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JUNE 2015





JUNE 2015
Agis applications in airport planning and design

M.Sc. Thesis
Civil Engineering
University of Gaziantep

Assist. Prof Dr. Yusuf Kağan DEMİR
Assist. Prof. Dr. Asma Thamir IBRAHEEM

June 2015
© 2015 [Waseem Wathiq MUHAMMED SEDEEQ]
I hereby declare that all information in this document has been obtained and
presented in accordance with academic rules and ethical conduct. I also declare
that, as required by this rules and conduct, I have fully cited and referenced all
material and results that are not original to this work.




M.Sc. in Civil Engineering
Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Yusuf Kağan DEMIR
Co-Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. Asma Thamir IBRAHEEM
June 2015, 75 pages
GIS can provide the airport management staff with visual pavement information and
powerful analysis tool. Mean while, the spatial information managed by GIS can
ensure the accumulation of valid attribute data of airport pavement. Based on the
principle and general implementation process of GIS and the characteristics of
airport pavement management, this thesis describes the implementation process of
GIS for Erbil Airport planning and design. To organize the spatial entities
effectively, some layers are set according to the characteristics of spatial entities. The
spatial database is established, and then the function design of GIS software is
presented including map exploring, map locating, spatial query, rendering style of
map and output of map. Airports are finding an integrated geographic information
system (AGIS) can help them to better manage both air-side and ground-side
operations; in this thesis the section on the ground was the case study, Representative
the AGIS in building infrastructure layers of Erbil international airport buildings and
pavements. The results were a map includes multi layers; each layer has information
that contains a comprehensive database. Even more the digital library for Erbil
International Airport involves general information about aircraft noise pollution and
studying its effect on the surrounding area of the flight track generating a noise
pollution map.

Key Words: GIS, AGIS, noise pollution, digital map, Photogrammetry.



Yüksek Lisans Tezi, İnşaat Mühendisliği Bölümü
Danışman: Y. Doç. Dr. Yusuf Kağan Demir
Danışman: Y. Doç. Dr. Asma Thamir Ibraheem
Haziran 2015, 75 sayfa
Coğrafi Bilgi Sistemleri (CBS) havalimanlarının kaplama durumları hakkında görsel
bilgilendirme yanında güçlü çözümleme araçları sunabilmektedir. CBS sayesinde
kaplama hakkında detaylı bilgilerin doğru biçimde toplanması mümkün
olabilmektedir. Bu çalışmanın amaçlarından birisi de, Erbil Havalimanın planlama ve
tasarımı, kaplama yönetimi için CBS yönteminin temel ilkelerini ve yöntemlerini
kullanmaktır. Mevcut coğrafı varlıkların CBS ile düzenlenmesi için öncelikle,
varlıklar özelliklerine göre katmanlara ayrılmıştır. Ardından coğrafi veritabanın da
kurgulandıktan sonra, CBS yazılımları kullanarak havalimanı ile ilgili haritalama,
sorgulama ve tema haritaları oluşturulmuştur. CBS yönteminin havalimanında
kullanılması (HCBS) hem yer hem hava operasyonlarında büyük kolaylıklar
sağlamaktadır. Bu çalışma HCBS'in sadece yer işletmesi kısmıyla ilgilenmektedir.
Çalışmada kullanılan HCBS ile Erbil Havalimanındaki tüm bina ve kaplama
envanteri coğrafi veri olarak bilgisayara girilmiştir. Sayısallaştırılan her bir veri farklı
katmanlarda, ilgili yapıya ait kapsamlı bilgiler içermektedir. Ayrıca sayısal haritalar
kullanılarak, mevcut uçak yaklaşma yörüngelerinin yarattığı hava kirliliğinin haritası

Anahtar Kelimeler: CBS, HCBS, gürültü kirliliği, sayısal haritalama, fotogrametri

To all my dears, especially,
My Parents,
My Wife,
And To All My Friends Who Support me


In the name of ALLAH the most Merciful and Beneficent

The author wishes to express his deepest gratitude to his supervisors Assist. Prof. Dr.
Yusuf K. DEMİR and Assist. Prof. Dr. Asma T. IBRAHEEM for their guidance,
advice, criticism, encouragements and insight throughout the research.

I want to express my thanks to Erbil International Airport managers, and Engineering

Department for supporting me and providing updated data about my research.

Words cannot express my thanks and gratitude to my family for their endless
assistance to perfect the MSc study.


ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... v

ÖZET..................................................................................................................... vi

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................ viii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ...................................................................................... ix

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. xii

LIST OF TABLES .............................................................................................. xvi

CHAPTER 1.............................................................................................................

INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................. 1

1.1 General .......................................................................................................1

1.2 Airport Structures .......................................................................................2

1.3 Airport GIS (AGIS) ....................................................................................2

1.3.1 On the air .............................................................................................3

1.3.2 On the ground ......................................................................................3

1.4 Aim of the Thesis .......................................................................................4

CHAPTER 2.............................................................................................................

REVIEW OF LITERATURE................................................................................ 6

2.1 General .......................................................................................................6

2.2 GIS Solutions for Aviation and Airports .....................................................7

2.3 GIS applications for airport management .................................................. 10

2.4 Airport Planning Studies ........................................................................... 10

2.5 Airport Master Plan .................................................................................. 12

2.6 Airport Development ................................................................................ 12

2.7 Orthophotographs ..................................................................................... 13

2.7.1 Orthophotomaps. ............................................................................... 13

2.7.2 Uses of Orthophotographs ................................................................. 14

2.8 Photogrammetry and Geographic Information System .............................. 14

2.9 Digital map ............................................................................................... 14

2.9.1 Digital map accuracy ......................................................................... 15

2.10 Airport Classifications .............................................................................. 15

2.11 Runway Location and Orientation ............................................................. 16

2.12 Erbil International Airport Analysis and Statistics ..................................... 17

2.13 Previous Studies ....................................................................................... 25

CHAPTER 3.............................................................................................................

APPLICATIONS AND ANALYSIS .......................................................................

3.1 Introduction .............................................................................................. 27

3.2 Arc GIS for Airport Applications .............................................................. 28

3.2.1 Arc Map ............................................................................................ 29

3.2.2 Arc Catalog ....................................................................................... 30

3.3 Case Study ................................................................................................ 31

3.3.1 The Old airport .................................................................................. 32

3.3.2 The New airport ................................................................................. 33

3.3.3 Data collection and conversion .......................................................... 34

3.4 First Step: Building the Themes of the Digital Map................................... 35

3.4.1 Buildings ........................................................................................... 38

3.4.2 Runway theme ................................................................................... 39

3.4.3 Taxiways theme ................................................................................. 40

3.4.4 Runways and taxiways shoulders theme............................................. 40

3.4.5 Blast pads theme ................................................................................ 41

3.4.6 Public and service access roads theme ............................................... 41

3.4.7 Car parks, helipads and fences theme ................................................. 42

3.4.8 Aprons theme .................................................................................... 42

3.5 Second Step: Building the Themes of Pavements of the
Digital Map ......................................................................................................... 43

3.6 Third Step: Building the Database of Map ................................................ 45

3.7 Developing the Final Map ......................................................................... 48

3.8 Airport Development Suggestions ............................................................. 50

3.9 Aircraft Noise Pollution ............................................................................ 52

CHAPTER 4.............................................................................................................


FOR FUTURE WORKS..........................................................................................

