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IRISL Bill of Lading Page: 1 Of 14

Game Mangham Farrakhan Avenue No.127, Tehran.

(1) Wherever the term "Merchant" is used in this Bill of Lading

it shall be deemed to include the Charterer, the Shipper, the
Consignee, the Receiver or any other Holder of the Bill of
Lading authorized as such by endorsement thereon as well as the
Owner of the cargo.
(2) (a) The contract of Carriage the Bill of Lading and all
disputes arising there under or in connection therewith
including the creation and the legal effects of maritime liens,
shall be governed by Iranian law in particular by the Hague
Rules contained in the international Convention for the
Unification of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading, dated
Brussels 25th August 1924 as enacted in the Iranian Maritime
statute of 24th January 1965 with exclusive jurisdiction of the
courts in Tehran (Iran)
(b) Nothing contained in this Bill of Lading shall be deemed
to be a surrender by the Carrier of any of his rights of
immunities or an increase of any of his responsibilities under
the aforesaid laws, rules or enactments or under any other
statutory protection or exemption from or limitation of
(c) Should any clause or clauses of these conditions of
carriage be entirely or partly ineffective, that shall not
affect the validity of these conditions of Carriage in any other
(d) All limitations of liability and other provisions herein
contained shall inure not only to the benefit of the Carrier,
his agents, vessels, employees and any other representatives but
also to the benefit of any independent Contractor performing
services to the goods.
(e) In no case can the agents of the Carrier can be sued
instead of the Carrier.
(f) For actions brought by the Carrier in his option also
the courts at the place of Defendant's domicile or residence
shall have jurisdiction.
(3) In no event shall the Carrier be liable for damage to and or
loss of goods prior to loading or after discharge, not even if
such damage or loss is due to the negligence of his servants,
and the Carrier's liability shall in no event commence before
the goods have been loaded over ship's rail and shall chase at
the latest when goods have passed ship's rail upon discharge.
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The Merchants shall be required to prove that the goods were

damaged within this period of responsibility.
(4) (a) Notwithstanding any custom of the port to the contrary,
all the goods under this contract must be ready for loading
alongside the vessel as soon as the vessel arrives loading shall
take place as fast as the vessel is able to load by day and – if
required by the carrier- also by night, Sunday and holidays if
goods contracted for shipment are not available when the vessel
is ready to load the Carrier is relieved of any obligation to
load such goods, and vessel may leave the port without further
notice and dead freight is to be paid in the amount of the
actual freight.
(b) The Carrier is entitled to land and receive the goods or
to appoint a person or a corporation for the landing and
reception of the goods. Whether appointed by the Carrier or not,
anybody so acting is the Merchant's representative and the
Merchant shall pay current charges whether delivery is taken
over side or on quay. The Merchant must be ready to take
delivery of the goods as soon as the vessel is ready to deliver
and as fast as she is able to discharge by day and if required
by the Carrier also by night, Sunday and holidays
Notwithstanding any custom of the port to the contrary Discharge
may commence without previous notice.
(c) If the goods are not taken by the Merchant at the time
when the vessel is entitled to call upon him to take delivery,
or if they are not removed from alongside the ship without delay
the Carrier shall be at liberty at the sole risk and expense of
the Merchant to enter the goods to move them, to land them on to
wharf, quay or into warehouse or to discharge them into craft or
hulk and or sell them with or without legal authority and the
contract of carriage shall be considered as fulfilled.
(d) No weighing of cargo to take place on board the vessel
without the permission of the Master any custom of the port
notwithstanding all expenses of weighing including detention and
extra costs of discharging to be for Merchant's accounts.
(e) The Merchant shall accept his portion of unidentified or
loose goods.
(f) Notwithstanding any custom of the port to the contrary
lighterage whether before loading or in connection with
transshipment or discharge is at risk and expense of the goods
even though arranged for by the Carrier or his agents.
(g) Should the goods be refused exportation or importation
by any government or authority or by anybody purporting to act
with the authority of any government or authority or should the
goods in the Carrier's opinion be in such condition that he
considers it advisable to discharge, transship, return, remove
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or destroy them, then he shall be entitle to do so at any port

