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Character Creation

1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 2/7

1/6 2/7 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 1/6 3/8 1/6
BONUS: Low-Light Vision

3/8 2/7 1/5 3/8 2/7 1/6 1/6 3/8 1/6
BONUS: Thermographic Vision, +2 dice for pathogen and toxin resistance, 20% increased social lifestyle cost

4/9 1/6 1/6 3/8 1/6 1/5 1/6 1/5 1/6
BONUS: Low-Light Vision

5/10 1/5 1/6 5/10 1/6 1/5 1/5 ¼ 1/6
BONUS: Thermographic Vision, +1 Reach, +1 Dermal Armor, 100% Increased Lifestyle Cost


A Human – 9 24 Magician/Mystic Adept: Magic 6, two Rating 5 46/10 450,000¥
Elf – 8 Magical Skills, 10 spells
Dwarf – 7 Technomancer: Resonance 6, two Rating 5
Ork – 7 Resonance skills, 5 complex forms
Troll - 5
B Human – 7 20 Magician or Mystic Adept: Magic 4, two Rating 4 36/5 275,000¥
Elf – 6 Magical skills, 7 spells
Dwarf – 4 Technomancer: Resonance 4, two Rating 4
Ork – 4 Resonance skills, 2 complex forms
Troll – 0 Adept: Magic 6, one Rating 4 Active Skill
Aspected Magician: Magic 5, one Rating 4
Magical skill group
C Human – 5 16 Magician or Mystic Adept: Magic 3,5 spells 28/2 140,000¥
Elf – 3 Technomancer: Resonance 3,1 complex forms
Dwarf – 1 Adept: Magic 4, one Rating 2 Active Skill
Ork – 0 Aspected Magician: Magic 3, one Rating 2
Magical skill group
D Human – 3 14 Adept: Magic 2 22/0 50,000¥
Elf – 0 Aspected Magician: Magic 2
E Human – 1 12 None 18/0 6,000¥
The Priority Table
Special Points, Attributes, Magic/Resonance, Skills, and Resources can all be issued a priority value from
A to E. No two columns can be issued the same priority value.

 Special Points: These are points that can be assigned to Magic, Resonance, or Edge. The maximum
value for these attributes is 6, with the exception of Humans with a maximum Edge value of 7.
 Attributes: These are points that can only be spent into normal mental and physical attributes (BOD, AGI,
REA, STR, WIL, LOG, INT, and CHA). These points must all be spent and cannot be spent on anything
outside of those 8 attributes.
 Magic or Resonance: This determines starting magic or resonance for mages and technomancers.
Characters that are neither of these should pick Priority E for this column.
 Skills: These are points that can be spent in skills. The numbers are points that can be spent on individual
skills and points that can be spent on skill groups.
 Resources: This is the character’s starting money.

Step 1: Pick a metatype.

The numbers under each attribute are the starting value and the maximum value for that attribute.
Starting values are free points that do not use Attribute Points found in Step 2.

Step 3: Choose magic or resonance

Magic is used by magicians (Adepts, Aspected Magicians, Mages, Shamans, and Mystic Adepts), and
Resonance is used by Technomancers.

 Adepts channel mana into their own  Magicians can astrally perceive.
bodies to enhance their natural abilities,  Magicians can astrally project.
making their talents and skills much more  Magicians can choose freely from the
potent. magical skills or skill groups (Sorcery,
 Adepts never astrally project. Conjuring, Enchanting).
 Adepts only perceive astral space by  Magicians can cast spells, conjure spirits, or
purchasing the Astral Perception power. enchant magical items.
 Adepts can learn the Assensing skill only if  At character creation, magicians who cast
they have the Astral Perception power. spells, perform rituals, or create alchemical
 Adepts cannot use skills from any magic- preparations may know a maximum
related skill groups (Sorcery, Conjuring, or number of formulae from each group
Enchanting). equal to their
 Adepts can follow mentor spirits.  Magic Rating x 2 (i.e., Magic Rating of 4
 Adepts gain Adept Powers that are allows 8 spells, 8 rituals, 8 alchemical
purchased with Power Points. Adepts preparations).
receive a number of Power Points equal to
their Magic rating.
 Aspected magicians are a limited form of  Mystic adepts are a combination of
magician. magicians and adepts.
 Aspected magicians do not astrally  Mystic adepts never astrally project.
project.  Mystic adepts can astrally perceive if they
 Aspected magicians can astrally perceive. purchase the
 Aspected magicians must choose one,  Astral Perception adept power.
and only one, of the following three  Mystic adepts purchase their
Skills/Skill Groups. spells/rituals/preparations in the same way
 Sorcery (Spellcasting and related skills) as magicians.
 Conjuring (Summoning and related skills)  Mystic adepts must purchase their Power
 Enchanting (Alchemy and related skills) Points with Karma (2 Karma each at
 Aspected magicians cannot perform any character creation for a full Power Point,
of the magical skills associated with the two with a maximum number of points equal to
groups they did not select. their Magic attribute rating).
 Aspected magicians can only learn  Mystic adepts can have any skills from the
Counterspelling if they take the skills to be a Enchanting, Sorcery, or Conjuring skill
spellcaster. groups.
 Aspected magicians can follow mentor
 At character creation, aspected magicians
who cast spells, perform rituals, or create
alchemical preparations may know a
maximum number of formulae from each
group equal to their Magic Rating x 2 (i.e.,
Magic Rating of 4 allows 8 spells, 8 rituals, 8
alchemical preparations)

Step 4: Purchase qualities

At creation, characters begin with 25 Karma. Before anything else, these are spent purchasing qualities.
At creation, characters can only possess at most 25 Karma worth of Positive Qualities and 25 Karma worth of
Negative Qualities. Negative qualities can be bought off later.

Step 5: Purchase skills

At creation, it takes one skill point to either get a new skill, skill specialization, or raise that skill rating by 1
point. Skill Group points can also be spent at 1 point per skill group rating.

These skill points cannot be spent on Magic and Resonance based skills unless you have a Magic or
Resonance rating.

Characters start with free Knowledge and Language skill points equal to (INT + LOG) x 2. They are spent
the same way as skill points, but only for Knowledge and Language skills. Characters also begin with one free
native language.

The highest any skill can be raised at this point is 6. All skill points must be spent at this step and cannot be
kept after character completion.
Step 6: Spend Resources
This is where all the money is spent. Any leftover karma can be spent for more nuyen at 2,000 nuyen per
karma point at a max of 10 Karma (20,000 nuyen total). Only 5000 nuyen or less can be carried over after
character creation, not including starting nuyen from Lifestyle purchases.

When buying cyberware or bioware, each attribute can receive a bonus up to a maximum of +4.

Characters are limited to a maximum Availability rating of 12 and device rating of 6.

Step 7: Leftover Karma

Only 7 Karma can be kept after character creation. All other karma must be spent.

For attributes or skills, karma must be spent under normal character advancement rules.

Additional purchases & restrictions

Bound Spirits 1 Karma per Service (Force of spirit Can only have a number of bound
is equal to Character’s Magic) spirits equal to Charisma.
Complex Forms 4 karma per complex form Max number of complex forms at
character creation equal to Logic.
Spells 5 Karma per spell Max spells/rituals/preparations
known at Character Creation
equals Magic rating x 2
Bond Foci Variable (See bonding cost rules) Max Force of all foci that can be
bonded at character creation
equal to character’s Magic x 2
Contacts 1 Karma for each point of A single contact may not have
Connections Rating, 1 Karma for more than 7 karma spent on them
each Loyalty Rating (Minimum at character creation.
Karma requirement = 2)
Registering sprites 1 karma per task (Level of sprite Can only have a number of
equal to Character’s Resonance Registered Sprites equal to the
Rating) character’s Charisma.

Step 8: Final Calculations

 Initiative: (INT+REA)+1D6
 Astral Initiative: (INTx2)+2D6
 Matrix AR Initiative: (INT+REA)+1D6
 Matrix VR Initiative (Cold Sim): (Data Processing + INT) + 3D6
 Matrix VR Initiative (Hot Sim): (Data Processing + INT) + 4D6
 Mental Limit [(LOGx2)+INT+WIL]/3 (round up)
 Physical Limit [(STRx2)+BOD+REA]/3 (round up)
 Social Limit [(CHAx2)+WIL+ESS]/3 (round up)
 Physical Condition Monitor: [(BOD + Augmentations)/2]+8 (round up)
 Stun Condition Monitor: [(WIL + Augmentations)/2]+8 (round up)
 Overflow: Body + Augmentation bonuses
A character may only train to improve one Mental and one Physical attribute, or one attribute and one skill, in a
single downtime period. Note that you can’t improve Physical skills or Mental attributes during the same
downtime period when you receive implants or augmentations that improve those same attributes.

 Attributes = 1 Attribute @ 2 Ratings per downtime.
 All Skills = (logic)/2 Skills @ 3 Ratings per downtime.
 Skill Groups = 1 Group @ 1 Rating

 Attributes = New Rating x 5
 Skill Groups = New Rating x 5
 Skills = New Rating x 2
 K/L Skills = New Rating x 1
 Complex Form = 4 Karma
 Spell = 5 Karma
 + or - a Quality = Karma Cost x 2
 Specialization = 7 Karma
 Initiate Level = 10 + (grade x 3)
 Mew MA Tech = 5 Karma + 1,500¥ for instruction.
 New MA Style = 7 Karma + 2,500¥ for instruction.

 Attributes = New Rating x 1 Week
 Any Skills
o Rating 1-4 New Rating x 1 Day
o Rating 5-8 New Rating x 1 Week
o Rating 9-13 New Rating x 2 Weeks
 Skill Groups = New Rating x 2 Weeks. Cannot raise attributes or skills at the same time.
 Specializations = 1 Month. Cannot be learned with anything else.
 Complex Form = 12 / (Software + Intuition [Mental]) Days
 Spell = 12 / {(Type) + Intuition [magical lodge’s Force]} Days
 Mew MA Tech = 2 Weeks
 New MA Style = 1 Month
Positive Qualities
particular skill. With this particular quality, the
character can have one skill rated at 7 at character
creation, and may eventually build that skill up to
rating 13. Characters may only take the Aptitude

Acrobatic Defender – 4 Karma quality once.

Duck, dive, twist, and twirl, just put on a good

enough floor show to keep whatever is coming your
way from landing on your face. This quality allows
Astral Chameleon – 10 Karma
With the Astral Chameleon quality, the character’s
the character to use their Gymnastics skill in place
astral signature blends into the background of astral
of their Willpower while using Full Defense. Including
space and is difficult to detect. All signatures left by
this skill in the Defense Test means that their Physical
the character last only half as long as other astral
Limit also applies.
signatures. Any individuals assensing astral
signatures left behind by a character with this

Agile Defender – 3 Karma quality receive a –2 dice pool modifier for the
Assensing Test. Only characters with a Magic rating
Speed kills, but quickness and agility can be the key
and capable of leaving astral signatures may have
to avoiding a speedy death. This quality allows the
this quality.
character to use their Agility in place of their
Willpower attribute while using Full Defense.

Bilingual – 5 Karma
Ambidextrous – 4 Karma A character with this quality reads, writes, and
speaks a second language fluently. They can list a
The Ambidextrous character can handle objects
second language as a native tongue (see
equally well with either hand. Without this quality,
Language Skills, p. 150, SR5). This quality can only be
any action performed solely with the off–hand (i.e.,
acquired at character creation; selecting it gives
firing a Weapon, p. 178, SR5). a –2 dice pool
the character a second free language skill during
modifier (see Attacker Using Off-Hand gun) suffers a
Step Five: Purchase Active, Knowledge, and
–2 dice pool modifier (see Attacker Using Off-Hand
Language Skills,(p. 88, SR5).
Weapon, p. 178, SR5).

Analytical Mind – 5 Karma Blandness – 8 Karma

This character blends into a crowd; he’s seldom
Analytical Mind describes the uncanny ability to
noticed and easily forgotten. He is unremarkable in
logically analyze information, deduce solutions to
every aspect of physical appearance. Anyone
problems, or separate vital information from
attempting to describe the character cannot come
distractions and noise. It’s useful in cracking cyphers,
up with anything more precise than “average
solving puzzles, figuring out traps, and sifting through
height, average build, average hair, etc.”
data. This quality gives the character a +2 dice pool
modifier to any Logic Tests involving pattern Increase the threshold for anyone to recall specific
recognition, evidence analysis, clue hunting, or details about the character by 1. This means a
solving puzzles. This quality also reduces the time it Memory Test with a difficulty of Average (threshold
takes the character to solve a problem by half. of 2) becomes a Hard test (threshold of 3).

