leading an avi-
ation project. A good result is obtained through selected essential information and analysis of the airport management
process in order to achieve efficiency in aircraft operation. What is more, the innovation in airport design is closely
related with the safety of aircraft and security of passengers.
Keywords: aircraft operations, ground handling, aviation project management, innovation, airport design.

Copyright © 2017 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) Press
24 A. Medvedev et al. Innovation in airport design

1. Introduction In an article by Price and Dreiling the proposed fu-

The innovation in airport design is targeted at service ture aerotropolis airport model allows argueing that air-
providers in aviation. The service providers in aviation ports act as cities: home to people, businesses, industries,
usually focus not only on the quality of the service, but and are a pivoting point for economic growth. A cultural
also on the efficiency of aircraft operation. The innova- and organizational transformation within the airport
tion in airports design is complex future thinking about sector supported by business model innovations will be
a high degree of competition while using new methods required to accompany such a monumental shift towards
of vehicles movements controls at the aerodrome and the future operations of airports (Price, Dreiling 2013).
aviation equipment developments by new methods, Design led innovation requires a company to have
tools, materials with sustainable technologies and good a vision for top line growth, which is based on deep cus-
airport organized infrastructure, etc It is very important, tomer insights and expanded through customer and
because all these components are necessary for effective stakeholder engagements. The outcome of design led
air operations and also effective ground handling in the innovation is the integration of design and a culture of
context of passenger’s security. design thinking within all aspects of a business to enable
Due to a huge demand in expanding airport capa- that vision to be achieved.
city caused by the increasing amount of passengers and Innovations in digital technology hold the ability
good flows, air travel has become accessible to billions to support the operation of the physical environment of
more travellers. In 2012, 2.8 billion passengers used air an airport whilst creating new and potentially disruptive
travel. According to IATA’s 2050 report, experts expect channels to customers and stakeholders. The rise of the
that 16 billion passengers and 400 million tons of cargo digital economy presents an interesting link to the future
will be used by aviation transport in 2050 and will con- aerotropolis business model of airport operation.
tinue to increase (IATA 2011). It is a huge challenge to The smart follower or innovation-adopting organ-
provide this incensement without a good organization of ization selects and absorbs the success of innovation
the operation circuit involved in aircraft operations, in- generators and leaders within and outside of their in-
cluding the time when the aircraft stands on the ground. dustry, reducing the risk of market failure. However, this
Many studies have been carried out in order to tackle approach toward innovation also cements the risk and
the growing passenger flows. Bonnefoy et al. (2010), is- innovation adverse cultural dynamics within stakehold-
sued a study known as “Evolution and Development of ers, which can yield low organizational creativity and de-
Multi-Airport Systems”. The core of their solution was ficiencies in problem solving.
creating Multi-Airport Systems. A multi-airport system As stated in the laws and regulations on aero-
is defined as a set of two or more significant airports that dromes, there are five main factors which play a major
serve commercial traffic within a metropolitan region. role in improving airport capacity (Abeyratne 2014):
However, with this solution they determined that the d) integration of GNSS use;
congestion problem at the three major airports in New e) integration of arrival/departure/surface manage-
York could also drive the emergence of a new secondary ment;
airport. Nevertheless, the development of a multi-airport f) optimization management;
system still poses several challenges in terms of planning g) improvement of surface surveillance;
and development Bonnefoy et al. (2010). h) airport collaborative decision making.
From point of view De Neufville, Professor of En- It is impossible to improve items (b) and (d) without
gineering Systems and Civil and Environmental Engin- the good management and optimization of the move-
eering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, also issued ment and operation of ground vehicles.
a study in this area in his article “Airports of the Future: On the other hand, the number of accidents and in-
The Development of Airport Systems”. In another study, cidents which take place at aerodromes due to ground
the worldwide development is presented in terms of vehicle operations, and the impact of aircraft by these
emerging trends towards focused specialization in air- vehicles are rapidly increasing.
port operations; the major types of airports are defined In the Transportation Research Board (2008) we
(de Neufville 2003): saw that one of the major goals of this research project
a) 24/7 intercontinental airports serving the global was not only to identify innovations, but also to under-
international passenger traffic; stand and evaluate their potential effects on airport ter-
b) cheap fare, short haul airports that strive to be minal landside facility planning and design. As a result,
inexpensive to match the demands of their cli- several new landside and terminal concepts that incor-
ents; porate one or more innovations have been developed.
c) cargo airports dedicated to serving integrated The landside concepts are based on the passenger
freight operators. processes described earlier and include activities from
Aviation, 2017, 21(1): 23–28 25

