Mirelesh Et Al, 1985 - Valproate and Clonazepam Comedication in Epilepsy-Epilepsia

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Epilepsia, 26(2):122- 126, 1985

Raven Press, New York

0 International League Against Epilepsy

Valproate and Clonazepam Comedication in Patients with

Intractable Epilepsy

Ruy Mireles and 110 E. Leppik

Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U . S . A .

Summary: The efficacy and the potential risk of inducing ment. Seizure improvement was obtained in 7 of 8 pa-
convulsive o r nonconvulsive status epilepticus with the tients with absence seizures. 8 of 9 patients with myo-
combination of valproate (VPA) and clonazepam (CZP), clonic seizures, 19 of 39 patients with complex partial
with or without other anticonvulsant drugs, in 55 patients seizures, 3 of 14 patients with primary generalized tonic-
with intractable epilepsy was evaluated. The patients clonic seizures, 8 of 23 patients with secondarily gener-
were treated with VPA and CZP concomitantly for from alized tonic-clonic seizures, and 3 of 14 patients with
3 to 72 months (mean 21.7 months). Trough VPA serum atonic seizures. No single case of status epilepticus or
levels ranged from 26 t o 96 pgiml (mean 56.6 pgiml). exacerbation of seizures of a n y type w a s seen. Key
Trough C Z P s e r u m levels ranged from 5 t o 63 ng/ml Words: Clonazepam - Comedication - Epilepsy - In-
(mean 22.6 ng/ml). The treatment seizure frequency was tractable seizures-Valproate.
compared with baseline values before combination treat-

Although monotherapy is a commendable goal in drugs in combination may induce convulsive status
the treatment of epilepsy (Leppik, 1984), some pa- epilepticus.
tients with intractable epilepsy may need more than VPA is an effective antiepileptic drug often used
one antiepileptic drug to improve seizure control. in conjunction with other antiepileptic drugs for the
Valproate (VPA) and clonazepam (CZP) comedi- control of refractory seizures. It is a major drug for
cation, with or without other antiepileptic drugs, the treatment of primary generalized seizure dis-
has been underutilized because reports in the med- orders (Wilder and Karas, 1982) and is a most ef-
ical literature caution against such therapy. One re- fective drug in the treatment of absence seizures
port described 1 1 patients with absence seizures (Sato et al., 1982). It has also been shown to be as
who were taking only VPA and CZP in combina- effective as phenytoin for newly diagnosed gener-
tion. Five patients developed absence status. The alized tonic-clonic seizures in patients who had not
authors concluded that a combined use of these two received prior therapy (Wilder et al., 1983).
drugs is to be avoided (Jeavons et al., 1977). In a CZP was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
textbook of clinical neuropharmacology, the state- Administration in 1976 as a single or adjunctive an-
ment is made that the combination of VPA and CZP ticonvulsant for absence seizures, infantile spasms,
has been reported to induce status epilepticus in a atypical absence seizures, minor motor seizures,
number of cases, and concomitant use of these two and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome (Browne, 1976). Re-
drugs is not recommended (Klawans et al., 1981). cent studies have demonstrated some efficacy for
Confusion has arisen, and some have misinter- generalized tonic-clonic and partial seizures
preted this information, concluding that these two (Hussey, 1976; Nanda et al., 1977).
At the University of Minnesota Comprehensive
Received November 28. 1984. Epilepsy Program (UMCEP), we carefully with-
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. R. draw antiepileptic drugs during an inpatient period
Mireles at his present address: Matamoros 1010 Oriente, Mon- for seizure observation, determine the antiepileptic
terrey, Nuevo Leon, 64000 Mexico.
This study was presented at the American Epilepsy Society drug concentration-response and add
meeting held in San Francisco, CA, U.S.A., in November 1984. antiepileptic drugs one at a time to obtain maximum


