Let Actual Test English

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1. What figure of speech is “a tree whose hungry mouth is prest against the earth’s sweet
flowing breast?
a. Irony b. Apostrophe c. Personification d. Hyperbole
2. The information clerk stays__________the phone most of the time.
a. by b. over c. in d. at
3. If I ____________known you before, we could have arrange a joint project.
a. have b. will c. could d. had
4. Because of profanity the program was suspended from television. The underlined word
a. decency b. obscenity c. Falsehood d. History
5. What figure of Speech is: “O wild west wind”?
a. Metaphor b. Irony c. Hyperbole d. Apostrophe
6. Several factors must be assessed to arrive at sound____________________.
a. Change b. Problem c. Decision d. Query
7. Read the stanza and answer the item that follows.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the horror of the shade
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid

Every line of the poem consists of eight beats represented by eight syllables. This is

a. Rhyme b. Rhythm c. Onomatoporia d. Figure of Speech

8. The cause of power interruption was a____________connection.
a. Loose b. Lose c. Lost d. Losing
9. If you forgot _______textbook, you can use _________, Mark.
a. Ours, hers b. Yours, ours c. His, her d. Your, mine
10. Technology______________dramatically in the twenty-first century.
a. Was improved b. Is improved c. Has improved d. Did improved
11. The_________of the story is that honesty is the best policy.
a. Message b. Moral c. Morale d. Lesson
12. I can’t find ___________calculator, may I use ___________, Robert?
a. yours, mine b. my, yours c. his, yours d. my, his
13. While authority should be respected, its opinion may be error> which of the following
represents a better / more certain avenue to the truth?
a. Over generalization b. Selective observation
c. Fallacious reasoning d. Replication (repeat and check)
14. Read the paragraph and answer the item that follows.
My concept of inner peace came from y mother’s daily activities which I now recall with
fondeness and awe. She was a full-time house wife wholly dependent on my father’s monthly
salary. How she made both ends meet, guided us in our studies, and did small acts of charity
on the side was beyond me.

The mother’s financial resources are_______________________.

a. Abundant b. Limited c. Miserable d. more than enough

15. Read the paragraph and answer the item that follows.
As far back as I can remember, our family had always been an extended one. Our
grandmother was the mainstay in the family, the silent strength behind our mother who is her
The formal guide and honorary household chief in the extended family is
a. Father b. Mother c. Aunt d. Grandmother

16. Every co-curricular activity has __________________merits

a. theirs b. their c. its d. it
17. We listened to loquacious speaker. The underline words means________________.
a. Simple b. Quite c. Verbose d. Lousy
19. She is known for penchant for Jewelry. The underline words means_________________
a. Aversion b. Dislikes c. Avoidance d. Fondness

20. The barangay is seeking ________________injury to settle the issue.

a. Judicial b. Judiciary c. Juridical d. Judicious
21. Read the selection below and answer the item that follows.
a. I am a retired public school teacher. As a teacher, I was branded as a terror in
school. The public dreaded the day they would enter my class. Little did they know behind my
unpopular facade awa a heart full of compassion? But how did i earn this moniker? I did not
tolerate dirty pupils in my class. I wanted them to know that cleanliness of body was good for
their health. I inspected their teeth, nails, footwear, handkerchiefs, clothes, ears, noses and
The public school teacher gives much importance to her pupils’____________________.
a. absence b. study c. posture d. cleanliness
22. My sister and I met an acquaintance of ___________in the shopping mall.
a. Ours b. Ourselves c. Mine d. Us
23. The family members were __________in the beach party.
a. Together b. Altogether c. All Together d. Together all
24. The propose project_____within the budget of the school.
a. Are b. Is c. is appearing d. are appearing
25. She hurt__________when she was slicing the onions.
a. Myself b. Herself c. ourselves d. himself
26. ___________clothing are advised to be worn during summer.
a. Lose b. Losing c. Loose d. Lost
27. Bread and butter sandwich__________my favourite snack.
a. have been b. are c. has been d. is
28. A lot of water __________needed to irrigate the parched land.
a. are b. is c. are being d. is being
29. Litton’s family lives_____________indang street
a. to b. on c. at d. in
30. Messages are easily transported anywhere in the world through the:
a. E-learning b. E-registered c. E-shopping d. e-mail
31. Neither you nor your students________the problem.
a. understand b. understands c. are understanding d. is understanding
32.To make your presentation readable, select images that will ______the text on the page.
a. Move b. Mix c. Model d. Match
33. Students who bully thier classmates should be ashamed of:
a. Himself b. Ourselves c. Themselves d. Oneself
34. Evem when her friends betray her, Paula bears no rancor in her heart because she is
a. Insulted b. Consoled c. Embarrased d. Bitter
35. Drama_________to be the most interesting co-curricular activity of the year.
a. Appear b. Appears c. Appearing d. Are appearing
36. The pen name of Samuel Clemens is:______________________
a. Robert Drowning b. George Eliot c. Edgar Allan Poe d. Mark Twain

37. What figure of speech is the following: “He was helpless as a child”
a. Synecdoche b. Irony c. Alliteration d. Simile
38. We admire________when Minoa speaks English fluently with _______________.
a. Him, me b. Him, them c. Had, we d. Her, us
39. Read the following stanza and answer the item that follows.
Though nothing can bring back
The hour of splendour in the grass
OF Glory in the flower
We will grieve not
Rather find strength in what remains behind

