HPLC para La Rifabutina

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Analytica Chimica Acta 531 (2005) 105–110

High speed liquid chromatography for in-process control of rifabutin

Domingo Blanco Gomisa,∗ , Noé Sánchez Núñeza , Elena Andrés Garcı́aa ,
Pilar Arias Abrodoa , Miguel Bayod Jasanadab , Ma . Dolores Gutiérrez Álvareza
a Department of Physical and Analytical Chemistry, University of Oviedo, 33006 Oviedo, Spain
b Asturpharma S.A., Silvota, 33192 Llanera, Asturias, Spain

Received 7 July 2004; received in revised form 29 September 2004; accepted 29 September 2004
Available online 23 December 2004


A fast HPLC method has been developed for simultaneous determination of rifabutin and its synthesis precursors. The analytes are separated
in 1.8 min by means of a Kromasil 100 C18 column (50 mm × 2.1 mm i.d., 3.5 ␮m) at 30 ◦ C. The mobile phase (A: 5 mM KH2 PO4 adjusted to
pH 6.5 with KOH; B: acetonitrile) was pumped at a flow rate of 0.4 ml min−1 according to the fast gradient mode: 0 min, 58% B; 0–0.4 min,
95% B. Detection was by ultraviolet absorbance at 275 nm. The method was validated in accordance with the International Conference on
Harmonisation (ICH) guidelines and good accuracy, intermediate precision (≤4.6%) and linearity in the range 5–50 mg l−1 were observed
for all compounds. This method is sensitive (limits of detection ranged between 0.1 and 0.3 mg l−1 ) and selective to quantify rifabutin and its
synthesis precursors and could be used for in-process control.
© 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: High speed HPLC; In-process control; Rifabutin

1. Introduction protease inhibitors, drugs with narrow therapeutic ranges, are

easier to manage than those with rifampin [4] and, therefore,
Rifabutin is a potent spiropiperidyl-rifamycin deriva- rifabutin currently remains a major drug for the management
tive with a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity against of MAC in AIDS patients.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, including rifampicin-resistant Rifabutin analysis has been carried out by different meth-
strains, and atypical mycobacteria. Prophylactic treatment ods, including HPLC, in biological fluids [5–18] and pharma-
with rifabutin was shown to decrease the incidence of My- ceutical formulations [19,20]. Nowadays, the United States
cobacterium avium complex (MAC) by approximately 50% Pharmacopoeia (USP) recommends liquid chromatographic
in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus [1]. methods for the determination of rifabutin in raw materials
A three drug combination therapy containing rifabutin has and in its dosage forms. However, there are no published
been shown to be more effective in the treatment of MAC bac- reports to date concerning the simultaneous analysis of ri-
teremia than a four-drug combination therapy containing ri- fabutin, its synthesis intermediates and potential impurities
fampin [2]. The clinically significant interactions of the newer (synthetic route is outlined in Fig. 1) in a short analysis time.
antiretroviral agents, belonging to the family of protease in- Controlling the levels of precursors, products and by-
hibitors, with rifampin [3] may foster the usage of rifabutin in products in pharmaceuticals is one of the most important tasks
some clinical settings, because rifabutin reduces serum con- in pharmaceutical quality, safety and efficacy. In this sense,
centrations of antiretroviral agents, but less so than rifampin. the number of analysis to be carried out in a pharmaceutical
Consequently, the drug interactions between rifabutin and process control could be very high and, therefore, laborato-
ries are demanding fast methods to enhance their productiv-
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 985103490; fax: +34 985103125. ity. On the other hand, the use of chromatographic methods in
E-mail address: dbg@fq.uniovi.es (D. Blanco Gomis). the pharmaceutical industry is particularly mandatory since

0003-2670/$ – see front matter © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
106 D. Blanco Gomis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 531 (2005) 105–110

Fig. 1. Synthetic route to rifabutin. Py: pyridine, HMT: hexamethylenetetramine.