TABLE 1. Summary of seizure types TABLE 2 . Other antiepileptic drugs used during
treatment with valproate and cloncizepum
No. of
Seizure type patients Drugs No. of patients
Absence None 5
Simple 6 Phenytoin 37
Atypical 2 Carbamazepine 36
Primary generalized tonic-clonic 14 Ethosuximide 3
Myoclonic 9 Primidone 3
Atonic 15 Phenobarbital 2
Tonic 3 Mephenytoin 1
Simple partial 6
Complex partial 40 Total" 87
Secondarily generalized tonic-clonic 27
" More than 55 patients because some individuals were taking
Total" I22 additional antiepileptic drugs.
' More than 55 patients because many individuals had more
than one type of seizure. were readmitted for further evaluation if necessary.
The patients were taking either VPA or CZP prior
to the introduction of the other drug. CZP was
control with minimal side effects. Initially, we were
added only during hospitalization at 0.5 mg b.i.d.,
reluctant to use the combination of CZP and VPA.
and the dosage was increased to 3-5 mgiday in -1
This report describes the UMCEP experience with
week to permit development of tolerance to seda-
the combined use of VPA and CZP, with or without
tive side effects. VPA doses ranged from 13.3 to
other antiepileptic drugs, in individuals with refrac-
67.4 mgikg (mean 29.8 mgikg); CZP doses ranged
tory seizures.
from 0.02 to 0.23 mgikg (mean 0.09 mgikg). Anti-
epileptic drug levels were monitored often, and
drug dosage adjustments were made according to
We reviewed -500 patients admitted to the Epi- clinical response and side effects.
lepsy Treatment Unit of the UMCEP between June Pretreatment evaluation consisted of a history,
1980 and April 1984. From this population, we iden- general physical and neurological examination,
tified 55 patients (24 women and 31 men), 15-44 complete blood count, platelet count, urinalysis,
years old (mean 26.7 years), with intractable sei- electrocardiogram, blood chemistries, chest radi-
zures who were treated with a combination of CZP ogram, and brain computed tomographic scan.
and VPA at some time. Medical intractability was EEGs and ictal events were simultaneously docu-
defined as daily or weekly seizures that occurred mented in each patient by video electroencefalog-
despite documented therapeutic blood levels of ap- raphy-telemetry recording (EEG-TR) to ensure an
propriate antiepileptic drugs under our supervision. accurate seizure type classification.
Seizure types are listed in Table 1. Etiology of the Parameters assessed were age, sex, seizure
epilepsy was undetermined in 26 patients, CNS in- types, duration of epilepsy, seizure etiology, mean
fections in 14, birth anoxia in 8, head injury in 3, trough VPA and CZP serum levels, other antiepi-
CNS neoplastic lesions in 3, and Lafora disease in leptic drugs given concomitantly, interval receiving
1. The duration of epilepsy ranged from 9 to 38 VPA and CZP treatment combination, and results
years (mean 19.7 years) at the time of study. of seizure control. Seizure frequency was moni-
The patients were treated with VPA and CZP tored by observation in the hospital and patient re-
concomitantly for from 3 to 72 months (mean 21.7 ports at clinic visits. Patients maintained records by
months). VPA trough serum levels ranged from 26 use of a calendar.
to 96 pgiml (mean 56.6 pgiml), and CZP trough The results were classified as excellent (75- 100%
serum levels ranged from 5 to 63 ngiml (mean 22.6 seizure reduction), good (50-74%), poor ( d o % ) ,
ngiml). Five patients were taking only VPA and or increased seizure frequency. The treatment sei-
CZP in combination. Fifty patients were taking one, zure frequency was compared with the baseline sei-
two, or three additional antiepileptic drugs (Table zure frequency prior to combination treatment.
2). Of these 50 patients, 20 were taking one drug, VPA and CZP levels were measured in blood
28 were taking two drugs, and 2 were taking three drawn prior to the first a.m. dose (trough), and drug
drugs in addition to the combination of VPA and blood levels were determined at the University of
CZP. The drug dosages were adjusted if serum Minnesota Hospital Laboratory. CZP level was de-
levels changed significantly. The patients were fol- termined by gas chromatography using an electron
lowed up after hospital discharge as outpatients and capture detector (coefficient of variation 3 .5%).

