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12ème Congrès de Mécanique 21-24 Avril 2015 - Casablanca (Maroc)


This study used numerical model predictions. Initially,
OF TIDAL EFFECT ON bathymetric and sea-level data were calculated as a
WASTEWATER DISPERSION IN preliminary assessment for the hydrodynamic
characteristics of the bay. These data were used then to
COASTAL BAY: CASE OF assessment a case of pollutant dispersion over idealized
TANGIER’S BAY. tidal cycle. Sub-sections describe the study area and
summarize the essential steps of mathematical and
JEYAR M.1, CHAABELASRI EM. 1,*, SALHI N.1 numerical model formulations.
a. Description of the system
1. LME, Faculté des Sciences, Université Mohammed
Premier, 60000 Oujda, Maroc
* Auteur correspondant (chaabelasri The Bay of Tangier (Cf. FIG. 1) is a semi-enclosed
shallow basin located on the west coast of the southern
Abstract: Strait of Gibraltar. The bed topography is spatially quite
This paper describes a numerical modelling of the process non-uniform, with the mean water depth increasing
of coastal pollution by wastewater in the Bay of Tangier. progressively from 0 m at the shore to about 50 m at the
The numerical model is based on Shallow Water interface with the greater Mediterranean Sea. The vertical
equations used for the hydrodynamics and an equation of flow structure in the Bay of Tangier consists of an upper
advection-diffusion for describes the wastewater layer of incoming cold fresh surface Atlantic water
assimilated of a passive pollutant, then, the obtained overlying a deep current of outgoing warmer salt water
model is resolved using a unstructured triangular finite [4]. The bay is heavily used by shipping, whose volume
volumes method. The found results show that: (i) the tidal has grown since the recent development of a
flows have a direct effects on direction of wastewater Mediterranean port at Tangier. Assessment of the
dispersion that can used to control its evacuation out of environmental risk is therefore required, and the present
bay (ii) with the numerical model used we can modelling numerical tool is being developed with this longer-term
domains that have more complicated geometry and aim in mind. In this work, the domain area was
bathymetry, and this, in a large time scale. discredited in unstructured meshes composed of triangles.
Along the simulation time we use the same mesh
Key words: Pollutant, Numerical modeling, Tanger’s composed by 4140 nodes and 7611 triangles.
bay, Shallow water equation.
4140 Nodes / 7611 Elements
Introduction Q
The wastewater discharged into the sea through bays or 4000

lagoons has particularly adverse impact on marine life. 100

Y [m]


The specialists have found that many of the chemicals and

Z [m]


industrial hamper the chemical reactions and cause the 25

0 0
(1) 0 1000

death and sometimes the disappearance of certain species. (5) 1000

2000 3000

(4) Y [m 3000 4000

X [m

The increase in water temperature and the concentration 0

5000 6000

of polluting substances assumes at the same time an 0 2000 4000

X [m]

increase in the consumption of oxygen, which is harmful

FIG. 1 – Tanger’s bay. Left: mesh of unstructured
to marine life.
triangles (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 the location connected rivers) .
These studies of local situations have motivated
Right: three-dimensional view bathymetry.
mathematicians and computer scientists, since permitted
levels of contamination have been largely surpassed in
b. Hydrodynamic and pollutant advection-
many different societies and regions. Models, although of
diffusion models
several different types, have been approximated by
The 2D shallow water equations and the advection-
feasible numerical methods for some years [1, 2, 3].
diffusion with source terms of bed slope and bed friction
Several numerical methods developed for hyperbolic
is adopted and may be written in tensor notation and in a
systems of conservation laws were applied to the shallow
compact conservative form as [5]:
water equations that are used in this work to model the
flows prevailing in the bay. In this order we describe a
finite volume shock-capturing scheme for the high- ∂ t (W ) + ∂ xi ( F (W ) − G (W )) = S (W )
resolution solution of the non-homogenous hyperbolic where:
system of equations that represent shallow flow pollutant  0 
transport processes. The method is high resolution and  h   
  τ τ ∂Z
aimed at analyzing the processes of direct discharge of W =  hui  , S =  wi − bi − gh b  ,
 ρ ρ ∂xi 
wastewater on two-dimensional domains with    
complicated boundary and bed geometry, such as the Bay  hC 
 Sc 
of Tangier.
12ème Congrès de Mécanique 21-24 Avril 2015 - Casablanca (Maroc)

  d ij and xi is the intersection of the orthogonal

 hui   
 2 
gh   bisectors of the edge Γi , meas ( Γ ij ) is the length of the
F =  hui u j +  , G = 0 
 2    edge. The source terms are balanced by means of a two-
 hu C   ∂ ∂C 
 i   ∂x (hDi ∂x )  dimensional implementation of the upwind scheme
 i i 
proposed by Vazquez et al. [8] Integration of the source
term over the control volume Vi gives:
where i and j are indices and the Einstein summation
∫S (W ) dV =

convention is used, i.e. repeated indices mean a Vi

summation over the space coordinates . h is water depth, ∑ [[ I − A(W , n ) A(W , n )].s
j∈N ( i )
ij ij
( X i , X j ,Wi ,W j , nij )].Γ ij
t is time, U i depth-averaged velocity, Z b is the bed
elevation above a fixed horizontal datum, C is depth- Where I is the identity matrix, A(W , nij ) is the Roe flux
averaged concentration, Di is the dispersion coefficient jacobien and s n ( X i , X j , Wi ,W j , nij ) represent an
in the i - direction, S is the depth-averaged source term,
c approximation of the source term at the cell interface Γ ij .
τ bi ,τ wi are respectively the bed shear stress and wind Finally, to obtain higher-order spatial accuracy, the fluxes
at each edge are calculated using a piecewise linear
stress, given respectively by [6]: .
2 function of the state variable W inside the control

