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Completion Methods in

Coal·Seam Reservoirs
S.A. Holditch, SPE, SA Holditch & Assocs. Inc.

Summary. Wells drilled to produce Introduction discussed completion alternatives that have
methane from coal seams are com- Methane produced from coal seams is an im- been evaluated in the Black Warrior basin.
portant energy source in the petroleum in- Logan et al. 5.6 and Clark et ai. 7 discussed
pleted with either a perforated casing coal-seam well completions in the San Juan
dustry. The increased development of coal-
method, a stable cavity method, or seam reservoirs can be attributed to and Piceance basins. Much of the published
an open hole method. The perforated (1) V. S. income tax credit that is associated information on coal seams has evolved
with producing coalbed methane, (2) Gas through research projects sponsored by the
casing method followed by hydraulic
Research Inst. (GRI) research funding to im- GRI.8-18
fracturing works best in most coal- The objective of this paper is to explain the
prove technology, and (3) an increased
seam wells. In high-permeability, awareness in the industry concerning the im- various completion options that are avail-able
high-pressure coal seams, the stable portance of coalbed methane. to an operator developing a coal-seam
cavity method may be preferred. To Geologic assessments of coalbed methane reservoir. On the basis of the unique prop-
reservoirs have been funded by the V. S. erties of coal, the engineer must develop a
design the optimum completion, a DOE and the GRI. Currently, resource as- completion strategy. The strategy should in-
completion engineer must consider sessments are available on the Arcoma ba- clude specific details concerning the site of
the unique aspects of producing sin, Black Warrior basin, Cahaba and Coosa the perforations and the stimulation treat-
coal fields, Central Appalachian basin, ment needed to maximize gas recovery.
methane from coal.
Greater Green River coal region, illinois ba-
sin, Northern Appalachian basin, Pennsyl- Unique Properties of Coal
vania anthracite fields, Piceance basin,
One must understand certain properties
Powder River basin, Raton basin, Richmond
unique to coal seams to complete a coalbed
and Deep River basins, San Juan basin, Vin-
methane well properly. Some unique con-
tah basin, Valley coal fields, Western
cerns are high injection pressures during
Washington coal region, and the Wind River
stimulation; production of coal fines; effec-
basin. I On the basis of detailed studies of
tive connection of the well bore to the coal
these coal areas, GRI estimates that 300 to
cleat system; the coal seam must be dewa-
400 Tcf of gas in place is contained in the
tered before gas can be produced; the well
V.S.I Table 1 contains the details concern-
should be produced at minimum bottomhole
ing the gas in place for each basin.
pressure (BHP) to maximize gas desorption;
Most methane recoverable from coal
coal seams are usually thin and spread over a
seams will be in reservoirs that are less than
large vertical interval; in coal seams, a low
5,000 ft deep. The low-cost drilling associat-
Young's modulus normally is encountered;
ed with the shallow depths makes coalbed
and complex hydraulic fractures often are
methane development suitable for independ-
ent producers. In addition, the need for large
acreage positions and the technical chal- Perhaps the biggest difference between
lenges involved with producing gas from coal bed reservoirs and sandstone reservoirs
coal seams also provide incentives for big is the mechanism by which gas is stored and
producing companies to pursue coalbed produced. In a conventional sandstone reser-
methane development actively. Because of voir, gas is stored in the pore space and flows
these inducements, a wide variety of com- through the pores and pore throats to the
panies develop coalbed methane reservoirs. hydraulic fracture and/or the wellbore. In a
Several papers on completing wells in coal-seam reservoir, most of the gas is
coalbed methane formations have been pub- adsorbed on the surface of the coal. To pro-
lished. In 1980, Steidle et af.2 published a duce this gas, the reservoir pressure must be
paper concerning completion techniques reduced so that the gas will desorb, diffuse
from vertical methane drainage boreholes in through the coal matrix, and migrate into the
Virginia. Lambert et al.,3,4 Logan et al.,5.6 coal cleat system. From there, the gas can
7 flow through the coal cleat system to the
and Clark et ai. have discussed specific
completion problems in specific coalbed hydraulic fracture and/or the wellbore.
3 Therefore, a primary concern of a com-
methane areas. Lambert et ai. ,4
pletion engineer is to devise a completion
Copyright 1993 Society of Petroleum Engineers method that will connect the coal cleat sys-

