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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 116 No. 14 2017, 1-7

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
url: http://www.ijpam.eu
Special Issue


S. Venkatraman, K.Anitha2
Assistant Professor 1 2, Department of Civil Engineering, BIST,
BIHER, Bharath University, Chennai.

Abstract: GIS and GPS have many applications in the GPS satellites circle the earth twice a day in a very
field of Civil Engineering. In this paper, the applications precise orbit and transmit signal information to earth.
that we come across using GIS and GPS are discussed. GPS receivers take this information and use triangulation
Surveying is a vital part of infrastructure development, to calculate the user's exact location. Essentially, the GPS
from building roads and communication systems to receiver compares the time a signal was transmitted by a
establishing transportation networks and pipelines. GIS satellite with the time it was received. The time
and GPS provide the surveyor with accurate data in difference tells the GPS receiver how far away the
positioning and mapping. For a construction project to be satellite is. Now, with distance measurements from a few
successful, many factors including environmental impact, more satellites, the receiver can determine the user's
scheduling conflicts, site safety, budgeting etc; should be position and display it on the unit's electronic map. The
considered. GIS software greatly enhances the optimum 24 satellites that make up the GPS space segment are
use of land, the functional efficiency of a proposed orbiting the earth about 12,000 miles above us. They are
design, its marketability etc; GIS is a powerful tool in constantly moving, making two complete orbits in less
management of spatial information and also provides its than 24 hours. These satellites are traveling at speeds of
potential in forest fire management. There are different roughly 7,000 miles an hour[5-7].
applications of GIS in forest fire management out of
which the most important ones are Hazard mapping,
forest fire simulation and resource management.
Tsunamis are a threat to life and property to any one
living near the ocean front. GIS proves to be an effective
tool for this assessment. The base map of the place before
and after tsunami is obtained. The primary advantage of
using GIS as a data base for transportation data is the fact
that GIS can integrate the spatial data and display the
attribute data in a user-chosen format. It is very helpful in
tracking vehicles and finding easier routes for traveling.
There are various hazards such as nuclear disaster,
chemical disaster, etc., for which a web based application 1.1 Geographic Information System
tool, provides a web-based evacuation preparedness for
citizens living close to nuclear power plant, within mile A Geographic Information System, or GIS, integrates
radius. data, hardware, software and GPS to assist in the analysis
1. Introduction and display of geographically referenced information.
Geographical information system is a data processing
The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based system that is capable of gathering, analyzing and
navigation system made up of a network of 24 satellites providing geographic information. GIS systems are used
placed into orbit by various countries. GPS was to create maps or display the results of queries for the
originally intended for military applications, but in the location of objects or systems. For example, GIS is
1980’s, the governments made the system available for helping researchers measure the speed of glacier melting
civilian use. GPS works in any weather conditions, in Greenland and Antarctica. GIS can assist in the
anywhere in the world, 24 hours a day. There are no analysis of small-scale and localized data, as well, such
subscription fees or setup charges to use GPS[1-4]. as development trends, or watershed analysis [8-10].

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

1.2 Application of Gis And Gps databases to visualize, analyze, and make decisions[11-
Various applications of GIS and GPS are mentioned
below: 2. Construction