or place in such case the Merchant shall bear the risk for goods
and the costs directly or indirectly incurred.
(h) If delay is caused to the vessel for any reason
whatsoever, the Merchant shall pay demurrage at the rate of so
50 per gross register ton per day or pro rata for portion of a
day and time to count from ship’s arrival whether in berth or
(5) (a) Each piece must bear the name of the port of destination
in letters at least 5 cm high otherwise the Carrier is not
responsible for incorrect delivery, he may, however at his
option, arrange correct delivery, but any extra expenses caused
thereby shall be for Merchant's account.
(b) Vessel not responsible for correct delivery of iron and
steel and all expenses incurred at port of discharge consequent
upon insufficient securing or making will be payable by
consignee unless
a) every piece is distinctly and permanently marked with oil
b) every bundle is securely fasten, distinctly and permanently
marked with oil paint and metal tagged so that each piece or
bundle can be distinguished at port of discharge.
(6) (a) The Carrier is entitled to stow goods (which term
includes containers) on deck. By accepting this Bill of Lading
the Merchants agree to the goods shipped by them being
originally or subsequently stowed on deck.
(b) Deck cargo and livestock shall be received, stowed,
carried and discharged at the risk of the merchants. The Carrier
shall in no event be liable for loss of or damage to deck cargo
and live stock even if caused by un-seaworthiness or
inefficiency of the ship at the time of loading or subsequently
or by willful or negligent conduct of the crew, agencies or
servants of the Carrier.
(c) The Carrier has the right to stow and carry the goods in
poop, forecastle deck house, shelter deck or any covered space
commonly used by the Carrier for the carriage of goods and goods
so carried shall be deemed for all purposes to be stowed under
(7) (a) The Merchant shall be liable for any damage to or loss
of the ship or the cargo, for injury to or loss of life of any
person and for any other loss or damage suffered by the Carrier,
resulting from goods that are insufficiently packed or any other
way dangerous such as explosive, inflammable, caustic,
poisonous, strong smelling, verminus if such goods were shipped
without such notification in writing of their dangerous
qualities, no matter whether the Merchants were aware of such
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qualities or not, or whether they acted in their own name or in

the name and/or on behalf of a third party if the Master fears
that danger is threatening from such goods he may jettison or
destroy same at any time and without any liability of Carrier to
(8) (a) No goods shall be stowed in refrigerated, insulated or
specially cooled or ventilated compartments unless expressly so
agreed in writing in the Bill of Lading and in the absence of
such agreement the Carrier shall not be liable for loss or
damage resulting from failure to give the goods such special
(b) Goods which are to be stowed in a refrigerated, or
specially cooled or ventilated compartments are received subject
to the following special stipulations, exceptions and
limitations of responsibility. No warranty of fitness or
seaworthiness of the compartment and/or plant or machinery
appurtenant thereto shall be implacable shall the Carrier be
liable for loss or damage resulting from latent or other detect
in breakage, failure, derangement of insufficiency of any
refrigerator or refrigerated or special cooled or ventilated
compartment or machinery or plant appurtenant thereto (which
shall be deemed to include chemical or other supplies used in
the operation thereof), even though existing at time of shipment
and of amounting to unseaworthiness or unfitness, if the Carrier
has exercised due diligence to make the same fit and seaworthy.
It is expressly agreed that an inspection certificate issued at
the loading port by a representative, nominee or appointee of a
classification society or of Lloyd’s agent, shall be conclusive
evidence against all persons of the facts or conclusions stated
therein. In case goods are carried under an agreement providing
for the maintenance of stated temperatures, said agreements as
to temperature shall not be deemed to come into effect until a
reasonable time after the final closing of the compartment in
which they are stowed. The Carrier shall not be liable for any
loss or damage resulting from risks of refrigeration, cooling or
ventilation, unexpected climatic or atmospheric conditions
temperatures, and if any goods are in the opinion of the Master
or Carrier’s representative decayed, injurious or offensive, the
same may be thrown over board or destroyed without notice and at
the expense of the Merchants. Before or after arrival, without
liability on the part of the Carrier.
(C) The provision of this clause are in addition to the
other provisions of this Bill of lading and nothing in this
clause shall deprive the Carrier of any of the rights and
immunities conferred on him by the other provisions of this Bill
of Lading.
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(9) (a) If the containers are shipped, the Merchants at their