Individuals attempting to shadow or physically

Aptitude – 14 Karma locate a character with the Blandness quality in a
This quality is how you become even better than the populated setting receive a –2 dice pool modifier
best in the world. The standard limit for skills is 12. on all tests related to their search. The same penalty
Every so often, there is a character who can applies if they’re asking around about the person
exceed limitations and be truly exceptional in a based on the individual’s physical appearance. The
modifier does not, however, apply to magical or this. This quality adds a +2 dice pool modifier to
Matrix searches. If the character acquires any visible Sneaking skill tests.
tattoos, scars, obvious cyberware, or other
distinguishing features, the bonuses from the
Blandness quality go away until the distinctive Codeslinger – 10 Karma
features are removed from the character’s Ones and zeroes are practically a native language
appearance. In certain circumstances and specific to a Codeslinger. The character is adept at
situations, the gamemaster may determine that performing a particular Matrix action (which she
Blandness does not apply. For example, a troll with selects when she selects this quality) and receives a
the Blandness quality still towers head and shoulders +2 dice pool modifier to that Matrix action. This can
over a crowd of humans and so still stands out, no only be selected for Matrix Actions (p. 237) that
matter how average their horns may be. The have a test associated with them.
character only regains his bonus by leaving the
situation where he stands out.
College Education – 2 Karma
A character with the College Education quality has
Brand Loyalty – 3 Karma not only attended an institution of higher education
Brand loyalty is taken to extremes in the Sixth World but has made the most out of her stay and knows a
with individuals brainwashed by their substantial amount about a diverse group of
megacorporate masters, especially when it comes academic subjects. The College Education quality
to firearms. But sometimes being loyal to a brand modifies the Mental limit by +1 for any Academic
can be a good thing. Characters who are brand Knowledge skill tests made by the character.
loyal know the products of their favorite brand
inside and out. The quality has two levels;
Manufacturer and Product. At the Manufacturer Deus Vult! – 4 Karma
level, characters choose a corporate or The words “Deus Vult,” “God wills it” in Latin, were
manufacturer brand, i.e. Ares, Saeder-Krupp, Krime, the words that helped launch the First Crusade in
H&K, Novatech, etc., and gain a +1 dice pool 1095. Similarly, the assassin sees himself as on a
bonus on every roll involving gear made by their crusade to eliminate the enemies of his religion.
manufacturer. At the Product level the bonus is only These enemies might be striking violently at the
conveyed on a single item, i.e. Predator IV, S-K- people or holy sites of his faith, or they might simply
Bentley Concordat, Krime Kannon, HK227, be “sinners” in his eyes. Either way, they must be
Novatech Airware, etc. eliminated.

On the downside, due to this narrow focus the While the Code of Honor is called “Deus Vult,” it is
character suffers a –1 dice pool penalty whenever not limited to any particular religion. A radical
working with a piece of gear not made by their pagan can take this Code as justifiably as a
preferred Manufacturer. At the Product level the –1 fanatical Christian. Note that this Code might
dice pool penalty is applied to all products of the require some research on the player’s part to
same type, i.e., heavy pistols, cars, SMGs, assault properly roleplay his character’s devotion to his
cannons, commlinks, etc. religion’s tenets.

Advantages: The assassin’s faith sustains him even in

Catlike – 7 Karma the face of terrible wounds. Make a Willpower

check at the beginning of the character’s Action
A character with the Catlike quality is gifted with an
Phase if he has taken a wound, either Stun or
uncanny elegance, a stealthy gait, and an almost
Physical damage, since his last Action Phase, with
preternatural ability to move without making a
the threshold being equal to the number of wounds
sound. They also claim they land on their feet when
taken in that time. Success on the roll means that
dropped, though they tend not to let people test
the assassin ignores all wound penalties. The assassin
should continue making rolls before each Action Exceptional Attribute once, and only with the
Phase, with the threshold for the test growing with gamemaster’s approval.
each wound; for example, if a character makes a
roll after sustaining two wounds, then sustains two
more wounds before his next Action Phase, the First Impression – 11 Karma
threshold would be 4 for the next roll. If one of these The First Impression quality enables a character to
rolls fails, all wound penalties immediately come into slide easily into new environments, situations, groups,
play and this advantage cannot be used until the and jobs. Whether infiltrating a gang, making
next combat. contacts in a new city, or wrangling an invite to a
private meet, the character gains a temporary +2
Disadvantage: Perhaps as overcompensation for
dice pool modifier for relevant Social Tests such as
violating his religion’s tenet against killing, the
Negotiation and Con during the first meeting. This
assassin demands much more of himself in
modifier does not apply to second and subsequent
observance of the other tenets of his faith. The
assassin must make a Charisma + Willpower roll to
act against his religion’s tenets, with the threshold
varying based on the severity of the violation: simple
Focused Concentration – 4
theft would likely call for a threshold of 1, while great
blasphemy or renouncing his religion entirely would Karma per Rating (Max 6)
call for a much higher threshold. If the character A technomancer or magic user with the Focused
fails the roll, they refuse to perform the action and Concentration quality has the discipline to
actively seek to stop anyone they see attempting it. manipulate mana or Resonance more precisely
than otherwise possible. This precision reduces stress
to the magic user’s or technomancer’s body. She is
Double-Jointed – 6 Karma able to sustain one spell/complex form with a
A Double-Jointed character has unusually flexible force/level equal to her Focused Concentration
joints and can bend and contort his body into rating without suffering any penalties. For example,
extreme positions. The character receives a +2 dice a magic user with Focused Concentration rating 3
pool modifier for Escape Artist tests. The character may sustain a Force 3 Armor spell without taking the
may also be able to squeeze into small, cramped negative dice pool modifier for sustaining a spell.
spaces where less limber characters cannot. They’re Sustaining any additional spells or complex forms
also great at parties and bars. incurs the standard –2 dice pool modifier per spell or
complex form sustained. This quality may only be
taken by magic user characters that are able to
Exceptional Attribute – 14 cast spells and technomancers.

The Exceptional Atribute quality is how you get to
Gearhead – 11 Karma
be the charismatic troll, or the agile dwarf. It allows
The Gearhead is who you look for when it’s time to
you to possess one attribute at a level one point
stomp on the gas and move. She’s a natural-born
above the metatype maximum limit. For example,
driver or pilot. When she’s at the
an ork character with the Exceptional Attribute
wheel/stick/controls of a vehicle or drone, she has
quality for Strength could take his Strength attribute
an intuitive understanding of its limitations and its
up to 10 before augmentations are applied, instead
capabilities and is able to coax whatever machine
of the normal limit of 9. Exceptional Attribute also
she’s controlling to perform at its best. During
applies toward Special Attributes such as Magic
vehicle or chase combat, a Gearhead can
and Resonance. Edge cannot affected by the
increase the Speed of her vehicle or drone by 20
Exceptional Attribute (Edge is raised by another
percent or increase the Handling modifier by +1
quality called Lucky). A character may only take
(player’s choice). She also receives a +2 dice pool
modifier when attempting difficult maneuvers or
Home Ground – 10 Karma
stunts in the vehicle. This bonus lasts for 1D6 minutes.
If a character knows her neighborhood better than
The player can choose to make this bonus last up to anyone—the shortcuts, the hiding places, and the
an additional 1D6 minutes if she wants. Doing so people she can trust—then she probably has the
pushes the vehicle or drone well beyond its design Home Ground quality. She knows the families who
limits and risks catastrophic damage. For each live there, their stories, and what the kids who
minute the character pushes the vehicle past its moved out are doing; she knows the streets better
initial bonus period, the vehicle automatically takes than GridGuide, knows things that aren’t on
one point of stress damage (unresisted) GridGuide, and knows when GridGuide is wrong.
She knows the politics of the gangs, who’s running
for whom and who’s running from whom. But it’s not
Gifted Healer – 2 Karma just the physical streets. Depending on the
A character with the Gifted Healer quality is character, her Home Ground quality can manifest
particularly adept at one of the three tests detailed in ways specific to who and what she is. When
in the Care Under Fire optional rules (Stabilization, choosing this quality, select one of the bonuses
Diagnosis, or Treatment, p. 14, B&B). She receives a below:
+1 dice pool bonus whenever performing the
 Astral Acclimation: The character has
selected test, whether by magical or mundane
become acclimated to the background
means. Gifted Healer may only be taken once,
count of her Home Ground. Through a
meaning a character can only get the bonus for a
lifetime of familiarity she’s learned to work
single test, not two or three.
around it, enabling her to ignore up to two
points of background count. For example,
if the background count on her Home
Guts – 10 Karma Ground is 3, she sees only a reduction of 1
When a bug spirit with dripping mandibles comes
to her Magic tests; if the background count
calling, the character with Guts is the one most likely
is 5, for her it is only a 3, and so on. This
to stand and fight instead of freaking the hell out.
quality works only on her Home Ground
Guts gives a character a +2 dice pool modifier on
and has no benefit anywhere else.
tests to resist fear and intimidation, including
 You Know a Guy: The character has built
magically induced fear from spells or critter powers.
up long-lasting relationships with people
from her neighborhood. These people are
not contacts, but they know her as one of
High Pain Tolerance – 7 Karma their own and are more likely to do favors
per Rating (Max 3) for or talk to her. NPCs from the character’s
High Pain Tolerance lets a character keep delivering Home Ground neighborhood are
the pain even if she’s had plenty piled on her own considered friendly toward her wherever
head. A character with High Pain Tolerance can she encounters them (unless she has done
ignore one box of damage per rating point of this something to change that).The character
quality when calculating wound modifiers (see receives +2 Street Cred for any Negotiation
Wound Modifiers, p. 169). So a character with this with people from her Home Ground.
quality at Rating 2 can take 4 boxes of damage but  Digital Turf: This is for a decker or
carry on without wound modifiers as if she only had technomancer who has a specific host that
2 boxes of damage. The –1 wound modifier would she calls her own. She may actually own
then kick in when the character takes her fifth box in the spot, or it can be a place she frequents
damage. This quality may not be used with the Pain enough to consider home. The character
Resistance adept power, pain editor bioware, or receives a +2 bonus to Matrix Tests while in
damage compensator bioware. her Home Ground host. Bonuses from other
Qualities may stack with Home Ground. If
the character has not frequented this host
Indomitable – 8 Karma per
for more than six months, she loses the
Home Ground quality because she is no Level (Max 3)
longer as familiar as she should be. Bodies and minds have limits, but some people
 The Transporter: This character knows the have the will to push right through those boundaries.
layout of streets, back alleys, service For each level of Indomitable, a character receives
tunnels, etc., like the back of her hand. She a +1 increase to an Inherent limit of his choice
knows when GridGuide is wrong and when (Mental, Physical, or Social). He can take up to
GridGuide is out of date. When the three levels and can apply them in any way he
transporter is on her Home Ground, she has chooses (+3 to one Inherent Limit, for example; or +2
a +2 dice pool modifier for Evasion Tests. to one Inherent and +1 to another; or +1 to all
 On the Lam: Hiding out and lying low are three).
part of a shadowrunner’s daily life. On the
Lam means a character has an Inspired – 4 Karma
encyclopedic knowledge of safehouses, That chorus with the earworm hook. The story that
bolt holes, abandoned buildings, just about grabs you by the throat and won’t let you go. The
any out-of-the-way place not claimed by painting whose colors seem to move and dance as
gangs or squatters. When she needs to find you stare at them. That’s what an Inspired character
a safe location in a hurry, this character can pull off. They have a reputation for being able
receives a +2 dice pool bonus to her to pull off miracles in their chosen field, and for
Intuition + appropriate street knowledge having the muses whisper regularly in their ear.
skill to find a suitable place to hole up fast. Choosing this quality provides an Artisan
 Street Politics: This character knows the specialization for the character of their choice;
street gangs, the criminal operations, and unlike normal specializations, this one gives +3 dice
the beneath-the-surface affiliations that are to the Artisan test. The character also receives a +2
the social and political fabric of her Home bonus in Street Cred (p. 372, SR5) among anyone
Ground. She receives a +2 dice pool who has knowledge of the area in which the
modifier for Knowledge Tests relating to character has their specialization.
gangs or their operations.