4.1 Conclusions .............................................................................................. 63

4.2 Recommendations..................................................................................... 63

4.3 Recommendations for Future Works ......................................................... 64

REFERENCES .....................................................................................................66

APPENDIX A ........................................................................................................69



Figure ‎1.1 Example of an airport enterprise ...............................................................1

Figure ‎1.2 Ataturk International Airport ....................................................................2

Figure ‎2.1 An example of 3D GIS for Airport site plan .............................................8

Figure ‎2.2 Mobile GIS data support ..........................................................................9

Figure ‎2.3 Map-Image integration by Arc GIS ..........................................................9

Figure ‎2.4 Airport system components for large airport ........................................... 11

Figure ‎2.5 Ataturk International Airport Master Plan .............................................. 12

Figure ‎2.6 Image and Orthophoto ............................................................................ 13

Figure ‎2.7 Graph of passengers passed through Erbil International

Airport .................................................................................................................... 17

Figure ‎2.8 Curved graph of passengers passed through Erbil International

Airport .................................................................................................................... 18

Figure ‎2.9 Pie Chart of Percentage Erbil International Airport Passengers

Annual Growth ....................................................................................................... 19

Figure ‎2.10 Pie Chart of percentage Erbil International Airport

passengers growth referring to the year of 2013 ...................................................... 20

Figure ‎2.11 Graph of cargo passed through Erbil International Airport .................... 21

Figure ‎2.12 Curved graph of cargo passed through Erbil International

Airport .................................................................................................................... 21

Figure ‎2.13 Graph of Erbil International Airport top ten cities market
share ....................................................................................................................... 23

Figure ‎2.14 Graph of EIA taxiway path from the aprons to the runway ................... 24

Figure ‎2.15 Erbil International Airport passengers terminal building path
to the car parking .................................................................................................... 24

Figure ‎3.1 GIS applications ..................................................................................... 27

Figure ‎3.2 : ArcGIS system ..................................................................................... 28

Figure ‎3.3 ArcGIS Desktop extensions.................................................................... 29

Figure ‎3.4 ArcMap Desktop .................................................................................... 30

Figure ‎3.5 Arc Catalog Desktop .............................................................................. 31

Figure ‎3.6 Erbil International Airport Statue ........................................................... 32

Figure ‎3.7 The site of Erbil International Airport related to the city of
Erbil........................................................................................................................ 33

Figure ‎3.8 Erbil International Airport terminal building .......................................... 34

Figure ‎3.9 Digital arial photos of Erbil airport site (captured in 2010). .................... 35

Figure ‎3.10 Erbil International Airport ArcGIS themes ........................................... 37

Figure ‎3.11 Erbil International Airport geometric correction points ......................... 38

Figure ‎3.12 Erbil International Airport buildings theme .......................................... 39

Figure ‎3.13 Erbil International Airport runway theme ............................................. 39

Figure ‎3.14 Erbil International Airport taxiways theme ........................................... 40

Figure ‎3.15 Erbil International Airport runways and taxiways shoulders

theme ...................................................................................................................... 40

Figure ‎3.16 Erbil International Airport runways and runway blast pads
theme ...................................................................................................................... 41

Figure ‎3.17 Erbil International Airport public and service access roads
theme ...................................................................................................................... 41

Figure ‎3.18 Erbil International Airport car parks, helipads and fences
theme ...................................................................................................................... 42

Figure ‎3.19 Erbil International Airport aprons theme .............................................. 42

Figure ‎3.20 Flexible Pavements used in Airport Public & Service Access
Roads, and in Shoulders .......................................................................................... 45

Figure ‎3.21 Erbil International Airport road pavements ........................................... 45

Figure ‎3.22 Personal geodatabase............................................................................ 46

Figure ‎3.23 New feature dataset .............................................................................. 46

Figure ‎3.24 Import spatial reference ........................................................................ 47

Figure ‎3.25 Create a new feature class .................................................................... 47

Figure ‎3.26 Defining data field ............................................................................... 48

Figure ‎3.27 Erbil International Airport overall map with a satellite image ............... 49

Figure ‎3.28 Erbil International Airport overall map ................................................. 49

Figure ‎3.29 Runway Proposal Development 1 (Parallel Runway) ............................ 50

Figure ‎3.30 Runway Proposal Development 2 (Intersecting Runway) ..................... 51

Figure ‎3.31 Runway Proposal Development 3 (Widening Existing

Runway) ................................................................................................................. 52

Figure ‎3.32 Noise Reduction Approach including ground distance and

altitude .................................................................................................................... 53

Figure ‎3.33 Erbil International Airport Noise Pollution Detailed Digital

Map ........................................................................................................................ 54

Figure ‎3.34 Erbil International Airport Noise Pollution General Digital

Map ........................................................................................................................ 55

Figure ‎3.35 NMSim Overall Flow Chart ................................................................. 56

Figure ‎3.36 Digital Elevation Model Map ............................................................... 57

Figure ‎3.37 Receiver Site File Map ......................................................................... 58

Figure ‎3.38 Background Layer Building Dialogue .................................................. 58

Figure ‎3.39 Flight Track Initial Point Dialog ........................................................... 59

Figure ‎3.40 Flight Trajectory File Map ................................................................... 60

Figure ‎3.41 NMSim Interactive Analysis Screen ..................................................... 61

Figure ‎3.42 NMSim Analysis Options ..................................................................... 61

Figure ‎3.43 Visualizer Noise Pollution Map for Erbil International

Airport .................................................................................................................... 62

Figure ‎3.44 Visualizer Video Snapshot ................................................................... 62



Table ‎2.1 Aircraft Approach Categories .................................................................. 16

Table ‎2.2 Passengers passed through EIA ............................................................... 17

Table ‎2.3 Percentage EIA passenger annual growth ................................................ 18

Table ‎2.4 Percentage EIA Passenger Growth referring to the year of 2013 .............. 19

Table ‎2.5 Cargo passed through EIA ....................................................................... 20

Table ‎2.6 The locations you can fly to or from Erbil International Airport ............... 22

Table ‎3.1 Fourteen check points measured in EIA ................................................... 37

Table ‎3.2 Composite Pavement (Rigid &Flexible) used in Airport Runway ............ 43

Table ‎3.3 Flexible Pavement used in Airport Taxiways ........................................... 44

Table ‎3.4 Rigid Pavement used in Airport Aprons, Blast Pads & Helipads .............. 44

Table ‎3.5 Erbil International Airport Noise Pollution Calculations .......................... 54



1.1 General

Airports are rapidly evolving today as the number of airports grows due to increased
population demand. Consumers and travelers are causing existing airports to think
about new ways for meeting their needs, while new airports are daunting prospects of
building new facilities that are wholly integrated on both ground and air sides, and
connected through integrated services that allow for higher levels of data
management and enablement of digital services to travelers.

Large airport might contain constant services for base operator, air traffic control,
seaplane docks and ramps, emergency services, and passenger facilities such as
lounges and restaurants. Also an air station or airbase is called as military airport, as
it's clear in Figure 1.1.

Figure ‎1.1 Example of an airport enterprise [1]

1.2 Airport Structures

Airports structurally are divided into two main parts:

 Areas of landside: which involve public transportation, parking lots,

access roads, and train stations, Also contained the cargo-processing,
land-vehicle approach facilities, and the terminal.
 Areas of airside: which involve every place accessible to the aircraft,
in which taxiways, runways, and ramps, all are included.

The ramp ("the tarmac") is the place at which aircrafts parked beside the terminal in
order to load passengers and baggage. Also the parking zones for the aircraft away
from the terminals are named as aprons. Figure 1.2 shows the geometry of Ataturk
International Airport as an example.

Figure ‎1.2 Ataturk International Airport

1.3 Airport GIS (AGIS)

Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are recently adapted by airport operators.

Airport operators are facing great difficulties to provide protection and safety for
travelers, whereas still effectively administering passenger's facilities. Advanced
airport is creating an integrated (GIS) that could assist in superior management of

airside and groundside Processes. Some applications can be classified into two
groups follows as [3]:

1.3.1 On the air

Using the GIS applications on the airside mostly deals with navigational operation,
however some process are necessary for transportation engineering. Main uses of
GIS on the airside are:

 Tracking of Flights
 Three Dimensional Analyses
 Navigation

1.3.2 On the ground

Modern airports operators are using GIS techniques for supporting their effort in
operation, planning, security, and maintenance through adding modeling capabilities
and spatial information. In contrast with other information systems, GIS provides
them with analytical power and unique information. Thus the most significant of all,
a comprehensive GIS can support a broad array of airports missions. Four categories
can be observed in this branch of a GIS:

i. Planning and Design: A large number of engineering establishments have

adopted GIS as a tool for expansion studies and design reviews. Using
mapping data from the local community can significantly reduce the time
spent analyzing significant land use issues. Users can now bring information
captured in digital aerial photographs, environmental and design data into the
same environment for analysis and planning.
ii. Operations: GIS can be integrated with property management applications,
and used to effectively manage competing needs for revenue-generating
facilities and readjust facilities for the ever-changing needs of their tenants.
iii. Maintenance: GIS can provide a powerful graphical component to the
maintenance of an airport's critical infrastructure.
iv. Security: As GIS provides a powerful analytic capability for understanding
vulnerability in existing facilities, Airports have discovered that GIS is an

integral part of a well designed security infrastructure, from perimeter control
to terminal side access control and monitoring [3].

1.4 Aim of the Thesis

Most airports still rely on the use of AutoCAD in mapping, while there is a lot of
data and information that the reservation is lost with the passage of time, this thesis
proposes the use of private airports GIS mapping and saved with complete data for
all engineering information from site maps base and specifications of the pavement
tiling. Despite the difficulty of this process, which makes use by specialists
engineers, but it only result in substantial benefits in terms of keeping the diverse
data and use it in the future. Making airports geographical information systems most
useful, rather than using it to organize trips and navigation purposes only.

