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Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Department of Building and Real Estate

BRE462 Advanced Construction Technology (3 credits)

Lecturer & Tutor: Dr. H. L. Chi (ZS706, Tel: 27665871,

W. K. Kong (ZN738, Tel: 27665880,

Lecture & Tutorial: 18:30 – 21:30, Monday at HHB-316

Learning Outcomes (please refer to)

Teaching Schedule (part-time)

Week Date Lecturer Lecture Topic

1 14/1 WKK High Performance Materials
2 21/1 WKK Site Layout Planning
3 28/1 WKK Site Layout Planning (cont’d)
Break 7/2 Chinese New Year (No Lecture)
4 11/2 WKK Tall Buildings
5 18/2 WKK Tall Buildings (cont’d)
6 25/2 WKK Demolition
7 4/3 WKK Demolition (cont’d) / Presentation Round 1
8 11/3 HLC Digital Construction – Visualization
9 18/3 HLC Digital Construction – Visualization (cont’d)
10 25/3 HLC Digital Construction – Sensing and Tracking
11 1/4 WKK Volumetric Construction / Guest Lecture
12 8/4 WKK Alternation & Addition Works
13 15/4 WKK Alternation & Addition Works (cont’d)

The subject is to be assessed by a combination of continuous assessments and a 2-hour

examination at the end of the semester. Continuous assessment comprises an oral
presentation in tutorial (20%) and a project on site planning study (20%) and a
coursework on the topics delivered by Dr. Chi (20%). The split between continuous
assessments and examination is 60/40.

Course notes and other relevant learning materials will be available Blackboard via from week 2. Supplementary materials may be issued during
tutorials from time to time. There is no standard textbook for this subject. Students may
refer to the references and suggested reading lists for the subject stated in the subject
description forms in the WWW link above.


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