they have to adopt the norms of the pharmacopoeia (resolu- the detector cell dead volume (≤3 ␮l), the connecting capil-
tion, peak asymmetry, repeatability, intermediate precision, lary tubes (length ≤80 cm, i.d. ≤170 ␮m) and when injection
accuracy, etc.). As the classic liquid chromatography is un- valve turns (manual or automatically) slowly, it is convenient
able to solve a complex mixture of substances in seconds or to install a by-pass that avoids pressure pulses that could de-
as maximum in some few minutes, high speed liquid chro- teriorate short columns quickly.
matography emerges like a solution of agreement between The aim of this work is to develop a rapid and reliable
resolution and analysis time. high speed HPLC method for in-process control of rifabutin
In its conventional format, this technique makes use of in order to enhance laboratory productivity. The validation
columns of standard diameter (4.6 mm) with length up to parameters stated by ICH guidelines [22,23] have been con-
10 cm, generally with stationary phases of 3 ␮m particle size sidered.
and working at a flow rate of mobile phase higher than
2 ml min−1 . In our opinion, the diameter of these columns
should be lower than 3.2 mm, because such columns allow to 2. Experimental
reduce flow rate up to five-fold, approximately. Related mi-
crobore columns increase effectiveness, sensibility and pre- 2.1. Reagents and standards
cision of the chromatographic methods.
In order to improve resolution, modern stationary phases Rifamycin S (RS), 3-bromorifamycin S (3Br-RS), 3-
of fine granulometry (2 or 1.5 ␮m, porous or not porous) aminorifamycin S (3A-RS), 3-amino-4-iminorifamycin S
could be used although their current price limits their appli- (3A-4I-RS) and rifabutin (RBT) were kindly supplied by As-
cations. Another alternative may be the use of the monolithic turpharma (Silvota-Llanera, Spain). Potassium dihydrogen
stationary phases, characterized by high porosity and perme- phosphate was obtained from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis,
ability. The analysis time reduction is achieved by increasing MO, USA), potassium hydroxide was obtained from Merck
flow rate up to nine times the usual in a conventional column (Darmstadt, Germany) and HPLC gradient quality acetoni-
although the high consumption solvent and the price of the trile was purchased from Romil (Loughborough, UK). Milli-
columns are important drawbacks. Furthermore, these mono- Q water (Millipore, Milford, MA, USA) was used throughout.
lithic columns may generate on basic compounds more peak All other chemical and solvents were of analytical reagent or
asymmetry than good classical full-endcapped columns [21]. HPLC grade.
When the required chromatographic effectiveness is not
very high, a microbore short column with conventional 3 ␮m 2.2. Standard solutions
stationary phases is the choice, due to the fact that column
and operation price are cheap and the instrumental set-up is Stock solutions of rifabutin and related compounds were
also relatively simple and economical. Basically, modifica- prepared at a concentration of 100 mg l−1 by dissolving the
tions involve the injection system (maximum volume ≤3 ␮l), appropriate amount of the pure drug in acetonitrile. The
D. Blanco Gomis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 531 (2005) 105–110 107