This quality can be taken multiple times, selecting Juryrigger – 10 Karma

one of the categories above each time. Juryrigger gives a character an intuitive grasp of the
inner workings and underlying principles of
mechanical and electronic devices. She knows how
Human Looking – 6 Karma to repair the broken, rejuvenate the worn, improve
A metahuman character with the Human-Looking a device’s efficiency, or coax it into doing things its
quality can pass for human in most circumstances. designers hadn’t intended. Characters with the
Human NPCs respond with neutral attitudes toward Juryrigger quality receive a +2 dice pool modifier for
such characters when making Social skill tests (p. Mechanical Tests when juryrigging gear. If the
82), even those humans who are particularly biased gamemaster decides what the character wants to
against metahumans. The character may suffer accomplish is in fact possible, he determines the
increased animosity from metahuman NPCs who threshold for her success using the Build/Repair
are prejudiced against humans and who either Table (p. 146, sr5) as a guideline, then reduces the
mistake him for human or distrust his motives for threshold for the test by 1. While a successful
trying to look human. Only elves, dwarfs, and orks Mechanics Skill Test enables the Juryrigger to
can take the Human-Looking quality. perform amazing technical feats, everything she
devises is temporary. Examples of what a character
may be able to do with Juryrigger include:
 Juryrig a destroyed device so that it will spells such as Heal. A character with Magic
operate just one more time (for 1D6 Resistance cannot take part in spells that require a
minutes). voluntary subject; such spells automatically fail
 Tweak an electronic device to function at when used on magic-resistant characters.
a rating one higher than normal for 1D6
Characters with a Magic rating cannot take this
Combat Turns.
 Temporarily coax extra performance from
a vehicle’s or drone’s components,
increasing its Sensor or Handling by +1 (if
combined with bonuses from Gearhead,
Mentor Spirit – 5 Karma
Everyone needs some help in life, even if it comes
the vehicle’s or drone’s critical
from someone relatively filmy and insubstantial.
components completely burn out at the
Mentor Spirit means the character follows a patron
end of the duration from being pushed well
spirit (see Mentor Spirits, p. 320) that guides him in his
be-yond their limits; at that point, the
practice of magic and provides certain advantages
vehicle or drone becomes a big
and disadvantages to his natural abilities. A
character may change mentor spirits, but he may
 Improvise a one-shot device or weapon
have only one mentor spirit at a time. To change
from disparate components (the
mentor spirits, the character must first buy off the
gamemaster has final say on whether
current mentor spirit as if it were a Negative quality.
suitable parts are available).
He can then purchase the quality again to follow a
 Devise an impromptu means to bypass a
different mentor spirit. This cost represents the toll of
security measure, such as a trip beam or
divorcing from one mentor spirit and bonding with a
pressure plate.
new one.

Each tradition has a different name for a mentor

Lucky – 12 Karma spirit. Hermetic mages prefer the term “mentor
The dice roll and the coin flips this character’s way spirit,” while shamans use the word “totem” for the
more often than not, giving her the chance to drop spirit that they follow. While the names may vary,
jaws in amazement at her good fortune. Lucky the way the mentor works is consistent.
allows a character to possess an Edge attribute one
point higher than his metatype maximum (for This quality is only available to characters that
example, a human character could raise her Edge possess a Magic attribute rating.
to 8). Note that taking this quality does not actually
increase the character’s current Edge rating, it just
allows her the opportunity to do so; the Karma cost My Country, Right or Wrong – 4
for gaining the extra point must still be paid. This Karma
quality may only be taken once and must be Patriotism is the core of this assassin’s being. He
approved by the gamemaster. The Lucky quality serves his country by doing his deadly job, and he
cannot be combined with Exceptional Attribute. knows his work is justified because it helps the nation
that he calls home. Enemies both foreign and
domestic must be dealt with so the nation’s citizens
Magic Resistance – 6 Karma can live in peace and security.
per Rating (Max 4) Advantages: Make a Willpower check at the
This is the wonderful ability to potentially make a
beginning of the character’s Action Phase if he has
Fireball bounce away. For every 6 Karma spent on
taken a wound, either Stun or Physical damage,
Magic Resistance, a character receives 1 additional
since his last Action Phase, with the threshold being
die for Spell Resistance Tests. The Magical
equal to the number of wounds taken in that time.
Resistance quality, however, is always “on”—the
Success on the roll means that the assassin ignores
character cannot lower it to receive beneficial
all wound penalties. The assassin should continue
making rolls before each Action Phase, with the This quality is available at two levels. If purchased at
threshold for the test growing with each wound; for the 4 Karma level, the character is immune to a
example, if a character makes a roll after sustaining single natural disease or toxin. If Natural Immunity is
two wounds, then sustains two more wounds before purchased at the full 10 Karma level, the character
his next Action Phase, the threshold would be 4 for is immune to a single, synthetic (artificially created)
the next roll. If one of these rolls fails, all wound disease or toxin. Natural Immunity does not affect
penalties immediately come into play and this diseases or toxins that are magically based, such as
advantage cannot be used until the next combat. HMHVV.

Disadvantage: The idea of betraying his country in The player and gamemaster must agree on the
even the smallest way, even for a greater good disease, drug, or poison to which the character is
somewhere down the line, is unthinkable to the immune. The character can take one dose of the
assassin. He must make a Charisma + Willpower drug or poison and experience one exposure to the
check to act in a way detrimental to his country, disease every six hours with no ill effects. Any
with the threshold based on the severity of the subsequent dosing or exposure during the next six
offense: breaking into a military base to steal hours causes normal damage, but the character’s
weapons would call for a threshold of 1, while selling recovery time is halved.
classified materials to the enemy would call for a
Note that characters with Natural Immunity to a
much higher threshold. If the character fails the roll,
disease can be a carrier, infecting other characters
they refuse to perform the action and actively seek
while suffering no ill effects.
to stop anyone they see attempting it.

Natural Athlete – 7 Karma One Trick Pony – 7 Karma

You’ve watched the same action trid or chipped
A character with this quality has an innate
your way through the same simsense so many times
combination of physical fitness, spatial awareness,
you actually know how to do that really cool move
and natural athletic or gymnastic talent. While the
the star always uses. This quality allows the
character may not be a world-class athlete and
character to choose one Martial Arts technique
may require training to achieve peak performance,
they can do without first learning the associated
he is in prime physical shape for his size and weight
Martial Arts style.
class. The Natural Athlete adds a +2 dice pool
modifier for Running and Gymnastics skill tests.

Out for Myself – 4 Karma

Natural Hardening – 10 Karma The assassin knows that he can rely only on himself.
Perhaps he’s a selfish bastard, or perhaps that’s just
This quality makes the character’s neural structure
the mindset he needed to develop to survive where
resistant to feedback. This gives her 1 point of
he grew up. Either way, he looks out for Number
natural biofeedback filtering, which is cumulative
One, and to hell with everyone else.
with a Biofeedback Filter program or a
technomancer’s firewall (p. 251, sr5). Advantages: The assassin is always watching his
back; after all, nobody else will. He receives a +3
Dice Pool to all Surprise Tests because of this
Natural Immunity – 4 or 10 preparedness.
Disadvantages: This character has proven that he
The ability to casually sip poison can never be
cares only for himself, and his reputation in the
overrated. A character with Natural Immunity has
shadows will suffer for it. Double all Notoriety gained
an innate or developed immunity to one single
by acts of selfishness or betrayal.
disease or toxin.
Perceptive Defender – 4 Karma Spirit Affinity – 7 Karma
Sometimes keeping yourself alive is about staying Available only to magic users, the Spirit Affinity
alert and keeping an eye out for incoming trouble, quality allows a character to be attuned to one
about knowing what’s coming before it’s time to type of spirit (see Spirits, p. 303). These spirits find the
duck or dive for cover. This quality allows the character interesting, are drawn to her, and are
character to use their Perception skill in place of more inclined to assist her. They may be reluctant to
their Willpower attribute while using Full Defense. attack the character, and if forced to do so they
Including this skill in the Defense Test means that are likely to use nonlethal power. Watchers and
their Mental limit also applies. minions do not count for this quality as they are
constructed and are not summoned like normal
spirits. Spirit Affinity provides magicians with 1
Photographic Memory – 6 additional spirit service for each spirit of that type,
Karma and it also provides a +1 dice pool modifier for
Binding Tests.
A character with Photographic Memory can
instantly recall facts, dates, numbers, or anything Magic users may possess this quality for a type of
else he has seen or heard. The character gains a +2 spirit that is not part of their magical tradition.
dice pool modifier to all Memory Tests.

Strive for Perfection – 12 Karma

Quick Healer – 3 Karma Excellence in his craft is what this assassin aims for. It
A character with the Quick Healer quality receives a is not enough to take out the target; the job must
+2 dice pool modifier to all Healing Tests made be done efficiently, quickly, and without the slightest
on/for/by her, including magical healing. misstep. This is what separates the good assassins
from the great ones in his mind, and he aims to be
one of the greats.
Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins
– 4 or 8 Karma Advantages: The assassin has honed his skills with
firearms to the point where shots that would be
A character with Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins
tough for most people are second nature to him.
can fight off diseases and drugs more easily than
Halve the cost of all Called Shots, meaning they
other characters and receives a +1 dice pool
impose only a –2 dice pool penalty instead of –4.
modifier to Resistance Tests. This quality comes at
The Called Shot still costs a Free Action.
two levels: at 4 Karma the character is resistant to
either pathogens or toxins, not both. If the character Disadvantages: The standard “aiming for center
purchases this quality at 8 Karma, she receives the mass” shots that most people take are beneath this
+1 modifier for resisting both. sort of assassin. He seeks to make every shot count,
regardless of how many bullets are in his magazine.
The assassin must make Called Shots unless he is
Sharpshooter – 4 Karma providing covering fire or acting in a similar
Through focus and vigilance it’s possible to hone a capacity where Called Shots would not be
shooting skill to the point of an excess of precision. practical.
This honing means that specific techniques are
trained to the point of perfection, but in that
training, other, more basic maneuvers are skipped Too Pretty to Hit – 3 Karma
over. Characters with this quality are more skilled at It’s more about force of personality than actually
making Called Shots, but at the cost of their basic being pretty—sometimes a character just has a
shooting skills. Penalties for Called Shots are presence about them that keeps people from
decreased by 2, while all other Ranged Attack shooting straight. The character can use their
actions suffer a –1 dice pool penalty.
Charisma attribute instead of their Willpower
attribute while using Full Defense.

Toughness – 9 Karma
Characters with the Toughness quality shrug off
damage more easily than others. Such characters
gain a +1 dice pool modifier to their Body when
making Damage Resistance tests.