270 March 1993 • JPT

tem to the wellbore efficiently. In many
cases, hydraulic fracturing treatments create
a pathway that connects the coal cleat sys-
Gas in Place
tem to the wellbore. In other cases, opera-
Coal Basin/Region States (Tcf)
tors have used openhole completions, slotted
liner completions, or stable cavity comple- Arkoma basin Oklahoma, Arkansas 2 to 4
Black Warrior basin Alabama, Mississippi 20
tions to try to maintain an efficient connec-
Cahaba coal field Alabama 2
tion between the wellbore and the formation. Central Appalachian basin Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virginia,
Most coal seams are not saturated with Virginia 5
free gas at initial conditions. In fact, it is Coosa coal field Alabama 1
common for the coal cleat system to be satu- Greater Green River coal region Wyoming, Colorado 1 to 30
rated completely with water at initial con- Illinois basin Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky 5 to 21
ditions. To produce gas from this reservoir, Northern Appalachian basin Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia
the water first must be produced from the Ohio, Kentucky 61
Pennsylvania anthracite fields Pennsylvania NO
coal cleat system to reduce the pressure be- Piceance basin Colorado 84
low the gas desorption pressure. As the BHP Powder River basin Montana, Wyoming 30
is reduced, more gas can desorb from the Raton basin Colorado, New Mexico 8 to 18
coal, diffuse through the matrix, and flow Richmond and Deep River basins Virginia, North Carolina 2 to 3
through the cleat system. To maximize gas San Juan basin Colorado, New Mexico
production, one must minimize the BHP. In Fruitland formation 50
most coal-seam reservoirs, the bottomhole Menefee formation 22 to 34
Uintah basin Utah, Colorado 1 to 5
flowing pressure (BHFP) must be reduced to
Valley coal fields Virginia NO
100 to 200 psi or less to desorb gas at
Western Washington coal region Washington 1 to 24
economic flow rates and to produce more Wind River basin Wyoming 1 to 2
than 50% of the original gas in place. Total 296 to 394
As with any hydrocarbon reservoir, for- NO= not quantified.
mation permeability controls production.
Many coal-seam reservoirs simply do not
have enough permeability to produce gas at from drilling fluids and cement. Although veloping coal seams, numerous problems
economical flow rates. A completion engi- formation damage may have been mini- concerning the perforated casing method
neer must run well tests, obtain core data, mized, other problems associated with open- also were encountered. The most serious
and analyze production data to determine the hole completions often were encountered. problem was that it often was difficult to
best estimate of formation permeability in a Many openhole completions had to be pump a hydraulic fracture treatment through
specific coal-seam reservoir. If the per- cleaned frequently because of coal slough- perforations. Many of these early wells did
meability is not above a certain critical ing. Also, many of these coal seams were not contain strong casing. The extremely
value, then the coal seam may not be eco- low permeability and required hydraulic high pressures required to initiate a fracture
nomical. Another important parameter is the fracture treatments. It was found that stim- and pump into a coal seam had not been an-
amount of gas that is adsorbed on the sur- ulating coal seams in an openhole environ- ticipated, and the completion was not de-
face of the coal. Before the engineer can op- ment was difficult. signed properly to allow for high-pressure
timize the well completion, the volume of pumping of a stimulation treatment. We now
sorbed gas must be determined by cutting Perforated Casing. Because of the many know that these high injection pressures are
core and running gas-content experiments problems associated with openhole comple- caused by a series of problems that are
on the core. tions, the industry gradually turned to com- unique to coal seams. Problems such as the
Although many unique problems are as- pleting coal-seam wells with the perforated creation of a complex fracture network near
sociated with developing coal-seam reser- casing method. During the early days of de- the borehole, creation of coal fines that may
voirs, certain fundamental concepts are
important to any gas well completion. First,
a sufficient quantity of gas must be in place COAL SEAM COMPLETION TECHNIQUES
to justify the expenditures involved in drill-
ing and completing the well. Second, the
reservoir permeability must be sufficient to EARLY OPEN HOLE STABLE CAVITY FRACTURE TREATED
produce gas at rates that are economical and
will provide a reasonable return on the in-
vestment. Therefore, accurate estimates of
formation permeability and original gas in
place are critical to the successful comple-
tion of any coal-seam reservoir.

Completion Options and Strategy

Three completion techniques commonly
have been used to develop coal-seam reser-
voirs. Fig. 1 presents wellbore sketches for
an openhole completion method, a stable
cavity completion method, and a perforated
casing completion method.

Openhole. Many of the first wells complet-ed

in coal-seam reservoirs were openhole
completions. Engineers working on the in-itial
coal-seam wells used the openhole com-pletion Fig. i-Illustration of three different completion methods used in coal-seam reservoirs (after
method to prevent formation damage Ref. 5).