There are many variances between GIS and CAD. The major disparity involves that
Geographic Information System models the world as it exists, while CAD models
artifacts yet to be produced. For this reason the data manipulated by a GIS is an order
of magnitude larger and more complex than CAD systems have to deal with, and the
nature of the data, its uses and its sources are extremely varied.

Also the thesis aims to show that Geographic Information System could support the
airport management employees with visible pavement data, tremendous analysis
appliance. Mean a while; the spatial information used by GIS could satisfy the
accumulation of valid attribute data of the pavement. Depending on the principle and
main application process of GIS and the features of the pavement management of an
airport, the project characterizes the implementation procedure of GIS in Erbil
International Airport.

For the organization of the spatial entities, several layers are set in accordance to the
characteristics of spatial entities. These layers are developed depending on the using
of the orthophoto of Erbil Airport, which has been corrected analytically and then
considered as an input for the AGIS. Also the spatial database is established, and
also the functional design of the GIS software is offered involving spatial query, map
locating, map exploring, rendering style of map, and output of map. In addition to we

have focused on an important factor in aviation field which is aircraft noise pollution
determination and its effect on the surrounding area.

The general procedure adopted in this thesis can be summarized as follows:

1. Chapter one gives a general idea about the Airport definition and planning.
2. Chapter two deals with using Review of Literature.
3. Chapter three deals with Applications and Analysis.
4. Chapter four deals with the Conclusions and Recommendations.



2.1 General

The Airports are inherently spatial. From planning to maintenance to security, airport
managers need to know where the events occur. Geographic Information System
adds 3D modeling and spatial information to the airport manager's toolkit to assist
operations efficiently. The capability to use 3D and elevation measurements in the
GIS environment helps to visualize the location of flight path obstructions. GIS
server technology serves maps and other information, such as noise monitoring
results, to the public via the internet. Commercial, emergency, and defense-related
airfields use GIS to:

 Manage construction and maintenance.

 Manage facilities, both landside and airside.
 Plan traffic and capacity.
 Track environmental compliance.
 Model and monitor noise.

From obvious view point, a Geographic Information System (GIS) is a systemized

computer have the ability for assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying
geographically referenced information (which is the data specified in relate to their
positions). Practitioners also regard the total GIS as including operating personnel
and the data that go into the system [6].

Also we have to highlight the planning of an Airport which is the systematic

operation utilized to organize guidelines for the effective airports development in
consistence with local, state and national goals. Planning of an Airport might be as
wide based as the national system plan, or much centrally focused as an airport
master plan for a specific airport [7].

The primary types of airport planning may basically be classified as follows:
1. Airport Master Planning.

2. Metropolitan Airport System Planning.

3. State Airport System Planning (SASP).

4. National System Planning (NSP).

Factors affecting site selection varies comparatively according to whether (1) an

existing facility is being expanded or (2) an entirely new airport is being constructed.

Determining the runway direction is a critical mission in the airport planning and
design. The runway orientation prevail layout of the other airport facilities, like
taxiways/apron configurations, parking facilities, circulation roads, and passenger
terminals. Very often the direction of the runway is a significant role in the
estimation of an airport site [8].

Many factors are to be considered by runway airport planners and designers in

estimating airport site and aligning including:

 Wind conditions
 Availability of land and land costs
 Airspace obstructions
 Coordination with other airports
 Social and environmental concerns.
 Noise impacts

Through the above factors, the wind conditions considered the most critical and
safety-alarming element that facing airport planners and designers when determining
the runway direction. When the best runway orientation is chosen according to winds
conditions, it is additional verified and adjusted to satisfy engineering, operational
and safety requirements imposed by other factors.

2.2 GIS Solutions for Aviation and Airports

Airports define some of the most highly used facilities on our planet. Given the
sensitive nature of flights, particularly takeoff and landing, such facilities ought to
remain at a high level of efficiency at most times of the year, sometimes under trying

circumstances. Airport managers cannot afford lengthy downtimes or untimely
lapses in performance.

They must plan and maintain their facilities for peak performance and identify
potential points of failure well before a critical failure can occur

Figure ‎2.1 An example of 3D GIS for Airport site plan [3]

Geographic Information System software authorizes for a higher level of

interoperability with other key software tools such as computer-aided drafting (CAD)
systems and relational database management systems. In Figure (2-2) Mobile
workers bring GIS data with them as they inspect and maintain airport facilities. Map
data courtesy of Clark County Department of Aviation, and satellite imagery
courtesy of Digital Globe [9].

Figure ‎2.2 Mobile GIS data support [9]
Figure 2.3 defines how both mapping and raster image data can be combined in a
single information system. Complex analysis can be accomplished through the
accurate integration of both. Arc GIS supports advanced geo processing and
metadata tools to aid the user [9].

Figure ‎2.3 Map-Image integration by Arc GIS [9]

2.3 GIS applications for airport management

GIS is a proven enabling technology that has matured for more than 30 years,
including two decades of airport applications. GIS allows visualization and analysis
of various types of data through spatial cross- correlation. GIS supplements other
airport systems, enhancing their practical utility and facilitating their interoperability
through cross- referencing of their various data to an intuitive common denominator,
the spatial location of the asset, feature, event, issue, etc. GIS is a spatial information
portal for airport management decision support [10]. These are some Airport GIS
Management Applications:
 Environmental Assessment
 Management of Facilities
 Property/Lease Management
 Capital Planning
 Management of Flight Path
 Land Acquisition
 Capacity Planning
 Management of Parking
 Maintenance of Utilities
 Management of Courtesy Vehicle
 Management of Pavement
 Management of Lighting
 Noise Monitoring and Modeling
 Planning of Airport Layout
 Environmental Assessment (Noise Pollution)

2.4 Airport Planning Studies

Airport planning may be defined as the employment of an organized strategy for the
future management of airport operations, airfield configurations, financial allocations
and revenues facilities designs, environmental impacts, and organizational structures.
There are various types of airport planning studies, includes:

 Facilities planning: which is focuses on future needs for airfield
infrastructure such as runways, taxiways, and aircraft parking
facilities, etc.
 Financial planning: in which it concerned with predicting future
revenues and expenses, and budgeting resources.
 Economic planning: which is considers the future of economic
activity, such as trade and commerce.
 Environmental planning: which is concentrates on maintaining or
improving existing environmental conditions.
 Organizational planning: which is entails the management of future
labor requirements and organizational structures for the airport
administration, staff, and associated labor force.
 Strategic planning: which is encompasses all other planning
activities into a coordinated effort to maximize the future potential of
the airport to the community [8].

Figure 2.4 below shows a large Airport system main components including air side
and land side.

Figure ‎2.4 Airport system components for large airport [11]

2.5 Airport Master Plan

At the local level, the centerpiece of airport planning is the airport master plan, a
document that charts the proposed suggested of the airport to satisfy future needs.
The typical airport master plan has a planning horizon of 20 years. The FAA notes
that for a master plan to be considered valid it must be updated every 20 years or
when changes in the airport or surrounding environment take place, or when
moderate and major construction may require federal funding. Figure 2.4 shows the
master plan of Ataturk International Airport as an instance [8].

Figure ‎2.5 Ataturk International Airport Master Plan [12]

2.6 Airport Development

An airport is established at a particular situation, not as an individual unit but as part

of a network for the entire region or the country so as to ensure integrated long range
development. Before planning an airport, every detail has to be worked out in an
orderly manner for a particular set of conditions such as potential air traffic
originating in the vicinity, number and type of aircrafts which are likely to use the
airport, its location with respect to nearby airport, whether it is going to be used for
commercial, defuse or mixed traffic, actual need of the area for present as well as
future anticipated requirement. On the basis of the proposed development of the

region, an area airport plan or a master plan is usually prepared and the establishment
of new airports or extensions and improvements of the old ones goes on steadily
accordingly depending upon the new needs. The master plan, which is a written and
a graphic documentation of complete earlier, investigation, evaluation and location
etc., includes information about:

 The evaluation of existing airport facilities ,

 Anticipation of future facilities , and
 The relative urgency of the component parts so that only appropriate
type of airport is provided at any place.

2.7 Orthophotographs

Photographs which are constructed from near-vertical or vertical aerial photographs

are called Orthophotographs, so as the impacts of relief displacement, central
perspective, and tilt is practically removed. Thus the resulting orthophotographs are
known as orthographic project see Figure 2.6.