Will To Live – 3 Karma per

Rating (Max 3)
For each rating point in Will to Live, the character
gains 1 additional Damage Overflow Box (p. 101,
sr5). These additional boxes only allow the character
to sustain additional damage before dying; they do
not raise the threshold at which the character
becomes unconscious or incapacitated, nor do
they affect modifiers from the damage the
character has taken.
a BTL instead of being available for the run. While
Negative Qualities the character is suffering withdrawal symptoms,
apply a –2 dice pool modifier to all of the
character’s Mental-attribute-based tests (if
Addiction – 4 to 25 Karma psychological dependency) or to all the
A character with the Addiction quality is hooked on character’s Physical-attribute-based tests (if
chemical substances, such as street drugs physiological dependency). If the character
(novacoke, bliss, tempo); technological or magical succeeds on his Withdrawal Test, the character
devices, such as better-than-life (BTL) chips or foci; does not suffer withdrawal symptoms and does not
or potentially addictive activities such as gambling need the substance or participate in that habit until
or sex. Physiological Addictions affect the Body’s the character makes their next Withdrawal Test (in
functions, producing pain, nausea, shakes, and one month). He is able to stay clean for that month.
other side effects that can impair the runner,
Moderate (9 Karma)/1 dose or 1 hour of habit-
particularly during withdrawal. Some possible effects
related activity: A craving at the Moderate level
of psychological Addictions include paranoia,
occurs roughly every two weeks. If the character
anxiety, insomnia, poor concentration, mood
experiences withdrawal, he suffers a –4 to all
disorders, and depression. For specific rules on
Mental-attribute-based tests (if psychological
Addiction Tests, Withdrawal Tests, and staying clean,
dependency) or –4 to all Physical-attribute-based
see p. 414, sr5.
tests (if physiological dependency) until the craving
The bonus Karma value of this quality depends on is satisfied.
how severe the addiction is. Levels of addiction
Severe (20 Karma)/2 doses or 2 hours of habit-
include: Mild, Moderate, Severe, or Burnout.
related activity: The addiction is spiraling out of
Addictions get worse over prolonged periods of
control. The addict experiences cravings once a
time without treatment. Each level of Addiction has
week. If he fails a Withdrawal Test, he suffers a –4
a starting dosage level that tells the character how
dice pool modifier to either their Mental- or Physical-
much of a substance or activity they must use for a
based tests (as appropriate for their dependency)
craving to be sated. This level can be increased if
while in withdrawal.
the character has augmentations. The more severe
a character’s Addiction, the more substance or In addition, he suffers a –2 dice pool modifier to all
time devoted to the activity he needs to satisfy his Social Tests, whether he is in withdrawal or not. It is
cravings. all but impossible now for the character to hide his
addiction, even when he’s had his fix. The physical
At the lower end of the spectrum for the Addiction
and psychological symptoms of the damage
quality (Mild, Moderate), it is easier to hide the
caused by his Addiction are readily apparent to the
effects of an Addiction. At the most severe levels
close observer.
(Severe, Burnout), there are noticeable physical and
mental signs of Addiction. These signs negatively Burnout (25 Karma) 3 doses/3 hours (minimum) of
impact his Social Tests even if he is not suffering the habit-related activity: Burnout is the final progression
effects of withdrawal. of the Addiction quality. The addict experiences
cravings for their drug or habit of choice every day.
Mild (4 Karma)/1 dose or 1 hour of habit-related
Until they satisfy their craving with a fix, the
activity: Mild cravings occur once a month for the
character suffers a –6 penalty to either his Mental- or
character. If a character fails his Withdrawal Test, he
Physical-based tests (whichever one is appropriate
suffers symptoms of withdrawal and must actively
for their dependency) while in withdrawal
seek out and use the substance or engage in the
activity to find relief. On a run, this could mean Because his Addiction is now obvious to even the
delaying plans that the runner team may have most casual observer, the character suffers a –3
meticulously put together for a job, especially if the dice pool modifier for all Social Tests, whether he is
character is busy gambling with a bookie or slotting in withdrawal or not.
The gamemaster has discretion as to whether or not bees, pollen, pollutants, Wi-Fi sensitivity, soy,
she should call for Withdrawal Tests during an wheat.
Addicted character’s downtime, depending on to  Mild (3 Karma): Symptoms are discomfiting
what degree the gamemaster wants the addiction and distracting. Apply a –2 dice pool
to impact gameplay for the character. modifier to the character’s Physical Tests
while under the effects of the Allergy.
 Moderate (8 Karma): Contact with the
Aged – 7, 14, or 21 Karma allergen produces intense pain. Apply a –4
Aged characters have been around the block a dice pool modifier to all Physical Tests
time or two and lived to tell about it. They have made while a character experiences the
made mistakes, but they were tough, smart, or just symptoms.
plain lucky enough to survive them. For each  Severe (13 Karma): Contact with the
decade of life at age 50 or above, a character with allergen results in extreme pain and actual
the Aged quality gains 7 Karma (+7 for ages 50-59, physical damage. Apply a –4 dice pool
+14 for ages 60-69, +21 for ages 70+). Additionally, modifier to all tests made while a character
for each decade of age, the character gains 5 experiences symptoms. The character also
bonus points worth of Knowledge skills, but his suffers 1 box of Physical Damage
physical attribute maximums, including the (unresisted) for every 1 minute they are
maximum augmented attributes, are each reduced exposed to the allergen.
by 1. At the gamemaster’s discretion, the character  Extreme (18 karma): A character at this
may face bonuses or penalties to certain social level, when exposed to the allergen, goes
interactions, due to people’s biases and prejudices into full anaphylactic shock. The character
about his advanced age. Note that this quality may receives a –6 dice pool modifier for
only be taken at character creation. anything they do. The character is
considered to be in excruciating agony.
The character suffers 1 box of Physical
Allergy – 5 to 25 Karma Damage (unresisted) for every 30 seconds
A character with the Allergy quality is allergic to a they are exposed to the allergen. First Aid,
substance or condition found in their environment. Medicine, or magical means can stop the
The value of this quality depends on two factors. The damage taken from the anaphylactic
first is whether the substance or condition is shock.
Uncommon (2 Karma) or Common (7 Karma). Next,
determine the severity of the symptoms: Mild (3
Karma), Moderate (8 Karma), Severe (13 Karma), or Astral Beacon – 10 Karma
Extreme (18 Karma). Add the appropriate point The astral signature of a character with the Astral
values together to find the final value. For example, Beacon quality is like, well, a beacon—highly visible
the value of an Uncommon Moderate Allergy on the astral plane. The signature also lasts twice as
(Silver) is 10 Karma (2+8 Karma). If a character is long as it would without the Astral Beacon quality
attacked with a substance to which they are and others assensing it receive a –1 to the threshold
allergic, they lose 1 die from their Resistance Test for of their Assensing Test for gathering information
each stage of severity of the Allergy (e.g., 1 die for a about it. Only characters with a Magic rating may
Mild allergy, 2 dice for a Moderate allergy, etc.). take this quality.

 Uncommon (2 Karma): The substance or

condition is rare for the local environment.
Bad Luck – 12 Karma
Examples: silver, gold, antibiotics, grass.
This character is cursed—his own luck often turns
 Common (7 Karma): The substance or
against him. When the character uses Edge, roll
condition is prevalent in the local
1D6. On a result of 1, the point of Edge is spent, but
environment. Examples: sunlight, seafood,
it has the exact opposite effect intended. For
example, if a character hopes to gain additional take two groups they will not harm, (i.e., women
dice he loses that many dice from his dice pool. If a and children), one of which must be likely to be
character spends Edge to go first in an Initiative encountered in the campaign. A magician can
Pass, he ends up going last. If a character spent legitimately choose to not destroy any type of spirit
Edge to negate a glitch, Bad Luck turns it into a from which their Mentor Spirit bestows a bonus for
critical glitch. The character suffers Bad Luck on only summoning. This Code of Honor respects their
one Edge roll per game session. After the character Mentor Spirit and is worthy of the Karma. Characters
has suffered his Bad Luck, he does not need to roll can’t pick an obscure or non-existent group to
the test for Bad Luck for any more expenditures of acquire this quality—you can’t acquire Karma by
Edge for the duration of that game session. vowing to never kill sapient hamsters, for example.

Any time anyone attempts to kill a member of the

Bad Rep – 7 Karma character’s protected list, the character must make
a Charisma + Willpower (4) Test. A failed roll means
A character with a Bad Rep quality has a dark and
the character must immediately put a stop the
lasting stain on her reputation. She may be a former
violence against the member of their protected
Knight Errant cop known to have been particularly
group. If the situation forces the character to take
brutal in dealing with shadowrunners. Or word on
action against any of his protected group, he will
the street might be that she once killed a member
always choose non-lethal methods. Killing a
of her own runner team. If she’s Awakened and
member of the group he has sworn to protect is a
comes from a polluted region, it may be generally
line he will not cross for any reason.
accepted that she’s a toxic shaman. Whether she is
actually guilty of any wrongdoing is not relevant. There are drawbacks to having a Code of Honor.
What people believe she has done has For example, it can leave witnesses behind. For
permanently tainted the way they see her and how each person in the protected group the character
they deal with her. Whatever the reason, the leaves alive and who is in a position to remember
character starts play with 3 points of Notoriety(p. them, increase the character’s Public Awareness by
372) that can only be removed or decreased by 1. The character’s job options are also limited—he
confronting and resolving the source of the bad will not take a job if the objective is the death of a
reputation. Only then may the Bad Rep quality be member of his protected group and will have
bought off with Karma. reservations about taking part in a mission with a
high probability of causing collateral harm to
members of his protected group.
Code of Honor – 15 Karma
The character has a binding Code of Honor when it There is always a chance things will go wrong
comes to killing members of a specific group; it’s a whenever non-lethal force is used. A person may
matter of unwavering principle. The character with have a life-threatening allergic reaction to a usually
the Code of Honor quality chooses a specific group harmless knockout drug, or a heart condition that
that they will not kill or allow others to kill. Examples makes a taser shock deadly. For this reason, each
of this group could include women, children, time the character takes a violent action or allows
innocent bystanders, or a specific metatype. A others to take violent action against a member of
character can choose to protect specific his chosen group, the gamemaster makes a secret
paracritters, but only if the specified paracritter roll of 1D6. On a roll of 1, there is an unforeseen
possesses the Sapience power. complication from the use of non-lethal force. With
a metahuman it could be a life-threatening medical
The gamemaster must approve the group that the condition; with a spirit, an attempt to banish rather
character designates as being “off limits.” If the than destroy may in fact set the spirit free. When a
group (such as children) is not regularly complication arises, the gamemaster makes a
encountered in campaigns, the gamemaster can secret Perception (4) Test for the character to
reject the choice. If the player feels strongly about notice if anything has gone wrong.
his choice, the gamemaster may allow the player to
If a person in the character’s chosen group is killed, than that to the character, they’ve probably been
whether intentionally or inadvertently, the character punched already. The point is, no matter what the
loses a point of Karma for that adventure for each actual plan is, this character will always look for a
person in their “protected group” that is killed. chance to get a little combat on.

The Code of Honor can take other forms as well. For This quality manifests in two different ways. If the
example: character is in a stressful situation, they must make a
Composure (4) Test in order to restrain themselves
 Assassin’s Creed: A character never kills
from just punching their way out of the situation. If
anyone that they are not paid to kill. Being
they are following a plan and an unexpected event
precise as an assassin, not leaving
occurs, their first reaction will be to opt for violence
collateral damage, and being invisible are
unless they succeed in an Intuition + Logic (4) Test
important hallmarks of those who believe in
and remember to stop and think about whether
the Assassin’s Creed. Characters who take
there might be a better option. The character is
this version of Code of Honor lose 1 point of
always free to not make a test and just give into
Karma for every unintentional and/or
their violent instincts—and deal with whatever
unpaid murder they commit, and their
consequences follow.
Public Awareness goes up by 1 for each
such death.
 Warrior’s Code: The character who follows
Combat Paralysis – 12 Karma
a Warrior’s Code maintains a strict sense of
A character with Combat Paralysis freezes in
personal honor. In 2075, this likely means a
combat. On the character’s first Initiative Test, the
character will not kill an unarmed person,
character divides their Initiative Score for that round
take lethal action against an opponent
in half (rounded up). In subsequent phases, the
who is unaware or unprepared for an
character may roll their normal Initiative. Combat
attack (i.e., a guard who doesn’t know the
Paralysis also gives the character a –3 dice pool
runner is there), or knowingly take an action
modifier on Surprise Tests. If the character must
that could kill someone who is defenseless
make a Composure Test while under fire or in a
(i.e., from a stray bullet or allow someone to
similar combat situation, the gamemaster applies a
be killed from a sniper shot). The character
+1 threshold modifier.
loses 1 Karma per unarmed or defenseless
person that they kill or allow to be killed
through their actions.
Consummate Professional – 3
Codeblock – 10 Karma The consummate professional knows that the
A character with the Codeblock quality always has assassin contract involves a great deal of trust
trouble with a particular Matrix action. He receives a between both parties, and he seeks to honor that
–2 dice pool modifier any time he attempts that trust to the fullest. He will never talk about the jobs
type of Matrix action. Codeblock only applies to he takes, even to boost his own reputation. This
Matrix actions with an associated test; it does not makes him somewhat more difficult for employers to
apply to actions that do not require a test (p. 237). track down, but those who do find him know that
Characters cannot apply Codeblock toward they can trust him not to sell them out.
hacking actions they are never likely to take. Advantages: The consummate professional has
proven he’s worthy of being treated better than a
typical assassin. Gain a +2 Dice Pool bonus to social
Combat Junkie – 7 Karma interaction rolls when interacting with employers.
The character just can’t keep from starting fights. His
first solution is always fight, and so is his second, Disadvantages: The flip side to having as much
third, and fourth. If someone suggests more options discretion as the consummate professional does is
that it’s much harder to be known for your work. resources, and/or requires special care and
Divide total Karma by 20 (instead of 10 as normal) attention that limits the character’s availability for
and round down in order to determine Street Cred. missions or specific actions. Examples of these
dependents include large family sharing the living
space, parents or grandparents with medical or
Dependents – 3, 6, or 9 Karma physical needs, and full custody of any children.
A character with the Dependents quality has one or Increase the lifestyle cost for the character by 30
more loved ones who depend on them for percent each month.
emotional support and financial aid. Dependents
may include children, parents, a spouse or lover, a
sibling, or an old friend. Meeting the needs of a Distinctive Style – 5 Karma
dependent should take up a fair amount of the A character with the Distinctive Style quality has at
character’s time, as well as some of the character’s least one aspect of his appearance, mannerism, or
money. Increase the amount of time it takes to learn personality that makes him inconveniently
a new skill or improve an existing skill by fifty percent. memorable. Choices for Distinctive Style include,
See the Character Advancement section on p. 103, but are by no means limited to: tattoos that cannot
sr5 for more information on how long it takes to be easily concealed, an accent or atypical manner
improve skills. Also increase the base time for any of speaking, bizarre fashion choices, scars, gang or
long-term projects by fifty percent. A dependent prison signs, flashy custom augmentations, or non-
could also be a hindrance in other ways—getting metahuman modifications like a tail. Note that
underfoot, sharing living space, involving herself in what’s distinctive in one culture or location may not
the character’s work, borrowing the car, calling at be in another.
the most inopportune moments, etc.
Whatever Distinctive Style the player selects makes
For 3 Karma, the dependent is an occasional her character easy to remember. Anyone who
nuisance: dropping in unexpectedly (such as when attempts to identify, trace, or physically locate this
the character must go to a meet), needing character (or gain information about him via
emotional support, favors, or other confirmations of legwork) receives a +2 dice pool modifier for
friendship/commitment, and occasionally money. relevant tests. If an NPC makes a Memory Test (p.
Examples of dependents at this level include: 152, sr5) to determine how much they recall about
slacker sibling, long-term boyfriend/girlfriend, or a the character, reduce the Difficulty Threshold by 1,
child not living with the character but for whom the to a minimum of 1.
character pays child support and visits regularly.
This quality is physical in nature and does not apply
Raise the character’s lifestyle cost by 10 percent
to astral searches. This quality may only be taken
each month.
once. This quality is incompatible with Blandness.
For 6 Karma, the dependent is a regular
inconvenience: needing attention and commitment
on a regular basis, getting involved in the Elf Poser – 6 Karma
character’s affairs, sharing living space. Examples of The Elf Poser is a human character who wants to be
dependents at this level include: a live-in an elf. She associates with elves as much as
lover/wife/husband or family member, a child for possible, talks like elves, and alters her appearance
whom the character shares custody and routinely to resemble an elf. Characters with this quality may
has in his home (every other weekend, etc.), or a undergo cosmetic surgery to get elf ears and elf
young child or close sibling for whom the character eyes, and they may successfully pass as elves and
is responsible. Increase the character’s lifestyle cost avoid any negative Social modifiers associated with
by 20 percent each month. being a non-elf.