solutions were stored at 4 ◦ C and protected from light to min- inappropriate for an efficient process control. For this reason,
imize photodegradation. Under these conditions all solutions another alternative should be considered in order to reduce the
proved to be stable for more than 2 months. Dilutions of analysis time, increase laboratory productivity with a reduced
the 100 mg l−1 standards were used to make the appropriate number of HPLC instruments, and to reduce the operation
working solutions of the drugs in the sample solvent (5 mM costs.
potassium dihydrogen phosphate adjusted to pH 6.5 with Because the separation of rifabutin, precursors and by-
potassium hydroxide and 50% acetonitrile). Working solu- products seems to be a relative easy problem, we have cho-
tions have to be prepared in a weaker solvent than the mobile sen the most economical alternative to utilize the fast liquid
phase to obtain sharp chromatographic peaks. The solutions chromatography, microbore short columns (50 mm × 2 mm
were sonicated in an ultrasonic bath for 1 min and filtered i.d.) packed with 3–3.5 ␮m octyl- or octadecylsilane sta-
through a 0.22 ␮m PVDF syringe filter (Lida, Kenosha, WI, tionary phases. In comparison with other HPLC methods
USA). The resulting filtered solution was placed in a HPLC which use conventional columns with lengths ranged between
vial. 250 mm for rifabutin analysis in biologic fluids [10,11,16]
and 110–125 mm for rifabutin analysis in pharmaceutical for-
2.3. Apparatus and conditions mulations [19,20], i.d. of 4.6 mm and a particle size of 5 ␮m,
the use of short microbore columns increase mass sensitiv-
HPLC analyses were performed on a Shimadzu HPLC ity at less in four times and reduce flow rate in five times
system (Duisburg, Germany) equipped with two LC-10AD approximately, increasing also the effectiveness per unit of
pumps, a UV–vis SPD-M10AD photodiode array detector time.
with a 2.5 ␮l flow cell and 80 ms of sampling time, a Sil- Because some analytes have polar nature, we have as-
10AD automatic injector and DGU-14A degas on-line and sayed several full endcapped stationary phases in order to
60 cm connecting tubes with an internal diameter of 127 ␮m. attaint the best chromatographic shape evaluating the asym-
The column used was a Kromasil 100 C18 (50 mm × 2.1 mm metry and resolution. Good results were obtained with Kro-
i.d., 3.5 ␮m) (Teknokroma, Barcelona, Spain). An ODS guard masil 100 C18 and C8 columns. However, the peak profile
column was used to protect the analytical column. Before use, (As < 1.4), resolution (Rs > 1.6) and analysis time (1.8 min)
the mobile phase was vacuum filtered through a 0.22 ␮m ny- was better for C18 column and was selected for subsequent
lon membrane filter (Lida, Kenosha, WI, USA). The chro- studies. A special advantage of high speed columns with low
matographic experiments were carried out at 30 ◦ C. The void volumes is the reduced time for re-equilibration after
binary gradient used at a flow rate of 0.4 ml min−1 was changing the mobile phase. Thus, several column volumes
as follows: 0 min, 58% B; 0–0.4 min, 95% B, where sol- can be passed through a column in 1–2 min and the column
vent A was water with 5 mM potassium dihydrogen phos- is then ready for the subsequent analysis, ideally to gradient
phate adjusted to pH 6.5 with potassium hydroxide and mode. At the same time, the minimum of the van Deempter
solvent B was acetonitrile. The sample injection volume curve is displaced to superior flows.
was 1 ␮l. The assembly of these high speed columns in a conven-
Identification of the compounds was performed by means tional HPLC instrument requires an injection system capable
of their retention time and UV spectra. Spectra were taken of injecting volumes of below 3 ␮l. In addition, the use of
at the leading edge, the apex and the tailing edge to monitor smaller particle columns with their inherently higher efficien-
for peak purity. Quantification was carried out at 275 nm by cies and lower void volumes imposes additional constraints
the external standard method. All measurements were made on the design and construction of injection valves as extra col-
using a Shidmadzu CLASS-VP Version 5.032 software. The umn band broadening must be minimized if the full potential
asymmetry factor (As) – that it is the width from the frontside of these columns is to be realized. Therefore, the injector by-
and the backside of the peak to the apex – was calculated at pass must be constructed so as to eliminate pressure pulses
10% of the peak height. All results were the mean of at least yet not substantially contribute additional extra-column band
duplicate injections. broadening. When properly designed and constructed the in-
jector by-pass extends the lifetime of a high speed column
from an intolerably short period to a reasonably long one
3. Results and discussion [24]. Injector by-pass was constructed using two union-tees,
the appropriate capillary tubes and fittings to obtain a di-
3.1. Optimization of the chromatographic system vision rate of 332. The flow cell and sampling time of the
detector should be lower than 3 ␮l and 100 ms, respectively.
At present, the HPLC methods for the analysis of rifabutin, A 2.5 ␮l flow cell and 80 ms sampling time were selected.
both in biological fluids and in pharmaceuticals, are based on The different components of equipment were connected by
the conventional HPLC modality. Thus, the recommended using capillary tubes of 60 cm overall length and 127 ␮m in-
USP method [19], for the analysis of rifabutin and related ternal diameter to minimize instrumental bandwidth (30 ␮l)
compounds in pharmaceuticals, needs an analysis time higher improving the effectiveness of the separation per unit
than 20 min. In our opinion, this time consuming method is of time.
108 D. Blanco Gomis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 531 (2005) 105–110

Fig. 2. Effect of the mobile phase pH on the capacity factor of the rifabutin
and related compounds. Column: 50 mm × 2.1 mm i.d., 3.5 ␮m, Kromasil
100 C18 ; mobile phase, 25 mM KH2 PO4 , adjusted to pH 6.5 with KOH and
acetonitrile (55%); flow rate: 0.2 ml min−1 ; temperature: 30 ◦ C; detection at
275 nm; () rifamycin S; () 3-bromorifamycin S; () 3-aminorifamycin
S; () 3-amino-4-iminorifamycin S; (䊉) rifabutin.