1.3 Surveying For a construction project to be successful, we must

analyze many factors including environmental impact,
GPS is a positioning technology that has revolutionized scheduling conflicts, takeoffs, budgeting, site safety, and
the surveying industry by providing the surveyor accurate logistics Land development involves several areas to
and timely positioning data. For some geomatics consider including site geometrics, roadways, drainage
practitioners, the advent of anew technology causes systems, utilities, property boundaries, and building sites.
wholehearted adoption for all surveying functions. This GIS software gives you the tools to capture and create
process begins with a reminder that GPS is only one tool new data with advanced mobile capabilities that vastly
within the surveyor’s toolbox. A discussion of how to improve field data collection, inventories, and integration
make sure it is being applied correctly to the task at hand with GPS measurements. With GIS, this data can be
will be presented. This will cover GPS and other stored in a central location, giving you the ability to
measurement technologies such as robotic total stations quickly and easily make any necessary changes[13].
and digital levels. Suggestions will be given on how to
analyze the surveying project to determine how these 2.1 Land Analysis
combined technologies can be applied most effectively to
meet your total surveying requirements. Surveying is a GIS software greatly enhances the optimum use of land,
vital part of infrastructure development, from building the functional efficiency of a proposed design, its
roads and communication systems to establishing marketability, and the overall cost-effectiveness of a
transportation networks and pipelines. A centralized project. GIS can be used for terrain, hydrologic, land-use
information system based on GIS software provides the suitability, and visibility analyses. It can also be used to
framework for maintaining and deploying critical data assess environmental impacts for determining the
and applications across every aspect of an infrastructure consequences of various regulatory requirements.
project, including data collection, planning, construction,
and GPS, especially RTK GPS is a widely accepted 2.2 Data Collection
technology for achieving all aspects of the surveying
function. It has been shown to achieve productivity gains GIS software adds intelligence to spatial data, whether
over optical total station from 50% to over 1000%. Being the data is generated in the field with GPS or remote
able to use it in all kinds of weather and at night helps to sensing data and photogrammetry. We can enter raw
increase the progression of the work, especially in data, measurements, and field sketches directly into the
projects where work continues into two or three shifts. Its GIS, enabling us to efficiently manage data in a
ability to not be limited by line of sight, and to work over geodatabase with other spatial information. GIS
a 20 km range from the reference station increases speed technology is used for collecting, importing, converting,
and accuracy. Since data collection is initiated at the and storing spatial measurement and computational
antenna pole, which is located at the point of interest, fabrics. We can integrate computations such as traverse
quality of the data collected is greatly improved and the least squares, and pre-existing networks as well as import
occurrence of blunders is reduced. Keeping in mind that spatial data feature classes and relationships[14].
GPS use will be restricted under some circumstances; the
surveyor needs to have an alternative system to reliably 2.3 Environmental Applications
make a measurement GIS gives a single data source from
which to work. It helps combat data communications ● 2.3.1 Forest fire
errors, eliminating the need for multiple flat files in ●
disparate systems. Centrally hosting applications and data Nowadays application of Geographical Information
makes it easy to manage, organize, and integrate Systems (GIS) in disaster management has extended
geographic data, including CAD data, from existing considerably and in some cases it is even unavoidable.
Forest Fire is a natural phenomenon. It is part of the

