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Main Events

First main event

In chapter 1, page 6, Richard Knight is a quiet, sensitive lad of fifteen is out deer
hunting with his father and his elder brother, Gus. He purposely misfires to avoid
killing the beautiful young buck. It is because he does not like to kill living things.
Richard tells his father the truth-that he purposely misfired, as he cannot bear
killing the beautiful buck. Although his widowed father is disappointed and pained,
he allows Richard of not deer hunting in future. In nature, he doesn’t enjoy hunting
like the men in his family.

Moral values/ lesson learnt

We should love nature and all living things

We should tell the truth

Characteristics of main character


Love nature and all living things

Characteristics of Pa Richard’s father

Understanding, compassion


Truth, integrity and honour, prejudice

Challenges of growing up

Richard has problems fitting in with society. Having a quiet, sensitive nature, he
likes to daydream and to be alone rather than play sports. He doesn’t enjoy hunting
like the men in his family.

Love Nature
Second Main Event

In chapter 3 page 34-40 , A terrible incident has happen at tavern own by Hannah
Schermers parents. It has been vandalized. To instill good values in students, Mrs
Hensen encourages her students to sign a card to express their sympathy for
Hannah and her family. Mrs Hensen shocked at the protest by more vocal students
and culture of fear created by the class bullies which stop some sincere students
from signing. In the end, only Richard signs the card defies the biased, small-
minded class bullies. Richard’s action caused the students taunt him for supporting
the German. He stands up against the class bullies and wins the fight. Richard is
unlike many irrational and biased people in his community.He is logical,sensitive and
perceptive.He continues befrending Hannah and her family despite his family's

Moral values/ lesson learnt

We should do things that we think is right.

We should be brave in life.

We should be kind to others when they are facing difficulty reveals the basic
goodness of man,and underlines our humanity

Characteristics of main character

Outspoken, courage , confident, rational, think logic




Humanity and friendship give us hope

Third main event

Chapter 5, we know that on the last day of the school year, Mrs Hansen invites
Richard to make a special presentation to the class. He reads a letter he had
written to Joyce Kilmer, second letter from Kilmer and also a poem he is going to
send to Mr Kilmer. Richard reads a poem he wrote after seeing the troops’ train
several weeks ago. Richard dislikes the last line of the poem “Though some will
surely die.” Hannah suggests, “Although I wonder why?” He agrees with Hannah’s
suggestion. He also gets mix responses from the class .

Moral values/ lesson learnt

We should be open with other people’s opinion.

We should be confident to take ownership of our own work.

Characteristics of main character

Poetic, Sensitive, Open-minded, Observant,brave


Courages, prejudice
Chapter 3

A terrible incident has happen at tavern own by Hannah schermers parents. It has
been vandelised. To inteal good values in students, mrs hensen encourages her
students to sign a card to expressing their sympathy for Hannah and her family.
Mrs hensen shocked at the protest by more vocal students and culture of fear
created by the class bullies which stop some sincere students from signing. In the
end, only Richard sign the card. Richard action caused the students taunt him for
supporting the german. Richard approaches his teacher asked for the card and he
want to personally delivered it to the schermers. Abruptly, Richard was attacked
by abner and harry but he manages to win the fight. Richard feels terrible as he
walks home and keep pandering about the people of turtle lake. On his way home,
he climbs an old oak tree to watch a train pass by. He sees passenger happily
travelling. As he reaches home, angie running excitedly towards him with news that
he has received a letter from new york. It is from joyce kilmer.

Chapter 4

Richard got a letter from joyce kilmer. Mr kilmer give Richard spirit and ask
Richard to send his poem because he want to read it. When his family had a dinner
Richard told his family about that letter. Angie asked him a question about who
send the letter. He can’t say it,so he told angie to read the letter. Angie asked who
is Joyce Kilmer after she had finish reading. He told Angie mr.kilmer was so
famous but gus didn’t agree with it. Richard felt his stomach jump because his
father asked him how did mr.kilmer know that he wrote poetry. He told that he
wrote a letter to mr.kilmer. his father hope, that the poetry didn’t interfere his
chores of his school work. His father told him not to be so focus on that poetry.
Gus said that he hate poetry and poetry was a sissy stuff. After school the next
day, Richard went into mrs.hansen’s classroom. He told that he wrote a letter to
mr.kilmer. Mrs.hansen was so proud of him because he wrote a poetry. He wants to
get help from mrs.hansen to choose one from all of his poem to send to mr.kilmer.
mrs. Hansen wants Richard read it in his class but Richard don’t want to read it.
Right after he out from that room he found Hannah. Hannah want to opoligise to
him about what happened in their class yesterday. After that, they walk together
away from school building. Hannah told Richard about her feeling and about her
problem. Richard worried about Hannah’s brother, Otto and also his own new
friend, Joyce Kilmer.