JPT • March 1993 271


Test Timing Justification

Design casing Before drilling the well To determine casing size and strength to
complete well properly
Design tubing Before drilling the well To determine tubing size and strength to
complete well properly
Obtain cores and analyze During drilling To calibrate logs and to determine formation
lithology, permeability, formation
mechanical properties. and gas content
Run drillstem tests and analyze During drilling To determine fluid content and permeability
Run logs and analyze During drilling To determine number and quality of coal
seams and the stratigraphy of the reservoir
Obtain data for completion After preliminary formation To thoroughly design completion before
evaluation beginning
Gather database To obtain information on total depth,
reservoir temperature, and pressure
Determine number of producing intervals To determine which coal seams should be
Determine areal extent of each interval To estimate reserves in each coal seam
Determine permeability in each coal seam To estimate flow rate from each coal seam
Determine whether each coal seam will
require stimulation To allow for proper type of stimulation
Determine number of zones to be completed To allow for artificial lift
Determine number of zones to be completed After gathering data To decide whether well is to be Single,
commingled, or multiple completion
Select base completion method from openhole, After determining number of zones To satisfy objectives of wellbore, allow for
liner, or cased-hole completion to be completed desired completion and production method
to be used, and yield desired zonal isolation
Complete production casing design After base completion method To allow desired completion and production
chosen methods to be used by running exact size
and strength of casing needed
Complete primary cement design After drilling and choosing casing size To finalize volume and chemistry of cement
slurry needed for casing support and zonal
Run casing and perform primary cement job After casing and cement designs
completed To ensure adequate zonal isolation
Run cased-hole logs After cement has set To determine isolation of various layers and
need for remedial squeeze cementing
Design downhole equipment (tubing, packers, After base completion method
chokes, landing nipples, etc.) chosen To allow desired operations to be conducted
Design perforating method After base completion method To ensure communication of reservoir to
chosen well bore and cause no damage to the caSing
Prepare detailed procedure After all design work completed To ensure field personnel carry out proper
completion operations
Execute completion procedure After reviewing all details To complete well as planned
Prepare detailed reports Dally during the completion To record all operations carried out and
items run into well for evaluation of
completion and for luture well work
Monitor production and run well tests After well begins to produce To design stimulation treatments and to
forecast reserves
Design and execute stimulation treatment After well tests are analyzed and final
formation evaluation is completed To Improve well productivity as needed To
Run post-stimulation well tests and/or monitor Monthly during entire life of well determine whether well is producing at
production optimum rate
Design workovers if needed Based on well surveillance To optimize profit

block portions of the fracture, high poro- erly and perfonn fracture treatments to con- the well. Depending on the rig time required
elastic effects, and slip at the fracture tip, all nect the coal seam with the wellbore. for this operation, the cost of the stable cavi-
can cause the fracture propagation pres-sure Because of this understanding, most coal- ty completion can be greater than the cost of
to increase substantially. 19 seam wells can be completed successfully a perforated casing completion, including the
We now have recognized most of the with the perforated casing method. fracture stimulation treatment. 5
problems associated with completing coal-
seam reservoirs through perforations, and Stable Cavity. In the San Juan basin, a few Strategy. The strategy for choosing the
solutions to many of the problems have been wells are completed with a stable cavity completion method for a well depends on the
2o completion. This technique appears to be ac- stratigraphy of the coal reservoir, depth to
offered. Most wells now are completed
ceptable in high-penneability, high-pressure the coal, penneability in the coal, amount of
with strong casing that will allow the frac-
ture treatment to be pumped successfully. We coal seams. The method may not work as coal fines expected to be produced, and
also recognize that the drilling-mud sys-tem, well in low-penneability, low-pressure coal problems associated with lifting and dis-
the cement, and any workover fluids must be seams. Additional research is needed to posing of water produced from the coal
designed to cause minimum damage to the understand the application of the stable cavi- seams. Formation-water disposal and coal-
coal seam before the fracture treat-ment. ty completion method. The cavity is created fines production must be included in com-
Completion engineers now understand how by jetting the well with gas for a long time pletion and operations planning. 21 An op-
to perforate these coal-seam wells prop- until coal fines no longer are circulated from timum completion strategy maximizes the