The stanza is an example of____________________.

a. Rhyme Verse b. Baiku c. Sonnet d. Free Verse

40. Neither the teacher not the students____________present in the affairs.
a. were b. is c. was d. am
41. “The figure must be transmuted in order to understand the grade” The underline word
a. Summed b. Estimated c. Surpassed d. Changed
42. Read the stanza and answer the item that follows.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud
Under the bludgeoning of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed

“My head is bloody, but unbowed” is an example of which figure of speech?

a. Metaphor b. Hyperbole c. Simile d. Alliteration

43. The principal had issued the memorandum before she_________the student’s request.
a. will received b. Received c. will be receiving d. receives
44. Many a child ____________left to the care of relatives while the parents work.
a. are b. is c. has been d. will be
45. Mr. Tolentino was concerned about the safety of motorists and so he issued circular
containing__________________safety instructions.
a. himself b. themselves c. his d. their
46. Read the paragraph and answer the item that follows.
As far back as I can remember, our family had always been an extended one. Our
Grandmother was the mainstay in the family, the silent strength behind our mother
Who is her daughter”
The informal guide and honorary household chief in the extended family is

a. Grandmother b. Mother c. Father d. Aunt

47. Shirley has not forgotten that she was betrayed by her best friend and carried such
_________________in her deeply offended heart for a long time.
a. rancor b. doubt c. souvenir d. offense
48. Even when her friends betray her, best friend and carried such_______________in her deeply
offended heart for long time.
a. embarrassed b. consoled c. bitter d. insulted
49. Clara would read any book or magazine she could lay her hands on and read from cover to
cover in one sitting. She is such a _____________reader.
a. tedious b. serious c. leisurely d. voracious
50. A lot of water ___________needed to irrigate the parched land.
a. is being b. are being c. is being d. are
51. You __________finished eating before we arrive.
a. have b. should c. have been d. will have
52. Let us campaign for the total ban_______of harmful insecticides.
a. on the use b. with the use c. on using d. with using
53. “She is a vision of feminine PULCHRITUDE. The underline word means___________________.
a. homeliness b. loveliness c. plain d. ugliness
54. “if you want the moon I will get it for you” is an example of_____________________.
a. hyperbole b. synecdoche c. irony d. personification
55. What emotions or feeling is expresse in the following lines?
To be, or not to be, that is the questions-
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or
to take arms against a Sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?
a. sadness b. anger c. joy d. indecision
56. How is “mercy” described in the following lines?
A the quality of mercy is not strained,
It droppeth as the gentle rain from the heaven
Upon the place beneath; it is twice blest;
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.

a. Everybody deserves mercy b. Mercy is difficult to give

c. Mercy drops as rain d. Mercy is given only to few
57. What figure of Speech is the following: “he is the black sheep of the family”
a. metaphore b. Simile c. hyperbole d. alliteration
58. The princess is a phantom of delight is ________________________.
a. Simile b. Hyperbole c. Metaphor d. Irony
59. Poem which is usually composed of fourteen lines which follow specific patters of rhyme is
a. haiku b. sonnet c. elegy d. free verse
60. “........it droppeth as a gentle rain from heaven “ is what figure of speech?
a. personification b. simile c. metaphor d. hyperbole
61. Haiku is traditional Japanese poem consisting of__________________.
a. three lines totalling 17 syllables with nature as topic
b. eight lines ending in rhyming couplet with death as topic
c. four lines that rhyme with love as topics
d. lines of poetry in free verse with ordinary things as topic
62. I can’t find __________calculator; may i use_________________, Richard?
a. my, yours b. my, his c. his, yours d. yours, mine
63. Among the kinds of listening, which is the type that most students do in the classroom?
a. for inspiration b. for information and ideas
c. For “escape” d. For enjoyment
64. In writer’s APOCALYPTIC account suggest the end of the world “the capitalized word
a. attractive b. careless c. prophetic d. encouraging
65. “Your statement are IMPERTINENT to the case”. The capitalized word
a. Important b. irrelevant c. violent d. malicious
66. If I __________known you before, we could have arranged a joint project.
a. have b. had c. could d. will
67. The proposed project______________within the budget of the school.
a. are b. is appearing c. are appearing d. is
68. I thought the task was heavy for Samantha and ___________________.
a. me b. her c. myself d. us
69. You ______________finished eating before we arrived.
a. should b. have been c. have d. will have
70. “Red letter day” is ___________________.
a. idiom b. hyperbole c. simile d. metaphor

71. Among the kind of listening, which is the type that most students do in the classroom?
a. For inspiration b. For information and ideas
c. For escape d. For enjoyment
72. In the speech process, which is concerned with amplifying and enriching the voice, using
human amplifiers such as the nose, windpipe and chest?
a. Resonation b. Inflection c. Phonation d. Articulation
73. What is the figure of speech in the sentence: “the sun was a ball of fire over the mountain”?
a. personification b. simile c. metaphor d. Hyperbole
74. Let us campaign for the total ban_________________of harmful insecticides
a. with the use b. on using c. on the use d. with using
75. For the synecdoche figurative expression “it was black tie affair” What is the equivalent
a. Party for men only b. Formal gathering
c. Senior citizen’s meeting d. Costume Party

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