expense shall be solely responsible for the adequate packing of
the containers .
The carrier shall not be responsible either directly or
indirectly for any discrepancy in outturn of contents unknown to
him, even if specified overleaf, not for any loss of or damage
to such contents or the containers caused by improper packing or
shifting or mixing of the articles within the containers
sweating inside the containers, nor for any other loss or damage
whatsoever caused by the containers of their contents.
(b) B accepting the Bill of Lading the Merchants agree that
the Carrier’s liability is limited to 100 Pounds Sterling with
respect to the entire contents of each container except when the
Merchant have declared a higher value which has been inserted in
this Bill of Lading and have paid additional freight on such
(10) The carrier shall be at liberty to sail without pilots to
proceed via any route to, proceed to, return to, and stay any
port or ports whatsoever (including the loading port) in any
order in or out of the route or in any contrary direction to or
beyond the port of destination once or often or for bunkering or
loading or discharging cargo or embarking or disembarking
passengers whether in connection with the present, a prior or
subsequent voyage or any other purpose whatsoever and before
giving delivery of the within mentioned cargo at the port of
discharge her own provided and with the like liberties as
aforesaid to leave and then return and discharge the said cargo
at such port, to tow or to be towed to make trial trips with or
without notice, to adjust compasses or to repair or dry-dock
with or without cargo on board. The exercise of any liberty in
this clause shall form part of the agreed voyage.
(11) (a) The carrier shall be at liberty to ship the goods prior
to commencement of the voyage by another vessel of his own or
not his own. He shall furthermore have the right to transship
the goods and to convey them to their port of destination by
other vessel of his own or not his own and for this purpose to
discharge and store the goods on shore or in lighters at the
risk of the Merchants in such events the following paragraph (b)
shall apply accordingly.
(b) In case of a through carriage the Carrier shall be
liable only for that part of the voyage on which the goods are
carried by ships managed by him. He shall not be liable, however
for any damage incurred during parts of the voyage In respect of
any activity in connection with such parts of the voyage, the
Carrier shall be considered solely the agent of the Merchant,
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even though the freight for the whole transport has been
collected by him.
(12) The port of discharge for optional goods must be declared
to the vessel’s agents at the first of the optional ports named
in the option not later than 48 hours before the vessel’s
arrival there. Failing such declaration the Carrier may elect to
discharge at the first or any optional port and the Contract of
Carriage shall then be considered fulfilled. Any option must be
for the total quantity of goods under this Bill of Lading.
(13) Merchants shall be responsible and shall indemnify the
Carrier for all penalties, expenses or damage incurred by ship
or cargo on account of situations such as incorrect or
insufficient marks on the packages, incorrect or insufficient
declaration of cargo particulars, lack of export or import
licenses., health certificates or other documents required by
customs or other authorities, non observance of custom house
regulations, prohibition of delivery, destruction of goods,
transfer of the goods into quarantine or decay putrefaction, or
because of the cargo being suspected or verified to be infected
by diseases of vermin.