3.2. Optimization of chromatographic conditions

For the fast RP-HPLC method development, the main

chromatographic conditions to be optimized were pH, ionic
strength, percentage organic modifier, temperature, and flow
The compounds show in the studied range of pH (4.0–7.0)
basic, acid or neutral properties. Consequently, the pH must Fig. 3. Chromatogram of rifabutin, its synthesis intermediates and degra-
dation products obtained in the gradient mode. Column: 50 mm × 2.1 mm
be adjusted carefully to ensure an adequate separation. As can i.d., 3.5 ␮m, Kromasil 100 C18 ; mobile phase, solvent A 5 mM KH2 PO4 , ad-
be seen in Fig. 2, as a consequence of the different nature of justed to pH 6.5 with KOH, solvent B acetonitrile; gradient conditions: 0 min,
the solutes various changes in the elution order are observed. 58% B; 0–0.4 min, 95% B; flow rate: 0.4 ml min−1 ; temperature: 30 ◦ C; de-
Consequently, it is not advisable to select values of pH next tection at 275 nm; injected volume: 1 ␮l; concentration of each compound,
to the crossing points. Resolutions higher than 1.5 were only 25 mg l−1 ; peak identification: (1) 3-bromorifamycin S; (2) rifamycin S; (3)
3-aminorifamycin S; (4) 3-amino-4-iminorifamycin S; (5) rifabutin.
attained about pH 6.5. The effect of the ionic strength on
the capacity factor, tested between 2.5 and 25 mM, seems to
be negligible. An ionic strength of 5 mM was selected for optimized conditions, adequate resolution (>1.5), including
subsequent experiments. Likewise, the effect of temperature the by-products, and asymmetry (<1.5) were obtained in a
on resolution and analysis time is irrelevant to 35 ◦ C. Over short analysis time. Comparing this new method with the one
this temperature the resolution falls below 1.5. In order to used in the pharmaceutical industry at the moment [19,20],
minimize the pressure drop across the column and increase the chromatography separation time has been reduced about
solute mass transfer, 30 ◦ C was selected. 90%, reducing the solvent consumption per analysis from
The Kromasil 100 C18 column shows similar efficiency 20 ml to less than 1 ml, approximately.
working with flow rates of between 0.2 and 0.4 ml min−1 and
with the purpose of shorten the analysis time, a flow rate of 3.3. Validation
0.4 ml min−1 was selected. The pressure drop does not exceed
150 bar. The small flow rate used is lower than the one used Calibration curves were constructed by the analysis of trip-
in the conventional HPLC methods [10,11,16,19,20], what licates of five points in the range from 5 to 50 mg l−1 of ri-
notably reduces the solvent consumption. fabutin and all its synthesis precursors. The calibration graphs
The separation time of precursors and products of rifabutin for all the compounds showed a good fitting to a linear model
synthesis in isocratic mode with 55% organic modifier is time between the peak areas and analyte concentrations, with the
consuming (10.7 min). Therefore, a gradient mode is requi- regression coefficients >0.999 in all cases. The linearity of the
site in order to separate the compounds in a few minutes. calibration graphs was also checked with two different statis-
The optimized gradient program begins with a high level of tical tests: linearity and proportionality tests. For the linearity
acetonitrile (58%) and increases quickly to 95% in 0.4 min, test, the linearity of the method was confirmed by showing
as shown in Section 2.3. Under these conditions, analysis that the response factor R.S.D. and slope R.S.D. values were
can be carried out in 1.8 min. As can be seen in Fig. 3, lower than 5 and 2%, respectively; the values obtained from
which shows the chromatogram obtained according to these the Fisher test (analysis of variance (ANOVA)) were always
D. Blanco Gomis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 531 (2005) 105–110 109

