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Dear Respondent:

The undersigned, is conducting a study on “Jackfruit Candy Manufacturing as

a Small Enterprise in the Municipality of Burauen Leyte”. May I solicit your kind
assistance in this endeavor by way of accomplishing the accompanying questionnaire.
All data, (your answers) is assured to be held in strict secrecy and confidentiality.

May I look forward to a most favorable action on this request and for your effort
and time, my deepest gratitude.

Very truly yours,


Graduate Student


Name: (Optional)_____________________________ Age: _____ Gender: ________

Part I

Civil Status: Source of Income:

Married Gov’t. Employee

Single Private Employee

Others ________ Self Employed

Monthly Income:
P1,000.00 – P2,500.00
P2,501.00 – P4,000.00

P4,001.00 – P6,000.00

P6,001.00 – P7,500.00

Above P7,500.00
Part II

1. Would you be willing to buy a candy?

Yes No

2. What candy flavor would you prefer?

Jackfruit Pineapple-Peanut Ube

Banana Banana-Peanut Squash

Pineapple Jackfruit-Peanut Squash-Buko

Buko Buko-Peanut Buko-Papaya

Papaya Papaya-Peanut Ube-Peanut

3. How much can you spend to buy a jackfruit candy?___________

4. How would you like the distribution of jackfruit candy in your locality?

Retail Wholesale

5. In what outlet would you prefer to buy jackfruit candy?

Supermarket Groceries Sari-Sari Store

Canteens Distributors

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