(14) A notify address, if any, is only given for the information

of ship’s agent. The Carrier shall not be liable for any failure
of notification. The insertion of a notify address does not
relieve the Merchants of their responsibilities.
(15) (a) Freight is due upon receipt of the goods by the Carrier
and shall by payable, ship and or cargo lost or not lost and not
returnable in any event. The Carrier’s claim for any charges
under this contract shall be considered definitely payable in
like manner as soon as the charges have been incurred. Interest
at 15 % shall run from the date when freight and charges are
(b) The Merchants shall be liable for expenses of fumigation
and of gathering and sorting loose cargo and of weighing on
board and expenses incurred in repairing damage to and replacing
of packing and for all expenses caused by extra handling of the
cargo for any of the aforementioned reasons. Furthermore any
dues, taxes and charges which under any denomination may be
levied on any basis such as amount of freight or cargo or
tonnage of the vessel shall be paid by the Merchants.
(c) The Carrier is entitled in case of incorrect declaration
of contents, weights measurement or value of the goods to claim
four times the amount of freight which would have been due if
such declaration had been correctly given for the purpose of
ascertaining the actual facts, the Carrier reserves the right to
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obtain from the Merchants the original invoice and to have the
contents inspected and the weight measurement or value verified.
(d) In the event the Merchants shall remain responsible for
additionals and any charges due in connection with the
performance of the Contract of Carriage.
(e) The amount of the freight and the amount of all other
payments to be effected by the Merchants quoted in any other
than West German Currency (Deutsche Mark) shall be based on the
rate of exchange from the respective currency into Deutsche Mark
at the time of shipment and shall be subject to adjustment in
case that the aforementioned rate of exchange should change
before the effectuation of the payment by the Merchant.
(16) (a) The Carrier shall have a lien on all goods for payment
of freight and difference in freight and for any expenses
incurred before or after shipment, including demurrage storage
charges the cost of excersing the lien, expenses for repair of
goods if any, expenses for transport of the goods to the port of
shipment and forwarding expenses as well as for fines, damages
and other expense of any kind whether mentioned in the Bill of
Lading or not.
(b) In order to cover his claims the Carrier is entitled to
sell the goods privately or by auction. The Carrier’s duty to
notify the Merchants thereof is deemed to be complied with if he
either notifies the Shipper or the Receiver of the goods of the
intended sale. Without prejudice to any time of respite afforded
by law he may proceed with the sale at the latest one week after
mailing notification of the imminent sale. All rights afforded
by law to sell without notification in case of emergency remain
(c) If the proceeds from the sale of such goods do not cover
the expenses of the Carrier, he can at his option claim the
difference from the Merchants.
(17) (a) The Carrier shall not be responsible for any loss or
damage, including loss suffered by the Merchants as consequence
of a delivery of the goods to a person not presenting this Bill
of Lading, arising out of an act, neglect or default of the
Master, Officers, Engineers, Pilots, Crew, Stevedores or other
servants or agents of the Carrier or the Ship owners whether or
not in the actual service of the Carrier or the Ship owners,
even if they do work on board of the ship on behalf of the ship
or the cargo, be it in relation to the navigation management,
loading, stowing, handling, transporting and discharging of the
cargo or otherwise.
(b) The Carrier shall furthermore in no case be liable for
loss or damage arising from, ullage, leakage, drainage, climate
heat, heating explosion, sweating, deterioration or change of
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quality, decay, rust, bending, chafing, breakage, pilferage,

loss of contents, the packing being stained, repaired or torn,
the goods being unpacked or packed in unpressed and/or unhooped
bales, trusses, skeleton cases, crates, single bags, paper bags
or cartons, from rats or other vermin action or effect on any
part of the cargo by other goods or materials which are or have
been present on board ship from fumigation or such like measures
from any defect or from any accident to loading or discharging
tackle, hull boilers, engines, machinery, refrigerating and/or
cooling plant, or other appurtenances, even if the default or
neglect of persons for whom the carrier is responsible might
have contributed to any such loss or damage.
(c) In no event the Carrier shall be liable for delay in
delivery or leaving behind of goods for any reason whatsoever.
(d) The Carrier shall not be liable for any damage resulting
a Bill of Lading being issued which contents incorrect and/or
erroneous statement
(18)(a) It is agreed that superficial rust, oxidation or any
like condition due to moisture is not a condition of damage and
acknowledgement of the receipt of the goods in apparent good
order and condition is not a representation that such conditions
of rust, oxidation or any like did not exist on receipt.
(b) As the Carrier has no reasonable means of checking the
weight of bulk cargo, any reference to such weight in the Bill
of Lading shall be deemed to be for the convenience of the
Merchant only, but shall constitute in no way evidence against
the Carrier.
(19) It is hereby expressly agreed that neither the Master nor
members of the crew, nor any other servant or agent of the
Carrier (including every independent Contractor from time to
time employed by the Carrier) shall in any circumstances
whatsoever be under any liability whatsoever to either of the
Merchants for any loss damage or delay of whatsoever kind
arising or resulting directly or indirectly from any act neglect
or default on his part while acting in the course of or in
connection with his employment and, but without prejudice to the
generality of the foregoing provision in this clause, every
exemption, limitation, condition and liberty herein contained
and every right exemption from liability from defense and
immunity of whatsoever nature applicable to the Carrier or to
which the Carrier is entitled here under shall be available and
shall extend to protect every such servant or agent of the
Carrier acting as aforesaid and for the purpose of all the
foregoing provisions of this clause the Carrier is or shall be
deemed to be acting as agent or trustee on behalf of and for the
benefit of all persons who are or might be his servants or
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agents from time (including independent Contractors as