τ bi = ρ gnb2 h 6 ui u j u j volume, for more details we refer the readers to works(3) [7]
( )
τ wi = ρ × ρa 0.75 + 0.067 w j w j ×10−3 wi w j w j Results and discussion
in which nb the Manning’s coefficient at the bed , ρ a For numerical simulation of water circulation and
wastewater dispersion in Tanger’s bay, we propose
is the air density and ρ is the water density. scenario with tidal flow. The tidal flow was forced at
In the context of finite volume, the integral of equation Atlantic ocean side boundaries through the specification
(1) over a triangular element (see FIG. 1) is written as the of the surface tidal elevation. We have limited our
sum of each edge contribution [5], numerical modeling study to the semidiurnal component,
n +1 ∆t r (4)
forcing the model with the M2, S2 and N2 components:
W i = W i − Vi j∈∑ ∫ F (W n , n )d Γ
∑ An cos(ωnt +ψ n )
N ( i ) Γij
h(t ) =
∆t n r
∑ ∫ G(W , n )d Γ + ∫ S (W )dV
n =1

where An is the amplitude, ωn is the pulsation and ψ n

j∈N ( i ) Γij Vi

To evaluate the state W ,an approximation is required of

of the semi-diurnal component.
the convective and diffusive flux terms at each cell edge The model was run for three days with tidal forcing in
.The integral along the i − j edge of a control volume order to achieve a steady flow exchange. The steady
of the normal flux F (W n , n) = F1nx + F2 ny can be exchange obtained is characterized by an inflow and an
outflow behavior. Indeed, this is evident in a cross section
written, of simulated water height along the distance PQ at times
1 t=T, t=T/4 and t=3T/4 shown in FIG. 2. (5)
∫ F (W , n)d Γ = ( F (Wi , nij ) + F (W j , nij ))

2 Then, in third day, we start the wastewater injection,
which is assimilated by a passive pollutant, through five
− R(W , nij ) A(W , nij ) L(W , nij )(W j − Wi ).Lij connected rivers (see FIG. 1).
A(W , nij ) is the flux jacobian evaluated using Roe’s 50
+ + +
+ t=3T/4
+ ++
average state, R and L are the right and left eigenvector 40 ++
Water height [m]

+ ++
matrice of A .
A four point finite volume interpolation is used to 20
Tangier ( port )
+ ++

evaluate the diffusion flux through an inner edge Γ ij so

10 + + + + +
+ + + +
that: 1000 2000 3000 4000
Distance along the width of the bay from the port entrance [m]

∂C C j − Ci FIG. 2 – Cross section of simulated depth-averaged (6)

∫ ∇C.nd Γ =
∫Γij ∂n d Γ = meas(Γij ) dij height along the PQ section at three tidal times.

The simulated results are presented in FIG. 3, and show

the concentration contour of wastewater at three separate
12ème Congrès de Mécanique 21-24 Avril 2015 - Casablanca (Maroc)

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iso-concentrations are essentially moved, this reflects the Gibraltar, Revista Internacional de Métodos Numéricos
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C: 0.6 2.0 3.3 4.6 5.9 7.2 8.5 9.9 C: 0.6 2.0 3.3 4.6 5.9 7.2 8.5 9.9
4000 t=0 t=T/4 [6] F. Benkhaldoun, I. Elmahi and M. Seaid, Well-
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Y [m]

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C: 0.6 2.0 3.3 4.6 5.9 7.2 8.5 9.9 C: 0.6 2.0 3.3 4.6 5.9 7.2 8.5 9.9
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 79 (2009)
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Y [m]

terms in upwind schemes for shallow water equations in

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Computational Physics 1999; 148:497– 526.
0 2000 4000 6000 0 2000 4000 6000
Y [m] Y [m]

FIG. 3 – Concentration contours of wastewater at four

times measured during a typical tidal period.

In this study, a numerical model is used for numerical
analysis of process of coastal pollution by wastewater in
the Bay of Tangier. The numerical model is based on a
coupled Shallow Water and advection-diffusion equations
for describing, respectively, the water flow and
wastewater advection-dispersion. The pollutant
concentration is captured and the flow field is resolved
reasonably well. The features obtained illustrate the
robustness of the numerical model used and its capability
to run simulation of such area during moderated time
As a perspective of this work, various research topics can
be considered. Indeed, it seems very interesting to
calibrate the numerical model before starting a realistic
modelling, also extend the model to a three-dimensional
in order to take into account the real participation of
vertical variation of the physical variables, this will be a
challenge for next work.

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[2] Y. Montano-Ley , R. Peraza-Vizcarra, F. Páez-Osuna,
The tidal hydrodynamics modeling of the Topolobampo
coastal lagoon system and the implications for pollutant
dispersion, Environmental Pollution 147 (2007) 282-290.

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