Chapter 5

It was the last day of school and Mrs. Hansen announced that Richard was
going to read some of the letter, he and Joyce Kilmer had written to each other.
Richard reads Mr Kilmer most recent letter to the class and another poem which
him intented to send. Which he wrote after seeing the train full of soldiers. A few
of his classmates expressed their support for the poem as they had a family
members in the army too. Richard was worried that the last line was not suitable
and wanted to amend it. Hannah gave suggestion on the last line. After his
presentation, Richard realised that while some of his classmates did not agree with
him, there were others who nows treated him with respect. During history class,
their history teacher Mr Highby talked about the war, saying it would not and so
soon. He corrected some of the students by telling them that the Huns were
actually nomadic Mongolians and were not related to the present- day Germans.
That night, Richard wrote to Joyce Kilmer, thanking him for his encouragement and
sent him the poem which he read in the class. Mr Kilmer replied a few weeks later.
He was touched by the poem and complimented Hannah’s suggestion . Richard want
to show the letter to Hannah but he was shy to do so.

Chapter 7

Richard could see that some of the others. Students like Herbie Wycinski and
Miledred Wright were impressed with Hannah’s essay and looked ready to applaud
along with him. Richard saw a group at frowning parents going into the principal’s
office and he hears that they had came to demand that Mrs. Hansen choice
somebody else for the role. Mrs Hansen stepped in front of the class that morning
and she announcement Hannah schermer has decided to decline the role of Lady
Liberty. During lunch break, Richard looked for Hannah on the school ground. He
say, Hannah won that contest fair and square and nobody in English class can write
half as well as Hannah. Hannah ask, a whole essay was started a little war right
here in turtle lake. Mrs Hansen hadn’t relised what she was getting into when she
planned thing and she will talk to the principal about your letter writing programme.
Hannah invited Richard to her house for supper that night. Richard accepted the
invitation and he found Gus and asked him to tell Pa and Angie that he would not be
home dinner. Gus said the kids are saying Richard are not patriotic and people are
calling you a traitor. Richard met Hannah after school and they walked to the
Schermers together. Hannah’s father and mother introduced themselves to

Chapter 8

Richard sat down beside his father. Father asked Richard did he returned down a
part in the school show. Richard said yes. Father asked why Richard do that.
Richard said it was right thing to do because Hannah Schemer wrote the best
essay and deserved to be a Lady Liberty but everybody ganged up on her. Richard
think it not fair. So, Richard turned down the part of the Doughboy. Pa said Ike
Lewis came all the way out here and told him about Richard. Ike Lewis was Abner’s
father. Ike Lewis also said Richard side with Schemers and unpatriotic. Richard
said no. He said nobody wants the Allies to win. Richard told his father Otto is an
American soldier. Fther told about Schmers and said they were not American
people. Pa also told about Richar granddaddy. Pa said it was not good siding with
Schemer. Richard said no. Before Richard’s father went into the house, he said
that poetry Richard read and wrote with foolish idea.

At school, all students ignores Richard. Richard and Hannah grew closer
everyday. He was also welcome guest at Schemers. He shared correspondence with
Joyce Kilmer with them. In early January, Richard received a letter Mr. Kilmer. Mr.
Kilmer told about Christmas. Richard told Hannah’s family. They made many things
and send to Mr. Kilmer. Later, Richard received a reply. In class Mr. Higby told his
class about President Wilson’s peace plan the ‘Fourteen Points.’ Joyce Kilmer sent
letter to Richard again. He told about the change of season in war ravaged France.
Mr. Higby announced the news in history class. This may be a great turning point in
favour of the Allies they went to picnic. He became close to with Hannah at the
picnic. They talked about the tall buildings in New York City. While talking to
Richard, Hannah thinking his brother. Hannah hoped this war will ends soon.
Richard took Hannah walking, suddenly, Richard gave handkerchief and hold in her
ankle. There were flat had written ‘ Hun’ on it Richard said that Hannah must be
think her mother right. Hannah said yes but when looked at Richard she said maybe
her papa was right too.