At the 9 Karma level, the dependent is close family Real elves consider Elf Posers an embarrassment,
or a life partner and lives with the character. The many humans think of them as sellouts, and other
dependent is a strain on the character’s time and metatypes generally consider posers to be pathetic.
If an elf discovers the character’s secret, the elf is his efforts.) The effect only applies to external
likely to treat her with contempt and hostility (see equipment and does not affect cyberware,
Social Modifiers Table, p. 140). An outed elf poser bioware, or other implants.
may also face stigma from prejudiced humans as a
“race traitor.”
Illness – 5, 10, or 15 Karma
Only human characters may take the Elf Poser
A character with the Illness quality has a chronic
medical condition that requires ongoing treatment
to prevent complications and possibly annoying
effects. Depending on the level of the quality, the
Gremlins – 4 Karma per Level character must periodically succeed in Body + Body
(Max 4) (3) Test or their Illness will flair, causing negative dice
Characters with the Gremlins quality don’t get pool modifiers affecting all tests. If the character
along with technology. Devices malfunction keeps up with the necessary medical treatments
inexplicably, software crashes unexpectedly, (pills, injections, inhalers, potions, procedures, etc.;
vehicles refuse to start, components become the gamemaster can develop a specific regimen
unusually fragile at his touch, and wireless links suffer based in the illness), the threshold for this test is
faltering connections and odd interference reduced by 1. The Illness Quality Table shows the
whenever he’s involved. build point/Karma bonus, dice pool modifier and
frequency of tests for each level, as well as the cost
For each level (maximum of 4), reduce the number
for ongoing medical treatment. At the
of rolled 1s necessary to get a glitch(p. 45) by 1
gamemaster’s discretion, the Illness quality can be
whenever the character is attempting to use a
removed permanently through a combination of
moderately sophisticated device. For example, a
surgery and genetic therapy at a cost equal to 12
character with a dice pool of 8 and Gremlins level 2
times the monthly treatment cost.
(8 Karma) would trigger a glitch if two or more 1s
result from the test (instead of the normal 4). The LEVEL KARMA TEST FREQ DP TREATMENT
gamemaster may also require the character to COSTS
make a test for operation that would otherwise 1 (Mild) 5 Monthly -1 1000¥ /
succeed automatically to see whether or not a
2 10 Weekly -2 500¥ /
glitch occurs. (Moderate) Week
3 (Severe) 15 Daily -3 100¥ / Day
When describing the effects of a Gremlin-induced
glitch, gamemasters should play up the notion of a
particularly weird mechanical or electronics
malfunction. Some examples of Gremlin-induced Incompetent – 5 Karma
glitches include: the magazine falling out of a pistol An Incompetent character possesses a total lack of
when attempting a critical shot, a keypad knowledge or ability with a certain Active skill
inexplicably burning out while entering a code to group—or, perhaps worse, they have some vague
disarm an alarm system, or the commlink interface knowledge or the skills contained in the group, but
converting to Sperethiel mid-sentence when they have neither the coordination nor the
attempting to access a restricted node. comprehension to come anywhere close to
carrying it off properly. No matter how much effort
Note that Gremlins is a Negative quality—its effects
they put into this area, they simply cannot grasp it—
hinder the character (and probably entertain
it would take a miracle for them to somehow,
others). The character cannot use his Gremlins
someday advance to the level of “poor” in those
quality to damage an opponent’s high-tech
equipment merely by touching it. Anything the
character attempts to sabotage using only Gremlins Incompetent may not be applied to Language or
will function flawlessly. (Obviously, he can try any Knowledge skills. The Incompetent character is
ordinary means of sabotage, but Gremlins will haunt
treated as having skill level of “unaware” for all skills refreshed and may not have it refreshed for up to
in the skill group (see the Skill Rating Table, p. 131). another 24 hours.

In some cases, a Success Test may be required for At the 15 Karma level, a failed Willpower + Intuition
tasks most people take for granted. Characters may (4) Test means that all efforts to regain Stun damage
not possess that skill group for which they have the through rest are negated during that time period,
Incompetent quality. If gear grants a bonus or and the character must try again later. No Stun
requires the use of a specific skill in which the damage is regained from the attempt due to the
character is Incompetent, the character gains no insomnia the character experiences, and the
benefits from the gear. character must wait for 24 hours before their Edge
Gamemasters are free to reject any choices that
would prove irrelevant or exploitative in actual play,
such as Incompetent: Outdoors in a campaign
Loss of Confidence – 10 Karma
based entirely inside an arcology. (This should go
The Loss of Confidence quality means something
without saying, but just in case: Characters may
has caused the character to lose confidence in
never choose Incompetent for any skill group that
himself and one of his abilities. Though a skilled
they are physically incapable of using. A non-
decker, he failed to hack into a Stuffer Shack grid,
magician cannot take Incompetent in Sorcery,
or despite high Agility, he glitched an easy Climbing
Conjuring, or Enchanting; a non-technomancer
Test and fell into a dumpster—whatever the reason,
cannot be Incompetent in a skill that requires
he now doubts himself and his abilities. In tests
Resonance; and so on.)
involving the affected skill, the character suffers a –2
Incompetent may be purchased only once. dice pool modifier. If the character has a
specialization with the skill, the character cannot
use that specialization while suffering a loss of
Insomnia – 10 or 15 Karma confidence. The skill chosen for the character to
A character with the Insomnia quality has trouble have a Loss of Confidence must be one that the
falling asleep and seldom feels well rested. Usually, character prides himself in and has invested in
this is only an annoyance. For runners, however, this building. Only skills with a rating 4 or higher may
can become a major problem when they are suffer the Loss of Confidence quality. Edge may not
dependent on being able to rest at every be used for tests involving this skill when the
opportunity to remain sharp. Insomnia can lengthen character is suffering Loss of Confidence.
the amount of time it takes for a character to
recover Stun damage.
Low Pain Tolerance – 9 Karma
At the 10 Karma level, before a character rolls his Characters with Low Pain Tolerance are particularly
Body + Willpower to recover Stun damage, the sensitive to pain; they incur a –1 wound modifier for
character rolls an Intuition + Willpower (4) Test. If the every 2 boxes of cumulative damage, instead of
character succeeds on this test, the character is not the normal 3 boxes. This affects both Physical and
impeded by Insomnia and the character regains Stun damage tracks.
Stun damage as normal. He also regains his Edge
after 8 hours of restful sleep. If the character fails,
double the amount of time it normally would take Ork Poser – 6 Karma
for a character to recover their Influenced by Goblin Rock or over-hyped
orxploitation trends, an Ork Poser is an elf or human
Stun damage. So instead of healing a number of
character who alters her appearance to appear as
boxes of Stun damage in an hour, it now takes two
an ork. Various cosmetic biomods—tusk implants,
hours per roll. If the character is affected by
steroids, larynx alterations, etc.—allow him to
Insomnia, the character does not have his Edge
successfully pass as an ork. Ork posers are an
embarrassment to many orks, but some tolerate, if
not appreciate, the compliment behind the effort.
Prejudiced – 3 to 10 Karma
This means an ork who discovers the character’s
With this quality the character is Prejudiced against
secret may either become very hostile toward him
members of a specific group of people:
or be willing to let the character join the “family”—
provided he passes an appropriate hazing ritual to
prove his “orkness.” An outed ork poser may also Awakened, non-metahuman sapient critters, or
face stigma from other humans or elves as “race some other group. The character is not merely
traitors,” if those humans/elves harbor any prejudice intolerant—he is outspoken about his beliefs and
against orks. may actively work against the target of his
prejudice. Depending upon the degree of
Only humans and elves may take the Ork Poser
prejudice, this quality can get the character into
trouble for expressing his views or when forced to
confront the targets of his prejudice.

Pregnant – 9 Karma The Karma bonus granted by this quality varies

Even in the darkness of the shadows, miracles can depending upon how common the hated group is,
happen. A female character can choose the how often the character is likely to encounter
Pregnant quality only at character generation. The members of the group, and the degree to which
character starts the game with a new pregnancy, the character is openly antagonistic toward them.
which will proceed through three trimesters of Refer to the Prejudiced Table to determine the
roughly three months each. Gamemasters may wish Karma value of the quality based on the
to adjust the length of the three trimesters based on prevalence of the hated group and the degree of
the average gestational period for the character’s prejudice.
metatype. Each trimester, the character gains
additional negative effects as detailed on the When dealing with the target of their prejudice, a
Pregnancy Quality Table. After the third trimester, character receives a –2 dice pool modifier per level

the character gives birth, at which point the of severity of the Prejudiced quality for all Social