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

nitrogen cycle and it helps forests to grow healthy. needed for water and wastewater improvements.
However, "wildfire" is a huge and out of control fire Unfortunately, adequate federal funds are not available
which destroys human wealth and therefore, it is kind of for the massive fix. This problem can be partially blamed
disaster. Forest fire happens from time to time and this on the "out of sight - out of mind" mentality of the some
has given human a chance to observe and develop decision makers. The lack of funding for the badly
different models for forest fire behavior. GIS as a needed infrastructure improvements is making the people
powerful tool for management of spatial information, has worried. This is being reflected in the recently conducted
also proved its potential in forest fire management. There public opinion polls. According to a recent survey, 31%
are different applications of GIS in forest fire of Americans would rather swim in their toilet bowls
management out of which the most important ones are than the nearest river. A 1998 ASCE poll showed that
hazard map production, forest fire simulation and more than 75% of the United States voters were
resource management. Simulation by itself has a main concerned about the quality of roads, drinking water and
role in the management of forest fire. GIS uses various school buildings. In Boston, more voters were concerned
information layers such as Digital Elevation Model about roads, bridges and drinking water than Social
(DEM) and index of flammability along with different Security and taxes. In New York City, school buildings
models for the purpose of forest fire management. and drinking water concerns out scored drug abuse
Models can be simple or complex. Simple models have worries (ASCE, 1998). Many indicated that they will
few parameters and can be implemented even without vote for a candidate whose election campaign addresses
GIS; however, because of their simplicity their results are waste disposal (78%), drinking water (73%), and roads
not so reliable. On the other hand, very complex models and bridges (62%). These surveys indicate that water-
which use detailed physical characteristics of fire are not related infrastructure is particularly important because it
reliable either as there is not either enough or up to date is so closely related to public health and safety.
information on their parameters. So finding an optimum Municipal wastewater collection systems comprise
model that takes advantage of sufficient number of of separate storm sewers, separate sanitary sewers, and
parameters while has an acceptable level of simplicity is combined sewers that carry both the storm water and the
very important. sanitary sewage. Wastewater systems are an important
The very first strategy to defend the forests against part of the water related infrastructure. Over the past two
wildfire is to avoid it. So fire risk maps are produced and decades, local, regional, and national-scale research
even prescribed burning is done. Nevertheless, wildfire programs have shown that pollutants discharged from
happens and the only choice in this case is to control it. municipal separate storm systems are among the
Knowing the fire behavior, one can use forest fire principal causes of water quality problems in most urban
simulation to predict and control the wildfire. Velocity of areas (Murillo, et. al, 1996). Improper storm water
the wind plays a more serious role in fire spread, if its systems can impact the operation of both the drinking
direction matches with the aspect. A grid-based Digital water and wastewater systems. Drinking water can be
Terrain Model (DTM) is used to extract slope and aspect impaired due to pollution of surface water supply sources
of the terrain. Also raster maps showing the index of from polluted storm water outfall discharges. Wastewater
flammability, velocity and direction of the wind are used. collection and treatment can be impacted by unwanted
All of these information are put in a Geographical inflow of storm water into the sanitary sewer systems.
Information System (GIS) to simulate and visualize the The integration of digital mapping and database
wildfire spread. It is shown that GIS is a very efficient capabilities is what sets GIS apart from other information
tool to predict and control the wildfire systems. In the past decade, powerful personal computers
and sophisticated software have combined to bring the
2.3.2 Waste Water Management GIS capability to any desktop.
The Global Positioning System (GPS) technology
Infrastructure is a Latin word meaning "the structure offers a promising solution to placing current data on
underneath." The water, storm water, and wastewater maps. A GPS represents a space-age revolution in GIS
infrastructure is aging fast throughout the world. data collection. GPS systems utilize a constellation of
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) projects satellites orbiting the earth twice daily transmitting
$1.3 trillion in infrastructure needs in USA over the next precise time and position signals. GPS receivers read
five years alone, of which approximately one third is signals from orbiting satellites to calculate the exact spot

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

of the receiver on earth. The new line of GPS receivers called as GPS-GIS integrated systems. The use of GPS-
brings technology to wastewater system operators and GIS integrated systems in transportation engineering are
managers who can populate maps with precise location of described below.
features such as manhole covers, catch basins, overflow Transportation data is usually associated with traffic
points, valves, pumps, flow meters, and rain gages. counts from particular sites, the traffic volumes along
The GPS/GIS applications that are of particular particular roads or links, etc. Geographical Information
importance to wastewater system managers are: System (GIS) can be used as a database for storing
Mapping, Monitoring, Modeling, and Maintenance. transportation data. The primary advantage of using GIS
These four Ms define the four most important activities as a database for transportation data is the fact that GIS
which can be conducted efficiently using GIS/GPS can integrate the spatial data and display the attribute
systems. GPS provides the following applications for data in a user-chosen format. The chief sources of spatial
wastewater management data are the existing digitized files (e.g.: Topologically
Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing
● Increase the accuracy of existing sewer system maps (TIGER) files). Systems which chiefly use GPS as a
by verifying and correcting locations of the sewer spatial data source for a GIS are called as GPS-GIS
system components. GPS data collection is no longer integrated systems.
limited to collecting coordinates of point features.
Now one can bike along a channel to map line 4. Disaster Management
features or walk around a detention pond to map
polygon features. 4.1 Natural disaster – Tsunami
● Create new sewer system maps if they do not exist. ●
● Collect sewer system attributes for populating the Tsunamis are a threat to life and property to anyone
GIS database. living near the oceanfront. The most affected are those
In the past, people used traditional geodetic living along coastal areas whose livelihood entirely
surveying to locate and map sewer system components. depends on fishing. Many rehabilitation organizations
A transit survey requires traversing between a known (relief agencies) have played their role well and even
point to point of interest which may take half to one day now they are continuing their activities in slowly
per point. GPS has been found to be up to 50% faster improving the socio-economic condition of the affected
than the traditional methods (Anderson, 1998). GPS sector
survey takes one hour to five seconds per point. For An area along the Cuddalore coast for assessing the
example, up to 300 points can be surveyed in one day pre- and post- tsunami conditions with respect to socio-
using a GPS survey. A two-man crew with bicycle economical conditions of the affected population has
mounted equipment can survey up to 500 points per day. been studied. GIS proves to be an effective tool for this
assessment. The base maps of the place before and after
3. Integrated Transportation System tsunami are obtained. The demographic information of
the area is obtained from the DHAN foundation. These
Transportation data is usually associated with spatial are incorporated using GIS. The present status of the
data, like traffic counts from particular sites, the traffic socio-economic condition of fishermen is studied. The
volumes along particular roads or links, etc. (Taylor et al, relative distribution of the effect of the input efforts
2000). Geographical Information System (GIS) can be (shelter, health, education, alternate livelihoods etc.) are
used as a database for storing transportation data. The found and analyzed for corrective administrative
primary advantage of using GIS as a database for decision.
transportation data is the fact that GIS can integrate the
spatial data and display the attribute data in a user-chosen 4.2 Man Made disaster
format. The chief sources of spatial data are the existing
digitized files (e.g.: Topologically Integrated Geographic 4.2.1 Nuclear Disaster
Encoding and Referencing (TIGER) files in the US). The
Global Positioning System (GPS) is widely being used as Although construction and operation of nuclear power
a tool for collecting the spatial data. Systems which plants are closely monitored and regulated by the nuclear
chiefly use GPS as a spatial data source for a GIS are regulatory authorities, accidents, though unlikely, are