the beginning of the passenger’s journey to the point are time, safety, security and the amount of money spent,
where the passenger enters the terminal building, and so the passengers are interested in technologically ad-
vice versa. vanced projects. All customers look for a high level of
ICAO and EUROCONTROL have devised the “Ad- comfort and satisfaction. However, all those things can-
vanced-Surface Movement Guidance and Control Sys- not be provided without proper management organiz-
tem” (A-SMGCS) to ensure the safety and the efficiency ation and good organization of the grand holding. Of
of surface traffic on the airport movement area (runways, course the cost value should be the most important cri-
taxiways and apron area) (Eurocontrol 2015). terium in the quality of handling service, because the
The most extensive studies were provided by a Por- total quality of service is the single and the most import-
tuguese team of scientists (Casaca et al. 2015). They ex- ant issue in providing a passenger service successfully.
plain that the present level of technological development That is why the innovation in airport design should take
in information and communication technologies allows into consideration the following aspects:
defining a low cost platform for the vehicle navigation 1. First the future project should be dealing in par-
component of the A-SMGCS, and gives a good present- allel with two areas:
ation and ideas on how to use and integrate widely –– air navigation system;
known communication network systems, such as: Wi-Fi, –– airport infrastructure.
TETRA, CDMA and WiMAX, to optimize the ground 2. The usage of new technology in ground handling
vehicle movement within a local area airport network. for almost two decades has centred on ground
Azorín Gonzalez et al. stated that the optimization transport interchange.
of future ground operations of aircraft cannot be un- 3. Human errors in all aspects should be reduced in
derstood without studying the main platforms. For this the aviation market. Obviously, the high service
purpose two projects stand out – Next Gen. and SECAR quality leads to customers’ retention, which has
(Azorín Gonzalez et al. 2013). shown to be cheaper in the long term, with high
The Next Gen. Air Transportation System (Next Gen) levels of customer turnover.
aims to transfer America’s air traffic control system from
the current ground based system to a satellite based system 2. Design of future airports
with a GPS technology feature. They assume that when Innovation in airport design has a crucial role in the avi-
dealing with airport operations, some points override oth- ation safety chain, linking airline safety with their pas-
ers. These points were grouped in the following way: senger security and customer freight. They are centres of
i) A-CDM (Airport Collaborative Decision Mak- economic activity that attract business parks and serve
ing); as multi-modal transfer points. It is a complex of new-
j) unambiguous communications; design airport buildings and security infrastructure sys-
k) runway entrance control; tems that serve the needs of a variety of interests from
l) no confusing lights – less stop and go; time to time. Most of these interests are concentrated
m) continuous taxi speed  – improved controller in the new-construction terminal building (airline park
efficiency; with their aircraft for loading and unloading, passen-
n) optimizing the use of available infrastructure; gers’ baggage and their transportation between ground
o) A-SMGCS (Advance Surface Movement Guid- transport and aircraft). Airlines, the airport operator,
ance and Control Systems). and businesses want to provide continuous services and
This study only dealt with aircraft departure and assist passengers and airport visitors, and the terminal
runway occupation and holding time. They looked at the building supports these activities. Future concepts of
optimization only from the aircraft’s point of view, re- modern airports address three basic elements:
gardless of other conditions surrounding it. –– more comfortable handling of passengers;
Around 90% of airports’ infrastructures using a –– capacity and quality increase with a high level of
ground handling system and with good management of air operations;
it can be regarded as having a good aviation project man- –– reduction of the environmental impact on nature
agement. That is why the innovation in airport design using clean energy projects, for example to re-
should give a realistic overview of a typical service pro- duce CO2.
vider involved in airlines, airports, as well as in high Larger airports have grown, and this has provided
quality and safety manufacturing operations. Also, it is the knowledge on how to predict and solve the major
obvious that the innovations in airport design should problems, such as optimal use of the airport capacity, in-
create the interdependence between the safety of aircraft sufficient runway capacity, etc.
operations and the satisfaction of passengers in terms of Nowadays, terminal buildings are renovated, up-
economical aspects. The most important airport features graded and modified. In addition, entertainment places
26 A. Medvedev et al. Innovation in airport design

