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Date: 10/08/2018

Answer all the questions:

1. Define the following with examples: i) Substitution cipher ii) Poly-alphabetic cipher iii) Vulnerability
iv) Threat V) Security Attack [U] [CO 1][CO 2]
2. A and B decide to use Diffie-Hellman key exchange where p=13, g=2. Each choose his own secret no.
and exchange nos. 6 and 11. [AN] [CO 3]
i.) What is common secret key?
ii.) What are their secret nos.?
iii.) Can intruder M, gain any knowledge from protocol run if he sees p,g and the two public keys 6
and 11. If yes, show how?

3. Explain the working of DES. [R] [CO 2]

4. Using Playfair Cipher, encrypt the message “Let us go on a holiday” using the keyword “VACATION”
[A] [CO 2]

5. A and B wish to use RSA to communicate securely. A chooses public key (7,119) and B
chooses public key as (13,221). Calculate their private keys. A wishes to send message m=10 to B. What
will be the cipher text? With what key will A encrypt the message “m” if A needs to authenticate itself to B.
[A] [CO 3]

Date of Submission: 16/08/2018

Subject In-charges:

Mrs. Vidyadhari S (B.E-CMPN-A) Dr. Sheetal Rathi

Mr. Yash Shah (B.E-CMPN-B) HOD-CMPN

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