Pregnancy quality is replaced with either a 9 Karma Tests. If negotiations are a part of the encounter, the
Dependent quality. Note that characters may still target receives a +2 modifier per level of the

get pregnant after character creation; they just Prejudiced quality. So if a character who is radical in

don’t receive the Karma bonus as a result. their prejudiced views against the Awakened tries to
negotiate with the target of their prejudice, they
TRIMESTER EFFECTS receive a –6 to their Negotiation Test while the
First Nausea (–1 to all tests if target receives a +6 dice pool modifier.
the character has not
eaten within 1 hour) PREVALENCE OF TARGET GROUP
Second Nausea, Fatigue (Every
[Body] combat turn of  Common (Humans, metahumans, etc) – 5
vigorous activity the
character gains an
automatic box of Stun  Specific Target Group (Awakened,
damage, which cannot Technomancers, shapeshifters, aspected
be resisted. For each magicians) – 3 Karma
Complex Action the
character spends DEGREE
resting, remove one box
of accumulated  Biased (Closet meta-hater) – 0 Karma
 Outspoken (Typical member of
Third Nausea, Fatigue,
Reduced Physical Humanis) – 2 Karma
Attributes (–1 to all  Radical (Racial supremacist) – 5 Karma
physical attributes until
a threshold increased by +1. A failed
Scorched – 10 Karma
Memory Test results in gaps in memory and
A Scorched character is coping with neurological
possible disorientation while in host.
problems brought on by damage caused in some
 Memory Loss (Long Term): The same effects
way by Black IC, Psychotropic IC, or BTL. The
of Memory Loss (short term) apply. In
problem can manifest as short- or long-term
addition, for the duration of the effect, the
memory loss, unexpected blackouts, frequent
character loses access to one active skill.
migraines, diminished senses (sight, touch, smell,
He simply does not remember how to use it
etc.), and mood disorders such as paranoia and
(for example, the Pistols skill). Treat as
anxiety. The player chooses one specific effect of
unaware in that skill until symptoms abate.
Scorched, and its effect should be pronounced
 Blackout: For the duration of the effect, the
enough to hinder the character and present
character retains no memories of events
potential plot hooks for the gamemaster. Whenever
during that time frame. Memory cannot be
he enters VR or slots a BTL chip, the character must
restored by technological or magical
make a Body + Willpower (4) Test. On a failed roll, he
experiences the specified physical effects for six
 Migraines: The character receives –2 to all
hours. A glitch or critical glitch on this test results in
Physical and Mental tests, sensitivity to light,
suffering the effects for 24 hours. The only way to
and nausea (p. 409, sr5).
eliminate the Scorched quality is to get the medical
 Paranoia/Anxiety: Character must make
treatment necessary to repair the damage, then
Social Tests for even basic interactions.
spend the Karma to buy off the Negative quality.
These are Success Tests with a threshold of
Once Scorched, though, the character remains
5. If no apparent skill applies, the character
susceptible to the condition. Another bad
must default to Charisma –1. Failure means
encounter with Black or Psychotropic IC or a BTL will
the character reacts with paranoia or
bring this quality back. In addition to the physical
anxiety in that situation for the duration of
side effects the character may experience from
the effect.
being Scorched, the character is vulnerable to
damage inflicted by either Black or Psychotropic IC
or BTLs. When faced with this IC, the character must
make a Willpower (3) Test to be able to confront it
Sensitive System – 12 Karma
A character with the Sensitive System quality has
without panicking. If he is able to confront the IC
immuno-suppressive problems with cybernetic
that caused their Scorched condition, the
implants. Double all Essence losses caused by
character suffers a –2 to Damage Resistance Tests
cyberware. Bioware implants, regardless of how
when these programs are inflicting damage.
they are grown or designed, are rejected by the
To take the Scorched quality for BTLs, the character character’s body.
must have at least a Mild Addiction to BTLs and
This quality works differently for characters who are
possess the gear necessary to use BTLs.
technomancers or Awakened and therefore never
To take the Scorched quality for Black and/or plan to take implants. Awakened individuals or
Psychotropic IC, the character must be either a technomancers remain fully capable of channeling
decker or a technomancer. mana or using Resonance, but they are potentially
more susceptible to Drain or Fading. A magic user or
 Memory Loss (Short Term): The character technomancer with a Sensitive System must make a
does not remember slotting a BTL chip. The Willpower (2) Test before any Drain or Fading Tests.
character makes another Withdrawal Test Failure on this test results in Drain or Fading Values
immediately. A failed test means the being increased by +2 for that particular Drain or
craving comes back immediately, as do Fading Test, as the energy traveling through their
the symptoms of withdrawal. Character body does more damage to their Sensitive System.
must slot another chip. For encountering IC,
a character must make a Memory Test with
those who don’t have a SIN or rely on fake
Simsense Vertigo – 5 Karma
SINs, and the spam messages they receive
Characters who suffer from Simsense Vertigo
are disturbingly tailored to their preferences
experience feelings of disorientation whenever they
(based on their buying and browsing
work with augmented reality, virtual reality, or
simsense (including smartlinks, simrigs, and image
 Criminal SIN: At the 10 Karma level, the
links). Such characters receive a –2 dice pool
character has a Criminal SIN (either
modifier to all tests when interacting with AR, VR, or
Corporate or National); his Criminal SIN
replaces any previous SIN. At some point in
his life, the character was arrested and
served time for a felony-level offense and
SINner – (Layered)
was branded a criminal for the rest of his
There are four types of SINs that fall under the SINner
life. He is legally required to broadcast his
(Layered) quality: National SIN, Criminal SIN (either
Criminal SIN at all times; failure to do so is a
Corporate or National), Corporate Limited SIN, or
felony and can lead to re-incarceration. He
Corporate Born. Individuals with SINs are required by
is shunned by law-abiding society. Law-
law to always broadcast their SINs. A legal SIN is
abiding citizens will, if they must, deal with
required for all legal purchases. This makes them
a SINless character before they’d have any
very useful things to have, so those who are SINless
interaction with a known criminal. With his
generally get by with the use of fake SINs (p. 367,
Criminal SIN, the character will experience
sr5) just so they can participate in society.
prejudiced views, suspicion, and/or open
 National SIN: At the 5 Karma level, the hostility from most people with SINs. He will
character has what is called a National SIN. often be denied entry to certain locations
The character’s parents were legal citizens (high-end stores, car dealerships, museums,
of a nation (such as the UCAS or CAS) and galleries, etc.) and will have difficulty
he has been a citizen of that nation from finding legal employment. He can expect
birth. He has the right to vote, qualify for to be brought in and held up to 48 hours for
passports issued by his nation, enlist in the questioning anytime a crime is committed
national military, or work in the national in his area. The judicial system in 2075 is
government. A National SIN is required for more an assembly line than institution of
any national security clearance or any justice. Suspects are treated as guilty unless
form of national military career. A proven innocent, plausible circumstantial
character with a National SIN pays fifteen evidence is often sufficient for conviction,
percent of their gross income in taxes. He is and sentencing has more to do with the
also in no way connected to any of the judge’s mood than the crime. In this
megacorporations. The main drawback to environment it’s likely the cops will be more
having a legal National SIN is the character interested in closing the case than solving
is in the system. The nation in the player any crime; they may try to pin crimes on
character’s background has the the character with the Criminal SIN whether
character’s biometric data (DNA, or not she had anything to do with it. Some
fingerprints, retinal scans) on file, and that degree of “adjusting” facts and
biometric data is shared with law “interpreting” witness accounts to support
enforcement agencies through the Global allegations is common; fabricating
SIN Registry. This makes it much easier to evidence, if only to meet conviction
track a character should a job go productivity goals, is not rare. Magic users
sideways. Also, nations typically sell the tend to receive much harsher treatment
personal information tied to the character’s from the judicial system than mundane
SIN to corporations. Those with a legal SIN criminals. If the character is a magic user
get nearly three times as much spam as with a Criminal SIN, he is registered with
local law enforcement. He can expect something valuable about the inner
regular—but usually not scheduled— workings of the megacorporation or have
checks to confirm he lives and to ensure he a skill set rival megacorps would want; as
is not using forbidden spell formula, foci, or such they are considered valid targets for
other magical gear. The nation or extraction, even if they are no longer
corporation that issued the Criminal SIN will active with the corporation. Characters
keep close tabs on the character, if he fails with the Corporate Limited SIN experience
to update residential information or prejudice and hostility from those in the
appears in any way to be trying to evade shadows who are SINless. The SINless
their oversight, he is subject to arrest. He is believe the corporations deliberately keep
also required to pay a fifteen percent tax them poor and powerless so they can be
on his gross income to the entity that issued exploited. The character with the
his Criminal SIN. Corporate Limited SIN may find himself
 Corporate Limited SIN: At the 15 Karma being personally blamed for his
level the character has the Corporate corporation’s actions—protesting he has no
Limited SIN; he has somehow gained a real authority and no connection with the
position in a megacorporation from the actions in question usually does little good.
outside. He may have been hired as a To the SINless and neo-anarchists the
wageslave (or been the minor child of a character with the Corporate Limited SIN
person hired as a wageslave), or perhaps has sold out and chosen a corrupt and
brought in by someone in the megacorp oppressive system over his own people. The
who saw advantage in his skill, talent, area character pays twenty percent of his gross
of expertise, or some other useful attribute. income in taxes to his megacorporation.
Under most circumstances the Corporate  Corporate SIN: At the 25 Karma level is the
Limited SIN replaces any National SIN. His Corporate Born SIN. The character with this
Corporate Limited SIN becomes part of the ID was probably born into a mega
Global SIN Registry, to which law corporation, or belonged to one when it
enforcement agencies and security achieved extraterritoriality. At least one of
corporations alike have access. Many of his parents probably had the Corporate
these Corporate Limited SINs record Born SIN as well. He grew up in the
whether or not the character is Awakened. corporation, his social involvement,
The Corporate Limited SIN allows the education, and almost every aspect of his
character to be employed by the life was managed by the corporation. His
megacorp under most circumstances, and skills and aptitudes were evaluated
it replaces any National SIN that the constantly, and he was groomed for the
character may have had previously. With career path to which he was best suited;
the Corporate SIN, the character can be his whole world was the corporation.
gainfully employed by the issuing Characters with the Corporate Born SIN
megacorporation as a wageslave, a low- had the potential and the opportunity to
ranking member of the corporation’s advance through the corporation
security services, or an enlisted member of hierarchy. He could have been a
the corporation’s military. Though he could department administrator, a finance
have a secret-level security clearance to strategist, an agent of corporate
perform his duties, he cannot rise to a intelligence, an officer in a megacorp’s
leadership position, become an officer, or military, or even a member of Corporate
be part of the megacorporation’s Special Special Forces (Renraku’s Red Samurai or
Forces (such as the Red Samurai). As a Ares’ Firewatch). With a Corporate Born
group, characters that possess Corporate SIN, he could have enjoyed top-secret
Limited SINs are believed to either know clearance within the corporation and
access to nearly unlimited resources. Then
Spirit Bane – 7 Karma
something happened. An unforgivably
A character with a Spirit Bane really torques off a
costly mistake, the machinations of a rival,
certain type of spirit (p. 303, sr5). Whether the
a supervisor in need of a scapegoat—
character has a reputation for harming this sort of
something pushed the character out of the
spirit or something about her aura enrages them,
corporation and into the cold and
spirits of the type affected by the Spirit Bane are
unforgiving shadows. In the shadows a SIN
likely to harass the character when she is in their
that had been the key to opportunity is
presence, and they may be reluctant to obey or
now a deadly liability. Most in the shadows
perform favors for the character or her friends. If
see the Corporate Born as the privileged
spirits of this type are ordered to attack a party that
few, the aristocrats in the armored
includes the character, these spirits will single her out
limousines who look down on them,
and attempt to destroy her first. Affected spirits will
oppress them, exploit them and deny them
always use lethal force against these characters
their basic rights. If the SINless discover the
with the Spirit Bane quality. If the character with
character’s Corporate Born SIN, reactions
Spirit Bane tries to summon or bind this spirit, she
will range from deep suspicion to violent
suffers a –2 dice pool modifier for the attempt. If the
hostility; serious injury and death are real
summoner tries to banish a spirit of this type, the spirit
possibilities. The character’s loyalty to his
receives a +2 dice pool modifier for resisting her
corporation is never questioned, which can
attempt. Watchers and minions do not count for
be an insurmountable liability in a culture
Spirit Bane, as they are constructs that are not
that works against the megacorps. Would-
summoned like normal spirits.
be runners have been killed for holding
Corporate Born SINs. Fortunately, This quality may only be taken by magic users.
Corporate Born records are limited to the Magic users may possess this quality for a type of
megacorporation that generated them. spirit that is not a part of their magical tradition.
Files in the Global SIN Registry can confirm
she has a valid SIN, but do not contain any
additional information. Those with Uncouth – 14 Karma
Corporate Born SINs pay a tax of ten The character with the Uncouth quality has difficulty
percent of their gross income to their interacting with others. He acts impulsively,
corporation. overreacts to any perceived provocation, and
tends to do whatever pops into his head without
considering the consequences (i.e., flipping off Mr.
Social Stress – 8 Karma Johnson, calling a drunk troll a “Trog,” or responding
Whether as a result of loss or trauma or due to to casual trash talk from a rival runner by punching
innate psychological makeup, the Social Stress her in the face). All Social Tests made by the
quality burdens the character with emotions that character to resist acting improperly or impulsively
interfere with his ability to interact with others. A receive a –2 dice pool modifier. Additionally, the
specific cause and trigger for the Social Stress must cost for learning or improving Social Skills is double
be established. For example, if his Social Stress is for Uncouth characters (including at character
caused by survivor’s guilt after the loss of a close creation), and they may never learn any Social skill
friend, unexpectedly encountering someone who groups. Uncouth characters are treated as
looks similar to the lost friend will heighten stress. “unaware” in any Social skills that they do not
When a character is using Leadership or Etiquette possess at Rating 1 or higher (see Skill Ratings, p. 129,
skills, reduce the number of 1s required to glitch the sr5). The gamemaster may require the character to
test by 1. Gamemasters should call for more Social make Success Tests for social situations that pose no
Tests for characters with Social Stress to determine difficulty for normal characters.
how a character reacts to others, particularly if a
situation related to the cause of their stress arises.
augmentations or medications can mask these
Uneducated – 8 Karma
symptoms under normal circumstances. Under more
An Uneducated character is not mentally
stressful situations in the course of the run, there is a
impaired—she just never had the opportunity to
chance the Unsteady Hands condition can
learn. Whether because she and her family were
reappear. The character makes an Agility + Body (4)
isolated squatters, or were SINless, or otherwise
Test following a stressful encounter (combat, for
underprivileged, she was denied access to the
example). A successful test means the character
education system. She has only a rudimentary
does not experience the symptoms of this condition
knowledge of reading, writing, and arithmetic.
(this time). A failed test causes the difficulties
Characters with the Uneducated quality are associated with unsteady hands to re-emerge, and
considered “unaware” in Technical, Academic they remain with the character for the remainder of
Knowledge, and Professional Knowledge skills they the run.
do not possess (see Skill Ratings, p. 129, sr5), and
they may not default on skill tests for those skills. The
gamemaster may also require the character to
make Success Tests for ordinary tasks that the typical
sprawl-dweller takes for granted. Additionally, the
Weak Immune System – 10
Karma cost for learning new skills or improving Karma
existing ones in these categories is twice the normal A character with a Weak Immune System has
rating (including at character creation), and it’s reduced resistance to infections and disease.
possible the character will never learn some skill Increase the Power of any disease by +2 for every
groups belonging to these categories. Resistance Test. A character with Weak Immune
System cannot take the Natural Immunity or
Resistance to Pathogens/Toxins qualities. A Weak
Unsteady Hands – 7 Karma Immune System often results from immune-
A character with Unsteady Hands has mild shakes suppression treatments used in cybersurgery and
that affect the dexterity and finesse in his hands. The bio-genetic procedures, so it is reasonable to
character suffers a –2 dice pool modifier for all believe that characters that have undergone
Agility-based tests when symptoms manifest extensive body modifications are more likely to
themselves. The condition could be physiological acquire this quality.
(an untreated genetic disorder or damaged nerves,
for example), caused by psychological trauma, or
even be symptomatic of age. Certain