were built to accommodate the growth in air travel. In What is more, the relation between the awareness of
the future, most of the existing airports will be renov- employees (team) and environmental protection can im-
ated taking into account the comfort of facilities, where prove the level of quality of airport project management.
the terminal building must be rebuilt within the con- The new approach to innovation in airport design
straints of the existing property, runway, boundaries and shows a wide and novel vision of work organization with
highway systems regarding the safety of continuing air- regard to natural environment protection that encom-
line operations. It is improbable that the future terminal passes:
buildings will be radically different in the basic concept, –– innovative technology combined with a new pro-
but surely they will be larger and busier than any airports ject process for leading an aviation project;
that currently exist. –– an improvement in acknowledging working
The traditional structure of an aviation project teams in an airport project;
management is characterized through routine work pro- –– a new solution to essential problems to achieve
cess and planning, organizing, controlling and coordin- success in the airport structure;
ation process, within the structure of line organization. –– education improvement of the aviation project
In order to achieve the proper capacity and quality, the team.
innovation in airport design should be assessed to avoid This concept provides guidelines for leading an avi-
problems with legislation. One of the ways to achieve ation project so as to decrease the cost level and improve
success in designing an airport is the choice of a suitable the level of aircraft safety and natural environment pro-
method in aviation project management. The survey of tection.
new areas of investigative co-operation in different sci-
entific disciplines is required. The necessary strategies 3. The perspective to airport design
of using modern technologies for safety and security are The perspective to airport design presents a new way of
one of the most important research areas. Integrating approaching the culture, structure and communication
technical, environmental, psychological and economical procedures of the team workers (Fig. 2). The methodo-
sciences (Fig. 1) creates the chances of a better result in logy should be based on the following aspects:
airport design. 1. Defining the problem or challenge and mission
Moreover, airports’ design should be based not of the airport project.
only on the supervision of procedures, the power of 2. Logical structuring of the airport project regard-
aviation project management, and the formal security ing the interim results and specific activities.
rules to obey, but also on passengers’ rights. Despite this, 3. Correlating the decision-making process when
the project tools for airport design are well known and developing the airport project with natural en-
available, e.g. risk analyzes, planning, organizing, doing, vironment protection.
controlling and budgeting. Aviation projects could fail. Planning and controlling the timeline, money, qual-
This is not due to lack of methods and techniques, but ity, information and communication in the organization
sometimes due to poor correlation between the innov- of the airport project.
ation power of doing aviation projects and the human That is why the good airport design could give a
resource management dealing with natural environment perspective systematic way of developing of the process.

