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Published Every 2 Months by the

General Authority of Civil Aviation,

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Issue 89, July 2015, Ramadan 1436

Prince Naif Airport
Project is Underway
Presiding Editor
Dr. Faisal H. Al-Sugair

Assistant Presiding Editor

Abdul Aziz A. Al-Angari
Assistant to GACA President for
Administration and Finance
GACA Board
Editor-in-Chief approves New
Taif International
Dr. Salem A. Sahab Airport

Advisory Board

Dr. Muqbil S. Aldhukair

Dr. Mohamed A. Al Amin
Dr. Mohsen Al-Naggar
Dr. Ali H. Al-Zahrani
Dr. Ali M. Al-Bahi
Khalid A. Al-Khaibari GACA President Pays
a Visit to ICAO HQ

EditEd & dEsignEd by
A Crash that should
Fikra, MEdia &
MarkEting Consultants have Never Occurred!
P.O.Box 8004
Jeddah, 21482
Saudi Arabia
Tel: 665-6669, 661-2601
Fax: 665-4719
Open Skies Under Scrutinization
E ach policy has its negative
and positive aspects as well
as its advantages and precautions.
vention to end (what they called)
the special privileges enjoyed by
the Gulf airlines. In short, the tri
However, these values should al- block urged the government to re-
ways be viewed from a relative consider the open skies agreement
perspective and not from an abso- concluded with the Gulf countries
lute one as what some may con- or to retailor it to suit American
sider positive others may find it air carriers who failed to cope
negative and vice versa. Accord- with the Gulf air carriers due to
ingly, it is always necessary to de- what they consider a substantial
fine the angle from which the case financial support they receive
under examination is viewed. from their governments. This
The same applies to the civil support allows Gulf air carriers to
aviation industry where many By Dr. Faisal H. Al-Sugair offer best competitive prices and
policies, regulations, and laws are build advanced aircraft fleets, in
VP, General Authority for Civil Aviation addition to render best services
used each has its own positive and
negative aspects, advantages, dis- such as quality inflight services
advantages, and precautions depending on the an- or having a wide route network covering most of
gle from which they are looked at. The open skies the Middle East and Far East destinations.
policy is not an exception to this general rule as This confrontation was criticized by Mr. James
when applied on many countries and geographical Hogan, CEO of Etihad Airways in his speech in
areas of the world the common noble goal is to at- front of the US Chamber of Commerce Forum held
tract air traffic, promote fair competition, and raise on March 17 in Washington. Mr. Hogan warned of
the economic returns of all those involved. tampering with the open skies agreement express-
Within this context, skies were opened between ing his astonishment for blaming Gulf air carriers
the Arabian Gulf Region and North America, (USA while the US and European air carriers enjoy all the
in particular). Due to foreseen and unforeseen rea- privileges offered by this same agreement from their
sons, American air carriers were reluctant to seize flights over the Atlantic. In fact, they are carrying
available opportunities while Gulf air carriers (led many times as much of passengers and cargo.
by Emirates, Qatar Airways, and Etihad Airway) This hot debate is part of the struggle between
tried to get the best out of these opportunities by the different parties each trying to protect its own
raising the number of their scheduled flights. For interests by looking at things from a different an-
example, Emirates now operates around 90 weekly gle driven by different considerations. Our point
flights to 10 American cities including New York of view in Saudi Arabia regarding this issue is to
(two daily flights), Washington, Huston, LA, Chi- ensure a “balanced expansion in opening skies” so
cago, Boston, Dallas, San Francisco, and Seattle. that no party gets hurt besides ensuring fair com-
On the opposite side, total number of combined petition. Saudi Arabia has a unique incomparable
flights operated by all U.S. air carriers to the Gulf competition protection system in the Gulf region.
Region, probably does not exceed a single digit fig- The EU realized this when they started discussing
ure. the fair competition principle with the Gulf coun-
This imbalance in favor of Gulf air carriers led tries. The discussion is still going on and will defi-
a tripartite bloc formed by AAL, United, and Delta nitely reach favorable results to Saudi Arabia and
Airlines demand the US Administration’s inter- all parties involved

Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436 5

Council of Ministers Approves Aircraft Fuel
Price Reductions
nder the chairmanship
of the Custodian of the
Two Holy Mosques,
King Salman Bin Abdul-Aziz, the
Council of Ministers approved on
Monday 4th of May 2015 aircraft
fuel price reductions for all air-
lines using the Kingdom airports
as follows:
• a price reduction of 15 Hallas /
liter in KAIA and KKIA.
• a price reduction of 20 Hallas /
liter in the Kingdom’s other air-

Prince Naif Airport Development Project is Underway

W ork on Prince Naif

Airport Develop-
m ent Project in Gas-
sim is already underway starting
6th June, 2015. The contractor is
the Muhiadib Contracting com -
pany. It will take 3 years to finish
and will cost SR 1,048,893,698.
The project will raise the airport’s
annual capacity to 3 m illion pas-
sengers. The purpose is to accom -
m odate the high increase in the
dem and for air travel. The new
airport’s design was inspired by
sand dunes and oases which
characterize this region. class passengers lounge. Passen- tower, a 3,500 square meters VIP
The airport includes a 60,000 gers will move from the terminal lounge, a 1,600 square meters
square meters 4-story new pas- to aircraft through nine air-bridg- mosque, new fire station, main-
senger terminal building (de- es. The terminal is linked to a tenance building, ANS building,
parture, arrivals, services, and multi-story car parking to ensure and the airport employees hous-
baggage claim) with space for easy movement of passengers to ing. The airport’s administration
commercial facilities, boarding and from the car parking. The building will be built on a 2,800
lounge, 1st class and business project also embraces a control square meters area.

6 Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436

New “Watani Project” for Linking the Kingdom’s
Outstretched Parts
he General Authority of Civil Aviation domestic routes.
(GACA) has decided to launch a project Al-Hamdan said that GACA has decided to up-
called “Watani” with the aim of linking the
grade Hail Airport to a hub airport to serve airports in
different parts of the kingdom by air through the es-
the northern parts of the Kingdom to be the northern
tablishm ent of the so-called “hub” airports in certain
areas to serve adjacent airports. gateway to international and regional airports. GACA
will support this pilot project by providing financial
The President of the GACA met with the key offi-
cials of national air carriers to discuss GACA’s plans support to the responding operating airlines and also
to activate un-served domestic routes. During the plans to launch similar projects in other parts of the
meeting Al-Hamdan proposed provision of possible Kingdom if this project proves to be successful. The
financial support by GACA to the national air carriers second phase will be the selection of another airport
which operate regular flights in the those un-served in the southern or eastern parts of the kingdom.

GACA Board approves New Taif International Airport

IN its session held on

Sunday May 3rd
2015, under
chairm anship of His Excellency

the President, Mr. Salm an Al-Ham -

dan, and the presence of H.E. Dr.
Faisal Al-Sugair and the Board’s
esteem ed m em bers, GACA Board
of Directors discussed a num ber
of topics and issued a num ber
of resolutions and recom m enda-
tions. At the forefront is the deci-
sion to announce New Taif Airport
as an international airport. The
Board also reviewed the regula-
tions of the com m ittee form ed
for exam ining the civil aviation In a further step, GACA invited GACA hired International Fi-
regulations violations, form ation interested investors from the pri- nance Corporation (IFC) as the
of an airport security com pany, vate sector to partner with GACA main project consultant to assist
and approval of the airport fund in financing the design, construc- in project structuring and execu-
tion. GACA invited all interested
regulations. Discussions also cov- tion, and maintenance of New
parties with interest and capabili-
ered two reports on transform ing Taif International Airport, in addi- ties in financing the construction
KKIA and ANS sector into separate tion to the operation and mainte- and operation of international air-
com panies beside a num ber of nance of the existing Taif Airport ports to submit their prequalifica-
civil aviation related topics. until the new airport is completed. tion submittals.

Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436 7

GACA President Pays a Visit to ICAO HQ
H is Excellency President of the General Au-
thority of Civil Aviation (GACA), Mr. Su-
laiman Al-Hamdan, recently paid a visit
to ICAO HQs in Montreal, Canada, accompanied by
Asst. President for International Cooperation, Prince
Turki Bin Faisal Al-Saud and the accompanying del-
egation. The visit is the first paid by GACA President
to ICAO premises.
During the visit the President met the Kingdom’s
resident delegation to ICAO and was enlightened by
the delegation’s activities and future projects. The
visit also included a meeting between the President
and ICAO’s Secretary General in which the two par- of civil aviation in the Region, and in the Kingdom, in
ties discussed cooperation agreements in the areas of particular.
safety and security as well as availing training op- In a speech delivered in front of ICAO’s represen-
portunities to GACA employees. Moreover, Mr. Al- tatives and members, Al-Hamdan shed some light on
Hamdan met with the President of ICAO Board, Dr. the Kingdom’s achievements in the civil aviation sec-
Olumuyiwa Benard Aliu, and discussed all means for tor and reviewed the different executed projects in the
strengthening cooperation ties in the different aspects last five years.

Kingdom Airports Record Higher Passenger Traffic Figures

K AIA, Jeddah, issued a re-
port revealing that num-
ber of passengers handled
by the airport in Q1 this year has
increased by 12% compared to the
million passengers in Q1this year com-
pared to about 2.4 million passengers
in the same period last year.
KFIA recorded an increase in in-
handled by domestic airports. This rep-
resents a total traffic increase of 9% in
Q1compared to the same period last
year with international traffic rising
ternational traffic of 7% in Q1 2015 by 30%, and domestic traffic by 13%
same period last year. Total number of while private aviation rose by 16% in
passengers who travelled through the in view of the continuation of direct
flights between the airport and Asia the first three months this year com-
airport reached 8.8 million passengers pared to the same period last year.
in Q1 compared to 7.9 million passen- and Europe. In this aspect the airport
gers in the same period last year. recorded an increase of 22% in air traf- It’s worth mentioning that 10 do-
fic serving about 2.4 million passen- mestic airports succeeded in accom-
KKIA, Riyadh, witnessed a rise in gers with plans to attract more than 9
number of passengers in Q1 this year modating international flights heading
million passengers this year. to international destinations including
of around 16% compared to the same
period in 2014 as the airport’s passen- As for the Kingdom’s domestic Emirates, Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar,
ger traffic in the first three months this airports they witnessed an increase in Egypt, Yemen, and Turkey which con-
year reached 5.8 million passengers passenger traffic of 16% in Q1 2015 tributed to the significant increase in
compared to about 5 million passen- compared to the same period last year passenger and aircraft traffic in domes-
gers in the same period last year. With- as number of passengers handled by 23 tic airports. This, in turn, facilitated
in this increase, number of domestic domestic airports during the first three provision of a wide range of quality
passengers rose by 23% to about 3.2 months of this year reached 3.4 million services to citizens and residents in
million passengers compared to about passengers. Furthermore, total number the different parts of the Kingdom and
2.6 million passengers in the same pe- of flights almost reached 30,000 flights saved them a lot of time and trouble by
riod last year. Number of international of which 21,913 were domestic, 5,193 enabling them to directly reach neigh-
passengers rose by 8% to around 2.5 international, and 2,717 private flights boring countries by air.

8 Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436

Innovative Technologies for Next Generation Engines:
Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs)
A completely new materials
technology promise to revo-
lutionize aircraft engine manu-
facturing along with advances in
additive manufacturing processes.
At the top of the list is advanced
Ceramic Matrix Composites
(CMCs) which consist of micro-
s opi fibers e bedded in a bond-
ing atri syste . The o bined
materials have new and different
properties than they would sepa-

For instance, GE is develop-

ing jet engine components made
up from CMCs containing silicon
carbide ceramic fibers and ceramic
resin that are lighter weight, more
durable and can withstand hotter
Microscopic picture of Ceramic Matrix Composites internal structure
temperatures than their metal sub-
stitutes. Consequently, more fuel ef- peratures which make them ideal for
ficient and fatigue resistant engines aircraft engine components. They
are expected to be flying soon. usually comprise a ceramic matrix
In recent years, composite mate- reinforced by a refractory fiber such
rials have been at the forefront of ad- as silicon carbide. In the past CMCs
vanced materials on newer aircraft. were limited to missile structures,
The CMCs are to be for the first time radomes and exhaust systems for
on GE’s “the LEAP (Leading Edge fighter ets. However, with recently
Aviation Propulsion)” in 2016 on the improved varieties of manufactur-
Airbus A320neo and in 2017 for the ing processes CMCs can now be
Boeing 737MAX. An example of By Dr Mostefa produced much easily. These mate-
where this new technology would be Bourchak* rials are expected to be more resis-
implemented is on the high-pressure tant to crack propagations and creep
turbine shrouds in the hot section of 2020 that is expected to power Boe- especially when nano si e fillers are
the engine which will be made from ing 777X airplane. also embedded such as NAFEN™
CMCs. The latter is expected to be from ANF Technology Ltd. SiC
more common on many other parts CMCs have emerged from de- CMCs can withstand temperatures
(such as turbine nozzles and com- cades of research and study to com- greater than 1316°C which means
bustor liners) that are to be found mercial applications. They are light- they require less cooling. Remov-
in the future GE9X in its debut year weight, hard and stable to high tem- ing cooling air allows a jet engine