Skill Groups
Con Gymnastics Cybertechnology Blades Banishing
Impersonation Running First Aid Clubs Binding
Performance Swimming Medicine Unarmed Summoning
Cybercombat Computer Alchemy Automatics Etiquette
Electronic Warfare Hardware Artificing Longarms Leadership
Hacking Software Disenchanting Pistols Negotiation
Aeronautics Mech. Navigation Counterspelling Disguise Compiling
Industrial Mechanic Survival Ritual Spellcasting Palming Decompiling
Nautical Mechanic Tracking Spellcasting Sneaking Registering
Skills highlighted in BOLD cannot be defaulted.

Individual Skills
Archery, Automatics, Blades, Clubs, Escape Artist, Exotic Melee Weapon (Specific), Exotic Ranged Weapon
(Specific), Gunnery, Gymnastics, Heavy Weapons, Locksmith, Longarms, Palming, Pistols, Sneaking, Throwing
Weapons, Unarmed Combat
Diving, Free-Fall
Pilot Aerospace, Pilot Aircraft, Pilot Exotic Vehicle (Specific), Pilot Ground Craft, Pilot Walker, Pilot Watercraft
Running, Swimming
Animal Handling, Con, Etiquette, Impersonation, Instruction, Intimidation, Leadership, Negotiation,
Artisan, Assensing, Disguise (includes makeup and enhancement), Interests Knowledge, Language,
Navigation, Perception, Street Knowledge, Tracking
Academic Knowledge, Aeronautics Mechanic, Arcana, Armorer, Automotive Mechanic, Biotechnology,
Chemistry, Computer, Cybertechnology, Cybercombat, Demolitions, Electronic Warfare, First Aid, Forgery,
Industrial Mechanic, Hacking, Hardware, Medicine, Nautical Mechanic, Professional Knowledge, Software
Astral Combat, Survival
Alchemy, Artificing, Banishing, Binding, Counterspelling, Disenchanting, Ritual Spellcasting, Spellcasting,
Compiling, Decompiling, Registering
Skills highlighted in BOLD cannot be defaulted.
Knowledge Skills
Academic Logic Biology, Medicine, Magic Theory,
Politics, Philosophy, Literature,
History, Music, Parabotany,
Interests Intuition Current Simsense movies, popular
trideo shows, 20th Century trivia,
Elven Wine, Urban Brawl, Combat
Biking, Pop music
Professional Logic Journalism, Business, Law, Military
Street Intuition Gang Identification, Criminal
Organizations, Smuggling Routes,

Language Skill Table

Universal Concept (Hunger, Fear, Bodily Function) 1
Basic Conversation (Concerns of daily life) 1
Complex Subject (Special/Limited interest topics) 2
Intricate Subjects (Almost any technical subject) 3
Obscure Subject (Very technical/rare knowledge) 4
Speaking lingo (Or variation of particular language) -2
Using Augmented Reality Visual Display Help +1 to +4

All present-day languages exist in Shadowrun in some form or another.

Cityspeak is a mishmash of English, Japanese, Spanish, German, Hungarian, Chinese, French, and various grunts
and gibberish. It is a common street language amongst the denizens of the world’s sprawls.

Or’Zet is the Orkish Isolate language.

Trog is the dialect commonly found in the Ork Underground.

Sperethiel is the Elvish Isolate language.

Sign Language:
 Perkins-Athabaskan & Amerind Hand Talk
 French-Derived (LSF/ASL): American (ASL), Aztlander (LSA), Brazilian (LIBRAS), French (LSF), German
(DGS), Irish (ISL), Israeli (ISL), Russian (RSL), Spanish (SSL), and Quebec (LSQ)
 British derived (BANZSL) – Eight dialects including Australian (Auslan), British (BSL), New Zealand (NZSL),
and South African (SASL).
 Japanese (JSL) influenced – Dialects include Japanese, Korean, and Taiwanese sign languages.
 Chinese based – Dialects include Shanghai (also used in Malaysia), Hong Kong (HKSL), Taiwan, and
 Indo-Pakistani Sign Language (IPSL) – Dialects include Mumbai-Delhi, Calcutta, Bangalore-Madras, and
 Monastic – Dialects include Benedictine, Cistercian, and Trappist
General Skill Rules
CREATE DISGUISE: Disguise + Intuition [MENTAL]. The number of hits rolled is the threshold for anyone trying
to see through the disguise later on.


ESCAPE RESTRAINTS: Escape Artist + Agility [PHYSICAL] (Threshold). If you succeed, you’re free after
working on it for one minute (20 Combat Turns), divided by the number of net hits you get on the test.
Escape artist table
Rope, plastic cuffs 2
Metal handcuffs 3
Straitjacket 4
Containment manacles 5
Reinforced material +1
Character being watched -2
Character physically restrained -(Restrainer’s Strength)
Character has picks or cutting implement +2

EASE SUSPICIONS: You can use Etiquette to ease suspicions, so that people might trust you more than
they would an outsider. Make an Etiquette + Charisma [Social] Test against the other person’s Perception +
Charisma [Social] Opposed Test. If you get any net hits, they’ll accept you. If you get 3 or more net hits, their
attitude toward you will improve, moving up a line on the “NPC’s attitude” section of the Social Modifiers table.

SMOOTH RECOVERY: The skill is not meant to replace role-playing, but it can save you from a social
blunder that you (the player) make when your character probably wouldn’t have. When this happens, make an
Etiquette Test against a threshold equal to the severity of the blunder (set by the gamemaster using the Success
Test Thresholds table. A successful test means your character recovers from the misstep.
When making Etiquette tests with a group of NPCs, use the same rules for influencing groups.

ETIQUETTE AND GLITCHES: A glitch on an Etiquette Test is treated the same as a social blunder—the
temporary annoyance could give you a –2 dice modifier on your next social test. Critical glitches result in major
social gaffes that have a lasting effect on the relationship your character has with others—the NPC’s stance
towards your character could move one step toward Enemy. This is the stuff of which long-time grudges and
major feuds are made, the words of disrespect that set street armies into motion.


Diagnose Wounds/Illness: The medic rolls his Medicine + Logic or First Aid + Logic Test as a Complex
Action. Apply any appropriate dice pool modifiers from the Healing Modifiers. If the injured character is fitted with
a biomonitor, the medic gains an additional +1 dice pool bonus for this test, not compatible with the use of a
medkit. If the Diagnostic Test is successful, the medic gains a +2 dice pool bonus to subsequent Stabilization or
Treatment Tests. A glitch on the Diagnostic Test may indicate that the medic has missed an important detail or
finding (reduce the dice pool bonus to +1 or 0), whereas a critical glitch may mean that the medic has
misdiagnosed the patient altogether (–2 to subsequent Stabilization or Treatment tests).
Improvise Medical Supplies: A character without proper medical supplies can expend a Complex
Action to improvise as described in Improvised Medical Supplies. Make a First Aid + Intuition Test. Each hit on this
test reduces the –3 modifier for lacking medical supplies by 1 to a minimum of 0. The amount of time subsequently
required to administer First Aid is increased by 50 percent (multiply the time by 1.5) to represent extra time spent
modifying objects and materials for unintended uses.

Rapid assessment: Make a First Aid + Intuition (2) Test as a Simple Action. If successful, he gains a general
sense of the patient’s status (alive or dead, in distress, badly wounded, etc). Note that this is different than a
formal Diagnosis Test.

Stabilize: Make a First Aid + Logic (variable) Extended Test as a Complex Action. The threshold for this test
is the total number of boxes of physical damage the injured character has accumulated. Apply any dice pool
modifiers from the Healing Modifiers Table. If a critically injured character cannot be stabilized before his Overflow
exceeds his Body, he dies.
If successful, the injured character stops accumulating additional damage. The injured character is still
subject to any Wound Modifiers accrued, but each net success on the Stabilization test reduces the total wound
modifiers by 1. The character rendering aid can chose to continue until all Wound Modifiers have been negated.
The negation lasts for a number of hours equal to the First Aid skill rating of the character who performed the test.
Additionally, a Stabilization Test can be performed to negate wound modifiers for non-progressive damage,
including Stun. The threshold for the Stabilization Test is equal to the total number of boxes on the injured
character’s Condition Monitors (Including both Stun and Physical damage). Each net hit on this test reduces the
total Wound Modifiers by 1; the character rendering aid can chose to continue until all Wound Modifiers have
been negated.

Treat Wounds: Make a First Aid + Logic (2) [Mental] Test as a Complex Action. The standard rules apply
with the following exceptions. First, if the character has exceeded his Physical Condition Monitor and is
accumulating Overflow Damage, a Stabilization Test is still required to halt the ongoing damage. Second, if the
injured character has been previously stabilized, net hits on the Treatment Test reduce the damage by 2 boxes
each. The maximum number of net hits that can be applied in this manner is equal to the medic’s First Aid skill or
Medkit rating, whichever is higher.
A critical glitch on a First Aid Test increases the damage by 1D3 (1D6 ÷ 2) boxes. The maximum damage
healable with the First Aid skill is equal to the skill’s rating. First Aid may only be applied to a character once for
that set of wounds, and it may not be applied if the character has been magically healed. Using the First Aid skill
in combat requires a Complex Action and takes a number of Combat Turns equal to the number of boxes of
damage the character is healing.

CREATE FORGERY: Creating a forgery is a Forgery + Logic Test. The limit for this test is either Physical (for
forged art, signatures, and other physical objects) or Mental (for credsticks, documents, and other items that are
more data than substance). Your dice pool is adjusted by appropriate modifiers (see the Build/Repair Table for
suggestions), and given a time requirement by the gamemaster (an interval from the Extended Test Difficulties
table is fine).
The quality of the forgery is based on the number of hits scored on the test. This number acts as the
threshold for attempts to spot the fake. Anyone examining a forgery makes an Opposed Test using a Perception +
Intuition [Mental] Test or Forgery + Intuition [Mental] Test. If they score as many or more hits than the quality of the
forgery, the item is exposed as a fake.
Data-based forgeries, like credsticks, documents, and SINs, don’t really hold up well to scrutiny, what with
information being so readily available. They can appear almost identical to the original, but any attempt to get it
to act like the original (transfer nuyen, pass a SIN check, etc.) reveals the forgery.