Table 1
Calibration parameters for linearity
Specification Range 5–50 (mg l−1 )
Correlation coefficient ≥0.997 0.9996 0.9996 0.9996 0.9997 0.9997
Standard error 1.5 2.0 1.6 2.2 2.2
Linearity test
Response factor R.S.D. ≤5% 4.8 4.3 4.8 3.4 2.8
Slope 2.87 3.96 3.02 5.55 4.81
Slope S.D. 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.04
Slope R.S.D. ≤2% 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.7 0.7
Confidence interval 0 not included 2.82–2.92 3.89–4.03 2.96–3.08 5.47–5.63 4.73–4.89
Experimental t texp > ttab 119.958 118.394 116.319 153.753 135.362
ANOVA Fexp < Ftab 0.600 0.454 1.989 0.396 0.351
Proportionality test
Intercept 0.5 −0.2 −0.9 −0.4 1.3
Intercept S.D. 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.0 1.0
Confidence interval 0 included −1.0 to 2.0 −2.3 to 1.9 −2.5 to 0.7 −2.6 to 1.8 −0.9 to 3.5
Experimental t texp < ttab 0.683 0.233 1.266 0.401 1.267

Table 2
Analytical characteristics of the chromatographic method
Specification (%) 3Br-RS RS 3A-RS 3A-4I-RS RBT
Instrumental repeatability ≤2 1.6 1.3 1.5 1.9 1.5
Intermediate precision ≤5 4.1 3.9 3.0 2.4 4.6
Limit of detection (mg l−1 ) 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1
Limit of quantification (mg l−1 ) 0.5 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.4

lower than the tabulated ones (α = 0.05). Finally, the slopes of tively – obtaining values (1.3–1.9%) of below acceptance cri-
the linear calibration curves were statistically different from 0 terion (≤2%). The estimation of repeatability was performed
(texp > ttab , α = 0.05). In the proportionality test, it was demon- during 3 h. The compounds were stable and showed no signif-
strated that the intercept was not statistically different from icant difference in the peak area after this time. Intermediate
0, as the confiance limits include zero and the Student’s t-test precision was determined by comparing the results obtained
values calculated were always lower than the tabulated values from the analysis of freshly prepared samples on two separate
for the same signification level. This indicates the absence of days. The results, ranging between 2.4 and 4.6%, were also
systematic error, and the linearity thus being demonstrated lower the acceptance criterion (≤5%). Therefore, acceptable
[25]. The calibration data are summarized in Table 1. We precision was obtained for all preparations.
have also tested a linear range from 5 to 100 mg l−1 , check- The detection and quantification limits are shown in the
ing that it completes all the specifications except the response aforementioned Table 2. These were determined by 10 re-
factor R.S.D. peated measures of the blank, followed by the preparation of
The precision of the method was assessed by express- calibration plots (peak height versus concentration) from 5
ing the relative standard deviation of several repeated mea- to 50 mg l−1 . The detection and quantification limits were in
surements (Table 2). Instrumental repeatability was estimated the range of 0.1–0.3 and 0.4–1.0 mg l−1 , respectively.
from six replicates at three concentrations – low, medium and Recovery experiments were performed in order to study
high level inside the lineal range: 5, 25 and 50 mg l−1 , respec- the accuracy of the method. A mixture of known concentra-

Table 3
Validation parameters for accuracy
Compounds Recovery (%) texp Gexp

5 mg l−1 25 mg l−1 50 mg l−1

3-Bromorifamycin S 102.0 99.2 100.2 0.4027 0.6289
Rifamycin S 102.7 99.1 101.7 0.8103 0.4819
3-Aminorifamycin S 102.0 98.9 101.5 0.6332 0.5170
3-Amino-4-iminorifamycin S 98.0 99.2 100.1 1.8921 0.6369
Rifabutin 100.7 99.7 100.1 0.3486 0.7778
Specifications: 97–103%, texp < ttab and Gexp < Gtab .
110 D. Blanco Gomis et al. / Analytica Chimica Acta 531 (2005) 105–110

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