272 March 1993 • JPT


2700 2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 3900

5560 I
SHALE Filled
5570 E= 5.7
10 psi
V= 0.25

5580 I

E = (2.4-3.7) x 10·psi
:J: V = 0.13 -0.19 Coated

_~ 5610

o SEAM 5620 E = (0.3-0.35) x 10· psi
56'10 SHALE
...:::. =-
SHALE E= 4.2S;x I06 p:si
1/=0.2 :=- Underclay -=. =_ :
2700 2900 3100 3300 3500 3700 390<

Fig. 3-Cross section of fractures at lo-

Fig. 2-Graphical presentation of the in-situ stress and mechanical properties data for the cation 25 on the southeast rib (right) near
1 Deep Seam 32-2 well (after Ref. 6). 26
Borehole RP_3.

productivity of the well but minimizes the 2. These data, generated by GRI at the Deep voir so that desorption can occur. In other
cost of completing and operating the well. Seam research site in Colorado, suggest that words, the permeability in a coal seam can
the perforations should be placed in the low- be too high or too low. The explorationist
Design of Completion Method er portion of the Kw5 sandstone at 5,600 to should look for coal seams with permeabil-
To design a well completion, a production 5,610 ft because this zone has the lowest ities between 1 and 100 md. In that range,
engineer needs to consider coal stratigraphy; stress and will provide a competent forma- one normally can reduce the pressure enough
the depth, permeability, and gas in place for tion for fracture initiation. The hydraulic to begin gas desorption and still have a
each coal seam; the expected fracture ge- fracture would be expected to grow verti- permeability that is high enough to flow gas
ometry; and the expected problems with the cally and to intersect the coal seam. at commercial flow rates.
production of coal fines and formation The optimum permeability range for
water. A checklist for a completion engineer Depth and Permeability. Coal-seam well producing coal-seam wells with hydraulic
is included in Table 2. depth is important because it will affect the fracturing techniques is I to 10 md. This
cost of drilling the well, coal-seam perme- permeability range can be altered, depending
Stratigraphy. An engineer and a geologist ability, and the orientation of the hydraulic on gas price or fracturing technology im-
first should determine formation properties fracture treatment. 20 Previous work indi- provements. If the coal-seam permeability is
of the layers of rock above and below each cates that coal-seam permeability will de- greater than 50 md and the coal seam is thick
coal seam. It is important to determine the crease with depth.22 In essence, compac- enough, the stable cavity may be a valid
lithology, permeability, and stresses asso- tion compresses the cleat system, reducing completion method for such wells.
ciated with each layer of rock that composes permeability in the coal as it is buried deep- As with any reservoir, the completion
the coal-bearing formation. The engineer er. A production engineer should consider methods, expected flow rates, and ultimate
also should identify the number of coal the concept of a threshold permeability in economics of developing the reservoir are
seams, the thickness of each coal seam, and specific coal seams. Many coal seams are tied strongly to the system permeability.
the relative positions of all the coals with thin and may not cover a large area. If these Therefore, a completion engineer should de-
respect to the other rock layers in the for- thin coal seams also are buried deeply, sign the well completion and conduct appro-
mation. Details on the data needed for a where the permeability is much less than 1.0 priate well tests to determine formation
prefracture formation evaluation are in- md, then it is questionable whether gas from permeability in the coal seams.
cluded in Ref. 20. that coal seam can be produced at econom-
The types of rocks in between the coal seams ical flow rates. One reason for this is that Gas in Place. Computing original gas in
and the sites of the coal seams are primary any low-permeability formation (including place is important to determine how and
factors for determining how many coal seams coal) requires a long hydraulic fracture to when a well should be completed. For a
should be perforated simultane-ously, how produce gas at commercial rates. In thin lay- coal-seam reservoir, the gas in place must be
these coal seams should be stimu-lated, and ers, such as coals, it may be impossible to measured by cutting core and running
how one generally must approach the well create fractures long enough to stimulate degassification experiments in the labora-
completion. For example, the thin coal seams production to commercial levels. tory. If such data are unavailable, coal-seam
in the Warrior basin will be frac-ture-treated in Also, the permeability in a coal seam reserves can be overpredicted substantially.
a way much different from the thicker coal might be too high and the coal seam could In new exploration areas, core should be
seams in the San Juan basin. not be dewatered properly. The gas flow rate cut and gas content measured. After enough
The permeability profile and the in-situ from a coal seam increases nonlinearly as data are collected, it is hoped that one can es-
stress profile must be identified in the pressure decreases. To obtain high gas flow tablish algorithms that will be functions of
layered reservoir system that will be com- rates, one must minimize BHP to maximize the coal rank and coal depth to provide rea-
pleted. To illustrate the types of data that are gas desorption. In certain high-permeability sonable estimates for original gas in place.
useful, the stratigraphic section and the coals that are connected to strong aquifers, it
mechanical properties from a coal-seam well may be impractical to produce water at rates Fracture Geometry. In most coal-seam
in the Piceance basin are illustrated in Fig. high enough to draw down the reser- reservoirs, hydraulic fracturing must be used
JPT • March 1993 273
"To design a well completion, a production engineer OAK GROVE MINE. ALABAMA
needs to consider coal stratigraphy; the depth,
permeability, and the gas in place for each coal seam;
the expected fracture geometry; and the expected
problems with the production of coal fines and formation COBB SEAM