Project perspective Team perspective

Defining Working Together
Structuring Team Spirit
Managing Maintaining Relationship
Decision-making Culture


Personal development
SAFETY OF NATURAL Personal growth
PSYCHOLOGY Core Qualities

Fig. 1. Integration of different scientific disciplines for Fig. 2. The new perspective to airport design (Ofman 2001)
innovation in airport design (Augustyn 2010)
Aviation, 2017, 21(1): 23–28 27

The innovation in airport design could be created on a When the airport project definition is clear, the pro-
minimum of two or more pillars. The two pillars give ject team is able to carry out activities in the structure of
support to leading an airport project based on: project.
–– finding and making the optimum use of the Moreover, instead of following a strictly logical
power of imagination, the power of co-operation linear approach, the project team should use a creative
and the power to shape structure; structuring process. The desired result of any aviation
–– synergy of viewing leadership as a personal de- project is a control factors during the project set up:
velopment perspective to obtain a good result of timeline, money, quality, organization, communication
the project team work and the success from an and environmental law (Fig. 3). These control factors in-
aviation product perspective. fluence the project’s result as a quality product. Together,
Additionally the innovation in airport design the control factors allow:
should correlate with three perspectives and three –– for an effective project team (organization)
powers for the enterprise. within a certain period (timeline);
1. The personal development perspective is suppor- –– making use of budget (money);
ted by the power of Imagination. –– using data (information), culture, passenger
2. The project team’s perspective and the power rights;
of Co-operation, the target being team synergy, –– remaining in close contact (communication)
mutual trust and good management of relation- with the natural environment.
ships in and around the aviation project. In other words, the new perspective to aviation pro-
3. The project perspective, supported by the power ject management proposes a process for obtaining a high
to Shape, ensures the management of time, quality level of an aviation product.
money, quality and other control factors. Without innovative data collection methods, it is
Aviation projects are very often successful when the impossible to include any innovation in airport design
investor, project team and line managers choose to face that would match with a new secure and progressive avi-
the challenge together. This provides involvement, posit- ation market.
ive energy, satisfaction and a good desired result. New technologies give us a wide selection of choices
The following elements are provided as an example of data collection units, such as:
based on a good aviation project targeted at successfully a) positioning system sensors, like GPS sensors and
defining passenger IDs: a peeling system.
–– the airport project mission; b) video information. Using special intelligent
–– the airport project challenge and problem of programs which transfer video images into an
definition; event log. For example from a video image the
–– the desired airport project result; program can set a protocol about trolley No. 20
–– the demarcation of the aviation project result; reach point x at time 21h34m12s. This program
–– the airport project effects; may something like the Real-time Transport
–– the impetus of the airport project; Protocol (RTP). (Schulzrinne et al. 2003).
–– the preconditions under which the airport pro- c) information interpretation from various ele-
ject is enacted. ments of the system that uses various sensors
installed in the system elements.



Information INNOVATION High quality level of

IN AIRPORT passenger comfort
Communication DESIGN


Natural Environmental Law

Fig. 3. The transformation process in aviation project management (Augustyn 2011)

28 A. Medvedev et al. Innovation in airport design

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4. Conclusions
innovation: shifting from smart follower to digital strategy
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Design-Driven Business Innovation, Institute of Electrical
the project being designed. In practice this way is not
and Electronics Engineers, 1–2 December 2013, Shenzhen,
very simple and each project team should understand China, 251–258.
what should be done in such an airport project.
The managers should find an inspiring concept for Schulzrinne, H.; Casner, S.; Frederick, R.; Jacobson, V. 2003.
creating the airport project. This new concept of airport RTP: a transport protocol for real-time applications. Net-
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design goes against traditional ideas about organization, Transportation Research Board. 2008. Innovations for Airport
communication and the spirit of thinking in co-opera- Terminal Facilities. Airport Cooperative Research Program.
tion with people who work in environment protection. Report 10. Transportation Research Board, Washington,
In summary, we can argue that the new concept to D.C.
airport design in all selected aviation segments is based
on a network of highly interdependent external and in-
ternal customer-supplier relationships. Many service
providers do not directly serve their end customers but
rather serve another service provider who does. In order
for them to optimize and generally improve their service
quality is justifying.

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