Figure ‎2.6 Image and Orthophoto [4]

2.7.1 Orthophotomaps.

Orthophotomap is orthophotograph with overlaid line map data. The common line
data overlays include geographic names, property lines, political boundaries, grids,
and other selected cultural characteristics [4].

2.7.2 Uses of Orthophotographs

Orthophotos and orthophoto maps are broadly applied for general planning purposes.
The accurate and complete display of the whole features in any project area is an
ideal medium for demonstrating terrain features to laypersons. Proposed designs of
engineering projects can be superimposed on the orthophoto map for a vivid
understanding of work to be accomplished. Numerous factors should be paid
attention before deciding on a photomap product instead of a topographical map
product. The purposed use of the product requires to be classified precisely, together
with the accuracy needed and whether height information is required or not. For
many engineering, operations, and maintenance activities, rectified air photo plan
sheets could be used in lieu of fully rectified Orthophotographs [5].

2.8 Photogrammetry and Geographic Information System

GIS and Photogrammetry are becoming closely interrelated. In this thesis, data from
GIS data bases are used as control information for automatic orientation of aerial
imagery, changes and discrepancies between recent imagery and existing GIS
databases are automatically highlighted for change detection and updating purposes.
So data taken from digital close range Photogrammetry can be analyzed and included
into GIS program provided more simple information and easily used.

2.9 Digital map

From digital orthophotographs, true digital map produced by ArcGIS software could
be obtained. This orthophotographs are corrected scale, and have no relief
displacement. There are many applications for photograph digital map in civil
engineering such as:

 Environmental Studies
 Landscape Design
 Airport Land
 Use Updates
 Heritage documentation
 Hydrology Studies

 Public accident investigation
 GIS Base Maps

2.9.1 Digital map accuracy

There are several methods to compute map accuracy such as horizontal, vertical and
photogrammetric accuracy:

 Horizontal Accuracy
90% at least of all planimetric features should be in range of 0.025 inch for
their true position, also 100% should be within 0.05 inch for their true
 Vertical Accuracy
90% at least of all contours should be in range of 0.5 contour interval of
true elevation, also all contours will be among one contour interval of true
elevation (with some exceptions of obscured/shadow areas of areas). 90%
of all spot elevations at least should be in range of 1/4 contours at contour
interval that for true elevation, while 100% should be in range of 1/2
contour interval contour interval for the true elevation
 Photogrammetric Accuracy

(i) National Map Accuracy Standards = 0.5 (ft). (ii) Photogrammetric vertical
measurement maximum ground residuals for this thesis were 0.143 (ft).
(iii)Photogrammetric mean standard deviation of objects was 0.091 (ft) [18].

2.10 Airport Classifications

For designing applications, airports can be classified depending on the aircrafts they
accommodate. While at any airport, a broad variety of aircrafts, from small general
aviation piston-engine aircrafts to heavy air transport aircrafts, will use the airfield,
airports are designed based on a series of “critical” or “design” aircraft. These
aircraft are chosen from the fleet using the airport as those most critical to airfield
design. The Federal Aviation Agency illustrates the term critical aircraft as the
aircraft most demanding on airport design that operates at least 500 annual itinerant
operations at a certain airport. In several cases, more than one critical aircraft will be
selected at an airport for design purposes. Certain dimensional and performance

properties of a critical aircraft determine the reference code of the airport, which can
be defines as a coding system used to relate the airport design criteria to the
operational and physical characteristics of the aircraft intended to operate at the
airport. The aircraft approach category, as shown in Table 2.1, is specified by the
aircraft approach speed, which is described as 1.3 times the stall speed in the landing
configuration of aircraft at maximum certified landing weight [19].

Table ‎2.1 Aircraft Approach Categories [19]

Category Approach Speed, Kn

A <91
B 91-120
C 121-140
D 141-166
E >166
1 Kn is approximately 1.15 mi/h

2.11 Runway Location and Orientation

Runway situation and direction are essential for airport economics, efficiency, safety,
and environmental impact. The weight and degree of concern given to any of the
coming after factors depend, partly, on: the meteorological conditions, the airport
reference code; topography; the surrounding environment; and the volume of air
traffic expected at the airport. Below are the seven main factors that affect runway
location and orientation:

 Wind.
 Airport traffic control tower visibility.
 Airspace availability.
 The air navigation obstructions.
 Environmental factors.
 Wildlife hazards.
 Topography.

2.12 Erbil International Airport Analysis and Statistics

ARC GIS software has been used for making analyses on some parts of Erbil
International Airport depending on the available data. These analyses can be
concluded in the following steps:

 First study involves the analysis of the percentage increase of

passengers that have used Erbil International Airport from years 2006
to 2013, as well as the quantity of cargo received and leaving the
airport during the same years All are listed in Tables 2.2, (2.3), (2.4)
and (2.5), and presented in Figures (2.7), (2.8), (2.9), (2.10), (2.11)
and (2.12).

Table ‎2.2 Passengers passed through EIA

No. Passengers Year

1 163,619 2006
2 263,148 2007
3 301,534 2008
4 348,120 2009
5 435,469 2010
6 621,870 2011
7 947,600 2012
8 1,193,783 2013

Figure ‎2.7 Graph of passengers passed through EIA

Figure ‎2.8 Curved graph of passengers passed through EIA

Table ‎2.3 Percentage EIA passenger annual growth

Cumulative Percentage
No. Year Passengers %
Passengers passengers
1 2006 0 0 0
2 2007 60.83 0.256537 25.65368
3 2008 14.59 0.06153 6.153003
4 2009 15.45 0.065157 6.515688
5 2010 25.09 0.105811 10.58114
6 2011 42.8 0.180499 18.04993
7 2012 52.38 0.220901 22.09008
8 2013 25.98 0.109565 10.95648
Sum 237.12 1 100

Figure ‎2.9 Pie Chart of Percentage EIA Passenger Annual Growth

Table ‎2.4 Percentage EIA Passenger Growth referring to the year of 2013
Cumulative Percentage
No. Year Passengers passengers
Growth %
Growth Growth
1 2006 13.71 0.038283 3.828326
2 2007 22.04 0.061544 6.154362
3 2008 25.26 0.070535 7.053502
4 2009 29.16 0.081425 8.142522
5 2010 36.48 0.101865 10.18653
6 2011 52.09 0.145454 14.5454
7 2012 79.38 0.221658 22.16575
8 2013 100 0.279236 27.9236
Sum 358.12 1 100

Figure ‎2.10 Pie Chart of percentage EIA passenger growth referring to the year of

Table ‎2.5 Cargo passed through EIA

No. Cargo/metric tons Year

1 ----- 2006

2 9,321 2007

3 13,335 2008

4 11,100 2009

5 10,619 2010

6 17,769 2011

7 27,849 2012

8 38,572 2013

Figure ‎2.11 Graph of cargo passed through EIA

Figure ‎2.12 Curved graph of cargo passed through EIA

 The second study involves the analysis of Erbil International Airport

Destinations, which includes 18 countries and 30 cities from around
the world, as shown in Table 2.6.

Table 2-6: The locations you can fly from Erbil International Airport.

No. Destination IATA Airlines Flying Route

Frankfurt am Main
1 FRA Lufthansa
2 Düsseldorf International DUS Germania
3 Amsterdam Schiphol AMS Transavia Holland
4 Gothenburg-Landvetter GOT Maastricht Airlines
Germania, Maastricht Airlines, Zoom
5 Stockholm-Arlanda ARN
6 Cairo International CAI Egyptair
7 Vienna International VIE Austrian Airlines
8 Esenboğa International ESB Atlasjet, Pegasus Airlines, Zoom Airlines
9 Adana ADA Atlasjet, Zoom Airlines
10 Antalya International AYT Turkish Airlines
11 Atatürk International IST Atlasjet, Turkish Airlines
12 Imam Khomeini International IKA Mahan Air
Royal Jordanian, Royal Falcon, Zoom
13 Queen Alia International AMM
14 Rafic Hariri International BEY MiddleEast Airlines, Zoom Airlines
15 Abu Dhabi International AUH Etihad Airways
16 Dubai International DXB Emirates, Fly Dubai
17 Sharjah International SHJ Air Arabia
18 Doha International DOH Qatar Airways
19 Tbilisi International TBS Cameroon Airlines
20 Munich International MUC Germania
21 Baghdad International Airport IA Iraqi Airways
22 Najaf International Airport IA Iraqi Airways

 The third study analyzed includes the percentage of EIA Top Ten
Cities market share, see Figures 2.13.