aforesaid) and all such persons shall to this extent be or be
deemed to be parties to the contract in or evidenced by the Bill
of Lading.
(20) (a) Neither the Carrier nor the ship shall in any event or
become liable for any loss of or damage to or in connection with
goods in an amount exceeding 100 Pounds Sterling per package or
unit, unless the nature and value of such goods have been
declared by Merchants before shipment and inserted in the Bill
of Lading but a declaration of value for the purpose of
calculation of freight shall not be considered a declaration in
the above sense. This limitation of liability shall apply to all
contractual claims as well as to any claims arising from other
(b) In the event of bulk cargo each ton of 1,000 kilos shall
as a rule be deemed to be the ordinary weight unit, and the
Carrier’s liability for this weight shall not exceed the amount
of 100 Pounds Sterling. If according to the custom of the trade
of according to special agreement the freight charged for any
bulk cargo should be based upon a higher weight unit, the
limitation of liability to 100 Pounds Sterling shall apply to
the unit in question.
(c) Furthermore, Carrier’s liability, if he is responsible
at all, shall not exceed the common market value of the goods at
the time and place of shipment. Should, however, the invoice
value of the goods be lower than the common market value at the
time and place of shipment the Carrier will only pay the invoice
value. For lack of any common market value or invoice this
provision shall apply to the common value accordingly.
(d) If the Merchant has a shortage in goods or numbers
shipped under a Bill of Lading, the Carrier in the exercise of
his discretion may deliver as substitute any surplus goods of
similar kind and quality, whether these goods have different
marks and numbers or no marks and numbers at all, and the
Merchants have to accept such replacement of goods as correct
delivery according to the Bill of Lading.
(21) Any claims against either the Ship owners, THE Carrier, the
Agent, the Master, any member of the crew or any other servants,
regardless of their legal nature, shall be timebarred, unless
suit is brought within one year after discharge of the goods or
the date when the goods should have been discharged or in case
of claim not relating to the goods after arrival of the ship at
the port of destination under the Bill of Lading.
(22) (a) General average is to be adjusted at any place in the
Carrier’s option, and to be settled accordingly to the York,
Antwerp Rules of 1974. Adjuster to be appointed by the Carrier.
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The Merchants if required have to declare the value of the of

the goods in order to determine their contribution towards
General Average, to sign an Average Bond and/or to render
sufficient security or deposit. Furthermore, they are at any
time obliged to make contributions in the currency of the
average adjustment. The average adjustment will be made up in
any currency to be determined by the Carrier.
(b) The Carrier is authorized to appoint a surveyor to
estimate the value of the ship for General Average purposes,
such valuation being binding upon the parties thereto.
(c) (New Jason Clause) in the event of accident, danger,
damage or disaster before or after commencement of the voyage
resulting from any cause whatsoever, whether due to negligence
or not, for which or for the consequence of which the Carrier is
not responsible by statute, contract or otherwise the Merchants
shall contribute with the Carrier in General Average to the
payment of any sacrifice losses or expenses of a General Average
nature that may be made or incurred, and shall pay salvage and
special charges incurred in respect of the goods if a salving
vessel is owned or operated by the Carrier. The salvage shall be
paid for as fully as if the salving vessel or vessels belonged
to strangers.
(d) The Carrier shall in no event be liable to indemnify the
Merchants for their contribution in General Average, unless the
General Average occurrence has been caused by the Carrier’s
personal gross negligence.
(23) If the Ship comes into collision with another ship as a
result of negligence of the other ship and any act neglect or
default of the Master, mariner, pilot or the servants of the
Carrier in the navigation or in the management of the ship, the
Merchants shall indemnify the Carrier against all losses or
liability to the other or non-carrying ship or her owners in so
far as such losses or liabilities represent loss of or damage
to, or any claim whatsoever of the Merchants, paid or payable by
the other or non-carrying ship or her owners as part of their
claim against the carrying ship or Carrier. The foregoing
provision shall also apply where the owners, Operators or those
in charge of any ship or ships or objects other than, or in
addition to, the colliding ships or objects are at fault in
respect to a collision or contact.
(24) (a) If on account of quarantine, contagious disease, ice,
bad weather in unprotected ports or open roads, blockade, war,
riots, strike, lockout, lack of labor, boycott, congestion,
traffic disorder, civil commotion, disturbances, shortage of
craft, lack of loading and/or discharging facilities, fire,
collision breakdown or any other accident to the vessel, or
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regulations of official administrations, prohibition or on

