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Notes for the Project Eval:

Class 1:
1- Two flows period: Linear and Radial: they belong to Transient flow (infinity acting)
2- We gonna not work on radial flow because we are looking at the multi-fractured horizontal wells or fracture
stimulated wells.
3- Infinity acting- (Boundary dominated condition).
4- Arps b exponent, and b value for the infinity acting linear flow is 2 (it is the upper limit).
5- Well used was from new mexico (with the 8 years of production).
6- Observations from the graph obtained from drilling info: It is oil well, because of the GOR is about 4000-
5000 scf/stb. It’s about 2-3000 scf/stb. This is not very noise, beacuse there’s no shut in month or sth like this.
7- The economic default for dinfo is 10 bbl/m. The ideal is 10 bbl/d. b was 0.01
8- Switch for 300 bbl/m, which will alter our b to 1.155. We only picked higher point on our dca, and the
reason is because having a 10 as economic limit will pick a point every far away.
9-After that I have all the parameters for hyperbolic Arps fit: initial flow rate, b value (1.155) and nominal
decline rate (185.475 %/y).
10- We going to look at Arps, Stretch exponential.
10- We going to emphasize the point in time rather than decline curse analysis. Point on time EUR
10- Equations:
Np, Gp, Wp= cumulative calculation, adding the actual by its previous, and Rp=Gp/Np
Major Phase (used for dca, included the month and cum)= If($L$2=0, oil p/month, gas p/
month). L2 represents the flag with is gas in this case because the well is oil.
Rate Max= Monthly production from major over the days produced.
Time produced (Tp): Cumulatively adding the time values, and we can have the squared
root of time.
11- Plotting
1- Rate vs Date (Semi log presentation)

Class 2:
we started off with the table format.
1- the initial b exponent is associated with the life of the well. Later on, we gonna use variables b exponent.
2- Any two point in the graph definite the decline. it is the tangent anywhere at the graph(instantenous
3- Any three decline (point) defines the b exponent.It’s the degree of curvature.
4- It would be perfect when trying to fitting with only one b exponent
5- Equations: the three types of decline: exponential b=0, hyperbolic b> 0#1
In this class, we focus on the hyperbolic. The software is built in way that the if
exponential will be change automatically.
qi(stb/d)=qi(m)/30.4(average day)
Di(%/D) = Di(y)/365
R/T drilling info= hyperbolic rate (qi,di,b, tp), where tp is the only variable
6- After plotting the hyperbolic in the same graph as cum vs date, We shave the same graph as the green one
in drilling info.
7- Goal: Able to generate drilling info: qi, di and b.
8- How to measure the error btw the error and calculation:
a) Actual value – calculate value
b) Due to the negative value, we square the equation
c) Plot the calculate rate in the same graph
d) After that we use solve, to minimize the error, where it goes from T4:T6, with constant error. We trying
to do is to fit the data based on our data point (minimizing error btw calculate).
9- Error analysis: LAD( least absolute deviation). It fits when it is back to normal plot.(not semi log).
A) Plotting: At the beginning, the value is higher (rate), any error btw calculated and actual will be
higher. At the end, the error are less.
B) There is a reason we like semi log plot, we can get different fit but change error aanlyis
10- error analysis: change the error to log analysis
11- New Analysis:
a) Cum vs time produced:
Rate time: b=ArpsRte(Tp,Np,EL ) the t equation,

Class 3
1Goals: organize the graphs, forecasting.
2-Equations: Forecasting
N=(life-tp)^1/p gives geometric growth, where p is number of steps
Delta T= N^step
Tp represents the future, which is delta T + total days of wells
Q : we borrow from drilling info and straight line
We will npt forecasting the least deviation because we making a template

3- Point in time: in EUR determination

Using less data point, we getting to b value closes to 2,as we add moving to close 0.5
Infinity acting linear flow, b is 2
Boundary dominated, b is 0.5
Affecting in EUR: lower b lower EUR, as closes 2 (higher b) EUR increases
4- Plotting:
a) B value vs date:
The first 6,7 point, the data point are going down due to decline rate is affected by flowback
(fracture job),
12-20 points, we getting closes to 2 because of more data I have from the wells (infinite linear
Then, changing in flow regime (boundary dominated)
b) EUR vs date
EUR increases with b, and decreases with b
what in time we have the accurate estimation of EUR in wells: where he EUR is constant and b
equals to 1. B=1 is not boundary dominated flow. Sufficient for EUR determination.

Class 4
Goal: Spend more money, more information but not very critical
1- Analyzing b, EUR based on rate cumulative: We use ArpsRC function.
2- ArpsRT: We move to the right even if we not producing (x axis)
3- ArpsRC: We only move to the right if we are producing (x axis)
4- Plot the both b from Rate time and Rate cum:

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