Epilepsia, Vol. 26, N o . 2, 1985


VPA level was determined by gas chromatography to 96 yg/ml (mean 60.8 pg/ml), and trough CZP
using a flame ionization detector (coefficient of serum levels ranged from 6 to 52 ng/ml (mean 26.6
variation at 65 pg/ml 2%). ng/ml). One patient had good and two patients had
poor results; 12 patients had an unchanged seizure
RESULTS frequency during the interval they received com-
bination treatment.
Absence seizures
Six patients had simple absences. One patient Tonic seizures
was taking only the combination of VPA and CZP. Of the three patients identified, two were taking
Other drugs taken were phenytoin (two patients), carbamazepine and phenytoin and one phenytoin
ethosuximide and phenytoin (one), primidone and besides the VPA and CZP combination. They re-
carbamazepine (one), and phenytoin and carbam- ceived combination treatment for from 7 to 36
azepine (one). Trough VPA serum levels ranged months (mean 18.3 months). Trough VPA serum
from 51 to 68 p.g/ml (mean 57.1 pg/ml), and trough levels ranged from 52 to 70 pg/ml (mean 59.6 p.g/
CZP serum levels ranged from 6 to 50 ng/ml (mean ml), and trough CZP serum levels ranged from 6 to
16.7 ng/ml). These patients received combination 30 ng/ml (mean 21.3 ngiml). No seizure frequency
treatment for from 3 t o 54 months (mean 29.6 changes were seen while the combination treatment
months). One patient had excellent and four had was being taken.
good results; in one patient absence seizure fre- Myoclonic seizures
quency was unchanged. Nine patients were identified. One patient was
Two patients with atypical absences (Penry et al., taking only VPA and CZP in combination. Other
1975) were identified. One of them was taking only drugs taken were phenytoin and carbamazepine
the combination of VPA and CZP, and one was (two patients), phenytoin (one), carbamazepine
taking carbamazepine in addition to the combina- (one), ethosuximide (one), ethosuximide and phe-
tion. Trough VPA serum levels ranged from 41 to nytoin (one), primidone and carbamazepine (one),
71 pg/ml (mean 56 pg/ml), and trough CZP serum and phenytoin, carbamazepine, and ethosuximide
levels ranged from 12 to 33 ng/ml (mean 22.5 ng/ (one). The patients received VPA and CZP concom-
ml). These two patients received combination treat- itantly for from 9 to 52 months (mean 27 months).
ment for from 2 to 24 months (mean 14 months). Trough VPA serum levels ranged from 38 to 96 p.g/
One patient had an excellent and one had a poor ml (mean 48 pgiml), and trough CZP serum levels
result. No patient had status or increased seizures. ranged from 12 to 63 ng/ml (mean 28.8 ng/ml). Three
Primary generalized tonic-clonic seizures patients had excellent, three had good, and two had
Of the 14 patients identified, two were taking only poor results; one patient had an unchanged seizure
the combination of VPA and CZP. Other drugs frequency during the combination trial.
taken were phenytoin (three patients), phenytoin Simple partial seizures
and carbamazepine (four), primidone and carbam- Six patients were identified. Seizures were too
azepine (two), carbamazepine (one), ethosuximide infrequent for valid analysis.
and phenytoin (one), and phenytoin and primidone
(one). Trough VPA serum levels ranged from 38 to Complex partial seizures
72 pg/ml (mean 58.3 pg/ml), and trough CZP serum Forty patients were identified. Two were taking
levels ranged from 5 to 63 nglml (mean 22.4 ng/ml). only VPA and CZP in combination. Other drugs
The patients received the combination for from 3 to taken were mephenytoin (1 patient), phenobarbital
73 months (mean 25.3 months). One patient had ex- (I), phenytoin (6), carbamazepine (6), carbamaze-
cellent and two had good results while receiving pine and phenytoin (22), phenytoin, carbamaze-
combination treatment; 11 had an unchanged sei- pine, and ethosuximide (l), and carbamazepine and
zure frequency. primidone (I). The patients received VPA and CZP
for from 4 to 73 months (mean 21.6 months). Trough
Atonic seizures VPA serum levels ranged from 33 to 96 pg/ml (mean
Of the 15 patients identified, all were taking other 55.6 p.g/ml), and trough CZP serum levels ranged
drugs: phenytoin and carbamazepine (lo), carbam- from 6 to 45 ng/ml (mean 21.4 ng/ml). Two patients
azepine and primidone (2), phenytoin (l), carbam- had an excellent, eight had a good, and nine had a
azepine ( l ) , and phenytoin, carbamazepine, and poor response. Twenty had an unchanged seizure
ethosuximide (1). They received the combination of frequency during the trial. In one patient, assess-
VPA and CZP for from 4 to 73 months (mean 28 ment of results was not possible because of the in-
months). Trough VPA serum levels ranged from 34 frequency of his epileptic episodes.

