IB History Mussolini Cheat Sheet

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In 1920, support for socialism surged again in Battle of Economies:

ITALY AND MUSSOLINI the North. Agrarian strikes and land

occupations in central Italy.
Socialists won 26 out of 69 provinces
Battle for Grain 1925: Import controls. Mod.
Battle for Land 1926: Seeking to increase
1. Fas. French Rev. Laissez faire (passivity) Squadristi effective in suppressing rise in farmland. Mod. success
Against individualism and div. of social North. Battle for Lira 1926: Forceful raising of the
classes. Industrialists/Middle Class: landowners Lira for international reputation. Failure
Nat., Military. Control of media. appease with price ceilings, concessions. Battle of Births 1927: Tax cuts to 6+ children.
Religion+gov. Shows incompetency. Loans to married couples. Failure
2. WW1->revolt against liberal ideas. Fascist Groups: Squadristi, ex-army
Fascist Manifesto 1919. legionaries. Formed base of support for Role of youth:
• 8hrs, min. wage, ret. 65->55 Mussolini, also gained support from Mandatory youth organizations (40% don’t
Youth passionate. Reject middle-class values. middle/lower classes, fear of socialist join.)
Imperial destiny (Ancient Roman) revolution. Attacked unionists and socialists. State-run school teachers must be fascists,
Universal male suffrage+prop. representation. Aim to unite the different groups in the right Emphasized “fascist soul.”
Problems: mutilated victory, econ, fear of rev. into Fascio di Combattimento. Develop into C.f. Mao’s red book.
• Fiume taken then seized. Extreme pol. Rise. blackshirts.
Gov. powerless, fas. gained support. Identity Army: Violent takeovers (biennio rosso) pow. Foreign Policy:
c.f. Boxer Rebellion. (weakness) To fascism. Peacemaker, and land conquer. <bad than
• run-down industry, mass unemployment. Catholic Church: Marriage of Convenience Hitler.
Increased anger against gov. fas. Gained Conciliazione (Felice) 1922-1934 want fiume.
support. Desperate choice. Accepting sudden Corfu Crisis of 1923 demands $ and apology
change. Consolidation of Power: from Greece. Occupy -> $ gained.
• biennio rosso 1918-1920. Violence Acerbo Law 1923 25% of votes -> 2/3 of Kellog-Briand 1928 & Locarno Pact 1925
up+Revolution parliament. against war.
1921 Elections 35 seats (7%) Won general elections of 1924. 1935-36 War on Abyssinia. Success distracts
1922 ultimatum against strikes Murder of Matteotti-> unrest. public from domestic problems.
March on Rome 1922 • Cult (‘Duce’ c.f. Mao) 1935 Charter of
Main Parties: OVRA secret police 1925 Race, loses support
Socialist Movement: Socialist Threat 1926 Press censorship. of Church
WWI→inflation, unemployment, debt, discontent Rocco Law in 1926 outlawed strikes. 1936 Rome-Berlin
→ socialism (PSI) Ban political opposition. Pact link to Nazi
Inspired by Bolshevik Revolution Party “an instrument of the state’s will”. Germany.
Militant wave in Biennio Rosso (two red years) The Lateran Accords 1929: Abyssinia Crisis
Comprised of 1 million workers • Recognition of Vatican. 1936 Aids
In the North, seized local governments, factories • Catholicism sole religion nationalists during
In general though, the central PSI didn’t support • Accepts Italian sovereignty over the former outbreak of war.
movement, preached. Papal States. Gives church 30 million lira. 1939 Pact of Steel
Working Class population (Industrial workers): Economical aims: solidifies link w/
Unemployment rose to over 2 million → militant Consolidate political system Germany.
action from 1918 to end of 1920. -> Violence Make country self sufficient
Mussolini uses appeasement and suppression. Provide an economic base for military.

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