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

possible. The most immediate danger from an accident at of chemical accidents in manufacturing plants. The main
a nuclear power plant is the exposure to high level use of GIS application here is that it helps in evacuating
radiation. Emergencies declared for nuclear power plant people from the affected areas.
are defined in terms of notification of unusual event,
alert, site area emergency and general emergency. 5. Conclusion
Notification of unusual event means a problem has
occurred at the plant, but no radiation leak is expected. In this paper, some of the applications of GIS and GPS in
Alert means that small amounts of radiation could leak Civil Engineering were discussed.In Surveying, it helps
inside the plant, but it will not affect the community. Site in preventing data communication errors, eliminating the
area emergency describes a more serious problem. Small need for multiple flat files in desperate systems. In
amounts of radiation could leak from the plant. Area Construction, using GIS, all the data can be stored in a
sirens may sound. Citizens are requested to listen to central location and it gives us the ability to make any
radio or television for instructions and be prepared to necessary changes quickly and easily. In the field of
evacuate or find shelter. For addressing the above issues Environmental Affairs like forest fire, one can use the
an emergency preparedness plan for nuclear power plant forest fire simulation to predict and control the wildfire.
is developed using the recent scientific web enabled GIS Similarly in the case of Tsunami, GIS is used for
technology. overlaying of satellite images incorporating natural
The Nuclear Planner, a web GIS based application resource data for effective analysis. With the help of
tool, provides a web-based evacuation preparedness for GPS, accuracy of existing sewer system maps can be
citizens living close to nuclear power plant, within the 10 increased. Suitable areas for sewage disposals can be
mile radius. This is an important tool for strengthening found and this prevents the contamination of fresh water,
relations with the community by reaching out to citizens thereby providing health and safety for the environment.
with updated information and proactive planning tools. In Integrated Transportation, GIS-GPS plays a vital role
This delivers personalized response information to in tracking out vehicles. It also helps in providing easier
identify appropriate evacuation routes and response routes. In case of a Disaster, the most appropriate
measures. Citizens living in risk area can identify their emergency response personnel such as rescue, fire,
emergency reception centers, driving directions, and police, ambulance personnel to allow much quicker and
emergency exits. The system can also be integrated with more accurate response efforts and further reduce disaster
weather, demographic data and real-time highway impacts.
database and could help planners to evacuate peoples
during the crucial time of natural disasters. Its major References
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