10 Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436

GE Aviation LEAP Engine

to run at higher thrust and/or more service well above that. Boeing then tection systems and more. However,
efficiently. Combined with their re- successfully flight tested the inno- the challenge is how many of these
duced weight (one-third the weight vative nozzle on its ecoDemonstra- programs will result in commercial
of nickel super alloys) CMCs would tor 787 Flight Test Airplane in 2014. applications? It is thought that the
result in improved combustor ef- The nozzle is expected to enter the risk of introduction is the biggest
ficiency and reduction in fuel con- commercialization phase later this roadblock while the biggest part of
sumption. With hundreds of kilos of decade with certification starting at
that is the customer having confi-
engine weight saved, thrust would the end of 01 . Contrary to GE and
dence in the material system. Fortu-
be improved by 10%. Rolls-Royce, Pratt & Whitney sur-
nately, it maybe just a matter of time
prisingly are not so keen on CMCs
Other research and development since it took time to go from metal
for now and questioned the matu-
activities in CMCs are also taking to Polymer Matrix Composites, it
rity of CMCs for aircraft engines
part. The FAA Continuous Low- will take time for the aviation com-
in terms of cost benefits in the short
er Energy, Emissions, and Noise
and medium terms. However, ratt munity to build confidence in these
(CLEEN) program is funding re-
& Whitney do believe that there is materials. At the moment, many
search to develop turbine blade track
a future for CMCs in their plans es- customers are put off by the time
and acoustic engine exhaust nozzle
pecially when they have more confi- and cost associated with CMCs pro-
to speed the reduction of aircraft en-
dence in CMCs reliability and cost cessing. Nevertheless, this is now
gine fuel burn, emissions and noise.
issues. beginning to change with GE in-
Tests on a Rolls-Royce Trent 1000
engine rig that had a CMCs nozzle Other CMCs for aircraft en- vestment that is signaling a chang-
were carried out in 2013. The nozzle gines development programs are ing tide for CMCs where everyone
performed as expected during the also happening worldwide. Some of is hoping will get the processing
73-hour engine test, with no thermal which are vanes for high-pressure time down and will open up a num-
or structural stress issues. Although turbines, advanced nuclear reactor ber of applications
the specifications asked for ,000 components, self-healing CMCs for
hours of service life it was predicted aircraft engine blades and vanes, * Associate Professor - Aeronautical Engineering
that the nozzle could continue in structures for reusable thermal pro- Department - King Abdulaziz University

Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436 11

Aviation Communications Glossary
ACARS ® : Aircraft Com- data link for communications, a
munications Addressing and global satellite system for navi-
Reporting System. It is an air/ gation, and automatic position
ground, character - oriented reporting for surveillance.
digital data link system. It was
initially used by airlines to au-
tomatically record and report CPDLC: Controller-Pilot Data
basic aircraft movement mes- Link Communications. Direct
sages. In 1989, its use was ex- communications between air
panded to include air traffic traffic control and an aircraft
By Dr. Mohamed pilot via data link text messag-
service communications
Elfatih Elamin* es viewed on a cockpit display.
In contrast to voice communi-
ADS: Automatic Dependent flight crew listens to the ATIS cations, CPDLC allows for reli-
Surveillance. A data link meth- broadcast to find out about able and efficient communica-
od of automatically transmit- weather conditions, commu- tions over oceanic regions.
ting an aircraft’s position, alti- nications equipment informa-
tude, air speed and other data. tion, active runways and other
The aircraft acquires position routine information before de- D-ATIS: Digital Automatic
information through a naviga- parting from or arriving at an Terminal Information Service.
tion receiver from a global nav- airport. See also D-ATIS. A data link service that pro-
igation satellite system such as
vides automated delivery of
GPS and then uses a transpon-
ATIS information such as des-
der to transmit that informa- CAA: Civil Aviation Author-
tination weather and terminal
tion, along with other data from ity. The national body that has
conditions. With Digital ATIS,
the flight monitoring system, to regulatory oversight of aviation
information is delivered to the
air traffic control and addition- within a country. For example,
cockpit via data link instead
al aircraft. the Federal Aviation Admin-
of through VHF voice, allow-
istration (FAA) in the United
ing the flight crew to recall and
AOC: Aeronautical Operation- review the information when
al Control. The applications for needed.
communications between an
CNS/ATM : Communications,
aircraft and its operating agen-
Navigation, Surveillance/Air
cy or service partners. DCL: Departure Clearance.
Traffic Management. It is the
The exchange of departure in-
collective term for the set of
formation between the pilot
ATIS: Automatic Terminal solutions for modernizing out-
and air traffic control authori -
Information Service. A prere- dated processes and procedures
ing an aircraft to begin take-
corded announcement about that were identified from the
off. Known as Pre-Departure
current airport operations that FANS (see below) evaluations
Clearance in the United States.
is broadcasted over a VHF and recommendations. The so-
voice frequency. The aircraft lutions include the use of digital

12 Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436

FANS: Future Air Naviga- line operational control and air aircraft; however an aircraft
tion System. It is the result of traffic services messages be- and its equipment must be cer-
an International Civil Aviation tween aircraft end systems and tified as R SM compliant in
Organization (ICAO) initiative corresponding ground-based order to fly in R SM airspace.
that begun in 1983 to evaluate HFDL ground stations. Using After evaluation studies in the
air traffic management sys- the unique propagation charac- 1 0s, R SM was implemented
tems and procedures, and to teristics of high-frequency ra- in various parts of the world be-
make modernization recom- dio waves, the ground stations ginning with the North Atlantic
mendations. The FANS concept provide data link communica- airspace in 1997.
became the plan for revamp- tions to properly equipped air-
ing air navigation processes craft operating anywhere in the
for the 21st century. This was world. To use the service, an SATCOM: Satellite Communi-
conducted primarily through a aircraft only needs a commu- cations. This service is branded
shift to using satellite technol- nications management unit and as GLOBALink SatelliteSM.
ogy instead of depending on an HFDL data radio. HFDL is
ground-based technology. the only data link technology
that provides coverage in the TCAS: Traffic Alert and Colli-
polar regions. sion Avoidance System. System
FL: Flight Level. Airspace at a onboard an aircraft that alerts
particular altitude in thousands the pilot of a potential mid-air
of feet—for example, 29,000 PDC: Pre-departure Clearance. collision with another aircraft,
feet is FL290. See DCL. providing that both aircraft are
equipped with the appropriate
position-interrogating tran-
GPS: Global Positioning Sys- RGS: Remote Ground Station. sponders.
tem. A global navigation satel- Unit that provides the aircraft
lite system used by persons or with access to the air/ground
equipment with GPS receivers network. VDL Mode 2: VHF Digital
to determine accurate loca- Link Mode . It was developed
tion and time. In aviation, GPS in the early 2000s to provide
has enabled the use of more- RVSM: Reduced Vertical Sep- a much-needed increase in
efficient air routes such as with aration Minimum. The concept capacity for aeronautical op-
R SM. of reducing the vertical dis- erational control messages. It
tance maintained by aircraft in improves on VHF ACARS®
flight from the original ,000 data link by providing 10 times
HF: High Frequency. Radio foot separation to 1,000 feet the bandwidth. DL Mode
frequencies between 3 and 30 in flight levels between ,000 is the enabling technology for
MH . Our HF service is brand- and 41,000 feet—or FL290 to controller-pilot data link com-
ed as GLOBALink HFSM. FL410. A 2,000-foot separation munications and the future-free
had been the standard since the flight environment. Our DL
beginning of et age flight. The
Mode service is branded as
HFDL: High Frequency separation reduction was made
Data Link. It is a segment of possible by the more-accurate * Technical Advisor - GACA/ANS/
ACARS® used to exchange air- equipment on board modern SED/COMMUNICATIONS

Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436 13

Asiana Airline Flight OZ214
A Crash that should have Never Occurred!
O n July 6, 2013, a clear and
sunny day in the Bay area,
Asiana Airline Flight OZ214,
a Boeing 777-200ER (extended
range) registered HL7742 plane
inbound from a transpacific
flight from Incheon Internation-
al Airport South Korea crashed
during landing on San Fran-
cisco International Airport’s
runway 28L. The plane, carry-
ing 307 passengers, was the first
B777 crash with fatalities since
the line’s first inaugural com-
mercial flight in 1995. Three
passengers died upon impact,
one severely thrown out of the
plane and killed by an oncoming
fire truck en route to the scene.
Over 180 passengers suffered a
range of injuries and three flight
attendants were thrown out of Shortly after, light 214 was
the jet while still strapped into cleared for visual approach to
their seats when the tail section runway 2 and was told to main-
collided into the seawall short of tain an airspeed of 1 0 nots
runway 28L. 330km h when reaching a dis-
tance of 2.5 kilometers to the run-
way and assisted by the runway s
Captain Lee Jung Min, the pi-
precision approach path indicator
lot in command (PIC) was seated
on the right seat of the cockpit and (PAPI) at which time it was given
though he was an experienced PIC, a final clear to land call from the
it was Captain in s first time in-
By Mohamed air traffic controller A C .
structing a more junior pilot. Seat- Eltaher* San rancisco nternational
ed on the left seat of the cockpit Airport had previously issued a
was Captain Lee Kang Guk who instrument flight rules . Cap- notice to Airmen notifying that
had flown nearly 10,000 hours on tain Guk asked if he could land the the precision ILS approach should
other planes, yet had an accumula- plane via visual flight rules not be attempted as the Instru-
tion of only 43 flight time hours on ment landing system s verti-
instead given the weather was
the B777. The two pilots took con- cal guidance at runway 2 glide
trol of the plane just an hour prior very clear and no cross winds had
been reported at the time. Captain slope) was out of service for main-
to landing and when Captain Min
Min gave the junior pilot a thumbs tenance.
instructed Captain Guk to take
control of the plane and land it via up to proceed using . Eighty two seconds before im-

14 Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436

The warning sound of immi-
nent stall could be heard four sec-
onds before impact on the cockpit
voice recorder C when the
plane was at an airspeed of 103
After the crash, the Nation-
al ransportation afety oard
(NTSB), Boeing, Asiana, and
other parties participated in an in-
vestigation to determine the cause
of the crash. Boeing blamed the in-
experienced pilot and Asiana who
initially ruled out any mechanical
failure, later recanted, blaming
pact and at an altitude of 1,600 able to land the 777 manually.
oeing s comple avionics system.
feet, the plane’s approach was too
Three seconds to impact, Cap-
low and too slow. The auto pilot The NTSB determined that the
tain in called for a go around
feature was disengaged and the flight crew relied too heavily on
and abort landing command but
throttle was set to idle as trainee the automated system which they
Captain Guk was struggling to it was a little too late. The main
thoroughly did not understand
manually land the plane. nstead landing gear hit the seawall short and further suggested that Boeing
of following the correct and safe of the runway at an air speed of consider modifying flight control
protocol in the situation which was 103 nots 1.5 seconds before im- on its 777 line in addition to 27
to engage the auto-land configura- pact the crew was trying to per- other safety recommendations
tion, his ego got the better of him form a go around maneuver 34
knowing other fellow pilots were knots below target approach. * Lawyer and aviation consultant

Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436 15

Air Tra fi Airports
Air-Traffi tatisti ssininSaudi
Airports Statisti a di Arabia
Arabia 2014
(000’) # of Cargo in % Change
Rank Airport
PAX Flights Tons PAX Flights Cargo