~·::.::~~rs~n~~~~e\·/~, AMERICAN SEAM
0.7' Coalbed





Fig. 5-Stratigraphic section showing the main

Fig. 4-Cross section of fractures at Location 15 on southeast rib (right) and Loca-tion 16 on coal groups of the Pennsylvania Age
26 Pottsville formation, Black Warrior basin.
northwest rib (left) near Borehole RP_3.

to stimulate production. The expected frac- veloping treatment designs for different in a well after a fracture treatment will be
ture geometry will dictate to a large degree types of coal stratigraphy. destroyed during the first month or two of
the types of completion methods that must be Hydraulic fracture treatments in coal production because the well normally will
used. On the basis of coal-seam depth and seams often encounter high treatment pres- produce some coal fines and/or some frac-
knowledge of in-situ stress distributions in sures. Several papers have been written to ture proppant. Therefore, low-cost pumps
each rock layer, one must determine whe-ther explain complex fractures created during should be used for the first pump installa-
horizontal or vertical fractures will be many stimulation treatments in coal seams. tion. After several months of production,
created. Once that is determined, then the 19,23-25 The most informative pub-lication when fines and/or sand production has de-
number of coal seams that will be perforated was written by Diamond and Oyl-er.26 Figs. creased or stopped, other pumps can be run
and fracture-treated in a certain stage treat- 3 and 4 illustrate the complex nature of into the well to improve lifting efficiency.
ment must be evaluated. In some basins, hydraulic fractures in coal seams. Fig. 3
several thin coal seams spread over several shows that, in certain areas, multiple vertical Field Cases
hundred feet will be encountered. For such fractures are created in the coal. In Fig. 4, Over the last several years, a large number
coal seams, it may be difficult to create long, multiple and T -shaped fractures are evident. of wells have been drilled and completed to
propped fractures. We also have problems These complex fracture shapes will cause produce methane from coal seams. Thls sec-
diverting fracture treatments in certain con- high treatment pressures; will inhibit the tion briefly discusses the completion method
ditions. injection of high sand concentrations; and that has evolved in each basin.
may prevent creation of long, propped
Even if a vertical fracture is expected, one
fractures. Black Warrior Basin. GRI, Taurus, and
must determine whether (1) a single-planar
fracture will be created that connects several others 3,4,10 have performed substantial re-
Water and Coal-Fines Production. Before search concerning the completion methods
coal seams or (2) the hydraulic fracture will
casing is run in a well, one needs to estimate in the Black Warrior basin, Fig. 5 illustrates
be contained in the coal and a complex frac-
potential problems with production of for- the coal stratigraphy in that area, The main
ture will be created. The choice often is a
mation water and coal fines after a fracture producing horizon is the Mary Lee/Blue
function of the coal-seam thickness.
treatment. Often, large volumes of water Creek coal seams. The completion method is
Depending on the thickness and number of must be produced before reducing pressure to use air to drill the well through all coals,
coal seams, a completion engineer must in the reservoir so that gas desorption can then cement casing with a lightweight ce-
decide (1) where to perforate the well, occur. During these pumping operations, ment. The formation may sustain some
(2) the number of stages needed in the frac- one should design the pumps to handle such damage, but the long-term effects of the
ture treatment, and (3) what diverting solids as fracture proppants and coal fines. damage appear to be negligible.
methods should be used if multiple stages are In addition, a completion engineer must de- Once the casing has been set, perforations
required. Once these decisions are made, the sign the facilities for water disposal and are placed in the lower portion of the coal-seam
treatment can be designed to include make sure that the cost of rod pumping and interval. Often, the perforations are in siltstones
volumes of fluid, volumes of proppant, in- water disposal have been included in the or shales near the coal seams rather than in the
jection rates, pad percentage, and a prop-pant cost of developing a prospect. coal seams themselves. Perforations are placed
injection schedule. Ref. 20 provides helpful Refs. 21 and 27 present more detail on this outside the coal seam to minimize the failure of
advice for obtaining data needed to design a subject. A completion engineer should realize coals near the well bore and to minimize the
stimulation treatment and for de- that the first downhole pump installed chance of ob-