Chapter 9

Three days after picnic, Richard and his father were cleaning the barn. And then,
his brother, Gus was showed up and said he got some terrified news. Richard and
his father stop working and leaned on their pitchfork. After that, his brother, Gus
said he was enlisted. Pa asked him again and he said he join the army. Pa this belief
and asked again why did you have to do a thing like that. Gus was really
disappointed with his father because he really wanted to be an army. Then, his
father said just because you play football pretty well and can kill buck, you thing
that’s enough to help you a live in better. After that, his father turned away and
picked up his pitchforks and started back to work and grumbling by himself and
said about Gus always run away from the real work. Then, without another words,
Gus turned and walked back toward the farmhouse. Richard caught up Gus and said
to him that pa didn’t mean it but Gus denied it. Richard felt helpless. He could see
that there was no reasoning with either of them. The next morning, Gus rode to
Sioux City with a friend who was enlisting. He picked up his suitcase and left house
without looking back. At the last minute, Gus turned and waved out the window
.once while helping Angle wash the dishes after dinner,Richard talked to her about
pa’s state off mind. Then,was writing poetry and sent a new poem to Mr. Kilmer. In
early August, he had received a letter in reply. He sat at his desk reading a letter
over and over again as he always did. Then, he spread a sheet of paper across his
desk and write his reply. He folded the letter and put it into an envelope. He
decided to go straight to the post office and mail it there. On his way, he decided
to drop at Schemers’ house to see if Hannah wanted to walk with him to the post
office. Hannah opened it and said to Richard that your friend Mr. Kilmer has been

Chapter 10

Richard was too stunned to say anything. Richard had just received a letter
from him that morning. Hannah and her parents understood better than anybody in
turtle lake how much Joyce Kilmer had meant to him. At first, Richard did not
think he could bring himself to bring himself to read the article telling how
Mr.Kilmer had died in the early dawn of July 30. Joyce Kilmer was sturck in the
head by the bullet. Sergeant Kilmer’s camrades all knew of his most famous poem,
so they wanted to bury him under a tree. They settled on a tree stump at the edge
of a grove called the wood of the Burned Brigde near the Ourcq River in France. As
Richard surprised to feet no grief. Then he became aware of something in his
pocket. It was a letter he had written to Mr.Kilmer. Suddenly, the tears began to
well up. But Richard could not break dawn and cry in front of the Schermers. He
ran through the street and climbed up to the highest branches. Within seconds, his
body was racked with sobs. Richard clutched the unsent letter to his chest. He
thougt about the question he had asked Mr.Kilmer. But even as he said those
words,verses began to well up in his heart like tears.The next day, Richard went to
the Schermers’ house . Richard realised that his poem had made them all think
about Otto. Hannahn walked with Richard to newspaper office and they found a old
man, Mr.Garrison setting type by hand. Hesitantly Richard handed Mr.Garrison his
poem. During the next few days,father and son went about their farm work in their
usual stern silence. Richard looked anxiously at the front page. The last line
read,”for a tribute by a local poet,turn to page 3A”. Richard gasped. Richard
walked wearily home and joined his father in the fram work. After the finished the
last chores,Pa stopped at the mailbox and picked up the day’s mail. Before long,Pa
appeared in the bedroom doorway, holding the newspaper in his hand. Pa asked
Richard to don’t get him wrong . Richard heart leaped up in his throat. He wanted
to thank Pa for saying such a beautiful thing. The war came to an end in mid-
November. The day the news reached Turtle Lake, Richard picked up a copy of a
Sioux City newspaper on his way come from school. Suddenly, Pa broke out laughing.
Richard and Angie started laughing too. The danger to Gus was over. And it so
danger to Otto. As winter approached , Richard divided his days between school
and farm work. He also spent as much time with Hannah and the schermers . After
dinner , Richard and Pa would sit beside the fire, and Richard would read his latest
poem aloud . Pa often had a correction or suggestion to make . Other times, Pa
would simply enjoy the poem without comment or criticism.

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