account of any such event being threatening or of other reasons
of similar or different kind the Master is justified to fear
that he cannot safely reach the port of loading destination,
load, discharge there the goods immediately upon ship’s arrival
in the usual manner or proceed from there unmolested on his
voyage or if upon arrival at the port of loading/destination he
deems it advisable to leave the port on account of any such
event being threatening, or if on account of any such event the
loading, discharge of the ship cannot be continued in the normal
way even if loading/destination has already commenced, the
Master is without prejudice to any more comprehensive legal
right at liberty to take all measures adequate under the
prevailing conditions. In particular to interrupt the voyage, to
continue the voyage in the original or different direction, to
return to the port of departure or to discharge the goods at
another suitable place or port, whereby all the obligations of
the Carrier under the Contract of Carriage and/or the Bill of
Lading are fulfilled Merchants are liable for all expenses
incurred thereby.
If possible, they should be advised thereof, Adjustment of
General average is not affected hereby. In any of the events set
out in the clause the Master is however also at liberty to wait
for the reopening of the port or the beginning of the
loading/discharge. The Master is furthermore, in any of the
above events free to forward the goods at the expense and the
risk of the Merchants with any other ship and to transport them
in any other way to their port of destination. If the Carrier
selects another Carrier, he is responsible for careful selection
only and not for the negligence of this Carrier in handing the
goods. And clause (11) (b) shall apply accordingly.

(b) In any case of any of the events mentioned above under

(a) the Carrier shall not be responsible for any loss, damage or
delay, directly or indirectly caused by or arising from any of
these events or anything done in contemplation or furtherance
thereof whether the Carrier is a party thereof or not.
(c) Without prejudice to any more comprehensive legal rights
the Carrier is entitled to cancel the contract in case any of
the events mentioned above under (a) should take place or
threaten before the voyage has commenced.
(25) (a) The Contract evidenced by this Bill of Lading is
between the Merchant and the Owner of the vessel named herein
for substitute and it is therefore agreed that said Ship owner
only shall be liable for any damage or loss due to any breach or
non performance of any obligation arising out of the contract of
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carriage, whether or not relating to the vessel’s seaworthiness