Figure ‎2.13 Graph of Erbil International Airport top ten cities market share

 As for the fourth study included the analysis of the main runway of
Erbil International Airport, which is designed according to the latest
international standards. The new EIA runway is built for the future to
handle the largest and heaviest aircraft on the hottest days when air
density in Kurdistan region of Iraq is very low due to extremely high
ground temperatures and dry air during summer months (up to 60
degrees Celsius in August with almost 0 humidity), when longer
runways are needed for safe takeoff and landing. Such conditions will
pose no problem at the new EIA for the double-decker A380 with
600+ passengers (590 tons max gross weight), or the six-engine An-
225 (640 tons max. gross weight, largest aircraft in the world, cargo
 The fifth analysis stands on the distances between the main runway
and the aprons through the taxiways, with the calculation of the
minimum distance to the aprons using the Arc GIS software, see
Figure 2.14.

Figure ‎2.14 Graph of EIA taxiway path from the aprons to the runway

 The sixth and the last analysis deals with distances between the
passenger terminals buildings and passenger parks, with determining
the minimum paths and the nearest passenger building to the car
parking, see figure (2.15)

Figure ‎2.15 EIA passenger terminal building path to the car parking

2.13 Previous Studies

Photogrammetry belongs originally to Albrecht Meydenbaver activities, in which he

was the first ceriman photogrammetric. Through the computers revolution it was
possible to develop the so-called analytical plotters. This offers high accuracy, great
flexibility and efficiency results that could be directly delivered into CAD systems.
The measurement of image coordinates in scanned image on the screen is the first
step towards digital Photogrammetry. The integrating Photogrammetry and
geographic information system (GIS) is an important and interesting field for many
engineering applications, as attested by a large volume of published literature. The
relevant work may be summarized as follows:

Dursun et. al. (2005) contained the documentation of the cultural heritage by using
close range photogrammetry in their study the most convenient technique to obtain
true 3D coordinate, in this study more photos were taken to Kapıağası (haramidere)
Bridge in Istanbul-Turkey Edirne Highway. Using Auto Cad and 3D studio Max to
evaluate the virtual reality produce short vision in different resolution [23].

Matthewsi et. al (2006) studied The Application of Remote Sensing (RS),

Photogrammetry, and GIS To Fossil Resource Management to utilizing imagery
data sets through photogrammetry (the art and science of making measurements from
photographs) and analyzing remotely sensed data. Data sets may be collected
through active sensors, such as RADAR or LIDAR, or passive sensors, which collect
multi- or hyper- spectral imagery. The processing of these data sets can result in
detailed data files representing the terrain or geological and soil maps [24].

Pavelka (2009) documented Dalal Bridge that was documented by terrestrial digital
photogrammetry using a calibrated digital camera Canon 20D. A total station
Trimble with self-reflecting distance meter was used for necessary geodetic
measurement. Achieved accuracy of about (1-2cm) in position was good enough for
basic documentation, however by non-signalized points (block edges, small details
on blocks) was the accuracy of course not so good. Photomodeler ver.6, AutoCAD
and 3D Max software were used for creating a 3D model. About 120 digital images
were originally taken, including vaults. 69 images and about 100 control points were
used as a background for a 3D model in vector format. More than 1100 object points

and hundreds of edges were evaluated from the images. A raw model was created
using Photomodeler and exported to the AutoCAD software. Using AutoCAD, the
model was adapted and edited; and after this, a rendered model from original photos
was created. Achieved accuracy of control points was approximately 1-2cm, in the
case of processed non signalized object points about 2-5cm. However, after all
processing steps the absolute accuracy is below 10cm [28].

Salem (2011) presented a research of The Feasibility of Close Range

Photogrammetry in Three Dimensional Modeling. The research succeeded to explain
the vital role of close range photogrammetry in the three dimensional objects
modeling in two different cases. There was a need to construct an imaging system,
which afford the a viability of fixed well known control points for the purpose of real
positioning and or diminutions .The size of the imaging box and targets spacing
could be investigated according to the objects size and shape. After positioning, the
constructed 3D objects have been textured to give an identical reality to the imaged
objects [30].

Jasim (2011) submitted a thesis Simulation Model for The Assessment of Direct and
Indirect Georefrencing Technique in Analytical Photogrammetry. In this thesis
combine between the direct and indirect Georefrencing technique, and explain the
ability of using simulation model in photogrammetric works and test the accuracy for
the whole model to evaluate the position for measurement coordinate [31].

Ibraheem (2014) used a digital camera and Total Station to determine the
ground control point, check point and the EOP of camera station. The orientation
parameter (ω, φ, κ) from the measured horizontal and vertical angles for each camera
station are the same. Since the digital camera remain in the same situation so there is
no change in horizontal and vertical angel (ω, φ) its equal to zero, (κ) equal to 90.
Then they produced a digital map by utilization of geographic information system
GIS and digital close range photogrammetry and the site accuracy was computed for
each point on the map, and spatial resolution for acquired image is also found.



3.1 Introduction

Integration of digital Photogrammetry implementations into Geographic Information

System (GIS) databases presents new possibilities for the end-users. This integration
allows photogrammetric data collection in a raster/vector based GIS environment.
This chapter studies the producing of mosaic for our study area, stereo pair and the
final form the ArcGIS software was tried to prepare a digital map with multiple
layers and themes, rather than making a noise pollution digital map.

GIS software supports civil engineers with the framework for deploying and
maintaining critical data and applications across every aspect of the infrastructure
project life cycle including planning and design, data collection and management,
spatial analysis, construction, and operations management and maintenance. The
provides the tools to assemble intelligent GIS applications and improve a project
process by giving engineers, surveyors, construction contractors, and analysts a
single data source from which to work. Centrally hosting applications and data
makes it easy to manage, organize, and integrate geographic data, including CAD
data, from existing databases to visualize, analyze, and make decisions [33].

Figure ‎3.1 GIS applications [33]

3.2 Arc GIS for Airport Applications

Arc GIS is a desktop geographic information system (GIS) from Environmental

Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI). A GIS is a database that links information to
location (it connects what to the where), allowing you to see and analyze data in new
and useful ways [34].

Figure ‎3.2 : ArcGIS system [33]

ArcInfo (formerly ARC/INFO) is a full-featured geographic information system

produced by Esri, and is the highest level of licensing (and therefore functionality) in
the ArcGIS Desktop product line. It was originally a command-line based system.
The command-line processing abilities are now available through the GUI of the
ArcGIS Desktop product. ArcGIS was a multi-scale architecture, with the Desktop
product released at three licensing levels: ArcView; ArcEditor; and ArcInfo [35].

Figure ‎3.3 ArcGIS Desktop extensions [36]

The Arc Info interface contains of windows that show information in various ways.
Rows of menus, buttons, and tools at the top of the main application window allow
you to view and carry out analytical operations on the data through the database.

3.2.1 Arc Map

Arc Map is where you display and explore GIS datasets for any study area, where
you assign symbols, and where you create map layouts for printing or publication.
Arc Map is also the application you use to create and edit datasets. Arc Map
illustrates geographic information as a collection of layers and other elements in a
map Figure 3-4 shows that. Common map elements involve the data frame
containing map layers for a known extent plus a scale bar, title, a symbol legend,
north arrow, descriptive text , and so on.

Figure ‎3.4 ArcMap Desktop
3.2.2 Arc Catalog

The Arc Catalog application provides a catalog window that is used to organize and
manage various types of geographic information for ArcGIS Desktop. The kinds of
information that can be organized and managed in ArcCatalog include:

 Geo-processing toolboxes, models, and Python scripts.

 Map documents, globe documents, 3D scene documents, and layer
 Geodatabases.
 Raster files.
 Standards-based metadata for these GIS information items
 GIS services published using ArcGIS Server.
 And much more

Arc Catalog arrange these contents into a tree view which can work with to organize
a GIS datasets and ArcGIS documents, search and find information items, and to
manage them. Arc Catalog presents this information in a tree view and allows you to
select a GIS item, view its properties, and to access tools to operate on the selected
item(s). Arc-Catalog is used to:

 Manage geodatabases schemas
 Manage standards based metadata.
 Manage GIS servers.
 Organize our GIS contents.
 Search for and add content to ArcGIS applications.
 Document our contents.

Figure ‎3.5 Arc Catalog Desktop

3.3 Case Study

Erbil International Airport, (IATA: EBL, ICAO: ORER), representing the master
airport of Erbil city which located in the northern of Iraq, The Erbil International
Airport (EIA) has been built on the same area which was in past used as a military
base and an airfield until the year of 1991. After the 2003 Iraq War, Erbil city was
becoming the destination area of foreign investments. Standing on the increasing
necessity for accessing safely to the country, the Iraqi Government, has invested
US$550 million in the construction of a modern airport [35].

