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Sri S Nasar
UKK Nutrisi dan Peny.Metabolik

The top priorities of the action to prevent

malnutrition are to:

 Focus on the window of opportunity from

preconception to around 24 months of age, the
critical period when the foundation for life long
health is set. 1000 days early life

 Build awareness, institutional capacity and

leadership at national, sub-national, community
and global levels for accelerating action on


Pediatric Nutrition Care

and IFP

Current Approach


350 kcal +
170-200 kcal /kg 15 g protein



Valid International 2006
The 10 steps


Treatment Option for Moderate and Severe

Acute Malnutrition
Treatment Options
Moderate and Severe Acute
Malnutrition WITH INPATIENT Facility
COMPLICATION(s) (Inpatient Therapeutic
SAM in babies <6 months Programme = ITP)
with/without complication(s)
or BW<4 kg
SAM without complication OUTPATIENT Therapeutic
Programme (=OTP)
MAM without complication Supplementary Feeding
Programme (=SFP)

Inpatient care : GENERAL TREATMENT

“The 10 steps” (WHO,2000)
No Intervention Stabilization Transition Rehabilitation Follow-up
d.1-2+ d.3-7+ wk 2-6 wk 7-26
1. Treat/prevent
2. Treat/prevent
3. Treat/prevent
4. Correct electr.
5. Treat infection
6. Correct micro- without Fe + Fe
nutrients defic.
7. Begin feeding F-75
8. Increase feeding F75F100
9. Stimulation
10. Prepare for



F75 F100

F100+solid food
F75 OR:
F100 /
E: 80-100 kkal/kgbb/h
P: 1-1.5 g/kgbb/h E: 100-150 kkal/kgbb/h E:150-220 kkal/kgbb/h
Cairan : 130 ml/kgbb/h P: 2-3 g/kgbb/h P: 4-6 g/kgbb/h
Cairan : 150 ml/kgbb/h Cairan : bebas



♀, 22bln, 6.000 g, 73 cm  BB/TB: 68.2%, <-3SD,

H-A : 11 bln, BBi : 8.800 g

WHO 2000 PNC

Target : 8.0 kg (-1 SD) Target : 8.8 x (110-120) kkal=
Stab: 80-100 kkal/kgbb/h 968-1056 kkal
 6x80-100 kkal= 480-600 kkal Awal : 50-75% =
Transisi: 100-150 kkal/kgbb/h (484-528) kkal
 6x100-150kkal= 600-900 kkal (726-792) kkal
Rehab: 150-220 kkal/kgbb/h Final : 8.8 x (110-120) kkal=
6x150-220kkal= 900-1320 kkal 968-1056 kkal

BB aktual BB ideal


F75 /starter F100/catch-up RUTF

Dried skimmed milk (g)* 25 80 90
Sugar (g) 100 50 65
Vegetable oil (g) 30 (=35 ml) 60 (=70 ml) 85 (= 95ml)
Electr/mineral sol.(ml) 20 20 20
Water: make up to 1000 ml 1000 ml ---
Contents per 100 ml 100 ml 100 g
Energy (kcal) 75 100 520-550
Protein (g) 0.9 2.9 12.5-15
Lactose (g) 1.3 4.2 ….
Potassium (mmol) 4.0 6.3 300-600 mg
Sodium (mmol) 0.6 1.9 290 mg max
Iron (-SO4, mg) - - 10-14 mg
Zinc (mg) 2.0 2.3 11-14
Magnesium (mmol) 0.43 0.73 80-140 mg
Copper (mg) 0.25 0.25 ….
% energy from protein 5 12 +10-12
% energy from fat 36 53 +45-60
Osmolarity (mOsmol/L) 333 419 ….

Example : A, girl, 2 yrs, BW : 6 kg

Stab req F75 F100 RUTF*

Energy,kkal 100/kg ~ 600 585 600 780 1.2 sachet

Protein,g 1-1.5/kg ~ 6-9 7 17.4 22.6 15-18

Fluid,ml 130ml/kg ~ 780 780 600 780 --

Zn, mg 2 mg/kg ~ 12 15.6 13.8 18 13.2-16.8

Fe, mg --- --- --- --- 12 - 16.8

K+, mg 160mg/kg ~ 960 1120 1440 1840 1320-1680

* : 1 sachet = 500 kcal

Most suitable for
stabilization phase


Composition F75 F100 Pediasu Nutren Pepta F.Prem Infatrini Nutrini

re 1.0 Jr men 1.0 SGM 1.0
Energy/Kcal 750 1000 1000 1027 1000 810 1010 1000
Protein/g 9 29 30 30.6 30 25 26 28
Fats /g 20/30 55.5 50 40.3 38.4 43 54 44
CHO/g 133.5 99 107 136.8 136 8 103 123
Vit A/mcg 1500 1710 2580 iu 1540iu 3320 iu 270 810 410
Vit D/mcg 30 30.4 320 iu 418 iu 600 iu 636 17 10
Vit E/mg 22 38 23 iu 15.4 iu 28 iu 12 12 13
Vit B1/mg 0.7 1.1 2.7 0.62 2.4 1,03 1,5 1.5
Vit B2/mg 2 3.2 2.1 0.81 2 1,70 1,5 1.6
Vit B3/mg 10 17 6.2 9.6 9 12 11 3 5.8 7 3.1 10 5 4,5 3.3
Vit B6/mg 0.7 1.1 2.6 0.81 2.4 1,02 0,6 1.2
Vit B12mcg 1 3.4 3 1.5 6 2 4,1 2.5
Folic acid/mcg 350 399 220 205 289.60 80 150 150
Biotin/mcg 100 123.5 37 15 200 127 23 40
Vit C/mg 70? 100 100 81 100 30 120 100
Vit K/mcg 40 40 38 42 60 84 67 40

