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Reasons of Retraction

A. To save his family and town from further persecution

(put pictures siguro of Rizal’s fambam)

B. To give Josephine a legal status as his wife.

(picture of Josephine Bracken)

C. To secure reforms from the Spanish government.

(Show pictures siguro like respect and equality churva)

D. To help the church cut away from the disease which harmed her
(Church picture) HAHAHA

Cases Against Retraction

A. Retraction document is a forgery

Four Points Against the Document

a. Handwriting
(picture of Dr. Ricardo R. Pascual and Dr. Jose Del Rosario)
b. Authenticity of the Document
(Textual Criticism – Differences between the text of the document found in
1935 and other Retraction including the one issued by Father Balaguer)
c. “Confession of the Forger”
(picture of Antonio K. Abad)
(August 13, 1901 at a party of his ancestral home in San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, he
said that he was employed by Friars to make copies of the retraction
B. Other acts and facts do not fit well with the story of the Retraction.

(The document of Retraction was not made public until 1935 – even Rizal’s
family did not see it and was deemed as lost)

(also, No effort was made to save Rizal to save him from the death penalty after
signing his retraction. Why?)

(There was no marriage certificate or public record of the marriage of Rizal and
Josephine Bracken.)

(Rizals behavior at Fort Santiago during the last 24 hours does not point to
C. Out of character

(Senator Rafael Palma picture!)

(Palma argued that if Rizal indeed retracted, it is a drastic change of his character
which is hard to believe knowing how strong his beliefs are. He called the retraction
as a “pious fraud”.

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