Figure ‎3.6 Erbil International Airport Statue

3.3.1 The Old airport

The old airport of Erbil had a gross area of 7,000 m² (75,000 sq ft), and was
separated into arrival and departure halls. The old airport in the past had three gates
and one runway, which was originally purposed for military purposes, was 2,800 m
(9,200 ft) long and was provided with an ILS system. Its services included a Tourism
Information office, the Kurdistan International Bank, the airline company's offices, a
cafeteria, duty-free shops, and the Korek Telecom office [35].

On July 1st, 2003 the construction of the airport started and on December 15th, 2003
the first aircraft landed at Erbil airport, and flight between Erbil in the northern
of Iraq and the regional and neighboring countries began afterwards until 2005 when
direct flights from Erbil to Europe started by Iraqi Airlines [35].

The warehouse presented cargo space amounting to 4,320 m2 (46,500 sq ft) and
consisted of an export and import sections [35].

Figure ‎3.7 The site of Erbil International Airport related to the city of Erbil

3.3.2 The New airport

At a $US550 million cost, the new airport with its terminal building opened in 2010.
That was built on 27,000 m² gross area with 17 gates included, and was completed
by the Turkish company Makyul Cengiz after it had designs by a company Scott
Wilson, British Corp [37].

The new airport Possesses the longest airport runway in the Middle East airports
and the fifth-longest airport runway in the world after those found at airports in
China, Russia, South Africa and America, 4,800 × 90 meters (15,748 × 295 feet) and
equipped for ILS CAT II operations, Six air bridges have been installed for easy
access to and from the aircraft, and in total the airport can accommodate 12 aircraft
at any one time. The newly terminal features modern amenities such as currency
exchange offices and duty-free shops. The terminal features CIP zones for visiting
business jets and the VIP terminal for visiting dignitaries and diplomats [35].

Figure ‎3.8 Erbil International Airport terminal building

3.3.3 Data collection and conversion

Both digital and analogue data are gathered for the study area including: A digital
base map for Erbil airport site. Eight digital Arial photos supported by surveying
department as mention in Figure (3.9). Historical data, photographs, surveying and
reproduction details, additional descriptive data was also collected.

A mosaic is an assembly of series of overlapping aerial photographs to form one

continuous picture of the terrain. It might consist of a single strip of photographs,
termed a strip mosaic, or it may be contain several overlapping strips. The images
used in this study captured from the space by the military in which focal length is
(152.16 mm), flying height (456.48 m) and the scale of the image (1 / 25000), which
is illustrated in Figure (3.9). The completion of this work needs to several enough
aerial photos of the area. The mosaics have been found that the site of Erbil
International Airport covered pace aviation is flight (110, 111). The entire airline has
four images so that there is a common area shows each image of the photo that
followed in the line of flight, one is called the forward overlap or overlap the front
and in the amount of (60%). And also there is an overlap (side lap) or (End Lap) here
under (30%) were converted this image to a digital format (Digital form) using

Matching the mosaic images usually implies that the radiometric intensity data from
one image indicating a specific feature should be matched to the intensity data from
the second image, representing the same feature. This mean more than just matching

image intensity data correlation, because the same piece feature may look extremely
variant radio metrically from variant point of view, or at different time.

Figure ‎3.9 Digital arial photos of Erbil airport site (captured in 2010).

3.4 First Step: Building the Themes of the Digital Map

After producing the resulting photo for our study area, stereo pair of the final form
Arc GIS software was utilized preparing a digital map of multiple layers and themes.
Themes, that are configured, are: (buildings theme, runway theme, taxiway theme,
runway and taxiway shoulder theme, blast pads theme, public and service access
road theme, car parks, helipad, fences theme, aprons theme).

After that, the completion of the drawing layers have been produced digital map in
its final form with scale of 1:25,000. The scale is convenient to the scale of digital
aerial photographs that was applied in the resultant, which in turns was to be used for
producing the digital map14 points, which are listed in Table 3.1 and shown clearly

in Figure 3.11, were selected as check points and they are measured by using total
station instrument for computing the outcome accuracy (RMSE) Root Mean Square
Error through trying the below equations:

R i  Rx i2  Ry i2 (3.1)


Ri: The Root Mean Square Error for check point (i). Rxi: The X residual for check
point (i), (the distance between the source and the transformed coordinates in x
direction). Ryi: The Y residual for check point (i), (the distance between the source
and the transformed coordinates in y direction).

Depending upon the residuals, the Root Mean Square Error in X coordinate, the Root
Mean Square Error in Y coordinate, and the total Root Mean Square Error can be
computed from the following equations:

1 n
Rx  
R xi (3.2)
n i 1

1 n
Ry  
R yi
n i 1 (3.3)

R T  R 2x  R 2y


RT: total RMSE, and n: number of check points.

The resulted preciseness (RMSE) calculated through applying a specific equation

(3.4) as represented above was (50) cm, which is the maximum resolution can be
used for research and scientific purposes, more resolutions are used for military
purposes and other confidential studies. Figure (3.10) shows Erbil International
Airport ArcGIS themes.

Figure ‎3.10 Erbil International Airport ArcGIS themes

Table ‎3.1 Fourteen check points measured in EIA

Remark X (Northing) Y (Easting
1 404688.232000 4013278.768000
2 409169.326000 4013278.768000
3 404688.232000 4008490.757000
4 409169.326000 4008490.757000
5 406928.779000 4010884.762000
6 405808.506000 4012081.765000
7 408049.053000 4012081.765000
8 405808.506000 4009687.759000
9 408049.053000 4009687.759000
10 406928.779000 4013278.768000
11 406928.780000 4008490.757000
12 404688.232000 4010884.762000
13 409169.326000 4010884.762000
14 405808.506000 4010884.762000

Figure ‎3.11 EIA geometric correction points
3.4.1 Buildings

Erbil international airport consist of many buildings, we represented the buildings as

a layers on the map and define their information on attribute table, then we divided
them into four groups to facilitate the study of the project, each group includes
subgroups, and they have been giving a specific color for each layer within the group
as well as the data they contain, these groups are as follow:

 Passenger Services
 Airport Services
 Aircraft Services
 Airport Infrastructure

Figure ‎3.12 EIA buildings theme

3.4.2 Runway theme

In Erbil airport there are two runways, first one has a length of 4800 m and a width
of 90 m (75 m without Shoulders), the second has a length of 2800 m and a width of
36 m (30 m without Shoulders), Figure 3.13 shows the layers of the runways [35].

Figure ‎3.13 Runway theme

3.4.3 Taxiways theme

Figure 3.14 illustrate the types of taxiways, which are parallel and connecting
taxiway, a path of airplanes to the runway.

Figure ‎3.14 EIA taxiways theme

3.4.4 Runways and taxiways shoulders theme

Figure 3.15 Shows both runways shoulders the long runway has a shoulder width of
7.5 m and the other has a width of 3 m, also this figure shows Taxiways Shoulders
theme which are all about paints and lights.

Figure ‎3.15 EIA runways and taxiways shoulders theme

3.4.5 Blast pads theme

The areas where it situated at the beginning and at the end of the runway, Figure 3.16
shows these areas.

Figure ‎3.16 EIA runways and runway blast pads theme

3.4.6 Public and service access roads theme

Network of roads as shown in Figure 3.17 are used by passengers to access the
terminal buildings inside the airport and also for other services.

Figure ‎3.17 EIA public and service access roads theme

3.4.7 Car parks, helipads and fences theme

Figure 3.18 shows where the passengers and staff park their cars, helicopters landing
& fences of the airport.

Figure ‎3.18 EIA car parks, helipads and fences theme

3.4.8 Aprons theme

Figure 3.19 shows where the place of aprons in relation to the runways & taxiways
with their shoulders & blast pads.

Figure ‎3.19 EIA aprons theme

3.5 Second Step: Building the Themes of Pavements of the Digital Map

Before generating a pavement digital map, we concluded that the Erbil International
Airports roads pavements are divided into three groups, each group containing
different pavement layer represents different airport road parts as mentioned in
Tables 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4, and shown Figure 3.20.