Composition F75 F100 Pedia Nutren Pepta- F.Prem Infatri ni Nutrini

sure 1.0 Jr men 1.0 SGM 1.0
Ca/mg 320 912 980 917 1120 1030 800 600
P/mg 240 760 610 612 840 652 400 500
K/mg 1270 2090 1300 1100 1320 843 930 1100
Na/mg <130 456 460 488 460 398 250 600
Mg 100 122 200 117 200 103 80 110
Fe <0.3 0.6max 14 10.3 14 8 10 10
Zn/mg 20.5 22.4 10 10.3 10.8 6 9 10
Cu/mg 2.8 2.6 1.020 0.81 1 0,75 O,60 0.810
Se/mcg 47 47 30 26 30 8 20 30
I/mcg 77 152 96 130 100 207 150 100
Osmolarity 154 360 (Ped1.5: 350 260 -- 350 235
dil 238 370)

LSRO : PRSL max for normal children : 223 mOsm/L

Formula lain tidak dapat digunakan pd fase stabilisasi dan transisi 
dan RUTF fase rehabilitasi dengan suplementasi 10 mg Zn dan
+ 1000mg K per 1000 ml formula


SAM < 6 months

• Stabilization phase : F75.

Diluted F100 : inappropriate due to :
- marginal PRSL (238 mOsm/L)
- higher protein, Na, lactose
• Rehabilitation phase : F100 should not be used due to
high PRSL (360 mOsm/L)  alternatives : expressed
breastmilk, infant formula or diluted F100
• Breastfeeding : unsuccessful deaths.
Recommendation : therapeutic feeding + relactation.

SAM Adolescents (10 – 18 yrs)

• Criteria : - BMI < P5 or nutritional oedema +
- Stunting : BMI < P3 or <-2SD (NCHS)
• Initial treatment :
– Same formula F75, F100 (+ mineral + vitamin)
– Energy : Age, yrs Daily Energy Volume, ml/kg/h
kcal/kg F75 F100
7 - 10 75 4,2 3,0
11 - 14 60 3,5 2,5
15 - 18 50 2.8 2,0

• Rehabilitation : - appetite +
- F100  Regular diet + F100
• Discharge : - appetite ++, BW , medical problem resolves
- give suppl  BMI > P5

WHO 2000; Management of severe malnutrition: a manual for ........


Summary of suggested criteria for admission for SAM used

in children five years or older, adolescents and adults

Age group Criteria for therapeutic admission

5 -9 MUAC < 129 mm, and / or BMI for age < -3 z-score,
and /or Bilateral pitting oedema
10 -18 MUAC < 160 mm, and / or BMI for age < -3 z-score,
and /or Bilateral pitting oedema
> 18 BMI < 16 (kg/m) and / or MUAC < 185 mm‡ and / or
Bilateral pitting oedema

Note: ‡ There is no international agreement on the MUAC cut-off for adolescents and
adults. Available published data for adults suggests < 160 mm but this is currently
considered too low in non-famine contexts (including in the context of HIV/AIDS) and
cut-offs of < 180 mm or < 185 mm are most widely used by agencies

Sumber : UNICEF Programme Guidance Document ; Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition

in children: Working towards results at scale, 2015

Anthropometric criteria to identify SAM

Indicator SAM
Infants less than 6 months
W/L < - 3 Z-Score
Oedema Present
Other signs Too weak to suckle or feed
6 months to 10 yrs
W/H Z-Scores < -3 Z-Score
MUAC (6 - 59 months only) < 11.5 cm
Oedema Present
Adolescent (10 - 18 yrs)
MUAC < 16 cm
Oedema present
*Anthropometric criteria based on WHO Child Growth Standards (2006)
Sumber : National Guideline for Integrated Management of Acute Malnutrition, Version 1: June 2009.


Weight gain : - < 5 g/kg/d : poor

- 5-10 g/kg/d : good / sufficient
- > 10 g/kg/d : excellent/satisfactory

• ♀, 22bln, 6.000 g, 73 cm, target BB : 8.000 g (- 1SD) d : 2.000 g

• Golden : utk replesi 1 gram jaringan tubuh dibutuhkan 5 kkal*
• Bila kenaikan BB 10 g/kgbb/h : 6 x 10 g = 60 g/h  Dibutuhkan
waktu utk mencapai -1SD : 2000/60 x 1 hari = 33 hari

• Tambahan Energi yg dibutuhkan : 60 g x 5 kkal = 300 kkal/h (di luar

utk infeksi, malabsorpsi, dll)
• Bila kebutuhan Energi dihitung spt anak normal (100 kkal/kgbb/h)
 perlu 6 kg x 100 kkal = 600 kkal/hari Minimum
 total energi : 600 + 300 kkal = 900 kkal/hari = 150 kkal/kgbb/h

*Golden MH, Briend A, Grellety Y. Supplementary feeding programmes with

particular reference to refugee populations. Eur J Clin Nutr 1995;49:137-45.

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