Epilepsia, Vol. 26, N o . 2,1985


TABLE 3. Summary o j results according t o seizure type

Results Mean Mean
valproate clonazepam Length of
No. of Excellent Good Poor level level treatment
Seizure type patients (75- 100%) (50-74%) (0-49%;) Unchanged Increased (pgiml) (ngind) (mo)
Simple absence 6 1 4 - I 0 57.1 16.7 29.6
Atypical absence 2 I - 1 - 0 56.0 22.5 14.0
Atonic 15 - 1 2 12 0 60.8 26.6 28.0
Tonic 3 - - - 3 0 59.6 21.3 18.3
Myoclonic 9 3 3 2 1 0 48.0 28.8 27.0
Complex partial 40" 2 8 9 20 0 55.6 21.4 21.6
Primary generalized
tonic-clonic 14 I 2 - 11 0 58.3 22.4 3.3
Secondarily generalized
tonic-clonic 27" 1 6 I 15 0 S2.4 22 20.0

" The effects of therapy were not assessed for one patient with complex partial and four patients with secondarily generalized tonic-clonic aeizures
because of insufficient ictal events for valid analysis

Secondarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures was not directly related to known therapeutic serum
Twenty-seven patients were identified. Two were levels of VPA and CZP by itself. Rather, it seemed
taking only VPA and CZP in combination. Other to be an individual response to the medication by
drugs taken were phenytoin (6 patients), carbam- each particular patient.
azepine (4), carbamazepine and phenytoin (13), me- Previous studies have shown an increase in sei-
phenytoin (l), and phenytoin and phenobarbital (1). zure frequency in a minority of patients receiving
The patients received the combination of VPA and CZP for tonic-clonic seizures (Browne, 1976), ab-
CZP for from 5 to 51 months (mean 20 months). sence seizures (D'onghia et al., 1973), tonic and
Trough VPA serum levels ranged from 26 to 75 pg/ atonic seizures (Alvarez et al., 1981>, myoclonic
ml (mean 52.4 pg/ml), and trough CZP serum levels seizures (Roussounis and de Rudolph, 1977), com-
ranged from 6 to 45 ng/ml (mean 22 ng/ml). In 15 plex partial seizures (Bang et al., 1976; Shakir et
patients seizure frequency was unchanged. One pa- al., 1977), and elementary partial seizures (Browne,
tient had excellent, six had good, and one had poor 1976). Most of our patients were also taking addi-
results. Assessment in four patients was not made tional anticonvulsant drugs, which might have pro-
because of infrequent epileptic episodes. tected them from seizure exacerbation. Our results
indicated no seizure exacerbation of any type as
compared with baseline values. In individuals with
severe refractory seizure disorders with multiple
None of the six patients in our population with seizure types including absence, myoclonic, pri-
simple absence had an exacerbation of seizures or mary or secondary generalized tonic-clonic, or par-
developed absence status, contrary to a previous tial complex seizures, a combination of VPA and
report (Jeavons et al., 1977). CZP may be used to attempt better seizure control
Two of our five patients who were taking only when all other avenues of monotherapy and poly-
VPA and CZP in Combination had absence seizures. therapy have failed.
They achieved excellent results in the combination
treatment. Our reports support the comments that Acknowledgment: This study was supported in part by
absence status is a rare event and that with careful grant NPSO-NS 16308 from the National Institute of Neu-
rological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke. Dr.
clinical and pharmacological monitoring, the con- Mireles is the recipient of a Hughlings Jackson Fellow-
comitant use of these two drugs is not absolutely ship from the Epilepsy Foundation of America.
contraindicated (Dreifuss, 1983; Sherwin, 1983).
Our study indicates that some patients with in- REFERENCES
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Epilepsia, Vol. 26, N o . 2,1985