Table ‎3.2 Composite Pavement (Rigid &Flexible) used in Airport Runway

Layer Thickness

Surface Course layer - Bound surfaces of Portland 23 to 40 cm Portland cement

cement concrete material covered with a layer of 5 to 10 concrete material
cm Asphalt surfaces that supply durability and stability for +
year-round traffic operations. 5 to 10 cm Asphalt surfaces
Base Course layer - a high quality gravel material or 15 to 30 cm
crushed stone which is imported to satisfy stability under crushed stone or gravel
high aircraft tire pressures. material
Subbase Course layer - that is build simply with non-
30 cm
frost susceptible lower quality granular aggregates. Sub-
lower quality granular
bases are important for reducing the effects of frost action
on the subgrade and increasing the pavement strength.
Subgrade - is the ordinary on site soil substances that have
been split into an order, or in a fill portion, This layer must
Natural Soil layer
give a uniform and stable assistance for the overlying
pavement structure.

Table ‎3.3 Flexible Pavement used in Airport Taxiways

Layer Thickness

Surface Course layer - Bound surfaces of 5 to 10 cm

Asphalt surfaces that supply durability and stability for 5 to 10 cm Asphalt surfaces
year-round traffic operations.
Base Course layer - a high quality gravel material or 15 to 30 cm
crushed stone which is imported to satisfy stability under crushed stone or gravel
high aircraft tire pressures. material
Subbase Course layer - that is build simply with non-frost
30 cm
susceptible lower quality granular aggregates. Sub-bases are
lower quality granular
important for reducing the effects of frost action on the
subgrade and increasing the pavement strength.
Subgrade - is the ordinary on site soil substances that have
been split into an order, or in a fill portion, This layer must
Natural Soil layer
give a uniform and stable assistance for the overlying
pavement structure.

Table ‎3.4 Rigid Pavement used in Airport Aprons, Blast Pads & Helipads

Layer Thickness
Surface Course - Bound surfaces of Portland cement
23 to 40 cm Portland cement
concrete material that supply durability and stability for
concrete material
year-round traffic operations.
Base Course layer - a high quality gravel material or 15 to 30 cm
crushed stone which is imported to satisfy stability under crushed stone or gravel
high aircraft tire pressures. material
Subbase Course layer - that is build simply with non-
30 cm
frost susceptible lower quality granular aggregates. Sub-
lower quality granular
bases are important for reducing the effects of frost action
on the subgrade and increasing the pavement strength.
Subgrade - is the ordinary on site soil substances that have
been split into an order, or in a fill portion, This layer must
Natural Soil layer
give a uniform and stable assistance for the overlying
pavement structure.

Figure ‎3.20 Flexible Pavements used in Airport Public & Service Access Roads, and
in Shoulders

** Noting that we used the maximum depth for each layer of pavements in our
works, because Iraqi Specifications for Roads and Transportation used the

Figure ‎3.21 Erbil International Airport road pavements

3.6 Third Step: Building the Database of Map

At the beginning we must have a personal geodatabases containing the works which
involve declared distances, statistics analysis, and the road pavement layers of Erbil
International Airport; Figure 3.22 shows the buildings of that:

Figure ‎3.22 Personal geodatabase

Then inside the geodatabase must create a new feature dataset as shown in Figure
3.23 in order to collect the data of feature classes.

Figure ‎3.23 New feature dataset

Feature dataset must have a spatial reference as shown in Figure 3.24, this spatial
reference is obtained from the satellite photo (import the reference) to insure that
layers of feature dataset (feature classes) are matched with the satellite photo.

Figure ‎3.24 Import spatial reference

Another feature class inside feature dataset are developed as illustrate in Figure 3.25
(It takes the same reference of feature dataset, which will help us in defining the
spatial reference only once in the feature dataset).

Figure ‎3.25 Create a new feature class

Each feature class represent a layer and must be defined their shape as a polygon,
line, point etc. In these layers more fields can be added for each data type, see Figure

Figure ‎3.26 Defining data field

All other building geodatabases steps are illustrated in Appendix A as images

captured from the ARC GIS software, showing the consequent steps of building the
database with the information and properties of the layers.

3.7 Developing the Final Map

Two final maps were developed as shown in Figure 3.27 and Figure 3.28 which
include (EIA total map which represented in nine themes, scale bar and compass

Figure ‎3.27 Erbil International Airport overall map with a satellite image

Figure ‎3.28 Erbil International Airport overall map

These two maps are produced according to the rules of drawing and production of
maps and utilized from the Engineering Unit in Erbil International Airport.

3.8 Airport Development Suggestions

The year of 2013 underscored the position of Erbil International Airport as a

departure point and entry point of Iraq with passengers of 90.3% who arriving from,
or departing to, international destinations with only 9.7% passengers travelling on the
domestic routes. For this reason and other reasons mentioned in chapter two
representing the growth of the city of Erbil and this in terms indicates the growth of
its airport, a future plans should be made for developing Erbil International Airport.
Three suggestions are proposed to do by starting from the main part of the airport,
which is analyzing the runway of the airport master plan using Arc GIS software:

 For increasing the capacity of the airport we propose to build a new

runway parallel to the current one. The spacing among parallel
runways vary vastly; the wideness (spacing) can be divided into far,
intermediate, and close, depending upon separation centerline distance
among a pair parallel runways. Close parallel runways are spaced
from a minimum of 213.36 m (700 feet) (for air carrier airports) to a
less than 762 m (2500 feet). For our proposal we used a close parallel
runway spacing of 250 m, see Figure (3.29).

Figure ‎3.29 Runway proposal development 1 (parallel runway)

 Numerous airports possess a pair or multiple runways in various
orientations passing each other. These are mentioned to as intersecting
runways. Intersecting runways are important when relatively strong
wind takes place from many directions, resulting in extreme
crosswinds when only one runway is used. When the wind is strong,
only one runway of a couple of the intersecting runways can be
provided, lowering the capacity of the airfield substantially. If the
wind is relatively light, the two runways can be used simultaneously.
The capacity of both intersecting runways relies on the location of the
intersection (i.e., midway or near the ends), the manner in which the
runways are operated for landings and for takeoffs, referred to as the
runway use strategy, and the aircraft mix. Since the annual wind rate
of the city of Erbil is northeasterly winds and the current runway is to
the north, thus we have been proposed the establishment of a second
runway eastward intersects with the existing runway to increase the
capacity of the airfield, see Figure 3.30.

Figure ‎3.30 Runway proposal development 2 (ıntersecting runway)

 Third proposal involving on increasing the width of the existing

runway by 10 m (75+15 m old to 85+15 m new), Taking into

consideration modifying the existing buildings, roads and fences.
While keeping the current length of the runway as an adequate, see
Figure (3.31).

Figure ‎3.31 Runway proposal development 3 (widening existing runway)

3.9 Aircraft Noise Pollution

Aircraft noise is noise pollution produced by any aircraft or its components, during
various phases of a flight: on the ground while parked such as auxiliary power units,
while taxiing, on run-up from propeller and jet exhaust, during takeoff, underneath
and lateral to departure and arrival paths, over-flying while en route, or during

Aviation noise is a source of constant annoyance to those who live under airport
flight paths and for those subject to lower levels of disturbance caused by low flying
smaller aircraft and helicopters. This form of noise pollution is explicitly excluded
from general noise nuisance legislation. However Aircraft paths are generally
designed to fly over the least populated areas.

For our case study Erbil International Airport EIA, the Iraqi Government does not
have definite data about aircraft noise pollution; therefore we faced a big problem in
determining this type of pollution. However because we have general information
about airport area and its surrounding area we have to do some procedures as
mentioned below:

 Assuming Boeing 747 as our aircraft case study to facilitate our work,
as we all know that any certain aircraft has engine emission and noise
production differs from other aircrafts. Even so the Boeing has the
most noise production than other aircrafts like Airbus etc.
 Obtaining the Boeing noise production ground distances and altitudes
from Boeing Company and the FAA; see Figure (3.32).
 Making an interpolation and comparison with other international
airports have a noise pollution digital map.
 Making our own calculations on Erbil International Airport standing
on the above steps, see Table (3.5).
 Putting these data and calculations in a digital form by making a
geodatabases in ARC GIS software we can finally produce EIA Noise
pollution digital map, see figures (3.33) and (3.34).

Figure ‎3.32 Noise reduction approach including ground distance and altitude

Table ‎3.5 Erbil International Airport Noise pollution calculations
Polygon Plain Shaped Tapered Shaped Polygon Aircraft pollution in
Number Diameter in Km Diameter in Km Color dB(decibel)

1 5.2 1.75 Red 125-150

2 6.0 4.0 Orange 90-125

3 8.0 8.0 Yellow 65-90

Figure ‎3.33 Erbil International Airport noise pollution detailed digital map

Figure ‎3.34 Erbil International Airport noise pollution general digital map

For further simulations and deep studies in determining the noise pollution affected
by aircrafts we tried to use new software for noise analysis which defines as Noise
Model Simulation (NMSim) which is a computer model that generates time histories
of noise from moving sources accounting for the effects of real terrain on sound
propagation. NMSim has existed as a single-event aircraft noise model since the mid-
1990s, and was originally developed in support of noise propagation studies. The
principles in which the program run depends on the ARC GIS software, which in
terms mean raster and vector extensions, Figure 3.35 below shows NMSim overall
flow chart [40].