274 March 1993 • JPT

tammg multiple vertical fractures at the
From recent experience, if the well is per-
forated, then fracture-treated immediately,
a single-planar, vertical fracture will be
created that will grow several hundred feet
vertically and connect many coal seams to
the wellbore. Typically, downhole injection
pressures during such treatments will range
from 0.6 to 0.8 psilft.
After the stimulation treatment, the well is
produced back and eventually will be put on
pump. The Mary Lee/Blue Creek coal seams
can be dewatered in a reasonable time and
gas desorption begins almost immedi-ately.
Over the first 1 to 2 years, gas produc-tion
will increase gradually depending on the
permeability of the coal seams that have
been stimulated and the degree of regional
depletion. Field data have shown clearly that
when patterns or arrays of wells have been
drilled to decrease reservoir pressure, gas
desorption in the low-pressure area will
increase and flow rates will improve with

San Juan Basin. Two primary completion

methods are used in the San Juan basin, but
the most prevalent is the perforated casing
completion. For this area, the well is drilled
to total depth with mud, then casing is set
and cemented with a lightweight slurry.
Coal seams in the San Juan basin are
different from those in many other basins
because they are much more permeable and
thicker than normally encountered. 28 Also,
some coal seams in the San Juan basin are
slightly geopressured. Fig. 6 illustrates the
typical stratigraphic section for the Fruitland
coals in the San Juan basin.
Because of the thickness of these coal
seams, hydraulic fractures will be confined
in the coal seams and mUltiple vertical, com-
plex fractures will be created. When this
occurs, the hydraulic fracture injection pres-
sures are quite high, and obtaining a deep
Fig. 6-Stratigraphic sequence for primary coals in the San Juan basin (after Ref. 28).

penetrating fracture is difficult. When the Raton Basin. One operator has drilled ton basin appear to be similar to the optimum
Fruitland coal is surrounded by shales, ex- about 20 wells in the Raton basin to test the completion methods in much of the Black
cessive fracture-height growth usually is not Ver-mejo coals and determine the economic Warrior basin. Additional production data
a problem. However, if the coal seam is im- via-bility of those coal seams. During a pilot are required to determine the economic via-
mediately above or below a sandstone, frac- test program, some wells were drilled with bility of producing the Vermejo coal in the
ture height can grow. air and some with mud and different Raton basin.
In some areas of the San Juan basin, the perforating and stimulating practices were
coal seams are highly fractured and contain systematical-ly investigated to determine Conclusions
permeabilities in excess of 25 md. In many optimum com-pletion procedures.
Generally, drilling the wells with mud and From a literature review and our experience
of these areas, the stable cavity method ap-
pears to provide optimum gas flow rates. cementing the casing did not damage the in completing and stimulating wells in coal-
These wells are drilled with nondamaging coal seams. Experimentation with pad vol- seam reservoirs, we present the following
fluids. Casing is set above the main coal tar- umes, pump rates, and proppant scheduling conclusions.
get, then the coals are jetted from the well has led to an optimum stimulation design 1. The most economical completion for
until a stable cavity is created. Normally, a that includes two different-size proppants. A most coal-seam wells is a perforated casing
slotted liner will be run in the well. Logan et smaller (100 mesh) proppant is used dur-ing completion followed by a hydraulic fracture
al. 5 have presented details of this com- the early part of the treatment to help plug treatment.
pletion method. small fractures near the well bore and erode 2. In areas containing thick, geopres-
Regardless of the completion method, the corners in the main fracture. The last portion sured, high-permeability coals, the stable
coal seams in the San Juan basin must be of the treatment is pumped with larger-mesh cavity completion method may be ac-
dewatered. In some parts of the basin, free proppants to pack the fracture and maximize ceptable.
gas in the cleat system helps lift the water fracture conductivity. 3. The decision on how to perforate and
during the early stages of the well life. How- In the Raton basin, it appears that a single- fracture-treat a coal-seam reservoir will de-
ever, most wells eventually will be put on planar, vertical fracture is being created that pend on the coal stratigraphy, coal depth,
pump to lift water that is migrating through cuts through multiple coal seams. In effect, the coal permeability, and expected fracture
the coals. optimum completion methods in the Ra- orientation.