1 KAIA (JED) 28,038 182,458 499,910.8 5.5 2.7 7.0

2 KKIA (RUH) 20,110 163,383 381,545.1 8.2 1.3 15.0

3 KFIA (DMM) 8,248 79,284 115,829.7 12.8 8.8 4.8

4 PMIA (MED) 6,338 50,848 9,390 24.6 23.7 20.1

5 Abha(AHB) 2,646 22,221 3,190.7 13.8 10.5 16.9

6 Gazan (GIZ) 1,574 11,888 2,731.6 22.1 25.3 11.2

7 Tabuk (TUU) 1,118 9,556 1,941.8 10.0 11.5 4.5

8 Al-Gassim (ELQ) 1,110 10,122 923.4 17.2 10.2 1.6

9 Taif (TIF) 1,005 8,488 328.4 9.1 9.2 19.9

10 Yanbu (YNB) 817.4 7,874 243.6 6.7 2.2 11.4

11 Hail (HAS) 700.1 5,927 1,143.8 21.6 17.9 4.7

12 Najran (EAM) 612.4 6,139 494.6 5.8 4.0 6.3

13 Bisha (BHH) 386.9 3,734 131.4 6.5 4.5 6.0

14 Al-Ahsa (HOF) 352.2 6,510 354.7 89.6 18.5 110.6

15 Al-Baha (ABT) 348.4 3,012 107.6 6.1 5.4 17.3

16 Al-Jouf (AJF) 343.2 3,731 582.6 3.6 1.3 9.1

17 Ar'ar (RAE) 212.9 2,171 342.4 5.4 2.5 4.8

18 Al-Gurayat (URY) 190.9 1,897 300.6 13.5 14.0 4.3

19 Sharurah (SHW) 146.2 1,924 88.1 11.7 0.9 7.9

20 Al-Qaisumah (AQI) 133.8 2,211 138.1 3.2 2.1 16.7

21 Wadi Al-Dawaser (WAE) 109.5 1,989 9.7 0.8 0.4 3.3

22 Wedjh (EJH) 58 1,031 18.3 15.3 0.1 28.2

23 Rafha (RAH) 57.4 983 33.3 8.9 6.6 14.5

24 Turaif (TUI) 56.3 966 21.0 6.8 1.7 14.3

25 Dawadami (DWD) 22.1 417 2.4 3.4 3.9 70.5

26 Al-Ula (ULH) 14.2 408 0.8 56.4 88.0 29.3

27 Rabigh (RGB) 0.1 44 0.0 2.0 29.4 100.0

Total 74,749 589,216 1,019,805 9.7 9.7 4.2

16 Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436

Air Tra
Air Traffic at fiThe
at the ingdo sInternational
Kingdom's nternationa Airport
passengers in tho sands
(passengers in thousands 2014)

8,248 28,038
Air Traffic at The Kingdom's International Airports
(passengers in thousands 2014)

8,248 28,038




Top o esti Airports

an ed by Passengers
Top 15 Domestic Airports (ranked by passengers 2014)
Top 15 Domestic Airports (ranked by passengers 2014)
Number of Passengers (in thousands)



0 1,800





0 600











0 Airport





Note: In the last issue, there were some in inaccurate numbers. Center & Statistical Studies (GACA)
Source: Information
We re-publish the whole statistics here.



NB: On the 87th issue, a published statistics of the Kingdom Airports'
Source: Information air&traffic
Center provided
Statistical by the
Studies (GACA)
concerned authority were inaccurate, therefore the magazines board republishes the correct
statistics in this issue.

Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436 17

Source: Information Center & Statistical Studies (G

Forthcoming Aviation Conferences, Exhibitions & Seminars
15 July –15 September 2015
16 July 46th Annual FAC Conference & 11 August
NZ Airports Forum Exposition 7th Annual BALA: Business
Wellington, New Zealand Boca Raton, FL, USA Aviation in Latin America Sao Paulo, Brazil
16th-july-2015/ meetings.asp?id=59
16 - 17 July 30 July 14 August
ACC Airports Technical AACO Aviation Fuel Technical
Rocky Mountain Airshow & Fly
Workshop Group Steering Board Meeting
Beirut, Lebanon In
Washington, DC, USA Englewood, CO, USA
Technical_Workshop/ATW.aspx aspx?pageid=53961 - 2 August
19 - 21 July 1 - 2 August
AAAE General Aviation Issues & Quesnel’s International Airshow 14 - 15 August
Security Conference Quesnel, Canada Michigan Air Rally
Portland, OR, USA Jenison, MI, USA
3 - 5 August
20 - 21 July The CAPA Australia Pacific 15 August
AAAE/ACI-NA Summer Aviation Summit International Fly-In Lspg
Legislative Fly-In Sydney, Australia Geneva, Switzerland
Washington, DC, USA australiaaviationsummit/?&