CLIMBING: The Gymnastics skill is applied to both assisted and unassisted climbing tasks. Assisted climbing
is accomplished with specialized gear such as ropes and harnesses. Assisted climbing is easier and safer, but
requires more preparation. Unassisted climbing may be done on the fly, because you climb without any gear.
Climbing is a Complex Action, and the number of hits you get on your Gymnastics + Strength [Physical] Test
determines how far you can move vertically or laterally during your climb, as noted on the Climbing Table. The
more difficult the climb, the more dice pool modifiers you get, which is also noted on the Climbing Table.
RAPPELLING: Rappelling is a gear-aided descent at near free-fall speed. This technique requires a Free-
Fall + Body [Physical] (2) Success Test. So long as you have the proper gear and training, you can brake at any
point in the descent, slow your speed, and land safely. Rappelling expends a Simple Action, during which you fall
at a rate of 20 meters per Combat Turn. Rappelling characters can increase the number of meters descended
during that same Combat Turn by 1 for each net hit beyond the threshold on the Free-Fall Test. If you take
another Simple Action in the same phase, such as firing a weapon, you get a –2 dice pool modifier to both that
action and the Free-Fall Test. Stopping requires another Free-Fall Test with the same threshold. On an unsuccessful
test, you don’t slow down and may take damage if you hit the ground at speed.

CLIMBING FAILURES AND GLITCHES: A test while climbing or rappelling automatically halts your progress,
and you have to make a Reaction + Strength Test to hold on. If you fail this second test, you start to fall (about 20
meters per Combat Turn). During your next Action Phase, you may attempt to stop by making a Reaction +
Strength Test with a –2 dice pool modifier. Your gamemaster may allow other climbers to make a Reaction +
Strength Test to grab you.
Characters who are using climbing gear are allowed an additional test if they fall. Have the character who
prepared the safety lines make a Free-Fall + Logic [Mental] Test against a threshold equal to half the falling
character’s Body (round down). The falling character may apply Edge to this test. If successful, the safety gear
catches, leaving the character dangling. If it fails, the character falls.

FALLING DAMAGE: When a character falls more than three meters, he takes Physical damage with a DV
equal to the number of meters fallen, with an AP of –4. Use Body + Armor to resist this damage. The gamemaster
should feel free to modify the damage to reflect a softer landing surface (sand), branches to break the fall, and
so on.
Falling characters drop 50 meters in the first Combat Turn, 150 meters in the second Combat Turn, and
200 meters every Combat Turn after that. Terminal velocity for a falling body is about 200 meters per turn.

JUMPING: Jumping is done from a running or standing position. Running leaps get more distance than
standing jumps do, if you have enough room to get up to full speed. Make a Gymnastics + Agility Test, applying
any appropriate modifiers. For every hit you get on this test, you jump 1 meter on a standing jump or 2 meters for
a running leap. No matter how many hits you get, you can’t jump farther than your Agility x 1.5 meters (net hits
beyond this mean you did it with style). For a vertical jump, it’s the same test, but you get half a meter of altitude
per hit and the maximum you can jump is 1.5 times your height.
Climbing table
Assisted climbing down (Rappelling) 20 meters + 1 meter per hit
Assisted climbing upward 1 meter per hit
Assisted climbing horizontally 1 meter per 2 hits
Assisted climbing upside down (On a ceiling or overhang) 1 meter per 3 hits
Unassisted climbing upward 1 meter per 2 hits
Unassisted climbing down 1 meter per hit
Assisted climbing +2
Easily climbable (Chain-link fence) +1
Broken (Tree, loose stone wall) +0
Flat (Brick wall, side of old building) -3
Sheer (Metal wall, seamless stone) -5
Slippery or wet -2
Greased or gel-treated -4

INTIMIDATE: Intimidation is an Opposed Intimidation + Charisma [Social] Test against the target’s
Charisma + Willpower, modified by the appropriate entries on the Social Modifiers Table.
INSTRUCT: In order to teach someone a skill, a character must have the skill at Rating 4 or higher. The
teacher can only teach up to their own Instruction Rating. Teaching is an Instruction + Charisma [Social] Test.
Every hit on the Teaching Test reduces the time for the student to improve their skill by a day.

LEAD: If you lead people who accept you as their (lone) superior, even temporarily, you can take a
Complex Action to make a Simple Leadership + Charisma [Social] Test. How this helps depends on what you
choose to do.
 COMMAND: The target resists with a Leadership + Willpower [Mental] test (with Social Modifiers,
p. 140). For every net hit you get, the target accepts you as their leader for 1 Combat Turn. This
doesn’t work if you’ve failed on this target before.
 DIRECT: Your hits act as a Teamwork Test for one subordinate’s skill or Composure Test that they
perform on or before their next Action Phase.
 INSPIRE: Your hits act as a Teamwork Test for your subordinates’ Surprise Test for the rest of the
Combat Turn.
 RALLY: Your subordinates add 1 to their Initiative Score for every 2 hits you get.

MEDICATE: Characters with the Medicine skill are able to speed the healing process. The character
makes a Medicine + Logic [Mental] Test; apply appropriate modifiers, including wound modifiers if a character is
applying the Medicine skill to her own wounds. Each hit provides +1 die to any subsequent healing tests the
character makes for healing through rest as long as the character using the Medicine skill spends some time
tending to the injured character. For Physical injuries the character needs to spend at least 30 minutes per day
tending to the injuries of her patient. For Stun it is 10 minutes per hour to gain the bonus dice. Medicine may only
be applied once to each set of wounds, but it may be applied even if First Aid and/or magical healing have
already been used.
Medicine cannot be applied in combat situations.

NAVIGATE: Navigation tests are required when you’re traversing unmarked or highly unfamiliar terrain,
such as someone new to Seattle attempting to navigate the Ork Underground. It’s a Simple Navigation + Intuition
[Mental] Test, with a threshold based on the terrain, taking into account modifiers for environmental factors such
as poor visibility, landmarks, existing trails, advice from locals, and so on.

OBSERVE IN DETAIL: Perception + Intuition [MENTAL]. Net hits determine how much detail you get. This test
is opposed by Stealth skills if someone is deliberately trying to hide from you.
Perception test thresholds and modifiers
Obvious/Large/Loud 1 Neon sign, running crowd, yelling, gunfire
Normal 2 Street sign, pedestrian, conversation, silenced gunfire
Obscure/Small/Muffled 3 Item dropped under table, contact lens, whispering
Hidden/Micro/Silent 4 Secret door, needle in haystack, subvocal speech
Perciever is distracted -2
Perciever is specifically looking/listening for it +3
Object/sound not in immediate vicinity -2
Object/sound far away -3
Object/sound stands out in some way +2
Interfering sight/odor/sound -2
Perciever has active enhancements + (Rating)
Visibility and Light (Environmental Modifiers)
Environmental Modifiers
Clear Full Light/No Glare None or Light Breeze Short +0
Light Rain/Fog/Smoke Partial Light/Weak Glare Light Winds Medium -1
Moderate Rain/Fog/Smoke Dim Light/Moderate Glare Moderate Winds Long -3
Heavy Rain/Fog/Smoke Total Darkness/Blinding Glare Strong Winds Extreme -6
Combination of two or more conditions at the -6 level row -10

PERFORM: Performance is a Simple Test with a Social limit—the gamemaster can use your hits to gauge
the artistry of your performance. If you’re trying distract a target, or sweep them up in your performance, the
generic modifiers on the Social Modifiers Table apply, and your target(s) use their Charisma + Willpower to
oppose your test.

Movement Table
Dwarf, Troll Agility x 2 Agility x 4 +1m/hit
Elf, Human, Ork Agility x 2 Agility x 4 +2m/hit
RUNNING: Characters who are running take a –2 dice pool modifier to all actions performed while
running (except for Sprinting). Characters charging into melee combat gain a +4 dice pool modifier (making a
net bonus of +2 when combined with the general penalty) when running into melee combat. Characters making
a ranged attack against a running opponent suffer a –2 dice pool penalty. When running, the character takes
fatigue damage every 3 minutes.

SPRINTING: Characters may attempt to increase their running distance by performing a Sprint Action
during their Action Phase. In this action, they make a Running + Strength [Physical] Test. Each hit increases the
distance a character can move in a Combat Turn by either 1 meter (for dwarfs and trolls) or 2 meters (for elves,
humans, and orks). Characters are allowed a maximum number of Sprinting tests equal to half their Running skill
per Combat Turn, minimum of 1. Sprinting characters also suffer fatigue if they sprint for too long.
If you sprint over multiple consecutive Combat Turns or during multiple Action Phases in the same Combat Turn,
you risk taking fatigue damage. For every consecutive Action Phase or Combat Turn in which you use the Sprint
action, you take a cumulative 1S DV of fatigue damage, which means that the second time you take it without
dialing it back you take 2S, then 3S, etc.

FATIGUE DAMAGE: Fatigue damage is Stun damage you incur through doing something strenuous or for
being in the middle of something stressful. It’s caused by harsh environments, hard exertion, and drek like that.
Fatigue damage is resisted with Body + Willpower, not with any armor. Fatigue damage cannot be healed while
the condition causing it still exists.

SNEAK: Sneaking + Agility [PHYSICAL] vs Perception + Intuition [MENTAL]. This skill allows you to remain
inconspicuous in various situations.

SURVIVE: The Survival skill is used for braving all forms of extreme outdoor conditions—this includes urban
survival, where the threats are as likely to come from other people as they are from the elements. It covers the
ability to find food, water, and temporary shelter in any environment. If you’re exposed to these conditions for 24
hours or more, you’ll need to start making daily Survival + Willpower [Mental] Tests. Modifiers and thresholds for
Survival Tests are provided on the Survival Test Table. If you fail the test, you don’t find the food or shelter you
need and take Stun damage with a Damage Value equal to twice the threshold. The Stun damage cannot be
healed until you get a good night’s sleep without having to make a Survival Test. If your Stun Condition Monitor
overflows and you fall unconscious, you cannot make your Survival Tests, so you just keep taking the damage
(now Physical from overflow) until you’re either rescued or dead.
Survival test table
Mild (Forest, plains, urban) 1
Moderate (foothills, jungle, swamp) 2
Tough (desert, high mountains) 3
Extreme (Arctic, Antarctic) 5+
Camping/survival gear on hand +2
No food or water -2
Heat/climate control available +1
Inappropriate clothing/armor -1 to -4
Extended travel or exertion -1 to -4
Toxic terrain -2 to -4
Character injured -Wound Modifier
Poor +1
Terrible +2
Extreme +4

SWIM: Swimming is a Complex Action. A swimming character can move a number of meters in a
Combat Turn equal to the average of their Agility and Strength. You can take a Simple Action to “sprint” with a
Swimming + Strength [Physical] Test, adding 1 meter per hit, or 2 meters per hit if you’re an elf or a troll. Swimming
on the surface of water or under it does not affect this rate of speed. As with the Running skill, swimmers suffer
from fatigue after an extended time.

HOLDING YOUR BREATH: Sixty seconds (twenty Combat Turns) is the base time a character can hold his
breath before any tests are needed. A character needing to hold his breath longer can make a Swimming +
Willpower Test (with the Controlled Hyperventilation specialization coming into play if you have it). Each net hit
extends the clock by 15 seconds (5 Combat Turns).
Once the time expires the character must breathe or take 1 box of Stun damage at the end of each
Combat Turn until they breathe (this damage cannot be resisted). Once all the stun boxes are filled, the
character loses consciousness. At this point the character takes one box of physical damage at the end of each
Combat Turn until rescued or dead.

TREADING WATER: If you’re just trying to keep afloat, you can tread water. You can tread water for a
number of minutes equal to your Strength rating. At the end of this time, make a Simple Swimming + Strength
[Physical] (2) Test. Success means you can keep treading water (or float, if you’re skilled at Swimming) for the
same amount of time before another test; failure means you slip and take 1 box of Stun damage that you can’t
resist. If you have a flotation device, double the time between tests. You can keep treading water as long as you
can stay conscious.

TRACK: Tracking a person or critter requires a Tracking + Intuition [Mental] Test with a threshold based on
the terrain (decided by the gamemaster using the Success Test Thresholds table, p. 45). If the target is actively
obscuring their trail, tracking is handled as an Opposed Test. The tracker rolls Tracking + Intuition [Mental] against
the target’s Sneak + Agility [Physical]. Any net successes on a Tracking Test can be used to gain additional
information about the trail, such as the number of people using the trail, type of critters recently using it, and how
old the tracks are. In urban tracking, additional hits can be used to identify local crowd movement patterns,
relevant cameras, and AR clues that reveal where the target was heading and how long ago it passed by.
The gamemaster may choose to apply modifiers for conditions such as weather, age of the tracks, the
amount of people who’ve trampled the trail, and so on. Individuals using a tracking dog or other tracking critter
may use Animal Handling as a Teamwork Test for their animal’s Tracking Test.

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