JPT • March 1993 275

4. Lambert, S.W. and Graves, S.L.: "Coalbed U. of Alabama Coalbed Methane Symposi-
Methane-Production Strategy Developed," Oil um, Tuscaloosa, AL (1989) 253-64.
Stephen A. Hoi· & Gas J. (Nov. 20, 1989) 55-56. 19. Holditch, S.A. et al.: "Enhanced Recovery of
5. Logan, T.L., Clark, W.F., and McBane, R.A.: Coalbed Methane Through Hydraulic Frac-
ditch is president
"Comparing Openhole Cavity and Cased Hole turing," paper SPE 18250 presented at the
of S.A. Holdltch &
Assocs. Inc. and a Hydraulic Fracture Completion Techniques, 1988 SPE Annual Technical Conference and
San Juan Basin, New Mexico," paper SPE Exhibition, Houston, Oct. 2-5.
professor of petro-
leum engineering 19010 presented at the 1989 SPE 20. Holditch, S.A. et at.: "Coal Seam Stimula-tion
atTexasA&M U. He Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting, Denver, Manual," topical report, GRI (May 1990).
holds BS, MS, and March 6-8.
PhD degrees In pe- 6. Logan, T.L.: "Coalbed Methane-Western 21. Zimpfer, G.L., Harmon, E.J., and Boyce, B.C.:
Basins Dictate Varied Operations," Oil & Gas "Disposal of Production Waters From
troleum engineer-
ing from Texas J. (Dec. 4, 1989) 35-39. Oil and Gas Wells in the Northern San Juan
7. Clark, W.F. and Hemler, T.: "Completing, Basin, Colorado," paper presented at the
A&M U. Holdltch Is the 1991-93 Reprint
Equipping, and Operating Fruitland Forma- 1988 Coalbed Methane Symposium, Denver,
Series Committee chairman, was an
tion Coalbed Methane Wells in the San Juan 183-98.
as-sociate editor for the SPE
Basin, New Mexico and Colorado," paper 22. McKee, C.R., Bumb, A.C., and Koenig, R.A.:
Monograph Recent Advances In
presented at the 1988 Coalbed Methane Sym- "Stress-Dependent Permeability and Porosity
Hydraulic Fractur-ing, was elected a of Coal," paper presented at the
Distinguished Mem-ber in 1989, and was posium, Denver, 125-32.
8. Holditch, S.A.: "Completion Technology- 1987 Coalbed Methane Symposium, Tusca-
a 1982-83 Distin-guished Lecturer. He
Applications Different for Coalbed Gas, " The loosa, AL, Nov. 16-19.
received the 1981 SPE Distinguished
23. Jones, A.H., Bell, G.J., and Morales, R.H.:
Service Award for Petroleum Engineering American Oil & Gas Reporter (Dec. 1989) 15-
Faculty and has served on and been 18. "Examination of Potential Mechanisms
chairman of several committees. Responsible for the High Treatment Pressures
9. Jones, A.H., Bell, G.J., and Schraufnagel,
Observed During Stimulation of Coalbed
R.A.: "A Review of the Physical and Me-
Reservoirs," paper SPE 16421 presented at the
chanical Properties of Coal With Implications
4. A completion engineer should be aware 1987 SPEIDOE Symposium on Low Per-
for Coal-Bed Methane Well Completion and
of the unique problems associated with coal meability Reservoirs, Denver, May 18-19.
Production," Proc., 1988 Rocky Mountain
seams, such as high injection pressures, coal- 24. Palmer, I., Davids, M., and Jeu, S.: "Anal-ysis
AAPG Geology and Coal-Bed Methane
fines production, the need to dewater the coal of Unconventional Behavior Observed During
Resources Conference, Denver (1988).
Coalbed Fracturing Treatments," paper 8993
seam by pumping and disposing of formation 10. Schraufnagel, R.A., Spafford, S.D., and presented at the 1989 Coalbed Methane
water, and the need to reduce the pore Saulsberry, J.L.: "Multiple Seam Comple-tion Symposium, Tuscaloosa, AL, April 17-20.
pressure in the coal to minimum values to and Production Experience at Rock Creek,"
allow for maximum gas desorption. These Proc., Coalbed Methane Symposi- 25. Cramer, D.D.: "The Unique Aspects of
unique features affect the way a well should um, Tuscaloosa, AL (1991) 211-21. Fracturing Western U.S. Coalbeds," JPT (Oct.
be drilled, type of casing run, cementing op- II. Diamond, W.P.: "Underground Observa-tions 1992) 1126-33; Trans., AIME, 293.
