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For me, Multifactorial phenomenon leading to principled behavior means that

there are multiple reasons to what shapes your behavior, especially your health. These
are the different factors which affects your health which affects your behavior. Political
Factors, This factor refers to one’s leadership, how he rules, manages and how other
people concerned are followed to actively participate in the decision making process.
Political will, the determination to pursue something that is in the interest of the majority.
Empowerment, the ability of the person to do something; it involves creating the
circumstances where people can use their faculties and abilities at maximum level in the
pursuit of common goals. Economic Factors, This refers to the production, distribution
and consumption of goods and services and how these affect health and development.
A study of this factor leads one to look into economic factor influence how, and at what
point, the client enters the health care system. Socio – cultural Factors, influence a
client’s health practices, the dynamics of health care, and the client – care provider
relationship. Environment Factors refers to the sum total of all the conditions and
elements that makes up the surroundings and influence the health and health practices
of clients. The environment with which the client lives and works either promote and
maintain health or increase the likelihood of illness or even death. Healthy Workplace, a
clean, orderly, well ventilated, adequately lighted, smoke free and adequately secured.
It promotes and protects the health and safety of workers and their families. Healthy
Barrios, where people work together towards attaining sustainable improvement in their
lives and aspirations. Healthy Prison is a clean and safe detention place with adequate
facilities and services address the physical, mental, spiritual, social and economic
needs of inmates. It is temporary home that promotes justice, peace, rehabilitation and
healthy lifestyle. Healthy Home, is where responsible parents provide household
members with the basic physical, social, economic, emotional, mental, moral, and
spiritual care in a safe peaceful sanitary environmental where God reigns supreme.
Healthy Cities, one where the physical environment especially the workplace, street,
and other public places promote safety, order and cleanliness through structural and

manpower support. Healthy Resort, is a place providing rest, recreation, relaxation and
wholesome entertainment that is clean, safe, accessible and affordable to most Filipino
families. It promotes, provides and maintains condition addressing social,
environmental and health concerns. Healthy Hospitals is one that provides
comprehensive care. It is not only a center for care but also of preventive care, hence,
the concept of hospitals as center of wellness. Clean and adequate resources,
competent hospitals personnel, affordable and accessible services are some of its key
features. It is patient – centered and has provisions for health education for patients,
watchers and the visiting public. Healthy Vehicles, clean, safe, comfortable, well
ventilated and in good running condition; manned by reliable and dependable licensed
operators who are physically and mentally fit; has one or two – health information giving
posters, stickers or other educational materials and are smoke free. Healthy Schools, is
one that provides health instruction through classroom learning / non- curricular
activities and maintains adequate basic health services to both pupils and teachers and
other personnel. It promotes healthy school living through the creation and
maintenance of supportive structures for positive health behavior change. Healthy
Eating Places, which serve / cater food and drinks that are safe, nutritious, properly
prepared, stored and transported and complies with sanitary standard.


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