Figure ‎3.35 NMSim overall flow chart

Work procedures of building a new case using NMSim software are mentioned
below in details:

 Elevation File: The elevation file is the core file for all NMSim
calculations. This file contains details about the study area, alternate
coordinate systems used and a grid of elevations covering the whole
study area. NMSim can accept input terrain files in four formats:
Digital Line Graphs (DLGs), Digital Elevation Model (DEMs),
Military Digital Terrain Elevation Data files (DTED), and files in the

ESRI ASCII exchange format [40]. On the other hand, this study used
the (DEM) file extracted from area shape file (Shp) for Erbil
International Airport, which is divided into two parts, as shown in
Figure 3.36 below:

Figure ‎3.36 Digital elevation model map

A digital elevation model (DEM) is a digital model or 3D representation of a terrain's

surface created from terrain elevation data. The DEM could be acquired through
techniques such as Photogrammetry, land surveying, etc.

DEMs are commonly built using data collected using remote sensing techniques, but
they may also be built from land surveying. DEMs are used often in geographic
information systems.

 Receiver Site Files: The receiver site file allows you to get noise
levels at specific locations and specific heights of the ground while
running NMSim. Figure 3.37 below shows our case study chosen
receiver sites [40].

Figure ‎3.37 Receiver site file map

 Background Layer Files: The background layer file is a graphics file

that overlays the contour map. It can show you almost any feature that
has a descriptive file. NMSim will accept either DLG files or ESRI
shape files as input. In our study we used the shape file as background
layer file; Figure 3.38 below shows the background layer building

Figure ‎3.38 Background layer building dialogue

 Trajectory Files: The Trajectory files define the full time history of a
noise source. It defines the heading, speed, climb angle, roll angle,
power setting, and three-dimensional position for the source at each
time interval of the study. This data is then used to determine the state
of the given noise source [40].
 The Trajectory File simply contains the information about how a
source moves through space, including its altitude. It is up to the user
to ensure that the correct source is used with the Trajectory File since
the source files contain no information about appropriate altitudes.
The Trajectory File also contains the temperature and the relative
humidity of the air for each case. The relationship between the
temperature/humidity and the absorption of sound is complex and you
should use reasonable local values of temperature and humidity. In
general, the drier the air, the more sound will be absorbed by the
atmosphere. There are two types of Trajectory files a user can build: a
flight Trajectory File and a ground Trajectory File. They are
functionally identical and can be interchanged. They only differ in the
methods used to create them. To begin build a flight Trajectory File
we should firstly draw the flight track in which flight data is needed as
shown in Figure 3.39 [40].

Figure ‎3.39 Flight track ınitial point dialog

For Our case study Erbil International Airport we had studied plenty flight
paths and one optimum path have been chosen depending on several
factors, such as the position of the flight path in referring to the city of
Erbil, the distances passed by the aircraft through residential areas during
the landing and taking off operations, and etc. Mentioned that most of the
data needed for drawing the flight path are up to dated and obtained lively
from website [41].

Finally after obtaining the required data mentioned above we started to

draw the flight track which really travelled by the aircraft until landing in
our destination airport, figure 3.40 below shows the Flight Trajectory File

Figure ‎3.40 Flight trajectory file map

 Source Files: The source file serves as an index for a set of files that
together define the noise source. There are several different types of
sources available, we mostly deals with Miscellaneous Sources in
which contain an omni directional source that varies with power
 Ambient Noise Files: Ambient data is used by NMSim to calculate
all of the Audibility metrics. Depending on the case being run, the
entire area can have a single ambient noise spectrum, or a map of
spectra can be used.

 Running NMSim: After a full set of files has been either selected or
built using the NMSim File Loading/Building dialog, you are ready to
use NMSim to do single event noise analysis. See Figure 3.41[40].

Figure ‎3.41 NMSim interactive analysis screen

By Using the NMSim software we could obtain several analyses, even

though it could introduce advanced applications. Visualizer and video
capture are the most important options in NMSim program, see Figure

Figure ‎3.42 NMSim analysis options

NMSim Visualizer: The NMSim Visualizer is a post processing application that
allows you to examine the results from an NMSim full grid analysis. The NMSim
Visualizer shows the same base map as the original NMSim case with one major
difference: the NMSim Visualizer shows the noise levels over the area of noise
calculations with color contours. This gives you a quick and accurate understanding
of how the noise propagates away from the noise source. Figure 3.43 shows the final
Visualizer noise pollution map for Erbil International Airport. By analyzing the
generated map we could recognize that most of the noise pollution is concentrated in
the western part of Erbil city which is more affected than other parts of the city [40].

Figure ‎3.43 Visualizer noise pollution map for EIA

The NMSim Visualizer allows the data to be stored in several ways; from the menu
item „Capture‟ selects either „Video‟, „Still‟, or „Data‟. Let's take a video capture as
an example of these options. Figure 3.44 introduce a video snapshot showing how
the aircraft moving through the flight track and what noise pollution is produced.

Figure ‎3.44 Visualizer video snapshot




4.1 Conclusions

From the results obtained in this thesis, the following are the main conclusion can be

 Most airports still rely on the use of AutoCAD in mapping, while

there is a lot of data and information that the reservation is lost with
the passage of time.
 To organize the spatial entities effectively, several layers are set
according to the characteristics of spatial entities. These layers are
developed depending on the using of the orthophoto of Erbil Airport,
which has been corrected analytically and then considered as an input
for the AGIS.
 The spatial database is established, and then the function design of the
GIS software is presented including map exploring, map locating,
spatial query, rendering style of map and output of map.
 The AGIS digital map is essential for different applictions including
airport monitoring and management, pavement analysis, site
development, noise pollution determination, and several navigational

4.2 Recommendations

For Erbil International Airport becoming as one of the main entry and departure
points for Iraq and in view of the clearly growth of the city of Erbil and this in terms
indicates the growth of its airport, a future plans should be made for developing Erbil
International Airport and increasing the capacity of the airport. Many suggestions are

proposed to do by starting from the main part of the airport, which is analyzing the
runway of the airport master plan using Arc GIS software:
 It is recommended to intersect the runways as relatively strong multi
direction winds occur, which results in more crosswinds as one
runway only is used. Both runways can be used simultaneously, when
the winds are almost light.
 It is recommended to increase the width of the existing runway by 10
m (75+15 m old to 85+15 m new), Taking into consideration
modifying the existing buildings, roads and fences. While keeping the
current length of the runway as an adequate.
 It is recommended to increase the blast pads or safety area width of
the runway which is 90 m while the minimum standards must be 500
ft (152.4 m). Also do these modifications for the above proposal
 Because of Erbil International Airport is actually exists it's
recommended to restrict the surrounding area from constructing a new
residence houses, in order to reduce the pollution noise produced from
landing and taking off of the aircraft.
 As shown in the flight track mentioned in chapter three, the aircrafts
passed through Erbil city, so it is recommended to change the path of
the aircrafts travelled into or from Erbil International Airport, in order
to reduce the noise pollution caused by these aircrafts.

4.3 Recommendations for Future Works

After developing the final digital ARC GIS Erbil International Airport plan, it is
recommended to take advantage of the benefit of this map for several futures
utilization as follows:

 Using the geo-databases of the digital pavement maps for airport

pavement maintenance management.
 Using the precise EIA general plan coordinates for airport future

 For future studies we recommended to do GIS analysis for city taxi
and bus stations how to reach the airport.
 Using the ARC GIS software for up to date EIA aircraft noise
pollutions digital map.
 Using the digital map for Geotechnique analysis and for determining
the soil bearing capacity and CBR.
 And finally for future airport development we propose the
establishment of a second entrance to the airport to facilitate its


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Figure 3-45: Structure data field

Figure 3-46: Runway feature class properties-pavements layer table

Figure 3-47: Runway feature class properties-fields

Figure 3-48: Buildings table

Figure 3-49: Buildings code table

Figure 3-50: Feature class properties - features coordinate system

Figure 3-51: Feature class properties - features subtype system

Figure 3-52: Database properties - domains

Figure 3-53: Raster dataset properties - image properties


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