20 - 26 July 6 - 7 August 15 - 19 August

EAA Airventure Oshkosh The Australasian Airports Real Northeast Chapter AAAE Annual
Oshkosh, WI, USA Estate & Commercial Conference Conference & Exposition (AAREC) Baltimore, MD, USA
Queensland, Australia
21 - 22 July
AAAE/AMCG Sponsor 18 - 21 August
Assurances, Leasing Policies & 6 - 9 August The 41st Annual Virginia
Minimum Standards Workshop Great Lakes Chapter AAAE Aviation Conference
Portland, OR, USA Annual Conference & Exposition Bath County, Virginia, USA Cedar Rapids, IA, USA
25 - 28 July events/2015-conference/ 22 August
Northeast Chapter AAAE Hub AOPA Fly-In Minnesota
Airports Winter Operations & 7 - 9 August Minneapolis, MN, USA
Deicing Conference & Exhibition Abbotsford International Airshow
Dallas, TX, USA Abbotsford, Canada
agenda.cfm 23 - 25 August
10 - 12 August AAAE/Northwest Chapter
26 - 29 July AAAE/South Central Chapter AAAE Airfield and Facilities
Southwest Chapter AAAE Airports Conference of the Management Conference
Annual Conference & Exposition Americas Salt Lake City, UT, USA
San Jose, CA, USA San Juan, PR, USA cfm

18 Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436

25 - 26 August 31 August - 2 September 9 - 13 September
AAAE Airport Credentialing and ACI-LAC/World Annual China Helicopter Exposition
Access Control Conference General Assembly, Conference & Tianjin, China
Seattle, WA, USA Exhibition Panama City, Panama 10 - 12 September
26 August International Exhibition Jet Expo
AAAE/ACC Airport Technologies Moscow, Russia
Workshop 1 - 3 September
Air Cargo Handling Conference
Salt Lake City, UT, USA info Bangkok, Thailand
13 September
26 - 27 August Northwest Chapter AAAE
Airline Cost Conference (ACC)
Annual Conference and
Geneva, Switzerland 2 - 4 September Exposition Indonesia International Airport Denver, CO, USA
conference.aspx Technology (I2AT), Exhibition & nwaaae.
Conference org/?page=NWAAAEannual
South Carolina Aerospace Jakarta, Indonesia
Industry Conference & Expo
Columbia, SC, USA 14 September World Financial Symposium
8 - 11 September Barcelona, Spain
27 - 29 August 6thAirfield Engineering &
Air Capital Aviation Expo Maintenance Summit symposium.aspx
Wichita, KS, USA London, UK Annual Aviation Industry
engineering-and-maintenance- Suppliers Conference
28 - 29 August summit-2015 Toulouse, France
Airshow of the Cascades
Madras, OR, USA 9 September suppliers-conference-in-toulouse Business Aviation Forum
Moscow, Russia 15 September
29 August CAPA LCC Airports Congress
Land of Enchantment Fly In - Asia
Wings Seminars Bangkok, Thailand
Albuquerque, NM, USA 9 - 10 September
Airline Engineering & php?eventid=128838&
fly-in/ Maintenance: China & East Asia
Hong Kong, China
APATS 2015 - Asia Pacific Airline
29 - 30 August
Training Symposium
Olympic Peninsula Air Affaire Airline-Engineering-Maintenance-
Bangkok, Thailand
Sequim, WA, USA China-East-Asia
9 - 11 September
29 August - 1 September ACI Airport Service Quality
Air Carriers Purchasing Aviation Festival
Forum Montreal London, UK
Conference (ACPC) Montreal, Canada
New York, NY, USA festival-europe/
30 August - 1 September Airline Engineering and
20th Annual International Future Travel Experience Global Maintenance Safety
Aviation Forecast Summit Las Vegas, NV, USA London, UK
Las Vegas, NV, USA global/ flightsafetysymposium2015

Civil Aviation July 2015, Ramadan 1436 19

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