of Mined-Through Stimulation Treat-ments in 26. Diamond, W.P. and Oyler, D.C.: "Effects
eration applied to the casing, formation per-
Coalbeds," Quarterly Review, Methane From of Stimulation Treatments on Coalbeds and
foration, coal-seam stimulation, and artifi- Coal Seams Technology (June 1987) 19-29. Surrounding Strata-Evidence From Under-
cial-lift requirements after the stimulation
ground Observations," Report No. 9083, U . S.
treatment. 12. Zuber, M.D. and Sawyer, W.K.: "Optimiz-ing Bureau of Interior (1987).
5. A completion engineer also should Well Spacing and Hydraulic-Fracture De- 27. Hebert, D.W.: "A Systematic Approach to
gather proper data beforehand to make sure sign for Economic Recovery of Coalbed Design of Rod Pumps in Coal Degassification
that the coal seams have enough gas in place Methane," SPEFE (March 1990) 98-102. Wells: San Juan Basin, New Mexico," paper
adsorbed to the coal to make well comple- 13. Bell, GJ. et at.: "Coal Seam Hydraulic Frac- SPE 19011 presented at the 1989 SPE Rocky
tion profitable and that the permeability of ture Propagation on a Laboratory Scale," Mountain Regional Meeting, Denver, March
Proc., U. of Alabama Coalbed Methane Sym- 6-8.
the coal is such that economical flow rates
posium, Tuscaloosa, AL (1989) 417-29. 28. Ayers, W.B. Jr. et at.: "Geologic Evalua-tion
can be achieved after stimulation and artifi- 14. Mavor, J.J. et al.: "Evaluation of the Hy- of Critical Production Parameters for Coalbed
ciallift have been applied. Many coal seams draulic Fracture Stimulation of the Colorado Methane Resources-Part I, San Juan Basin, "
do not contain enough initial gas in place or 32-7 No.9 Well," Coalbed Methane of annual report, Bur. of Economic Geology, for
have a high enough permeability to be eco- Western North America, Rocky Mountain GRI (Jan. 1990).
nomical. These coal seams should be iden- AAPG, Denver (1991) 241-48.
tified in pilot projects before full field de- IS. McKee, C.R. and Bumb, A.C.: "Flow-Testing 51 Metric Conversion Factors
velopment. Coalbed Methane Production Wells in the
fl x 3.048' E-Ol m
Presence of Water and Gas," SPEFE (Dec.
fl' x 2.831685 E-02 m'
1987) 599-608.
References psi x 6.894757 E+OO kPa
I. "The United States Coal bed Methane 16. Penny, G.S. and Conway, M.W.: "Labora-tory "Conversion factor is exact.
Resource," Quarterly Review, Methane From Tests To Determine Parameters for Hy-draulic
Coal Seams Technology, GRI (March 1990) Fracturing of Coalbed Methane," paper SPE Provenance
7, No.3, 10-28. 21812 presented at the 1991 SPE Rocky
2. Steidl, P.F., Trevits, M.A., and Diamond, Mountain Regional/Low Permeability OriginalSPE manuscript, Completion
W.P.: "Completion Techniques and Produc- Reservoirs Symposium, Denver, April 15-17. Methods in Coal Seam Reservoirs, re-
tion Data From Vertical Methane Drainage ceived for review Sept. 2, 1990. Revised
Boreholes, Jawbone Coalbed, Dickenson 17. Zuber, M.D., Sparks, D.P., and Lee, W.J.: manuscript received Nov. 9, 1992. Paper
County, Virginia," paper SPE 8965 presented "Design and Interpretation of Injection/Fall-off accepted for publication Jan. 4, 1993. Paper
at the 1980 SPE Symposium on Unconven- Tests for Coalbed Methane Wells," paper SPE (SPE 20670) first presented at the 1990 SPE
tional Gas Recovery, Pittsburgh, May 18-21. 20569 presented at the 1990 SPE Annual Annual Technical Conference and Exhibi-tion
3. Lambert, S.W., Niederhofer, J.D., and Reeves, Technical Conference and Exhibition, New held in New Orleans, Sept. 23-26.
S.R.: "Multiple-Coal-Seam Well Completions Orleans, Sept. 23-26.
in the Deerlick Creek Field," JPT (Nov. 1990) 18. Lambert, S.W.: "Comparison of Open Hole,
1360-63. Slotting and Perforating Completion Methods JPT
for Multiseam Coalbed Gas Wells," Proc.,

276 March 1993 • JPT

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