Notes For The Project Eval

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Notes for the Project Eval:

Class 1:

1- Two flows period: Linear and Radial: they belong to Transient flow (infinity acting)
2- We gonna not work on radial flow because we are looking at the multi-fractured horizontal wells
or fracture stimulated wells.
3- Infinity acting- (Boundary dominated condition).
4- Arps b exponent, and b value for the infinity acting linear flow is 2 (it is the upper limit).
5- Well used was from new mexico (with the 8 years of production).
6- Observations from the graph obtained from drilling info: It is oil well, because of the GOR is
about 4000-5000 scf/stb. It’s about 2-3000 scf/stb. This is not very noise, beacuse there’s no shut in
month or sth like this.
7- The economic default for dinfo is 10 bbl/m. The ideal is 10 bbl/d. b was 0.01
8- Switch for 300 bbl/m, which will alter our b to 1.155. We only picked higher point on our dca,
and the reason is because having a 10 as economic limit will pick a point every far away.
9-After that I have all the parameters for hyperbolic Arps fit: initial flow rate, b value (1.155) and
nominal decline rate (185.475 %/y).
10- We going to look at Arps, Stretch exponential.
10- We going to emphasize the point in time rather than decline curse analysis. Point on time EUR
10- Equations:
Np, Gp, Wp= cumulative calculation, adding the actual by its previous, and Rp=Gp/Np
Major Phase (used for dca, included the month and cum)= If($L$2=0, oil p/month, gas p/
month). L2 represents the flag with is gas in this case because the well is oil.
Rate Max= Monthly production from major over the days produced.
Time produced (Tp): Cumulatively adding the time values, and we can have the squared
root of time.
11- Plotting
1- Rate vs Date (Semi log presentation)

Class 2:
we started off with the table format.
1- the initial b exponent is associated with the life of the well. Later on, we gonna use variables b
2- Any two point in the graph definite the decline. it is the tangent anywhere at the
graph(instantenous decline).
3- Any three decline (point) defines the b exponent.It’s the degree of curvature.
4- It would be perfect when trying to fitting with only one b exponent
5- Equations: the three types of decline: exponential b=0, hyperbolic b> 0#1
In this class, we focus on the hyperbolic. The software is built in way that the if
exponential will be change automatically.
qi(stb/d)=qi(m)/30.4(average day)
Di(%/D)= Di(y)/365
R/T drillinginfo= hyperbolicate(qi,di,b, tp), where tp is the only variable changing.

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