if, despite the foregoing is adjudged that any other is the
Carrier and/or bailee of the goods shipped hereunder all
limitations of and exonerations from liability provided for by
law or by this Bill of Lading shall be available to such other.
(b) It is further understood and agreed that as the Line ,
Company or Agent who has executed this Bill of Lading for and on
behalf of the Master is not a principal in the transaction, said
Line , Company or Agent shall not be under any liability arising
out of the Contract of Carriage, nor as Carrier nor bailee of
the goods.
(26) In case the Bill of Lading is subject to terms, conditions
and exceptions of a Charter Party and any one of same should be
repugnant to the compulsory rules of legislation and or
jurisdiction as referred to in clause 2 of this Bill of Lading,
such term shall be void to that extent but no further as far as
the relation between the Carrier and third parties as Holders of
the Bill of Lading is concerned.
(27) If at any time of booking or if not booked in advance, at
receipt of the goods by the Carrier the Suez Canal was open and
before the vessel commences loading, navigation on the Suez
Canal is interrupted the Carrier shall be entitled to cancel
this contract but in that case and if navigation is interrupted
as aforesaid after loading has commenced the vessel may also
proceed by some other route and the freight shall be increased
in proportion to the longer sailing distance.
(28) A. Scandinavian Trade, Shipment between ports in
Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden Where Section 122 of
the Danish Finnish Norwegian or Swedish Maritime Codes applies
the Carrier takes all reservations as to responsibility
permissible under Section 122 and 123 of the said Codes.
(28) B. Netherlands (a) In case of shipments to the
Netherlands, the Iranian courts shall decide according to Art
468 480 of the Commercial Code of The Netherlands.
(28) B. (b) The Merchant by accepting this Bill of Lading
expressly waives and renounces Article 700 of the Netherlands’
Commercial Code and agrees that damage to and expenses and
sacrifices incurred by the vessel even if caused by the inherent
vice or unseaworthiness of the vessel or by fault or neglect of
the Master or Crew shall be considered as matters of General
average and shall be contributed to by the Merchant accordingly.
(28) C Belgium In case of shipments to or from Belgium, the
Iranian courts shall decide according to Art 9 91 of Book II of
the Belgian Commercial Code.
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(28) D. France (a) The Merchant to pay any surtax on cargo for
French ports.
(b) All expenses in connection with weighing or measuring
and delivery of goods to be paid by consignees notwithstanding
any custom of the port of the contrary.
(28) E. Spain (a) & (b) In Spanish
(28) F Portugal (a) In Portuguese
(b) If the cargo is destined for Oporto or leixoes, the
following clause shall apply Del…….. at oporto or leixoes in
ship’s option When used for shipments from Portuguese ports,
this Bill of Lading is governed by the Portuguese decree Lae
37748 of 1st February 1950.
(28) G. Greece and Turkey (a) Turkish and Greek ports a
percentage of freight fixed by the Chambre maritime or by local
customs shall be payable by Merchants to cover local taxes and
expenses on the cargo.
(b) The landing of cargo at all Greek ports shall be done in
all cases by Carrier’s agent and or Stevedoring Company employed
by said agents al lowest current rates but at Merchants’ risk
and expenses notwithstanding any custom of the port to the
contrary Any quay dues and/or carnage or other similar charges
levied by the Piraeus Port Commission to be for account of
(c) At Istanbul. Izmir and all other Turkish ports goods are
delivered in ship’s hold to the port authority in charge of
operations and landed by them at Merchants risk and expense. In
any case the Carrier’s responsibility ceases as soon as the
goods have left ship’s hold.
(28) H. North Africa (a) Tanger Vessel to load and
discharge cargo in the roads alongside.
(b) At ports in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia riots
d’embarquement ou de debarquement sur les merchandises
to be paid by the Merchants. At Tunis the vessel has
the option to load and discharge at Tunis town and/or
at La Goulette.
(28) I U.A.R (a) It is mutually agreed that all cargo
discharged at Egyptian ports shall be received by
Carrier’s agent alongside the ship from her tackle at
the risk of the Merchants and forwarded into
customhouse, warehouse or depot or on quay with the
exception of Gabbary Quay Merchants to pay the expense
for so doing according to the contrary notwithstanding
IRISL Bill of Lading Page: 14 Of 14

but in view of conditions prevailing in Egypt and Suez

Canal Area and as the landing charges do not include
any insurance of goods from ship’s rail, the Carrier
shall be at liberty but not obliged to make arrangement
on behalf of the Merchants with contractors for the
carriage of the goods from ship’s rail to any port or
place in Egypt or Suez Canal Area whether or not
customarily used for storage on the terms that the
contractor engaged for such purpose shall not be liable
for loss or damage or delay to the goods caused by
unseaworthiness of craft or negligence on their part or
pilferage and that such contractor shall in no event be
liable for damages in excess of Eg 20.00 Pounds
prepackage or unit or 50.00 Pounds per freight ton at
their option. Such contracts shall be binding on
Merchants, as if made directly with them as part of the
Bill pf Lading contract. This clause is valid in
respect of all ports in Egypt and in the Suez Canal

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