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Raven Press, 1977:163-8. de valproato (VPA) y clonazepan (CZP) con o sin otros drogas
Penry JK, et al. Simultaneous recording of absence seizures with anticonvulsivas en 55 pacientes con epilepsia incontrolable. Los
video-tape and electroencephalography: a study of 374 sei- enfermos fueron tratados con VPA y CZP durante 3 a 72 meses
zures in 48 patients. Brain 1975;98:427-40. (promedio: 21.7). Los niveles sericos de VPA oscilaron entre 26
Roussounis SH, de Rudolph N. Clonazepam in the treatment of y 96 pgirnl (prornedio: 56.6). Los niveles sericos de CZP variaron
children with intractable seizures. Drv Mrd Child Neurol entre 5 y 63 ngiml (prornedio: 22.6). El tratamiento de la fre-
1977;19:326-34. cuencia de 10s ataques se cornpar6 con la situacion basal antes
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new 1y diag n o s e d tonic - c I on i c seizure s . N e 11 ro 1 o g y von Valproat (VPA) und Clonazepam (CZP) mit oder ohne wei-
1983;13:1474-6. tere Antikonvulsiva hervorzurufen, wurde bei 55 Patienten mit
therapieresistenter Epilepsie untersucht. Die Patienten wurden
mit VPA und CZP 3 bis 72 Monate lang (Mittel: 21,7) behandelt.
&SUME Die minimalen Serum VPA Spiegel variierten von 26 bis 96 pg/
mi (Mittel: 56,6). Die niedrigsten Serum CZP Spiegel betrugen
Lefficacite de I’association vatproate (VPA) et clonazepam
5 his 63 ng/ml (Mittel: 22,6). Die Anfallsfrequenz unter Behan-
(CZP), avec ou sans autre anticonvulsivant, et son risque poten-
dlung wurde verglichen mit der Haufigkeit vor der Kombina-
tiel d’induire des etats de mal, convulsifs ou non convulsifs, ont
tionsbehandlung. Eine Verbesserung der Anfallssituation ereig
ete evalues chez 55 patients ayant une Cpilepsie rebelle. Les
nete sich bei 7 von 8 Patienten mit Absencen, 8 von 9 Patienten
patients ont ete traites par VPA et CZP associks pendant des
mit myoklonischen Anfdlen und 19 von 39 Patienten mit kom-
periodes allant de 3 a 72 rnois (moyenne 21,7). Les taux plas-
plexen Partialanfallen. 3 von 14 Patienten mit prirnar generali-
matiques de VPA allaient de 26 a 96 p,g/ml (moyenne: 56,6). Les
sierten, tonisch-klonischen Anfallen, 8 von 23 Patienten mit sek-
taux plasmatiques de CZP allaient de 5 a 63 ng/ml (moyenne:
undaren generalisierten, tonisch-klonischen Anfallen sowie 3
22,6). La frequence des crises pendant le traitement a ete com-
von 14 Patienten mit atonischen Anfallen wurden positiv beein-
parke a leur frequence de base avant ce traitement. Une am&
flusst. Kein einziger Fall von Status epilepticus oder einer Ex-
lioration a ete obtenue chez 7 des 8 patients ayant des absences,
azerbation von Anfallen irgendeines Typs wurde beobachtet.
chez 8 des 9 patients ayant des acces myocloniques, chez 19 des
39 patients ayant des crises partielles complexes, chez 3 des 14 (D. Scheffner, Heidelberg)

Epilepsia, Vol. 26, N o . 2 , 1985

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